HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-15, Page 4i c rxtssets dost BE A CHARMING WOMAN ���$••®�•.•••••.••••..••�••••.••••
i?I URJUAY, MAY Is, tela You in yet sett a beautiful wolliau
Who didn't have beautiful hair. The •
WILL you 'joie the Peace party and
help cow good seed in kiting militeriem
and w ?
AN abundant crop of .fruit is prop-
hesyed by fellows who are learned in
the business, No one will shed a tear
over'. 1 he information.
I Charing of a beautiful woman lie in hoe
hair, Many women do not, realize the
attractiou8 they possess because they
do not give proper attention to the
of " are famed
t e l h. "400 f e
Ttrpvon t
I 1
for their beauty, not because thrix
facial featurea nae superior to those
of other women, but because they
ltuow how to keep young by supply-
ing vigor, lustre and etlength to their i
hair, i
e p to a few years ago PARISIAN '
Sage could bar My be obtained in;
Canada. But now this delightful hair '
restorer can be had in every town.
all it. in Brussels for 60
Jas. Eve sells
cents a bottle and guar:tutees it to
grow beautiful, luxtu'iaut hair ; to
stop falling flair, eradicate dandruff,
Now that the auto season is truly
.opened we expect to read a daily 00-
eurrenCa of accidents, fatal and other-
wise. Ife2/ le are determined to
strike a-mile.a-minute,gait something
is bound to happen.
WHO will be the next Lieutenant Gov-
ernoi for this Province? Sir John Gib-
son is filling his last year unless re-
appointed. He has doue well but it
would not hurt to pass the honors
SATDanAY of next weer: will bring to
tis Victoria Day and with its corning a
retrospect of many incidents, celebra-
tions and gatherings will come trooping
up, 'Phe association of the name—Vic-
toria—is of pleasant memory and we are
glad that the day is still observed in
honor of the good Qneen who set aside
her earthly crown and sceptre to receive
a well deserved reward—A crown that
fadeth cot away, Let us observe it for
the sake of the past.
'.Asir week the Provincial Legislature
concluded its work after being in ses-
sion over three months. Over 20o bills
were passed and some very important
ones given the grand go-by. The Op-
pns0iou, although not a large force num
eriaally, Counted big in the debates but,
or course, were usually "snowed" under
when it came to a vote. Barrister
Rowell, as leader of the Opposition.
filled the bill and will do the same when
he becomes Premier.
UNCLE SAM's House of Representa-
tives passed the Tariff measure by a vote
of 281 to 139 It will now have to run
the gauntlet with the Senate where the
straight Democratic majority is only 6.
A long, sharp fight is expected and the
country is wide awake to see how the
proposed reductions will be treated. If
selfishness would be eliminated and the
past special privileges of class legislation
forgotten the great mass of people would
late better in the cost of living. Selfish-
ness dies hard, however, hence the stern
ness of the battle.
•- ''free Montenegrins are a most heroic
' sly of soldiers in facing the enemy, as
was evidenced in their recent war with
the Turks, but they displayed a want of
manliness when compelled by the Euro-
pean Powers to withdraw from Scouter!,
after waging a terrible fight to capture.
in setting fire to the city. It was the
manifestation of a poor spirit. "Re-
venge is sweet" is not a truism where
the proper feeling reigns and the idea of
'•getting even" is short weight. The
destructive bump in some people. has
abnormal development but construction
weighs better in the judgment of the
A CAMPAIGN, with considerable Wirt
ence behind it, is being undertaken by a
number of religious bodies to secure a
large( working force of mea in the var-
ious churches. One of the weaknesses
of the Christian church to -day is the
growing unwillingness of the male sex
to busy themselves in active service.
Take a look at the Sunday Schools and
u v
Young People's Societies and ask what
would become of these splendid agencies
if the women folk dropped out of the
officiary. Brother, what are you doing
to help the seed -sowing and the harvest.
ing in the many fields of usefulness that
are often so short handed ? Will you
put shoulder to the wheel and your
unteer, right now, to have a share in the
good work ? No one will be more bene-
fitted than voureelf by such a decision.
