HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-22, Page 4*A- (. c usse1s fist HILHBEN'S HIR i 'raUR i»AY, MAY 22, 19�3 Keep It Clean and free from DIasaae by tieing PARISIAN SAGE 1 • ♦ Ho'v sloes the address label ou your It You want Your children to grow I up with strong sturdy anti vigorous • papa, read? hair, teach thele to use PARISIAN Sage ; the world reuowued Hair • Anis you an Optimist ? If so get out Tunic, • and do thiugs, i ,PARISIAN Sltge is guaranteed by Jas,Fux to cure daudteff and stop • J e GRoaca's Birthday 0,3( falling hair in two weeks. It grows • 'Neely, June 3rd, Long live the Ring. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• yiiM®1#wer••••••44c/0+♦v T•♦• • • • r • 6 • •• • • • • I handle a full range of Farm • • Implements, Cream Separators, &c, • s • 1 Five different firms rt•presented—tile best iu the (ulnl:et, • Bu •ggles A. novelty is the electric lamps attached to the rigs, • See before you buy. • AND GRAMOPHONES • Pianos,Organs sold at prices that represent money • saved %vhen you deal with toe, various• • makes guaranteed • Vacuum Cleaners towoin rk al' no sale. Call iu • and see them. • • Cali at the Store and see our Goods. • • • S. CARTER, BRUSSELS • • •g!-Cuwforttable house for sale, with stable, Mill st., Brussels. • • 0 •••••♦••••♦•••♦•••••••4'••O O••••♦♦♦♦•••♦ee0••Oed♦•♦•♦ j Centre Huron Liberal Association 'Nov tip 'your property and thereby red in a general crusade on the part of Brussels to be in it, UNCLE Sam's naval fleet may visit the Mediterranean uext year and if so they will be the guests of Great Britain at Gibraltar and Malta. ICEitEaa crop Is. good this year; brit since the sad fate of the Titanic seamen have grown more wary recogniz ing the great danger they are to seafarers. '1'HE Posr telephones are Nos. 3t and 32, Say "Hello 1" to us every week with a newsy item. Give:it tows fresh, as last Winter's news is hard to warm up to taste good. Some Ontario municipalities are hav- ing trouble in selling, ng, at par, debentures bearing a per cent interest, and will likely have to raise the rate or sell at a dlseoont. WHAT about that C. P. R. railway that was to connect Seaforth with Wroxeter? We have not beard the toot of the engine yet. Guess great bodies must move slowly. Ws believe the made -in -Canada train is a move in the right direction, Dont know whose asleep in this County that Huron does not get more frequent visits from the things that might prove very helpful. ALBERTA Temperance and Moral Re- form Association has engaged Rev. R. M. Hamilton, B. A , of Toronto. as Secretary in charge of this important department of work. They have se- cured a fine inan for the position. Essar County will deal with the question of Good Roads at the coming session of the County Council. Wonder when Huron will get wise on the same matter and put the King's highways in condition ? WRONEsDAY of last week Sir Fred- a lett Borden, who was a former Minister of Militia under the Laurier Administration, celebrated his 66th by birthday. He is an M. D. profession h v and was a former practitioner fn Nova Sc„tia for years. Lintner shops, a species of gambling in stocks, are to be shut out of the big hnsiuess carried on by the State of New York. They have ha 1 a big run in some towns and in the majority of places beve been built on the swiudle pattern. A nowt is told about John 1). Recite. feller, now in his 74th year, thst his cure for i11 health consists of the fol. lowing :-Exercise, slow mastication of food, Fresh air and freedom from worry. It proved good in the mill- ionaire's case and probably would work the same on the person of humble station, It's worth trying by anybody. HON. 1. B. LUCAS, who has been acting Provincial Treasurer since Hon. Mr. Matheson died, has received the appointtrlent. He will fill the bill very well. blr. Lucas sits for Centre Grey, where the nomination will be held on ;June 2nd. He will likely beelected by ac clamation as the riding has a Conservative majori- ty of 1000 oe more. Hon. Mr. Lucas is a lawyer, . 