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The Brussels Post, 1913-5-29, Page 5
SUIiINES& OAHU, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee in the Petit Unice, Ethel, 00.4 JOHN SUTHERLAND INSIMANcf, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTiONEERS. 1,'. b. DCCTT AS AN AUCTION- ttaa, will bell lot better prices, to 0,•ater 4 Den, la less tome toad lees charges titan any ether 00011o/oat in Eastkuron or 80 w ,u'1, ouarge anything. Dates and orders sue always be arranged Al tole olliee or by . re.,aal mean action, I t iAL ANI i3ONYEYANCING. ` M d1NCLAIl3— liarrioler, Soliollor, Ounveyan.er, Aotary Pobllo, $e, dine e—SYewart'o Block 1 .icor North of Central Hotel, Soho iter for the Metropolltan Bank, pitULIDFOOT, HAYS ,lc SILLORAN 133A141t181 E1(8,- SOLIOITOitS, NOTARIZES POS LI.% ETC. W 1''ItoonsooT, K. O. It 0. ware J. L. KILLOBAN OWoee—Those formerly 000apled by Metiers Camerae de Bolt, - •(n,nattx011, - ONTAAIO. A.LLAN LI Royal Mail Steamers TO LIVERPOOL From Mnutreo1 'Conlslan Mat., Nay 111 June 2; Victorian .............. Thu., June 5 July 0 (!',redone .... Mut , June 14 July 11 Virginian ................ T11n , June 10 July 17 To GLASGOW Prelorian •ur \Iby 5) Jana 25 (Oram fan. �,; r, I n,• duly 5 Scandinavian sat dine I4 .1n1y 1.2 Hesperia', ...,... Sat,, June 21 July1D TO LONDON AND HAVRE Stallion ............. Sun., June 1 July 6 Imnnn ... ............... faun., June 8 July 13 PerneranionSun„ .lune 15 July 20 Sootien Sun,, June 22 July 27 11'1111 information ns to rates, ate., On appllna- tion to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. p:".1.4%vtr rivaGI4 cfl AG;rAvuAv r. 7;y The 00.5 of a melaena. Or Short- �, hand Education. In the TORONTO, ONT. no you know just how little it costs to oecure 0 thorough business educe- - � tion that will not only increase ,your S earning oapaolty but will enable you to E got s pontoon whore you will come in contact with influential oeople who d can assist you to further advancement? ''9 Our catalogue will give Sou. Cull Par' t. •1 Menhirs, .A postal cord—one effort— c,.?„ we do the rest. . -: '��r( Cot. Young and W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Sta. S Principal, 428' 4estaVaM 2>;'a to aria ,Ver. 9,elSretvir 181 CENTRAL' STRATFORD. ONT.' tThe. best praotionl training school in A Ontario.- Three departments —Com- i) J morotal, Shorthand and Totogra15 - phy. All 00048045 are thorough and praoticsl. Teaohero are rxperienoed 'sed grndnntee'nro i'lnced ibl position. Wa glue ante at of"1ttentio0 and stud• �5 1110 may outer. at as Linde e 9 y 2 .Write for. our free catalogue at once. D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. '0 A A 4 4 A6,17 • � 1,...a ,( S`.n a b"' Tuesday, Mar. 25 I i d .of the ethSpring 0 opening a P g _Y 8 rin Term at p g The BUSilleSS L.. College Two -Courses— Commercial .and :Stenography 4 EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. '?2a'G Y,sLAS' V k ?61iaS Rt�Vl.�7,S'a�R4A K-Alk4A'� sistaciencesemisslweilis THE Best. Brains. Ma °amide have'partlelpated in the pre, -. , aeration of our splendid Home Study Coarses in Banking,EonnonHrs, Higher A000untingg Unonaeroinl Art, Sbow. Card Writing,. Photography, Journal. 40m, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Select the work ` Which moot interests 70111 and write us for particulars, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Tango 8t. Terento , iMMIRMiiiiilmtgiERIERM 1111111 Th(rc lit: -ver its (a wtilos whenpeople appreciated the real' malts of Chamberlain's CoughRemedy more1 than l now. 7 has is shown tiro in V "n'e'11ae, ill tittles.. 111111 vol dill Lltr'y teeth' tllnniitl' ()lint 41016,01110 who havo been. toren h 11, If nn lir nor r hildeen Y 5 reit lit •eol(1 siva 51•001/1N1 11 a ( tag give it a trial cold be0111ne aegnai riled with its good gnelilies. Tot ,aalr, by all doleters. „ W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orllot's promptly and care- fully attended to night ur day, Phone 228. 