HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-5, Page 5BUSINESS , G`AHOS, WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER, a A >r MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In the P041 Ur13oe, Ethel. 30.4 JON SUTHERLAN Ct InaDaANOi, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS, ' S. 'SCOTT AB AN AUCTION - :I • iso, will bell lor better prices, to ala tier 0100, ID loss tune and lees eliargaa than any other 4e011ui001 in East Huron or u won't enure. anything Dates and orders uuu always he arranged a1 this Whoa or by I • rsuual applloation. 1 tttA1 AND c.UNVEYANCING. �4' ri k11NCLAJE- nerrieter, Sailoitor, Conveyancer, ['chairj'ubho, &o, Milos -Stewart's Stook 1 door Nurtu 01 Central Hotel. Suliultor lor 1be Metropolitan Bank. lattOUDFOOT, HAYS & EILLORAN liAKICK HES; SULIOIT'OItS, NOTARIES P UBLtm, ETC'. W. raopnsooT• K. O. H 0. Have J. L. KILGoa5tl tlftiooe-''hose formerly occupied by Meson Cameron & Bolt, f1D3111011, OOobiuo, ALLAN LI Royal Mail Steamers TO LIVERPOOL Froth Mo,ltreal Tunlylsn .. ,...... ,Sat., stay 81 June 27 Vietorioi ... ............. Thu., June IS Jnly 3 Corsican ......... ...... Sat , Jona 14 July ll Virginian ,. Thu , June 10 July 17 'TO GLASGOW Pretoria 805,, MNy ell .luno 28 Grampian-. ant., .1,.n, 7 ,loly 5 -Scandinavian Sat. Julie I4 .lulu 12 Hooporisn ...................Juno 21 Jot), 10 TO LONDON AND HAVRE Sioilian Sun.. Juno I July 0 Ionlen Sun • .7une8 July 18 Pomeranian .,.,Son.. dune 15 .July 20 Scotian .. Sun., June 22 July 27 Full information es to rates, etc„ on applies• tion to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Lino. Brussels. cif •. d,v 4byAt3rp0;v,Xvb� th•vY y&YeilLtrAttaicS�..D , 1 The cost of a Business or Short- ., Education In the ELLIOTT Sy/ TORONTO, ONT. Co you know last how little it oasts A to secure a thorough business educe- i„ ti pi that will. not oily increase your earning ospnoity but will ennhlu you to to '4 get a position weer. you will curse 1n 2 ;� contnet with Influential people who • 01111alntyoo to further advancement? e i9d 11a Ourontnlogu. will give you full per. 6 tionlnra. A po0tnl card -ono effort- e • we do the rest. 3.`' ▪ Cor, Yunng mud ii W. J. ELLIOTT, Alaxsnder Sty. f Principal. `Y 4M'a9�a9,attvR4a 'CV iS4avR4a01c?47x:A 4.+,' l CENTRAL STRATFORD ONT, Canada's Best Business College We have thorough 0011r0ee Ilnd Ce111• potent experienced instruitore - We do nlore for. our students end grads• ohm than other schools do, At present wehave nPIHie ti s for trained heap offering from $00 to $1200 per' annum. 6. Bosbtese men know where they get the best help, We have "three departments , Comal, Shortland and Tenets - (905 phy. Get our free catalogue, D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. rag fess 3.y See S0S tar rr tar ase.sar Tuesday,Mar. 25 �� 4 JB thSpring T ren at# the The Business g 1st. College �� Two Courses- Commercial and Stenography-kt EDWIN W. MATTHEWS, Prin. _,W.• `354Ai'G11'itV,iLa�Q,tfluricL*a�',k46'Vi42'PRLA'4ic4ati>FS'�id41i" >�t ll THE Best Brains in Canada have pnrtioipnted In the pre. Eo•atlen of Dar selendid Hone Study ooar5e5 in Banking, Economies, i110her Aeonanting, Onetime dial Art, Show (lard Writing, Photo ra Ih Journal, 1001, Shrt Sory Writing, lwrtheiit Mid nookkr'e,(ug. Solent the work wMoll mostlaterests von end write ns for po'tleulnra. Address T HE SNdW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. 