The Brussels Post, 1913-5-22, Page 1.4 •
VOL. 41 NO, 47
- • •
W. H. KERR, Propietor
New Advertisements
Notiee-P. 4Scott.
$1.00 lost -Tun Pon.,
shoes -LC. E shard,
1,..oil-G. P. metalloid.
Scotian Gerry 1.1. Parker.
Xottec-John Patterson.
Shingles -John McDonald.
Counkr Counoll-W Lane.
Summer aults-W, rrtwer.
Grand Rally-W.A. Robertson.
his inst summits in the eveniug, but it
will be eonsiderable help 10 the eitip-
pi tig Intel eats in einderich.
The wife of 1s1, L •Uitane customs
lending movie here, was working in
the gee den and while in a stooping
pnsition no old gate of eonsiderable
weight, which was hanging louse, fell
ova/. »pen her, arm. WiR4t1 foetid she
WAS eel Injured and in a cement
ei11011t1011, as she is a 'emen np in
- - years.
.1,stact iletu5 Gerrie
bath the anniversary sermons or the
• Trowbridge Epworth League were
munched by Rev, De. Oaten, of Brus-
sels, In the nue eing he spoke on
"Ideals" and the evening subjeet was
"The might of the Gospel," both
being good sermons and suitable, to
the oceasion. The Omit. supplied
special music and. Dr. Oaten sang a
solo at the Morning service. The
Sabbath School rally in the after-
noon was an intetesting service and
was addressed by Rev, Dr. Oaten.
DIMS. 0011e1IS is the veteran Superin-
tendent. Monday eve I !I lig a nittsical
and literary program of a high order
was presented consisting of addresses
by Rev. Dr. Russet'. or A twood, oit
' "Citizenship" and Rev. Dr. Oaten's
topic was ".Personn I Valued" ;solos by
Miss IMeCoetnick and Dr. ()Moo : two
quaetettes and a shortie by the t•hnie
and last but riot least. literary own -
bars by Miss 3141.her Hubei% of [mom
tubo did her part in a i(lost »11 !Vest Iiip
and artistic /1110111er. EVel•y1 him!
went off splendidly uid the lifetime
envy compered most favorably with
the best of other days. proceeds nvei
$40.09. The pastor, Rev. Mi. SI se.
Kelvey, oceupied the eletit good
Willie Babb, while playing basebal
had his left Ottani b brok en „
Miss Helen Doyle, (taught et. of Suclit.
Doyle, who has been visiting her sis
ter in Seattle, has arrived home.
Date of the set 1.0 Huron
Rifle League shoot has been set fe
Friday, ;lune lSth. The toueltAttlell
will be held at Point Farm.
John Jones Bateman, the 15-yee
old son of Rev. Jones Bateman, wit
purchased the property of •Capt. 'fro
1 heway, is having a wireless plant in.
stalled of considerable power. Jones
Bateman had a small plant installed
hist Summer, when bo nccupied the
residefice of Crown -Attorney Seager
He did quite a business in ielayiny
messages to the Soo and the boy roach
enough money to purchase a tine
Unlit:12. He expects to handle buei.
ness this year and have the scores of
the ball games, and vessel arrivals.
Until the hydro electric powee is in-
stalled Jones Bateman can only work
M essee. Hibbert and Leech
were at 11 %use's this week attending
the District meeting,
eles. (Rev.) W. W. Leech, whose
health has not been very good for
some time has gone to Penetan-
guishene hoed tat where her daugh-
ter is Matron. We hope she will
soot; 1 re prove.
Ohief of Police Alien is trying Lo
locate a dog -poisoner who has been
busy recently with the result that
many people have lost tine canines.
