HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-15, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, +,�,m.► — L m� o - • W. H. LOVE WM. SPENOE CONVE"YANQER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Moe In the Post URlee, Whet, 50.4 JOHN SUTHERLANL 4NOo8ANO8, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. ,r S. SCOTT AS AN AUoTlurl• • mss, Wlll nail toe hotter prim, tu es uettar men, e 111 lose Cane and lose ober ee bemay ether .+u ythilig. is Mast Huoni of ae won't unarg„ auythn+g. Dales and onion - eau 1' eau always Lie arranged at We office or b) ramie] application, n LEGAL ANia i:UNVEYANCIN81, e,ee M SINULAiIi- V r e Barrister, Solicitor, (oneeyaneer, liotary Public, &o, OIBoo-Btewart'o Block 1 ,euor Nor6h al Central Hetet 8olloltor for the Metropolitan Bank, pROUDEOOT, HAYS & li1LLORAN BARIRIB'e•ERB SOLIC1'rORS, NOTARIES 1%1181, I1 19 TO. W. ruoontru0T E. O. it 11. Have .7. L. KILLORAN Whims -Those formerly °coupled by Messrs Oamerou & Holt, (406101108, ONTAla10. ALLAN LI Royal Mail Steamers --o T ) LIV,ERPOOL laronn Montreal Nat , 3I•,y..17 Jam' 14 Thu , May 21 Aloe11 hat . May 81 June 24 'rhn., June 8 July 8 'Virginian ........... Tunisian ... ........ .. Victorian ........ ........ 7'O GLASGOW Scandinavian............ Sat. May 17 Hesp,vilan ...... ..... fiat. Airy W Protorlitn 41r L, 31ey 111 Grampian ..... ... Sat, e.ny 18 'Tune 14 ;lune kl Jwu' 28 Jute 29 TOLONDON An'O HAVRE Scotian Sun., May 1d .lune 2'2 iCorinthian Sun ,-Olay 26 June 29 8latlhu, Pun ..lane 1 July 6 Ionian :.. Son . Jane 8 July 10 }Corinthian will not call at Havre,) Full information Lia to rates, etc., on appllta- tion to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan tine, Brussels.. r40,100.1ay4M1rpt6Yi.W.eI:tAVYAWNIZ Ta.. ct Tai The Cost ofa Business or Short- /4S ,�Y hand Education in the •t5�, TORONTO, ONT. ' : Ile you know lust )low little it 00828 ;' to secure a thorough business educe• thatthat will nut only increase y oar earning capacity but will enable yen) to E' get n position where you will cater in *liana with influential people who v: can assist youto further advancement? > Our catalogia will give yon full par- C Maulers, A postal card -one effort- 9t, we do the rest. ve Oor. Young mud i W. J. ELLIOTT, re; Alaxnnder Stn. f Principal. Ii' 4 iy�1VytF^>-yAIIA' 6t'a' AfAVAVF'Arit'A`rRL'),rg STRATFORD. ONT, )rt The best practical training school in 0. Ontario, Three department. — Com- 17 ,cS mercial, Shorthand and Tologra- 51 phy. All coarses oro thorongla and 54..v. Y prtmtio01. Toeohera arc exporieneed and 9180 12(80 arc pinned ht positions. tWe give individual attention and soul -6 anis may enter et any time i� fi Write for our free eatalo9310 at fa +E mane, D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Y \Y vaxecoesetteSEY ri+ eveveeeee'vu f5,r i v47 i�aY4sYAv6nAvy v , A A A Tuesday, Mar. 25 lathe opening day of tho B ' Spring Torm at b 6usises1 Thes Listowel .� College Y , w,r Commercial and Stenography iqq EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Prin... I'M 4110A1AlkArstiVAIko•AVfflalcualWitltA4 Two Courses— THE Best Brains In anndaour Unrtlel Imednthin 1ee 'r6u ofourI , )d Home Study Courses in Banking, Economies, Nigher AccountinOn mine) alai .Art, Pbow Card Writing. Photography, Journal- ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Select .the work whio)11)1002 Interests "100 end write us fir portion lora. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL a91.7 `Ionic St., Toronto Shako Hands With Asthma Awfullydistressing is asthma, But worsif possible when combined with l3ronohitis, Relieved quicker by Catarrhozlne then anything else muted 00 theant hl ybY "Oat eerie Ozone" that it dnssnt )coon Catturholooe 9 heeling valnl ,9 breathed eight into the lungs (bee toF t ) 411)mn awl au <Pe d9 ' ter the cause (1 A e t fn the mote, r•hr0uir, (emote I'ry it, 4'tvu 8!208, 25e and $1,00 at all dealers, Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night or any. Phone 22S, ETHEL, ONT, Business Cards. OR. T. T. M'RAE s t t Toronto *unmet. of 00 Gr Lie, le al the pp 11 1 .3010)), ie mud Graduate of the Collegeof 1'hr •minae Lind Sur eons Ont. ; Post•gre nate )hloagu Eye, Ear, and Node Hospital, litnm6b.0,111. 80•Hous9 Surgeon 10 51, Mich- el'e Hospital Toronto Olttoe over 12 R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele• none connection with Oraubrook at all hours. OR. F T. BRYANS ,iachelur of Medicine, University of Toronto ; 4.1conlh,to of College of Physicians and Sttr- ' ani, Ontario ; ox•Senlor Houao Surgeon of ii'catern Hospital, Toronto. Offuoa of luta Dr. A. McKevey, Smith Block, Bruasele. Enrol phone 45. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. 'hysician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London. En New York and Chicago Bos- ( g), g .doses, Seem' difoof aye, ear, toga and throat. (Eyes tested for glasses. DR. WARDLAW donor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Jollege. Day and night calls. Oa)oe opposite "lour hill, Ethel. MAUDE O BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology McCormick Medical College Chicago, Ill., is prepared to testees and at glasses at ,er office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, m Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every .veek Office Miura 1to 0. p. m. Forenoons 'y appointment. Phone 1219, T. R. BENNETT .VIII give better satisfaction to hoth buyer and. eller than any other Auctioneer and only 'aarge what is reasonable, Salesconducted my W4.=re In Ontario. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. WrUe or 'phnnu 211 Wroxeter. 41.1 1.VD TEEM'S 1rar BRUSSELS Gotha SOUTH Got NO NORTH dill 7:07 a m Express •.....10:65 a to 'Uprose 11:25 a n) Mail 1:59 p 0t .4x r•eae ........ 2;55 0)I Express 8:5'1 m p p I p p CaNdifOld.AP rdelleIC WALTON To Toronto TuGoderlch Express 7:11 e m Express 11:65 a m Express 2:67 p 01 I Express 8:49 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:06 a. in. an(1 8:05 p. n). Going West - 12:46 and 8.;47 p. m. Alt trains going East connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T. G. H. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. -axa.( gebas 4tems THE important question 1 "Who is going to pitch 2" BRANTFORD Methodists.. have 'abol- ish d pew rents. Tests isn't leap year but tbore'll be just as many June brides. THERE was quite a frost on Saturday morning, but little damage is reported. Bean's a good motto for married men : Be sure you're right, then ask your wife." PUBLISHERS have received notice of another advance in the price of all kinds of paper and stationery and the discount for cash, two per ceut instead of three. THE Grand Trunk will issue special round trip excursion fares on Friday and Saturday, May 23rd and zeth, good to return'I'uesday, May zeth at single faro. Lariat back is usually caused b rheumatism of the muscles of the back, for which you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. THE abolition, of the present time limit of the pastoral term of Methodist ministers was recommended by the Toronto Methodist preachers ata meet- ing last week, teal General Conference w11 be memorialized to this effect. I UNTAR Io W. C. T. UU. will convene in Stretford October 6th to retie inclusive. Visitors and delegates