891.7 VongeSti, Toronto When your child has n3. t 1 1 s wh ) )3.0 Y whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose andoxp3.ctorLt'1 neasy k v giv- ing Chaltlberletin's Cough Remedy as may be -) 5gtliled. This remedy trili, oleo Ihmi1'y the tough rnnrlre tied :slake it easier to expertnl•ate. It 11118 1101911 Ailed 8UCee99ftlI1y 111 many .epidergi5e and is safe and tiara,,, For 1' Ilald by.ali dealer's. W. H. LOVE Funeral Director andE . mbam 1 a r IOrders promptly and care- fully attended to night or day, Phone 224 ETHE • r'T7T'e'T 1`T i'• BUSinoss Cards DR. T. 7'. MV RAE hmhelur et Mtiioine, Unlvern(ty of Toronto ; lieeiitiate and Graduate of the College of Pixy omens and Sorgeons, Ont, • Post-1,•raduete Mame° Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, 'lucuko, Ill. Ex•Houae Surgeon to St. Mich- el'a UOlIpltal, Toronto. Ualue over F. K. Smith's .Drug Store. Tale. none connection with Oranbrook at till hours. t- T. BRYANS loollelor of Mudioine, university of Toronto ; ,iuentlato of College of Phyeto(ana and Aur - •eons, Ontario ; ex -Senior house. Surgeon of W astern Heap(tal, Toronto. Pillow of tate Dr. A. McKeveyy. Smith -Block, Brussels, horn) phone 45,. DR. M. F'ERGUSON ETHEL. oNr. 'hyslolan and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Hog,), Now York and Chicago Hos- While. Special attention todisease of eye, tier, wee and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary UIlee.Dyld ngt clls, Office opposite Mill, a MA DE U G. BR 'N YA S OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personalradunte ort g Dep mens gr. Cphinogo, nr., is p epareMcCormick 8yel College, hoses t .ter nioo over o 1031 oyes and lit glresesnt our onion ores Grnwm•'4 lieshlurnnt, Brussels. .n Thursday, Friday end Saturday of every .reek Office hours 1 to 8 p. m.. Porenoono. 'v appointment, Phone 1215, T. R. BENNE TT 3111 give better Hatisfaction to both buyer and eller than any other Auctioneer and only terga what is reneollable. Sales conducted. my Whe'e In Ontarlo. Pure bred Stock antes n epecial��t7Y Write or 'phone 23.1 Wroseter,. afidxa rtifovt' Buz wear BRUSSELS Gonna SOUTH G0150 NORTH ,nail 7;07 a m Express 10:55 a 111 ,0xpress 11:26s ni Mail 1.;59 p 1v rix r eNn ..... E'6b p Exrevs 8:52 Pm WALTON' To Toronto To Goderioh Express 7;11 a m Express 11:55 a 111 Express 2;67 p m t Express 8:40 p m WROXETER Going Sant - 7:06 a. m. and 3:65 p. m. Going West - 12145 and 9:47 p. m. 11 trains going Emit connect with C. P. 13. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and 7' G. E. stntiels. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. REMOVED TO FORT WILLIAM Brussels Loses Old and Worthy Residents In rho Parsons of B. and Mrs. Worry ', Satin day morning of lust wl•elt 13, and MIs. Get•ry and Alias 9'111115a re- movei} from. 13) i109eiS with 'Fort WJlII nu us their tlnslitlittiutl. Wheen they have ptua:1109('(1 a new home and whore Ihree None and their families are located. The move is wade in the interests of Af(0. Geery's health, w 1ie'11 i1114 11(11 been good fot' be past a' yet or more. Mr.Get1 } y came e tl 3rnssels about 54 yi'nis age and has lived here cum tin3luusly. lie engaged in the lintel - ware business tunny ye111•8 since and by illrlu+U y, close•lLtentioll to beef. ltes5 and ottveful management did well, retiring a few yeas ago. He is to prominent menu her of the Mletho' dist church and always filled a wide shiner e of usefulness In 111111ost all the departments and few menlbeis will he more missed. As Sunday School Superintendent and choir leader for 19 years he made his start and he has never been out of the formei' as tearlier in over 60 years. Any work Mr. Gerry antler - took t look 0 o k aLl' cr 1 ( n3. • did 1t in A 1 style and. I 1 e he and Mrs. Gell 3.l Y rt t' among e t the mem. 1 regular b fi 1 attenders at all *terric,s. C 19. I Gerry ("1I y \V a9 a geed helper. When her henitl permitted and 51i08't'hursu, as11 League officer, Sab- bath ,School teacher and soprano 3,1rn.liNt 1 ' 11IlleC h orv' \ 111 11e hard to entail. IV ex poet Fort William Methodism will profit by their. resi- dence them'. Tit Society affiliation Air. Gerry had a good. :harein the passing seers, especially in the L. 0. I1, 111 which he alight, be called the main- spring of the lodge. For some years he sat at the Municipal Council Board and always diel his part care. fully anti fearlessly, At the close of the serrnon Sa4b- bath eveuing25th alt., in, the '5letho- distI r.uurhh. 