The property owners voted on two
by-laws here Monday, one for raising
the sum of $6,500 for the purchase of
a and road pollee, the
other for $5,000 for the improvement
HAM extension of the present water.
works system. Both by-laws were
Council lits completed All arrange-
ment by which $1.,000 insurance will
be placed, at. 1 he town's expense, on
etteli of 1 lie 22 members of the fire
,lepart utent. If taken sick as a re.•
Alit of attendance at a tire each man
.vill receive $5 per week. The Council
will also put phones in each fireman's
Adjutant Smith, of London, gave a
line illustrated lento e in the Sal-
vation Army citadel on work that is
being done for children. Mrs. Smith
and child were linable to attend as the
tt le one bad 0 bad attack of bt on -
chit et:Clinton and had to be taken
heel: In London.
he position of the Principal of the
Collegiate Institute, Ingersoll, made
vacant by the resignation of William
'laden, the leache's' committee of
he Board of Education will recom-
mend the appointment of J. C. Smith,
t. A., of Winghatn. Mr. Smith has
ieen Principal of the Wingham High
school for the last 7 years and has
the reputation of being a very sue-
eessful teacher. The salary to be
recommended will be $1,800 per year.
Mr, Bilden, whose resignation was
made necessary owing In ill health,
has beeu Principal of the Collegiate
ror upwards Of 30 years.
HOUGH CUP GAM.- By defeating
Winghatn High • Se.hnol ni Vood-
stock campus Saturday afteenoon in
o Plough Oup game by a seere of 2 to
1. Woodstock College has a lead of
'one goal en the inund for the
'tno'nths of
prove the
real quality
• of the
1 1111».12 1 CI ON.1.?lt • •1 !ill 11!
"Canada's Bast
Sold only by
Tailor and Qentsi Furnishero Brussels
championehip. The final game will
be played 1 Wingham 'text SAM. -
day, Maturday's game was ochow
end interestieg struggle all the way,
;within. team treeing much advantage
The half-time score was 2 to 0, but
with a strottg breeze at theie backs
in the second period, the Witeshain
foewards made a desperate attack (11
the college goal scorning one. Wing -
110731 2111011 111 Wit eta next 8ati1rday
J. J. Gnitn, cif W001100Vkt WAR referee
last, Sat Imlay.
TtoterrIved at the Walton !e,e, mills cur or
XXXX 0. 11 ltd 04.43r %attnes. Cement al -
50 on bRzyl. .150 AterioNAnn, Wilton,
Additional Walton news no page
5. Rend it.
Holiday elites on C. P. Th. for
Victoria Day.
A Emil* or weddings et t' Seidl t n be
on 1 he progentit in the nem future, -
11'otnen's Institute meeting was
held twee Weiltieetlay arteention of
t hie week.
Rev, Nli., 111 ii iltis was at Clinton
this Week attending the annual May
District meeting.
Rev. rt A. Lundy and it goodly
representation of delegates to the
Presbyteelal went to Bluevitle 0)1
Onitteil next. Monday.
Vi t mitt Day Sat tieday nf I his week
•-will he observed as it Public Holi-
Quite a conipany of Presbyterian
ladies drove to Bluevale on Tuesday
to attend the Presbyterial.
Wednesday evening the Dougherty -
0010 wedding took place, Rev. I).
Wren, M. A., officiating. Report will
be given next week.
Ethel 1,Voinen's Testi hue forwarded,
this week, the 860.00 towns d the Hos-
pital Fund at Weston for furnishing a
child's cot. It is a noble work and
the ladies deserve ceedit.
Friday afternoon of this week a
Township gathering was to be held Itt
the Township Hall here to promote
the Canada Temperance Act, Mil
has been postponed for A Sine, notice
which will be given later.
Setnrclay afternoon of last week
Garfield and George Dunbar unloaded
their new Sawyer -Massey traction
engine ciff the car and loaded their
NV bit' Engine ou the 8111111. ear. The
plat form gave way with the new one
letting it drole24 feet to Mid ground.
The White was loaded by drawing it
on the cat, by a chain attached to the
new one.
Suromt/ DEATH.- Airs. R. Close
was called to Newburgh, 0111., owing
to the etithlen demise or her niece,
the yonng lady who had visited her
for :tem al weeks a short, time ago,
leaving for her home in the East on
April 1511. She dropped dead ou the
10th inst., after she had practiced the
hymita for Sunday, the last one being
"in heavenly Love abiding." This
very appropriate selection was sung
at her funeial. The church would
not ticeolutnoclate the crowd that at-
THE LATE IsAA0 Gua. -Last Sat-
urday night at 9 o'clock, Isaac Gill
paid Nature's debt. in his 728 year.
