The Brussels Post, 1913-6-12, Page 4i, c tassels Vis#
'1'NUR.aiAY, : JUNE 12, 1913
Ea le to May of this year a substantial
maim de of the 1'a epaveare of Wipui-
Peg e.u•ried a 'b, -yew in favor of a
Gteater Winnipeg 1Vate• District, in
electing the city of Winnipeg, St,
Boniface, Tt•ensct na, St. Vital muni
clpnlities of Kildoosu, Assineboia and
*Port 0 u'ry, 11 tom area of slightly ove
91 squire tulles. The affairs of the
water district, as laid down in the by
law, are to be managed by -a board o
administration, consisting of the. mayor
and controllers of Wiuuipeg and two
representatives of. each of the interested
municipalities, The city of Winnipeg
retains control. Experts called in,
after a thorough investigation of the
available sources, foond in favor of
Shoal Lake, a splendid -body of water
home 98 miles east of Winnipeg and
293 feet higher than the'present city
reservoir, From this source a supply
a pure soft water can he obtained
of filo ppa�ip, curse .1t in short cycle*',
What Beautiful Hair 1 Large' boltieslitall dealelre.
How soften do we. hear that exelamee
Lou i
Hon about, tL weenie wnilllnl'a or mates
A intendnent' BeieuLiat and )lair epe-
chelist emphatically states, and has
roven, that ati y mall Or WOUlatl can
have luxuriant, lustrous hair, by na-
ing the fatuous pt•eacr'iption called
PARISIAN Sago is nowCmade arid
sold in ,loan, Jas. Fox druggist,
r is the agent In Brussels and the read -
ors of Tint POST can buy from him for
only 50 cents a large bottle.
f Jas. Fox knows that PARISIAN
Sage will beautify the hair, cute
dandeuif and stop falling hair, and for
that 1'eason ha sells ft colder' a
guarantee to cure or money buck.
Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co.,
Ltd., Fort Frie, Out., Canadian Mak-
sufficient to meet all future require-
ments of the Greater Winnipeg Water
District. Fourteen million dollars is
the estimate set by City Engineer
d as
in -
de -
t it
in -
t -
Rattan as the cost of bringing a su
of 125;000,400 gallons per day of S
Lake water to Whin -meg by the gra
system. The estimate is based on
pipe lines-thesecond to be starts
soon as the first is established -and
eludes24 miles of concrete pipe line
74 cores of piping ot a less expen
character; five mites of ditching
a tunnel -under the Red river, S
Like water will not require filterat
The Winnipeg and St. Bonieace
bur commission, which has now b
in existence a year. and has pretty
worked out its preliminary plans, h
to build 1,000 'feet of docks along
Red river this year,. if it can get
necessary appropriation from
Dominion government. At a re
(neeting it was decided to wire ap
ran interim nterlm r
g ant of $50,
for the current year, and this was
mediately el clone. lona
y Members of
the c
nassion state that they have not
ceded where )work will start,- bu
is believed that it will be on the W
nipeg side of the river, and in
neighborhood between McDermot
Alexander avenues The general
of the commission to proceed w
the work in comparatively small s
tions veatly, adding additional wh
age. and river improvements and
growing trade of the harbor requir
,• The part of the Red river betw
Provencher and the C. N. R. bridge
being dredged to deepen the chan
as the boat traffic is now heavy at
point. Many barges and boats
moored at the two wharves above a
below Provencher bridge. The wh
on tbe south side of Provencher is
yet finished but rails have already be
laid to connect both wharfs with t
transfer line, the C. N. R. and C. P.