The annual meeting of the Huron
County Sunday School Association and
l)eauery Chapter was held 'rnesday of
last week at rrivitt Memorial Otero)),
Holy Communion was celebrated by
Ven. Archdeacon Richardson, of Lon-
don, with Revs. D. W. Collies and J.
hotheringham officiating,
'l'he meeting of the clergy of the
chapter followed, Rev, Rural Dean
Doherty presiding. Several matters of
importance were considered, Rev. J. B.
itheringhatn, rector of Goderich, read
111 /S1 suggestive and valuable paper on
"The he church, and Socia' and Economic
Q 1.tions," which called forth much '
(1.-e 155100.
inch was provided in the parish
Mel by the ladies of the church, fors
vvhi l they received 00 motion of Rev.
C, E, Deakins, of Clinton, a hearty vote
of thanks.
After brief business session in the
•)fternoon the chair was taken by Ven
Archdeacon Richardson, who with ap-
propriate remarks, introduced the
inetter; on tileprograre.
Mrs Parsons, of Forest, gave am
excellent address speaking from expert.
epee on "`Phe Organized Bible Class."
A round -table conference, led by Rev.
T. B. Howard, diocesan Sunday School
Secretary, which proved highly interest.
lug, followed,
He dwelt in a masterly way with the
font roll and the Home Department of
the Sunday School, the adult Bible and
Teachers"1`raining Class.
Her was followed by Rev. T. B. R.
Westgate, who spoke of his work in
East Africa, D. M. Rose. of Toronto,
followed in an earnest address on the
layman's missionary movement.
I0 the evening after a brief church
service, splendid addresses were again
delivered by Messrs. Rose and West.
Rosy Cheeks For Pale Girls
Don't be debarred from strength
and spirit, don't give in to illness and
despair. Ferrozone supplies tone and
vigor through which all functions of
womanly life are maiutained and
fortified. From New Richmond,
Que., comes the following statement
from Mrs. Isidore Boissoneault
take deep pleasure in testifying to the
powerful influence of Ferrozone. For
years my daughter has been pale and
sickly—showed signs of advanced
anaemia. Her lips got so white and
her cheeks so devoid of color I Feared
consumption. 1 can certify Fer-
rozone made an excellent cure, and
to -day may daughter's health is the
best." 50c per box at all dealers.
Robert Gordon will have to Answer at
Fall Assizes
Robert Gordon, was Wednesday after-
noon of last week at Sesfor'h, commit-
ted to trial at Goderiell, for the murder
of his father, Hugh Gordon, ot McKit-
top township. Magistrate Holmstead
declined to reduce the charge to man-
slaughter. The prisoner's counsel,
Stanley Hays, made ttJe request, which
was opposed by Crown Attorney Seeger
Six witnesses were heard by his wor•
ship, Dr. H H. Ross, Annie and En
phemia Gordon, sisters, Miss Jennie
McGregor, a cousin, and High Cons-
table Whitesides, of Hensel!.
Annie Gordon, was the only one who
did not testify at the coroner's inquest.
Evidence by the others was similar to
that given before the coroner but Con-
stable Whitesides was examined al
length this time. The hearing was
Miss McGregor showed considerable
hesitation in giving details of what
Robert had said after his father had been
struck. "Singular that none of you can
tell anything about that part ot it,"
commented the crown attorney. "You
are under oath to tell the whole truth "
Annie Gordon described her father as
of kindly disposition, lie had never
chastised any of the children. Robert
was quick tempered, The witness re-
called an incident some years ago when
Robert kicked his father following a
dispute over money. Mr, Gordon then
pushed or struck Robert,. who fell across
a chair,.
On the evening of the tragedy Robert
told the witness he had been whipping
a horse and that his father ran at him
If he told her anything about picking
up the irou rod she did not recall it.
Miss Jennie McGregor said that the
father ran at Rotert, .who was kicking
the horse, Baying he would "put a stop
to this," and the yon ng man turned on
him. Some time through the night the
witness said Robert told her he did not
think when he picked up the rod that he
WAS going to strike his father. He said
he did not think his father would see
morning, He wondered what they
would do to hire.
"What for ?" asked Mr. Seeger.
"Well, he said he killed his father."
'15111RRE T
n s
High Constable Whitesides wasplaced
in charge of the ease oy the Crown at-
torney at 11.30 on the evening of April
23, while at Clinton and later arrested
Robert for murder. The prisoner was
warned in the customary manner, but
was apparently frank in his converse•
tion and made a statement to the officer
regarding the tragedy.
This ta'ement included in the evidence
under protest from Mr. Hays, is as fol
"I got up to the stable to put m
horses in after plowing My father wet.
at the stable when I got there. I tool,
the harness off my teem and father wen.
up in the bern to put down some hap.