'rite proposal of granting the franchise to the women of Great Britain was de- feated in Parliament by a vote of 265 to 219 It would carry if some of the ' loony" militants could be jailed for a year, There was a day:not long ago when the question of the enfranchise meet of women was thought to be only r a joke but the fact that only 47 votes were required to make it law shows the consideration the subject is now re. 'Tieing. 4o much fault was found with the 111.2 , lnidered Public Library new law re- galing the complexiou of the offie.ary of the local Boards that the Govern. meat is not, insisting on it corning into ioice this year. Before another term somebody in authority had better bit it oe the head with an axe unless they .desire Library Boards to lose interest in the wade, practical field open before shim. Many a useful pointer Could be given the law -makers by members of Library Boards. The above is not the Only blunder rtgeiring rectification. new hair quickly Iu eases where the ham is 1'thinning out.• It is positively the most delightful, invigorating hair dressing on the market. It is 1101 sticky or greasy and will make the coareet hair soft, lustrous and luxuriant. Get a GO -cent bottle and watch how rapid its action. The It, T. Booth Co., Ltd,, Canadian Makers, Fort Frie, Ont. Nova. Scone. Legislature pro- rogued last week. It was one of the longest sessions on record in the Province with a very heavy program. • LAST week lion. A. Murray, speak- er of the Sib Alberta Legislature, died at \Viluipeg. He was 74 years of age. He was a prominent luau and highly respected, • BUFFALO is having a lively time over a strike of the Trades and Labor men. About 7,000 men ate out. Mediation is being tried but some of the hot heads do int appear to be o listen terms unless every- thingt st t0 y tiling goes their way. THE record in the immigration office for the oast year in Canada was 1200 a clay for every day in the year. That is certainly going some and should soon tell on the population of the Dominion. This is assuredly Cauada's growing time. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA So much greater has been the de- mand for space and exhibit room at The Sau Diego 1915 Exposition, than was apprehended by the city when the project was filet launched, that. President D. 0, Collier. and the board of Exposition directors have asked the city to vote an additional million dollar bond issue, aid the measure is warmly seconded by the city council and the entire population. It has been found necessary to erect eight additional buildings, be- sides the ten first planned by the directors, in addition to which am immense stadium is to be constructed in Balboa park capabie of accom- modating the largest conventions aud other gatherings. The San Diego Exposition, which it was at first thought would be largely an affair of the Southwest, has grown so in favor with Eastern States and foreign countries, that its scope has broadened to world magni- tude Eu a few brief months, and San Diego will not hesitate to poor all the nlouey necessary into the project ill 11 world to makeit worth oft the y expects of it as a host in 1915. President D. 0. Collier is now in Washington to urge upon Congress the advisability of appropriating $1,000,000 for national participation in the Exposition. At the time San Francisco opposed New Orleans in the contention for the 1915 exposition site, theNorther•n city pledged itself not to seek government aid if recognized as the celebration city at the opening of the Panama Canal, and when San Fransciaco recently asked Congress ,to make an appro- priation for Exposition participation, the request was refused in view of the former pledge. San Diego feels that. it has a perfect right to seek and re- ceive governuneit support for its 1915 Exposition, as it has never bound it- self by any pledge or promise to the contrary, and the substantial interest being taken in the Exposition by so many states and foreign nations makes increased magnitude not only advisable but necessary. Much of the popularity of Exposi- tion is attributed to the plan of