HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-5, Page 1#1.)t «ru VOL. 41 ,VO, 4 stts BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, yUNE 5, ,1973 W. H. %ERR, Proprietor New Advertisements HLJnglea-H. S. Dole.. Egg S Robt Thomson, Rdsnt, mI s W Mom mkem Nursed ale Rrne1n Patent for sale -Jas. Nagar. ou W ll star r t, Lawn Party-Onu,broolMethodist church. tste.ict ;rata Molesworth Miss Agues Thompson, of Listowel, is .visiting frieudta here. Mrs, lint Murray„ .o) Pinkerton, is visiting art T. Ouniniogs' Rev. auci Mrs. Bell, Thos. and Mrs. Elliott. MIS. A. Piercy and Miss Minnie Campbell ate in Toronto at- tending the Cnuvention. Mr. McKay, of Elhei, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday last. In the absence of the two pastors a .Union service was held at 2 30 p. In. Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Millbank, will reach at the same hone next Sab- bath. . abbath.. WOMEN's INSTITUTE.- The 11008 1 meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Thursday, May 20th, at the home of Mrs. Joe Cummings. Mr's. H. Grainger gave ani excellent paper on "Systematic Ilousekeepiug" If. M. S: Pinafore Town Hall, Brussels Friday Evening, June 20th Mrs. Weight intent -15 giving it series of two concerts; the first on Fi ditty evening, June 20111, in the Town Bari!, opening at 8 sharp, and ti ill r•unsi51 of first act only. The Opera will not be wetnorizeel or given in 1.1151 rune, sim- ply in forret Of a Concert for the sake of the music. SOPRANOS ALTOS J. Elliott B. Whitfield: C. Hingston A. Moore N. Ewalt IV. Speiran Ah Walker N. Fox M. ;McKelvey T. Deadman TENORS HASS L. Eckmier F. H. Gilroy: 1V. Speiran Dr. 1•irunilton F. Rutherford G. Dunbar G. Dunbar S. Fox A. McDertnott S. Whitfield V. Ross B. Wright L. Weight Assisted by Melville church choir. Additional sours by Miss Florence Whitfield and Miss Kneohtel. , •" "' Everyone come and patronize home talent and encourage music t11 11(11,11110e in your home. Adrnisaioo 25e; children 15e. and a good niueical prograln Was rendered, Quite:a number of Lista- t b t i. vcl tclies uhnl are intoes ed It t to sl}nu work, wire ue er t and at the t>t x ! e 1 tlos, f the meeting a social hone a s s nr t > t w served. sv 1 1 and lunch s et. ve Follow ung are the oflklets for the coming year -Pres., Mee, A. Piercy ; lst Vice -Pres., Mrs. W. J. McKee; 2nd .Vice -Pres., MPS. Wm. FlaSSI ; Sec - Treas. Miss Ella Fraser Dirge- toes, ' Mr's. B. Grainger, Mrs, D. F. Stewart, Mrs. W. Fraser. Cranbrook • in the absence of the pastor the ser - vire in the Methodist church will be in charge of F. Raddatz next Siniday. A. Lawn Party is annouuced'to be held nu the evening of Friday, Juno 20111, at the Methodist church grounds, Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock after which a choice program will be ren- dered ill which a Brass Band will take. part. Beigrave Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson are away to Toronto to the big Convention and Assembly. Mrs. W. H. Ferguson and Mrs. A. T. Cole are among the visitors at Toronto this week at the Missionary Congress. This week Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick is let - tending the Methodist Conference at London. H. Hopper is the lay dele- gatl e. , A Garden Party is on the Lapis by the young people and Sunday Schoni of Knoxchur•eh. It will be held on 1 he church grounds en June llth. Next Sabbath evening an interest- ing service will beheld in the Metho- dist church when the busy and .fruit- I'iri life of.the late General Booth will be portrayed. INSTITUTE.- Thursday, 19th inst., is the date set for the Annual District meeting of East Huron Farmers' and Women's Institutes, and the place of meeting will be Belgrave. The ladies will be addressed by Miss Gilhnim, of The eDa for Buying g Bad Eggs is Over • In accordance with the Canadian Produce Association I have decid- ed to buy all my egg from this oat 011 the "loss off" basis. This means that the producer who looks lifter his eggs, gathers them regir- latlyand markets there at least once a week will reap the benefit. Robt. Thomson Produce Emporium, Bruseels •••♦••••••••••••••♦♦♦••••••••••♦•.