That building in the city of Win
peg will be fully as great this year
lh 1912 now appears to be certain. D
Tug the first few months of the y
building was at a low ebb but t
i ist two months have been busy on
end the total For the.year is now lit
1 _hind that of last year. At the cl
May in 1912 the permits for the fi
11 ee months showed a total of $8,o8
410. The total for this year up to t
antl of May is $7,639,800. The remar
able feature of this year's building
the enormous number of permits bei
issued for houses for which there
an unprecedented demand. How gre
that shortage is can easily be seen
.,the planner in which houses are pu
ch sed. Practically every agent in t
city has been busy selling houses
the last two 01' three months, and t
demand is as great as ever. In add
tion to the extensive building oper
tions uow being carried on in Winn
peg for the Dominion and provinei
governments a very large number
apartinent blocks and warehouse an
iudnstrial buildings have been start
already this year. During the pa
week contracts have been award
for Alexander Macdonald's new war
House and office building to be erec
'-ed On Pacific avenue. opposite Paul
street tied at the terminus of the Mi
laud Railway company. It will cov
an area of too by 156 feet and will b
flur stories, with basement. the co
being between 375,000 and $Bo,00
The coutract calls for its completio
September 20 next,
The completion of the fourth mum
business men's excursion, arrange
the Trade Expansion pausion Committee, o
the Winnipeg Industrial Bureau whic
wee carried out under most favorabl
climate and other conditions ha
„ furnished the principal topic of con
I vorsation amongst Winnipeg busines
circles during the past few days. Vial
ing the end of steel of three railway
and covering thousands of miles o
newly opened v lied
the tri
P territoryrow
P prov esteems* profitable from Om th
e bust
P s
uess man's point of view, bringing ill
ee *ltty members of the party in t
elate touch with lately developed cen
tres in Winnipeg's extensive busines
ft -id. At all points in the somewha
lengthy itinerary, Winnipeg's busiues
men were received and entertained i
Iavishfashion, every arrangement bav
lag been completed in advance whic
would tend to acquaint them with lo
Lai conditions and development. Inter.
viewed lay the Winnipeg papers on
reeir return many members of the
party expressed astonishment at the
rapid progress being trade by the new
e(tle, and towns visited, Much vale -
Mile iufor•mation was secured en route,
which will tend to foster closer and
1t more extensive business relations
with agents and customers of Winni-
pee's financial and commercial insti-
1u inns. Some splendid moving picture
fi m t of events and places of import-
ance tt'ere secured, which will be ex.
1,th la 1 at Winnipeg and elsewhere at
au,t .o ty date.
rnere is every indication that im-
migration into Canada this Summer
will far exceed anything in the past.
According to figuree just compiled by
J. Bruce Walker, immigration Com-
miselouer, the total influx into the
Dominion during the, month . of April
this year showed an increase of 16
per cent over the corresponding
teonth In rgt2. There entered by way.
Of all ports during April, 1913, a to-
tal of 73.e8.5 as ageiinst n total of 6e, -
93i int April, tots. Mr. Walker draws
particular atteution to the large in-
crease in the number of English now
coming into the country. Out of the
total of 73,285. there was 18.7o1 Eng-
lish aloue, 4,994 Scotch, 1,537 Irish, and
334 Welsh, making a grand total of
25,566, as against a total of :21,028 rep-
reseutiug the sante natiouslities in
April, 1912 This represents au in-
crease ot 16 per cent: The most no-
ticeable increase has been from those
European countries, not including
Great. Britain. During April alone uo
sewer than 28,459 foreigners found
their way into the Dominion .as against
19,409 during the corresponding
month last year, In other words, the
increase during April this year over
tbe same mouth in 1912, was 47 per
cent. Regarding last year's immigra-
tion Mr. Walker states that 7o per
cent of the total were booked for
points west of the Great Lake-, in
ciudiug 4o per' cent of the total Brit
ish immigrettion and 8o per cent of
the total fano the United States. In
addition large numbers shown in the
official records booked for Toronto and
Quebec se c„re . western transportation
from these Ea teru centres. Of these
there is, however, no record 'obtain-
Fortyfour delegates of the Cana-
dian Womeu's Press Association en
route to the tri-auausl conference of
that body at Edmonton reached Winni-
peg this week and the civic officials are
making them welcome. They were
tendered a civic reception and the
members of the Winnipeg Industrial
bureau provided automobiles for a
sight-s.eing tour of the city and con-
veyed them to the city park where
the civic reception committee provided
afternoon tea in the pavilion.
Excellent crop conditions through•
out the western provinces are report-
ed by Dominion Immigration Agent
Laurier, who is returning from a trip
as far West as Athabasca Lat.ding to
his offices at Marquette, Mich. Mr.
Laurier states that the warm weather
during the past week seems to be
general, and is bringing along the crop
growth at 110 amaziug rate, On the
whole crop prospects throughout the
west strike him as being the best in
years. Moisture is plentiful and al•
though the cold spriug bas caused a
noticeable set -back the young grain
seems to be making up for lost time
and is rapidly catching up. It the
present conditions hold for a few weeks
itis possible that this year may bring
a pumper crop.