entitled to fare - and -a third return on certificate plan. r World's and Dominion Conventionare to he held during October, Ole former in Brooklyn, N. Y., and the latter at London, Ont, AN atitombbite in which Frank Durdle and W. Clayton, of Exeter, were driving, accomplished a remarkark able feat recently The machine turned a complete somersault and landed ho the ditch right side up. Mr. Durdle es- caped with „afew bruises and Mr. with a broken collar boue.Mr. Clayton wt, Durdle was a former Brusselite. Poor appetite is a sure sign of im- pa a 'digestion. d t estion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and improve your appetite. .VI ous- ands have been benefitted by taknig these Tablets. Sold by all dealeis, HYMENEAL.— An exceedingly prett v wedding took place at the home of J. and Mrs. Archibald,, Victoria Square, Seaforth at high noon on Wednesday, May 7. when Miss C. Senate- of See, forth, Became the bride of A. 1.. Porteous, also of Seaforth. Ceremony was performed by Rev, A. W. Barker, hi the presence or some so guest,, friends and relatives of the young couple. The house WAS .beaui'full y decorated and made a very pretty setting fur the bride who was unat- tended and looked very dainty in .her bridal gown of sunset shot silk, and carried a boquet of Bridal roses. After the ceremony, the company sat down to a most sumptuous Wedding break. fast, when toasts and congratulations n The brit e's going were indulged i 1 g f; g awaycostume was a 118y blue tailored t t e) It with a smart toucan hat.There t wedding trip will include Toronto Buffalo and other Easter)) ,cities. and upon their return they Will start 11021se. keeping in the hoose lately vacated by F. 11, Walley, Their many Seaforth' and Brussels friends wish thea:: smooth sailing on life's mauimuuinl nen, The Wide is a sister to 3Mrs. (l109g6 Lowry, of Brussels, Now is the time tot rid ge of Sane rhoutnal,ierti, 'You eau de it by ap- plying Chatruberlatin%B Liniment and massaging elle parts freely at caul) application. For sale by all dealers. KIADses alio would consult their pecuniary iutm'ests should not fall to closely examine the advertisements of the merchants, who advertise bargains in this paper. They mean business in every word they advertise and propose to make businee0 by the bergents they 83)0er i 'n Aely r SI Peruse these ad,g• ri I ve t same its carefullyand call on these e a 9 merchants for the bargains they are offering. g MATRIMONIAL—A quiet wedding was solemnized as tate Talbot Street' Baptist church, Loudon, by Rev. I.1, H. Bingham, on April gosh, when Claude George Tynell and Miss Iva Drumlin Govier, butt) of that city, were united iu marriage. Groom Was attended by James Govier, brother of the bride, while Miss Olive Pat'arson, of Atiburo, assisted as bridesmaid. Tlie groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful pearl necklace ; to the bridesmaid at locket and chane and to the groontsmau a pearl tie pill Mr. and Mrs 'l.'yneli will reside an 703 Richmond street, London, on their relent from a short honeymoon 1 other p to Seofu t h and the Dints. Good wishes are ex elided to the happy teethe Qorrie LORNIE 1 , SaJER DEAD. -One 01' 1lie best knew i drug travellers m the h v h g road 1111 the person of Lorne ne h Shier, w representingfavi I 1(11 0 ) s& u 1 P f Meetly:1J, passed away Lit hes lett' reafdene a ha Corrie 7 hul :da) ate), none of 1)101• weep after at few mounts' i3lueee of 9uberonlosis. elle Shier, who was in his 35th year was a sir cessful cirnggist, ill 1'r,rt• HMem, Orillia, Kingsville and Gie rite He leave); 11 Wife 1(11(118 51)33(11 daughter, heside)) his father, mother, brie