1 ETHEL, ONT. •'IT Tis Business Oards DR. T. T. M' RAE sauhelur of Modlolue, Onivaratty of Toronto ; IAoantnato and Graduate of the'College of Phy- ,muule and Surgeons, Out, Poat•1(raduate amigo Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat Ronpp�ita', 'hlo*giSo, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mich. .al's lioapit0l, Toronto. Office over V. R. Selith's Drug Store, Tele• ,none connection with Uronbrook at all Miura. DR. r• T. BRYANS bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto Lluenlhite of College of Physicians and bar - 4e0140, Ontario ; ex -Senior HotwaSurgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr. A Mc%eyey, Snaith Stook, Brussels. Mural phone 45, . DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. 'hyeioian and Surgeon : Po•'t Graduate courses London lEng.1, New York and Ohicago Hos. ,ltals, Special attention ie. -11 ensu of eye, ear, 10014 anti throat Eye:, tested der glasses, DR. WARDLAW tenor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Jollege. Du and night calls. Ullioe opposite "lour Mill, Ethel. - MAUDE C. BRY AIV S OP TH ALM H OL04/ST Pursew,l graduate Deportment of Opphthal- 11Inlogy, MotJormiek Medical College, Oliicngo, 1.; ie two prepared to teeyes and at glasses at tier office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, m Thursday, Irrlday and Saturday of every seek Office /murk 1 to 6 p. m. Forenoons ray s anoirntment, Phone 1216. . T. R. SENNETT .4111 give better satisfaction to Loth buyer end roller than any other Auctioneer end only 'verge what is reasonable.- Sales conducted anywhere lir Ontario. Purebred stock sales n specialty. Write or 'phone 248 Wroxeter. (MAW? SWIM'S R'Ri• i erar. BRUSSELS Goiwa Sown Got8o Rowan to11 7:97 a m 1 Exprosy 10:55 a n Exproea 11:25 a rai Mall 1 159 p in Express ......,. 2:55 p in Express 8:52 pal ids s. x,sffdl,, x ?1,'i cil'ic WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7.11 n m I Express - 11.55 a in Express 2:57 p in .Express B:40 p m WROXereR Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:55 p. m. Going West - 12:40. and 0:47-p. m. All trains going East connect with C. P. R. at Ornngeyille. for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. BANQUET AND PRESENTATION The Red Deer, (Alter.) Advocate of May 0th,. speaks in cowplituenta ry terms as fnllowaof a young moan form- erly of this locality in the person 11l' Rev. Robert Pearson 13. A,— Rev. Robert Panum,', .of the Leon- ard Gaetz Me10111int Al ,l 111(1184. ehnich i-rlellving Red -Deer to Lake charge of Y. Al. 0. A. work in (Calgary and will IA much missed by to good many. I f the. citizens. A repeeseetative gathering met on Friday fast in the baO(0le111. of the church to do hint honor in it grand , banquet and present/dim,. IL took seven Large tables to accommodate all the guost'a., and until about 180 u, in. to_ 'get 5111'1111411 with all the wit and wistlonl. which followed a slrutptuous: repast. The Menu card had on it a Hne cut of the guest, of the evening which was quite an ornament to it and Illa(10 it worth keeping as as souvenir. The tables were very prettily -decorated by the ladies and the Young Women's Guild. Besides the tribute of E. Michelle'',. M. P. P Who presided' twee tire gath- ering in'felirftou8 style anti made the speech of pleseutation, the lather speakers haul Iiiudly words to' say of Mr. Pearson. The 1lajln'spoke of his - '11 athletics and our specializationt L Y 6 Men's ark Gibson and \ I '1 n 1 i 1 N ) other 1 1 Settee; t his fi et dht e s Ll l e ministers rs • M r 1 to'ltober Robert- son amt 1 1 8 t son i'l l r re•1 to the wider sphere on width he teas entering; Mr. Hunter, tar the l?,.e. , looked upon him as u distinct •180, t in .the way of Mows Mr. Welliver found hint an exception in 4li L, /IS a minister lie was interest- ed inn athletic., es all minsters should 11e;Mr. SmiIn 51 i spokeof the eordi1al feelings held towards hint by those 1v110 differed frtitr1 hien politically or otherwise ; Mt,. Johns thought they could do without other subjects on the Newt list, but it would be hard to a i Guest." r Walltree without "On Gt est M ' ate clo11t v believed be would be n fine man when Mr. 1i•tihul praised his grew lip , 1 1, 1 l p a wnrk.runong the boys ; he was a boy with the boys, it young maul with