I took a strap and struck one of the
horses to make hien staid over in ho
stall and my father was then coating
down the steps out of the Intl 0, Be
said something tome and mu out at me,
I (to not remember what he said. I ran
out of the stable dour and picked up a
pisco of an iron bar that was outside the
door and struck him as he cane Out of
the clodr with it on the head. He fell
down and I went to the hoose and
brought down my aunt Christina Gor-
don to the barn. My sisters, Annie,
l;uphemia and Jennie Gordon cenie and
we carried him to the house, •
N0 Nub FOR vsassusl
l'o Mr, Hays the witness said he had
been et the Gordon house Only 201
minutes and brought the prisoner into
Seafortubetween 3 and'1 o'clock in the
tnore ifig.
"Sion kept pressing him to to 1 lois
story of the effAi)' ?"
Four Weeks
Only left to purchase
your Shoes at
S o
Wholesale Prices
Ladies' Fine Kid laced or
buttoned boots - 1.90
Gents' Fine Box Calf or Don
gola Bals, regular $3.oO, reduced to
Boys' Strong School Shoes, reg. X1.75, now 1.25
See our window this week—your choice in it for 1.50
Single Harness -418 00 Set reduced to 15.00
4• Trunks, Satchels, Suite Cases all at cost.
mOne Set Second Hand Single Harness for - 3.50
• •
I. O. Richards
"I didn't have to press him he talked
"Yon wrote this statement in the
presence of Mr. Gillespie, chitf of
police Did you warn 1.111 again then "
"No it was ran over t0 11'111 1111(1 one
correction was made at his I l most."
"Was it not said by Robert, that if he
had not come out of the stable floor he
would Cot Have sir tick hon?"
"He mal' possibly."
The clown attorney resnaic,1 a gamine
tion of the constable, who ), prated ad
climes to statements by the prisoner
Robert Gordon had first beaten one of
the horses in the field After the tim0
ween h s father ran at him, he wens
around the corder of the Lain, p eked
up the iron 11.12 and came on. Flis
fathor had nothiug iu hs baud that he
could see
• I'he prisoner first told ale he slid not
know where the iron bar was," said the
witness "Af'erward when I spoke
about it again, be told me where it was "
"Dict you find any blood stains?"
"Yes, his aunt called attention to
blood on a post near the ground This
was afterwards appareie lv cut off "
"Wes Mere anything else said by the
prisoner oil the road that night ?"
"He said he guessed this would be a
Hanning matter'
"Could a man with ordinary strength
use this bar with one hand 3"
"Robert Said he used both hands.
It could be used with one baud. He
said he thought the bent end was used
In strike,"
This s atement is stronger than what
he told you ?" asked Mr. Hays.
"I don't think it is as strong "
This concluded the evidence, the de•
fence calling no witness.
"I think it is clear that there has been
no withholding ot facts by anybody."
said Mr. Hays, addressing the magis-
trate. "As the crown has shown that
here was no premeditation and no rea
son why there should be tins trouble
arising The father was theaggressor in
he matter to this extent, that there was
nothing improper in the whipping of
the horse, The father said he was go-
ing to put a stop to this and ran after
the boy. The trouble was over in the
twinkling of an eye and I snbthit that
the proper disposition of the matter
would be to reduce the charge at least
That it should not be anything more
than manslaughter. It seems to me
that justice should be tempered with
mercy in this matter, which effects not
only this boy but a most respectable
"I have given this matter a good deal
of thought," said crown attorney Sea
ger "and much as I would like, out of
regard for the family to have consented
to the prisoner being committed In)
tnanslanghter, I do not think 1 would
be justified in consenting to anything
of the kind and must strenuously op
pose it,"
"I have made up my mind," said the
magistrate, "10 commit the pri oner on
the chargebefore me."
Gordon had no statement to make
He was taken hack to Goderich jail al
6 to,
Mothers, Hero 1t le t
A friend and comforter, an un-
ceasing aidevery boos( for Lhe
hundred and one ailments that do
t n np. Nerviline is too valuable to
he without. If some thing eaten
causes trouble, if it's cramps, in-
digestion or headache, Neeyiline cures,
Far cold on the chest, aching limbs tit'
lame back rub on Nerviline and gel,
ease at once. As a family safeguard
nothing is known to excel Nerviline.