President Collier to discard the archaic world -fair thecae of products, and usher in the new and more far - teaching plan of showing the pro - cone tenses by which the products r into being. The old phut consists merely of showing acolossal aggregation ofpeoducts, which, while they may fill the spectator with awe at their vast- ness, teach him nothing as to their history or production. The old plan contains practically nothing of edu- cational value. President Coll'ier's plan, which will be followed just as closely as possible at The San Diego 1915 Exposition, will show the process of production of each country's exhibit, with its native workers, in a reproduction of their bonne Surroundings. The vast educational and entee'taimrnent side and scope of San Diego way aver the obsolete plan will be seen at a glance, and the fact, recogniztd that while eveything worthy of the old way is retained, the Exposition is given an entirely new trend and thence. Few Will Escape The torturing aches of corns. Be prepared, -the only painless cure is Petnam's Corn Exttacto'. Fifty years in use and absolutely gltalaatl- teed. Hteron County. DEATH 0P 301117 OARRIox.- John Oart'ick, late editor of The Hamilton Times, died Monday afternoon at 119 Main street East after a long illness. in his 59511 year•. He suffered a severe parttlytic stroke five years ago, but Was able to be ab his desk [trail last' August, when 'he retired after twenty- four yams' set•vice its the Tines ol5n0. Born in Scotland, he came to this eounbry When a boy. At one time S. Carter's Emporium Brussels is the spot Bargai • • ts Pone appetite i8 a sure sign n1' Me palled digestion. A few sines of • Ohntuhet•llti'e Stonitteb and Liver • lnhlets will strengthen you) 5igeelion e and 101P10ve your appetite. '1'hnn8- O ands have been benefitted by 1ltkl g ♦ these Tablets. Sold by all dealers, •; • Ixi11 ; Norman, of Viceroy, Seek, 1 and Slauriee, of Torora lie wee a emcee's] 1 fellow Lodge S e w OQ I 11 v ut 1 loreru'e and also tt member of Florence Lode A, 10. and A. 11, anti the funeral which Wok place Thursday was in the charge of the 411 name and 051511 110 Societies, Beirut UM floral ti tholes were received from fermis in rhe many Mimes where he had label ed (turtles his 38 \eau's of service, 'These %vete ills11111e11 "Our 11::::1 oc" 01' e lar Fli1•I.d" (11(1 spoke t'11 imently of 1110 life or S012110,. Popular Stallions o! I Following will be the routes or he horses named for thesenson of 1013 :-- 4 The annual meeting of the Denise Huron Liberal Association will be i CI will held at the. Town Tull, Settfurtil, Tuesday May 27th, at 2 o'clock Lpt'. m. foethe purpose of electing ofncere and transacting any other' business that may be brought before the meet- ing. A large attendance is desired. M.1MURDIE, Pt'esitlellt. J. L. KILLOR:tN, Secretary. Ile had an interest in the Exeter Reflector and went from there to the Canadian Banter, later joining the Times staff. One son, Dr. Carrick, and two daughters survive. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon. Seaforth Bowling Club has installed a new and up-to-date system for lighting the greets. Mr, and Mrs. Kling sr. Who have been in town since the death of their son, Frank, left for their home in Daytou, Ohio. Rev. D. C. McGregor, who occupied the pulpit in the First Presbyterian church,- Sunday, is the husband of Marion Keith the nnted novelist. D. and Mrs. McGuire, who have kept a grocery store in Thos. Daly's black for the past 3 years, left last week for London East, where they will go into business in a general store. Following officers were elected in connection with the Ladies' Bowling team :-Hon..Pres., Mrs. A. E. Col- son ; Hou. Vice -Pres., Mrs. W. Ament ; Pres , Mrs. Oscar. Neil ; Vice -Pres., Mrs. G. A. Sills ; Seo,, Miss N. Cardno. The engagement is announced of Miss Anna Rae, daughter of S. andd Mrs. Dickson, Seem th, to Rev. Edward Armand Corbett, 13. A.. of Waterous, Sask., son of Rev. 