HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-29, Page 4i russets Zst THURSDAY, MAY 29, tots TORONTO appears tobehi ht in earns est over theproposed nStockFairlobe held next December, The Provincial Wiles, Fair will sill he carried 'on at Gnelplt ss of yore 0111y nn a larger scale, Rtfhtot has it tont the Dominion Stem inn will come on ntx' Autumn but whether this is so or 001 is nroblematie. We would like to see a good pull down in the debt of Canada and in these days of growth and rapid development some- thing should be done along this line. If it cannot he done with the great revenue of to -day there is something wrong with the tnauagemeut of public affairs. Canada's growing time should also be her debt reducing time as well. A lame tidying up by everybody and some needed improvement cnrried out will soon show good results to any com- munity. Rebuilding a fence, a coat of paint to buildiugs, laying out a lawn or putting flown some cement walk or flooring in buildings where needed, &c., are not difficult tasks and axe within the reach of all There's power in a good example and all many people require is nrt. R ood •t1( g s y suchaP rogram your property will put on a better appearance and be increased in value. Try it, Nxxr Sunday will usher iu the leafy month of June and with it the sixth month of 1923 It is simply wonderful ho ,v rapidly time is winging its way and whatever we wish to make of ourselves should be speedily got at as the days of best t . 9 ervice will soon be in the past. If von hove ambitions for the future don't dream over them too long, but if they are worthy, project yourself into them and with energy win the prize you aim to secure, WHAT kind of Statute Labor are you purposing to do in your beat this sea- son ? Will it be with a well defined and modern way of road making or will it be void of any particular design to build for the future ? If some part of your beat were given special attention each year it would not be long until the whole distance is covered and bene- fitted. Don't haul coarse stones on the highway unless you see that they are properly broken. Make 2913 count in permanent road building. MOMOAT, lune z3rd, is the date of the Union Farmers' Excursion from Kincar- dine to Henfryn inclusive, to the Ex- t'erimental Farm at Guelph, A special 1 will be run and tickets are good to ",!urn the next day. if you so desire. Special attention is paid by the col ge sod to interest and instruct the visitors by address, demonstration and exhibit It is not too early to lay your plans to take it in. Every farm should send one reuresentative at least. Encourage the young tolk to take the trip and benefit by the Excursion. Mark down the date, June 23rd. Atm alongthe linethe people are be- ing put in battle array for the coming conflict next Fall inconnection with the Canada Temperance Act. It will be no child's play nor sham fight, hence it behooves people to regard the contest seriously and take a stand firmly and in- telligently on the side they consider right and in the best interests of humanity. Nothing is gained by trimming" nor by variableness but facing the great moral problem do what will tend to ennoble, edify and stimulate the best that is in us. The churches,. Sabbath Schools and Young People's Societies never had a better opportunity ter work. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION EXTENDING ITS ACTIVITIES It is interesting sting to note that the Young Alen's Christian Asso- ciation is advancing another step in their great work of nssisting young men. They are constantly reaching out far beyond the bounds of their immediate tr membership, and are now doing a work which encircles the world in its effort to give the helping hand to any young men needing as- sistance. A new department of the work re- veals, organized in the Toronto Cen- tral Branch of the Young Men's Christian' Association is nue which should be known to every one. 1t is n co-operative effort between the Christian churches and the Young Men'sChristian Association in which they unitedly undertake to look after all young men coming to Toronto as strangets, putting them in touch with employment;, good rooming and bearding houses, proper companions hill with prominent young men of the ehn (4r etc. "Key -men" ave being appointed iu ever v church of Toronto, men who assume the responsibility of looking 0p young men whose names may be sent to them by the Secretary of the work, "Key-rnen" are also being ap- pointed in outlying municipalities whose duty it is t on notify the Secre- tary of the Inter-CommtmitYwork of any yg ono main leaving his horns town, and for Whom lie is 10 Work, etc. Information is also being sent in from many otheratlurees in Canada United States and the British Isles as CHILDREN'S NAll I a••••••(b••••••••••••►•••••••'6••9.