HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-5, Page 4ei . 1, cax>= lr s �
. what ocaptlfui Nair For Health
-'- -^^—� Rexall +�,;:" El:Iir "I'anil; Goa:'.
1`1illlt,tillAlt, )U11IE 5, tqY$ - - I.S Emporium not improve the henith or your
llow oflri, du the kuru that, exalaula• ° • ■ + • scalp and hail', we will pay for
• Brussels o what you use Miring the trial
.,,.� .1.
1 1
1ILIN •8'
TI) tl res u)t s of the 11 i
7 1 1
ham .U1stiriet nivel-leg were held
the Methodist churn, Brussels,
1Veduesclay auci 'Thursday May 21st
and 22nd with Rev. .1. SV, liibbet't,
Goma, (slum an of the District, pre-
siding. Rev, G. W. W.Ilivera, 13,
D„ 01 Ripley, Finauciat Secretory
and Rev. D. Wren, AI. A., Sabbath
School Secretary, First day wits a
luitistet'ial gathering, the meeting,
ripen}tag at 9 a. m, Rev. Air. Cook, of
131nevale, was chosen 1liuute Seen -
tau, The day was hugely taken up
with questiuus relating to the pastors,
of which a score was present as fol-
lows :— Revds. Rutledge, Langford,
J1eI;:inley, Oaten, Ford, Wren, An-
arews, Hibbert, Lackland, Cook,
Ceti mit, Rivers, Robinson, Kil-
p rick, Huston, Ball, Bassett, 81 ay,
iuhnston and W. W. Leech, the latter
teeing superannuated,
Rev. W. J. Ford, L. L. B,, was
recommended to a superannuated
relation after a busy and snecessful
life since 1808, The other super:ulna-
kited men Or the District are Revds,
Pomeroy, Leech, Russell and 5. J.
Haylock, with Rev. Theo. Hall asa
supernumerary. The pleb/Wee rs are
J. A. Walker, at College, R. S. Lack -
land, W. J. Huston, J. A, Bassett,
R. E. May and S. R. Johnston, How
to advance. the spiritual life of the
Dist:•ict was freely discussed. The
outlook is optimistic.
In the evening a public meeting
was held, Rev. Dr, Oaten conducting
the devotional exercises. A fine ad-
dress was given . by Rev. B. H.
Robinson, B. A., of Bervie, on the
subject 'The call of the Kingdom,"
and Rev.i W. J. Ford, L. L. B., of
Teeswater, recounted many interest-
ing reminiscences of his life as pastor.
The choir
program g
F g
t t.
The laity joined the clerics on the
second day of the District meeting
and a busy time was spent in pushing
through the many items of business.
Rev. Mr. Robinson was chosen
Journal Secretary with Rev. elr,
Kilpatrick, of Belgrave, as Ms as-
sistant. Rev. A. J. Langford, of
Kincardine, was elected Statistical
Sectetary. A summary of the
statistics showed the total member
ship to be 4,1550 ; total for Missions
$0,' 70 an increase of $775 over former
year : for Educational Fund $543, an
increase of $113 ; total for salaries to
pastors, $14805, increase $002.
Following interesting figures in
Sabbath School work w show sans•
factory results and were sum-
marized by Rev. 11r. Wren :-
1918 1912 Increase
Scholars 3136 3108
Teachers 480 422
3575 3528 47
Joi tied church 129 117 12
Signed pledge 4710 893 108
Catechism 256 162 94
bt' S. S. Aid $ 115 118
leov Missions 453 522
le lrward Move't 87 28
31 ant of 18 schools report member,
strip increase.
] n the standard of excellence for
District the average is 54% as colo -
pared with 38% a year ago. Kiu-
ral"dine and Ethel head the list with
90%, Brnssels is next with 80%.
Following from the Sunday School
report was adopted :-It was recom-
mended that instead of the usual
Sunday School District Convention a
series of group Institutes. be held.
At these Institutes, including two or
three adjoining circuits, the leading
S. S. workers to be in attendance and
the District'Secretary and if possible
the Field Secretary who shall lead the
Instituto in the discussion of aggres-
sive program of work for year. It
was suggested the Institute be held
early in year and that more attention
be given the rural problem. A series
or addresses in this connection to be
prepared that might stimulate rural
chneches to the acuteness of the
problem before them.
(illll fLI ,LLL 11 certain 1vI n11LLt1 H 01• hall's
hat r,
A )n'otrlin.eiit scientist and hair. ape- 'iallst Niilphatica Uy states, taxi has • •
ig. ;esteem that any til < a• 1
n t y an 7 woman can 9
�t have ll
II !1 4 1 3111'flLI7C 111 U'n 76
A S I.. hill " b I d-
1 7
on lag' the ;faulteus prescription called
• 4
♦ We could not AO Strob ly endorse
j ® • Jtexull "03" Hair Tomo an continupe
A Is t1.. spot• to sell it to the eame people if it cad
not I1 •
n t, a aloin, Shaul '
Should tt. not
of PARISIAN Stage is now made and
sold in Canada. Jas. Fox druggist,
is the agent in Brussels and the read-
ers of Tem POST esus buy fron, hits for
only 60 cents a large bottle.
