The Brussels Post, 1913-6-5, Page 7Fashion Hints
SO tacasesseaseavaatsseveve.
111 aatelets.
The little wrap known as the
"mantelet" has been adopted by
Paris with an enthusiasm not sur-
prising when the beauty of the
models is seen, They are °omt'bite
aliens of lovely line and color and
in the supple moire, bengaline,
silk tapestries and brocades they
give a decided decorative note to
au afternoon or evening costume.
The short bolero with a postil-
ion back is one of the favorites,
although longer mantelets give
more protection and for that rear
son should appeal to women who
desire utility as well as beauty.
The kimono sleeve seems to be
favored above all others, coming
in elbow, three-quarter and full
lengths, It is finished with 'a deep
cuff in most instances. The drop -
fled armhole is used if the material
is not wide enough. Oord outlines
this seam and gives a firmness at
the line of wear.
Revers may be used, contrasting
'colors being good. Collars., that
show a variety of out and draping
are important features. One col-
lar of soft silk is draped over the
shoulders and caught in under
cabochons or ornaments of cord,
Another collar at the back com-
pletely covers the 'back in the form
of a draped hood of soft moire
that is weighted down by heavy
Cutaway lines in front are used.
These give a good freedom in walk-
ing and allow a manbeau to be
longer at the back than at the
Blue, taupe, gray and mixtures
in colors aro the shades most fav-
ored. These harmonize with any
colors in a gown beneath and are
generally becoming to the average
These mantelets have earned a
niche in fashion's gallery. They
are rivals of the topcoat, which
will never be discarded from spring
and summer wardrobes.
White Footwear.
During the coming summer white
footwear is to be more fashionable
than ever, and the conventional
shoos for outdoor occasions will be
well cut buttoned boots of white
buckskin, with a moderate Cuban
heel and vamp on the new Jong
line now considered patrician and
distinguished. One handsome mod-
el has the high top with 14 buttons
and lines of dainty perforated trim-
ming of brogueing, in the shoe
vernacular, on the toe.
New types of piazza footwear are
included. There is a colonial pump
of white calfskin with a covered
heel and an odd trimming of black
patent leather laid under a row of
perforations. The buckle is of pat-
ent leather studied with rhine-
stones. To the woman who adores
novel effects a new white -buckskin
otdord will appeal. The arrange-
ment of the buttons on alternating
scallops of the white buckskin and
black patent leather is a novel
footwear, note.
Should be the Birthright or Every
Woman and Growing Girl,
Many women and growing girls
who should have bright eyes, rosy
cheeks, strong . nerves and elastie
step, and a good appetite, are seen
to decline in health. Their spirits
grew sluggish, the cheeks become
pale temper fitful, and the nerves
over -sensitive. They must have in-
herited a tendency to ill -health, or
they may have over-worked, over -
studied or worried until the
strength of the body was not equal
to the demands made upon it.
To guard against a complete
breakdown im health the blood must
be kept pure and rich. No other
medicine can do this so well as Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, for they act
both on the blood andnerves, re-
store the appetite and keep every
organ toned up. All women ean-
not rest whenever they should, but
this strengthening medicine is with-
in every woman's reach, and will
keep them in the enjoyment of good
health. And it is especially impor-
tant that in every stage of woman's
life the blood supply be kept pure
and rich. The value of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills is well illustrated
by the case of Mrs, David Cham-
bers, Bonsfort, Ont., who says:
"Some years ago I suffered greatly
from impoverished blood. I was
very pale and thin, and had ne
strength. I took a ]•ot.of doctor's
medicine without getting any bene-
fit, and at last decided to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, which I had
heard highly recommended. It was
not long before I began to feel bet-
ter, and after taking the Pills for
perhaps a oouple of months my
health was fully restored, and al-
though some ,years have passed I
have continued strong and healthy,
and I think I owe it entirely to Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
"Sometime later my daughter,
then about twelve years of age, had
been working very hard at school
and her health gave way. She was
weak and listless and her hands
and face were badly swollen and
we. feared dropsy was setting in.
However, we started to give her
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and she
was soon quite well again. I al-
ways recommend Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills to any suffering as we
did, knowing the benefitour family
received from them."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all medicine dealers or will be
sent by mail, peat paid, at 50 cents
a box or six boxes .for $2.50 by
writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brookville, Ont.