•••••••••••• • • • Shoes • I.AWaYTyhe GoIr • A LL of them must go on or before June 1 Oth • • A -:and we have ve put theprices so theywill o. g • Shoe business closes on the above date. Oe( • your• ; supply as you will. not eget such a chance for • Cheap Shoes again. • • •5 • s 4 0 • 4 • 5 5 4 • • • i • • • • • i •• • • i 1. Men's Heavy Shoes reg. �.2� cut to 1.50 ♦ s I s e . 2 00 cut to 1 Z5Meo ileac Shoes r .yg • : trelP'IrIP1 "‘1,".'►'TT"‘P'n".','- - • • Ladies', Gents', Misse s'Boys', ehildren's • all at givesaway prices. , • • farnessDepartmeDt• • • ♦ • • • • • • s 2 ♦ Heavy and Light Hatness at Lowest Prices rices ' One et Light llouble Driving Harness, nickle at Bar am Price. silver, g TiTrunks, Satchels,Lap Rugs, Dusters -nice. e• as- Zsortment and the price will suit you. • • 4 Richards � • • B 1 ♦•••••••cis•♦lee••e•••e.••w•e.e••eeee••••i•ee••. Bright, Rud Prof. Harcourt, of Guelph, is expected to talk to the 111011, A rli calp eo lart i11 . be rendered at t omen' T iito 1 d the Women's s net t t and lunch will he served at the 11080 or the aflono tof s exercises. A big ;, time Is flggused on. Annual Excursion to the Ex- perimental Fartu, Guelph, is elated for Monday, June 23rd. 'Phis -popular outing, with its cheap rates, demon. strations, etc., at the Farm, will be taken ad ventage of by a number from this locality. Leadbury W. R, Stovall; had a ham raising Wednesday of this week and the risme was well completed. John Dennie, who has been very III with typhoid fever, la rapidly n1•ogressing wa are pleased in state. 141 ins Margaret. Love, of Milburn, accinrrpauitd by ]Hiss Mande Hltll," was visiting her parents neer Sroiday, The 01,1111 lily meeting of the Bethel Ladies Aid was held at the home of 13. and Mrs, Roe Thursday afternoon. Miss Minnie Dundee, of Toronto, and Mrs. (Rev.) MuLeean and children, cif Whitby, ate at present visiting their father and mother, J. and Mrs. Dundas. Seaforth KILLED. -While. shipping at load of hogs at the G. T. R. yards Tuesday Richard Auderson. a prominent fann- er firm neat the village of Constance, was thrown from his wagon and al- most instantly killed. He had at' rived with a load of hogs along with other farmers and while. getting ready to unload the morning ex- press from Godcrich came in and frightened his team. Anderson fell on his head beneath the wagnn. Be was a prominent member of the Sone of Scotland and Canadian Order of Foresters. Walton Relit. J. Armstrong left Walton on Tuesday, on a trip to the West. His ticket read to Edmonton but he will visit at various points. Joseph Nicholson and daughter, Miss Jennie, of McKillop, were the guest of R. and Mrs. McLeod and 3. M. and Mrs. Goforth, of Grey. recent- ly. Rev. Mr. Cameron preached his con- cluding sermon .01 his pastorate in St. George's church last Sunday. He re- m03'51 a 1118 new charge at Burford 11115 week. His old parishioners wish pini well on his new field, An interesting anniversary service is looked forward to next Sunday af- teraooll iu St. George's church.. The •new pastor', Rev. Mr. Rollett, is ex- pected to be here. Rev. Mr. Brown, of Scafm ill, will preach and lite sur- plice choir of the Sallie totvn will lead the service of prairie. Last Monday W. H. Sholdice '00111- menced hie duties as trail carrier on Rural Route N0, 1, encompassing 15 miles. Walton is Ole distributing point and he leaves on the arrival of the noon mail from the East. This will prove a great convenience t0 many and 110 doubt Mr. Sholdiee will look after his work 11 first-class style. WEpMses.