Jas. Fox knows that PARISIAN
Sage will beadltify the hair, time
dandruff and stop failing hair, and for
that reason be sells it under a
gnall•antee to cure 0l' money back.
Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co.,
Ltd., Fort Fele, Ont., Canadian Mak-
Reserves—.David Henry, Ripley ;
Jan. McDonald, Ethel ; Reuben Hard-
ing, Gorrie ; Geo. Ashton, Gorrie.
Claims of Revds. De. Oaten and H.
F. Ball for pulpit supply during ill-
ness and W. W. Leech for medical
hill were endorsed and sent on to
Contingent Fund Committee at Con-
Fordwieh was given leave to sell
their old Parsonage property as they
have purchased a new one.
Moved by Rev. D. Wren, seconded
by Rev. Andrews That we endorse
the communication horn the Presi-
dent of Huron Oo. Temperance As-
sociation and pledge ourselves as a
District to do our utmost to bring
about a successful campaign hi con-
nectinn with ,resent Canada Tem-
perance Art. \Ve consider it a clarion
call to the fight and pledge ourselves
to rally loyally to the seine. Carried,
On motion of Revd. Messrs. Leech
and Rivers a hearty vote of thanks
f was passed ed to Brussels h
s is friends for
hospitality extended 1dNd auci the1
was asked to convey same to the con-
gregation from the pulpit. .
Every .Vingharn District parson
will be in the forthcoming Temperance
fight next Fall.
Rev. Mr, Hibbert makes a good
presiding officer and deserved the
vote of thanks.
Rev. T. Hall, of Wingham, removes
to California. He casein with hint
the good wishes of the District.
Quite a number of changes are
expected to take place in Wit]ghain
District at the coming Conference.
THE Posr presented each pastor
and delegate with a memoranda pad,
adorned by a view of the church.
London Ou,
dere c opens i
ts general
sessions this Thursday at 2 p. 01, in
the First Methodist (larch in Lon -
s don,
The only Methodist cleric in Wing -
ham District owning an auto is Rev.
Dr. Rutledge, of Wingham. He is
his own chauffeur.
Compliments were made of
the treat appearance of interior of the
church and the desirable property as
represented by church and parsonage.
A good job was done by the
pastor 0 billetting the brethren
or, the District. Their short
stay in town was enjoyed by the
several hosts and hostess'.
"Well dune good and faithful
servant" is a pronnuncemeut of many
a circuit on Rev. W. J. Ford. L. L.
B., who is about to superannuate
after 45 years of fruitful service.
Rev. lir. Wren, of Ethel, had to
leave the District meeting on Wed-
nesday afternoon to officiate at a
wedding. Any of the brethren
would have dare the same thing if
they had a chance,
Rev. Dr. Oaten contemplates enter-
ing the Evangelistic: field and will not
seek a station at Conference. He
has spent 28 years in the active
ministry and will likely make Tor-
onto his headquarters. His brethren
wish him success as was indicated by
the public references at District meet.
Laymen in attendance were :-
Tem Kerr, Wingharn ; Jiro. Hiles,
I(incardiue ; Dr. Spence, Lucknow
8'. H. Gilroy, Brussels ; JIIO. Skilling,
Teeswater ; J. K. Baker; Ethel ; Jas.
Faiiis, Fordwicli ; Wm. Stinson,
Gerrie ; Jno. Brethauer, Wroxeter
Arthur Shaw, Blnevale; Joseph
Hackett A
shfteld ; Thos. s Henry,
Saler n
1 Ge Rae,Bethel B t,el
5, F.
Oalhn s 1
Ripley ; W. H. Rutledge,
Bervie Woe Howe, Tiverton Robt.
AieOlenagon, Whitecharoh ; Chas.
Wilkinson, Belgrave.
'1'n Stationing Committee, Rev. G.