••A••••40 •••r)p••IY••• Emporium S. Carter's E Brussels Keep It Clean and Free from Disease by using PARISIAN SAGE lkYtu 1t your children l(ren togime' up (51th strong 81.01dy 11)1(1 vigorous hair, 12112(1 1.11001 to use PAR1SIAN Sage ; the world ret)owned Hair Tonic. PARIS1r1N Sege is guaranteed by Jas. Fox to cure dandruff and stop falling hair in two weeks. It grows new hair quickly in cases whete 1112 ham is "thinning out," It is positively the tnost delightful, invigorating bait dressing on the inaeket. 1t is not sticky or greasy and will make the eoarest hair soft, lustrous a,ud luxuriant, Get a 60 -cent bottle and watch how rapid its action, The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd„ Oanadiau Makers, Fort Frie, Ont. to young mei corning to Toronto, and hundreds are already being look- ed after. Parents and friends of young men going to Toronto will be glad to know of this important move on the part of the X M. C. A. and the churches, and will no doubt, take the opportunity of notifying the Secre- tary of the Inter -Community work, E. F. Trimble, at the Central Y. M. C. A., Toronto, of any friends going to Toronto to live. We understand that, without any properly organized effort, the Central Branch of the Toronto Young Men's OheistianAssociation has assisted sted in different more than f y an 6,000 elan during Ole year ending May 1st last, fully 1,000 of these being assisted in securing employment. That being the case, the possibilities for good in this new department, with the churches assisting ib every way, are beyond calculation. We are pleased to give this informa- tion to the publicthrougll the columns of our paper, knowing that by doing so we are assisting in one of 1110 greatest movements the Young Men's Christiau Association hate ever under- taken. Lame back is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the back, for which you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. Gorrie Mrs (Rev.) Hibbert end Mrs. James attended the Women's Missionary Convention in. Chatham last week. There was a fairly good attendance at the meeting held in the Town Hall here on Monday afternoon in the fnterests of the Canada Temperance Act. It was a very enthusiastic and harmonious gathering. The follow- ing were elected officers for Howlett Township :—Pres„ T. H. McLaughlin ; Sec'y, E. Fallis ; Treas., W. Stinson. Conveners were also appointed Ward No. 1, S. H. Ferguson ; No. 2, John Darroch ; No. 3, W. H. Gregg ; No. 4, Adam Young ; No. 5, T. 0. Johnston ; No. 6. S. Bricker. The Conveners and officers together with the ministers of the Township were made an Executive Committee of the Hawick Prohibition Association to work under the Canada Temperance Act. Petitions will be circulated immediately, and a report made at the end of the month. Health For Run -Down Women From the experience of Mrs. Joe, Pan ke, Saskatoon, nothing compnrea' with Ferrozoue. "At tittles I was confined to my bed and couldn't do any work. I was tun down in flesh, lost strength, my appetite failed, my color was pallid. Weary and cast - down, it seemed I couldn't catch up. Ferrozou e started a new kind of life in my blood, built me up, vitalized and strengthened my nerves, and finally cured my heart and stomach pains." Ferrozoue is a rebnilder that has special virtue in female ailments. Sold everywhere. in 50c boxes; try Fervozone. Blyth H. A. Thomas purchased Isaac Brown's Ford auto. Airs. George Mains, who has been very low is slowly regaining her usual health. Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's church, intend holding a strawberry festival on the church lawn on June 20th. Miss S. Bentley attended a county executive meeting of the W. C. T. U. at Exeter on Monday of last week. At the meeting of the W, F. M. S. and the W. H. M. S,, Mrs. W. D. Turner was appointed delegate to the annual tweeting to be held in Toronto on June 401, 6th and 6111. 1 iss Maggie to R, es who for the past three vena haq en be assistant in the post offir a here will leave on June 1st, for Vanguard Sask., where she has seemed a position ,n the post office. Mies Allte Emigh will take her place bete. N1's.n Gond 0 Wright, Dominion n President of the W. 0. T. U., will speak in Blyth ata public meeting to be held on Wednesday evening June 11th. Mrs, Wright is a sister of N. W. Rowell, leader of the Reform party in Ontario. Newly elected Epworth League officers are as follows :— President, Will. Mains; 1st Vice -Pres., John Morritt; 2nd Vice, Miss L. Bentley 1 3rd Vice, Alias F. -Mills_ ; 4th Vice, E. Bender; Secretary, rank Nixion Treasurer, Miss A. Gillespie ; Pianist. Miss Kea Jewitt; assistant, Mrs. Hoilyman, A meeting of the local temperance workers was held in St. Andrew's church for the purpose of organizing foe the forthcoming vote on the Canada Temperance Act which will be take, in October next. Petitions are being circulated, A. B. Carr can- vassing the 'town North of Dinsley street. The vote will in all pt'obahility be taken 00 the 1912 voters' list, on which there are 107 names -113 in Ward 1 and 84 hi Ward of these leas their, are 1 er e 4 7 deceased or have' left town whi `hn (, leaves the ant 7 alrr .li c l Ib1P vote 178 The 1)P 101)2112 nrrlll or ties would be 44. The Minute Tempe -lance Act dove not require a petition of nne=fnurth of each minis oipaltty, only that anlotult of the en - a • • • • s •• IO • 0 • • • • i • • • • •• A •• • • • • ••• • • • • e • a Is the spot rl a i for Bargains I handle a full range of Farm Implements, eream Separators, &c. Five d i ffeeen t firms repeesell l e d -the -best, in the rluu'ket. Buggies A. novelly is the electric lamps attached to the lege, g7 See befche you buy. Piaos a AND GRAMOPHONES n Or ans eold at prices that represent money 7 saved when you deal with toe, Vacuum Cleaners in various makes guaranteed to work or no sale, Call in and see them. Call at the Store and see our Coeds. S. CARTER, BRUSSELS 111—Oomfortable house for sale, with stable, Mill 8t., brussels. • • 0 • • • • • • • • •V 0 • S • •• •• 0 • • a • • 0 • • •• 4 4 • 4 • 4 4 0 • • •••••••••••••••A••••••••••• •1. generally conceded that a suitable ,1)1151 to 1 un the 13(21111 lira e u c s tv o I l be bel e( 'r o • L , P It to t( 11bh t i , as snow as the g e1 t s l o Peel I serer d rand Rall P I 1 e e V AND Demonstration AT Goderich C In support of the course pursued by MIR. W. PROUDFOOT, M. P. P., at the recent session of the Oil tario Leg- islature Friday, May 30 The presence of a large number of the most prominent Liberals iu Ontae- io, including MR. N. W. ROWELL the Provincial leader, and a cumber of other Liberal members of the Leg- islature, is assured. The West St. Rink, containing the largest auditorium in the town, has been engaged and will be seated for the occasion, Evetyone who believes in honest government and fair play invited. Special Railway Service is being 11r - ranged. Look for further announce- ment as to trains, rates, eta. The annual 'Meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association will be held j11 Goderieh on Friday, May 3002, at 3 o'clock p. t1). C. A. NAIRN, W. H. ROBERTSON. Chairman of 00111, Secretary. tire vote of the county. The officers elected were :—President, Rev. W. D. Turner; Vice -President, A. 13. Otter ; Secretary, Rev. Geo. Jewitt ; Treasurer, P. Gardiner. Poor appetite is a sure sign of im- ppained digestion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and improve your appetite. Thous- ands have been benefitted by taking i 1 g these Sold Tablets, S led byall dealers, i Wingham Mrs. E. Bosman left on Monday of last week to visit menthe's of her family in the West. Rev. Wm. Lowe, a former rector, occupied the pulpit of St. Paul's Anglican church last Sunday morn- ing. Rev. E. H. Cooly left to spend a few weeks at Toronto and Muskoka Lakes. 