Get the large 25c bottle from your
Each Tuesday until October 28th, Indusive.
Winnipeg and Return - $35.00
Edmonton and Return - 43.00
Other points In proportion
Return Limit two months.
2.80.m. each Tuesday, May to August,
inclusive. Best train to take, to Winnipeg is
reached early morning, enebliof passengers to
make an branch line connections.
'Through trains
peg anid West
Particulars from Canadian tangle Agents or
D,P.A., C.P. Ry., Toronto
H. L.Ja1Rso'N, Agent,
There e110u1(1 be separate classes
for carriage hnrsee and road et ere et
every exhibit 1011, rani these two
breeds should flat be shown in the
some class, 111 judging Carriage I
hot'ves, style, e 11fornuation and action
west all be coo-.i•l.red, 'the uaiiilitio l
height of the auiuulls should be 15.1
Rootlet ells K11.1111(1 he,illrlp'al 111 e V)'ry
case 1'0' calforruaton, etyle and
0 .111 111(152(1111e Mass holr555 should be
•t,0Icst0ll in walking, trouiltgmid venter-
* ing,
• The maximum height of all classes
oil ponies, except polo, should be 14
• hands, ShCIIlted 1)otlles should not
♦ exceed 12,3 hands.
The Sall Diego Exposition, an ex-
position of-pr.o.essee, gives to exhibi-
tors an opportunity to show the
world how to "melte good." The
world to -day has greatest interest it)
the doing of things. Following out;
the idea of dol. D. C. Oolliee, Lhe in-
defatigable President of 'The Slur Die-
go Exposition, the whale exhibit will
bring into competition the npplillnees
of industry.
One of the contests that \vitt be seen
is that of tractors. Five mops 111105
been set apart for this dcuu,nstl idiom,
On this tract makers of gasoline,
steam and oil tanning trartln'N will
deluonstrate the power and utility of
their products. These meethley will
tear 110 the earth with immense gang
plows, move heavy loads from place
to phare, conditions of soil told road-
way being changed by artificial 11)011115
11om time to time to mulct, these tests
conform to the deumnds of every (lay
service 011 the farm.
Automobiles will be shown trader
similar conditions: Instead of a show
01 pretty 0(1.8 nn bet,ches, the exposi-
tion will offer tt thorough and popular
education in regard to the 11144(.0.3
mechanism- 01 oars, their (11)111.111 /011,
etc., the requirement that everything
be a detnonstiatiou of process letting
as a force to make the exposition 0
mine of useful information co lice)ning
Lhe how and the why of Ihings.
This sat•t of thing is projected for
The San Diego Exposition in order
Lhat 11 may be an essential and (listine-
Live departure from the kind of ex-
hibitions of the past. The Sall Diego
Exposition is a pioneer in the exposi-
tion field, upsetting :all expositional
traditions, marking a decided depar-
epar-ture from precedent.
There will be a great dairying dem-
onsttatintl also. Fat, sleek cows will
be there, but they will be fat and
sleek because cared for in modern
manner. There will he milking
machines, of early 1111,1 bate pattern at
work ; ihrrr will be satlitary dairies.
The cows are not to be a 1n•oluinent
part of the exhibit—their presence is
necessary to the demonstration of
dairying processes. The prize will
not go the owner of the fattest and
sleekest cows, bat to the men who
uses the best process foi making them
fat and sleek.
There will be contests without
number at San Diego and they will
be of the sort never staged before at
any exposition. President 0011101' 111(5
invited the Canadian Government to
install a display showing hots lhimgs
are dt1)1e. 1(1 Canada a11(1 01'01)51(1 these
exhibits to picture her different and
wonderful opportunities for llo)1(1
building and investment in provinces.
It would sn1'peise you to know of
the great good that is being done by
Chamberlain's Tablets. Dlu•ius
Downey, of NewbergJnn(tn n, N. 41.,
writes, "My wife has been usi 1'
Chamberlain's Tablets and filets ahem
very effectual and doing her lois o1
good," If you have any trouble with
your stomach. or bnw•els give theme a
trial, For sale by all dealers,
At the Annual UnI1Ve11Lln11 of the
Ontario Assoeialion of Faits and Ex-
hibitions (11esolution ryas passed (lir
Lhoeizing the Superintendent to Belem
a committee to aeralge ,for the peep-
er classification of horses at Fairs
and Exhibitions.