'Phomas Corbett, Fnrt. Clu'Appelle, Sask. The wedding will take place quietly it Seaforth on June 3rd. Under directions of the local Health Inspector, the Dick House has been (dosed. and is undergoing as thorough house cleaning and fumigating pro- cess: The house will be cleaned and fumigated from cellar to garret, the wells will be either cleaned nt• filled in, the hack yards and stables will be properly straightened up. House will nut be thrown open to the public, un- til sanctioned by the Medical Officer. It would surprise you to know of the great good that is being done by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Downey, of Newberg Junction, N. B„ writes, "My wife has been using Chamberlain's Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of good." If you have any trouble with your stomach or bowels give theta a trial. For sale by all dealers. Wingham Rev. G. Victor Collins was in Tor- uttto last week attending the Baptist Pastors' Conference held at 7icMaster. University. Sunday morning 11th most, there passed awayat Winnt ag, in his p 52nd year, (:leo. Buchanan. He had just been i11 one week with pneumonia when he was called to his reward. Ile was a brother. to F. Buchanan, of town. In results of the annual examina- tionin the Faculty of Applied Siteuce and Engineering, University of Tor- onto we are pleased to notice tidal• two Wingham young men, Richard Lloyd and Clat'euce 'Wilson, have passed their 2nd year examinations with )senors. The congregation of the church of the Sacred Heart has pu, chased as quantity of land, to be used as a cemetery, from Aiert. Belly, on the South side of the B line, nearly op. posite the Town Cemetery. A meeting of the congregation of Wiughan Methodist chmreh was hell, Reports from the various depart- ments were read, showing encourag- ing progress, The inaugutattion, a year ago, of a new systern of finance has resulted most eat and the Finance committee re nnrled the finances to be in better corulition than at any previous time in the history of the church Missionary givings have advanced to the $1400 mark of this the ittneo•th League raised $620, The Sunday School is in a flonrisiling condition, melee the efficient Superin- r. tendency of Mr. Bnahanan. The present membership of the church Sts reported 18511, Meeting by rut Melon unauinlons vote decided to 1001(0 the London Conference to ureal it Wing - ham in June, 1914. J. Kerr and Ti'. en Wanted E Company 33rd Reg'` (noes to camp at Goderirh for Training 1111nor112l':S JUN111 16111 TO JUNE 2711), Rates of Pay Rank and File -411,00 to 81.25 per clay, Good Men Only Wanted See M. H. LAKE, Queen's Hotel, Brussels. LIEUT. R. R. SLOAN In Go. Ouulmaund. Buchanan will rept esent the church at, the Conference to be held a few weeks hence. At a joiut Meeting of the Oficial and Trustee. Breeds of the church et committee was ap• pointed to chart an address to Rev. T. Hall, who tette been a member of both Boards for' many (ears, and who is soon to remove to Uali1'm•nia, and on Wednesday evening, Dr. Red- mond was 'al •( un by the pastor to u 1\, (ratted i y 1 's. illr )lied in read theaddte s IMP, kit el appropriate w'tads. There never Wa0 a time when people appreciated the lit121 III 11.1 of Uhawbevlaiu's Google Remedy Wrote than new. Tills ie shown by the in- crease in sales and voluntary testi- monials from persons who have been cured by it. Ii' you or your children aro troubled with a cough or acini give it a trial. and become acquainted with its good qualities. For sale by all dealers. Gerrie LATE REV. GEo. RACEY.- dealis of the hue Rev. Geo, W. Raney, for ten years Rector of the Episcopal churelc at Kirton, resulted horn injuries received on Good 1+11 - day. The deceased injured himself when leuloviug to tree which fell an the verandah of the Rectory. This made it necessary foe 1Min to updeege surgical treatment and hie son, De. Races', of Parkhill, acconpnni0l )(lel to 'Toronto for that purpose, The treattnett was apparently successful and when Dr. Rlacey left for home on Saturday aft mentor) there was everyv prospect that his faller would make 1'a .complete and speedy recovery, Gis death o0001scd sinttlettly near 1'. ltd 1 mingling