Her Diploma.
"She says she went abroad to
finish her education. I wonder if
she learned much?"
"She told me she had six new
ways to fix her hair."
Flower Brooch.
A novel thing is a delightful bead
flower brooch. They are made in
various colors and designs and con-
sist of a delicate spray or bouquet
of small 'flowers and leaves. The
whole thing is in beads, and some-
times .there are as many as 20 dif-
forent colors, or, rather, shades of
color, in the one spray. Used to
pin up a lace scarf or to give a
touch of dolor to a white blouse,
they look altogether charming.
Summer Wraps.
Most of the •summsr wraps have
sleeves out in one with the body
of the garment. Such wraps - are
usually colorless and depend for
their charm on the beauty of the
material. The new brocaded wor-
steds and cottons are utilized for
such wraps. -
Governmeut Glves Splend14 Care
to Its Destitute Children.
There are few aoundlingta in Ja-
pan, it is oaid. O'ccaskalally an
abandoned baby may be founcl in
the streets of a large city like
Tokio, but never in tale smaller
towes. For the babies who reaeb
the asylum there is what is called
the placing -out department, and
they •gu immediately to a home in
some village where they cam have
fresh air and a mother's care, For
this the another, who takes the
strange baby, is paid four yen a
month. This amounts .to l2,' of 'aur
momey, but has the 'purchasing
power of $4 in Japan. The baby is
supplied with clothes by the asy-
lum authorities.
A second department is the Su
game or school where the asyluan
Children are instructed from the
tiny tots who go to the kindergar-
tens to the elementary students,
and from which they go to homes
found fox.thean as far as ,possible in
the villages. -There "they become
member's of the family, the' 'girl
learning household duties, as well
as some feminine occupation, hair-
dressing, making flowers, toys, and
needlework. The boys learn to be
fishermen, farmers, carpenters,
masons and dyers. There is a six-
year compulsory edpcation law in
Japan, and the children must at-
tend day or evening school up to
the thirteenth year.
The asylum holds the position of
guardian to all the children coming
under its care until they are 20,
receiving reports as to the welfare
of the children who go into homes
and visiting them occasionally-.
Frequently a child will be•'1•egally,
adopted by the family in which•it
has been placed, and the asylum re-
sponsibility ends.
Day nurseries in Japan are' 'all
private institutions under the care
of Japanese women. There is one
at Tokio, one et Osaka, and four at
Kobe, on the, coast. One advan-
tage which the Japanese day nur-
series have is that they have
grounds, and the children spend
'their time out of doors in good
Mr. Takata has made a study of
institutes for the feeble-minded in
this country, but there is a email
proportion of each children in his
country, he'says. There is one pri-
vate institution for them, accom-
inoclating from 60 to 100 in Tokio,
and experiments are being made in
the treatment of children only a
little below normal.
• --a.
Mrs. John Kenny, St. Norbert,
Man., says: "I have used Baby's
Own Tablets and 'am well satisfied
with them." Thousands of other
mothers say the same thing simply
because there is iso medicine for
little ones to equal the Tablets.
They aetaas a gentle laxative, regu-
late the bowels and stomach, break
up colds, expel worces_ and make
teething easy. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers cr by mail at
25 gents 'a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine do., Brockville,
Pointed Paragraphs.
Kill a falsehood by letting it die.
Weddings are generally choice
It is easier to tell a .fortune than
to make one.
Bard luck is often due to an
-effort' to avoid hard work.
There have been enviable repu-
tations due to what other people
don't know.
A woman always has great faith
iri a man's judgment the day he
marries her. .
,The village postmaster can near-
ly always ,be found at the old stamp-
ing ground.
Alas; when a girl's complexion
looks like peaches and cream and
tastes like whitewash!
Even if a man doesn't hesitate he
may be lost anyway,
The chirp with the loudest 'velee
doesn't always win the argumgnt!
liatetory 'Ina/sector Kenny, of Ste
John, .X.13., haw condemned the city
Opera Pleura., 3e toys the place
has not safi el* t floe esoaipea.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, '-
Yarmouth, -N. B.