the young men, a main with the men.. "—The elements so mixed with Nilo 'I'Itat Nature might stated up and say to all the. world, This is a email." THE TO4S6' LIST The toast list started with i°Phis .ling" told "rhe Country." These wore taken with onlsiettt honors in- stead of speeches after which W. E. Payne made a brief speech ilk propos- ing "Om Oity," lit ivhioh the suffua• gene 011ljeet' figured largely. He said he had Sylvia Pankhurst right o11tosite to him, possibly with lll('fll- lll'i0 (44' ll ."Old Maids Convention". Of hilarious memory, This teak. was respm4(led by Mayor and City Solici- tor, .4101)5 of whom bore testimony In the pgblic 011iri1 of the new City, 451r. Galbraith urged upon_ the young n specialisation in tubli . work and Mmepublic 1 set•Vice and davelt open the leadership the oily might give its (1ist1nt. 'Mt. (31100 ens rai hunrnt x1119 vein (Iretllr- ed he stoned 10)' pat( pont MS An(1 warn- ed all mole stifft•n.$Yettes espeei4)l1y G. Yet. Smith, 0114 1110 hall hotter loch arLef' their good looks if they expected. A WOMAN of FEW WORDS� Mrs, Kerry E. lige, Mani sheet, �I li� { iK Nof1h, Mount. Fnle3t, 6111,„ write't :— "Ynu1• reru,dy for kidney, bladder a nd e4nliu:n t ouble has given W O 6et relief.. Have taken thute boxes U�atr• j LUsej UL +std uuw feel like living and better than 1 nave felt for yearn and I give your • FM PLIS I MEDICINE t e o' all Ll tl pl'll1Y , for they are elle heal 1 � have ever tried." At all dealt rs 25 ; Known All Over The World and 50c or the Fig Pill Co„ St, Thom. as, taut, j —Known Only'Fer The Good It Has Done. the votes which the ladies alight be given in the new Oity charter which he Was drafting. THE CHURCH A. 11. Gibson was called upon t0 propose "'Poe Uhtlrch." He started by depeecatiul his positinn With a story -1 rue—about, 4 lie tad 11eh1e110e-of his liirlh in the mantle WWI a aer111011 Oil the 4,1144111 er sin, being pPetu'lied by his lather i,, 1111, Kirk. UoolMmu- int; be space or 1 he Olt) little perseen- Ifnu 111' I lie chlu•rh, !lien ,l 1.1te diaticn- 1i0110 brltn'en 111,' rival deal ions which hurl cunt -with coinperIl) 0e peesperi- ty, instenee,l by \Ielloeell, of Perfu- web, "fIi,1''•l\'•v Fir.," end .Vlr(htr- ki11 of the "Mill ed Free" and their terrible •1•I14.51..i1 eheit emelt ulh,•r. Title lil' 12141)4411)l »,l with the n4rlraldu atLiltab' "t the uuldern chnicites, admirably i4Ii o11aled by the guest of the evening. $ev. V. (3. lirr,wll, in responding, echoes! the pro4(lder's pleasure in 111e ro l''ss which had been mad p g 1 made d to- wards minY of spirit, He remember- ed cr- ed a visit. to Scotland and the auuler- aey of the be,tllle, or ...Al in is ten's man"who had ordered or about shameless- ly. 1n 1.13111 111S7 501111 11110 was the minister's trLin trill lilted sated in 1)r. Dow le, when he had Zion City "tur- tler his thumb." lir rejoiced nl the spirit cid' freedom. bub was against ntgailic union of the. churches. Unity and (11.4411011' union are not the same and did not neeess4u•ily go together. The emboli" yof the eloneh and its service and reward Were also tAt11011Pli 111)011. The Press was proposed by Mr. Robertson. 1-1e drought it had been given agood position on the toast list. which acebrded well with its impor- tance. In the course of his speech be said the press of this country showed much roost I'or improvement. This was perhaps due to its l'etnoteuess from the influence of the Old Country Press, which showed a very high stan- dard ,Lull its nearness to that of I.h( rather sensational type of newspaper they had in the gI,eat republic to the South. Mr. Hunter in responding said the 1 ee!,- press \ '1,1 melee!, 1 S V1t3111 some senses the book oi' Chronicus, the hook of Kings, and sometimes of 11,1)41,, 711(14,112. While the pulpit existed for ,saving lives, the press was run to make money. lie 8ai(1 editorial ir,flgeiice 1Va9 1•at14(11 V becoming ea thing of the past,. Pe"pI' nowadays wanted facts. Hedeplm•ed the dearth, of great t•t11 tors. The modern 40148 way ant edit. ed. It was ntauaged. Church news was inserted not from phitanthismhy, but simply Ibr its value as Trews.. Athletics