11is hoped the rest and change will prove beneficial to his health. Rev. T. Stitt Wilson and Mrs. 1Vilson, of Berkley, Cal., are visiting friends in this vicinity. Air. Wilson formerly lived here and is well known. Old Offender Caught. In' possible to escape being cul•ed if you apply Puma n's 00111 Extractor to the lvm•et corn on record. Pain- less, safe and costs only a quarl01' in any drug store. Atwood Miss Bernice Morrison has tendered her resignation as teacher of S. S. No. 5, Enna, to take effect at mid - Summer.. Elea, Newly anti Silver Corners shipped the first of Slay crake of cheese last week to Riley & Booth, Ingersoll. To any petson giving information to the party 02 parties who put the crape and tombstone at the Elam House door and broke open the stable doors will receive a reward of :110 Nom the proprietor. Ata meeting of the Stratford Pres- bytery Rev. D, W. S. U29012501 B. A. past01 of Knox church Listowel, ac- cepted a call to Oollingwood abd was granted translation to that charge. Rev. W. A. Antos 13, A, was appoint- ee Modeentnr of Session during .the vacancy, Ata meeting held in tine Baptist church quite a nutnl)81 turned out to give their expression om public and local accommodation in connection with. Local Option reign. It was poi 22 t- ed out that at present time suitable a0eonmodation was being provided at the home of Mrs. ehnSvi „1(1 and also at, the home of the Misses Mor- tal, rind other places for private boarding, committee composed A 1 teer t f S. It Mitchell, Ne hit hlinn1lott end John Baker was appnlnled to secure arc0mrnodation for 120.008 foul the committee 11110 reposed Hutt Sohn Baker and Nesbit Hamilton would assist as inti' tts possible, It was II: woul(l surprise you to know of the great good that 18 being done by Oluuuherlaiu's 'Tablets. Daring Downey, of Newberg Junction, N. 13., Writes, "My %vire has been using Chamberlain's Tablets and finds them Pl' e V effectual I 1 and doing 1 111'1• (1 and." If you have an g11 on is of g Y 3 1111 your stomach or bowels Live thea, a tribe. For sale by all den 1VIN. Fordwich RoyCattauach, is snlfering from a severe attack of typhoid fever, Clarence Wade has taken a posi- tion as assistant at the C. P. R. station here. Stun Campbell, who has been in the Wrest for some time, has returned to the village. Miss Tillie Rowe, who has spent the past couple of years in Prince Albert -hits returned to her home here. E. L. Knight has the excavating completed for his new residence which he intends to have erected this Summer. Mrs. Geo. 1Vilsoi and little son, have returned to Toue)to after visit ing her father, Jas. Matthews, so. Who still continues se inusly ill. A. E. Cooper, 41.11 eon., is the first farmer in this virini[y Who is now able to come to the village lend to church in an automobile. I4is car is a 6 passenger Ford. Popular Stallions Following will be the routes of the horses named for the season of 1013 :— Hopewell t7. J. COOPER, Proprietor. MONDAY—Leaves hie own eteble, hot 80, Con. 10, Grey,and goes North vitt HenO•lu road to Jas. naldaon's, Lot 9, Con 7. Elan, for 310011' then South to 10111 Line, then West to Geo. Ella cost's, 1411 Om, , for 11112111. TUE.1DAY—South to Luke O 1pi•irn,i o, Let 28, Con 15, North for noun ; then WestLo tee miles, then North 2y, mihs, then to Lmlg'H Rotel. Oranbroolq for night WEDNESDAY—South to 14th 0011 end West MR. Tyerma1)'s for noon ; then North to the Americas Betel, Sraetals, for night THURSDAY—North to Adam Turnbull's, 7th Oon, Grey, for noon ; then to S, Burke's, 2nd Oon. Grey, for night. FRIDAY—Esat to Wm Fraaer'e for neer ; . then Fast aid Wept to Joseph '.Yen's, Blinn boundery for night. SATURDAY—Reath and Nest to Artlne•'. Foreman's. 80h Line, 1bnn, tor noon ; then South and West to his own Aglaia whet a he will remail until the following Monday mem. ing. King Gartsherrie BRYDOEB & KIRKBY, Props MONDAY—Will leave him own stable, Lot 2, Cun. 4, alum's, and go to Mr. nredbnui o, 81 h. Don. East Wnwanesh, for noon ; then to' T. H Tay lor'm for night, TUMSDAY—'1o.7. )leern'efl,'a for 11007); then to Elijah Walker's fo' night. WIODNESDAY— To John. Oooluatie'a for noon ; then to his own amble where he will rt • main until Friday 11unnieg FRIDAY --To Jae Kerney '8,8rd Line Morris, for noon ; then to Auden leen Rotel, Breoaela, fol. night, SATURDAY—To John tli'.Arthni'1 