1 t e following 1 resp lotion woe presented from the Olfleieil 13oa1,1'4 Itnd read by W. Ii Kerr to Mi. Gerry :- Alit. AND MRS. B. GERRY, DEAR FRIENDS, -Aa aCnngt'el anion We regret that the ties that have bound yeti In 118 for 90 many years are about to be severed, at least for a time. We will scarcely know how t0 get along without you for yoli 041(1 your. family have been .an 1111nnntely. 1015100)111(41 with this church and its wen* that, you were among the lust ex(3eclted 'to reprove but as 'we bellieve a kin41Peovidence directs our A Prot urs we hope it is all for t.hn hest. 1111 (310 l'y's name will aliv0ys 'br. 011er'i5hed for his activity, zeal and erll(etallcy as 0uperintendent'-and. teache1' in'inn 1 ! Sabbath Srh00! since, Its 'see i0 r pl n over 60 years ago, as. n fait hrol 01111114 1•,5)0115)', 1',00.111 tweedier, Ta 1st P i t , e anti clrr .' 1 eiA helper ' b hi t111 departments of chili eh enter58455, In ,Tater yeare we have 1e119nn lel thank hint for his business (nanatre tntnt as Seeretery-Trettenrer of tl(e Ceinoteev Committee. We have 11113(1 yon ever ready to gro•ronsly girl 111 matter!! 1bA4ncial and your RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO and LAME BACK al be curet) 1 cu s bythe gruel l 3 •, CAsa k 111 and Byer remedy, g ! 4 rf > Fia PILLS Bettetictd, Ont., Aug. 1151, Bill Your medicine, Fig Pills, hits work - ea wonders for Sue, '1'lie rheumatic pallet liltve e11111'el,w left me and I owe evetytllillg 10 veer remedy. You are at liberty to publish tile. R. IL GALL53AN Al 101 denlels 25 and 60 coils n)• 1111111(•(1 by 79)e Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Out. Sold and recommend. ed Ju Brussels by J. Fox, Druggist. places were seldom vacant in the church sit Sabbath nr 1115- the 1141(1 - week service. Mrs. Gerry and vnrinue Members of the family have 11113. spared themselves in the all 0arlceirlent of the hest interests of 11114 cougr5- giLti0Ha11wi we reluctantly part with Miss Thnlsa fr0iu the church choir, LPague and SabhitlIt School where she Inas per forMed her pal L so we11 that it will make her remora) all the more felt. We will luau you to 13oet William for awhile but hope to have you back to 13rieseek again and conscgueetly will ant say Farewell. Our hest wishes go with yott and although ue will miss your bodily ,r plclve a 1 not! Si/11/1 services si, freely reidi'red, we expeot you will often be with 114 in spirit. - We trust Mrs. Ger'ry's health will be, speedily re. stored 1011(1 111151. you may geea3tly en- joy your new bottle. 1t it should (mine1 1 )t1a9111 the Muster t uc P s e fit 1s to cellli the or ou Its tenet that It teln be to the higher service 1.111 the Home when, Good Bye" is never apnlie11 whet se/Mere/1 fsio'iulehins are re- ueiled in111 where we shell .(nest our crowns at Jeans' feet and crown Hiro bird cir 1111. Our parting word on this hast Sabbath is "Alizpalt'' •''The Lord watch. between thee anti us while we are absent one tenni the other," Signed in behalf of the Of- ficial Board. I)R OATEN, W. H. Krait, Pastor }ieenedieg Steward. 911385els, May 25th, 1912. A brier but most appropriate and kindly,«ply was mute by A•ir, Gerry who thanked all for their kindness to him and his .and hoped the best of everything would be the let of 13111S - Sets 'Methodist church, which he tumid never forget after spendieg mere than half his life in connection with it. Rev. Dr. Oaten sting a vet y suitable sole entitled "Wili you meet me in the Homeland" and the congregation joined hi the thorns, meaty singing with tears in their eyes as they antlf•ipated the 110010Va1 of these worthy members of Brussels Metho- distchureh. 