Helps Men To Work Hard
That's what Ferlozoue does ; it
supplies the additional strength that
enables a man to maiutafn health
under difficulties. "Last spring I was
so completely fagged out I could not
work” writes J. W. McNichol of
Turnbull, Man. "Int the morning I
was tired -limbs ached all over. Had
no appetite, was sleepless, nervous
and unhappy. Fet'rnzone put new
life into me. Now I eat heartily,
nerves are strong, 1 sleep well, I
know the joy of health." It's by
supplying nourishment and good
blond that Ferroznne builds up ; try
it -50c per box at, all dealers,
Amid one of the most remarkable
demonstrations of the big Presbyterian
Congress the following resolution,
moved by Rev. Dr. Grant was enthuse
astiosllY adopted ted :-
(r) Whereas recent scientific investi-
gation has revealed that alcohol is a
poison and injurious to lite, even when
taken in small quantities ; and
(2) Whereas the liquor traffic has be
come a great economic burden ; and
(3) Whereas it is the enemy of all
social progress and the cause of much
dist. illefficiency, poverty,
sanity, crime and death• and
` (4) ells the *aghast development
of individual and national life demands
the suppression of the liquor traffic ; and
(5) Whereas the progress of the King-
dom of God )C
a tis greatly hindered erecthe
the traffic in intoxicating liquor.
Be it therefore resolved '
(i) That in the opinion of this Con-
gress, consisting of all the ministers and
representative laymen from all the con-
gregations of the Presbyterian eburcb
in Canada, the time has come when
legislation should be secured in Canada
prohibiting the manufacture, lmporta•
*ion and sale of intoxieating liquor for
beverage purposes,
(2) That this tesolution'be forwarded
to the General Assembly for action,
(3) That it be a suggestion to the
Assembly to invite all other religious
bodies and temperance organizations to
Co•Jperate in a movement having for its
object the total suppression of the liquor
traffic in Canada.
Stool Knife. In The Floah
That's the sensation experienced by
Robert Piice of Becton, Ont. Ile
knew ib was sciatica and of course
used:"Nerviline." As usual it cared
and he says : "No liniment eau ex -
eel Nerviline. Severe pains made my
side lame. It was like a steel knife
rbhning through the flesh. I rubbed
in lots of Nervtiine and was eom.
ppletelyy Cured," .A. regular snap for
Nerviline to ease Sciatica and
rhenolatis/Ye Xt sinks itlt0 the Core
RC/Q51 I V
Sr. JV. -Examined in subjects of
Part II of Entrance Exam, 'Total 650.
Donors 488, Pass 390,
R. Stewart, 555 ; L. Ament, 537 ; B.
Campbell, 518 ; E Rentls, 506 ; L
Wright, 4791 H. Currie, 475; A
Thompson, 466 ; M. McFarlane, 427
A. McLauchliu, 393 (Geo) ; '1, Me
Lauchliu, 357 (absent for Spell and par
of Arial ), V Sinclair, 352 (I Tal), A
Mann 263 (total, Spell., Mite , 11'1
Read., Glam.)
Jr. IV. -Examined in Hist„ Conlp
Gram,, Spell, Arith., and Geug. Hon-
ors. 75% Pass 6o.
D. Roes W Buchanan.,....
H Stewart ..69 M Cnrter .......,,,44
E Cameron ,..,,,63 S McLauchlin ..42
H Gerry.. .,,,,,.6l L McCracken ..,.26
R Hewitt .53
Sr. III•-Exanl, in Lit , Gee,•Draw.,
Spell. and Daily work, Honors 75
Pass 6o.
C Best 76 el PasSOn .: ,,,.57
B• Wright 69 F McNaughton. 56
R Moore 66 A Currie..,.,, ....'55
P Bgsklav ,..,. „ 66 J -Fox ...............55
M Skelton fig , A Fox . 51
F Hill on...,......6i C Moore 5o
H James 6o J Warwick 50
1r III. -Exam, in e'peli., Hist„ Draw.,
Geo.. and daily work,
H Lott 72 V Harris 6o
M Danford ,,.,,,,6g N Burgess ...... ,51
0 Hemingway,. 6o R Cttrrie 51
E Jamieson .66 •M Heist . 4.7
S McLauehlin....66 G Baeker........ 46
M Cameron 64 A Drage 43
M Mchauchiin...63 *1 Thom peon 39
M Ratis ,,.,., ......61 8w liat'knesc 38
G Thompson ....6o W Roe • 33
Those narked • missed exams.