11c1(iolay, B. D. Lucknow ; reserve
Rev. D. Wren, M. A. Ethel. The
Cliairmau is a member. by virtue of
Class L
Leaders Local Rev.Oaten
preachers Colin. Arthur Shaw
En. League Rev. A. J. Langford
('nnbingeu1 rand Rev. Dr. Rutledge
no. Stalling
Suscent:ttiou Rev. G. W. Rivers
F. H. Gilroy
Temperance and d Ree. J. J Dur
Moral t1I Reform
P t
Rev. W J
A le aerials
J. K. Baker
Sabbath Rev. J. LV. Andrews
Observance Jno. Button
Church Property Rev. J. li Cook
Jas. Paths
State of the Rev. I. W Kilpatrick
Work Jno. Hiles'
Nominating Wem, Bowe Hibbert
JSducationtal Rev. D. Wren
Joseph Hackett
Systematic Rev. H. F. ,Balt
13eneReence. J. J. Collins
8. S. Committee \Vtn" Stinson
District Missionary Comrnittee-
011airman of District, pastors of
Lueltnow:aid 18russels, Jno. Kerr and
t nn, Joyet.
Wir7anctal District meeting will be
held. at, Gerrie next Fall and the iblaLy
)u"etiug of 1914 at Wiegltarn.
elm lay representatives chosen to
to trail annual Conference at London
are : •• F. Buchanan and Jno, ler,
'WI t; hate ; Jno. Hiles, Kincardine ;
Jim. Batton, Lucknow ; If, H. Gilroy
and SV. Id. Kerry Brussels ; Jno.
killing, Teeswater ; J, K. Baker,
aenfryn ; Jas, T'aIlis, Newbridge ;
`\VIn. Stinson, Gerrie ;,Tao. Brethauer
'\Vjoxoter; Arthur' Shaw, Bluevale;
Joseph Hackett, 3. cicnow ; Joseph
H edging, Holyrond ; Jno. Bradley,
Lumen J. x'..Collins, Ri ley
Rutledge, lildsrtonrn;{awN,North Bruce ; Robert McClenaghan
Witecinirch ; Wesley Pattison,
It is now well known that not more
than one case of rheumatism in ten
Y r an
internal treatment q
at ant what-
A that is needed is a
free ap-
t -
. h at n.
c o 11 stand see bow riickly
n y
it will relieve the pain and soreness.
Sold by all dealers.
Morris Council
Council met in Township Hall Mon-
day May 20th. Members were pres-
ent, Reeve in chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and approved. At the
Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll following appeale Were heard ;-
John Swartz, Lots 2 & 3, Con. 3, as-
eesetnent changed $76.00 ; Susan and
.Mary Mowbray, Walton, assessment
lowered $60 ; Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick,
church sheds Belgrave, no action ; Lot
E 110, Con. 10, (:hanged from Russel
Richmond to John Richmond, Fol-
lowing parties had a dog attends off
the Roll: -John Vanearn Henry
llicOitcheot James Sp eii Reber 1
Craig, W. II Armstrong. Win.
Phalen, John Watt and Wm. Kerney.
The Court of Revision was then ad-
journed, Engineer's report nn the
Hopper drain was read and was
provisionally adopted on motion by
L Ellis drain re-
port was read and provisionally
adopted. Report tin the Bowe''. drain
Was read and referred back to En-
gineer as 3o1u) Potter appplied to have
pari: of the open il11111 II ed. 'J`ire re.
port the Black droit) wan rend and
referred to En inner as Jetties Spelt.
applied for a fermi bridge. Tln,eil--"
letidltlty.--That we spend $100, On
l+;aet Mid $100 Ort the West (bound/ix
prow, entirety satisfactory our t�N
• o I, elm ,veuld lose faith in .ua, a''
Add luso their putron/1ge, ane aur
• I:., tiaras would sailer,
11 handle a full range of Farm
• •
• It seer hair is falling out or Yee
mete any scalp trouble, tie believe
Rexall "93" Hair Tonto will do mr,•
• _ •
• Implements, dream Separators, 44i•
to the o ' ANI) GRAMOPHONES ••
sold tit prices
that represent ♦ 1 NS%tit
P 1
Pianos Organs Y ♦
• • to the scalp, etimntlute new hair
♦ growth and prevent premature bald-
• Five tlilferent hints represented -the best in market. le
• A novelty is the electric lamps attached e ' •
Buggies P1I s.
• See helot e you buy, g
• i saved when you deal with 4
• th ree. -
® in various mattes guaranteed .
• k v nm
Vacuum Cleaners
♦ atondworsee thoemsale, Call in , •
• -
• •
•• Catl at the Store and see our Goods. •
• v
• •
ares -Comic table house for sale, with Stable, Mill st., Brussels, •
41.14••••••••••*•••• •
pint c ec t e 0t ter lilerested town-
ship spend tut equal altiount. Carried.
Clerk was ins11 noted to notify the
contractor, un the Peacock, sic.
Ceughey, Nichol and' Mason drains
to commence work iutmediatel'y. Fob
towing accounts were paid :--Aortic
41e31ill:ut, gravel $4.80; Wm, Miller',
foot bridge, $2.00 ; A. iMJatEwen.