'The 0001nilteo composed of Robl.-
Grahan, M. G. Beed, John Gard -
Melee, 0. 11`. Bailey and .1. retold,.
Wilson tio't on r\pti1 17111 anti
deet a Ilei following egul lli n
v i 1 >, 1, ( ions .
Heavy draft ionises shon11 conl'o1•11)
in type to the 11101(1 40111511 they rep.
resent. A mlaltu•ad +inbr d slit It'd
weigh 1600 lbs. and upwards.
An agricultural hots) should eon -
101•10 chisels in type- to 1)1111 horses
bat on a snuffle)' scale, and should
weigh noon 1350 to 1500 lbs.
No AgricnlWeal Society should offer
prizes for general pal pus. stallions at.
exhibitions, but, if 111 115ht advisable,
prizes might bt MT, red for grnerni
purpose males, fillies or geldings
General purpose halves should tom -
forte in outline closely to the coach,
caning() of hunter type, tint should be
lamer and stronga)• and able to (lo
satisfactivy work in wagon, plow bag-
gy and saddle. They should he r/leen
'bribed, without -excessive hair on Lle
logs, and be able to travel 8eveu mil's
per lour. Ilnl'see 5110451 o (11(211 rem -
formation not he inelnded ire
this eines, 1 he}' should weigh from
1.150 to 14350 1118. `rhe minim nin htighl
1 of general 5111'pose horses should be
15.8 hauls.
When You Eat Too Past
you h ave Ildl e'tiOl,peehaps memos,
or in 1111y Hhe the system is over-
loaded with matter. that should be
eliminated. Breath gets bad, eye))
look dull, headaches are frequent, •
n o mid if
Why1 t cleanse a purify the
whole system, why not strengthen
the stomach, enrich the blood and
assist yottf overtaxed di geetive
organs? Easily dune with 1)r.
Hamilton's Pills ; their 11(112/11 1s mast
geatifyillg. I11 every 0084) they give
the exact assistance the ailing organs
require. You'll feel fit and fine, eat
with a relish sleep like: It tap, have a
clear color, and restful sleep if you
regttltua your system with De. Handl-
toll's Pills. Pelee tae per box, at all
We Give Steady Employment
to reliable energetic men Mr the sale
of our products. We give all the ad.
vantnges that a reliable, well advertis-
ed, established firm cm, offer. If YOU
wish to represent us W RITE NOW,
before itis too late, for further infor-
Over 600 Acres
under cultivation and one of the most
templet° Nursery plants in ,'nnndl.
Established 85 years. lrreeeatalogoe of
Stock on opencatinn.
Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
owe their singular effectiveness in
curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and
Sciatica to their power of stimulating
and strengthening the, kidneys. They
enable these organs to thoroughly
filter from the blood thet uric acid
(the product of waste platter) which
gets into the joints and muscles and
causes these painful diseases. Over
half a century of constant use has
proved conclusively that Dr. Morsels
.Indian Root Pills strengthen weak
kidneys and u
Cure Rheumatism
15 prepared to supply thebest
goods in Windmills, Hem and
Wooden Primps and Stable
Fittings, such 05 Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for 8Locit, Arc.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to,
Give me a call,
Al RAYMANO, Cranbrnak
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033- Brandon Mau
ake Us Prove It
We dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upon
your patronage. To get it we must have your trust and confi-
dence. We make the following statements with a full under-
standing of what they mean to us. You are safe when you
believe in these statements.
For the Bowels
If you only knew as much as we
and those who have used them know
about Rexall Orderlies, you would
be as enthusiastic about recommend-
ing them as we are. They taste just
like sandy. They act so easily and
so pleasantly that the taking of them
is a pleasure.
Even children like Resell Order-
lies; and you know that if a medi-
cine appeals to a child, it will appeal
to grown-ups.
hell chase gloom, dispel blues and
make you feel happy by their splen-
did tonic, cleansing and strengthen;.
ing effect upon the bowels, — They
act to free the system — and keep It
free—from the distress end i11 feeling
that naturally results from irregular
and inactive bowels.
Rexall Orderlies. do this quietly,
without griping or causing nausea,
- purging or excessive looseness. They
act to overcome and remove the cause
of bowel ills and is a short time
usually make unnecessary the con-
tinued use of physics and purgatives,
thus tending to stop such unhealthy
habits as may have been formed
Make us Prove This
We do not ask you to take our
word for this. We want you to make
us prove it, and at no cost to you.