ranee next, being propos• eel by Mr. \Velli005 and responded to by L. M. (iaelz. Again the suffra- gette references were ill evidence. Mv. Welliver commended athletics as valuable in training a man to accept 111(0(udly defeat of any kind; Very lol.0r181itng 551,3 Mr. Goetz' review of Red Deer sport since the time, in his school days, wheil the girls had play- ed "Pool -pato -pall -away," whatever. mysterious sport that is. Nothing was forgotten from ping -pang to flip .praeti4P, not even baseball although he would fain beve mutt ted ref(re)ice to this. "(one of the youngest of the then G. \V. Snaith heartily welcomed to the limitine), 1v(n the Conservatives, when he proposed the Young lien's Club. Fitting reply was made by Coots acid Turubnll. The forma. told. of his experienecs :with the milk -sop type of young men and thought the nlub a gond thing for eradicating enrh qu dittos. The church had no more use for lopsided, leen. Air. Turnbull after r ritici.zing Lhe previous speakers in detail for getting away from their 8ubleet.8, got bark to his own and dealtfascinatingly with the work of the club ;luring the year, dwellitt• h especially upon tbd aunnvingly fruitful session of the morn 11a1111L111'tl t. 0 1'11( principal tong. , f r, "1' 1. I a dm peening of 7011rse lvaa 'Our Guest," which was pt oposed by Iv. Mebane., called upon 84. G; Johcu tar lead M. P. P., the toastmaster. lie first recti a let- ter from 41. 11. Goetz. as follows :— terries 1215001 10. H. 6Awrz I nal pleased to note unit the club contemplates a wall merited recog- nition of Mr. Peiu•snn's enthusiastic devot hie t0 its interests of the young men of Red Deer. It is a matter of great regret to the that, during nl{ connection with the.. club, I -have been prevented in one way and another from Iakitrg the active 41104 7 which I` should have en- joyed taking in all its activities. 1 have °reel, telt keenly the (need of an association of the young of our town for the triple purpose of physical, nun$tl and trental advancement and have recognized in the._13rotherhood one of the most effective agents avail-. table tor mental and moral improve - Tho Origin Of Gall Stones They are simply dried bile, made up of eryitalline constituents of that fluid. Very common is this disease 01101151 merchants, clergymen, shop girls and those of sedentary habits. Pi'evonti00 nnnsists in maintaining covePcI not ton of the liver and bowels, which is beat' aoenlnpltelied by Dr. . L iltnms ills. No person . 1' pet l n Halog this medicine need fear gall -stoles, rinr will they ever be bilious. Sound 1 goodappetite. di}testro t, a clear color el will evidence Line health giving 1 ' e 1 ,0s of Dr. Hamilton'sa of nn L P111. 56 ' 1,•P .t IP safest and h. n� huh are 1 f s pet f r frenetal fafruily nal. Insi1) 011 having only Dr, Iinlnlltrnl''s Pills of Man - (lento mill lluttevtlut, 25e per box at 1111 deal008., We know of no other medicine which has been so successful in relieving the suffering of women, or received so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia L. Pinkbam'8 Vegetable Compound. In nearly every community you will find women who have been restored to health by this famous medicine. Almost every woman you meet knows of the great good it has been doing among suf- fering women for the past 39 years. ' Fox Creek, N. B.—"I have always had pains in the abdomen and a weak- ness there and often after meals a sore- ness in my stomach. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablotompound, has done me much good. I am stronger, digestion is better and I can work with ambition. I have encouraged m a n y mothers of families to take it as it is the best remedy in the world. You can pub- lish this in the papers."—Mrs. WILLIAM S. BOURQUE, Fox Creek, N. B. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek- ing health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, many of whom state that it has saved them from surgical operations. Merit, It is not that we have supplied any profound instructive, but that WO have done what is much more valu- able, viz., stimulated thou fitfulness and enquiry 0n the part of the young 111011 tvhn have attended and taken part rvhi1h rluniot bat have a leather and benefit:lel result, While external sources of entertainment ate desirable and necessary, yet I am inclined to look with grave 001100111 upon the utter dependence on such 8onrees which is manifested by the majority of people both young and old to the exclusion of those adequate fountains of joy which the cultivation of the Motu. life provides. 1'he attitude of many may n0 doubt be ascribed to menial and spiritual indolence while others- would appear to be daunted by the apparent hope- lessness of acquiring clueing s, busy life and every wide acquaintance with the world of History, Literature, Science and Philosophy. This is quite a.mistake and I would like to arty to the young men of on' association that the earnest and faithful consecration of a few hours a week to these lines of eln eev 1 pmeut will give them by middle life at least a speaking ac- quaintance with every branch of 1luman Ihonght. Not only is the goal worth striving for but the way becomes increasingly attended by pleasures of a very real sort and we become less and Less de- pendent 0n outward conditions for in- ner contentment. This is what our Men'sBrotherhood is endeavoring to accomplish by stimulating thought- fulness and enquiry on the part of its members. I apt glad to know that the 841118015 just past has been a sue- -44.•.•+•444.•44.11.•.e.• •+.••••• ! _,._ + • ©a W/' ♦ •• 4 L©. ii_ _Li • 4. ®r: • 1111X• • •e♦ ._• • 4. t •♦ 0 • when the Third's • IA• KODAKt . . Anybody. can Kodak— 4. •No fuss, No bother, • • No dark room. 4. • e• t . ♦ • Kodaks from ISS.00 up Brownies 101.00 to $12.00 4. 4. Nnw that the bright days s are here ennditimet (1.0 right for getting gold pictures. .p • Everything for the Melaka always in stock. :1. • There's no Crowd i± J. R. Wendt • Jeweler Wroxeter a.•44.1.•+.4.44-4.44.1.•.1.40-1.•+•.14.1.• 1 We Glue Steady Employment to reliable energetic men for the dile or our preheat, r 1 ata, Wo give all v l - v iu P d ea, estg as that u reli111(4 01111 well a If y u ed, established lbw can offer. ]t you wish to represent us WRITE NOW, before it is too lute, for further infor- mation, Over 600 Acres ander cultivation and Ono at the most complete Nursery 'plants In Canada. Established. 88 y ears. Mroeoutalogne of stock on application. PEI.HAM NURSERY 00. Toronto, Ontario eesaful nue and I trust that when the Winter again approaches it will Hod 110 wiih 1llerest still a(tiv0 and with a keen an Liefpaliot of emotive suecess- i'ul series, -ruo much cannot be said in 00rr1- memialion of the devoted del vire' rim - tiered to the brotherhood 1 y aur re. tiring pastor, Rev. R,'.1. 1''aeon. lie has shown 1a e11la11'i,y )5. ,. galtiza- tion a1111 000Iduct that we 11,5 a all ad- mired and I regret exee,ei1.gly that I1nuy not be present in peenom on the evening of May 2nd, to expr(28 my appreciation of the services which he hits performed and wit 111111t which the brotherhood would scarcely •have sue- ce4decl. \Iv-hOst wishes and I am sure those of ev01y one of mu mantes,- and ,tl- tendaols, will rollon' Mr. Pearsall 10 his new field of endeavor and there is much satisfaction ill reflecting that Ibe (IWallet! which will separate us is 110100 great bet thtatwe may eotfi- dontl hope to have kiln with lie not uufrequelitly. I feel that. the choice you have Made Or a \ICtt'1/1a 1,8 a1 material evidence of out. regard i8 a very happy one indeed and L hope and believe that it will be n source of inspiration alai pleasure to Sim for 11mey a defy. I thunk you for your (-ere, amt. to my health and for your kindly expressed wishes in that regued and beg 4.11 assure you t1111t the change of entente has 421')ped me greatly and that 1 cul rapidly regain- ing myaccustomed strength and. vigor. I greet you my friend and all the boys and I wish you a successful ban- quet and every attendant pleasure. Yours faithfully, H. H. GABLE. NIr. illichener, nn resuming, caused the guests to laugh when he pointed out that the toast al- so included Mrs. Pearson,. There had been a roan who prepared a seven page speech which he iul3iet- ed upon his fathers