Gaieties :mend drain- Telephones,
$5,80 ; Win, Taylor•, temporary bridge
$10.00; Roy Thuel1, Meek in cut vet t
Nast Boundary $2 00; Charles Forrest,
broken axles no , ro1d $La
0• Frank
Maitin, '
t n deviation gold 815.00 00 ; \Vtri
Ferguson inspecting Sunshinabut-
ments $25.00 ; T. J. Louie, return de-
posit cheque $50.00; A, Girlie, Blyth
Creek drain, $625.00 ; 1'. Stuart, in.
quest in For este' s' Hall $2.00;
.1. 5. Mc0au;hey, temporary bridge
centre sidernad, $20.00; John Hop-
per, repairing culvert, $2.00 ; Charles
Agar, repairing culvert, $2.0 ; John
Miller, culvert, 1st line, 9;900 ; Gideon
Brown, balance of ditch, $02.25; Blyth
Standard, advertising, 81.00 ; 1V. J.
Henderson, culvert, Wingla u bdy.,
$8 77 ;Ingot Iran Co„ culvert, West
bdy., $01.20 ; James Parish, shovel-
ling gravel, 76c ; Ingot Lem Co., two
culverts, $61.84; W. Clark's approach
$5.00 ; Clark, inspecting bridge
floor and fixing culvert, 85.00. Conr-
ail adjourned to meet on Monday,
Juue30th. A, AIAcEwao, Clerk.
Why Chest Colds are Dangerous
They lend to pleurisy and pneu-
monia. Follow the advice of W. H.
Powles, Powle's Corners, Ont., who
satys : "I used to be subject to at-
tacks mid although I used tuost every-
thing nothing relieved wrinkly
till I discovered Nerviline. I have
use it fol• pleurisy and sore chest and
found it just the proper thing. For
Lumbago or Neuralgia it's quick as
lightning. I cheerfully recommend
Nerviline," Strongest cleanest, most
pain destroying liniment on earth is
Nerviline, 250 bottles sold everywhere.
Liberals ofCeittt'e Huron aesemhled
0: their mound convention at the
West street rink, Goderich, Friday
afternoon expressed in 0 strong resolu-
tion its approval of the course pursu-
ed in the Ontario Legislature by their
representative 13arrister Ptuudfoot in
regard to his charges against certain
ministers of the crown.
The resolution moved by .T: J. Rob-
ertson and seconded by John Fing-
land, was inc follows :-"That we, the
Liberals of Oent•e Huron, in conven-
tion assetnbled, desire to express om•
wartra indorsement of the course pur-
sued in the Legislature by our repre-
sentative, Mr. Proudfoot, and especial-
ly at this juncture, We wish to ex-
preee0ni•eunfldence in him and our
approval of his action in connection
with his charges against itst retoi
1 min-
ini tors of crown.
PVe rN out the
action of the partisan majority of the
Legislatin•e in passing vote of cell
sure upon Mr, Pcnudfnotfor endersvor-
ing to throw light upon transactions
Comfort Your Stomach
We pay for r tll
s treatment
fails to promptly relieve lndiges-
tion and Dyspepsia.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles because they eon -
min the proper proportion of Pepsin
and Bismuth and the necessary car-
minatives that help nature to supply
the elements the absence of which
in the gastric juices causes indigos
tion and dyspepsia. They aid the
stomach to digest food and to quickly
convert it into rich red blood end
material necessary for overcoming
natural body waste.
Carry a package of Rexall Dys-
pepsin Tablets in'your vest poeketi
or keep them in your roost, fake
one after eaoh heavy meat and prove
our assertion that they will keep Ledf-
gestioh from bothering you..
We know what Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what they will do.
We guarantee them to relieve indi-
gestion and dyspepsia, or to refund.
your ,Honey, 1f they fail to do so.
1)oestet it stand to reason that we
wouldn't assume this money risk were
we not curtain Remelt Dyspepsia
Tablets will satisfy you? Three sizes,
26 cents, 60 cents, and $1.00.
You can buy Ronal Dyspopsia Tablets
in this community only at our store:
1 , R, SMITH.
Drussele "1111 Ihisror* cataria
There is a Retail Store in nearly every town
and ft i
o n the Untie t
United 8 atdi CnnAd�a mit
y n
Groat Britain There ere ie d ar(fo11 Remit
oo for especially
ivory ordinary they human n111
foal 1 0i15t signal for the potLieular OI
t uhp'
or bhrtidra
w Commended.
Tli. ROPE Stores are Amerlea!i Charted
Drug Stereo
Popular l
u Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses earned for the sermon of 1018 :-
Admiral VaSey
MONDAY—Will leave his own stable, Lot 21,
8rd 4ue, Morris, and go North to Ager Bros
nd lane rfor Mor is
'neon then t A'
ur tit!