-A quiet •but a very pretty wedding took place at the home of W. H.' and Mrs. Sholdice, Walton, On Thursday June 5111 at high noon, when their niece, Miss Annie A. Ifewitt, was united in holy mat rdulony t0 Win. J. Smi1118011, of L011(1011. Ont., Rev., D. E. Cameron, 13. A., ,idilc•iatiug. The bride was becomingly attired in white Duchess silk trimmed with pearls and d'aleeon lace. She wore a Brussels net veil and carried a briquet of bridatl, roses and maiden hair ferns. She was given away by her uncle, Wrn. H. Sholdice. Miss Alma Sholdice, a cousin of the bride, acted as brides- maid anti wore a 1111401 of oltrrnse silk and carried a briquet of carna- tions. Gr011111 was assisted by Oswald D.1vi11, of London. Hiss M. Hewitt, cousin I)f the bride, played Mendels- aohli's 1Veddiug March. A dainty breakfast was served shortly after •twhich . happy hl.h t the couple m r the > train for 266 p n , , points Eilst. The bride's travelling 4.1.++++4.4.44++++++++++44+4 44. + Order your • 4. .i+ Surnmer • Suit • �s EARLY AND AVOID .� + THE RUSH + • Fits Right, or manshi-Right �iil k P g ' and Prices Right " g .F 'F Good Values in ♦ • Paramatta Rain Coats Call and see' them. W. P. ■ s ++++ Merchant. Tailor + Lawn Party Oran brook Methodist Church Grounds Friday,one 70 J Supper Served from 8 to 8 Choice Program and Brass Band Admission : Adults 211e. Children 15c. Alwaya a Good Time at Cranbrook so don't miss the aoth. dress was of pearl gray whipcord and wore at white straw hat with pink (0818. Go then' return they will re- side in London. The guests were mostly from London and vicinity. Bride received many 114E481 and costly presents. Huron County., DROWNED.- Ed. Willis, aged 23, school teacher near Auburn, was found drowned in a well near his boarding -louse Tuesday. It is sup- posed int some way he accidentally fell into the well as he had apparently been dead for some time when found. When he did not return home of Monday evening, a search was made bathe was not found until Tuesday. The rernainswere sent to Exeter. Willis was a son of James Willis, of Stephen Township. Morris What about that telephone you were going to put ill ? Miss Hazel Nichol was home from Blyth on a holiday Visit. Reeve Shortreed . is in Godcrich doing duty as•Oo..Councillor. Miss Lizzie Hoover, of Grey town- ship, spent the week end with Miss Maud Jackson,. 8111 line. Miss Elizabeth L'vin, who has been at New York, is visiting at the home of W. H, Ferguson, 6th line. Mfs. Dodds arid daughter, of Barrie, are visitors with Jas. and Mrs, Davis, the parents homthe 6t line; renDodds, at their A fine "Oupbearer"foal is added to the string of Jno. Brown, 8th line, who dearly loves a gond equine. Speed is no detsimentsto his choice. NextSahbath afternoon John Mer- ritt, of Blyth, will take charge of the service at: the Jackson church. Rev. Mr. Jewitt is attending Conference at London. 'A former Morrisite in the person of Sant. McCracken, son of Frank Mc- Cracken, formerly of the 4th line, is renewing old friendships bete. The family live near Tyner,Saskatchewan. Mr. McCracken's health has not been vet•ygood but we hope the change of airand scene will help shim. • Monday evening next, at 6 o'clock, a free dernnnstration by a drainage expert -Mr, Martin, of the 0. A. v., Guelph, will be given on the home- stead farm of James Speir, 1I miles South of Brussels. All interested are asked to attend and secure pointers in the very live question of drainage, how to survey, find levels, etc. etc. This week Joseph Wilkinson, of 13eusally formerly of this township, sails for a holiday visit to England where hewill visitrelatives and old friends for a fele months. Bradford, in Yorkshire, will be his headquarters, We dont knots whether Mr. Wilkitte- sou will cone back a married man or not but we we wish him a• good time on his well earned holiday. r PGRML RLY OF -.STET LINE lVIORRI&- On May 19th John Scott passed away fteor the earthly. home, Deloraine, Manitoba, aged 37 years, 2 months and 8 daye. He as a former was Morrisite, moving West 30 years ago. t brother-in-law lel •. Scott w1 s a to Mr. Mrs. Henry Jackson, 8th line, and is survived by his wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters. Deceased was a roost hauntse Man, a member of the , PtesbY terian church and esteemed by a wide circle of fiends who tender sympathy to the bereaved, Tun Ln zea V " TE 101 W. Fo1REsr-7.he