HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-29, Page 8Tooth Powder d ed r Flakes Keep yOur teeth'vhite as now. I' E X A L L ANTISEPTIC 10oPH• POWDER is the ! ,wrier to use, Will make pearly Teeth, sweeten the breath, destroys germs and tivhitens without ittjlirr, A Bargain The regular selling price of this Powder IS 250 a tin, brit an Sat- urday we, will give free with it a CRITERION TOOTH BRUSH which is valued at 15e. Get a can of this Tooth Powder and secure a Tooth Brush Free. Only of the best Moth Preventatives known When putting away Furs or other Winter Clothing be rare and get a package of Rel Cedar Flakes and sprinkle among them. This is a preparation made from the wood of the genuine Red Cedar combined with other best insecti- cides known. It has an agreeable odor which is east's removed afterwards. Will not injure clothing or furs and is sure in its effects. Try a package this season and in- sane safety for your furs, A large package costs 150 The Stora SMITH R. S IIII DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Prat Ban ternPnls Council. meeting next Monday, FARMERS' Excursion to Guelph. Mon- day, June on-dav,June 23rd. FROST nipped tender garden vege- tables last Sunday night. CLINTON vs- Brussels Friday evening ou Victoria Park, Game called at 6.15 sharp. EAST Huron Liberal annual meetiur was held in Brussels on Wednesday and routine business transacted, Report next week. .., You have not finished up the cleats- iag•Of your premises yet ? The Sani- tary Inspector will get you if you dont watch out. ' •. ,,, LEFT OVER.- &wing to pressure of advertising several".interesting items' are crowded over to next' week. Watch out for them. JOHN OLIVER has purchased a span of white roadsters to be used in con- nection with his livery. They came from Goderich. SEE the Foot Ball match Victoria Park, Brussels, Friday evening of this week. Clinton and Brussels will play first game in the W. 5'. A. Intermediate series. REGULAR. monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held Friday afternoon May 3oth, at 3 o'clock. The topic is "Woman's place to Society" to be taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten. LAST Saturday was generally observed as a holiday and genuine "Queen's Aeather" was on the program. Many a householder took advantage of the day to ifix up odds and ends about their premises. CARD OF THANKt-We wish to thank many kind friends for words and deeds of svmpathv extended to us in the recent bereavement of husband and father. Fhey were much appreciated. Yours Gratefully, Mas. H, WOODS AND FAMILY, HAD A FALL. -One day last week while Mrs. T. Ennis was in her cellar she rink a weak spell and falling' backward injured her head and back. She is past 7o years of age but remarkably ;mart. We hope Mrs. Ennis will soon recover from the fall. PROF. HARCOURT, of Guelph, will at- tend the annual meeting of East Huron Farmers' Institnte,'which is to be held at Belgrave on Thursday, June 19th, and deliver an address on a topic of in- terest. Take note of the date and place TUESDAY evening the members of the Mission Circle of the Methodist church rnet at the home of Mrs. I, Parker and presented Miss Thursa Gerry with a valuable pendant as a mark of esteem from her associates in her removal to Fort William. The Circle is sorry to part with• her. Miss Gerry made a kindly reply. THE PROUDFOOT DEMONSTRATION. - Quite a number purpose attend,ng the Proudfoot Demonstration at Goderich on Friday, A special train will be run on the C. P. R. from Goderich, after the meeting, with a return rate of 55 cents from Walton. Going the noon train would have to be taken from Walton. C. 0. F. WILL ATTEND CHURCH--NeXt Sunday evening the members of Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24. Brussels, will attend. the annual service in Mel- ville church, Brethren are asked to meet at 6.30 in the C. 0. F. Hall to tnarch to the church. Visiting brethren or members of neighboring Courts are Imo invited tojoin also. FOOT BALL MATCH, --Oil the evening of Victoria Day a closely contested Foot Ball match took