from acucate doer and Iltesad (news route tett]) ncic1011 shock and pain because of the gunfl hopes which had been elite! toned. He wits born in Quebec: tieing the hast surviving member of a family of live of the late Dr. and Mrs. John Races. He was educated at. \Vestvio Uni- versity. His Hist charge WAS tat Go•rie, then he was at Florence, Huntingford, Blyth, Belmont and Comber before going to Kit harm hav- ing spent 38 years in the ministry, lie intended t0 retire froze) 111e wiu- istry ab the next meeting of 13•- nod and to m10e t.n [',%Achill wh1re he had prelnisel the residence 4 Di. Riflemen on Bastille street. (11' is 8tn'viver3 by his widow and unto sous : Dr. Gen. \V. navvy of Birk We Give Steady Employment to rel hlblr energetic leen sur the sale of our prodeahs, We give »11 the mil - vantages that a reliable, well ad vet tis• oil, ostnllllshed frill eat 1 nbr. If you wish to represent its wIRI'TE NOW, before It is too hate, for further hirer. motion. Over 600 Acres under cultivation 0)111 ono of the most, 1 'anode. tin. 1 11 .H Nursery ,Ictus In ta. o n et v e plants stbok' n� I -had +Pars la natal, t(epP on app hent '.n g PELHAMI NURSERY CO, Toronto, Ontario a.ar.,..wa.r.l King Gartsherrie BRYO0ES & KIRKBY, Props. MONDAY -Will lenve her own triable, Lot 2, 00n. 4, ,,lur1'0, end go to al r. Brudbnrn'e, 8111 0011. East Wliwa,lo,Il, for 110011 ; then to 1, H. Taylor's for piglet, TUESDAY -To J. Beecroft's for noon ; then to Elljnh Walker's for night. 1VEDNESDAY- To John Cochrane's for noon ; then to his own stable where he will re- mail until Oddity morning. FRIDAY -To ,las Kerney's, sed Line Morris, for noon ; then to A u1el iciln Hotel, Brussels, for night, ,. 1' AY -T John Vt Art11nr'N th Line A UR7) 11 1 1 0 , 5. Vlou i8 • noonto r + 1 e where sol 11 1 1den 111oI own t1 UI hl he will reunite until the following Mousley morning- ®O o Causes Much Disease Advice about Stomach Troubles and how to r oBeve thein. 1)0»',neglect iudlgeetioe, for 11 rimy lent to all aorta of ills and 0on- IJrratilus, .111 eminent phyeieinn once said that ninety-five per cent of all ills have their origin in a dis- ordered atoinaob, Out e 001141.l00 with 14esa11 Dys- pepsin Tablets loads us to believe shoo to be uneof the most dependable remedire 1101S(1 for indigrstiou and throttle do pop 1111. 'Thai' ingredi- ents tuo n.sithing to the 111118100d memitran. of the stontnoh. Rich u1 Pepsi,' mid llismuth, two of the ere -met eh eeive nide known to reedieult, 11, relief they afford is l y t'n•vi.o 1 iod persistently and i c;;u1:a ly icor a short bine, they tend t5 relieve pains caused by etonnwh tl('orders, Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help insure health)' appetite, aid diges- tion, and promote nutrition. As evidence of our faith in them, we ask you to try thorn at our risk. 11 shay do not gtv0 entire satisfaotion, we will return the money you paid us without question or formality. Three sines, 25 tents, GO cents, and $1.00. You can bur' '' 1'enall Dyspepsia Tablets in thin• nt our store: F. R. YSwMo0I�TH. Brussels ?he J� •5'4020 Ontario There 13 a Rexall Store in nearly every town and stly in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill- eaoh especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended. Tho Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drag. Stores Galiou WM. ELSTON, Manager 4ONDAtt-VVttl leave km own stable, Lot 20, 0•,0. 4,1%1>1l18, and go West to John Arm. strong'n Sulgrave, for 110011 1 111011 along 0th 11,11., of wswsnn+h to ahwnosh, than North to U1 -aa Kiug'a for night. TUESDAY -west along 15tH Oen. of Wow• no -11 to Jno..1 opt t's for noon,. then North to. 14th line, then North to W, . Perrier's for night. WEDNESDAY -East I34 miler, then North to the boundary nod la* 1111 lea Mast for 11001 411(11 East t0 Wm .1.11:11111(1113011'11 tor night 2HUR'D41r-Ea1t and North to li Line, rnruberrr, then E,wato Alex Itis' for noon ; then Slush vin lSIeevale to R, Johnston's for night. D PRFAY-Enat t0 Tae. POaeoo*Pnfor noon • thea South to 2nd lute, 11lorri4, turd Welt to wm Etwtun's for night ei2TURD AY -South to 3rd line, Morris, then to hie own stable for noon and where 11e will remain until the following Monday mormog. LDUDDN'N FAVORITE (Imp.) (11812) 180711 1\2111 stand 1'or the inlpta1emleut n1' stoel1 at hieownstable, Lot 22, Con. 13, IM oKillop 01,1ts un, this horse 1120e w011 1St prize for the last three years al Brusaeisand Seafnr th Show's 1n the heavy drlulght class. Teems -$8.00. JOHN J. IICGAVIN, Lcadbury P. 0. RAYMAN N is prepared to supply the hest goods in Windmills, hoe and Wooden Pumps and Stable i+Ittlugs, snub, as Piping, 1Vtu- er Bowls for stool, Re. 