HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-29, Page 7aeneseaStallentellealelseaseveleseereeneeant Fashion Hants Seen jn Paris Shops. Tiie simple summer dresses made to go into the tub have their skirts 'finely tucked at the top. This gives the uecesitary width without being full. The silhouette remains practically the sante, but color combinations, draperies, and oddly shaped little jackets make this season's gowns individual. Bright colored bodice tops and sleeves in somber colored dresses are smart, indeed. The richer and more striking the silk pattern the better, ' Deep yokes are seen on many new blouses. They broaden the shoul- ders gracefully and are an excellent style for slender and medium stout figures. Flowered silks and flowered crepe de chines are used in a most attrac- tive way this season. A plain char- meeuso dress with sleeveless bolero appears • with odd flowered silk or crepon sleeves. Draped coats for afternoon and evening are one great feature of the season's openings. Tulle plaiting makes a fascinating. trimming for the new figured crepe de chine gowns, Black and white checked skirts are in high favor, especially on ac- count of the odd coats. Some of the new black and white cheolcad skirts have bright green satin bound buttonholes. Fine Chantilly lace, soutache, and embroidered tulle are used to trim and crepon sole toilets. Bright colored coats of silk tricot are worn over tulle and lace blouses by smartly dressed girls. Little girls' Russian blouses are gathered into shaped bands or held at the long waistline by a leather • belt. Meatlets of supple taffeta in plain and :brocaded silks are cut off at the knee line and worn with amort gowns; For tennis, the proper skirts are of white corduroy, linen, and rep or serge, with plaits let in at side or back. White lingerie drosses of voile eponge are being trimmed with -sou- tache effects in white embroidery on tulle. Many of the white net blouse' to satin afternoon gowns havesnewq of tiny satin buttons the color of the gown. Spring flowered foulard makes charming summer toilets with the skirt draped or fashioned with tunic sashes. The bolero over a lace blouse worn with a draped skirt makes a charming street costume for warm spring days, Spring -evening draps are of heavy chanteuse, draped and lined with the same material. Edges of natur- al colored marabout make a delight- ful finish. STRENGTH FOR WEAK STOMACH Can Only /3e Had Through Rich Red Blood. Wben the blood is poor fund thin and the stomach in consequence is imperfectly supplied with oxidized blood and nerve force, the diges- tive process becomes slow aid fer mentetious of the food :goes on, with the formation of gas and certain acids. The pressure of the gas causes pain in the stomach; some- times it affects the heart, When the gas is belched out through the mouth the patient is temporarily relieved, the sour risings in the throat, and the burning sensations in the throat and stomach are caused by the acid fermentations. There are plenty of things to neu- tralize these acids, or to "sweeten the stomach," as it is called, but they do not care the trouble. Pure, rich blood whioh will tono'up the stomach and enable it to do the work nature intended it to do, is the only road to a euro. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills make new, rich, red blood—that is why they cure even the most obstinate cases of in- digestion, The following is a bit of proof. Mise Minnie Greene, of Hall's Bridge, Ont., says: "About a year ago I was greatly troubled with nay stomach. Everything I ate, caused me pain and distress. I would feel as though I was starved, but when meal time came the .sight of food caused a feeling of loathing, There were days when I could not eves hod milk on my stomach, and. my head would ache,so that I could hardly keep from screaming. Only those who have suffered from sto- mach trouble know the torture I suffered. I tried almost every re- medy recommended, but found not the least benefit until I began tak- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These I used for a couple of months and they worked a perfect cure and I am enjoying good health and able to eat freely all kinds of food." If you are suffering from indiges- tion or any other trouble due to poor watery blood, begin to cure yourself to -day by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medioine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. lY• • PARIS TO BE FENCED. Fence to be Twenty Miles and Cost $2,000,000. TO BE TORE Tile DEAD. DI August de Castellano Scymore, Who claims the body of a person frozen to death