cattle in prepara- tion for being "unexpectedly" called upon- He had. expected to be called upoq but, had not written out or learnt his speech. He raised a laugh when he said he had a big subject. He meant big in sympathies as well as uvoitdupois. .He referred to the plan who 00uhl not recognize him as a minister, but, acknowledged him as a friend. Mr. Pearson was a friend to everybody. All classes united to do honor to Mine for his fine manliness. He was more than a pastor, He was Lhe "Rev. Bob." which was a mark, not of disrespect, but of high esteem. Mr, Pearson was the only prominent.. ratan he had never heard criticised. Hewas an all-round man. After a eemplfuientary reference 'to Mrs. Pea rson's ancestry lair. Michener 411 11011110e 5.0 the guest he was toes- tin—that their friends wished to pre- sent to. them a Viotrola — which was here brought into the roow. by Mi'. Johns. A boquet of flowers was handed to Mrs. Pearson at the same -time by Mrs. W. A. Moore on behalf of the ladies. At this everybody rose and drank the toast to the strains of "For he's a jolly good fellow," en- thusiastically sung. Mr. Pearson Hold the first invitation lie had had to the banquet was at 110011 to -day. On behalf of Mrs. Penman, who was not a good speaker, except in private (laughter)— he wished to thank their for the boquet. He thanked them for the -V'ctrola. He could hardly have wished the pros - an; to take any other form. He told how he and Dr. McKenzie used to ase lip Mr. Stephenson's records and what. inspiration be received from hearing a good gramaphone record.; In some ways he regretted his resigna tiro. Hoe he told the story of the Presbyterian minister who, after be- ing induced to resign, had reconsider - au.( withdrawn r sigma i ed and hise 4, ton, so glowing WPM the tributes paid to him, but he thought theressent opening was 'a 1'.1, ppr I g n a. 1 44 e+ t opportunity to hired for t18ef111 service. He had been 8 years in the Province, in four differ- ent fields. !Mr. Pearson went on to 8peade of the future of the Y. AI. O. A. and its relation to the organized Churches. He warned Red Deer people against in too much a 1, 6 g f t larrY to 0talt 8 branch as he thought it should 11e self-supporting or nearly so. Ile told how he and Airs. George Lindsay had "gl'9wn in beauty sidle by side," how he had met Carlyle Aimee and other topeople, R d Deer how he had been advised to cove to Red Deer and told of its high quality of citizenship. Its present municipal admilliStl'lLtinn, he said, was most (wed itable ; its political 'leaders were ball clean rnen. 4518'. 'Welliver was a good sport. That Tabid Tory E, J. Johns. had challenged him t0 show an independent Hutu acrd he had in. stltnced H. Wallace and himself. Continuing be spoke briefly of his at- titude to local sport, and his future in- tentin118ir1 this regard. His ministeri- al 1 al relations had been Vet friendly, his only disagreement being with Mr. Stomach Medicine 1s Usoleaa. Impossible to cure catarrh in the nose' by dosing the stomach. Send the healing torpor of. Oatatehozone after the greens and you 1,L once ac- ilr,mplish good, Any' ease of catarrh is curable, -1511 that's necessary is to inhale Cala, thoznue—'Yo u stop hawk- ing, nostrils are cleared, throat is heeled r and freed col , tler 1n every 1 vestige of the tremble 14 f010Vnr driven from ithe8 srteal If y 01 v Y t want pe1ntaneut ;rue foe catarrh throat Lrntlble, of inonebitis, 'Oatarrhorone is a sttmd•by, Two 845108, 25e and $1.00 at all dealers. Brown on the question of 014io11, loo appreciated all the kindness that had been shows to hien. He thanked them nut of tt full heart. The last toast was "The Ladles" but it was Lha most important. At 1011at, so said 51r, Johne in proposing it, At great pains he pointed out that it was the only indispensable subject ou the list. A harrowing picture of a wnl- a(108s world was followed by a poem ; on the Word "Woman" and a con res. Sinn that the men had not been able' to manage the banquet without the help of the ladies. He proposed the toast .to the ladles wishing their might enough to go round. Mr. Wallace announced "The ladles