Gentlemen, -In , anuary last, Francis
Leolare, one of the men employed by .me,
working in the lumber woods, hada tree
fall on him, crushing him fearfully. He
VMS. when found, placed on a sled and
Ulm home, where grave fears were en-
tertained for his recovery, his hips being
badly bruised and his body turned black
from his ribs to his feet, We mod _.MiN-
uRD'S LINIMENT on him freely to deafen
the pain and with the use of three bottles
he Was completely cured and able to re
turn to hie "work.
Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que.
"You can't sit up with my dangh-
ter after 11 o'clock."- "Would you
mind telling her that, sir i I have
been trying to get home_early for
six months."
Your druggistwill refund money it PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure any eaee.ofItoh-
ing, Blind, .Bleeding or Protruding Piles in
l to. 19 days. - 60c.
Happiness' is a condition in our-
selves, the outcome of devotion to
something better than our solves.
Sllnard's Liniment CUrros Distemper.
Correcting a Husband.
A colored woman went to the pas-
tor of her church the other day to
complain of the conduct of her hus-
band, who, she said, was a low
down, " worthless trifling follow.
After listening to a long recital of
the delinquencies of her neglect-
ful spouse and the efforts to cor-
rect them, the minister said:
"Hays you .ever tried heaping
coals of fire upon his head ?"
"No," was the ` reply, "but I
done tried hot water."
Rantple free It you write National Drug
A Ohiwilosl Co. of Canada, Limited,
totaittlk .
Doctor Said He
Had Diabetes
That's Why 11[r. David–neon, of
Nloolet Co„ Quebec, Is Recom-
mending the Groat Canadian Riti-
ney Remedy To His Neighbors.
St. Wenoesl.aa, Nioolet ,Co., Que-
bec., May 26 (Special).—"I started
to take Dodd's Kidney Pills because
the doctor told me I was threatened
with diabetes.' After taking ten
boxes I was again examined by the
doctor, and he told me that all
trace of diabetes. had disappeared."
This is the statement of Mr. Da-
avid Hoon, well-known and highly
respected here, and he is only one.
of many in this neighborhood who
have found a new lease of life in
the great Canadian Kidney Rem-
It is cures suet; as this that have
given Dodd's Kidney Pills their
reputation. They are now known
from the Atlantic to the Pacific as
the remedy that never fails to cure'
kidney disease; no matter where or
in what form it is found.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cute -
all. They simply cure diseased kid-
neys. Tlhe reason they cure back-
aohe, dropsy, rheumatism, neural-
gia, diabetes, urinary troubles and
Bright's disease is that all these are
are "either diseases of the kidneys
or are caused by disordered kidneys
failing 'to do their work.
Prince of Wales Comes Bite Posses-
sion of Hahlun Eneampluent.
. One of the most interesting relics
of prehistoric times has just come
into the possession of the Prince.
of Wales as Duke of Cornwall in
the shape of Maiclim-Castle, the
famous prehistoric encampment
near Dorchester.
The encampment was offered for
sale by auction, and has been
bought by the Duchy of Cornwall
at the instigation of the king. It
first came into the' market; in. July
last, when it was offered by auc-
tion in Dorchester. The bidding
started at $5,000 abd the -property
was withdrawn at $7,195.
Maidun Castle, according to Syd-
ney Heath, the great authority on
the South Devon and Dorset coast,
is "a memorial that has remained
in almost perfect condition to our
own day, whereas its only'rivals in
interest and importance, Stone-
henge and Old .Sarom, have but few
fragments to show for their great-
ness. -'
"All our leading authorities now
agree that this stupendous strong-
hold, earthwork or oppidum is not
only of pre -Roman date, but that
it was occupied and probably
strengthened by the Durotriges, the
race of immigrant Belgae who
wrested it from older Celts, who
named it Mai Dun. It was certain-
ly used by the Romans, who
strengthened it with Purbeck stone,
and for whom it provided something
in the nature of a summer camp,"
Cushions Shoulu be Cleaned With
Vacuum Cleaners.
"There is hardly a more danger-
ous atmosphere than that of a
third-class smoking compartment
of a local train," said D. W. H.