her and sister. The fuuerai took place fermi the hoarse of his childhood, Port Elgin, Sntnr- ttaty afternoon,. McKillop .1. el celichael, of McKillop, is con Hued to hieeted with 'a slight 14ttnek of typhoid fever. J. J. Irwin has been 3(tvttyvisiting his motile] and other relatives in St, Marys and 1311tas11ard. Mrs, 13oyd sr., has arrived safely al, Regina, where she has gone to visit some of the members o1' Ser family. Mee. Dougherty has been elected Pt'esilent of the Bethel Ladies' Aid Society 111 puree of Mrs. Crawford, who resigned. John Zeigler ar, aged 90 yea'R, is dead. He wn9 one of the early settler on tile. .Lelullmiy line. der. Zeigler was et dative of Germany, anti a Roman Catholic: is religion. Following Sabblub Sc11001 Officials have been aipoi10021 at Bethel: Superintendent, I. Bolton ; Assistant, le. Roe Secretary, Miss Mary Bodkin.; 'treasurer, C. )toe ; Towhees, Mrs. 1)' 130911, elle. Albert Gadkin, Miss Jennie McLay, Miss Mabel Strafford, S. F. Flack well 1)11(1 Thomas Leenning. School is kept open, only (luting Summer months. Seaforth R. L. Oresewell returned from ()Mot tido, where he spent the Winter. Leslie. 0Vttteon has been transfel'red to Vaocoever, I'nt' which city he left lase week. Atter 14 shirt visit with his wife and bairns, Willittau Aima: rammed to Saskatoon, Hydro -electric lights are to be ex- tended ter far South as the bridge in legenoud v i l le. Nims. T. le. Hoye left for a trip West to visit her two sons, Will and Sonat and her daughter Agnes. She and Mies. and Mies 5011411 r are mak- ing the ti ip together. Mete eV. D. Mclean and two child- ren; Do] sad Mary, left fur Ed- 11100on, where they will reside in Future. 51r. McLean has been out. there 'once hast Fall. Mrs. McLean will be much teleeed both ill rnnsical and social eir(•les. Among those I'rsnu a distatioe who were in town ora Tuesday of last week attending' the funeral of she late J0)1111 retied, tepee Thos. and Al s. 'JruI)dv son-in-law,and daughter,Slat .06 UOde Lh ' Mrs sUElliott, nieceof Luck limy ;.amu laird, Bon, of Bof- falx • Samuel Plum oe )hew Brussels • Ernest Remelt, of 13t'ssela and Miss Laird, it (11411(11)101'. Listowel Mototecycle 184.098 in Listowel ml Maty 2411. Mere. ,Morphy left fun Ottawa, where she joins the family. LiaGttvel Intermediate Football team has been grouped with Poole MEd Atwood in 101 round. Rev. H. Al. Lang-Ie'ord was appoint- ed to fill the vacancy on the public library board canse1 by resignation of D. G Roy. Joe ili ickee left last week for Rouleau Sask., whpl'P he is tektite position in a dent tit office during the college holidays. Dr. and Mrs. Philp llttv0 rttnrned , house tram Francisco, uul( isc(, Catl., where they spent the Whiter. They are enjoying excellent health after thele plettdali)t visit.. L. `V. Moore and 11. el,Allielau', former students of 1 he Leontvel High Sehonl, %vele among tho4,' who passed Omit. medic l•I examinations at the 2Fretst0l'il Uni vet•Aity (Ween t.ly. It, wets (heeded to instruct. elle Comity Council to ante)' for the town of Listowel one nonbee 3 coneeete aoixing innehine front 2eellanr601 1'lr19 , irniuhine 10) hP delivered in Listowel prepaid, Na. $4100, and to be ordered as sone as the, Council-ordees work to herein on Vietoria street. Mrs. IIai1, mother of Mrs. J. H. Gunther, town, passel atvey at the home nfher daughter,udea J'r t ri gi)his o on Saturday May S1a1. leit)x 8$1 year, M119 G oth her, who has been in Chicago) fo ova 1 a moth wee pl'eeent when the end 0an3o. The deceased lady wtt9 110 io in Leedom England. ra J. B, Wattson, Field Secretor and 719" LPrturer 3d the Assoc-S,ecl) 011 'mbar. enliede told the wore of the liluskuka 1 roe Hoepitttl for (unslttnptives, will �. d, liver en Iliuetrated lecture on May �t FE }10th 111 ludosery Hall. 3 $ 1'348 Standard says :-J, 0• P)Wuey, F 1g it 9 9 John Ross, A, Snell and J. Onle who are FPemployed on (t flying gang on the C. P. is spenx tunday at Wen' homes iij I' in tuwu. J3uxlet McAther, who by r■ rue ■v vv the way. 1)3 (117))k 6(13' 111)' (1031(1, did not give its a visit. 