t• death occurred May 201h, after an illness extending over several months of Martha Ann Forest, beloved wife of William Forrest, who resides on the Governor's Road, near 13atlatwood. The late Mrs, Ern Pest, who was in her blah par, was the daughter of the late Jatn.es. Overholt of Eastwood, a1,d had been a resident of Oxford 11 lis life. She was a Comity at r If Y Woman of many sterling qualities and h en- deared disposition ad sal 1 l 1 Y desired herself to all tviP.h 'whoa ver A she quire in contact: Y huge circle of ft•ier,ds will learn of het, death with deep regret. She was a Presbyterian it) religion anti had been r r 6th active and prgrnn lei t worker both in ehtu'ch and social circles and will be mach missed 1hron bort ,the en- tire R' tire comtmulit>v She is 81111V1 veil by her. husband awl font children. 'I`heet are lefts Chas, Gregor of Blooming - toe, Cal.: Mabel, William and James at 1101110., 'The funeral took place front iter late i`ceiilgnq@ pp till Governor's Roads on Wednesday after- noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Me. Olug- Stell of Guides u>ndt l.ted the service ce r sa 1111(1t r i nit m nt was Made 111 rh dthe 1'rintelon ctiltttllY• Ml. Fon a:at Wats a formerredid nt ofMorris s e M s to vu ship and is a brother to W. S, FOP - Test, 21111 sloe. ,The latter and Mrs. Entreat attended the funeral, 01c1 friends of Me. Forrest in this locality Lender Hint sympathy in the death of his helpmeet, Grey Reeve Livingston and 1)t•rn•ty Reeve Brown are away this wet ,11eliding the Oo, .Council. W. J. Cameron, laird ,.I' Paljmer. stow, is Emending a short lune holi- daying at the parental hurtle. Quite a number of i'attrlels are going to put in tile draining and will utilize the machine to do the work. Next Sabbath morning Robert Mc- Kay, of Ethel, will take the service in Roe's church as the paistnl ie at Lon- don attending Oonferenre. Robt. Cat'(, 3rd Ooe., announces the engagement of his daughter, Mar- garet, to Sinclair Phippen, of Wing - ham, the marriage t0 take place on June 17th. Oliphant Smith and Miss Jean, 5th con„ were visiting in Tuckersmith township last week. While away, Mr. Smith invested in a fine young roan „Durham hull which he honght from Herbert Crich at a good figure. CORNERSTONE LAYING. -Dominion Day is the date chosen for the corner stone laying ceremony in connection with Union appointment, Con. 11, Grey. A great time is expected and the program will be announced short. ly'The trustees of S. S. No. 1 have en- gaged the services' of Miss Lizzie Dickson, daughter of Mrs. E. Dick- son, 11th con., Rs teacher for tihe coming terns at a salary of $650.00. Miss Dickson is an experienced teach- er who has done good work, GRERAR.- The Bi 1180111 th Ex fees of recent date thus reports the death of a former Stratford resident and an aunt to John (Jeerer, 91.11 con., and Mrs. N. McNair, 14th re 'on. t Grey 'The death occurred early on Thurs- day morning at her brother's resi- dence of Miss Catherine Cradle from gastric cancer. The deceased lady was 50 years of age. She had been anticipating an extended trip East this Summer and was making ..pre. parati re- paration when taken by the painful malady. She was very highly re spected in Biuscal•th and district where she had many relatives and connections. The funeralservice took place on Friday at the house and was conducted by Rev. J. B. McLaren. As might be expected, almost every- body called or were present. The pallbearers included five nephews : T. A. 0101111', President G. G. Co., Winnipeg ; Peter Oster, Govan, Sask. ; John Creme, Silverton, Man. ; Lorne and Headrick Orerar, Bins earth ; and Thos. Stewart (cousin) Binscarth. Miss therm was born in North Easthope county of Perth, Ont., and came to Binscarth from Stratford, Ont., eight years ago. She leave& two sisteis and five brothers: Mrs. Jas. McTavish, Alberta ; Mrs. R. Boyce, Carstairs, Alberta ; Stewart Overate , Basswood, Man. A. S. Orem., Binscarth, and three brothers in Ontario. There were 30 rigs followed to the