thank you." It had been hard to keep the young men from reepouding, He was the logic man His regard was mellower and deeper. Mr. Wallace's speech, as usual provoked one long laugh from start to finish, Sick Headaches are not caused by anything wrong in the head, but by constipation, bilious- ness and indigestion. Headache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure *Fick head- ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them. Dr. Morse's i Indian Root Pills are purely vege- table, free from any harmful drug, safe and sure. When you feel the headache coming take Dr. Morse's 41. Indian Root Pills ♦ Ile exposed Mr, John's "skeleton"— he could not light a fire, Re had . planned his speech under ten heads*•-' married women, young maids, old maids, young spinsters,insters, aunts, m oth . ctapgrandmothers, mrL o heis mother -i .Jaw step -mothers and sufragettes - but had to watch his automatic stop- watch so could not go into details us be would like to. The gathering dispersed at 1.80 af- ter God Save the King and (beers for Rev, Mr. Pearson and the ladies, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 18fb. laetash% Winnipeg and Return S3.4.00 Edmonton and Return •• 43.011 Other pointe in propottio• Return Limit two months. HOMESEEKERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto 2.00 p.m. each Tuesday, Muy to Aot1r*Ft. inclusive. East train to take, as Winnipeg to reached early morning. enabling pawenten to make all branch line connections. Through train. Toronto fab Wlunlpea and West o a Paden MURPHY from CaaadPadenAAgmd 1,g C.P. YY.. T piste H. L.ACK(SO N BRUSSELS J agent, WH ITE STAR L1NE 15th ANNUAL EXCURSION GOD ER GSI to DETRIand 0 T RETURN BIC STEEL STEAMER CREYHOUND will leave Goderich June 10th, 9;30 a. m. Arrive Detroit, June 10th, 5:30 p. m. Returning, leave Detroit, Juno 12th, 1;00 p. m. Tickets, 1.50 Round Trip MOONLIGHT EXCURSION, JUNE 9 E.11. AYER,,F ccunione1at. D.troft•r8irl4 ......♦♦♦♦oo♦o®♦®♦e♦s♦o♦s,.'e.evms.®,®♦®ea®s+®®®♦ee♦•dt' righten • • —�'•e� — ♦ • • sWe have just what you need to Brighten Up e • any or every room in your house. e • • r• • (Boxes' Wall Papers, which are the best • •• Walls • 'values on the market, • • Shervvim SVilliama Paints, all colors and . Woodwork{Sherwin-Williams qualities for every surface. • e o• ♦ Floors Linolpnuls, Floot•Oils, Stair Oils. Best e, 'Patterns. Also Tapestry hugs. p • • Blinds—plain and with fringe. • • Lace Curtains — White and Ecru o1 ♦• Windows Cream. 35c to $2.50 per pair. • 'Curtain Nat—Ivory and Ecru by the yd. • Frill Muslin, Colored Madras.• Art • l l Muslin Sateens andScrims. crams. • par large range of Prints, Shirtings, Drills, Mullins, Vestin s, Em- •. • broideries, Crepe Muslins, Dress Linens, etc. g ♦ • • Produce taken as cash on all of above goods. • • i• i R. A. McDonald & Co. ♦ • o PHONE 5210 - CRANBROOK • 0. • .•♦au. a A e • a • • • • •• • • e • • • • • • • P • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •: • e w • t? • E1 • • • • 00 • • • "You're On" • • • • m • • • e • The Right Track o • • • • • • • • • if to the Simplex Link - Blade You look:for Relief from your Cream Separator Troubles. .sem--- Look at it ! Size its substantial construction, only a slight indication of the super- ior work and endurance of which itis capable. "STAY ON" till you've tried a Simplex iu your• own dairy, then you're safe. - Patented, Maoufaetused and Guaranteed by the pioneerr and larg- est manufacturers of Dairy Supplies and who first intriiduec(1 the Ceti. trifugaal Cruun Separator ib America; it ie the product, of many years' work and study and is Lhe ever increasing"Dairyman's Favorite.' Not depending on Gigantic and Costly Advertising Campaigns, Travelling Salesmen, Free Machines and Free 'Trips to Agents, ate., to rush sales' we ate able to embody ie , t y the,savr g thus afforded in snpetinr construction and material and thus give the neer more value for his money. Call or welt S. • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • s • • w • • • • • • • and we will tell you:more about it. • • • • • • A lit e • Brit els • • USS Mchiichlin,_ • lbtiO00.000000000000.07.