The Brussels Post, 1913-5-15, Page 7liti
Soil of Upper i3iivila Provides
World's ilLost Splendid
Regarded by the ancients as typi
cal of what to their minds was the
most precious in this material world
of ours the ruby remains to -day in a
foremost position among the varied
colored gems,
While curtain qualities of rubies
aro widely distributed and found in
Burma, Siam, Ceylon, Afghanistan,
India, Brazil, Australia, and the
United States, the countries of
Burma, Siam and Ceylon are be-
yond question commercially the
more important. Just as this is
true there rests but little if any
doubt that Upper Burma, the Mo-
gok;section,.furnishes the finest and
largest Eiipply.
Mining in the Pits.
The mines may be divided into
three classes the "Twinlone" of
pit, "Hmyaw Dwin," or hillside
working, and the "Loo-Dwin," the
cavern or cave mine. The first of
these alining systems is, together
with the more modern way, still
practised in the valley bottom in
dry weather. The bottoms are
quite flat, and below an upper vein
of alluvial soil and at a depth vary-
ing from 15 to 20 feet is found the
bed of "byon," or ruby bearing
soil, having a thickness of from
four to five feet, invariably wet and
soft, and the soil is kept under con-
trol by the use of piles until the
"byon" has-been extracted and the
"akhon," a substratum, reached.
In some districts here the soil is
stiffer and small shafts are sunk to
a depth of 20 to 25 feet to the bed
of "byon." Of course, there have
been some improvements in the
general mining scheme, but it is iu
most part quite the same. to -clay as
years ase, the washing in a general
way consisting of placing the "by -
on" in a series of troughs. The
running of the water gradually car-
ries away the lighter stuff and the
washed sand is taken out from time
to time and re -washed in fine
meshed baskets.
During the wet season work in
the "Twinlones" ceases and work
in the "Hmypw-Dwin" begins. The
"Hmyaw" are nob mines in the
strict sense of the word, but are
cuttings in the hillsides where a
bed of "byon" is supposed to ex-
ist. The "byon" thus situated is
of yellowish color, close and stiff,
and may be cut into and tunnelled
and often is the resting place of
other minerals, such as sapphires,
tourmaline, graphite and mica.
Third Way Hazardous.
The third class of mines, the
"Loo-Dwins," ate interesting and
very profitable to the miner, for al-
most all the mountain ranges have
a base of limestone covered with
red clay or vegetable soil and in
the outcrops of the limestone the
entrance to the caves aro easily
found. The ramifications of these
caves seem endless, sometimes ex-
tending for miles, often very nar-
row, and occasionally opening into
large caverns.
It is a hazardous work for the
miner crawling along the,passage-
way, but he is well rewarded, for
the "byon" is of sandy nature, and
while the stones arefewer they are
of better quality and larger.
When the Burma Ruby Mines,
Limited, started to operate in 1899,
much was expected from the appli-
cation of new ideas and European
skill, but the expectations were not
realized for some time. Several
.new plans were • '^d out without
success, until a simple ono was ap-
plied for werking the alluvial de-
posit in the valleys by means of
powerful pumps which remove the
water from the pits and the top soil
having. been discarded the stratum
"byon" of rubydirt or on
b is run away
Y y
in trucks to eotaa;y pans and a pul-
sator, as in 'the diamond mines of
Fact and Edney.
Nothing is more apropos than a
Tho Czar 'writes poems in French.
Though the barber will not eat
sawdust, he lives oo.ntontedly
'enough on shavings.
Denmark has no mountains•'
,Why do we declare when people
Make it hot for us, that We a cold
world ?
Flesh -eating birds .can't sing.
Tommy. -"Pop, what is a dyspep-
tic ?"
Tommy's Pop—"A 'dyspeptic, my
son, is a .man whose meals don't
fit him."