'Phepastorspoke ',etude of regeet and commendation and after ch(110(1 Goodbyes were spoken by 11111 11 y. Air. (ferry's residence, in which he and Urs Gorty have always lived since their marriage' over 50 years 1gn, has been 1Pn•etl by R. F. 1)0\vn- ing. of torn, who tools possession last week The pr11}n•ir11n' still holds it and other m9lperly in town so will occasionally a1 least, give Brusselsa rail. Although Mr. Gerry is in his 801.11 year nn our would think it by his Activity and the 'interest he takes in everything and he is as height as a donee. The Gerry family leave many warm fusions behind (hem in Beirseels who, although regretting theit removal, ere A milt Jn wishing them a period uF r0111 limed' happiness and 51100es8 in Foie William. t u The latter may citY . 1 tarn ratlnlate itself on havingthese 111815 ream residents . in their umber. A (mullet! of old friends trent to the depot. 1i see toenl 1 ff.. Does Your Heart Flutter? Tau know heart flllt('ering means you're not as well tie you should be. Its an evidence of impaired uelve and Intl9Cltlaf power. Tri obtain cure, try Fete 0711(11e ; it 1111.0 11 special acti(111 on the heart OM seen in the ease of 'Thos. Grover of Cole Ylahbor, N, 8., who says : "I51 exerted myself it' would bring palpitation. '1'o carry any heavy weight or go quickly upstairs (3 3.11.1 elylYk arke d mit. When bail I tacks (11 el , lived in -fe>u' of' , sudden n neat h C 1 t 1 1 1 . lel IIP 7L v 1 gave m g y heat the very assistance, it needed, and -now 1 and finite well." Fur Heart or nen VIN 1l's hard 10 excel Ferro- eone,-500 per box at all dealers. Grey Council Mhuicipal 0nuneil of the Township of Grey met in the 'I'owllship hall, Ethel, Alonday May 20th as 1a 0ourt -of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 1915. Ali the members of Comical were prest:ht. Alinutes of the prey- ions meting read and confirmed.. ' (1(111i't of Revision \Va0 now formed �; Reeve lit chair. The following ap- peals entered against the Assess- -tnentRnff wove readand 1L d Cfl nsldPl ed -F.3 Seat, against assens13ent on Lot Et 2 Con. 12, r ell i, r e r1 $100 bowie wie Heath ag)Lin81 esses'+menl 011 114.21 0011 6, mo nhaoge mode 1 Joseph Engler, against assessment o(1 lits 31. & 32 Con. 8, no change mad" ; R. S. Armstl'mlg, against (1381•1113111(111 1. on lots 4 & 5 Con 7, 10t. 2 reduced .$2(10 Lot 0 Con. 1 13109 leauasferred fwam) Da31C1 Rnllhigpll, and assessed 1,1 Andrew Pollock es tennis. Alex,' I. Armstrong was entered on the .eel/ as. M. Te`. owner lots 4 rood 5. 'COM '7, dogs aseeseed against 1211(1e1'1 Gibson, Robert 0anipboll ail/!" Jos1pll Redd were struck off the. roll. Court of Revision' was now .&need and (he !roll 0s revised Wee e'leelared to be the Assessment Roll fen' the 'Pownship of Grey for the ,yea!• 1913. Following lteC0 mlta Were presented and ordered to be paid : James T. Pearson, fining in washout, $2,00; Township nf Wallace. 1o o of work n henna/try, $1048 John 1 1 Lowe 1 1 111.1 road 1 t ( a d 76 Vl m. ! g 915 lir111att1 pi1tr98rd oil, ilOs•, t S' Livingston, telephoning 80(Wm. C Bet Senn, reptdeing lead $100; john M4Nilt)h, salary As9essoe and postage, $111,00.33 John Steisg, pint• 4ILITI`l j We Give Steady o a y Em�i yment CI to e 1 b e tet• LARGE 69 1 a .! el gH$10 inert a the sole Me vaets p 331101 s, '1 gfve o11 t itti vanloges that a rani etiet weU ud res - d t ptryt u a a 1 ins Ya� e.bla] moot 1515 Lir offerii:' if ou i bwit*efore to represent rte WRITE Ntfer hefo•o ft hi too htto, for further infer. me Non, Tells l HOW SlavK s ee Het Over 600 A Acres AaealHealth- '-- r41�I µaaj}p>lalt+g$ Forwider outtivutiou and are sthe Mont L Who eomIppTate Nareury plants n.Onnoda. Those Yvho Take Meta blirhrd807rur0. Preece lelogueof stook onn3lplicntton, Her Advice. PELHAM NURSERY 00. Toronto, Ontario•. Scottville, Mich, -1'1 want to tell you how much good Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etableCompoundand Sanative Wash have done me. I live on a farmandhaveworlced very hard. I am forty-five years