Sr, 51 -Exam in Spell Geo Llt.,
Draw , Read. and Dally : oik Ht rots
75 Pass 6o.
D Holmes 88 Al Campbell 78
I McNichol 85 W James .71
E Burgess S4 D Currie ,....... .71
G Jarvis 83 C Hollinger 69
M Wilton........,.82 L Conley - 63
A Stewart .......Si e 1 Harkness3)
O Anderson ***eW Snider,1'6
V Lowry .........
j*'. II-
D Walker .. ,... 88' L Baiklev •• •-••••74
C Thompson 85 J Lowry 68
F Stewart 8* M Wood ..........46
L Drage 7; M McCracken .,,41
E Hollinger 77 *G Snider 39
MOliver .........77 G Wilson ...... 31
Those marked * missed an examination,
5035* I
Class V, -Exam, in Read„ Spell„
Arith. and Language -
•1' Burgess go 18 Hemingway' ..83
F Oliver .....go 13 Cameron ..... 8o
K McLaren, 8g Elva Oliver .78
M MuLauehlin,. 88 H Keys .. 76
E Moore . ,.....-..88 L Platt 68
BPhuell 84 Harr,. Drage 65
IV. -Exam. in same,
L Holmes 73 "1. Snider 48
A Ballantyne ....6a C Lott ......... 43
III. Excellent -W. McDowell,
Walker. G James, L. Thuell, B Cardiff,
E Jarvis, I, Milligan. Good -C Salter,
A. Thomson, E Slevenpiper, E. Mc-
Laren, D. Thomson
II Excellent, -G. Eckmier,
1st Excellent -R. Salter, K Fergus-
son. 1. Ket's. F Oliver, L Hollinger,
W Mcfeadzean, t'. Anderson, Ce Stew-
art, M Hollinger, E Dennis. Good -
Ballantyne, J McCracken, M. Snider
F. Lowry, N Snider.
There is no real need of anyone
being troubled with constipation.
Ohamberlafu's Tablets will cause an
agreeable movement of the bowels
without any unpleasant &fleet. Give
them a trial. For sale by all dealers.
Bast Wananosh Council
Council (net May 20th, as a Court
of Revision and Appeal. Members
present. Following appeals were
brought up and dealt with :-.1. Laid-
law complaining of too high assess-
ment on the N e lot 28, con. 13 ;
assessment reduced $100. Thos.
Taylor complained that he was asses-
sed too high on the S. H. lot 85, con.
9 ; this assessment was also lowe'ed
$100. F. D. Stalker said he was also
assessed too high compared with other
to pert
in the same
property Y 1'v asses-
sed confirmed. Robt Tailor was
added as P 1'1 P. pt.Int 29con, 2
Isaac Steell, tenant, lot 38, con. 5,
ettuck off. There being no other
ultetations .or changes made it was
moved by Mr. Currie, seconded by
filr. Irwin that Assessment Roll its
now revised be adopted ttbd the
court closed. Carried.
General business proceeded with.
Minutes of last meeting read and
passed on motion of Irwin and Stone-
Application was again made for the
cleaning out North and South
branches of 13allahaii drain. Councii-
lore Buchanan and Stonehouse were
appointed to attend to this matter.
Contractor being ready to place
the cc',uct•ete floor on the Marnoch
river bridge, Clerk was instmucted
to notify Hunter Bridge Co. of a
mistake being made in the expanded
(5011 now on the ground and to have
same replaced by /Mope', material at
Representatives were present re-
garding purchasing a new road
grader but in view of heavy outlay
anticipated for the coming season
throughout the township on roads
andculvetts, a grader. was laid over
till another season.
By-law No. 7 and No. 8, 1013, were
read and passed,
Orders on the Teeastu'er were drawn
for payment of Assessr)r1s sola y,
$05 ; il;ttii rent, 326 ; and J, Gillespie;
012 for gratlitrg on Not'tilet'n and
Western boundary.
Men Wanted
ti®�yAMIEYb 3
E Company
33rd Reg't
Goes L0 camp at Lolatlon fol,
Trill ng Mattoon vies JUN11
IOth TO JUNE 27111,
Rates of Pay
Rank and File -$1.00 to 31.25 per day.
Good lien Only Wanted
:;Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
Lt Do, Command.
Neat meeting of Cou,icil .Monday,
June23rd, at 1 o'clncic •
A. PoitT taxelt *n, Clerk.
Like A Now Dleeeteo.`
New to the malt who 'levet. had
corns is the pate relieved by Put-
natu's Corn Extractor. Ohl mortes
and new ones eared quickly by "Put
navies." Sold every w here.