An old sexton was lettering a
tombstone in a graveyard in York-
shire when he was stopped by the
doctor -: '''Why, John, you have
spelt that wrong" "1 -Lave L doe -
tor 9' Well,well, pass it over,'''doe
tor; 1 have covered many (t ntieta to
of :yours and said ticlthing,°i
In the Spring Most People
Need a Tonic Medicine
One of the surest signs that the
blood is out of order is the pimpled,
unsightly eruptions and eczema
that come frequently with the
change from winter to spring. These
prove that the long indoor life of
winter has had its affect upon the
blood, and that a tonic medicine is
needed to put it right. Indeed,
there are few people who do not
need a tonic at this season. Bad
blood does not merely show itself
in disfiguring eruptions. To this
same condition is due attacks of
rheumatism and lumbago ; the sharp
stabbing pains of sciatica and neu-
ralgia; poor appetite and a desire
to avoid exertion. You cannot cure
these troubles by the use of purga-
tive medicines—you need a tone,
and 'a tonic only, and among all
medicines there is none can equal
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their
tonic, life-giving, nerve -restoring
powers. Every dose of this medi-
cine makes new, rich blood, which
drives out impurities, stimulates
every organ and brings a feeling of
new health and energy to -weak,
tired, ailing men, women and chil-
dren. If you are out of sorts give
this medicine a trial and see how
quickly it will restore the appetite,
revive drooping spirits, and 1111
your veins with new, health -giving
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Pompeiian Buildings Now Give Bet-
ter Idea of Old City.
When first they began to dig out
long -Buried Pompeii, everything
found there was taken to Naples,
leaving nothing in the excavated
places but the bare ruined walls.
Of late years a more rational plan
has been followed, of leaving in
place everything but the smallest
objecte of interest and reproducing
roughly the houses uncovered.
Under the present director, Prof.
Spinazzcla, this idea has been de-
veloped still further. He has al-
most entirely rebuilt some of the
houses, using all the material
found, even to the fragments of the
roof tiles.
On the famous street of Abun-
dance, he has built even the upper
stories and balconies and restored
the windows and facades. This
gives a ne•w idea of the style of the
city of pleasure.
A recent uncovered fresco repre-
sents Venus standing on a chariot
drawn by four elephants.
rt Doesn't Work.
"I wish my dollie didn't have
such rosy cheeks," said little. Bea-
"Oh, that makes her look strong
and healthy," replied her mother.
"Yes, that's the -trouble," re-
joined the little miss. "When I
want to play that she is very sick
she looks so fat and healthy that I
can't feel one bit sorry for her."
Pleasing the Public.
Passerby (stopped by beggar) --
How is this? Only last week you
sat here with a deaf and dumb
card; now you're begging on ac-
count of a broken arm.
Beggar—Well, sir, business is
business, and you know the public
must have. variety.
tF' ,
"Tho best medicine I have ever
used" is what thousands of mothers
say of Baby's Own Tablets, Once
a mother has used the Tablets for
her little ones she will use no other
medicine and never fails to recom-
mend them to her friends. Con-
cerning them Mrs. John Thomp
son, Coutts, Alta,, says,: '"I have
given Baby's Own Tablets to my
baby for constipation and think
them the best medicine 1 have ever
used. Please amid me two more
boxes, as I would not care to be
without them." The Tablets are
sold'by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co;, Brockville,
The Original Lemon.
The lemon, which is going to be
dear this year on account of a
ehortege in the crop, has a very
clear history,a
says the e London
Chronicle. Unknown to the: Greeks
and Romans, it was introduced into
Spain by the Arabs in tido twelfth
century, and in 1494 was being cul-
tivated in the Azores and shipped
in largo England. The
lemon tree, of which there are
forty-seven varieties, is particular-
ly fertile, a good specimen in Sicily
ripening ao` many as 8,000 lemons
during the season.
a Ihard'e Littleton(' Cures CaIda, ltd
Good men canmitre easily under-
1t1i1id bad then than !hello"cad un-
derstand the good.
M. 0. Leighton,
Chief hydrographer of the United
States Geological Survey, who says
that the loss of life and damage to
property in the Ohio floods could
not have been helped by any hu-
man agency. The deluge of water
was of 'such gigantic proportions
that no reservoir system could be
devised to take care of it.
Aching Lumbago Backs
Are QuicklyHelped
And Permanently Cured
Release, Tres, and a Cure for Lum-
bago is Now Known.