Line, Morrie then East via Jame -town to Gra.
Johnston's for rii'ht
TUI$DAY East to David Os rsou's for noon;
then South to Thos. Mills' for nikh1
WEDNESDAY—West. to Wnn ltl•e111nei 'a for
noon ; then West to Peter Mishap's for night.
THURSDAY—West and South to linen
Lamont's for noon; then ym Brussels to ltobt.
Nichols, 6th Lille, 11nrri., for night.
FRIDAY—west 112 stiles, North 1% utiles,
and West to Wm. Miller's. 5th Lire. Perri-,
ro' noon' then west 13i 0310', North 1%nils'.
and West via Belrave to johnWig)14nan's.
8rd Line. Morris, I' or night.
SATURDAY—Along 8rd Line to his own
stable where he will remain until the follow
ing Monday morning.
W. J. COOPER, Proprietor.
MONDAY—Leaves his own stable, Lot 80,
Con, 10, Grey,end cups North vin Henfryn
t5 Jas, 1naldsou'v
., hot O. Con e Elm,
Pur neo, "'
1 then youth to 10.11 Lina, then West
to Gen. EAT—t's, 19th U,5) for night.
TUESDAY—South to IAlko-0. 9petran's, Lot
28, Con I5, Grey, for noon ; then West 2%
miles, then North. 21(1 miles, then to Long's
Hotel, Orenbrook, for night
WEDNESDAY—South to 19th Con and West
to H. Ty ermen's for noonthen North to the
American Hotel, Brussels, for night.
THURSDAY=North to Adana-Turnbull's,
7111 Con, Grey, for noon ; then to S. Ba'ke's,
2nd Oen. Grey, for night.
FRIDAY—East to Wrn Fraser's for noon ;
then East and west to Joseph Yee's, Elmo
boundary. 3nrni ht.
SATURDAY—south and East to Arthur:
Foremen's. (ith Lime, Blinn, for noon 1 then
South and West to his own stable where he
will retrain until the following. Monday morn-
(11812) 13170
Will stand for the improvement of
stock at his own stable,
Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop
colts off this horse have no let prize
for the last One years at Brussels nod
Seafolth Shows in the heavy draught.
class. Terms -$8.00.
Leaclbury P. 0.
which we believe shondd be frilly ven-
Shortly after the resolution had
been read by the SecreI vy of the
association, J. L. Kirkwall, 81 '. Proud -
foot entered the WI, acinmpastiest by
Onl, A.Ikimum and J. 0. Elliott M. P.
P's. He ,v!rs 511%.11 a great (teatime
the whole essis 0Melte rising to. its
feet all ,r
g 1,
hrl r I lust
t hearty.' tV (Meet
Wills his two c IIen
es he tookt
place on the plati011amid
loud 11p-
I'hb r('5 111ton was presented to hint
on behalf of the association by the
President, 11ePhai1 11urdnek, who
presided. 81x, Prilndfnnt in it few
brief remarks, thanked the 'members
most beart1ly for the resolution and
fatpromised o defend
11 tit', inn, yr
the evening e
vo t clang o
U i 1111 sing no
and Mrs Hlhnt l also c ongtaUllautll thr
at'Sa)Ciatn111 nn the eplendhl 5noses
which lav al tended their 1u•rnng1-
meets and assured thein of rousing
and practical icaal speeabie s from tl11. - Ro-
well and Mfr. P1111 Loot at the big
meeting in the evening.
A resolution commending. 1 he stand
of Sir IVilfr tl Laurier• on the naval
policy was p11001311 1,5 follows :-Moved
by George Stepl)eneem tutu seconded
11Y J. L, 1(oi r, 'Th I n1 w ri n 1>111(1 1 '
the treble 1ffotte of the !Aherne party.
at Ottawa, led by Sir \V iifrid Laurier,
toptavent the minirt ion of the Borden
polleyof a money mieteibution in re-
gard to row el delen/mend 11147 We rel y
upon Ihemembers of the pi mond (Sp.
position to (til• the trim settiuleuls
of the country to relation to this inn -
portant gnesf,iol).n
Coeficlence. 111 the leadership of Nfr,
Rowell wets expeeesed in a Cesol0110t
0105edby Alex. Valli; n.o(1 .crnndetl
by Watt, as follows ,1'htn;
the Liberals of Center. !intern at their ,
annual meeting- platin fit! recned 1111
expreseioi cif their c0n8tienc5 ill the
able and eloq)ient leader of 01)11,11
Liberalism, N. VV. 11,nwtll and drill
snail all who valuee honest rind 131°-.
gl '80)54' government to rally' to. hie
The follo,vlter oflieevs for t hp ' 1811-
inl; yfar weir' 1•Ie))r11 re-Preeident,
Mtcha't 811, 6)', o1 Willrhtop 1 l�h'
Vine -President, Dr. J. \V, Sh115> 01iri-
ton4` 2nd Vire-Pres., Noimnn Kornis
ghee, of Benmilier ; 3rd IrIe0-Pres., ,
,less than any other human agency.