Turnberry Council
Oonucil, was held in BIneva] e
Monday, May Zell. Members all
1 Reeve w
the lchair.
Utes of
JASt1egn11LI aldS
Meetings dere read and
let tendon
of 1Velltvoiel and. 111(03u:eats vete
adapted. Reeve was histiuc*ed Lo
see D. 18*iller in reference to moving
fence off sicleroad. Following etc
counts were passed and Cheques
issued t James Hopper, rep tiring
sideroad, 33 ; Eli Bolt, work on
bridge. $2; Jas. T. Wylie, repairing
eutveIB ou sideroad, 32; ltnht. Yeo, -
repairing culvert ou sideroad 37 ; ..A.
Thomas, tile and digging Tp, share of
Smith's drain 010 ; Mnulcipal Wot'id
supplies. $10,80; P. Potted. express
and stationery, $1.30 ; W. S. Ring,
salary and postage, 365 ; John Rtidt,
foot -bridge and work on road, 11114 ;
Jas. Weir, pulling in culvert $4.50;
Stephen Ring, computation road
work, 38 ; McKinnon Bros, work on
road, $5,
At 4 p. nu. tenders for the Bolt
drain were opened and on motion of
Rutherford -Well wood that of Con-
nolly Nicholson, Kennicntt, was
accepted, arnenut being $3888, drain
Popular Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for the season of 1918
Can nyman
MONDAY -will leave Ids own stable, Lot
28, 8th Line, Morris, and go West to Jnnnts
Nichol's for noon ; then West to Wm. Cun-
ningham'e for night,
TUESDAY -South to Win, Skelton', for
noon ; then meat to Robt. Lawson's for night
WEDNE4DAY-East to John A. McNair'¢
for noon ; then to Evans Bros• where he will 1
remain until Frldny morning.
FRIDAY -North and West to Long's Rotel,.
Crnnbrook, for noon ; then via 10th Oon to
Oentral Rotel, Brussels, for night.
SATURDAY -west to Elston Cardiff's for
noon ; then to hie own stable where he will re•
main until the following Monday morning.
MONDAY -Will leave his own at',bie, Lot
14, Con, 2, Grey, and go West, South and hast
to Gent Elliott's, Lot 1e, COn. 0, rnr name; then
West and youth to James Cordes, Lot 8, Con.
7, for night,
TUESDAY-ren111 And Boat Long', Hotel,
Ornnbrook, for 110011 ; then Eoot 1f/
Snath l3 and East 234 mites to .toe ph Whit.
field'¢, lint 50, 0011,19, for Id ht
WEDNESDAY -No,'th 2 mites, Wrot 2
miles and North to + .'
Christian andn mints , Lehi,
for none ; that East and North to Lewis
Hnxth's, Lot e, Unn, 9,.then, 'm' night,
THURSDAY -West along 4th Oot , Grey, to
Wm B'-eanler's for noon , then North • and
Went to hie ownstable for night,
FRIDAY -West to Richard Millsr's, Lot 58,
Olin, 1, Morrie, for north 1 then North airing
gravel road to. bonndary,.the» Weel and North
to John MoNaughton'n, Lot 5, (toe. 2, Turn -
berry for night.'
Y LaPt to Htiol
b dor
r and
South 'o Wm. Ball's La, noon h
, on then
South and East ,n him v o
t tl w n,5iondavllN]'t•hl'will
rennin until the folic wing aloudny,
Admiral Vasey
BURY & 80N;
Proprio#ore ,
MONDAY -Will leave hie own enable, Lot el,
91•d bite, Morris, and go North to A gar Bros ,
2nd (1ne, Mnrris, for noon 1 thee North to 1st
Lice, Morris, then East via ,lauaest"wn 1.0 Geo.
Johnstone for night, •
TUESDAY -Blest to Devld Carson's for noon;
then South to Thos. Mills' for night.
WEDNESDAY -west to Win BrenuN'r'a I'o'
110011_1 then Wort to Prior Illshop's for night,
THURSDAY- West end South to 11ven
Lament's for 1100111 thea 1118 BI'11aerle to 8011.
Niehol'e,eth Line, Mtn r1r, fur night.
FRIDAY-westl3,4 miles, North 114 m1'1s,
and West to Wm. Miller's 6111 Lite Nmri-,
for noon • then Weet 1M miles North 13* mils
and Went vin 1Relit; eve to John Wlghi men's.