To ouro Lumbago—euroly it's a good
thing to know how. Thee information
meant to Juo. E. :leave the difference
between invalidism and robust health.
Writing from his home near notarial, he
says:—"A Severe and prolonged attaok of
Lumbago in my youth rendered me at all
times liable to aches in the back and
loins, 6o established became the predis-
position, and 80 frequent the attacks, I
confess I accepted the condition as my
particular weakness to be borne with as
much composure as any evil oircum-
atanoe might permit. One day an un-
usually bad attaok developed, and .. un-
fortunately there was no medicine of any
kind in the house.' I sent to a neigh-
bor for help and received with a strong
recommendation a bottle of Nerviline.
My friend was surprised we didn't use
Nerviline, saying that they found use for
it in their family almost every day. So
quickly did Nerviline cheek the attaok,
and so grateful was 'the relief, that I
was' in a day on the high road to recov-
ery. I have cured my tendency to Lum-
bago with Nerviline, and eonsider it the
most powerful pain -subduing liniment
ever. made." -.
For During colds, hoarseness, tight
chest and winter ills Nerviline is a mar.
yell as for Lumbago, Sciatica and•Itheu•
madam, Nerviline 'ie :consldered to be
without a'peer. 't In the home it is
especially valuable', because it cures.
cramps in half a minute, stops nausea,.
controls vomiting and upset atomaoh.
For internal or external nee, wherever
there is Data. apply Nerviline, Act the
bila. family 'efze bottles trial silo 25c., et.
all etoiekeepery and druggists, or The.
Oatarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Change of Vonuo.
There was, and is, in a Western
city, a lawyer who will do almost
anything to get a delay, He had
before a magistrate a case of a
horse running at large, which usu-
ally involves a fine of about two
dollars. He asked for a continu-
ance. "On what grounds?" de-
manded the judge. "To ascertain
the horse's age." "What has the
horse s age to do with it?" "It
may be a case for the juvenile
court, your honor; maybe it is a
juvenile horse."
There are said to be more than
500. separate muscles in the body,
with an equal number of nerves
and blood vessels.
PA woman's heart," says the
Chinese proberb, "is like the moon.
It changes continually, but it al-
ways 'has a man in it."
ED. 7. 'ISSUE L 19 '18
An Old Settler
Finds Quick Relief
Mrs. Marshall Tells How Her Hos-
-hand Suffered, and of His Speedy
Recovery When lie Used the
Great Canadian Kidney Remedy,
Parkinson, Algoma, Ont., May 5
(Special)—Living far from towns
and with doctors not within easy
reach, many of the settlers have
found Dodd's Kidney Pills an ines-
timable blessing. One of those is
Mr. Charles Marshall, Sr., whose
recovery from a severe case of kid-
ney disease has recently been the
cause of much satisfaction to his
family and friends.
"My husband was suffering very
much with his back and legs," Mrs.
Marshall says, speaking 'of her
husband's cure. "He went to see
the doctor, and he told him, he had
urinary trouble, but he did not seem
to get any better.
"Then I sent for some Dodd's
kin them,
Kidney Pills. Since taking the
he has no more pain in his back and
legs, and his other troubles are all
"1 am indeed thankful for what
Dodd's Kidney Pills did for my
husband, and I hope other suffer-
ers from Kidney disease will bene-
fit by his experience, an<I use
Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Urinary troubles are caused by
diseased kidneys. So are back-
ache, rheumatism, lumbago, and
heart disease. The natural remedy
is to erre the kidneys by using
Dodd'a Kidney Pills.
Perhaps He'll Brealc It.
Don't sell your old lawn mower.
Lend it to your neighbor,
"Why have you cut that lady who
has just passed? Yesterday you
were most cordial towards her."
"That is my dressmaker, and I paid
her bill this morning."
Kinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sire,—Your MINARD'S LINI.
MEET to our remedy for sore throat,
colds and all ordinary ailments.
It never falls to relieve and cure
Port Mulgravo.
The Reason.
Customer—That was the driest,
flattest sandwich, I ever tried to
chew into.
Waiter—Why, here's your sand-
wich. You ate your check.
Take LAXATIVE BROM0 Quinine Tablet&
Druggists refund money if it fella to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box.