6111 Line Morris, for noun ; 1(121 to his own stable whet he will remain 1)nbil the following h nude teeming. Gal lou WM. ELSTON, Manager MONDAV—Will leave h s own sha ,h, Lot 20, 01)11, 4, Murree, end go . West to John Arm+ 8trong'.l Selgrave, fur 1101111 1 111')1 along 0 1 (len of Wuwnnooh to Slarnnoh; th n ,`70010 to Chem. King'. for nl )it. t'UESDAY—Weet,Meng 1001 11 71. of Wow• 7iie.411 to ,loo, due t'.' for noon: i1 n, North ie 1 eh line, then North to W, 1t, Perrier',+ f,.,' 7118g6w0D1. NESDkY—moot 133 nn'(,, 11,.11 North to the b0nndary and l(4 10111. IO 1st fur 111101.; t1100 East (0 Wm. te111101,4 ,, r(11. night THURSDAY—Diet 11114 North to 11 Line, Turnberrythen Sletto Al s Rutin' r1111' then South vitt Biuevolo to 11,;rohn+t11 on'o night, 0'n How), -tole to .ins. Pre morels. s We.tn : Ilu.11 Skate M led lie', tl nrrid, (1,4 2V0 -t r,, Wm tlann'rfor nigh, SATURDAY—South 1011rdline, Ilorria,thee to 1118 02)1 0(0 Ide lo,' 110011 on(1 where lin will renainuntil the fallowing Mender meriting. LO00ONS FAVORITE(Imp.) (11812) 1110711 will stand for the iutptnvrtuenl cl' stnc•k 1)t his own n fa1flP Lot 22, Con. 13 MoKillop off 15 (1 ee terve 1 neje') otsrlft(1Lh I (ha L<)11�I. 1)t, GI i r a ht I •en ' I T nnH,� ftrt'th2la.tt 2 � islt 31) I, soil Seafoi Show. in the 11(1(vv deet1g111 class. Tet ins-- 9.8 00. JOHN J, MWIJAVIN, Leadbury P, 0, Men Wanted E Company 33rd Regit Goes to camp at Goderieh for Training Manoeuvres JUNE 1001 TO JUNE 271h. Rates of Pay Rank and File—$1.00 to $1,26 per day. Good Men Only Wanted See M. H. LAKE, Queen's Hotel, Brussels. LIEUT. It, R. SLOAN I11 Go. Continued. Howick Council Council Heti he Township elle t 1)t Hall, , Uol rie, on May 21st ptlrstulelt to ad- journment:. Aleulbers present and Reeve in the chair. Minutes o1' Inst meeting read and 00 motioti of CrtIW. ford and Edgar) were adopted. Fred. .2iciutnsh waited on Cnnncil asking to have polling place changed from Ni. 1 to No. 3. Moved by Orawl't»'d and Edgar that 1120 change be made, Carried. A deputation waited on the Council from the.ill a I eon e v n of Bet g asking fora giant to 128lp build side- walk. Moved by Crawford arid lilted ing, that grant of $20 be made Mov- ed in amendment by Demerhng 1171(1 Edgar, that the matter be left fiverfor another month. Reeve" voted with amendment and declared it carried. Moved by Edgar and Del/weling, that Council build the cement wall be. 71,2 People's Kiolumt9 I ween the two bridges on the North tilde in the village of Lw-dwtch, 011urie11, TendersTendersewe opened for the cement abutment 9 (1(111 111011 ('ell Vent, Il 'VedY Edgar 41b � 11)11 11)l' that, tootle') 1 01'ILus Walken' to build the abutments and the t51111er of Jc'lld TiI• 't l I l 1'well culvert, 1 1 C(1 to bel ( theUlI V they 1)1 l't:011211 (111 material and all Ole WOl 1, be accepted. Carried, Moved by Edgar and Detnerlittg that 13y -law No. 5 10 borrow mousy to meet current expenses be read the third Lime and missed. Carried. Aiul'ed 1(y Hurtling and Crawford, 111111 following accounts be paid G, W. \Valk r, ex prv'ww nu supplies SOets ; I„ N. \Vhitley, fete' ere M. H. 0. for 1912, $57.111) ; Chloe. Hubbard, for put- ting iu 0ulvvrt, $8.00' Thos. ,Tohlis- ton, opening pond $2,00 ; Geo, Ahh- 1, it, in,pie ti.,;.; bridge aid drawing gh eve], $60.00 ; Srhnter & Rogerson, 1-1111 & Co., apouuui, $346,66' Chas, Elliott', for tile, $20.00 ; D, '(P1 20n, making vend way, 1112,00. Council ad- Jeweled to meet in 330awitherieles hotel, Ford wire', on Wednesday, June 18112. C. E. WALI:ER, Clerk. Are You Subject To Stiffness? Perhaps itis in the neck 02 should- ers. First thing is a good rub with Nerviline, No more speedy remedy can be adopted. When applied to the. mu(cles Nerviline gives them flexibility and vigor ; inflauunatiou, soreness and stiffness disappear. "Whether i0 the chest or throat nothing can surpass Netviline" writes 0. 13. Deuton, Lu111b'ei' ltlel'chatll. at Oak Bay, N. .13. "Rubbed on at night, tronble is hone by lnoening. I have proved Nei viline a great tnadiein .' Everyone says the same, and Neevilhne always makes good,. 25c bottles sold everywhere. WHAT WE MAT EXPECT. — Dig fruit crop. More autos. Ice cream to have its innings. Busy time with church gatherings. An armoury. Fine crowd at the Foot Bail match. Short hours at Public Library. 