8rd Line Morris, for night.
SATURDAY -Along Ord 1 hie to hie own
feeble where he will ren:Rin mail the follow-
ing Monday nlolnnh,g,
(11812) 181170
Will wand for the Improvement of
stock at his own i table,
Lot 22, Coo, 18, MoKilio
Chits off this horst, hrlewen l,i, prime
for the last. l Mete yen rs al lh'nesrin 1111d
Settee'fli Shows to the heney dlnnght
class, Tel 110.
7013NJ, lel cGAVIN,
Leudbnl'y P. 0,
to be completed 1his Fall aceordhlg b(
Wheeler- el clemneye- Th at. Juht
1', Alelewen be inapt,tor on Boll drain
at title of 801' 1111 ihou1',
(Jimmie ailj, urned 10 meet at Bine.
vale Monday, .1 ale 211, 1 111 IO n.
P newee f„ 011 n'k
1 -farm Is very little Injured by the
1 -'rent frosts and prospects look
i bright I'ut' it heavy yield,
Vim and Vitality
Are 11,181111d if you will cleanse your
stomach ul' nudigested fond and 1.0111
gases ; the excess bile fermi the liver
and Lht, tvaeLe met Lel' 1't -t, * the ill•
testines mud bowels by the use of
the great fruit, kidney', liver, stolen oh
tend bowel tented).
At all clealers.26 and 50 cent; boxes
or mailed hr The Fig P111 Co., St,
Thomas. Sold and r•ecominentled ;n
Brussels by J. Fox Druggist.
M. Lockhart, of Auburn, has been
appni11Led Immigration Inspector for
the Province of Ontario.
Rev. cif. D. ante} Mies, Turner 'vete'
Iii atteddanee at the General f,issenl-
blq and Congress in 'len onto, '''
There was no service in the Metho.
dist church 011 Sunday nntfning,
Setig.service in the evening conducted
by 3011e Mou'itt. .
The Base 1301 team organized with
the' following oflicets':- Mauager, P.
Stunt; Captain,: W. Watson Sec.-
7teae., R. Captain,
&hiss-Mae who„ has a good
position as" stenogiaphel• in London,
Lie at present spending a fete holidays
with heuiimther,
Colin Fiuglencl, of Hnlleil•., occupied
the pulpit in SL. Andir. ty's elitU311 on
Sundaynidluing• 'Awe -was no
service }u the evening.
Rev. Geroge and Mrs. Jewitt and
eliss Jena, attended the Oonl•e•ence of
the Methodist church held in Landon.
Miss Jewitt else visited ,her brother
in Clntthaul.
R, R
. Sloan has returned from nm his
Uc deritth UiwnSheI
r t N
*slur and ill
spend the neat maple of weeks on his
falai here., getting his barn raised,
etc. He is also trying to get some
of the young 111011 int this locality Lo
enlist. far the volunteer camp at Lon-
don. He states that the fruit on his
Notice to Creditors
le the matter of rhe 00*'ul Airs. Salah
el ex ,tell, 1 de t,1 I llr Villsile of Brus-
sets, 111 1 he C 11..1y of Il *nail*, w:dvw,
Notice is hereby gh'Nn, 11natinnt to Sea, 55,
011118, 211, or the 0'1',1 ;do. 4 0111 Selo, I George
V., that all teed tie a and of here having oluilns
egalnat lh est Ivo t' the said Mrs Sarah Max-
well, 511, died al F1- I Nsburs. :*Michigan. on or
about 11,. 11111 d1u 1'4 A p 11, A. D. 1018, are
required on Or hrl'uia the twenty -firth
day of .101 it .a , T1 1.10. 10 M end by post prepaid
or deliver to 110' nndi•' Migned Rxeuu tars of the
•• bu,•.
11101 ('1,1 t,,.11 mei sllaanlee, addres•
ar" tool de:erite I'ql•, and n nun lenient of their
nuruiintsearthed the Reid estate aid also lho
Ilalw'e 0Y the 05(any) 1'111 y thele,
dn')' t•rria•'rl h1 n e11117'm'11t'e rirtdahnll1mt
And further 10 8.1. ;naso tint after such tacit
mentioned dal( the 10x,mntore will 1)troeecd to
distrihutc the ees,'ts of the deel aae5 timeliest
the partici+ entitled thereto, having regard on.