I'ie been ill poor health' for many
years and eonfitted to bed tearly all
of . the past. Winter. Me. Gill was
born i» Yor kehire, Enghtiel, and
then to Cesteda with his parente
when lie was 7 years .rid. They lived
in Hollett township for a year and
came to the Queen s bush lute located
OII len. 25, Gut. 10, Grey township
where he I•esicled foe some timelater
removing, to Ethel station locality
whisre he spent the past 38 yews,
47 yen 1.s age Mr. Gill was !mulled, to
Miss Newly Sheep and to them was
born 5 sons and it daughter. , The
hitter. is ;Mrs. Dresser., 1 raiding in
England and the sons are George,
.nath000too, Altit.; Enos, St. Louis,
No. ; W. 1.. 011 1 Ile farm, and Grover
nI h1.111e. All APP neu•ried. 'Baste
died hi latency. Ttc subject of this
millet. ad Imred to the Methodist
clineeh and was 0 0011Stti VittIVE1 in
peril ICS. He WAS 11great student Or
the told lied reed it through.
Thea e AIM 12 grain' shiltit en. funeral
took place Tuesday afternoon to
,. .
1 he Chopping Mill and Fecd 4.
4. StOte at the Electeic Light
tis et
1: -Plant will close for good on +
I Siltuday, May 3ist I.
4'We have a gutantily of Flour 1'
.1. and [Peed 10 11(1 sold at Re- *
I(hived Peices. Also a quail- *
city of Fertilizer that Will be .1-
* sold . *
ots must be Nettled
I This is all good stock. I
Alt accou
* by May 3191.
to John Patterson'-
iviannger, ÷
4, +
Grand Bally
It support of the course pursued by
Mle. W. PJIOUDFOOT, 51'. P. P., at
the recenl session of the Ottavio Leg-
Friday, May 30
The presence of a large number (if
the moat prominent, Liberals in Ontar-
io, including
the Provincial leader, and a number
of other Liberal members of t118 Leg-
islature, is assured.
The West St. Rink, containing the
largest auditorium in the town, has
been engaged and will be seated for
the occasion.
Everyone who believes in honest
government and fair play invited,
Special Railway Service is being ar-
ratiged. Look for further announce-
ment as to trains, rates, etc.
Chairman of Corn. Secretary.
Elena Centre cemetery. Rev. Mr.
Wren took the service and the pall-
beneers were R. Barr, 0. Cleaver, J.
K. Brown, W. Bitumen:1, I. Lake and
.f. Engler. Mr. Gill has 13 brothers
living viz :-John, of Paradise Valley,
Alta, ; and Joe and Thos., in Michi-
gan. Deceased was widely known as
lie was among the early settlers of
Ibis locality.
CANADIAN °eon.- Last Fiidoy
evening Prof. &wits, of the Ontario
Agricultnral Oollege, Guelph, was
here and gave an illmitinating ad-
dress, occupying about 1i hours, be-
fore the Canadian Club, in the Dil-
wot th Hall, on "Agriculture." He
speaks mit of a wide experience.
Rev. D. Wren occupied the (emir.
A cotdial vote of thanks was ac-
corded Prof. Zavitz for his splendid
ielfort and he will be welcome back.
Better farming should be done by
those who heard bine The -Canadian
0101 has been the agency for a large
inventive of - instruction and if the
members stand by it the future
should be just as gond if not, better.
Township Council next Monday at
Some say a new housekeeper will
be installed shortly on the 10th.
The Shine farm, 12th con., has been
leased by James Kernagban, recently
of Brussels, who is in possesion. Dr.
Shine, of rilonkton, is the owner of
the property. -
We are glail to be able to report
progress in connection with the case
of Thos. Strachan jr., who has been
taking radiuni treatment at, Toronto,
for his disabled limb,
•A, good contingent of Liberals from
Grey township will take in the Peeled -
foot Demonstration at Goderich cm
Friday evening, May 801h, going by
the C. P. R. from Moncrieff and
Wal ton.
day of this week an organization
meeting for Grey township will be
held 'in the Township Hall, Ethel,
a12 p. zn. All interested are urged
to attend.