'PEE POST to give the news. Sanitary lnspeetcr Oliver. A celebration in Brussels on July lot. Excursion to "Model" Farm. Guelph. Victory for Canada 'temperance Act. The Easy Laxative in justice to yourself you should try Rexall Orderlies,—your money back if you don't like them. They are a candy con. lection that really do give easy relief from constipation. Good health is largely dependent upon the bowels. When they become sluggish the waste material that is thrown off by the system accumu- lates. This condition generates poisons which circulate throughout the body, tending to create coated tongue, bad breath, headache, dull brain action, nervousness, biliousness and other annoyances. Avoid harsh cathartics and physics. They give but temporary relief. They often aggravate the real trouble:. They are particularly bad for chil- dren, delicate or aged persons, Come in tablet form, taste just like candy and are noted for their easy, soothing action upon the bowels. They don't purge, gripe, cause nausea, looseness, nor the inconven- iences attendant upon the use of is so pleas- antth t the taking ofluratives. Their Resell Order- lies almost becomes a desire instead of a duty. Childrenlike Rexall Orderlies. They are ideal for aged or delicate persons as well us for the most robust. They act toward relieving c.0ustipa- tion, and also to overcome its cause and to make uneeeaseary the fre- quent use of laxatives. They servo to tone and strengthen the nerves and muscles of the bowels and asso- ciate organs or glands. Make Us Provo It o wo guarantee to refund every penny paid us for Boxall Urderlics If they do' not give entire satisfaction. We ask no promises and we 'in no way obligate you. Your mere word is sufficient for us to promptly and cheerfully refund the money. Doesn't that prove that Boxall Orderlies must be right? You must know we would not dare make such a promise unless we were positively certain that Resell Orderlies will do all we claim for them. There is no money risk attached to a trial of Rexall Orderlies, and in justice to yourself, you should not litsibltc to test them. Rexall Orderlies come in conven- ient vest-pocket size till home. 12 tablets, 10c; 36 tablets, 260; 80 tablets, 50c. CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Remit Orderlies are not 801 by all drum gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores. You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community only at our store: F. R. SMITH Brussels The Store Ontario There is a Reza!! Store in nearly every- town and pity in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Remit Romedy for nearly every ordinary human ill- , each especially designed for the particular 111 for whish it ie recommended. The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores r YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desire to call the attention of all those afflicted With any Blood or Skin Disease to our oheth d Trentnlas R guaranteed cure fortese complaints.Ther Is no ex- cuse for any person having a disfigured face from eruptions and blotches. No matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specific remedies and treatment neutralize all poi- nsin the blood and expel them so o p from the system. Our andsexperiencefhein the treat. Rt Y ment cases the most serious and cure d caws enables us e( perfect a s cure tvitlout exparimentiag, 221111 business on the plan—Pa Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult us Free of Charge and let us prove to you how quickly our remedies will remove all evidences of disease, Underthe influence of the New Method Treatment the skin he. comes clear, ulcers, pimplesand blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows in again, the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the victim realizes a new life bas opened up to him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED - CONSULTAT1ON FREE Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR FRES. if enable to call, write ter a Question 03.0 for Home Treatment DRs.KENNQDY&KENNEDY INT •r Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from NOTICE Canada pnt addressed ''• • OI® s !