cemetery. There were five beautiful wreaths of flowers placed on the onfiin. One (three links) from the Purity Rebekah Lodge, No. 26, and one from brothers and sisters in Winnipeg, and one each from Mrs. Mann and Mrs. Quaid, Binscarth." J AMES LIVINGSTON GALLED AWAY. -Last Sunday morning, abput 7 o'- clock, after a brief ;these of 6 days of pneumonia, James Livingston, a well known resident of this township for many years, died at the home of his, son -in -late, T. Driver, Blanshard township, Perth Co., in his 86th year. The remains were brought by G. T, R. to Ethel on ;Monday and Tuesday afternoons the fume al took place from the home of his son-in-law, Wm. Stem mon, Rev. Jas. Pearson, B. A., con- ducting the service in the absence of local pastor at the Assembly in Tor- onto,. Interment was made in Brus- sels ceetaljhi thefamily plot where e daughter and wife were previously laid to rest. Pallbearers were Robt. and David Livingston (sons), W. Sinn - mon moa and T. Driver (sons-in-law), and Melvin Slelnmon and Harold Living - stile tuephews). The subject of this sketch was horn at Ooagh, Co. Tyrone Ireland, tvirerr he Walt married in 1854 to Miss Margaret A. Bell, of the same locality. and came to America in 1856. After spendingabout a year at Phila- delphia family located in Blau - shard township, Perth Co., where they re.ided ntltil movingto Greytownship 9 41 Ygthey eat8 ago where farmed on the I5l1 con.Rs tu 1ng from the farm in 1902 Ma Livingston and wife took up residence inEthel where Mrs. x cu D theLiving- ston aton died 3 years ago. 2 sone (Robt., Reeve of Grey, and David K., on the homestead) and 3 daughters Anna deoeesed, )Mrs. Wm. Shannon], of Ethel, and Mrs. Driver, of Blanshard towusliip) were born to the parental hone. Mr. Livingston Ratti been tmak- ing his home with hitt daughter for settle ;.line. He Was conscious to the lust toldl spoke of hie expected demi8e,' Deceased ,Wats a bright, aetlye than, with more than ordinary alertness. had been Assessor in n h 'cl He t Bla s ar i township and Auditor in Grey and at Ethel toot a live interest in the Pubiio Library. In religion be was a Presby- terien and in politics a Oonset°vat.ive. He enjoyed the esteem of a wide circle of frielnds and his cheery manner. and friendliness will live long in the nem- 11' those 111 of hl, whotvereacquaintedwith -,y his For a man 0f hes yen's he re- tained to a.inittked degl'ee, his yntith- fuhtess and agility, ,and few w0lrld have thought him td be over 85 years of age. SPECIAL EXCURSION Under thoAusP ace of Auspices The Crescent Oiub STRATFORD VIA OOOERiCR TO Detroit and Return COIHO From Star ford JUNE 111 BEng Fr; 0 p, 5,. It JUNE 12 ROUND TRIP, $2.56 Spacial Train and Faros from all Stations Stratford to Qodorlch A DAY T13? ON A DAY DOAT The "Greyhound" is one of the most seaworthy and magnificently equipped day steamers on the. Great Lakes. Plenty of deck spoor, to enioy the lake and river breezes and wide plate glass cabin windows unobstructed through which to view the scenery, This cream- er is especially adapted for exoarsion business, from the capacious dining saloon on the main deck to the broad, open hurricane deck, The "Trip of Trips," which reveals Amerioe's Picturesque Venice, the charms of the Bt. Glair River, and all day Wednesday,and until noon Thurs• day in Detroit during "Mid -week," the best time for sight-seeing and visiting, particularly for theatres,pleasure re- sorts and the big department stores. Goderlch. to Detroit Round Trip, $1.50 WHITE sTJIR LINE E. H. AYER, Excursion Agent Miss Stella Turvey, of Morris, was a visitor with Miss Alla- Armstrong, 10th con. Next meeting of Grey township Council will be held on the 16th inst. It will be Court of Revision on several Drain By -Laws. Jake Hollinger is in Galt for his holidays, at his sister's Mrs. B. Dark, taking in the horse show. He may get one that suits hint. At the examinations in Queen's University, Kingston, Leslie Lamont, of thistownship, was awarded lst class honor's in his 2nd year in Arts and his