place on Victoria Park, here, between Junior teams of Wroxeter and Brussels, which after a lively see -saw endedin a tie, each side scoring a goal, Referee Jarvis gave good satisfaction. Following were the play - PASSENGER traffic was heavy for Em- pire Day holiday. Monthly Missionary program at the Methodist Sabb th School next Sunday afternoon, MONTHLY meeting of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Cos. Directors will be held at Wroxeter next Tuesday, "CUPBEARER S'locK,"-Alfred. Baeker and George Muldoon are each possess- ors of foals sired by 'Cupbearer" their new roadster stallion. They are fine colts. FARMERS' Excursion to Guelph will be held on Monday, June 63rd. Special train and tickets good to return on the following day. This makes one of the best outings of the year. Make up a party and have a big day. -o- DRAY Tavcns for sale, with or without plat- form. Apply to J. T. RITCHIE, Bruesele. PLANTS. -Will keep a choice assortment of Geraniums and Annuals for bedding, also Cabbage, Cauliflower and Celery Plants. Stock of House Plants as well. MISS KELLY. 48.1 Brussels Greenhouse. PASTURE for hire at Lot 4, Con, 18, Grey. Good spring water and good. run. Phone 4217 L. ADDIS, BAIM Oarrlage for sale, good as new, for half price. R. A. PaYNE. PONIES Yon SALE, -One ehestnut pony and one cream colored pony, eeoh 183¢ hands. They are sound, well broken and need to pity eights. Apply to J. 0. Tuck, Brussels. DR. R. F. PARKER, Osteopath and Eye Speo. iaiiat. at Mr. S. T. Plum's, lsruesele-Tuesdays 7 to 10.80a. m. 47-15 Tate Maitland Studio, Brussels will be re- opened on Tuesday, June 3rd, Look out for CHEAP PHOT0ORAPaafor two weeks. 47.2 G. F. MAITLAND, HOUSE and lot to rent. Apply to W, OAKLEY. Sulam boy wanted to learn the printing. One who has passed the Entrance preferred. Apply at THE Posm. DWELLING rooms to let above stores. Soft water, &o. I.0. RICKARDS, Sam McGregor about lawn mowers, -0- Next Sunday, Rev. D. E. Cameron will preach the closing sermons of his incumbency in St. John's church, He has been appointed to Burford to which place he will re•nove next week. His successor will be Rev Mr. Rollett, of the Coates Diocese who is expected, for the following Sabbath, At the preparatory service in Melville church last Friday, Rev. Mr. Bradley, 01 Teeswater, gave a very suitable dis- course on rhe vision of God." Sab- bath morning the pastor dwelt on "Mary's anointing" and in the evening "The work of the Holy Spirit," was the subject of eousideration looking toward the great Congress in Toronto. WOMEN'S INSTITUTES . -MISS B. Gil holm, of Bright, will address meetings held tinder the auspices of the Women's Institutes at the following places on dates named :- Dungannon, June 10 Wingham, " 12 Blyth, " 13 Londeshoro' " 14 Clinton " 16 Belgrave 19 Brussels " 23 Walton " 24 Miss Gilholm is well posted on many practical subjects that will be discussed and the date should be noted so that a large attendance may be assured. OBITUARY.- As mentionedin last issue Henry Woods was called away from the earthly home early Thursday morning of lust week, in his 73rd year, after being in failing health for about I?! years, chronic abscesses and a weak beast were the cause of death. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Oaten conducting the service, and interment being made in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were W. and F. Woods (sons) and W. and H. Smalidou, A Lamont and W. Johnston (nephews) In addition to a wreath from the fancily there were flowers from the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, and J. and Mrs. Cuthill, Mr. Woods was a native of ers : ' Norfolk, England, and came to Canada WROXETER BRUSSELSwith his arents when he was 5 years Ballantyne Goal Ewan P T. MaKercher ... h Backs Ament old, the family locating in Oxford Co. Patterson SHoover 45 years ago deceased settled In Grey 'A, McLennan f McKinnon township on East i Lot 33, Oh, con., Harr - 3'. Backe Warwick D. McLennan .,. 