can be restored to life. To prove his contentions, the Dorothea and R. le. Scott expedi- tion, of which ho is the head, has been organized to search for the body of Capt.R. F. Soot[, for the main purpose, if found, of restor- ing the discoverer of the South Pole to life. Dr. Seymour claims he has met success in restoring animals to life after having frozen them to death. If unsuceessfulin his search the doctor will search for the bodies of Lieutenant Bower and Dr. Wil- son and experiment on them. Dr. Seymore expects to leave San Fran- cisco for New Zealand, June 1st. AJ1 the Tired N�rvoii" WaineiI CAN MD A CURE IN DODD'S 1{IDNJ'7Y PILLS. Madame Perreaallt Tells How She Cured Her Ridneys With .Dodi1's Kidney Pills, and Found health and Contentment, Verner, Ont,, May 19 (Special "I am very content. Dodd's Kid ney Pills have made , me well." Those are the words of Madame Eugene Porreault, a highly-reepeot- ed Iady,of this place and mother of a large family, For twenty years she was a sufferer. But, let her tell her own story, "I was always tired and nerv- ous," she states. "I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. My limbs were heavy and I had a dragging none/et/on across my loins. My akin itched and burned at night. .1 had a bitter taste in my mouth, especi- ally in the morning. In twenty years 1 hardly knew what it was to have a well moment.' 'Then I com- menced to use Dodd's.Kidney Pills. Six boxes cured me." Mad ams Perreault's symptomswere those of kidney disease. They are 1'' the symptoms of nine out of ten of the nervous, rundown, pain -racked women of Canada, Madame Perre- ault found a speedy and complete cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. They simply cured her kidneys. tF SUFFERINGS OF TURNS. TEACH HENS TO LAY EGGS. ..........-...........„/,..41 Broker Arranges Marriages. Terrible Scenes Witnessed Atter O Your Looks In Italy naarmiago brokers ane a Fall of Adrianople. English Agricultural Experts Tour regular insttitution. They have North Wales in Special Train. pocket -books filled with the names A woman connected with the The Agricultural Or of marriageable maddens in various British Red Crescent staff gives an g Organization and the National Poultry Organiz- rank of life, and go about trying appalling picture of the treatment If Your Color is Bad if You Suf- to arrange matches. When they of Turkish prisoners after the cap- anon Society of unique are jointly , are successful they receive a cpm tuns of Adrianople. They were left which responsible for a unique scheme by ler From Pimples, Here is mission and very likely something without food or shelter. They strip- which it is hoped hens may be Good Advise. tau extra, as a voluntary gift from tihsir ped the bark from trees to make ght to lay. What is known as the `'golden customer, tiny smoke fires, but as their bun- egg" train left London recently if ger grew they were forced to eat bearing a party of poultry experts Escaped the Habit. the bark _and do without fires. who are going to teach the hens in Mrs. O'Brien—Sure, a dhrop now The majority lay in a dumb pati- Wales how eggs really should be .but aren't ye slice and silent misery more touch - an' thin is a comfort; laid. The train consibted of three afraid, Mrs. Hennessy, ye'll gib the ing than ,any words or moans, Their special coaches, fitted with every habit?' eyes were sunken in their heads, modern device calculated to en - Mrs. Hennessy—Niver a bit I Me their cheeks fallen into ;great hol- courage the most educated hens to ould man's been drinkin' ut stiddy lows, their bongs projecting through lay prize eggs, and it will travel these for-rty years past, an' he's their akin -with hunger, and their from station to station in North never got the habit. edanduseless. and ea cracked, blacken- Wales for a fortnight. The poultry ---3--experts will lecture at each stop-' ,, One or two drank laterally with ping place to the local chicken far - HOW TO •P0P CORN. their last breath. While one man Miss Nettie E. Callaghan, a well- mets. It. id done in different ways, but the was being given water there would known young body in Middleton, Paris, France, is to be most approved method is to pop your be ' another close beside him who g writes as follows: "I was affected complete- ly enclosed by an ornamental iron corse with Putnam's Corn Extractor — would lick up' the drops that fell, A Lack of Obstacles. for two years with a rash, and ugly corns non out for fair, and dray out, too, fence 10 flet in height. or try to put his finger in ib and at A Scotsman who had worked for looking pimples that spread over g when removed