brother Alex. took 2nd class honors in the same class. We con- gratulate the boys, who are sone of Hugh Lamont, on their success. They are now in the West teaching school where they will remain until College opens next Fall. The Gatden Party held at Hugb Richmond's home last Friday even- ing was a great success. Fine ad- dresses were given by Revds. Messrs. McCulloch, Or'anbrook ; Illoorehouse Monk ton; and Husser, Atwood ; Ethel orchestra, Union choir and Rev. Mr. McCulloch and J. M. Stem - mon supplied a choice (program ;of music Rev. Dr Wren occupied the chair. The proceeds from the gate and booth totalled over $125.00, which will be applied to -Sunday ,School purposes at Union church. Wroxeter Dr. G. P. Jackson has purchased a new Hup automobile. Reeve Reis is attending County Council in Godcrich this week. .Mrs. W. Mather left last week to visit for a rnonth with relatives at Keene. H. A. Aldred and W. McLaughlin, of Fordwich,'were in the village on Saturday. Aire. Gillies, of Spry, is the guest' of her sone Jno. Gillies, and other relatives here, Jno. Brawn, of Toronto, is spend- ing a few days with his mother, Mrs. W. II, Brawn. W. G. Patterson and 0. Walker, of Wingham, called on friends in the village on Tuesday. Mrs. Edwards and two children, of Toronto, are guests of the formee's sister, Mts. G. P. Jackson. Miss 3. Ritchie was called to Tor- onto on Saturday owing to the illness of her sister, Mrs. F. P. Sanderson: Jeff. Musgrove and family, of Turn - berry, left last week fora two month's. visit with friends at different points in Alberta and Saskatchewan. lSIiss Ellen McEwen, of Turnberry, underwent an Operation for pP 0itis at the Wingham Hospital recent- ly. At last report she was progress- ing favorably. Rev. and Mrs. Wesley, Robert Black, W. S. M0Kercher, Mrs. Wm. Douglas and Mrs. Jno. R. • Miller are attending the General Assembly being held in To'obto this week. Rev. Mr. Lackland is attending Conference at London this week. In his absence Mr, Shaw of Bluevale will occupy Ole pulpit in the Metho- dist church next Sunday evening. Ethel sn1Ne .- ar load of B.O. XXX shingles atEta just arrived at Ethel etheir station.Parties requir• Ing shingles should get Choir supply now. S. S. corm. The G. T. R. Agent was on the sick list and relief came from Brussels to help hits out. Rev. D. Wren, M, A., ".and. J. K. Baker are at London this week at- tending the Methodist Conference. Next Sabbath James Pearson, B. A., of Queen's College, Kingston, will take the services in the Methodist Ethel on circuit at the 1 usual dual hours. i W111, Stever son and EddieSle bel 1- P a0n of thin locality, are members of Brussels intermediate Font Ball team this season. They are old timers land knot* the game 11 ctrl A to Z. Dant forget the Canadian Club ltteetingFriday evening of this week in the Dilworth Hall, A. H. Mus- grove, P., M, P. will address the e Chrb 011 Provincial Legislature affairs. A Garden Party will be held at, D. W. Deith it's, West of Ethei, 011 Tries. day evening 17111 hist •,' ender the ana- phors of the Christian Endeavor of the 1 Proshytetitte chttrcii, Keep ;late hind, Several candidates will write at the corrin Eoti'ance examination to the High i l School at Brussels. We wish coming iss the success, 1n au o Next Sabbath afternoontooar Wrn , to was a ro n oak lv Cameron, o D b i representative at the great Missonery Congress in Toronto, will give a synopsis of the gatheting in the ,Presbyterian church here, It should be of practical interest, Jamestown Next Sandal evening Robert Mc- Kay, of Ethel, will take the service in Victoria Hall here. We've gut our eye on June 23rd the date of the farmer's' Excursion to the Model Farm, Guelph. Some talk of a party of young folk going as a sort of pic-nic crowd. Dont forget the Gat den Party to be held at the commodious grounds of Samuel Snell Tuesday evening of next week. W,ingham Band has 'been en- gaged for the occasion. Engagement announced is made between Dr. James Strachan, of Fort William, formerly of this locality, and Miss Helen McTaggart, of OhathChatham, Ont. Wedding takes ' place Wednesday of next week. The carcases of two of the foxes, supposed to have been stolen from George McDonald's, North boundary, were found back by the river and it thought they perished front hunger and cold after getting out oe their cosy quarters in the Winter. The third one has not been discovered yet. School Report S, S. No. 10 Morris for May. Total 500 Pass 800. Sr. IV.