011 this occa8100 but a)refevrP(1 to remain with tis ors nd pans." t p Interesting Experience of Two Women --Their Statements Worth Reading. White Oak, Ont. -"At Change of Life when doctors could do no More and I was given up by my friends, Lydia E. �tyia ;f Pinkham's Vegeta- ble o eta. ble Compound came to the front and did wonders for me. I e had been havingfe- Itlt' male troubles f o r rleryt 'liege years, my head trou- bled me severely at 14 times, I had bearing vi.',:! down pains and back- ache and I was very anaemic frm excessive flowing. g I rec- ommendmend your Compound highly and do all I can to advertise it as a genuine wo- man's medicine." - Mrs. SYLVESTEll MANNING, White Oak, Ontario. The Case of Dirs. Kirlin. Circleville, Ohio. -"I can truthfully say that I never had anything do me so much good during Change of Life as Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Before I had taken one half a bottle of it I began to feel better, and I have continued taking it. My health is better than it has been for several years. If all women would take it they would es- cape untold pain and misery at this time of life." -Mrs. ALICE KIRLTN, 358 W Mill St, Circleville, Ohio. The Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. Atsuchtimeswomen may rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A grant of $25 was made to the t'o(itball and baseball clubs to assist in paying the rent of the park by the Rev. A1r, Drier, who 09/LS appointed to Listowel at the recent conference ut'the levangelical church conducted his first service on Sunday. The Traders License By - Law was amended, changing the license from $100 to a stud equal in amount to double the tax 011 the business assessment, haled nn the assessment according to the last re- vised assessment roll of the town at. a rate of taxation last fixed in this municipality. 111 case the amount exceeds $100 the license shall be only $100. Fordwich Measles are very prevalent in the community, but happily they seem to be of a mild type, Mills Pearl Andtewa, who has been in Otterville for some time, has re- turned to her hone here. Stephen Bntchart, who has been attending Business College in Tor- onto, has returned to his home on the 9th eon. A. 0. Sotheran is moving to the residence he recently- purchased from .the Witmer estate, opposite the residence of Wm. Sutton. The pulpit in the, Methodist church here '81(8 occupied on Sunday evening by Rev. Dr. Hussar, (1f Atwood, and he alas preached at Newbridge and Mayne.• Blyth Seven automobiles aI'e owned in town. 0. H. Besse has purchased a new boiler fur hes flour mill from Grddie & Mc0ullocb, Galt. Jas. Barr sr. left for Saskatoon, Sask... where he expects to make his house. He has daughters there. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in St. Andrew's church Sunday morning,May181h. Ales (Rev.) W. McLeltand (laugh, ter, Hanover, are on t vtsii to he r0) parents, 011 Ili• Ltd r f HHtsA d 9. e, Jas AlrNluu he, Village Treasturer, will receive $25 extra Wavy and the Sante charged ed in electricli ht account. Ba g Mrs. 3. 