Buy a box of Rexall Orderlies at
our store. Use them once, or use up
the whole box. Then, if you are
not thoroughly satisfied,ust come
bask empty handed and tell us.
Without obligating you or question-
ing you we will return the money
you paid us for then.
Doesn't that indicate that Rexall
Orderlies are at least worthy of trial?
Doesn't it prove our faith in them?
Doesn't it merit your. confidence?
Could any offer be more fair to you?
We particularly reconunond Rexall
Orderlies for children, delicate and
aged persons. Resell Orderlies come
M convenient vest-pocket size tin
boxes. 12 tablets, 10e; a0 tablets,
25e; SO tablets, 50e.
CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Recall Orderlies are not sold by all drug.
gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores.
You can buy Resell Orderlies in this community only at our store:
The Store
There is a Resell Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human
each especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended,
The Rexall Store>Lmre America's Greatest Drug Stores
Confined to His Home for Weeks.
"Heavy work, severe strainingand evil habits in youth brought on
'Wales. ales, When I wored hard the aching would become
severe and I was often laid up for a week at a time. My family
Warne an o eratlon as m. only hope—but
tried tr d o w ut I dreaded it
Y pp Y Y
v I s caialists but soon found11 1
01153. era 0o oastho wanteder the
pY Y
commenced to look upon all odor little money. I c p doctors 11f 1 or a hotter than
rogues, One day m44 hoes asked mo why I was 2/i£ work so much and
I told him my had Ile tmentd mo to consult hi Drs. Iand k y w
Kennedy, as he ]lad token treatment from them himself and know
they were square and skia£ni. I --wrote therm and got Tom Naw
METHOD TanATTtlss11. My progress was somewhat slow and during
the first month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However
I continued treattilent for three months longer and was rewarded
with a complete cure. I could only earn 512 a week in a machine
shop before treatment, now lam earning$21 and never loose a day.
I wtr It all sufferers knew of your valuabltranEntment, tl. LOCUST.
BLOOD P0IS0118 are the most prevalent and most various diseases. They sap the
very lite blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause
serious eompllcattons.. Sewers of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms—our NEW
llIETliOD o=res all blood diseases..
YOUNG OR MIDDI,E ACED MEN.—Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken
down your s; t-:11, You fool thesymptoms stcaling over Cott. Mentally, physically and
vitally you aro m.t the man you used to be or should be. WLlI you heed thedauger signals?
READEAroyouavlotlm? llaveyoulostllopo? Aroyou intending to marry? Has
R your blood boon hinted? IIne you any wevknoss? Our Nett• llsinon
lnsmTalsnr matter
Duro ou. What it has done for others it oLLdo for 2/u, Conndtetion
Free. No manor who bas treated you,'Write for an honest opinion Free le Charge
Books Free—"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (llfustrated).on Diseases 2/k Men.
boxes or onvolepon. Eve thing' Coofidenild. Qaottion Litt and Ce,t of Treatment
Des. r . INNE'DY
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
All letters front Canada tnottel etreassed
to our Canadtau Corres cadence De art -
r meat in Windsor, Ont. p If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as wsee and treat
nonpatients in our Windsor offices .Which are for Correspondence and
I1aboratory for (Anadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
'Write for our private address.1,121110101111L lommarownatoolmogo,
t0000N'R FAVORITE (Imp.)
(11832) 12070
Will steam fee the jmprovenlent '.1
01)1111 at his own stable, -
Lot 22, Cos, 13, MoI illop
horse have woe 1st 1'lSl'
' 1 n a 1
Cullseilthisl( 1 I
for the hast three years at Brno0.le awl
seam 111 Shows lu the heavy (h'anght.
el(as8, `1`01.1113— $8.00.
31)11N J. 11OGAVIN,
Isoulbuity P, LL
n theA14821,811)(111
• 0 1t. YIHI01 0
(Must P 0
lh 4
Ro I of the 'ron•nship„Y Morris will b0 bald hr
+ gam' d 1
Mill Monday, the Oh n of
it 1al ) 2
the Township 1 h[ y. Y
9 I
I (sillies In -
n.rrt AI alt sl
May, edxi, at (1 Welled'
terestrd 11.111 Meese take notice and govern
themselves accordingly.