old, and am the mother of thirteen children. Many people think it strange that I am not broken down with hard work and the care of my fam- ly, but I tell them of my good friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and that Wire will be no back- ache and bearing down pains for them if theywitl take it as I have. 1 am scarcely ever without the it in the house. "I will say also that I think there .is no better medicine to be found for young girls. My eldest daughter has...taken Lydia E. Ptnkham s Vegetablee! able Com- pound for painful l uiod sandirregular- ity, Jar- Sty, and it has helped her. "I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for LydiaE. Pink- ham'slIegetable Compound. Itell every one I meet that I owe my health and happiness to your wonderful medicine." -Mrs, J. G. Jo10NSoN, Scottville, Mich., RrD.3. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com. pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for woman's Ella known. legal expenses garnishee, $1.00. 0mttnrfl adjeucned to meet alonclay, .!tale 10th as n Court of Revision on the assessment in the 14th Con., Tnglis, Silver Corners, Pollard, and 1{olland Drairn By-laws. A. 11. aLeonoNALn, Clerk. Do You Feel The Pinch 7 Not of poverty, but of corms, ach- ing corns, that can . be cured by Pittnam's Corn Extractor 11 Don't suffery (iso "Pntnaln's"-sold every- where in 26e bottles. Wroxeter !Intended for lent week) D. McTavish spent May 24th in 'rubors, Thos. Savage returned from the West last week. C. D. Simpson visited friends in Buffalo and Hamilton, Hairy Harding visited rolalives -in• Oraigeviile over Sunday. Miss Daisy Wilson spent the holi- day at her home in 131 assets. Mrs. A. McLean and children were guests in Blyth over the holiday. <,Aiiss Wiekie, of Harriston, spent a few clays with Miss Cassie McDougall, M.l2(1muttson is nursing a rather' sore foot the result of a horse step- ping on it. } Mrs. Thos. Hn crof t returned to y Toronto'aftel'-spending a few days with ft lends in 130wick. Many friends of James Anderson will regi et to learn that be was taken to Wingham Hospital 011 Sunday whereunderwent a critical opera- tion. • What we say it is - IT Is • • s' • r • Wed din 9•• 4:I.,' IIIIMINNIMIllemallimeimmwa •. • Gifts .i. .-t _mom_ 1 • • • A well selected assort- ••• 4. ment of June Wedding i Gifts has just arrived in, • Fine Cut Giass 4 r Sterling Silver and Silver • • Plated Ware ♦- .Alan aL nicea1.Ssort- ment of 4. • •Black and dJak Mangle Clocks o ks 1.. 0' Engagement Rings • T3., and Wedding Rings • • • s ecial Price s during June kll�littklis •• J. R. Wendt • Jeweller and l!o g*rawer 3.t Wroxeter• sso l ♦ 1.4411'4.1'•'1'••:••+•+•a••a•••t•b Noel I Dickson,, Toronto, and John Dickson, ofWiughnut, renewed ac- g111Litrtllnees here. F. AimSt Aimee,: and ies Milly flat tie I spent Saturday with It. F. and 41 PR, Altehimon )aa Dr;gyton. ' Mr, told Ails-. Davey, or Gt•amd Valley, spent ei iilay and 813 iio'day 1511.11 the formers son. Fr' ,I It n•ey, Mts. North and 111.1 ' Ali ra.hlri•, of \Viarton, were guests ,-f .un.. 1iy. A emetemig foe several days reeeittly. Blue Pills No Longer Used When the stomach needs cleansing, the bowels increased activity, the liver. additional power, Bout use .i ., , Mercer/11 pills, try Dr, Haawiltons. Vegetable g le hl- coin (mid tioe,. exPreniely mild, yet sure lo !Lush out all iln- pnt•ities and wastes, no remedy is so well adapted for family use., Posi- tively a cute for biliousness and sick headache, t cch P unfailing f11 constipation Co r ration and boweltremble, ale 1 ! ex a Lxn Y g 0 tall nod p for. II It 9 t( a 3.lti a no medicine is so versally nettled ie 'every home as 1)1. Hamilton's Pills. Good 101 the young, the end, the Nick and the well ones, the benefits of Di. Hamilton's Pills are 1011113 rola. plots everywhere in 25e boxes. Grey May 2111 Rev. Rob), Pearson, formerly of Grey township. was