The arterial Garden Party of
"Union" Sabbath School will be held
at the haute of Hugh Richmond, the
Superintendent, on Friday of next
week. 801,11 inst. A. big time is always
enjoyed at Mr. Richmond's. In-
teresting program.
Last week Emil Berfeltz, 9th con.,
had a hee and vaised an addition, to
his been. He will have shed room
uncle, it. New stabling will also he
put in. We are glad to see these
evidences of prosperity and hope it
may loeg continue.
Thursday of this week Altnee Me-
Quarrle art ived home from the
hospital, Wingliam, where lie has
been Env the past 11 weeks, going for
operation for appeticlicitis, He is the
only son nf. 0, and Mes. McQuareie,
We hope Aimee will soon
Monday. of this week Andrew
Rislop, a well known vesiclent of Ole
15th con., was 80 yeat•s of age. Few
men have enjoyed as good health as
Mr. 'Maims, although last Winter he
wee off duty fin, some months from
contracting a severe cnid, Starry old
friends extend congratnlations end
wish lin a pleasant evening to his
long and busy life.
MARRIED IN SiAX. - A very pret-
ty wedding was solemnized at
the home of Airs. B. McKinnon,
"Oban Place," eon. 7, Wed nenclav of
hest week, when her denghter, Miss
Anna Belle, was united 111 the holy
bonds of matrimony to Alex. I. Arm
strong, of the same tnwnehip. The
ceremony was performed by Rev,
1). B. McRae, of Allem, (mid *spinet,
pastor of the bt•ide, at Ethel) in the
peeeence of the immediate relatives
of the contracting parties. PrecinelY
at 5 &cheek- p, the interested
persons took their places under an
areli, banked with ferns and flowers,
the bride leaning on the tom or her
brother, 11. H, McKinnon while !Vise
Helen MeKinnoti, her sister, pleyea
itiondelssolm s Wedding Mereli
er emigre/1MMbone were egf ended
to the lieppy twain all sot down I0 a,
splentlid When jitetiee had
been done to this part of the prOgrem •
ill e.
riideelliaetlIjarteilseggimeetil a tioast 11
p easing matt tier ariditecolveliitligs sutsyulae
001)t itg th me health, haPPilwall,
and prosperity and laSt but. not least
the Pence of Or al 131111. passeth ail
understanding. It. McKay, uncle of
the beide, eplied foe those 10 whom it
was tendered. The gioom's girt. to
the bride was it sunburst and to the
organist a bite pin. The bride was
becomingly deesseci in lenity silk and
(tended a limpet. or white roees and
lily of the valley. 'J'lie evening was
spent, in music and sorial hitescouvee
and at au early hour tin. ._•,...its left
for blieir homes. The lee, , 1 wedded
ample went to tit& I. 1 114' , Lot 4,
Con. 7, Grey township lime] showers
or confetti and caviling with them
the gnod wishes of a large circle ot
friends for a happy, prosperous life.
Geo. Howe end Miss Howe spent
Saturday in Brussels.
Peter Milligan, of lieussels, was in
the village on Sunday,
Mayor Vanstnee, of Wingham,
called on friends here Monday even-
t ng.
Two loads of delegates attended
the Presbyterial held in Bluevale on
Gem [McIntosh, of Stratford, was a
visitor at the home of Jno. Davidson
over. Sunday.
Mis. 0. ISIcLetin retuned front
Mobile. Alta., nn Saturday where she
has seem ineni the Winter.
J. D. Stesvai t, of Sofia, vent the
week end with •his mother, Mrs. D.
Stewart., of furnberry,
Miss D. Wilson and Mies Lizzie and
Andrew Miller, of Jamestown, spent
two days of this week with relatives
in Mildinay.
Geo. Simon is engineering on the
Stevenson\vsein tired.onmade a business trip to
Listowel 07 Saturday.
Mts. Goi•salitz Si'., had the nits -
fortune to fall and break her leg.
