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The Brussels Post, 1913-6-12, Page 8
Bring its Your Films for Development We r 1,111k tivac W t lrme I and with our experience the best possible results are in- sured, Every t v care taken and quality of the work guaranteed, Photo Prints and Post Curds also ul.uh. from your Negatives. Charges Are reasonable. hdU;hslJ4i'tl tl h 4e'griu'h'W,9 - - e Metriijiolitan Bay 'Capital Paid up - - - Reservo Fund - - Undivided Profits - - • • WALL PAPER Not too late to paper that room you did not get done when the rush of Spring work was on Our stock of Wall Paper is still large and well assorted, and we think we will be able to suit you whether the paper be for Parlor, Dining Room, Bedroom or Kitchen. Oatmeal Ingrains for Halls and Dining Rooms are quite popular, We have them. ?,line rf & Store DRUGGIST F. R. SMITH AND STATIONER. tont 'i eetrrs Pins THE POST gives the news, DonttSION Day comes on a Tuesday. FROST continues to delay vegetation. READ the local news on page 5 of this issue. Prattle Library Board will meet next Monday evening. SUMMER Time table is in vogue at the Public Library. BRUSSELS Orangemen will go to °Guelph for July 12th. ARE you going to Camp next week to London with the volunteers ? SRAPORTH was the magnetic spot for the lovers of fast equines this week. MILTON LAKE, Telephone line ad- juster, hurt his left leg by a fall from a pole but is still on duty. A dandy new butcher cart of modern type has been put on the rounds by the Currie butcher shop. It was turned out by the Ewan Carriage Works. IN the Bowling contest at Blyth last week the local team won on the round. A return match will he played shortly. Blyth bowlers are a genial lot. Ow1Ne to a couple of wheels collaps- ing under the street wateriugcart the sprinkler was out of commission for a couple of days this week and the dust wheeled up in clouds. MONDAY evening the Court of Re- vision resuined to deal with the Bell Telephone assessment. After dismiss- ing the case for some time it was de- cided to take no action. ANOTHER WEDnINo.- Walter and Mrs, Wilbee, Brussels, have issued in- vitations for the marriage ot their only daughter, Vera Gladys, to Frederick H. Mee, of Stratford, at high noon Wednesday, June 18th. JUNE 25TH,- Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Alice Fernlee, eldest daughter of Rev. S. J. Allis, of Clinton, formerly of Brussels, to Frederick R. Turner, of Parkhill, the happy event to take place in Ontario treat, Methodist church, Clinton, Wednesday 25th inst., at 72 o'clock noon. DONT forget H. M. S. Pinafore in the Town Hall, Brussels, Friday evening of next week. Half hour piano recital at the opening. On the conclusion of Act I a Concert program will be given so that a big quarters worth is in store for all who attend Mrs, Wright is in entertainment. h o charg e f t e See program for further particulars and dont fail to take it in. LAST Friday Mrs Alex. Smith, John street, Brussels, attended the funeral of an old and true friend in the person of Miss Lynden, who most efficiently filled the post of bead matron et the Mimico Industrial School for the past 20 years She died Wednesday of last week after being in failing health tor some time. Mrs. Smith was associated with her as assistant matron for Jr years. Deceased was true to her trust and did a work with the boys that only eternity will. reveal. MRS. MARSHALL DIEs.