the teeiplellt or a banquet tendered by the citizens of Red Deer, Alberta, wher* be has been stationed for two years 115 ministerof the Methodist church, Addresses were read to 131x. and Mrs. Pearson after which they were presented with a large Victrola. Many words of appreoietinn were ex- pressed in the various speeches of the evening and Me. Pearson was sent to his new position ns Y. Al. C. A. Secretary in Calgary feeling that whatever might be his success in the future the past had been re- warded with that highest of blessings the sympathetic appreciation of those for 351111(11 he had labored. Atwood Airs. Ed. Gi'eensides ivas at Brant- ford over the Victoria holiday. Albert Thomson, 8th con., has gone to spend the Summer in the Western Plnvinces. Mts. 0. H. Fullerton, of New Lis- keard, is visiting her parent', L. and' Mrs. Pollen'. Ftiday evening of this week Listo- wel and Atwood will meet here in an Interulediate Foot Ball contest. Ales. (leo. Fisher, 12th con., Ellna, who for• the past ten weeks has been dangerously ill, is now out of danger. While engaged at, his work at the cement. mill, Cutts, Wynn happened with 1a painful accident that will lay him up for some time. Repairs were being Matte overhead and when Char- lie was going up the ladder, a week - mat being at the top did not notice him and stetted tarred to come down and s stepped on his hand casi a him t n fall, with the result of having his ankle badly bruised and a small bone broken. Theme is no real need of anyone being' troubled owith constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets will cause an agreeable movement of the bowels without any unpleasant effect. Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. Seaforthii Will. Brine, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his pother. Horse Races will be held here on the 10th, 1 h and t oats. Beus sellt s Intermediate ediate Pont Ball team will m vI I bn let's Friday aY avening of Lllisk wee to tackleour stalwarts. A short Service was held in St. 'Phomas' church, on Friday e.veniug, when Miss Fearon, of China, gave an address. At Sealortb, Ont., announcement is made of the engagement of Margaret A eldest daughter of Hngh :and Mrs. McDiarmid, and T. Bryden 13air'c1. The !marriage will take place m June, ett Men Wanted E Com an p Y 3� r.. d 3 Reg't Goes to carnpa3• Glodorich for 'Veining, Al annem, 1•118 JTJNE' 10th PO .TUNE 27th. Rates of Pay frank and File -$1.00 to $1.25 per day. Good Only Wanted • 1••'r•••••a See M. H • LAKE, Queen's Hotel,, Brussbls. TART .1 R. R. SLOAN 1151 Clo. Command, Centre Huron License Commission. ors who met at Seaforth Friday euclorsed a transfer .of file Royal n. 13 3.e! front ThomAs 1'Inkney to,t erne Weir, ir, owner of the house, The Queen's Hotel, which had a three. menthe' license, will have it renewed for the 1C The balance n year, f the e r. Dick !louse, which also had a permit for three months will have its license Cancelled on August I. The pr0- pvietor .of the Dick House, Flank fKuelrenncligesc,hl dialniegraetchedenetal(y0omaf nx:el p1a9assf1lot'hnaeenL)osuldsw sided that the license should out be renewed. This will leave Seafort1i with three licensed hotels and a liquor store. A sprained ankle may as a rale be cured 111 from three to four days by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle. For sale by all dealers. Listowel Dr. 