Lynn and Mrs, Evans visited Listo-
wel friends at the end of the week.
5Irs. Oarter, of Avonton, is visiting
her prteents, Ohas. and Mrs, Alderson,
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr.
McKelvey, of Trowbridge, occupied
the pulpit of the Methodist church
and gave a good Ramon.
Thursday or this week Rev. Mr.
McCulloch was at Bluevale in con-
nection with the induction of Rev.
Mr. Tete. He preached the sermon.
Thursday evening nf last week a
Congregational Meeting was held in
the Methodist church. Reports for
past year were encouraging showing
advances along all lines. George
Menzies was elected Representative
to the Official Board. .A. number of
fine views of life in Japan were
shown by Rev. Dr. Oaten and a run-
ning commentary given on them.
Victoria Day Concert in the
Finestees' Hall Friday evening of this
week. Good program.
This week Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick and
Harry Hopper are attending the
Whightun District meeting at Bros-
The ideal congregation" was Rev.
Mr, Kilpatrieles theme last Sabbath
eriug in the Methodist church.
He did well.
meeting or the Women's Institute
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Wray, et 2.80 p. m., on Tuesday,
27th inst. Report of yeer's work ;
Election of officers and outlining
plans for coming year will constitute
the business, A. large attendance is
hoped for.
Al. Maitland Presbytery on Tues-
day 01 Bluevale the call to Rev. Mr.
Ferguson was dealt with, Rev. lele.
Taylor, or Termite Presbytery, being
p11180111 in behalf of Norval. Repre-
eenlatives from the congregation and
session here were in attendance and
expeessed their high appreciation of
Rev. Mr, Ferguson and his work but
would not 5111118 in his way. The
reverend gentleman accepted the
call, Sabbath .1 one 15111 will see the
elose of his pastorate here. 'Rev.
Me. Stewart, of Whitechurels, will
act as 'Moderator of the congregations
during the vacancy,
Maitland Presbytery met in the
Methodist clowah lest Tuesday as the
women were in possession of the
Presbyterian church with their Pres-
PaNeeevretestats-Tnesday, the 29th
annual meeting of Alaitlend Presby-
terial was held in the Presbyterian
oltui ell 13luevale, 11118 WAS a grand
success. There was a large attend-
ance, excellent pimplier) and a tine re-
port of earnest, active work and fi-
nancial advancement. Dinner and
tea were served in the church base-
ment, about 300 teeing present, for
tot(1)et meal And fully 500 fot' supper.
The ladies deserve great credit for
their getterous entering, 27 aexiliaries
are connected with the Presbyterial
and 10 Mission Bands. $28,088 were
raised sheltie the oast year and $175
by the Bantle, $25,088 being remitted
in all to 5511evalTeeas0rer. "Tidings'
has 548 etibecribers. Value of cloth-
ing sent to Indian schools was $000.03.
Officers elected for next yea are as
follows :- Pt esident. 1111.s. cRev.)
Per vie, Winghaut 1st Vice President,
Mrs, Deadman, Brussels ; 2ncl Vice,
Mrs. (Rove Bell, Molesworth ; 3rd
Viet, Mrs. (Rev,) MeLemiati, Luck -
mow ; Rect.-Sec., Mts. (Rev,) bendy,
Walt f)11 001'4.See,, Mies Mather,
Kincardine ; Treas., :Nita. (Rey.) Me.
ICenSie, LocknoW ; liecesSimplies, Miss
Lockhart, Winghant Tidings Sec.,
÷+4. Order your
I Summer
..., Suit
Centre Huron Liberal Association
it The animal teeeting of the Cease
itHuron Libertil Association will be
held in Goderich on Friday, May 30114,
4. at 3 o'clock p. 111.
NOTE. -The notice for meeting AO
+ Beaforth, on the 27th inst., as given on
4. page 4 of this issue, is cencelled, ee '
"4,1* tide year it is thoughttlesirahle to hold
the trieeti»g le Goderich on the day of
+ the big Demonstration and give,thoee
+ attending a chance to remain for the
-1:- evening
illng.Meeting will be addressed ley
+ the Member Barrister Proudfoot, K.