- After a lingering illness of about 54months, Violet, the -beloved wife of J. A. Marshall passed away at her home• Wiugbam on Tuesday, June qrd, at the age of 28 years. The deceased was formerly: Miss Violet Cooper, daughter of James Cooper, now of Seaforth, formerly of Brussels. In 1905, she married Mr. Marshall, who with two children is left to mourn her loss. She was a fine type of woman and before her illness sang in the Methodist choir. The funeral took place on Wednesday June4th, Services at the house were conducted by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, and assisted by Capt. Martin, of the Salva- tion Army. Her remains were taken to Seaforth for interment and the services there were conducted by Rev, Mr. Barker. Among the many floral tributes were wreaths from the Metho- dist choir, and 'Young Ladies' Bible Class. Mr. Marshall and family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. FIRE AT ALP. BARKER'S POULTRY YARDS.- Last Friday morning at 4 o'clock fire was discovered in the brood- er house at Alf. Baekers Poultry farm and before it was put out the brooder berme, scratch house and cooper shop were destroyed. In the former were 80o chickens 3 weeks, and White Leg' horn and Barred Rock imported, loo chicks 6 weeks old had been moved out the night before, ft was quite a loss to M r, Seeker, especially as the season is getting late for hatching. He still has 1• on chickens and has 1200 White Leg - hive eggs in the incubator now. Mr. B to e,'s loss will be about $Soo, The bu dregs will be rebuilt next Fall. The p trprietor has purchased a vacant los hem Jas. Gibson and his land now runs up 10 Mrs, Geo. Rogers' property, Frederick street, Chas. Crossfield, of Abbotsford, Quebec, wbo is an expert with poultry, fs In charge of Mr. Beaker's yards and everything was nu- tting along first-class until 'the mishap by the are, It is supposed to have caught from the Coal oil heater. The town fire engine was got out but the distance was too great to be reached by Nth hose. SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this week. Two or three weddings this week ad- ded to the local interest usually occasion- ed by these happy events, GARDEN Party Friday evening of this week at Reeve. Leckie's lawn, under the auspices of Melville church Ladies' Aid. Wingham Band will be at it, TtsE smoke stack at the Pryne Cos flour mill was restored to its perpendicu lar position this week. It was blown down by last Good Friday's gale. THE closing Foot Ball game it] the first round for this District will be on the program at Victoria Park, Brussels Friday evening of next week when Seaforth will be here. Dont miss it. FARMERS' Excursion to Guelph will be held on Monday. June 23rd, Special train and tickets good to return on the following day. This makes one of the best outings of the year. Awake up a party and have a big day. WE MAY EXPECT. - A few more autos in town. Home grown strawberries. School pic-uics and Garden Parties. Short hay crop unless showers are frequent. That Jack Frost and the coal men are in league. Brussels Intermediates to chase up the Foot Ball silverware, Pines imposed on people who re- fuse to clean up their premises. -o- NoTHtxonicer than City Dairy Ice Crease Bricks for special occasions. All flavors at 'GREwAR'e. QUANTITY Of first•etasa potatoes at MCOnamcza's. DRAY TRUox9 for sale, with or without plat- form. Apply to J. T. RITOmIs, Brussels. PASTURE for hire at Lot 4, Cou, 18, Grey. Good spring water and good run. Phone 4217 L. AMIE. DR. R. F, PARKE% Osteopath and Eye Spec- ialist, at Mr. S. T. Plum's, Brussels -Tuesdays 7 to 10,80 a, m. 47-10 SMART boy wanted to learn the printing. One who haspanned the Entrance preferred, Apply at THE POST. SEE McGregor about lawn mowers, -0- DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION.- A public meeting will be held in the Council Chamber Friday evening of this week at 8 p. m, to discuss the advisability of celebrating Dominion Day, Everybody interested asked to be present, as there is no tilne to lose. Do you ant tosee a Celebration o w t 1 c o ITEMS - or SCHOOL n F m II. The Low- er School Examinations for Entrance to Normal began Wednesday and end Fri day of this week. There are sixteen pupils writing at Brussels, eleven of whom have been recommended. J' C. Smith. of Wingham, presides here B. S. Scott is at Wingham for the same examination.