'i'honlpsOn, ` Metrical Health Officer attended the annual con- ference of (be Provincial Medical Ofcere in Toronto, 941sees Jean Austin, Guelph And Pea AAusthe, ['11st0n, visited with friends in town over the holiday, 9 1' Sime of the e'ella k are eon h m [ n pltduing.tha1 some of the bu1151' they. receive (0 pound prints is not full weight, in some instance being nearly all mince ce 153 light. h 1-1 ea has been , li true of istn W a 1. lv , I appointed G �T. R. agent at 13espeler to tlil the vacanoqq causedby the transfer of Mt, Walfind. A delegation from the high School board waited upon the town 00iinc11 with reference to the 'proposed adds., Mon to the Fligh School It was 0Lig• ggested that an outlay of possibly 1)110,000 be expended on the erection of'a new wing. No decision has been arrived at however, and the matter' will be up for further consideration at the next regular n'leeti.ng. Each age of our I1ves has its joys. Old people should be happy, And they will be if Chamberlain's Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular, These,. tablets are mild and gentle in theii' action and especially suitable for people of middle age and older, For sale by all deal'ts. •. 1••4.4.4®444444.44444.44.4 m••e•e.•4•••4... .+.••444.5 •• • •• • • ••• ♦ 0 O O A • • • • • • • • • FR I DAY g 4 4 4 • 0 a �s d w♦. s a BA 4 • GA 1 NS .. ......„„„........_ w ,. ,,, wE intend to make Friday and Saturday of each week BARGAIN DAYS. To prove what ; o we mean we ask you to look over a few prices : which we have listed below. • • • • • • • • 4 • • •s Dry Goods • -Ladies' White Waists, regular $1.50 for $1,26. i -Ladies' fine Black Cotton Hose, 2 pairs fur 25e. ♦ • 0 • • 0 • • • ' • • P • A _ • • • • • Straw Hats s Large stock of Men's, Women's & 4 Children's Straw Hats -18c for 15c • 150 for 124e, 120 for 10c • - Linen Towelling, white and dark stripe, reg. 10c, 10 yards for OOc. - Prints, all patterv,s, regular 125c, 9 yards for $1.00. ♦ - Ladiesfin ' 10hitc.e Handkerchiefs, lace and hemstitched, t•Pgufar 15e b W ♦ -Apron Gingham, regular 15c for 125c, 3.l. - Lases, Embroideries, Lace Curtains, discount of 107on all lines.- • • Groceries • • • 4 •e e Special Prices in Shoes for Friday aid Saturday. Several Dinner Setts • reg. s12.1 1..far $10,00 •• • -20 lbs. Redpath Granulated Sugar for $1,00. -3 ibe. Seeded Raisins for 25c, -Maple Leaf Salmon, 200 a can. -4 packages of Turkish or Rexall Dye, 25e. • s • • We are offering a Special Gualaltreed Price on all Binder • • Twine ordered before July 1st which will pay you to order.• • a • uoetl #o Wall Paper RodOaP Bleckvicar 20 per cent off reg. price ' a 4 •• ••• • • These sales will be on every • e Friday. and a Satnrda .' y We willtry to y Saturday. 3 o. advertise i e a t s few lines ever week and giveyou,to•, Ythe best of our abil- sity, perfect satisfaction in price and qalit. m ` Highest price paid for Produce. 5 per cent for cash. • • • • • R. A. McDonald & Co. • • PHONE 5210 • Binder Twine ORANBROOI< • • • 4 e 4 4 4 4 • • 4 • • ...•••••.•..••••.••4.•4.44•••4••••••••4••••••44••••14 A •0••••'•••••••••••.•••••••♦•O••••9•••••••••••••♦sol.+.7 B • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n w • • • • • • • • • e • • • • 133 1a 3551 • a m (9 0 O • Agent • g • Si MeLauchlin, B russets • r I0EII00e6[l00iiii,A40.ww s•(ll• 11i,Ji 0100*Watteeoslii••••••••••il l "You're On fe �y( 17 7 ('7 PP 3.D B 00 ¢3 The Right Track if to the 0 O Simplex r3 1 Link -Blade You look:for Relief from your Cream Separator Troubles. m as .3.e.. 1 `k •3 f d 4 *rx f . S s L oo� �t it Q s f! Sitio its substantial construction, only a s1Jg11t indication of the super Lot• work aidtybclorai,ce of which itis GI capable. e is S t`AY ON" 15111 you've trios a Simplex Jn yerlr o1Vn dairy, then P- you're safe. Patented, Mannfactul'ed:and Guaranteed by the pioneer and lei' • est tnanufaeturers of Dairy Supplies and who first introduced the Ceti. (rifugal Cream Separator in America ; it is the product of many years' 0 work Mud study and is the ever increasing "Dairymai'i'sFavorit•.e,"' - • • Not depending on Gigantic and Costly Advertising Campaigns, ds Travelling Salesmen, Free Machines and Free Trips to Agents, etc., to rush sales we are able to embody the saving thus afforded in superior • cloonstrnoney.etiotl and material and tllus give the user more value for his • g Call or write anal the will tell you:more about it. • • • • e •