A. b1A0EWEN, Clerk,
Morris, May 7th, 1918,
The Comb of Rovioioo on the Assessment
11011 of the Township of Grey w111 be holdet
the Tow twill p ElotI, Ethel, on Monday, the lathe
day of May next, ot '1 o'clock a, 111, A11 pat •
ties Interested will please tutee notice 0nal gov-
ern thouaelves aoro•dingly .
A. H, 6IACDONALD, Clerk,
Ethel, May 7th, 1518.
The People's Column
- l-wo YEAR OLD General Purpose Filly for
sale. Lot 22, Oen. 10, Grey,
J, D. MoNA1R,
Phone 400. Cr,nbrooll P. 0.
=A142((( To RENT,—Tile John W. Rose
IF farina, being Ng Lots 211 and 24, Con (1,
tied Lot 82,00n. 5, (trey, are offered 1. rent.
Call on the undersigned. F. S. SCOTT,
41-11 Br nesela,
ANTED.—A good reliable men to repro -
sent the Onnad,at Pacifica Railway Land
Department In this territory. For Yu11 partic-
artiesulars apply to S. LI. MITCHELL, D1striet Sales
Agent, (Mt O. P 11. Budding, Toronto, Ontario,
=ARM FOR RALE OB.EAP.-100 1101.0A, 8011111
11,12 1401i 22, Con. 8, 'Township of Morrie, 8
miles trona Walton (bort lend wilts in chard
and airing. Log house and frame bunk barn.
.tonvenlent to church and school. Apply to
e' 5 SCOTT, Brussels, or M11.I.AR. 51515 &
:and 0RY, Berlin, O,It. 42,8
FARM FOIL SALE —West Bali Lot 2, Con.
12, Towuahip of Grey, containing 50 sores
45 clearer', fenced, drained and all in grass. 5
ours. hard -wood bash. No buildings. For
fur her portico lora apply to .1. LECIt1E,
88.11 .Brussels.
1t0Nr,—The home recently tarn led by
John B Keruoy, who moved to (knelt 11 tknown
"s the lingers property, Turn bo, ry el) art, is
offered lot• sato or if not sold will he rented.
There is it nonfo•tn Ole house, good amble and
tla a(:real of land with 0 double eutrauoe. Fine
garden, &e. For further particulars apply to
W. 11. Kerr, of Tun Posit, who holds (he key.
It 1s a choice shot to live in and will be sold
very reasonably. 27•tf
FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers
his tine farm consisting of about 185 acres
adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. The
form is in n good state of cultivation, and has
good buildings, brick house, bank barn, driv-
t ug house, pig pen, ere., all compare' t vele now.
A first-class young orchard contsiu(ilg all
Muds of fruits and also small fruits. The
(,1.111 is well fenced and drained and isa vet
desirable home. from further particulars opply
on the premises or odd rasa
25.112 .700114 TORRRANCE, Clinton.
=ARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 28,
▪ Con. 4, Morris township„Huron (10., coo•
Mining 100 11(11.13F1111 ore or less. on the pram -
{Rea is n frame honk barn, .m
well. windmill, &o. All cleared exnepthhou
an acre School 131 miles distant. Only 251
miles from Brnnselo. 1( nem, of pall wleat 10
and about 50 nerea seeded down. Par price,
terms and other Information apply nn the
prentleeo or if writing Brussels P.O. Phone
1.20. Or F. R. Seo((, Brussels.
11.tf A. L. KERR. Proprlet or.
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple aro fast preparing In their own
hollies t0 00oolpy lucrative poeltlone as
.;�. stenographers, bookkeepers, telegrn-
j phero, civil servants, in fact every
sphere of activities, Yon may finish at
college of snitch tvioh•' Positions guar.
. onteed. Ent sr college any day. Inds-
- riduul 105t(11011on. Expert teachers.
Thirty years experience. Largest
trainers in Canada Seven colleges.
Special comae for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial Educa-
tor's Association of Canada, Suo mer
School at Pomona Smittorn Busineoe Col-
li lege, London.
Wingham Business College
000, SPO0mole, W. T. 1110000,
Preeideot. Prineipnl.-
At , your home without
pain, danger or operation,
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what
'age our is
or how long ruptured.
Vt7hy wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be 'cured ?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Ager 'rime Rtip
Single ilr Dutlble
Nemo ,. ,
Address., .
end return to
1(8 Caledonia St,
Strmt•fo d. Ont.