"How do you get rid of the bores
that come to your office 1" ,
"I don't."
Minard's Liniment Cures Caiget In 0aws..
"My dear, Iisten to this, and tell
me what you make of it i" exclaim-
ed the elderly English lady to her
husband, on her first visit to the
States. She held the hotel menu
almost at arm's length, and spoke
in a tone of horror, "Baked Indian
pudding! . Can it be possible in a
civilized country?"
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No s,oarting—Nools:Flno—Ants Quickly.
yTry lifer Red, wenk,wrtery nyoe end
® 0 U In enulat', asolids, illi nkatnl nook
In 08,1. rootage, MUa1NE 10 min-
Yg ppoandod 0s Mir Ocalletx-nobs"latent
.Jr �� T1edloloo"bat nae 1te 0000,8xtulrh el.
Needej J ,Inns• I'metlao for many yearn. e•�0R
ie !a aedlontsa to tiro Pnbllo end cola !amine nrugglste at 4lc.l.0o per buttl0. M0rine
a ®s 0 1210 80110 in 8,01,00 Tubae, 880500.
Murine Ere Remedy Ca. Oblong
Gamble with your wife if you'must
gamble. It keeps the money in the
0tnard's Liniment euros Distemper.
A Remembered Grudge.
Queen Wilhelmina's recent visit
to Paris has moved a Paris corres-
pondent to tell again the atony of
the days when her Majesty of Hol-
land was the most popular young
personage in the world.
In the revived eclition, the story
is to the effect that she found it
hard to learn English, and perhaps
for that meson did not love Eng-
land, The first map of Europe she
drew showed an enormous Holland,
a fairesized Belgium um and Frame,
but an almost inlporoepitble Great
To draw particular attention to
the diminutive island representing
England, she wrote below it, "Land
of Miss S," (her English govern -
Years later the young Queen stud
to the minister plenipotentiary of
"Be " euro to tell her Majesty,
Queen Victoria, that 1 love English-
women., all Englishwomen."
To which the minister bowed, and
the Queen added "i'
"All linglisllwomett tvho •oxo not
governesses 1"
Tortured With Terrible itching and
Burning, Scratched Until Tore
Flesh,LayAwake fo Nights t o
Time, Ued Cuticura emedies
and Found a Cure,
St, Ola, Ontario.—"when I was ten years
old I began to be tortured with a terrible
itching and burning of the skin, and was
told 11 was eczema. 1 hyo had it right
along for Fovea years steady, 1t getting
worse every year. 1 was affected from head
to ankles, 1t seemed to appear like hives
' at first, then'I would begin to scratch until
I tore my flesh. I1 would always be at.its
worst at night. 5 have waked myself up at
nights scratching and my fingers would bo
fust stiff and cramped from scratching, so
that I' would bo hardly able ,to straighten
them .out. My, how I have suffered! My
face and whole body would be just a mass
of blotches red as ilro and atter having soap
and water on my face then I would begin
to burn. I have lain awake for nights ab
a time when my eczema was ate is worst.
11 would be tortured for months at atime.
h was getting not only disheartened, for
nothing helped, but completely
also, but dame fortune smiled upon ms one
day in the summer of 1010 and laid before
my eyes an advertisement of Cuticula,
Remedies. I used them according to direc-
tions and after a few applications I began
to feel and see relief ahead. It is nearly
six months since Lard! began and Scan
truthfully say I've found a cure," (Signed)
5,tiss Louise D. 'Wilson, Dec. 12, 1011.
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are
sold by druggists and dealers everywhere.
For a liberal free sample of each, with 82-p.
book, send post card to Patter Drug &chem.
Corp., Dept. 8811, Boston, II. 9. A.
It Was Quito a Common Thing in
the, Middle Ages.
This mode of capital punishment
has not long ceased in Europe, and
is probably still in use in other
parts of the world. As early as the
first century of our era the Ger-
mans executed the meaner and
more infamous criminals by plung-
ing them in bogs and fens. In the
Middle Ages executing by drowning
was so common that grants of the
right to inflict capital punishment
ran "with pitand gallow." The pit
or well was for drowning female de-
linquents, but the- penalty was
sometimes inflicted on men. The
doom of the parricide was to be tied
up in a sack and cast into the sea.