'Repairs to Pumps promptly . attended to. Give me a call. A. HAVMANN, Cranhrook Manitoba Improved Farms For sale on easy terms or will rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Masi %! ,'' * 47--_osrii®,,...7,50.74,7‘.527.4r/46.97745,,,,....„- sr i 6 iit: ... WH 1TE STAR NE �,,. � �I ,�, ,�,..dim..'siOrO/.�-1:�0®✓„!/�///.!.//r®®�O///."s�..�.�d':�.r�.�.r�®,%✓,%/. 15th ANi4UAL EXCURSION GDDERICU to DETROIT and RETURN BIC STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND will leave Goderich June 10th, 9:30 a. tn. Arrive Detroit, June IOth, 5:30 p, m. Returning, leave Detroit; June 12th, 1;00 p. m. Tickets, 150 Round Trip MOONLIGHT EXCURSION,JUNE 9 OBR5UAnsAuDrorMk6 SOWING ING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How many young men can look back nit their early relife and set their 1; misdeeds. "Sowtug their 'wild oats" in various ways, Recesses, violation o na- ture's s f x tore s hatv s 'wine, omen v e w and songs '111 11nve their victims Y'ou have re- formed but what about the seed you have sowu wyltat about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If'ou y are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; if you arc Su f. ferite. from the results of past indiscretions; if your blood has boon tain11115 out anyprivate disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dreadof symptosis breaking ing out and exposiug,your past; if you are suffering as the result of a Misspent life -DRS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before: them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable, YOU CAN . PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dis. eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. ' CONSULTATION FREE. Hooks $roe on. Diseases of Mon. If Unable to call, was for o Question Binnlc for 11805.1 TREATMENT :, 'err• ////�%%%, s�. ..,,9111 u,:Yra fi ' sE��t • �p se EH H EDY ENNE Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.; Detroit, Mich. NOTICE Ali letters from Canada must be addressed to our enrol else Canadian Correspondence I)epartntout in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Iustitete in Detroit as we ace and treat no patient+ in our Windsor ()niece which are a orat forCanadia busihess only, used for correspondence and Laboratory wry tt y Address all lettere as follows: DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address, , ova lFdii. "'taigt'. Notice Tli,Uour( n1' Itevision on the Assessment Moll of the Township or Morris Will he held. In the Township 111111 on 3(ondey, the 2011i day of a41y, next. t. n t It n'dnolt s• M. All p011105 in butted -ad will pll1SP take notice and guest themselves accordingly, e, lloolSWION, Clerk. Monis, 111 7th, Din. Notice I The Mart or 6av181011 on 11101 Asoeeatlrat• Roll of thl''i'ownsbill of Grey will ba held 11 11111 Township Hell, Ethel, on 111 wades', the Seth ' day of May next, nt 11 o'eimer it, nl. All per. ties interested will please elite nutlet, and gov- ern thensselvee aor1'dioglp A. 117,11(ACI)ONALD, Clerk, Ethel, May 7111, 1915, The People's Column C0 SI100itTA 61.E L•70Uli to rent or Pol' Salo on South 'Turn berry street, Brussels with aura ,t land attaehod. Small fruits, alp pie 41.o1.'s, &o, Good eoll»r, had and soft wet. or. Ito nudist be possession, Pur further pH 1.• apply to MISS 5180G1E KELI,Y, Welton -P O. Phone 1717. Or x1100 ,u>6 Kelly, at the Green House, 13/11.1116018, T'EAUHER Wonted for S. 0, No. 1, Grey township, Blit les t0 00111 111 P11011 Mmte15b1 l' 'iod. Applieanla to state quulifionlion, ox• parlour.'