Whitehouse,- medical officer for
Deptford, England, recently, "I
'have 'examined twenty-four sain-
plea of dust and air taken from
railway carriages, and have found
germs of consumption, pneumonia,
erysipelas, abscesses and boils, in -
wean, •and catarrh. Cold or cat-
arrh after a railway journey is of-
ten not due, as people imagine, to
a draught but to the atmosphere
of the carriage. •
"The proper and obvious way to
Olean a railway carriage is by a
vectitim gleaner. By no other moans
is it possible to get the dust out of
cushion seats. Wooden seats would
be far better, and the floors ought,
to be impervious. Instead of wood
the surface should be .linoleum er
some similar substance into which
the, dust could not 'settle, As
things are now, the carriages are
not even disinfected."
",Above all, there ought to be
some constituted authority to see
that -railway carriages are kept in
a state of sanitation. If there were
only a dozen sanitary inspectors
on each railway they: could patrol
the line and report upon the state
of the carriages and stations., The
Dost to the companies could not be
great; the„gain to the public health
would be immense,"
Aergeant—"What's the matter
-trlfli your hand 1" Item Recruit—
"Got a splinter in it.!' Sergeant
—"What yerlbeeu• doing–'-sekatch A" edrs.lronI,,tlmi.'ta tt • lou .,.r.
g y "e -o it at ngnliin' ihtet' *L
in err hettd'4 ." s n11rn�, true; and to
Procrastination. -
• Some men are always planning
elaborately what they will do to-
morrow, while they neglect what
they should do to -day. -
New Food' i4[akes Wonderful
When a mr'i has suffered froth
dyspepsia so many years that he
can't remember when ho had a nat-
ural 'appetite, and then hits on a
way out of trouble he may be ex-
cused for saying "it ants like ma-
When it is a simple, wholesome
food instead of any one of a large
number of so called remedies in the
form of drugs, he is more than ever
likely to feel as though a sort of
miracle has been Performed.
A Western magi, in the delight of
restored digestion, puts it in this
"Like magic, fittingly describes
the manner ii which Grape -Nuts
relieved ane of poor digestion, coat-
ed tbngue and loss of appetite, of
many years' standing.
"I tried about every medicine
that was recommended to me, with_
out relief. Then I tried Grape
Nuts on the suggestion of a friend,
By the time I bald finished the
fourth paokage, my stomach was
all right, and for the past two
months, I have been eating with. a.
relish, anything set before me.
That is something I had beenen-
able to do previously for years.
. "I am etnonger than ever and I
consider the effects of Gape-Nu'bs
on a weak stomach as somothing
really wonderful. It builds up the
entire body es well as the brain
and nerves,." Name given by the
Canadian PAstuin Co., Windsor,
"There'll a reason," and it is ex -
plaited in\ the little book, "The
Road' to Wellville," fn pkge.
Etter, read the Minas tetters A .noes ant
PImpiesonLegsa dArms.Scratched
and Made Sores. Kept from Sleep-
ing, First Application of Cuticura
Soap and Ointment Gave Great
Relief. Cured in a Few Weeks.
Lachine Looks, Quebec. -"I had acmes
commencing with 'my legs and Increasing
gradually until it reached all parts of my
body. There worn small
pimples on my loge and arms
and the shin wos red and in-
flamed all over the body and
itched and burned so badly
that I scratched and made
sores. It caused me so
much pain that It kept me
from sleeping during entire
e nights. I was troubled with
It for about two years.
"After having tried several remedies
without emcees I used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment and from the first application -I
felt a groat relief. I continued the treatment
taking warm baths with Cuticura Soap fol-
lowed 1)y the application of Cuticura Oint-
ment, and at the end of a few weeks the
trouble haddisappeared completely and I
was curell.'1 (Signed) N. C. Boutot, May
27, 1012.
For red; rough; chapped and bleeding
bands, itching, burning palms, shapeless
nails and painful finger -ends, a one-night
Outicura treatment works wonders. Soalr
bands, on retiring, in hot water and Cuticura
Soap. 'Dry, anoint with Cuticura Ointment,
and wear old, loose gloves during the night.
Oakum Soap and Cuticura Ointment are
sold throughout the world. Liberal sample
of each mailed free, with 82-p. Skin hook.