- Entrance Exaininations are to be held on IBth, 19th and soth. Mr. Scott and Miss Smith Eire in charge here. MATRIMONIAL. -A very pretty wed ding to.k place at high noon on the 4t11 inst., in Lucknow, at the residence of Robt. and Mrs. Graham, when their youngest daughter, Dahlia Roberta, was united in marriage to William Idington Laird Ainlay, (Civil Engineer of the staff of the Hydro Electric Commission of Ontario), and sou of William and Mrs. Ainlay, Toronto, The ceremony was performed by Rev, L G. Bowles, B. A , B. D., of Barrie, cousin of the bride. Bride looked charming in her pretty gown of white charmeuse satin, overdress of beaded net, et] -train, mob cap and veil, with orange blossoms and carried a boquet of bridal roses. They were unattended Miss Evelyn Burnell, the bride's niece was dor er girl, Mrs. Graham, the bride's mother, was gown. ed it] black satin and Mrs. Ainlay the groom's mother, wore a,dress of mauve satin with overdress of black lace. Groom's gift to the bride was a very handsome diamoud bracelet platinum setting. The bride was the recipient of very many costly and handsome pres- ents and special mention should be made of the following :-A generous cheque and a piano from her father ; a bronze pedestal clock, a silver tea service and a chest of linea from the groom's mother ; an inlaid table con- sisting of 14,752 pieces made and given by the groom's father ; a sterling silver tea service from the staff of the Hydro Electric Commission of Ontario. After the ceremony a very tasty dejuener was served. The happy couple left amid showers of good wishes, on the after- uoou train for their honeymoon down the St. Lawrence and Saguenay to Chicoutimi. The bride's going away Suit was a tailored blue corded silk with Bulgarian trimmings. 'i'hey will Summer at ICillaloe and in the Fall will take up residence in Toronto. The out- of-town guests were: --W and Mrs. Ainlay and Roy V. Ainlay, Mrs. F. P. Flynn, Herb, Graham and Miss Evelyn Burrell, 'Potento ; Mrs, J. L. Falls, Chicago ; Rev, I. G. and Mrs. Bowles and R. and Mrs, Stoner, Barrie and of Lucknow T)r. and Mrs, Elliott, Miss Winnifred Elliott and Mrs. ']ayes rela- tives of the groom 'net Mr, Ainley and bride may enjoy many happy, ;,ras- perous years is the wish of old(Heeds of Brussels and locality, 1 $1,00o.000,00 1,200,000,00 181,888,26 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO ® THE. r e Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience alesce arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $f.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH P. H. GILROY. MANAGER wasimississesruvi BRUSSELS Intermediate Foot Ball team will play their next game on Mon day evening of uext week at Clinton. We hope they will win. NIISs GILHOLnc, of Bright will address Brussels Women's Institute ou Monday afternoon, 23rd 10,1., in the Carnegie Library audience room. She is a good speaker. GEORGE KEYS did not go to Moose jaw, as intimated last week, as he sold his car of horses to a Toronto buyer on arrival at the Queen city. Mr. Reys is back to town in the meantime. THE town bell is doing duty once more and is now mounted on a steel tower. Under it the fire engine hose will be hung when necessity demands e drying process for them hence the tower will be enclosed. BRUSSELS won from Seaforth Inter- mediate Foo. Ball team last Friday evening at the latter town by a score of 2 to -t. A Clinton referee dealt nut the law. It begins to look a, if nor buys will capture the district, TRNNIS COMPETITIONS - In the very interesting and well contested Tennis competition in doubles that has been in progress in connection with the to^al club Miss F. Bnehanan and Stuart Fox wou the final victory over Miss Minerva Jones and Jas. Fox. Scores were 6-3, 4-6 and 6-4. A Tennis tea was served on the lawn at Druggist Fox's last Friday afternoon. A single competition is now on. The Tennis Club has 30 members this season and a wide interest is manifested in the sport. PASSED AWAY PEACEPULLY.