Drowning seems to have been re-
garded as a mild form of the death
penalty, for in the year 1586 a man
convicted of theft and sacrilege was
sentenced to be suffocated by water,
"by the Queen's special grace."
At this date the penalty had grown
nearly obsolete in England, but iu
Sootland it survived until 1685.
The last execution in Switzerland
was in 1652, in Austria 1776, in Ice-
land 1777, and in Russia early in
the eighteenth century. One of the
most eccentric modes of inflicting
the penalty was adopted in Saxony
in the year 1734, A woman con-
victed of child murder was eewn up
in a sack, along with a oat, a dog
and a snake, and then thrown into
the water and drowned.
Willie's Mamma—"Is James a
nice boy for you . tc play marbles
with ?"
Willie -"Sure ! I can beat' him
every time."
To put through the license reduction
will require !Mine tall. hustling. Mean.
time lots of corns will be tramped en.
The eine is "Putnam's," the old reliable
corn extractor that hoe bion caring
corns and warts for years. "Putnam'e"
never fails, 25o. at all dealere.
Playing Safe.
"I want you to understand my
word is as good as my bond."
"That's why I am playing safe
and insisting on the cash."
Your druggist will refand'money it PACO
OINTMENT fails to cure day ease of Itch.
lug, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In
t to 19 days. 50o.
Medium—Shall I call up the spirit
of your dead wife? "Half a mo-
ment while I put out my cigar ; she
never'allowed me to smoke."
Mtnard'a Llnlntent Cures, Diphtheria.
Not a Minute Wasted.
"Can't 1 get my pants pressed
while you out my hair ?
"'Certainly, sir."
"All right, Boy, shine my shoes
at the same time and hand ilio that
newspaper. 13y the way, get the
restaurant next door to send in a.
eouplo of sandwiches, and I can be
eating my lunch."
Dr. Morse'ss
Indian ',mot Pills
exactly meet the need which so often
arises in every family for a medicine
to open up and regulate the bowels.
Not only are they effective in all
cases of Coosti;aation, but they help
yEv�.r,�oatty in break]ng up a Cold or Le
lrri pe bq Chani tg. out She system
and punfyin the blood, In the sante
way they relieve or cure L3it]ouenese,
Indigestion, Sick 1•leadaches, Rheims.
*tilde en , other common ailment!,
In thb,ful'ic(it senke et 4hii words Dr.
Mo see Indian Root Pills are so
dl► >kil or+t r sa h o 1 d Ado tics d Sr
natty Jlonles Are Made Unhappy
and Cheerless by It.
The man or woman with a griev
anon is a candle of light compared
with the habitual gruniblez'—the
one whom nobody can ever satisfy,
and who thinks the world is all go-
ing to. pieces because people will
not do just exactlywhottns 1o
ular person thinks is right. Such
an one gets up on his wrong side in
the morning, and nothing goes
right all day. He grumbles at the
weather, grumbles at leis breakfast,
grumbles at his clothing, grumbles
at going out, wouldgrumble all the
same if he had to stay in; grumbles
at his wffo, grumbles at his chil-
dren, and at last grumbles himself
away to his work. When he comes
Home it is the same old .story, and
his wife 'gets any youthfulness elle
might retain crushed out of her;
the children are er , indiff int it is
like the pattering of rain on a rainy
day -they have been used with it all
their lives and they have ceased to
regard it, and so it goes on, until
some day when it is more than
usually depressing, or when the
woman's overwrought nerves give
way, and there is a little scene.
But a grumbler never thinks him-
self in the wrong --it is another trial
he has to contend with, and possi-
bly he may think himself a. kind of
martyr to his wife's cantrips, while
all the time the plain fact of the
matter is that he is the one who is
Why She Held It.
She held her breath,
But not through fright,
She'd onions had
For tea that night.