+ 0., J. 0, Elliott, 51. P. P., and other
THE RUSH speakers.
+ DEetoseteraATION.
•fs On the evening of the 80th inst. a
+ large Demonstration is to be held by
4. the Liberals of Centre Huron, in the
t Skating Rick at Goderich, to be ad -
4, dressed by N. W. Rowell, Leader of
4- the Opposition, and other Liberal
Poramotto Bain Coats + Members.
+ A. special G. T. R. train will leave
Good Values inSPROUL TEAM
4' Goderich after the evening meeting. ,
Oall and see them. .1.
+ M. lkirannl, President.
÷ J. L. RILLORAN, Secretary.
+ Fits Right,
Worktnanship Right
and. Prises Right
11: W. P. Fraser f
Merchant Tailor
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson, Belgrave,
Next year Convention will he held at
Miss Marjory Strachan is home
from an extended visit to Detroit.
Jamestown was represented at the
Missionary Convention at Bluevale
on Tuesday. A fine time was en-
The date of the Garden Party to be
held at Samuel Suell's home has been
changed from June 6th to Thursday,
June 5th. See the bills and take it in.
Following personal item appeared
in the Society column of the Toronto
dailies; - "The engagement is an-
nounced of Miss Hannah youngest
daughter of Mrs. L. A. Harris, of Mild-
may, to John Taylor Strachan, B. A.,
of South Porcupine. The wedding
will take place at high noou, June
18111, in Knnx Presbyterian church,
Mildmay." The expeetant groom is a
son of the late John Sbrachan, of this
locality. Mr. Strachan supplied the
Presbyterian church at Mildmay for
some tnonths.
Miss Beatrice Whitfield, of Grey
township, was the guest of Miss
Minnie Walker, fith line.
Township Council will meet next
Monday, 213th inst. It will also be
Ormrt of Revision on the Assessment
Ides. James Spew, OLh line, has not
been enjoying her usual good health
but we hope she will soon regain her
former vigor.
Miss Annie McCall is back to the
parental home and we are pleased to
say her .health is improving very
noticeably. We hope she will soon
be as hearty as ever,
bratumn,-Leslie, the 15 year old
son of W. J. Sonch, 3rd line, was
quite seriously injured last week
while harrowing at a neighbors
with a young team. They ran away
and the driver was thrown off his
feet no the harrows. After being
dragged 20 iods he got free. A
summary of his injuries was a broken
left arm, an injured shoulder and
a general shake up. He might easily
have been killed. We hope he will
soon be o. k.
.A. former Morrisite, W. T. Mooney,
son of ex -Reeve Mooney, writing
from Grand Coulee, (Seek.) speaks as
follows :-Duan EDITolt.- After 21
years I dont feel as though we could
get along without, Tax BRUSSELS
Notwithstanding the changes
that the years bring we often see
something about old friends, Seed-
ing is almost over for another year.
Have had a cold windy Spring but
we always look for weld with gond
hopes foe the harvest. Tensting the
year II103' bring you health and
happiness. Yom's Truly,
Grand Coulee, May 13, 1913.
er Moeeisite the person of Police
Inspector Goofy Caldbick, the
newly-appoitited sheriff of Tetnisktun-
ing. is one of the hest known and
most popular figures of the North
cfountey. Ile was for years a mem-
her of the Toronto Police Fo)'ee. Ile
has served a long term as Inspector
of the Provincial Police, having his
headquarters at Cobalt, and dietin-
gnished himself tinting the labor
troubles there in 1007 and again in
the recent Porcupine strike, when
with the assistance of bis Peovineiel
officers, he was able to prevent any
seeious outbreaks, Since the dis-
covery of °abaft in 1905, inspector
Onldbick has bad eharge of the
destinies of the Novas country as t'ai'
as they were affected by the: 50901."
vision To his energetic discharge of
his 'duties can be attrihn ted the com-
parative peacefulness of the whole
north coti»try, wheee, althoegh it is
a new and unorganized disteict, there
is little serious crime of any natore.