by 'Putnam'e1' Try this least have ['hat to suck, man a my face. My color was r and This fence will be 20 miles in painless remedy youreolf, Iso. at all y Y ars on the railroads among poor, length, and its purpose is to pre- dealers. ^--+1--- the Highlands of Scotland went to blood evidently completely out vent people from passing into the es___Good Advise. the United States in his later years, of order. Certainly it was -a most city without paying the "octroi" or WOULD SATE LIVES OF BIRDS "'My, son," said the old hunter, and settled on a section of home- various sort of a case, because local duties on foodstuffs, _ __ " vardcus tl Afrinty did but little to gasoline you are starting outt,, to earn' stead land on the plains of the far and intoxicating liquors,which con- Scientist Pleads for Restriction of living as, a guide. , Remember that West• help me. A friend of mine int To- statute a large portion of the civic some people will want to see bear, 'Soon after Mir arrival there was romt,, One, advised me to get Dr. New Guinea Trade. Haini'lton s Pills, so I sent at once revenues. while others will want to see bear a project fora railway through the for five boxes. In two weeks I felt The gates or entrances will. be The demand for furs and feathers tracks, district, The Scotsman was applied like new—leeks im roved guarded by officials, the fence being t4 add charm to the women of the "Yes, dad." to as a man of ,experience in such P , spirits the modern aubstatuts for the walla world is conotanrtly.running counted' -"If they're satisfied with tracks' matters. rose, and I falai I was getting wall. IS LAZIEST OF ALL ANIMALS. of. the past. What remains of the the efforts of Governnn,,nts and don't try to show 'em bear." "Hoot, mon," ho said to the I have used this remedy for a long time and now wouldn't be without old :tvvalls of Paris will be levelled. scientists to preserve the birds and - �• spokesman of the delegation, "ye 1[' „' Too Placid to Pick Up Food, They The cost of the fence will be about eununals whose liveseere eaerifieed to 1iEIz ``BEST FRIEND:' canna build a railway across this 11 au are in 'ilia' Starve to Death. . $2,000,000. supply these adornments. Birds of country." Y g health, have paradise are found in far Africa, A. Woman Thus Speaks of Postum. "Why not, Mr. Ferguson l" . ' b'l'ood disorders, stomach trouble, An English traveller attributes ' but the sale, for their feathery. for "Why not;" repeated Ferguson, or headaches,, Dr, Hamilton's Pills extraordinary laziness to the tau- The lii- WHEN BABY . CRIES. We usually consider our best with an air of effectually settling will helpquickly. ggistts taus, a kind of lizard. It attains a wom,n s wear is so pltoiitable that Friends those who treat us bast. You uickl A1.1 drn length of abou:b fifteen Moires, and When the tab cries continuallylneatsta pt for y the Pariionin must Some persona think tea -and sof- the whole matter, "Why not? and 6torekeof Mandrake seri d Bu'b- bas a bright green aloin wwbh brown do. notput it down for urs u l be adapted by the oon)damenta of Frio are real friends, but watch them Dania ye see the country's na as flat tens Pills of and i.00. P g lotions, eke they soon would be careful; awhile and observe that -w a floor' and ye hap nae place tent pt. baa253. per box, five for $1.00. stripes and a slake-73k�e head. .It nese—that is not the baby's nature exterminated, y whatever to run your toonels sent p°`stpard by the C�atarrhbzo•ne • is fund in New Zealand. -it is to. be happy and laughing. Prof. Sohi:llinge, the German ad- taw, for o of the meanest rib all through 7" Co., Buffalo, N.3r., and ii2nngston, T e tautens generally lies quite Every'baby should cry on an aver- 'ur,alwst who made a reputation for © they stab one while pro- Canada. motbonlees on the runny bank of a age of fifteen or twenty minutes a himself byhis oamema studies of fesaing friendship. g river, says Youth's Companion. Its day—that is how he strengthens :animal ,life in the wilds of Africa, Tea and coffee contain a poison- We TO DUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Ready Ans yeti blinking eyes aro the only alga of his lungs. But'mothere ifyour babyone drag—en eine—which injures T° LAXATIVE nonny Quinine finhlota „ g is urging the Government to tasks; Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. Be mine, I can not live without life in los animal. Making a noose gives sharp piercing cries or low en,rgebio steps to prevent the ex- the delicate nervous system and E. W. GROVE'S signature is ou eachbox.you." or touching it loos net endue)) its sobbing- wails, he, is in