0roolra thea all bush, and moved to Lot 18, lt, MoKeroher ,.. Thom eon! Con. 16, 7 years later. Here the home Refs �ODg 1 was until so years ago when Mr, Craniums, Forwards.Craniums,Woods retired and moved to Brussels, Stafford mama'. i MON'tagltton BASE BAsi,-A game of Base Ball. was played on Victoria Park, Brussels, last Saturday afternoon when Lneknow jailors assayed to show our juniors how up-to-date . ball should be played. Game was an interesting Dna with good playing in spots but the home team, had tri+: best of it and were never headed and the latter being 4 years old. au 1 won handily. The visitors receiv. Relatives from a distance here for the eti.6 coats of katsomine, Chas. Mc- funeral were: - Wm Weeds, of New MII an was the umpire. The teams Hamburg ; Mrs. Ruddy and two sans, lined rip as follows 1-u Tavistock ; Mrs. T. Facie, Blandford ; 1luuseELe LDoxxow Tno, Woods, West Zorra ; Jas, Ellis, itose,p I3eweton; o Wm. Johnston, and Mrs, Wm, Smith, Barris ti to T, Aitchison p Parkhill; J, H. Woods, Elmira; and Berkley, lb Camerentlb Miss Mabel Dunford, Clinton Mr. Fox rf..... ............. . Rathwetl,2b L iwry, 8b R. Aitchison, a f Woods two Mothers liVieg are Wm., of Armstrong, cf G&idea,8b New Hambttrg and John of California. Thompson, 2b .,,.,' Freeman, If Deceased was a quiet matt, a great read - Lott, c Smeltzer, a... :,.. , Ballantyne, If Reaburn,es er and well posted on many subjec•s Brussels, . 8 0 4 5 2 4 0 0 * 18 Who enjoyed the esteem of a wide circle Luoltnow ... 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 4 0-10 of friends who tender their sympathies to A return game will be played shortiy the bereaved: Mrs Woods and daugh. at Lucltnow, tr.rs will continue to reside In Brussels. Belt The subject ot this notice Was married 45 years agp to Miss Ann Scott, of West Williams; Middlesex Co,, and 6 children were born to them, Sons are Wtn, and Frank, of Grey township, and Misses Lizzie and Ellie at home, Two sons, John and Charles, are deceased, the former living to be 28 years of age 1 The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid up Revervo Fund Undivided Proflto $1,000,000.00 1,250,000.00 181,888,20 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town, Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. ' $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN A000UNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER Rev. Dr. Oaten is at Hamilton this week attending the Methodist Confer- ence for a few days. THE County hoteikeepers met in Clin- ton last week and again this week com- pleting their organization to fight the Canada'1'etnperance Act. People We Talk About Mrs. R. Paul visited friends at Palm- erston. - Will. Long, of Milverton, spent the holiday iu Brussels. Miss Jane Kelly was a visitor in Lou- don last *AWRY. Mrs. Procter. of Sulgrave, is visiting in Brussels for a while, Walter Lowry took in the sights of Toronto during the holiday. George Colviu, of St. Marys, spent the holiday here with his parents. Nill. Straeban,is home from the Uni- versity at Toronto, for Itis vacation. Mrs. A. E. Hersey renewed old friend- ships in Toronto during the past week. Miss Lizzie Downingspent the holi- day with her sister, Miss Hattie in Tor- onto Miss Erie Weir. of London, \Vas a visitor with Miss Isabel Strachan during the past week. Mrs. Barrington, of Montreal, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. H. Gil- roy, Turnberry street. W. A Grewar and Alfred Baeker were among the Brosselites who went. 'o Toronto for the holiday. Mrs. Chas. McDonald and Mrs. (Rev ) Bradley, of Teeswater, were visitors at Melville manse during the past week. R. K Ross. of Toronto. and Mrs McAlpine, of St. Marys, were visitors at the parental home, William street, for a Few days. Garfield Long has returned to the \Vest after a visit of several weeks in this locality. He was ticketed by H. L. lackson, C. P R. local agent. R. P. Baldwin, of North Augusta, arrived in Brussels this ueek and twill fill the position of tunics 00 the staff of the Metropolitan Bank. We welcome him to Brussels. During the past week, Edward Leech, an uncle of Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten, has