Couldn't Breathe
Through His Nose
Stuffed With Catarrh
Catarrhozona Inhaler the One Menne of
Relief, and It Cured Quickly.
r --
The extraordinary efficacy of Catarrh -
ozone le without a parallel. A 9noning
cold is cured in ton minutee, a harsh
cough is eased in an hour, the most of.
fensive catarrh is thor-
oughly drawn from the
system. In ease of
asthma and bronchitis
the relief and certain
cure that comes from
the healing balsamic
extracts in Catarrhozone
,s simply wonderful.
"For more than toren.
o ty years I suffered with
!`! .4i
a cough, branohitie,
netltma, and nasal oa.
Utah," writes J. F. Fen-
wick, of Staunton P. 0.
"Every attack I had
seemed to grow worse,
and I could hardly
breathe on account of an
acoumnlation ofphlegm in thenose and
throat. Ono day I tried Gatarrhozone,
and in ten minutes was wonderfully re-
lieved. I could breathe freely and na-
turally through tho nose, and blood spit-
ting was stopped—the Phlegm was oleared
away and my regular breathing restor-
ed. No remedy can do more than Ca-
There is no remedy so certain and safe
as Catarrhozona, but being a good re-
medy it le imitated. Beware of the sub-
etitutor. Large Catarrbozone lute two
months, price 31.00. Smaller sizes 250.
and 50o. At all storekeepers and drug-
gists, or The Catarrbozono Co„ Buffalo,
N. Y., and Xingeton, Canada.
Seh'oolboy Brings Baby Rabbit
Through Critical Period.
A baby rabbit, the property of a
Horley (England) schoolboy, has
been successfully reared with a
fountain -pen filler 418 a feeding -
Jack St. John Smith, aged 13,
was walking in the grounds of the
Burstow Preparatory School, near
Horley, when he .saw a rabbit run
down a hole. He dug around the
hole, and two feet below the sur-
face found a two -days -old rabbit,
no bigger than a full-sized mouse.
There was very little fur on its
r d.
body,' its eyes were closed.
y, y
Wrapping it in his handkerchief,
Master Jack took it home. The
rabbit was housed in a chocolate
box. It was too young to lick or
chew anything, so a fountain -pen
filler was obtained and a drop of
milk squeezed into the rabbit's
mouth. Alter a time Pincher, as it
was called, opened its mouth eager-
ly when it felt the first drop of milk
and sucked away at She filler, Dur-
ing the, first ethical days Pincher
emptied a filler of milk three times
every two hears.
Keeping Rim Truthful.
"Do Do you believe everything he
tells you?"
"Yes. You sec I long ago gave
up asking him questions that I
know he'd lie about."
Second Thought.
Von Blumer (roaring with rage) ---
Who told you to put that paper on
the wall?
Decorator—Your wife,, sir..
Voll Illumer---Pretty, Isn't it?
t1 lllonumeutal M,fnority.
Clonsidering the nnmbor of people
Who try to en oy life, the suooess-
iptl percentage' Is powerful small.
Choose your variety and
ask your grocer for
Lon Wearin
1f you are looking for a pair of
gloves that are as tough as a Mexican
Snake whip and that will give you
full satisfaction or a new pair free
ask your dealer for
Il.B.Ia. Pinto Shell Gloves
Those are the best wearing gloves
ever turned out from a factory: Send
for interesting story "The Pinto's
Canada's Expert Glove end atilt Makers.
44PokiNkt* 0#5
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety .Colborne Street,
OOD STOCx FARM 01 500 Miltlie
4.31' with Three Banged: large Rs^k Rare.
!fust be enld murk. Price is very low.
EVER Al, DF,R711ABLE 1•'A Rhin IN
I.7' Manitoba. Alberta and Raskatchewan
tbat, can be. bought. Worth the moody ter
nuiek eale.
a farms to different sections of Ontario
on my list. It you want a farm coneul4
H. W. DAWSON. Toronto.
ttLondon market; sail gravelly clay
loam. Will exchange for city, town or
village property. or for lnrgerfarm. The
Western Real Estate Exchange, London,
:.1 right. Learn barber trade: always
sure employment for barber. Our im.
nrotmd methods. constant practice and
instructions Qualify you for position in
short time. Send for catalogue. Molar
College. 221 dlneen E., Toronto.
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