pain and termination of these birds in Ger- mere sets up disease in one or "Bah I" said the heiress, "You equanimity. It is claimed that needs attention. Nothing will re- man New Guinea. He paints to the more organs of the body, if its use Payinghave lived without me for years." is persisted in. Teller—1 cannot cash this "True," . many of ;them will not niove for Have the •little one so quickly as example of Brutish Now Guwnea, I had heart cheek, madam. She—Why not? retorted the duke, "but weeks at a time. Baby's Own Tablets. They regu- where the Government prevents ale palpitation and. In spite of its laziness, hoavever, late the stomach and bowels, expel together ,the export of te plumes of nervousness for four years and the Paying Teller—There isn't ,Dough at last."of living has gotten to me the'tautava /manages to supply it- worms, break up cold, and will the bird. In the Gedwtan colony,, doctor told me the trouble was money bare to meet it. She—Then self with abundant nousishruleno. make baby healthy and happy. The on :the other hand, !tire authorities caused by coffee. He advised me to can't you meet it half ;way? The animal generally stations• nttaelf Tablets are sold by medicine deal_ gratnt permits to. shoott it to any leave it off, .but I thought I could �t ¢p �� �uglh®1B Eye Remedy near the lurking place of a kind; of ers or by mail at 25 cents a box man who cleans and brings under not, writes a Western tatty, Mlnards umment euros oistolnpar. Ye to s. arnutlsrned,Wonk,Waferr Quickly, u rod at1•ollda Illuatrntvl book stingless• bee, which it catches from The Dr, Williams' Medicine cultivation 123 acres of original On the advice of a friend I tried mg each trvnehaep, atvurxn to oam- adroitly, with no' further exertion Co., Brookville, Ont. forest for rho German New Guinea Postum and it so satisfied mo I did Life is full of humorous incidents, ��ttio d1n'dloia'bn°t"„eoeine �W oiuiPcv i° than a dmap of the jaws, sp Company, Sohillioga han�bs that not care for coffee after a few days' the most common of which is the Need wd o4 oa l°o°it oorunup n'na'san1�y Strangely enough, this inactivetrial of Postum, fifteen dollar a week man telling rang lata at ptpfpe Der hetue, unrmg g Y g > A platonic lover ire usually a quiet whites, with hunting rights, comlael „ what a fool the $10 000 man as. pag9eA Eye calve 1n dseptlo Tubes, ere80o, aslinial, does not thrive in eaptavitty, chap who savor his money. the natives to waft rbhem in fining , As weeks went by and I con- , twine ave Remedy Co.. Chicago for -there its laziness proves its un -Little Dave was detected, by his the birds by turning their guns tlnued to use Postum my weight y,lnard's Liniment curse Dlphtherle doing.. Twp epecamions were pro- father in the act of stealing from upon P in ease of refusal. Sdhil- increased from 98 to 118 pounds, id Doubt. cured by the trravellor referred 'to one of his little playmates, The line a ales to 'tile Gerincun Gov- and the heart trouble loft ale. 1 T11e Crimp. "15 your daughter mueica] 7" above and iasis cowfonbabls in a ernmsnt to imitate the American have used it a year now and am lar , lass ease. Tho , a abs°- father, not believing in corporal He was arrested for graftin "Well," replied Mr, Cunlrcat; g 8 Y Y example fund prohibit aleogebher stronger than I ever was, I cang, lutely miotaoslless, a S they had done punishment, concluded to try a mor the i3nparta bao41 of feathers for mal- husble' up stairs without any heart was lie Dat 7" "she seems so 1n conversataon, but on the river bank, and seemed poi- al lecture. After pointing out the lam°ry and sianilar uses. Australis:, palpitation, and Tam Crop from "Haven't you got enough sense then she sings opinions differ," wrong of such an' act, he said . Al- Y p nervousness, to know that men are not arrested tont. Axe to- capture rho ineeets too hoe e, prohibits both elle im- Nlnaw's Liniment curse ca.sst to now ways bear In mind, my boy', that rr for graftiug7 bio was arrested for that war, thrown ,to fllem'did not those temptations be resisted if port and export of plumes of birds My children aro very fond of it"" occur to [liege tautavats. No more p threatened with e,xtsrminsesten,. ` A Postum and it agrees with them. 