17 to the Maims of which they shell then have
got antics, and the I the said Ex eout01', will not
ha liohl0 for the rldd aaseta or any part there.
or to 1/111' p0ra011 01' pm•Rola of whose chums
entice shall not hnvehean received by them at
the time of onah dtstrihation.
Deted+bls 80, tI. dayitIoP alto, 1018
DOUGA LD11ODO17ALfl, 1pxccutore,
Ir, s, SCOTT,
98.8 Brussels P. 0.
Each Tuesday until October 28th, inclattve,
Winnipeg and Return e $35.00
Edmonton and Return - 43.00
Other points In proportion
Return Limit two months.
2.00 p.m. each Tuesday, May to August,
inclusive.Betrain take,se Winnila
peg ached rmorn,enabngpassengers to
make all branch hos connections.
Through trains Toronto *0
Winnipeg and West
Particular from' Canadian Pacific Agents or
write MA., 0.P Y -y, Ti to
You Know Us
We are in business right here whey, you live. You are an
acquaintance, neighbor or a friend of ours. This moneyback•
if -not -satisfied offer should prove the sincerity of our claims.
When we say we believe we have
the best laxative and back up our
statement with our unqualified prom-
ise to return without question ' or
formality the money paid us for it,
if it does not prove entirelysatis-
factory to you, we believe we are en-
titled to your confidence.
Our business success and prestige
We know we must confidence
IOm' confidence in order to get and
keep your patronage. Therefore, we
would not dare nuke this offer if we
were not positively certain that we
can prove our claims for
Our experience with them and the
many reports we have received from
those who have used them prove
that they are really tho most pleasing
and satisfactory bowel remedy we
know of,
Rexall Orderlies taste like candy.
They are soothing and easy in action.
They don't camgriping, nausea,
purging or excessive looseness, as do
the usual physic or laxative: Rexall
Orderlies seem to not as a tonin
strengthener upon the nerves and
muscles of the bowels. They prompt -
1y relieve constipation. They act to
overcome the cause of Constipation.
They tend to - eliminate the cause
breath, headache,
ssandsother ills
attendant upon inactive bowels,
Make Us Prove This
We and getaa package of Rexato ll our
lies. Use a few or use up the entire
box. Then, if you are not entirely
satisfied, come back and tell us and
we will promptly return the money
you paid us for them.
n thiYou promise nothing -you sign
urself to
us in no way whatever. -ou obligate We accept
your mere word.
Don't you now believe that Rexall
Orderlies are worthyof a trial?
Could any offer be more fair?
Try Them at Our Risk
We particularly recommend Rexall
Orderlies for children, aged persons
and for delicate people.
Rexall Orderlies come in vest-
pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 100;
36 tablets,- 25e; 80 tablets, SOc.
Usual dose one tablet.
CAUTION: Please bearin mind that Rexall Orderlies are not sold by all drug-
gisYou You
u buy Rexall Rexall
in thio community the
only at our store:
The Store
There ie a Rexall Store in nearly every town and city is the United States, Canada and
Goat Britain. There is a different Resell Remedy for nearly every ordinary human I8-.
each especially designed for the particular Al for which it is recommended.
The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores
the victims of early m1' y
indiscretionsland l
aror ex. a
teases,who aro ursin life -you aro the
ones we can restore to mauhood and revive spark of energy and vitality. Don't give
up in despairsir because you havev
etreated withotior doctors, used elo belis and tried
various drug store nostrums.
hundreds Now thebrink Treatment
snatched ea
stored happiness to hundreds of bomes and
has made successful men of those who were
"down and out," We prescribe specific rem•
edles for each individual
e according to the
symptpatent me and co This
is one of the have no
ourwonderfulmedicines, Thiess our secrets
nor twoafor we sprescribe
a our les adaptedpt don
eotfind for we pase. bo Only
remedies casesto
each individual i cast, r Only curubla cases ac-
cepted. We hovedonebusiness throughout
Canada for over 20 Years.
Ila Lease"?
LI been Method
leave you any.
cureyou. Our Now Method r o hers it will
caro you. What It has dare for others it will
do for you. Consultation Froe. No matter
who has treated you, Mita for an honest
opinion Free of Charge. Books. Free -
"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood," (Illuo1rat•
ed) on Diseases of Mon.
NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names on boxes or e,wol.
once, Everything Confidential. Question list and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME'
Aro ou of
A slim
9 4 H
ave you
p CCp bo >ef Ar
�HDGii a au tut
1 ending to coney 4
Cor. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICEAllour lettCere fromanadian Canada must beence .Depaaddressed
- Correspondrt--
esenoi alt - went in Windsor, Ont, If you desire to
See tie persoually call at our Medical Institute hi Detroit as we toe and
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Cerres oticleneetaud
Laboratory for Cauadfan business only. Address all letters as follows
DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Windsor - follows
'-Writ¢ for our private address.
The People's Column
,t-p0MPORTA It lee BOttel0 to rent or for sole
on South '*'araban? street 11108,•,15,
Is trees, t
t , .fit (3(0d OUlxr, 1 1 1
1 1 a ,fwd soft tri 1•
. InnntdmtvlelseedelOn, 1M>a• f r„ ,'•
u 11,1 1.
npptt to MISS Viso ICDIIi1
Walton P O Phone 1717.Or Mies time Belly,
at the Green lions°, Remote's,
FARMS TO RENT.- The ,loth W. Rosa
Ynr,ns, btring 5834, 4ots281.1)824, Goll 84
and Lot 22, Con. 5, Way, are 011e•0d t,, rpni,'
Oail 91• Ills undersigned. F. S. SCOTT,
FAR 0I F011 STA LEOHEAP,-100 acres, Hoot h
halt' LOU. Uon. 8 Township or None , 8
mites leen Walton. ✓3ood hind with 0rlhara
and spring. Log 1lonse and frsme home born.
UunVeoient to church and school. Apply to
le S. SOO•rl, 13rnssels, or M1LLAlt, SIMS 0
GREGORY, Berlin, Oil t, 42,8
11IiN'r,-'rhe 1101110 reeuntly vaunted by
John H 1C0rnoy, who moved M3011011,11 (known
ss the Hoge,. Property, 1'uenberry street; in
offered fm' sale or if not sold will be .rented,
11101111811 esmfor'teble lolls,, good stable turd
1M Roves of land with n double entrance, trine
garden, &a. POP fnether partienlsr, apply
W. H. gout, of Tun Pon, who holds the key.
It fs a (Mote, s1pot to live in and Will be soul
very renoombly. 27-t?
FA1*55 POR SA 141. -The undersigned offe'5
lila line furef emleieting of about 1051.01'0m
ttdjulning the town of Olintol, fur sole. The
four is In good state of cultivation, lied has
good bulldinge, brick'houue, bank barn, driv-
ing house, plg pen, ate,, all (tempura I I vely new.
A firet•elnrs young orchard ammonite: ell
kinds of fruits and also small fruits. The
frown is well fenced and drained and is n Very
desirable home, For farther partlerinl 5 a55ly- '
on the premises or nddress-
88•tf JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton,
FARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 25,
Con. 4, Morris township, Huron 00„ con•
,tahung 100 aurae more m• less. On the prom•
ieSo is a frame bows,, body barn, good orchard
well, windmill, .40,' All cleared except about
an more School 1M miles distant. Only 274
miles from Brueselo, 0florae 019'01 wheat -1n
and about 50noi'eo seeder* down. For.. price,
terms end other information apply 011 the
promisee or If writingt,, Brussels P. O. Phone
120, Or Ir. S. Scott, Brussels.
11-t? A. L.RERIR, Proprietor,
is prepared tosupply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Web-
er Bowls for stock, Sec.
repairs to Pumps proulplly
attended to.
Give one a call.
A. RAVMANR1 Cranbrook
For sale on easy ttornls
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owi;er)
Box 1033 Brandon Matt
Thousands of ambitious young pee-
pte .aro feet preparing in their own
hones to Occupy tuoretron positions 80
etenog11111111e'o, bookkeepers, telegra-
plrers, oivll. se•vnnls, In fact every
sphe'e or activities. Yon mayfinish at
college if you so wish. Positions guar-
anteed. Enter college cloy dFl •., bee -
vides! h,otruotion. Expe•t teache•a,
Thirty yearn' experience, l argent
trainers in Canada. Seven colleges.
111Ellat et with teachers.
toes Arsoelnner of Canada. Su,o leer
School at ((mous Spotton Business Col-
lege, London,
Wingham Business College
Gat. n'POTTnN,
w. T. MONea,
President, Principel,
At your • home without
pa111, danger or Operation.
My method will cure a'
parently hopeless cases. no
matter what your age is
or how ton ruptured,
Why . g wait until your. crap'-`
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Aro- ..... I'inu• HHup
Single or Double ...,_
mid return to
88 Caledonia 8t,
Dept. A Stratford, Ont.