/ G to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ®soli . - went in Windsor, Ont if you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no 'r patients 11 o r Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratoryn foCanadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. . Write fer nue nrlvate address, 44... 0 ull'ORTA 111,N 11 MON to runt or for male on Beath Pula) burry street, f1rus,el#, 1511(1 nc'e ul land att1.0110d. Snuhil fl. Pita, 11p• i,le hies, tee 1lnnd other, hard tied soft 21 I. r1)•. lunnwLntrpisseemlal, For furl beep) ,• tlunlnre 1Pply. to 51128 hiA0(4110 10011.7, Wilton P O. Phone 1717. Or Mims ,lane gully, tit the Green House 137'am0010, FA it MSS TO it10NT.--The John W. Moto fw ms, helm; N3¢ Lots 20 and 21, Con Il, end Lot 22, Coo b GI oY, 0,0 u4fe'ed t,. rt 1111 001.1 011 the undersigned. F. S. ;SCOTT, .11.1f freseols, WARM IrOlt SALM OHEAP•-101)neres, South half Lot 32, thin. 8, Tow nsldp of Mo'rh, U miles from Welton Good land with medial p Iced spring, Log house and frmn0 bane( bare e;onvenienb to ohul'ch end sahcol. Apply to 0' S• 000•TP, Brnmeuls, or MILLA1t. SIMS At ollsoORY, Saner, Oat, 434) �LIGISLt PROPERTY FOR SALE 012, TO 1tir5'r: Thu home recently wanted by ,fowl H Kerney, who moved to Guoltll (knoll n 110 the Rogers property, Turnberry street ix offered fur sole or if not sold will be rented, 'there is a uouiforta12(11house, good stable and its acres ofland with -aduubloentra10e. Fou tetrd1171, Ste. 101' further pe r1leulnl•e epply 1., W. H Meer, of Tee Post, who holds the het It is it choice spot to live in and will be sold very reasonably. 27-tf WARM 11011 SA 1.10,—The undersigned offers 1110 lino farm oonelitinx of about 100 ac','), teljulning the town of 0110 ten, fur Hale. 711e farm le 111 a good state or cultivation, and has good buildings, briol, house, bank horn, drit. l, -he pig ,an eta, all comment ivol nee 76 house, , P n,. 1( dr ofu fru a young lso s d l frulte. .Lail hind, of oIl fe, old also wined told to 'ety "arm im wan Yenerd Iola drained told n very desirable home. For Nether partloilius apply on the oromioes o' eddre10 284f JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton, FARM FOR HALE, bole g South half Lot 25, Coe. 4'Morris W21101110, Buren Co., eon - tabling 100neeo more orlosx• On the prem. 4400 18 n frame house, beak barn, gond wellw&i. All clunred except an ace Suhool l(4,nilee distant. Only „13 miles from Brussels. a 007.0, of Wall when). fn and about 50 twos seeded down. For price, term. and 4,1112• information apply on the premien), or if writing B1110.00 P 0. Phone 120. Or Ir, .01. 000 0, Itl•nmools, 114f A. L. KERR. Proprietor. A. HAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods 10 \Vindnlills, Iron and Wooden Pumps anti Stable Fittings, 500(1 as Piping, %Vet - e" 130wls for stock, &c. Ijtepairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me 1L call. At HAMMANN, Cranbrook Manitoba improved Farms For sale on easy terms or will rept to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owier) Box 1035 Brandon Matt a �Iltt� G®L.LEGE AT HOME • Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple arefast preparing in their own Monies to occupy lucrative positions 0H stenographers, bookkeepers,telegra- phers, civil servants In (act every sphere of netivilies. fou may finish et. college if you so wish. Positrons guar- anteed, Enter college any day. Didl- vithu+l instruction, Expert t 5011815 Thirty years' experience, . .Largest trainer8 111 Cnnnda, Seven colleges. Special eonrse for !metiers. A llllinted with Donut ereinl Educa- tor's Asmocin lion of • Canada. Summer School at famous Fpetlol Business Col- lege, Le1do't Wmgham Business ss College G iso. "1'0,1•'1`011, W. T. Molten, 'F President. Principal, emensamareseseesticeatsgsmousaaWnele RU.PT�'E'j Cu redg Atyot.1 1 laoliie without pain, danger ;er or operation. My method will cure ap- parently I ..ho leless cases no. (natter \\ h,lt your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- turebecomes strangulated you ou call be cured ? Bo not wait Fill, in coupon 9 Age ... Time ltup Single i' ,l n Dotthle ,......, .,...:., Name Adlrese )1)111 return to J. S. siviiTH 88 Caledonia 8t.. 1't I2 1, t _ Stratf'o"d. Ont DEABlassillsaudinatimasifigIBUIMMIMilli