Sheriff Caldhicit's umey old friends
here wish him a comfortable 'thee in
1115 netv position and hope he will live
many years to enjoy it. Ile is a. son
of Samuel Caldbick, a former resident
of the 818 line, liaileybury will be
Sheriff headqiuteters, Miss.
Oaldbick is a daughter of the late '
Joseph Smith, 61.11 line, Morris town-
Wednesday morning of this week
Quintin Anderson, an old and well
known iesiident of the 8rd line, WAS
called away after an illness extending
over a year, caused by cancer of the
throat. At times he suffered con-
siderably during his sickness. De-
ceased was the second son of the late.
Wm. and Elizabeth Anderson, of
Dumfries township. Waterloo Co.,
where he was born and lived until 19
yeaes of age when the faMily came
to this township purchasing the late
Win. AJdridge's 100 acres, 3ed line,
upon which Mr. Anderson continn-
onsly resided since. 38 years ago the
subject of this notice married Miss
Mary Simpson, of Jamestown, and
she and four sous (Wm. and Charlie,
of Morris, and Jas. and .Alex., of
Bt•ussels) and two daughters (Misses
Mary and Joanna at home) survive,
Lizzie is deceased. Mr. Anderson
was a Presbyterian, a Liberal and
joyed the esteem of a wide circle
of friends whose sympathies will be
extended to the bereaved. The
funeral will take place Friday after-
noon at 1 o'clock, service at 12.30.
Interment will be made in Brussels
cemetery. Mr. Anderson's age was
.67 years, 2 months and 19 days.
.Tames Anderson, of Ohesley, is the
only surviving member of Mr.
Anderson's family.
Brussels Council
A. special meeting of the Council
was held Monday evening to deal with
two queetions. All the members of
the Board were present excepting
Councillor Pryne,
The first item of business was the
question of the removal of two Baba
of Gilead trees opposite the property
of le G. Jones, a petition from resi-
dents of that locality designating
thein as a nuisance. Since last meet,-
ing the Statutes bearing on tree cut-
ting had been studied and it was dis-
covered that trees could not^ be cut
down unless person whose property
adjoined was willing. Reeve inter-
viewed Mr. Jones on the matter and
he declined to give his consent. A
civil action appears to be the 0113
wity out of a case of this kind and the
resnit of that course is speculative
and expensive.
Mr. Dillon,an expert from IMadi-
son, Wisconsin, addressed the Board,
as the representative of Jas. Sharpe,
of Chicago, owner of Brussels Electric
Light plant, relative to the town pur-
chasing the same. He went into the
matter very fully and proved his
ability to deal with such matters. Re-
eeipts and expenditures 'were given
and a good case made out as to profits.
$8,000 was named as the price. Mr.
Dillon pointed out how added profit
tnightbe made by theme of exhaust
steam for heating buildings adjacent
and •also be increasing the lighting
area. He had gone over, the whole
business and found the plant in good
working condition.
An interesting diecussioo ensued
and experiences were given of the ad-
vantages of ownership by. corpora-
tions. No decision WAS /termed at as
the necessity of more Mature delibera-
tion, the valuation of a man appoint-
ed by the Council and other gnesticina
were necessary to be considered.
Mr. Dillon was thanked by the
Commit for the clear and interesting
presentation of the case, -
The proprietor holds an important
position in Chicago whinh is too Pe.
Ihnnerative to permit of his giving it
np and locatieg in Brnssels.
Alex SteWart, jr„ will be tbe repre-
sentative from Melville church 11 Mu,
Missiouery Congress at Toronto.
London Methodist Conference will
meet iu London on Thursday, June
5th, This will be the Both annum
session. A fine program hag been
May etet the great Presbyterian
Congress, will tonvene in Massey Hell
Toronto, When 4000 ministers and lay-
men are exoected. The object of the
gathering Is three fold viz develop
fellowship "between the delegates
inspiration for tonstructive work
Enlarged praetital visioo iu Mission -
are enterprise The expense of the
Congress is estimated et $too.oeo. It
Will be flee o1 the greatest religious
gatherings 111 Cnneda tip to this dine.