'being eaught at it.. Not Altogether it Calamity. Y°1-- turn a deaf ear to them, eiidthey feel inclined to leave:thear la* against, such idnpoalts hhts b,ep My easter liked at when she drank "You crushed' that state of acid rest to. role ti, the Davos la trembled' as he replied :,�.thumb when p p „ p passed by the B2artisQt House' of it at,my libuso; now silo has Poston) a. i i` ti you were a boy, did yowl" bees that were Placed before theme 13ut, father, what can I do? I Lords, but the Ceonitn�s have not at home and has beaonoo very fond �f` � ':° INi t'1,, "Yea." . They wen'0 to lazy to feerl them- int got a deaf ear. et passed i b uste the r of i . Yout � ' f ' l * r ti: ` :` +' ' ,V pa , g ha aagum,nt t may use my name if you . , Mt , . �I. ,, And that, i suppose, is [tabor salvos, and filially SitiF '' a1Iy observed to death. that Germany ami France would wish as 1 am not ashamed of pxais- 1. f '',, .made the nail grow oat in that * genOt11st7ipatitbA`Eeesse derive the chief benefit from such ing my best friend Postum." x st tt ' thick, shapeloas easliion, What a ;lard OA the Ears. lean enemy within tho':cam It will leganlation .. Name given by Canadian Postum . xx misforta lie " V p r :.rpt 1 %, "N u i , • Women—HI undermine the OtrOngCet COnStltlltiOn' Paofe�ar b`aht111709,g�a d9 greatly Co,, Windsor) Ont. - § � ✓ "Not a11C11 an awful m35,fOrtiaTlil 1 first Women— I hate for people and ruin the most vigorous health,t • ,,. go �oanodrned also about certain far- Postum now comps in now coneen- • � , •:, �t', ��' ' mister. That thumb. tail Comps rn g lir : .4,r ,, -: . 4••xy_... to be always whispering. •&eeond It leads to lair estio ffiouaneea, :b ,n• •_,;rr card ,g animals. things Lb is [rated form called Instant Postum,.. , •, t fy.,. •: Ditto Yes, it le much [harder to impure blood, bad comp ex on, gfc U •td,*; �rE,u. ��., mighty handy sometimes for a i understand brat the eadac n ( ti t "' only Gt question of time when the It is regular Postum, so processed :,.,. ? e . ;,,• . ..: ", serewdrlver." A w y are sayrng %tee a e planed m y a en 'On lar , {l ' t:c'r ;. each other r,re ub o pIs R{'' Ips bo4ur the nttusk-oIr and rho at the factory that only the solttbls ..,u 7' .� Uinta a`s o • etileatle; r Menton silver fox will be ,gractioalllly otter- portions are retained. a> 'g w �11�; •�f Whet She �VtaDtn+i. Indian oot. Pills` t vel cure"3 w I , : •, 1 pas Y manwte�i., Whales and scala are A spoonful of Iustaat Post= ,_� � !l'� f�t�'�';p- �v "These aro I When a young Yuan thinks s, girls Constf tion. The are entirei„+ .: . � , ,all genuine antiques, panot yea Noarcor &n the Arc- , rr: j!. g aCJf u , 6. ,tr Piano rat;tico as musre—that vegetable acorn osltton fad do nOt ding , e with ]lot water, and sugar and Q.t, ; �rfi3: ,u,(tl madam, sand the dealer. We, l? isA tie acus An�tartttle waters' in theIt A ' P , ii 1 ” glre ty gripe. ,cream to taste aoduoc instantly �, � r .. `u �, ` I (love, n, weaken tyr. gripe. Preitem u, p y ..• �� guarantee that, "She disturbed m ea your health by taking v'aSt fdxt is of Buunaa the sable is a delicious beve si e, • > L1 ';;' dim "1 haven't anydoubt of it," Said "• . ,. I mind.„ tl�`O.N,�+, :irk peace me P. Harsco!, ra Y` tPIr'hm8 �timc{wooly write for the little book, `e'7.`lle :� Mrs. N'o6oasll, but barn t ye seri co of r 1d p�d1 y giving + and the ,same is true of : bbs shin- gond to Wellvill'e."' Y anythin' newer'ii them 1 They look $ piece of Ileum", ripdis�t Root. Pili.m ehint In the Andra Mountains. "There's a reason" for X'ostuna. 1vD. 7. ISSUE 21--'19* like a lot o' hand-me-downs." DANDRUFEAND FALLING AIR Prevented_ by FeWP Treatment with -. TIC SOAP And Cuticura Ointment. Directions: Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scall has been gone over. Next morning shampoo with Cuti- cura Soap. Shampoos alone may be used as often as agreeable, but once or twice a month is generally sufficient for this special treat- ment for women's hair. Cuttaura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample of look, 5105 32 -page booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and soale, sent p0,0 -trey Address Potter Drug Sc Chem. Corp, Dept, 2413, Boston, U.S. A. KIND ACTION COST Tillif $2,800 Motorist Must Pay for Injuries to Women Ile Assisted, At least one modern. good Samari- tan has pause to regret his kindly action, Prof, Gaston Daumas was auto mobiling in the forest of Fontaine- bleau, krance, with two of his: pu- pils on one of the few dos days of last summer, In the depths of the woods he passed another automobile which was in distress. Mr, Dau- mas stopped his ear and inquired if he could be of any assistance. The other automobilist explained that it would take him some time to repair his machine, but he would be greatly obliged if the .stranger would take the two ladies who had been in the broken down car back to Fontainebleau, M. •Daumas was inclined to shirk, as his car was only a 12 horse -pow- er and the two ladies were of such generous proportions that to say the least