We want you to melte us prove
this. We ask you Mask nu masa)>'
whatever. /Icyy r bottle of Rexall
93" Hair Ionia, use it according to
directions for thirty dugs; then 10
you are nub entirely sat stied, 1`Ofnn
and tell us and we will promptly hand
back the money you paid us for it.
We won't ask you to sign any-
thing, nor even 1.0 bring the b, see
back, We won't obligate you is
any way. We will take your mere
word. Could anything berme fair?
Could we do anything more to prove
our belief in Rexall'"93" Baa e only,
and our honesty of purpose in recom-
mending it to you?
Rexall "93" Bair Tontads ars pleus-
ant to use as spring water :1ad bus
but a faint, pleasing odor. 11 comes
in two sires of bottles, 50e and 01.00.
You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonic
in this community only at, our store:
F. R.v1,, yS_MeeITH. -
Brussels 27re 2! acre Ontario`
There ie a Rexall Store is nearly every town
and pity is the United States, Canada and
Groat Britain, There is a different Retail
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human M—
eech esppuoielly designed for the partioular ill
for which it is recommended. - -
Tho Resell Stora( are America's Greatest
Drug Stores.
James D. Hinchley, Seafortli ; Secre-
tary, J. E. Killoraun, Goderich ; Treats.
1.101', Gorduu Young, of 'Matlock
Auditor, W.
I Paisley, Clinton.
Maitland Presbyterial
The 29th annual meeting of Mait-
land Presbyterial was held at Bine-
vale May 201h. In points cf at-
tendance and interest it was most
Oharch was well -tilled for the
morning session at which the de-
votional service was led by Mrs.
(Rev.) MacAi'thur, Kincardine, who
read the 410 Ohara of 3oiun andthen
in a ver clear, and striking way
compared the position of woman to-
day with herposition at 1110 time
Christ crone and also at 1110 present
under heathen conditionv,
session opened will
the Ptesidenl Mrs. Perrie, Whlghaun,
presiding. Reports were i•eeeived
from 20 auxiliaries and 10 ,Missive
Bands. 8.000110313)1)31hit-ruled for the
year was $258042 24 bales 0t cloth-
nig valued al: $951.86 were sent to the
North-West. 649 copies of "Tidings"
were subscribed i'or.
President'sadd ,ess was an en meat,
call to prayer. Far greater. than the
need fol. men or money is the need
for prayer to every church, ill every
home. by eve, y Christie».
Mitis :rhnro11500, Elora, formerly of
India spoke of the great crying need
of the people of Ind1a for the life
giving Gospel of Christ's loving eoln-
uuuitl 10 v'atch ofua is "Campy till >:
Mies Duff, B111evale, s199 very
sweetly "Ruck of ,kges,"
\I in•s R"sm, 137 ussele, led in a very
WWI esliu , way 11 Oonl'eronco on
Iii amine S it 1S ll
r Id week. She co r1IAa
1 •
n n 7x1 is lea with the
( 1 t I
number, of al lesion Bands and urged
the formation 443 stark i3ands,
Ttev. Ilii'. 8I n extended Teresina
1 1'v's greetings I lid spoke of the
IMae great needs 4,3 the teener Faith,
Pea 3'), 74'n 1
Mts. leer greent, 13:118eele, epoke the
fringing word., / )lla'eelitlittn of Ilse
Itludneesaud hoepiullity of the „Blue.
vnlr lutlirs nils 5 ,aced ill a hearty
vole el' thanks.
A. kind invitation froldr 1(iuuard1110
10 hold the 111 '.'tine til' Ifltl there wits
Ile speaker n1' the evening was
Rov. S. 13. Rohold, Missionary to the
terve Toronto and his address ;twist
, (snit, in a bet 1 er nntleestltndilig of
ted a larger; iltei•est in that Work.
Otlice) s nits :-President, . Alt's.