. and salary. Applications l'eoelVen bby the notitn slgnad, ny to May 27th. ANDREW LA InONI', Secrete ns'-rrenattrer, Brussels. Tl5AY191) frons the overuses of the under- ,Igned, N:2 Lot 18, tion. 11, Mnrrls, n year- ling 01801', red ono W11 110 w 001011. 110- horns .A try alforlpatlou leading to its recovery will be thankfully fume' red. GEORGE MILLER, Brnasels p.0. •�240 YEAR OLD General Portion(Piny for sale. Lot 22, Oon. 18, Groy. J. D. Afo3AIR, Phone 440. Ornnbroolr P.O. �A.15h1(0 TC1 RENT. -Thr John W' Rosa 1 i • A ,.ill' Lots and 24,I forms, b N Let Jc,Lon 6 r•'r offered mut ' all Lot dG `un. 1,Grey, are ffel ec ,, c111g. tin l(otla undersigned. P. .bt O9T 1 I, � 4141 lit It 10111186 IA/ ANTED -A good reliable man to repre- •* sent the tamed inn Pacific hallway Land Department In this territory, leo' full parti0- ular'.npply to S. U. MITCHELL, District Salts Agent, 001 U. P. 11. Hnild ing, Toronto, Ontario. =ARM P08 SALE CHEAP. -18O n ores, South half 1.41 22, Con. 8, Township of alm'(ae, miles from Walton Good hand w'ilh oreha'd mid spring. Loghouse and triune banns barn. t,onvonient to church and school, Apply to e S. SOOTT, Brllosels, or TflLLAU. SIMS Gi1E4ORY, Berlin, Ont, 4''2 8 =ARM YOlt BALE -West Half Lut 2, Con. 12, T'owuotdp u1' Gruy, ren0ming flu acro, •15 cleared, fenced, draiutd and an pe gross. 5 00re'. hard -wood bush. No buildings. Nor fur' her particulars apply to J. LECKIE, 88.11' Brllpisela, ELIGIHL E PROPERTY FOP. SA 1.E Olt TO 1ticta'r.-'The home reoenhly vaunted by John H Kerney, who oohed to Gael! h (known as the Rogers property, Tarnborry 1.11 tet, la offerers for sale or if not sold will he rented. There 15 a ,sonfortable hoose, good stnbie and 1% acres of land with ,1 double entrance. Pine garden, &a.. Por further particulars ttPniyy to W. H. Kerr, of Tits Posie, who holds the Secy. Itis a choice spot to live 111 and will bo sold very reasonably. 27-11 FARM POR SALE,-9'he undersigned offers his ane farm consibiting of about 185 nares adjoining the town of Clinton. for sale, a'im farm to in a good s1111e of ualtivillion, and (108 nod batidtags, brink 1810500, batik barn, drly. ing bonne, pig pen, rte., all comparatively new. A first -Mass young orchard containing all hinds of fruits and also small fruits. 0110 Win la well fenced nod drained and laa very de'rirahle hone. Por further particulars apply on the premises or address 28'1f JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. CARR POR SALE, being South half Lot 25, 0011. 4, Morris township, Enron Co., 00n- tldning 100 Bereft mora 01' 1088. 011 the prem- ises In it frame Noise, Ironic horn, good orchard, well, windmill, &e. A 11 cleared except about an acre School 1s' miles distant. Only 234 1111105 front Brussels. tl acres 057011 wheat in old Shoot SOaores seeded down. Per price, terms raid other information 1 n 0Fundy ' the 11 y realises r 1 writing n P t BAPO. 'Phone n g 125. Or If. \ n t. S S i Brussels. 0 u-tf ' A. L.KERR Proprietor. CINifeeelneffsilenellinlifIlleellilli=11111111•111111110 FrLLEGE AT HOME Tho0A0nds or ambitious young peo- ple Etre fast preparing in their O,rn homes to 500057 lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, teleg n• pliers, dell servants, 12 NO every Ribero of activities,. You may 611 1)111 114 college if :muse wish. Fashions gnnr- 811108c1: Rol Pr college any day. Iudi- vidual instruction.Expo;t teachers Thirty years' experience. Largest trainers In Uanadn. Seven colleges. Special 0015(00 Por leachers. Affiliated with (7ummeretsl Educe. tor's Assoointinn of (tnn,tda, Sun roar School nt ruinous Spots of Business Col- lege, London. Wingham Business College G11e. L1rnn'Tnn, W, T. 310(1011, President, PP1nripol. •a&tiaa212411Atr1111Miliel RUPTU"C Cured A -t your hone without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your 'age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age 'rine 5(qn.....,,, Stn le or Double ........... ,. Nanio 1111)1( ass .. And return to J. S.SM ITT as OAledonia St, Dept A Stratfo' el, Ont,