-After an extended illness of over 14 years, during which he has been confined to bed, William McCall died at his home, Queen street, Brussels, on Monday evening, in bis 82nd year. Funeral took place Weduesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. A. J. Mann, 13 A., deceased's pastor, conducting the service. Interment was made in Brus- sels cemetery. Mr. McCall was bat] in Co. Armagh, Ireland, and came to Canada in IS5r. locating shotty - after 00 a bush farm, Si Lot t 7, Con 6. Morris which by industry and thrift he trans- formed into productive acres rind which is still owned by the family. In May 1865, the subject of this notice was mar vied to Miss Hannah Jackson, of Morris township, who proved herself a royal helpmate through the passing years -and more especially during her husband's long iiluess, Four sons, (James, of Abernathy, Sask. ; John, Lucknow ; Albert, Frobisher, Sask, ; and Peter on the homestead) and three daughters, (Mrs. Chas. McQuarrie, Grey township ; and Mesdames lohn and Hugh Forsyth, Frobisher, Sask .) and the mother sur- vive. The children from the West were uuable tog et here for the funeral, Mr, and Mrs. McCall lived in Brussels for 4 years some time ago and retiring from the farm in May of tens they took tip their residence ou Queen street, De ceased was au honest, upright man, a Presbyterian in religion and a Conserva- tive in politics. George McCall ot Morris township, and Mrs. Symington, of Pittsburg, Penn., are brother and sister to the subject of this notice. A wide circle of relatives and friends deeply sympathise with the bereaved in the'r sorrow. Mr. McCall w s a resi- dent of Morris for weli on to 6o years and was well known and most highly respected by the community. For many years lie was a victim to rheuma- tism. His death was another broken Link in the ever lessening number of sturdy pioneers. "Thou art gone to the grave ; but we will not deplore thee; Where God was thy ransom thy guard- ian and guide ; He gave thee, He took thee and He will restore thee ; And death has no sting for the Saviour has died." GUELPH Excursion on Monday aril inst., by special .train, which Ieavts Brussels at 8 a. m, Return tickets good for two days, only $x.25 and half fmrc for children. '1'HE Ament saw mill here has shut down and the staff will go to Seaforth next week to assist in cutting out the stave stock. ABOUT 30 people tnotort.ti to Walton early Thursday iaorniug whet] the alarm was rung here 11 at the Mc Donald sawmill was burning. Building was about consumed before the Brus- setites at rived. WILY NOT TRY OIL, -What is going to be done about keeping clown the dust on Main street ? It is said Dray - man Ritchie may not continue the walk owing to tlteir not being money enough in the job, Why not try oiling the street for a trial 1 Something will have to be clone and right away Ion. People We Talk About Chas. Jackson, of Kiacutdine, was in town on Tuesday, C. Rogerson and two sisters, of Blyth, visited in Brussels last week, Mrs. (Dr.) Coyne, of Bothwell, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Leckie, Jack Leckie is home from the Univer- sity at Toronto for his vacation. Mrs. M, H. Moore and daughters, Greta and Nora, were visiting Listowel relatives. Miss Mary Ross took in the Detroit excursion this week per