Address post card .Potter Drug & Chem.
Corp., Dept. 42D, Boston, U. S. A.
Pollee Make No Attempt to Stop
Fanatic Doing Penance..
An extraoldlinary scene was wit-
nessed in Calcutta recently, when a'
small trolley, studded with rows of
iron spikes on which a Hindu was
lying at full length, was being pull-
ed through the streets. A large
crowd was following. Inquiries
elicited the information that ' the
mart was doing -penance, and was
on his way to the temple of the god-
dess Kali, at Kalighat. The Hindu.
had been several days on the jour-
ney, tad was in a terrible condi-
The spikes, which numbered
about 150, were quite sharp, and
the manwore only a loin cloth. He
must have been suffering acute
pain from the fact that his body
was bruised and lacerated all over
as a result of lying on the sharp
nails. Neither the police nor any
passer-by made any attempt to stop
the self-imposed torture. -
Ever Try This?
"What a magnificent bouquet of
flowers 1' For your wife, 'I pre-
c`Yes, I awn a little on the outs
in that quarter just now, and —"
"And this is to square yourself 1"
"No, not exactly. These flowers
aro for the centre of our dining
table. Always get 'em when the
wife and I have a tiff. Big bouquet
in the centre of the table 'gives us
each something pleasant to look at
while we eat. She can't see me and
I can't see her. Get me!"
The Biggest One.
It's almost time
To hear'nen say :
"A seven -pounder
Got away,"
Guilty of Assassination.
A man, razor In hand, was naught by
his who assneeinating not an enemy, but
a corn -what he nodded was Putnam's
Corn Extractor; it's safe, painless and
euro, Try "Putnam's"-cams eo fast, 26e,
at all dealers, '
A Sunday school teacher had just
told the story of Dives and Lazarus
to his class, and at the close of the
lesson he asked -"Now, boys,
which would you prefer to be?"
One smart lad replied quickly—
"I'd like to be the rich man 'while
I " lived, and Lazarus when I am
Doctor Explains How They Are
Kept Clean From Inside.
The upper passage of the ear
does not need regular clearing by
sits owner. Nature - understands
the tack and in a healthy ear does
it perfectly,
Nature's means for clearing .the
ear is the wax, wbioh dries up znto
thin scales and peels off and falls
away imperceptibly. In health the
passage of the ear is never dirty,
but an attempt to clean it will in-
fallibly make it so. Washing the
ear with soap and water is bad;
it keeps the wax moist when it
ought to 'become dry and makes it
atbsoril dust:
But the most hurtful tiling is the
introduction of a corner of a towel,
screwed up and twisted around
This proceeding irritates the pas-
sage and presses`down the wax and
flakes or skin upon the membrane
of the tympanum, producing pain,
inflammation and deatfneas. The
washing should only extend to the
outer surface, as far as the fingers
can reach. An old doctor used to
say ; "You will be on the safe: side
if you don't put anything smaller
than your thumb in your ear."
An Unusual Look.
"Do you think this new photo-
graph of mother looks like her,
father 1" asked the daughter.
"No, Idon't," replied the
"What do you suppose is the mat-
ter with it?" '
"Why . I suppose the man told
your mother to look pleasant and
she was trying to do it."
Do You Feel Moody,
Irritable, Depressed?
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta .
"I Saw your mother going to one
of the neighbors just as I crossed
the street," said the lady caller to
her friend's little son. "Do you
know when she will be back?"'
"Yes'm," answered the truthful
Jimmy ; "she said she'd be back
just as soon as yeti loft,"
When That Languid, Leggy, Easily.
Tired Feeling Comes, Your
Liver Is Slow. -
Tells Now to Cure Quickly.
"Even when I was young I wee not
robust and healthy' like other girls. I
suffered from headaches,, and had sort of
blue feelings that deprived me of the
•dpyful spirits and pleasures other girls
seemed to get, After I married I found
I could not throw worries off like other
women, and those full feelings of des-
pondency and weariness made me very
unhappy. There was n0 cause to feel so.
and my doctor said my livor was slug-
gish, - and this accounted for my poor
color, my tiredness, lnngour and despair.