Ferree, W it gbiuru ; 1st Vice. Frew ,
1110. Deadtea,-, Brussels.; 2nd Vice
President. Nies. Bell; elnleswarth ; 01d
Vice' P 4ves'
uienl, Mrs. ilicLeemin,
Lucknow ; Car Sec., Miss Mather,
lfi icardine ; Rei, Sec., Mrs. Lundy,
Wallah; 11I. B. Sec.., ells, Coma be,
Bineard tie ; Sec. of Supirlies, Miss
Goalies t, Wiughain ; Tunings Sec.,
Mrs, SV. H. Ferguson, 13elgrltve ;
Treasurer, ve, Ewen 151cKeurie,
Lllr.!(111 tY,
Doctors Change Their Methods
"Years ago they fought catarrh by-
toternai (losing. They silly this vein-
ed the stomach and changed to the
mxolln Led air cul•(, better Icemen 118
c'Catari'hozone•" 'l'ilis • treatnent is-
sare t0 cure. It goes to the source of
111( disease : it destroys the peewee
that maintain catarrh and even in the
1 11151 Ca18(10 perillallelit cave. i0 guaran-
teed. Failure wile) Oatarrhozone, is
ie, oe ibl
e Anal eF
r lentilg tr
1.10 lelaehulg it's bound to cure every
time. Endorsed by tsars than Liven 1y
thousand physieaus In America alone
olid sold 7n 25c and .$1,00 sizes by all
den lees.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Mrs. Sarah
Maxwell, late of the Vdlaee of 6nls-
selo, in the County of Huron, w duw,
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 55,
Chap. 26, of the Statutes of Ontario, I George
V., that creditors and others having claims
against the-eataN of the said Mrs. Sarah Max-
well, who died at Galesburg, Michigan. on o•
about the 6111 day of April, A. D. 1018, am
require& on or before the twenty-fifth
du,. of .70ne A. D 1016, to send by post prepaid
or deliver to the. undersigned Executors of the
estate, their ()bristle]) and surnames, addres-
ses and descriptions, and statement of their
oaoo1310 so -lost -10 said rotate and also the
patare of the security of any) held by them,
duly verified bya Statutory declaration.
Arid further telae seuce That after such last
mentioned date the Executors will proceedto
distribute the assets of the deornsed 01100051
the parties entitled thereto, having regard on-
ly to the claims of which they shall then have
got notice, and that the said Executors will not
e Indite for the said assets or any pert there-
of to any person or persons of 08)1005 0Ie1i11s
nonce shell not hove been received by them at
rho tithe of each distribution,
, Dated this 85th day of May, 1 418
Brussels 0
\= 'i/sf//o/"/. edifet///%/////4,..c /eZwiiwz,,A7,-
will leave Goderich June 10th„9:30 a. m. Arrive Detroit, June
10th, 5:30 p. til. Returning, leave Detroit, Sane 12th, 1;00 p. m.
Tickets, 1.50 Round Trip.
IV1001ll-1011T EXCURSION, JUNE 9 E. B. MIS, E ubosAst., D[troitrwrlte
[ r , Micb,
Statements made by patients taking the New Method: Treatment, They know it Cures
W'- No Names or Testimonials used without written consent'
Patient Na 18474. "The spots are 011
o ro legs arca and gone g Y real
good 110W, I amvaryrateful to
g you
and shall saver gorget the favor your
medicines Have dons for mo. You ons
use my name In recommending It to
any Sufferer, I ant going to got mar-
ried aeon. Thanking you Once more,
Patient No, 16766. Age 22. SingIo.
Indulged in Immoral halts 4 years, De-
posit to urine and drains at night,
Varicose Veins on both sides, pains in
back, weak sexually. Ho wrttea:--"I.
received your totter of 105051 date and
In .reply I am pleased to shy that after
taking two months' treatment I Would
consider myself eomptetoly cured, as 1..
have seen .no Alone of them coming
back (ono year).
Patient No. 16928, "I have not had
a regular Emission I don't know when
and am feeling Inc" The world cisco
altogether different to me and I thank
God for directing Me to you. You have
been an honest doctor with mo."
-Case ae No. 16s88
when he
started treatment e—
o 21, single, 1n
cut ed In Immoral habits several
Varicose Vents both sides—mto
n the rce, ate. After two menthe' '
treatment Its writes as followan—" vour
50100100 totter to hand and am 7003'
. glad to ear that I think myself cured.
My Varlcoao Veins have completely dis-
appeared for quite a while and it seems
a euro. I wont harder and feel leas
Mod. I have no desire for that habit
whatever and if I stay 1155 this, which
I have every reason to boltevo I will.
Thanking you ter your 10011 attention,"
Patient No, 15682. This patient ((teed
58) hail a chronic ease of Nervous 05.
duty and Sexual, Weakness and Was run
down .10 d vltatity, Atono
month's. traatmontvigoranho reports aster 10)-
4o,vs:—"I am fooling -vary wail. I have
gained 14 petunia In one month, 50 that
15111 kayo to congratulate you," Later
report:,—"I 'am beginning to foo!- more
111ce a conn, I fool my condition is
getting bettor every week."His last re-
Pert1—""Door Dootore—As I feel this s
the last month's treatment that Y 51n
ha+o Co get, • I thought a( one time I
would never be cured but 2 put sen,
fldenee in you from. the start and you
peculiar to mon.
CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS FREE. If unable to tall write for 0-(3ueation
Blank for Homo Treatment.ArNOTICE - -
All letters from Canada must bo addressed ddressedto ourCan.
alias Correa endance. Department as follower
Cor lldochigaik Ave. and Griswold St„ Detroit, Mick.
The People's Column
C061.10O1t"1'ABLE AlOua)D to rent 01.for sale
on Suut)1 "Tu1'tiberry street),14rusoola,
With aura of baud 0110(1110d. Smel fruits, 5p'
rile trews, ee flood cellar, hard a!Id sort wet
fr, 1.1r11111'fl11ni4• I,aaoassioa, Nor furihnr p"u
Walton un rs applau 017171 MAL"MOIE 1( 21.1 1,
1' O, 'Phone 17)7. Or Miss dine Belly,
n Borate 131",14053
rya tlltl Green , ,
FA.1t518 TO RENT.—The .10bn W. I3o,s
-Wets, being N3 Lots 28 and 24, Con -0,
and 'Lot 22, Una, 6, Grey, are offered 0„ rt tit, .
Call on the neao'signed. F, 5. 51000'31,5
41-1f Bruin/els.
FA13M F01c.8ALE UREA P.-1.0011Ores, 80u1 11
Ihulf I.ot 2'2, 00,1, 8 uwoO)lip of Morris, 8
miles from Walton. flood lend with orohnrn
and spying, Log.11oese and frame hank barn
Ua)venlent to (Murch and school. Apply 0)
le 5, SCOTT, Rrnssele, Or MILLAR. SIMS 1.
GREGORY, 13orlin,:On 1. 42.0
1Dge71,-11e home recently vaunted 1.y
Johnke. Kerney, who moved(10111 to 000511
NI e0101{0,0M rsale
or if n01 soldTurnberry street) ),
offered for ante or f not sold will be rented.
Vlore 1,c comfortable hoose, goad stable emit -
lee 1111.e8 of hand with a double entrance. VWo
gn rden, As. For further particulars eppiy 1.,
W E, Kerr, of Tn,s Poss', who .holds the Iret.
It is a alalia spot to live In and will be salt
very reasonably, 27-12.
FARM FOR SALE,—The andorsignod (met s
hie See rural oonsistin.1••, of about 185 nm•,
adjoining the town of Olin On, for sale. '111,
farm isin a good state of cultivation, and 11,1
good buildings, brick house, bank burn, iri,: -
Sng house, pig pen, eta„ till oolnparlil ively new.
A dret•orncs young - orchard containing ul1
]rinds of fruits and also small fruits, The
farm is well fenced and dining) and is ,o vet y
desirable home. For farther particulars apply
on the premises of address
284f JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton.
FA RM' NOR. SALE, bbin • South half 7,0128,
Con..4, Morrie township, 1101.011 Co., oon-
bainblg 700 acres more or less. On -rho pre,, --
lees is n frame house, bank barn, good orchard,
well. windmill, /to. Ail cleared except about
an acro. School ljfi miles distant. Only 272
miles front Brussels. 11 nares of Pali Wheat lin
end about 50 scree seeded down. For prier,
terms and other information apply on the
pram roes or if writing 5 )015te P.O. Phone
126. Or F. S. Scott, Brussels,
11-tf A. T.. KERit, Proprietor.
is prepared to supply the Fest
goods in Windmills, Iron anti
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er., Bowls for stock, &c.
ijepairs to Pumps pronlplly
attended to.
Give ale a call.
C as
br k
For sale
on easy trims
or will rent to desirable
tenants, Write for par-
ticulars to
John E., Snaith (Owi'er)
Box 1033 Brandon - Mau
Thousands of ambitious young pro•
pie are fest preparing in their own
homes to 000upy luerhtt ve position), tis
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra•
pliers, civil servants, in feet every.
sphere of activities. Ton may finish at
college If volt so wish. Positions guar.
onteed. inter college any day. Indi-
vidual' instrnolton, Expert teachers.
Thirty years experience. Largest
trainers in Orynods; Seven colleges.
Spacial course for teacher)).
Affiliated with Donum'rcia) Educe,.
tore Association of Canada, Summer
School at famous Spolto,iBusinose Col-
Ilingham Business College
race Frame, N
al.Pr si ent.
At your home without
sin, danger or O
P g Aeration.
My method will cure ap-
parently parently'hopeless cases no
mutter what your age is.
or how long ruptured.
wait your rup=
. titre becomes strangulated
you can be cured,
Do 00t wait'
Ell lo coupon
Age.•. ... „ . Time leap
Single or
Name ,
Addres'. .. ,,,,,
and re
:. .
RR Caledonia 0
nia 8t
12; It 1 5tratft>' r,), Ont,