steamer Grey- hound. Mrs. Wm Ainlay and son Roy, of Toronto, were callers on old friends here last week. Mrs, Hurlbut't, of Toronto, was a visitor with her aunt, Mrs: Leckie, of Kelvin Grove, this week. G C. and Mrs, Manners took in the excursion to Detroit this week bt' steamer Greyhound from Goderieh Mrs McPherson, tot merly Miss Mary Friendship, was here on a short visit at A R Currie's, John street, lames Burgess is attending the C. 0 F High Court at Loudon as delegate from Court Princess Alexandria, Brus- sels, Miss Edythe McCracken, of Cleve- land, Ohio, is enjoying a holiday visit in Brussels for a week. She returns via Detroit. Mrs W. A. Grewar left on Tuesday for a holiday with relatives and friends at Luntion, Flint and Traverse City, Mich. L. It 't' , Pram tkct, junior 'in- the Stanched Batik , is on the sick list re his parental borne Bloomfield. We hope he will soon be o. k. Ronald i a Sinclair is home Nom -Van- couver for a 'holiday and while East will en'er into a life partnership with one of Dresden's fair daughters. Duncan McLauohlii, of Chesley, called on old friends in town on Tues- day while en route to the races at Sea. forth, He was a Former resident, Mrs. W. L. Leatherdale and son, of Winnipeg, are now visiting et Brant- ford and expect to come to Brussels late, to see relatives and old mends here. Mrs. Jno. Loug and Miss Winnie ere holidaying with relatives and old friends in Detroit. They went on the ' Grev- h, null" exctusiou fr0u1 Goderioh on Tuesday. Miss Nina Rogers is a welcome visitor with relatives and friends in Brussels from Portage -la Prairie, whither she went last February. She will relent at the opening of next month. Last Saturday Jabez Jermyn arrived home Doan a trip to the West He was as far as Calgary. Crops are back- ward he says owing to cold. weather and there is a marked quietness in land sales compared with some other years. 6 4400000♦0/40411.004004•••••••040•4444,.0 ♦•0♦•00.000•♦•0•• a • S. Carter'sEmporium • Brussels • • • Is the spot • Bargakis ••• • s • • • ♦ ♦ • • ♦ • • I handle a full range of Farm'• o � Implements, eream Separators, &c. -8 • 0 0 ♦ e • • • ♦ • • ♦ • it] various makes gnaraitteed s • • Vacuum Cleanersand won It or no 'sale, - Oall in 4 • * • • Five diHHoventfirms represented -the best in Lite'maritet. • A novelty is the electric lamps attached to .the figs. Buggies • �� See(before you buy, • Y Y S• AND GRAMOPHONES pianos- organs sold at prices that fepl'ec+ent money l staved when you deal with me, - • t • Oall at the Store and see our Goods. • • A S.CARTE RBRUSSELS a Always the Highest • s Prices for Produce. •.p�tp�' • y `Dar Comfm table house for sale, with stable, Mill et., Brussels, •r N 19 r n ♦ • •••••4•••e•e4►•••••••e6♦e•e••••e♦♦•♦••+••••••••••••••• 4..0.44+.0,0044494.+•+.44+4.4.1..60041+.4..+4,444+0,+++.4.••• *sr a•+•a ss+�. + ' ©IF CANADA vy. ,p.D OFFScc, TORONTO BRUSSELS BRANCH HID Tj KEEPING a bank account for 11,. "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on un expended, hand,thettmo t provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. raa f J. F. Rowland, ® ®PJ Manager. Mrs. Jas, Duncan is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Nesbit Hamilton, el Atwood. W. H. and Mrs. Kerr spent a few clays nt London last week attending the' Methodist Conference, Mrs. W. W. Baker, of Granton, was in town last week on a visit to her tnother, Mrs. Frank Oliver. A letter from B. Gerry from Fort William says they reached their (testi nation after an enjoyable trip by goat from Port McNichol, 'Thursday morn. ing Their new home is 242 North Archibald street. Mr, anti Airs. Gerry take charge of N. B. Gerry's household while he and Mrs, Gerry visit Albert and Mrs Gerry at Indian Heart. Mr. Gerry says Fort William is booming and building. Church