0. Heffron, who is confined through illness to St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, is improving, we tree glad to state. Mit Symonds, of (tnderinh, met with a serious accident on Wednesday morning of lase week while delving to the Sent It of the town, with one of Win• Johnston's horses. The horse got sowed and kicked, striking the dash which broke Mr. Symond's leg near the ankle. Aleari n C g SHO.E SAIF 15 per cent, oil' on all Shoe goods. mostly MoPhees0n make. A1etee heavy shoes, up to the finest, told lastest styles, also Children's and Wnnlell's Slippers, Oxfords, buttoned and laced. Some Rubbers of good quality. Harness A fine line of Heelless of difle 1 Put kinds' Horse Blankets, Ribes. Rugs, Whips, Trunks, Valises, &e. Shoes tend Long Boots ,nade to ruder, 1'1 1 3401 Repairing don' Ha les end S . I (. 9 ! g promptly. V 1 i . Give Its a esti). A. C. Ste hen} Walton I melee. He dfh not with the Board to Atwood Elia 01000911 will meet Monday, 20134 inst. J. A McRitiu has at'rived borne iron, the )'West. Election of oliieel0 for the T9(431)s Club 1•e/lilted as follows :-11a11.-Pres„ Rev. W. A. Amos ; President•, E. B. 00(1111111 ; 1st Vice, dire. W. Pt Ice ; Sec.—Treas., R. Erskine. ),lira Cheese and hatter 19)6(1 Co., Limited shipped their 70)3(31.„ ul' , h00se for the hist half of Apltl l,. tt . Riley, of Ingersoll. Nunnbo,' W' ori. ,•911 137. Amount realized $1195.87 At the Qnarteely Board nlpPling of the Methodist church Follett fug Steov- ar(is were appointed for the coating year :-Atwood-A. Robb, 5, J:,ove. J. NV. Boyd, (Harold, Peter x11(1 Robe. Wedge, Donegal -Emerson Vi) 0r d tool Chas. Btultuan ARobb was elected Recording Steward Robt, Wedge was appointed to attend the annual (11striet meeting to be held in Listowel on May 21st and 22nd. Wingham Annual grant to the Hospital was increased to $300. Dr. R O Redmond was appointed Medical Health Officer, at a eatery of $100 Der uuuum. d1.f9580 Lizzie Fleuty and Ella Oor•yn11 were in Exeter, attending a Smithey School convention. Sunday wM the anniversary of 2V;nghtu11 Methodist church Sunday Seh0111. Rev. A. J. Langford, of Kincardine, preached. Robert Dawson, wife anti family of Cape Town, South Africa, are visiting Mrs. Dawsnu's mother, dire. Anderson, of St. Augustine. Council is asking the town for $6,500 to buy road machinery consist- ing of heavy steam roller and crush- er and it hose tower. The hose tower was destroyed by the storm on Good Friday. Miss Elden Fairfield, of Vancouver, was married to John J. Hay. manager 3Sstth.e 11t2sFaoirf filebdonao,formePaey- dent of Winghatu and a niece of D. W. Pringle. Dr. J. R. Macdonald, of London, a fol met well-known resident of Wing- haul,;hae )eeurned to town and will resume practice. He has leased the 1.0))1)12 in the stone block over the Times office, He is a son of Dr. P. McDonald, ex -M. P. Members of Wingham Council 0f Ohoeen Friends met in the 0. 0, F. Hall to bid farewell to A. and Mrs. Ross. An address was read by Mrs. Hiugston and Ales. Fuller made the presentation of a beautiful mantle clock to Mr. and Airs. Roes. dl)', Ross heartily thanked the members for their gift. ale, Ross has been Re- corder the 19 years and for 7 years held the combined office of Recorder and Treasurer. They will locate in the West. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's (lough Remedy more than now. This i9 83108911 by the in- crease in sales and voluntary testi- monials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children tiro troubled with a cough or cold give it a4 trial and becotne acquainted with its good qualities. For sale by all dealers. Goderlch Thanks to the Town council, the base ball diamond at Agricultural Park has been skinned and levelled off, and is now in fairly good shape. The resignation of Dr. Macklin as President of the Board of Trade is a matter of sincere regret to his col- leagues. As the _Dr, cnnternplatee a trip to the great medical centres of the Old Lands, he feels that he must give all his spare nine till he leaves to prepatatiolfor his absence of several 9 rn(nth . Smithey of Victor The gli I V S (.