been visiting at the parsonage. He is in his 92nd year but remarkably hearty and bright for a gentleman of his years, Mr. Leech's home is at Trowbridge. len' Reeve Leckie was in Goderich Friday. Barrister Sinclair made a business trip to Chatham 'est week, Miss Annie Garnics spent Sunday n• her home, 3rd line Morris. Mrs. McSpadden and little -son, of Walton, were visitors with Mrs, T. Mc- Fadzean, Church street. Will. Ament, who 1; ill with typhoid fever. is past the danger spot. We hope he will soon be .o. k. Ed. Ruckell, of Hamilton, was visiting at the home of Mrs. J'in. Manning, Turnl•erry street, during the holiday,. Miss 141innie Edwardsand ,Miss Maggie Bernie, spent the holiday at McGaw with station agent ..and Mrs Churchill. W. H. and Mrs Merklinget•, of Han- over, were here for holiday visit 1,t the home of N. F. and Mrs, Gerrv, King street. Miss Mina Hauler was home from Grimsby. where she is deputy. postmis tress, for a short visit. She is enplving her work. Harry and Mrs. Atwood and son, formerly of Grey township, will take tip residence here while Mr. Atwood takes a tripto the West. We are sorry to state that Thos Newsom is not enjoying his usual good health but we hope he will soon regain his old time vigor Mrs. 1 L Kerr and Mrs. 'Purnhull, are beck from a month's visit with Mrs. W A. Matthews at Cannington which they enjoyed very mull. R. A Prvne arrived home 'rhulsdav of last week after a stat' , f so week. His residence in th, Queen city helped increase his avoirdupoise. T. and Mrs Grant and sons, of Wroxe• ter, were at Simon and Mrs Grant's ori Monday. The latter, who was laid up nearly all of the past Winter, is able to get about once more, we are pleased to notice. I Andrew and Mrs. Ewan arrived here last week from Scotland and will [Hake 1 their home in Brussels. Fortner is a nephew of our well known townsman, D Swan, and he will be employed by the latter as one of the blacksmiths in th ' Carriage Works. This is Mr. and Mrs. Ewan's first visit to Canada and I they are delighted at the appearance of everything All they heard about Canada has been verified We welcome them to Brussels. ♦♦s••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•••♦•s•••••••••410•41•••••••••• • • • a• 40 Shoes• A • 0 4 •r' • f 6 ••Shoes 9 • 1 • S • 4 • c • F•• The Go! • •40 • Awa y • • • s •• i ALL of them must go on or before •June 1 Ott • i put the and we have prices so they will go. o •• Shoe business closes on .the above date. Get a s your supply as you will not get such a chance for o sCheap Shoes again. 44' • s • se►LL�i►Llt►.�dJ►L.I►�LAv �ll►�OJo O s • Men's Heavy Shoes reg. 2.25 cut to 1.50 •o t •A I ® Men's Heavy Shoes reg. 2.00 cut to 1.25 • y g 0 e• • e ♦777'P�'���7�''►4-TNr-e-Nr ,r-PTV'�• • • Ladies', Gents', Misses' Boys', children's 4.o • • • all at give=away prices. a • s • • • • \\\\\\\\\\\tigass//////////.' • • • • o • • tS HarnessDepartrnent • •••• • • • • • Heavy and Light Harness at •Lowest Prices • I One Set Light Double ,Driving Harness, nickle • silver, at Bargain Price. •o oTrunks, Satchels, Lap Rugs, Duster's -nice as- v sort•ment and the price. will suit you. s •• • • mommum O ♦ • s e s. s • El rx�T AN OF CAIVADA �t�11,D OFFiCF TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1873 j' Is an advantage sometimes to 1l keep a bank account in the names of two persons, so that either one may maize withdrawals. Such an account is called a "joint account," We shall be pleased to furnish par- ticulars. gss BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, D O'D Manager. a Miss Lin. Colvin, of Toronto,spent the holiday under the parental roof. H. G. Fitgetald, of Linwood, was a visitor at T. G. Jones' for few days. Miss A. Snider, of London, spent the holiday at T. Snider's, Mill street, Brus- sels, Miss Thursa Gerry is visiting her sister. Mrs. W. H. Willis, at Wingham for a few clays. J. C. Tuck was 10 'Toronto for a few days. He brought a couple of nice ponies back with him. David and Miss Fanny Hogg attend ed the McLean-Plaetzer wedding at Blyth. The groom is a nephew. John Henderson is home for a