The pills the doctor gave me were too
purgative, made me weaker because they
were too active for my constitution. Doz-
0110 of my friends recommended Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills, and they, wereeo mild and
helpful. Well. I never used a pill that
acted so quietly as Dr. Hamilton's. They
were so comfortable to nee, I was afraid
they would not help. But in a week
I knew they bad been actively engaged
in cleaning up my system. They did the
work of a tonic and blood medieino com-
bined. I improved to a marvelouedegree
with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I now
maintain the most perfect kind of health
by using them just once or twice a week."
It is Mrs. E. v. Erlanger, wellknown
at Gloucester, who relates the above ex-
perience. She,proved what you andall
others, men and women, can prove -that
Dr. Hamilton's Pills are best for restor-
ing health and beet for keeping the eye -
tem in perfect running order. Don't be
misled into using anything but Dr. ifam.
ilton'e P1118, 255. a box, five for 91.00, at
all druggists and storekeepers, or post-
paid by the Catarrhozono Co., Buffalo,
N.Y., and, Mauston; Canada.
Men's lives should be like the
days, more beautiful in the even-
ing; or like the seasons aglow with
promise, and tate autumn rich with
golden sheaves, where good words
and deeds have ripened on the
When Your Eyes Hoed Care
Try 0lurino Eye Remedy. No Smart1ugg-1"eele
lino -Acts Quickly. Tryy it for Bed, Weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus.
tratod Book in oaeh Package. Murine is
compounded' by our Oculists -not 0' Patent Med.
Laine - but used In cueueasful Phys1clans'Prno-
tico for many sears. Now dedicated to the Pati -
lie and sold by DruM,lota rw Mc and too Dar Bottle.
-Marino Jaye Salve in Aeoptic Tubes, 250 0500 004
Murine Eye Remedyr., Chicago
Health is the greatest of gifts,
contentedness the best riches.
Truth is the best of relatives.
Look for the signature of E. W. GEOTE:
.lures a 1701,1 In One nay. Cures GrIp 'a
Two 0575. 05o,
Love at first sight is apt to fade.
on its initial trip to the wash,
bilnard'a Liniment cures Carol In Cows
A Strange Bind of Fish.
"Mother," said the little girl
who was enjoying her first day at
the seashore, "where are the tini-
"The what, deur ?"
''The tillimies ; the minister al-
ways talks about 'the seas and all
the tieimies.' "
And then the Soother realized
that it was the lithe girl's confused
version of the text, "The seae and
all that in them is I" What tort of
creature had she expected to see?
"I are glad to see your husband
attends my sat' noes regularly, my
good woman," "Yes, sir, He says
they're the best thing he's tried
yet for: his bilim'tn1A,i'1.
'rho easy way. An appe-
tising dish ready to serve.
D0110100017 cooked and
-.Insist on
W, M AU, ars. Mantreet,
y The Year
If you want the best and longest.
Wearing gloves or mitts ever turned -
out of a factory b: sure and ask for
the famous
These gloves are specially ,tanned -
ter hardservice and will save you
money and reduce your glove
expense by the year. Send for our
descriptive pamphlet -The Pinto's
Canada's Expert Clove and 01111 Makers.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Stroot,.
Ontario. Parma fn all ssotfone of DAISY
Some snaps.
Railway trackage, in Toronto,,
Brampton and other .towns and tittles.
Brampton and a dozen .other towns, ..
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronle
right. Learn barber trade; always
sure .employment for barber. Our im.
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That Coaling Strain. -
Hewitt --What are you doing these
Jewett—Resting up so as to get
strong enough to go on a vacation.
Cunard', Liniment cures Diphtheria.
The Usual Way.
When a man doesn't know just
what to say he generally says it,
anyhow --and then regrets„it.
[fright, or Lazy.
"Johnny, I don't believe you've
studied your geography?" ,
"No mum; 1 heard pa say the
map of the world was changing
every day an' 1 thought I'd wait
a few years till things got settled,"
TFfb bleu lig, r still ing', siioeeti,
Ing pain is endd, h. blending,
stoppkd and a porniahl3r0 aura;
nikelod by ileo it Zen'- i"ka
Diva 0 a fair trial
5ltl Dru giote and Otani", 300 6dco.