•hool Victoria Street Methodist church met inform - telly after the usual exercises, the nrees'nnbeing the presentation of a beautifully -worded address, read by Dr. Medd, and a handsome leather- bound reference Bible to Sidney Belcher on his departure for Van- couver. The fallowing officers were elected for the ensuing year in connection with the'Vomen's Institute :-Presi- dent, Mrs. R. S. Oraigie vice -Presi- dent, Mrs, Gavin Green ; Sec.-Treas., Miss M. E. Salkeld ; Directors, Mrs. McDonald,h' lel. Mrs, A. McLean District Directors, Mrs. H. Morris, Mrs. James McPhee, Mrs. Jas. Rurh8nttn ; Auditors, Mrs. R. S. Orsiie Green. Mr . s Gavin J. RANsFORD'B PROPOBiTION,—J01,1) Ranaford, at the last Council meeting was asked (n explain an industrial proposition he wished the Board to ealisid• t. This be did very fully, and it may be summarized as follows :- 1. He wishes the town to gearantee his bonds to the amount of $20,000 re- payable in ;nslalm011ts of $1,000 each with interest, the' proceeds of these bonds to be expended in the erection of an Lip -to -(sate vacua) pt'ncess plant for the t nnfaotu h alle) of the finest grades of table and dairy stilt, wit11 rapacity of 500 barrels per day, this !hent In be added to his present block (known As the North American Che'n,ical Company block) which will emitinne' to he devoted to the mann- fn:Ptore of the coarser grades of se.lt by the pan process, The remodelled and enlarged pliant will be valued at $40.000, and on this he will give a lien or mortgage for the guaranteed here 0)h released t an time he id r e n Y n n the bonds tv'.h m0) wish I )Liv ff )fl). v 1 hit ere93', whirl, he thinks he would he able to do in foil or five years. Ile v0) e )48)92. to em iia 40 {)ands xi I Y when bnt:h Tants %vet's iii wnrlihlg pr0noupce on the tuatter off hand, Out when they hard fully eou'tideled 11. lie wanted a de$ni'te, caodfd and straight (mower --if in favor, that the Board would whole heaetedly support IL ; if cot favorable that they would say so and the clatter would be dropped. { NOTICE TO HORSEMEN 1- 1 Thema 4n The Ilt•Sh Even worse is the agony o! Otte. Why sutler --cure la waiting in ev2ry drug store in the foinl of Patient's Corn Extractor which relieved at mice, cures thoroughly and without pain. Pm good results nee only "Putnam' " Stallion owners should enroll their horses ae once. A great many of the stallion own- er. of the Province of Outatie have enrolled oil d their stallions aCCordilg to law, butt uo o dau bt there ere many who have neglected to do so. I would warn these that it will be absolutely necessary to have all stallions en- rolled before the season opens about May 1st. A greet many horsemen do no t understand what prooednre to take. ' Some are of the opinion that it is ab- solutely necessary to have the horses inspected. This 1s not correct, The law Atate0 that the horse must be en- rolled, and he may be inspected if the owner so desires. 