their presence would crowd the ear. His good nature, however, prevailed and a start was made: Before two miles were cov- ered an . accident happened on a descent. The automobile swerved and the two women .were thrown from their seats and badly injured. One of the women later sued M. Delimits . for $,4,000 damages and the other for $600. le was in vain that M. Daumas pleaded that he was under ' no contract to convey the ladies and that they were trying M make him pay for an excess of good nature. The cods was against him and the court awarded $2,000 to one of the plaintiffs and $300 to the other. Quite Satisfy You? Fine Results In Two Weeks. Highest grade beaus kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. GLOVES That Are Guaranteed Why take chances In buying a pair of gloves when you can get a positive guarantee backed by Canada's largest glove factory in the I.R.E. Pinto Shel l Gives made from specially tanned horse- hide. Guaranteed wet proof, wind proof, steam and beat proof. Send for illustrations. HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Canada's Expert Clove and Stili Makers. MONTREAL. rt t. r;N FARMS FOR GALL.• H, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne steed, Toronto. �RIIIT, 5T003, GRAIN AND DAIRY Parma in all sections et Ontario. Some snaps. 1j AOTORY BITES, wIT13 ORn WITBO0T Brampton[ and otherktowas and cities. ' EBIDENTIAL PROPERTIES TN .II 16 Brampton and a dozen other towns. N. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto (', NE HUNDRED ACRES IN OXFORD Oounty—Boil, sand and black ]namt 2 acres orchard; number buildings. 'Phone in house. Price, four thousand. the Western Real 'ktate Exchange, London. Ont. MALE HELP WANTED., A T ONCE—MEN TO LEARN BARBER CTL trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools free; always sure employ- ment for barber. Write for catalogue. Molar Colleee, 221 Queen E., Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. �t TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED AIr. 1� ferent.' Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Album, only Seven Ceuta, Marks Stamg Penton lir, Toronto atISOHLLANE 0111 fV ANCER. TUMORS. LOMP0, ETC., V internal and external, cured with Ont pain by our home treatment. Write vs before too late. Dr. Rellmao Lfedloal Co., Limited, Collinewood, Oeit. GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND 14050. der Stones, Kidney trouble, Grasp[. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cared with the now .German Remedy. "Sandi," priori 51.50. Another new remedy tor Diabetos•Meltitue, and sura cure, le Hanoi's Anti -Diabetes." Price $052 from druggists or direst. The Hanoi Manatee. taring Company of Canada, Limited. Winnipeg, Man. 1iiee. Willie's Mamma—"Is James a nice boy for you to play marbles with 7" Willie—"Sure. I can beat him every time." Minard's Liniment imited, Co.,Yarmouth, N. E. Gentlemen, In January last. Francis Leolere, one of the men employed by me, working in the lumber woods, bad a tree fall on him, crushinghim fearfully,. Ba was, when found; placed on a sled and taken home, where grave foam were on. tortained 'tor his recovery, his hips being badly bruised and his body turned Mack from hie ribs to hie feet. We used MIN. AIMS IINIM3NT on him freely to deaden the pain and with the use of three bottles be was completely cured and able to re. turn to his work, EADVEU.S DUVAL. Elgin Road, L'Islet Co„ Que. Malt's Inconsistency. Men like to laugh at women's clothes—and then wear those green hats with the bows behind. PILES cunea IN 0 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will, refund money If PAZO OINTMENTfails to cure any calm of It0h, Mg, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles la Ito 14 days. 600. Many a man gets the reputation of being a "good fellow" when , he is going to the bad. Miftard'e LInitnont Cures Colds, Eta Home -Made Respectability. By #sever letting their left hands know what their right hands are doing, some men fool themselves in- to believing that they are teepees table. RHEUMATISM LAST WATER Montreal Man Conquered his Old Enemy by thine GIN PILLS Mr, A. Beattdry of 597 i'anct Sirest, Montreal, [iiia eepresees itis great satisfaction with GIN PII,I,S. "It affordalne great pl casure to inform yeti that X have tl,vc(1 GI,N I'•ILI,S for about et* niouths, sad that they have done me it great deal of good, t have had ILlaeutnatiam f0,' a couple of years, and last winter I saved myself front it by using GI1N P11,LaS," sec, a bort, 6 for 450 50. nettltlje free 1f yeti write. Netioatal. I)rtt nee Clam:ideal c.o. of Canada, Lunt ',£"t tteetu. 105