Chimes 5 Sundays in lune. Tat: Geueral Assembly of the Presby- terian church for 1914 will convene at Woodstock. Mauy splendid addresses were given at gathering just closed in Toronto and a most optimistic spirit prevails. The London Conference granted the request of Brussels Metttudist church in the appointment of Rev. David Wren, M A , as pastor for the next term. com- mencing with the first .Sunday of July. He will be heartily received The Conference reporter at London sent the following despatch to last Monday's Toronto Globe reterring to Rev Dr. Oaten which sats :-"Rev Dr. Oaten. of Brussels. who was given per• mission to enter the field as evangelist - at -large for the ensuing Cotfereuce year, announced that he was at the service of the ministry for evangelistic services. Testintnny that this announce- ment was received with a great deal o1 satisfc•ction was given by Rev T. Albert Moore in tt letter 10 Dr Oaten, in which he referred to the evangelist's years of successful pas'"ral work, Il s scholastic attainineuts, and his "intense love for the man that is down." all of which fifted him for this special work " The reverend gentleman will probably take up residence in Toronto moving • Nyo • Ch®ooIAtes • a • The only way to,judge. any e sbrand of Confectionery I. to q try the goods when they are f0 • fresh, You will pass favor- D a utile judgment upon • et • Nylo Chocolates apurchased Pram us because ey • of this fact, The NyloaChoc- to • Mates are as pure and delis- - 8 ® ions as can be found and we p have them in great variety c from 25c up to $1.25 pet' box at 0 ES •• • ID el DRUG STORE •• 0 0 • • the first week of July. He has several months already filled with pnlpi,.. sup- • ply work end eugagemuuts for evan- gelistic services • Rev. Dr. Oaten visited .the, Bay of ie Quinte Conference which met at Whit • by this week. A student from 11 nroe C+,Urge took the services in St. John's church last Sunday. Rev. Mr Rollett,. who was expected to come as the ut,w recto', has changed his tuiud and 'other ar- rangements will have to be made Mouday evening nrxt a literary pro- gram will be put ou at the Epworth League in the Methodist citurolt,' Dr. Henry VauDyke's book "Out of doors in the Holy Land" will be studied and an interesting program of music will be given. Silver collection. Cordial invi- tation. Wingham BACK BROKEN. -David Keith, aged 52 years, of Teeswater, is in the heal hospital with his back broken, and such serious internal hurts that little hope is held out fm• his recovery. If be should survive he will be a help- less cripple for the rest of his life, according to the physicians, Keith was helping at a barn -raising and was up 25 feet fixing a plate it] place when in some way be was knocked off. He landed Sat on his back and when picked up it was found that his back had been broken about half -way down. Two ribs whichwere fractur- ed had cut into the spinal column. Keith was rushed to the hospital at Wingham as sa0n as possible. BORN DAYis.-Io Wroxeter,. on June 8th, to blr. and r Mrs. J. Di Davis, n acro. HA and Mrs Murtha on n,' ae 8th, to Mx. and Mrs Nesbit Halhiiton, eon. MATamuR-In Morrie, on Ma s. 28th, to Mr. and. Mrs,. Henry hinthere,11 son, DIED Grtaoa-A184 De Lisle avenue, Toronto, on Saturday, June 7, Anna tyai, third dnugh- ter of Tholnas W. Gibson, aged 15 years and 0 months. LYNMIN-At iltimino Industrial School, on ,Tune 411,, Miss Lyndon. MOflarm.-In Brussels, on June 901, Wm. McCall, in his 82nd year. 0 m • F MARRIED AINLAY-GilAtrAtl.-At Lnoknow, on June 411,, by Rev. I. G. Bowles, 13. D. of Barr le, Mr. Wm. h L. Ainlay, of Toronto, to 'Miss Dahlia r and Mrs,, Robert youngest oftLus];' now. AL0Ols, on June el l th, b .