111 order to enroll a horse all that it is necessary to do is to send his breed- ing. age, markings and the name of the owner to A. P. Westervelt, Pau•- 1iament Buildings, orou o along g with thefeeof 1r h 2 W d Wester- velt test According to the law itis necessary for the 0wuet to have a copy of the enrollment certificate appear on his printed bills of advertisements. SUFFERED With Biliousness and Sick Headache Calgary, Alberta, July 8, 1911 I was a great euffeeer for a long time with Biliousness, Sick Headache and Liver trouble. Nothing seemed to do me any good. I hard almost given up in despair when I de- cided to try FIG PILLS After taking about half a box the headaches stopped and myappetite improved. I have just finished the fifth box and feel as well as ever. I can heartily recommend Fig Pills for stomach and liver troubles. Mns. MARY ELLBON Sold at all dealers in 25 and 60 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold and recom- mended in Brussels by 3. Fox Drug- gist. a- • + 4. 414 • •• • •Bo _ T Y• • • k m1,�- ..lc}. •• • /ri • • o c • O • d • • There's no Crowd • when the Third's • • -3.•• °I ODS '8 • q • • • -h 4. i IESSEIE10210111111111MMIOIMEEIMMEIMIN 4. • 'i' • o Anybody can. Kodak— • • No •fuss, • No bother, • No dark room.o • • • • • • • Kodaks from ' S5.00 up .°t. o Brownies 181.00 to $12.00 3• • • '•F Now that the bright days • • are here conditions are right • 4, for getting gond pictures. .3. + •Everything for the I(ndaker • always in stock, °e J. x Wendt • °r 1 Jeweler Wroxeter �. + • • • • • • ••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••r,o•••••••♦•••••••••••••••• • •• • • • • • • ♦ • • ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • •• • • • • • • righters ■ We have just what you need to Brighten Up any or every room in your house. WallsBoxes' 'Wall Papaws, which are the best values on the marltet. Wood WorkSherwin-•Williams Paints, all colors and qualities for every surfacer '3Linoleums,'Floor Oils, Stair Oils. Best Patterus. Also Tapestry Rugs, (Blinds -plain and with fringe. Lace Curtains - White and Ecrn or Cream. 350 to $2.50 per pair. Curtain Nat -Ivory and Ecru by the yd. Frill Muslin, Colored Madras. Art Muslin, Sateeus and Scripts. gap-- A large range of Paints, Shirtings, Drills, Muslius, Vestings, Em - Floors Windows nroideries, Ore pe Muslims, Dress Linens, etc. Produce taken as cash on all of above goods. R. A. McDonald & Co. PHONE 5210 .9 • • •• • •. • • • • •• • • • ••• • • • •• • •• • • • • ' • • • CRANBROOK r ••••••••♦••o••••♦•••®4'•••••••♦••••••••••♦♦••••• • As®00000000060011700•00•060001••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••q.•.s:•�ar •e,- •f00000000060011700•00•060001•••••••••00000000060011700•00•060001••••••••••••••••••••••• •••®••®®.••as e••• p• "You're i • • e • The Ri ht Tr ck • if to the • •lw .ril�AY• A •• • ••s xt drink -Blade o l .., • t" *ta O • • You look:for Relief from your • • • • Cream Separator Troubles. w h •etct4 • • t a- • LOoltc d1t t • ,� D ti rt (Size its aubetant al construction, • a li rt) ind ea ion of the suer. only A t i t p Y 6 • n` ' r work and endurance of Wliich it is to • capable. • "ST'AY ON" till you've tried a SitrlplOX in your own dairy, then • y011'Ce Agfa. • • • .' e N • Patented, Manufactured and Gu(tea(teed by the pioneer and larg- • • est' ntauttfatct•ueet's of Dairy Supplies and who 'lest introdneecl the Cee' p w l.rifugal ()vette) Separator in America; it is the product oe many years' • w Work and study andis the ever increasing "Dairyman's Favorite." • • • • Not, depending 0n C,ligantic and Costly :Advertising Campaigns, • fs Traveliing Salesmen I.il•ee Machines and l+ree'1'rips to Agents, etc., to S • rush sales We ale able to embody. the saving thn9 affot2ed in superior •, • Col8tt'UOt;011 and.lnatet'ial and give tine 0ser more value for his w Inonoy, 0 • • Call or write and we Will tell yon'mmre about it. • w • wr • • • Cant • Ag• •• • 0 I�russei S • • • 411/81/411111161,6606,11,04)6660001t0160)nit&,.ttt31B3l 680...S.SSSS..SSSj •