-Zelma Turvey 408, Viola Mac- Leod 355, Mary Miller 2118. Sr. III. - Addison Fraser 378, Hazel Robb 317, Harvey Robertson 298. Jr. 111. - Elva Ramsay 322, Christie Forrest 317, Rettia Turvey 313. Melissa John- ston 288, Verna Johnston 181, Horace Kell 556. Jr. II. -Total 300 Pass 180. Margaret Miller 238, Sperling John- ston 283. Pt. II. -Excellent Gerrie Robertson. Good -Gordon Moffatt, Janet Miller, Laura Johnston. Sr. I. -Excellent Louise Fraser, Harry Robb. Good. Margaret McDougall, Jessie Messer, Duncan McDougall. Jr. I. -Excellent Mabel Johnston. M. E. MOLELLAND, Teacher. Brussels Council The regular meeting nf Brussels Coined was held Monday evening. Present the Reeve .and Councillors Muldoon, McGuire and Pryne. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Following accounts were. ordered to be paid on motion of McGuire and Muldoon James McArter, work $ 2 60 R. Oliver, salary , 40 00 Jno. Long, work 8 00. P. Milligan, work ... 2 50 H. R. Elliott, work 8 75 A. Oampbell, work 4 00 G. A. Best, work 600 The Inglis Drain By-law was read and the Court of Revision put on August4tb, at 8 p. m, on motion of biceuire and Pryne. Weighinaster Oliver reported $26.40 the returns for scales for month of May. Wm. Bryans addressed the Council relative to trimming of trees that are blamed for makingthe chimney stroke on a house wned by him. The Street Committee to enquire into it and report. Treasurer stated an instalment on principal and accrued interest will be paid in August by J. T. Wood cm bowo lottil. It was reported a good share of the tile for the Fishleigh street dram were now made and MessesThupll, contractors, are to be urged to go on with work. They are negotiating for a drill to aid in the blasting of rock. No tenders within reach of the En- gineer's estimate on John street drain the question of having job done by hiring men by the day was discussed. Council then adjourned. Miss Mabel Cooper, nurse at Fergus hospital, was the guest of Miss Rebecca Shurrie. of town. Nurse Cooper wait- ed on Miss Shurrie last Winter when she was ill. HuaoN Co. Publicity :Committee has issued their first Booklet setting forth facts, figures. illustrations, etc., con- cerning this fine County. It is.a neat piece of work and covers the ground very well. Thousands of thein' will be sent to the Old Land for advertising Purposes. Huron "has the goods" and its population should increase. WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. -MISS B. 6.1. holm, of Bright, will address meetu +s held under the auspices of the Women s Institutes at the following places on dates named Dungannon, June , r J o g " Wln barn, Iz g Blyth, t5 Londesboro' " 14 Clinton x6 Bel rave h R 9 Brussels 2 3 Walton " 24 Miss Gilhoim isw ell posted on man apractical subjects that ill be disensted nd the' date hould be uoted so that 'a large alteudance may be assured. Tuesday afternoon Brussols was visit- edby x touring Darin fillsoabrr4 citizens who were on a trip to towns having tin Carr>xreLlav g gathering Carnegie Library r buildings # g pointers before erecting a t{fo,000 Lih- rarv. - The visitors were Councillors. W. 13. Hogarth and jno. McIntyre and Library Board members F. Biette„ L. ou ml sad E. F. Merrill, C. V. Thomson o s Davis, They teed a look through our Library building and thought it wars very neat Rttrfict•ve attd well laid o t irablc for oil the site theywas ad m R said sixth a 1 ailing. About 4.50 the two (,utas left far Seaforth. They h(d trfrvellell leo miles since leaving ';';ikon burg when at Brussels. Post card views of rue Library were taken with them,.