-At the Manse, Bras - eels, sets, on Jane lith, by Rev. A.J Mani, B A9 ownshipatoMissElzaJeanfdaught r of Mr. John Kirltoonnetl, of Grey township. ROBEnTBON-M OKI IsNON: At "Oben Place," Greytownship, on June llth, byRev. A. J. Mnn, B.A., Brussels, Dr. Ralph Erskine Robertson. of Col iingwood, to Mies Helen Gertrude, daughter of Mrs. HughMcKin- non. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat - 4 000 0 s 00 Pens 92 02 H 40 50 Z. 20 0 Hog• s..... 960 9 60 Wool washed 20 20 Wool unwashed 111 18 The People's Column TEACHER WANTED for 8, S. Nos Morris " township, known as Anderson's;' duties to commence Sept. 1st. Applicants please state qualiaoation and salaryy. Nortnallte preferred. WALTER YUILL, Secretary, Brussels P. 0. STRAYED on the premiaee of the nndersigu- ed, Lot 18, Cott. 17, Grey, on June 2nd, a red 2 -year-old heifer, Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and taste her away. DUNCAN MdRENZIE, 494 Walton P.O. I' ARM FOR -SALE.-100 acre farm and crop for Bale, 2}f -miles Sonthof Wroxeter, Lots 11 and 12 Con. 0, Township of Howick, First- class buildings, windmill, hard and soft water in house, lavatory and ball, rooms, furnace, nenr Continuation School, Wroxeter, Apply to JAMES A, EDGAR, Wroxeter, Ont, 49.4 •4.464.4't'4• 4.-l.44' +•'.-1-.+..t•®•N. ' O•FO•t•••i••4••+•d'•+ 4'•+•+•+•4••+ I..'F••t•••Y•'i•O.1••3••'1.10440•1.404.4.44P • Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren urw ,A,,inO,n 'ao,ua.'nt,t'nrw'u; t�4iIvr; ; v,a1„,n;ven'ur.e„s1'n„.n; u,dla',rtvto,,�,,,,a,nru;oa,' ,' ,'u�vtne.ut'Itr,nt. .gugenuq,,t, nq •4. • 4. New Ready- Clothin•g For l •• te•to-wear YS 4. • 4. • WE are showing extraordinary values in Boys' and Men's Clothing and without 2' doubt the largest and best assorted stock we have ever 'had. , PROGRESS i BRAND -Made Right, Fit Right, Are Right and at Right Prices. Beau- t tiful Patterns in Fancy Worsteds and Serges, in Grey's, Browns and Greens. New i Tweeds in Heather Mixed and Diagonal Stripes, All this seasons best patterns: • • 4. Here are a Few of the many Good Lines offered • - s • '•4 4. • 4.•m Men's Brown and Green Mixed Worsted finished Tweeds ; sit. sing lining and good filling; all sizes from 34 to 44 - Special at $7.00 Men's Brown, Green and Grey itlixed Tweeds and Worsteds ; perfect fitting; wool serge lining - pan l•e flnb.Iied with belt straps and 5 pockets ; al� elan..34ta44- Our Special at $ 10.00 Aletr s Fancy Worsteds and Serges t t'xtt'a good qual- ities of li't,igg ; making No. 1 in every respect ; Grey, Brown and Green mixed patterns ; alt si't's 84 to 44-7- Your 4- Your choice for $13,75 141en'n Blas and Black Serges and Fancy Worsted Snits ; Ni. 1 in every respect ; trimming and untiring the hest ; patterns new ; perfect fitting it] ,Slondtl, ,llyditun, Short, Stout and Large medals. AVc cam 'fit you. Every. suit good value at the prices malited- 15.00 16.00 & 18.00 Youths' Fancy Mixed Tweed Snits in this season's - best Patterns, with long pants ; strong lining ; in sizes 334 34 attd 35- .Special value at $6.0.0 • Youths' Fancy Mixed Worsted and Serge Suits, in • Grey and Brown mixed patterns; Blue Serge ; wool serge ; pants ants finished IN ill) 11111 straps , P anis 6 pockets ;make good 2•piere or3•piu,ru sorts ; sizes 32, 38, 84 and 35 - Specials at 10.00 & 12.00 • Boyo 2 ttnd3-pisco Snits, with Iindeker and Bloomer Pouts; lovely patterns in Worsteds and Fancy • Tweeds ; all are properly made and every spit + gond value int- , • 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 & 5.00. Boots and Shoes t • We have a full, stook of Men's Boots anti Shoes, • • bought before the advance in price, Men's Working Boots at 2.00, 2.50 & $3.00 wo ih 20 percent more to -day. All sizes in stock. • A Complete Assortment of Cotton Hosiery Just placed in stock, Prices the Lowest, +•1++4.4'•A++•1•,if,-i'd'4'•D•'t +4,• 0**4'• +