holiday visit from Port Colborne, where he holds s lucrative position and likes the work, A.C. Dames left on Tuesday for h trip to the West combining business and pleasure. Mrs. Dames is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Rnbt. Auderaon and Clara are at Toronto this week attending the funeral of Mrs Anderson's sister, Mrs Alex. Skelly, T and Mrs. Tremble and daughters, Ethel and Edith, of St Mares, were the guests of G C. and Mrs Manners over, the holiday. They are old friends. Mrs. H. McMartin, of Hensall.is visit- ing with Wm and Mrs. Wilton. The latter is a daughter The visitor was a resident of Brussels for years and is re. membered 1•v the older folly. Frank and MTs O'iver rind hate, of 'l'illsnnhurg, were here for a visit of a Few dors with reln'ives and old friends. The former is a son of • Mrs Frank Oliver, of town, and be IVHS a former resident. Belgrave bit. VanNorrnan will take a trip to the West. A garden party under Prsbyterian direction is on the Lapis. Wednesday of last week, Alex. Morton, an old resident of the etit line, East. Rrawannsh, passed away after a long illness, aged Sr years. He was buried at Brandon cemetery on Saturday. His wife predeceased him 4 years. ' One son, Sauntel and daughter, miss Lexie, live on the hotnestead. Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church for years. Last Friday evening's Concert was a decided success. Rev. Kilpattiek occupied the chair 'a lid program con- sisted of yocal sulectious From bliss G "fid 1 A H Wilford f Wing 1'1 rt lint . . 1 'Ot' , o - ham ; piano dnet and solo by Misee5 VttuNounhu ; "Outlet. Herrin," in olturacter, by Miss Tessie-' Halliday EACREIt WANTED for S. 8. No. 8,Morrie and teeitatious by Miss Northworthy, of St. Thomas. All slid their part splendidly and gave an excellent pro - grata• Our local talent was o. k. as they nsudily are- Ys 0 45 55 Choc®later a Nylo Chocolates • F n ♦ t0 • 4e • • • • rhe only way to ,judge any brand of Confectionery 1. to a try the goods when they are p fresh. You Will pass favor- ' © able judgment upon a m I• I0 0 r9 ) • • • • • • •a • purchased from us because of this Fact, The Nylo Oboe- olates aro as pure and dclic- kale 118 Call be found and we have them in great variety from 25e up to 81.25 per box at DRUG STORE BORN Moo0EY.-At Mote, Sask., on April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mooney, n son. MARRIED • DOUGHERTY-DOLE - At the home of the bride's parents, Ethel, on may 21st, by Rev. D. Wren, M. A., 5L'. Thos. Dougherty, of Gantry'', to Misslrla, daughter of Mr. rind Mre, S. S. Ooie, 01 Ethel MOLIIAN-PLAnT21nt.-At Blyth, on May 21st, by Rev. Mr. Turner, Mr. W. D, Mol.ran, or Morrie township. to Miss Annie Pearl. daughter of Mr, and Alae. H. Plaetzer, Blyth. DIED ADDIE.-In Grey township, on May 28t1t, David Addie, aged 81 years. DAPI OSos-l1, MoKillop township, on May 25th, Thomas Davidson, need 60years, 11 months and 14 days. FAtanetrm,-Near Sacramento, 001., on May 18th, Joh!Norge Fairb trn, rormerly 00111 f Grey Township. aged 00 years. POLLARD, -At Sly th, on May 26th. Win. Pol- lard. formerly or 51eRillop township, aged 72 years. Roiti soN.-In MoKillop township, on May 25th, the beloved wife of Rl,hard Robin- son, aged 58 years and 5. months. Notice The (Cart of Revision on the Aesesenlent Roll of the Village of Bruesele will be held at the Connell Chamber, ilruesele On Alondny, the 2nd day of June next, at ti o'clock p. m. All parties Interested will plena take notice and govern themselves noeordhtgly F. S. SCOTT, Clerk, Brussels, May 20th, 1918. .1 township, known as "Anderson e, ' 00111.0 !titan Sept. 151, Applicants 1118005 atom gnnlllheatlon and salery. Norisaliln Preferred. wSeo etary B newels P. 0, Meeting of Huron .County Council. The Council of the Oorporntlon of the 0001,. ty ot Buren will meet in the Council Chamber 1n the Town of Goderieh, on 'Tuesday, June 8rd, at 8 o'clock, Aeoonnts requiring settle- ment roust be placed with the Olerk befog this date. W. LANE, Dated May 20th, 1018. Clerk. Notice to Creditors Iu the matter of the estate of Mrs. Sarah • Maxwell, late of the Wiese of Brus- sels, in the County of Huron, w clow, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Seo. 55, Chap. 26, of the Statutes' of Ontario, 1 George V., that all eredttor .a and others having claims against the estate of the esid 21re.Ss',.h111ax- well, who died at Galesburg, Micld gen. on or about the 9th day of April, A. D. 1018. are required on or before the twenty-fifth day of June A. D 1918, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Executors of the estate. their Ohrlotian and surnames, addres. sea end desariptlonf, and a statement of their accounts against the said estate and Mao the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly verified' by a Statutory declaration. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the partlen entitled thereto,lraving regard on- ly to the clahne.of which they obeli then have got n otdon, and that the Paid Eaeoutors will not be liable for the said assets or any port there. of to env person or persons of whew claims notice shall not have been received by them at the Mine of such diotribuliolr. Dated this 20th day of Singy, 1018 DOUGALD H. MODONALD, Executors, P. S. SCOTT, Brtteaele. O. 48.8 o;-e•%v +yt•s-r0ia0orts4o40K-•-i••-r •+411+41÷1144.,01441.0+114.411,0rl•a't`♦•i•♦.1' •i•♦q'♦'ly1"f'1'♦-t'♦$•V'."♦•1' Brussels Daylight Store y''I,i'n"L^tl'nI�L'4i li'L,'II''h'4i'Ili IlfIL91i Ili 11AIPyr4i'4J4i'11'In'h'lli 111't'4dhi le'IU4i Ili Ie'III'IJe,IbJ'eel,ehdll,"4,'y,lgi IP9,fLi'li 4i'li Ili II'4JIII"li IdII,II1,41'I,'4,'4,'lli Ib'IP't"L'9,'4, IlAlli lu'hA6rt„1 G. N. McLaren New Ready- For Men ': &Bo s r Clothin Y t® mea „mar W-E are showing extraordinary values in Boys' and Men's Clothing and without doubt the largest and best assorted stock we have ever had. PROGRESS BRAND -Made Right, Fit Right, Are Right and at Right Prices, Beau tiful Patterns in Fancy Worsteds•and Serges, in Grey's,. Browns and Greens. New Tweeds ill Heather Mixed and Diagonal Stripes. All this season's best patterns. Here are `a Few of the many Good Lines"offered Men's Brown and Green Mixed Worsted finished Tweeds 1 sitong lining and good Tilling ; all sizes from 34 I.' 44 - Special at $7.00 Tweeds M' d Tweeds anti Grey 1 tXe ' i 11 ]'Gell and' G Men's Btov , G1 Y \Vol ateds perfect fitting ; wool serge lining • pant:: finished with belt straps and 5 pockets , all sizes, 3T tet 44 - Our Special at $10.00 Men's Fanny Worsteds and Serges t extra gond qual- ities of lining;- making No. 1 in every respect ; Grey, Brown and Green nixed patterns ; alt sizes 34 to 44 - Your choice for $13.75 Alt•u'a nine and I31ack Serges and Fancy' Worsted Sun.' No.. 1 in every respect trimming and waking Lit, best ; patterns 1MW perfect fitting its Shuttle'., 'Medium, Shor•I, Sinut and Large models, We can fit you, Every suit good value at the prices !narked - Youths' Fancy Mixed Tweed Snits in this season's best Patterns, with long prints ; strung lining in sizes 3:3, 34 and 85 - Special value:at $6.00 Youths' Fancy Mixed 'Worsted and Serge Suits, hr Grey and Brown mixed patterns ; 1311,E Sei•ge; cv '1 bt 11 straps wool serge lined ; pouts fiulHhed it t p ` and 5 dockets ; ulalte good 2-piBce w' Sine,: suits ; sizes 82, 33, 34 and 35= • Specials at 10.00 & 12.00 Heys' 2 and 3 -piece Suits, with Kuicket' and 13loomer Pants ; lovely patterns hi -Worsteds and Fancy Tweeds ; all are properly tnade and every suit gond value at - 3.00, 3.50, 41;00 & 5.00 Boots and hoes, We have a full stock of Men's Boots and Shoes, boughtadvance in price.. Men's WorkingBoots at 2.00, 2,50 & $3.00 worth per more rod ay.. sizes in stock. • •45 gl• • • •• ••4' e •••• • •• • •' • •h • • • 1.5.00 16.00 & 18.0• 0 20 t 'Alt • A Complete Assortment of Cotton Hosiery • Justplacedin stock. Prices the Lowest. a••i•'N♦+•9•'9••S••iia➢••1�•t•d••i•tir�t••f••1'•t••1•,Q••d++&•t + • ♦ i ♦ L■ Ir '+, '� • Always the H1 hal t . • • t g t ace, 4. 1 h Prices of I' od G. N. McLaren '9 • ♦ ♦ ••♦SSSS•♦s•♦essse•H•♦eMs••N♦s♦•ss♦••♦•••e••••••••; � +it♦+1'i+•'h•e+'bst♦•M••!•••t••tits't•••t•••r#ti•s't•s.♦m••r•'rb•r•Ali.r•4•e+t'••1•"e•4•st•+Ne•!'"♦•M'M'w