HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-15, Page 1fit VOL, 41 ,V(), 46 New Advertisements (tarter, itodak ttnnor•f, R, • - hoo t-nap-I.O. lt telt tit di,, wantee-e3rd aschnent Ifteurelon-W late NWT Lilts. Howie CO rent-hiliE AI Holly. Ateto5 Leadbiary John Dennis has been ill for the past few days but with gond nnewi• hope to see him arterial again shot tly. Mr, Moines, front Londeshoro, has lakes the eentroct to enlarge the bare of W. R. Stewal t which wa:s roofed by the storm and when e001 - Meted will make a move commodious buikUug. John and Henry Deeele have bought the 37-i were farm of Jacob Baerowe, situated on the sideenad, and will utilize it for pasture. The mice is saidto be $1350.00, Bethel Sabbath School opened for the Summer months last Sunday. Isaac Bolt on is he Su mein teiiilinl Witil a good staff of teachers, which with the co•eperatioo of everybody shmild put in a very stieneseful Surnmer session. Clinton The first game or the series of foot ball games for theIlough Cup betweet Wingham R. S. and C. 0. L was play- ed here- Saturday, no mettle being scored by either side. The what was vet y high and gond playing was out of the question. The return gam, will be played in IV Ingham next Sat - mitts,. DEATH o Hortaen FOSTER. -H co • ace Foster, 56 yams or age and a well known Sunday School end temper ance worker, died at Bre In pi en Satins day afternoon after an illness lasting twelve months. He wont there 16 years ago from Clinton and identified himself with St. Paul's church, where JLLP 131?USS,ELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1913 W. PI, ICERR, Proprietor • he wits stringent endent of the SolidIty School. Ite gave all he spare time to the welfare of the young. lie was em- ployed with the W Whims Shoe Com- prey.- MI, Poster. hi stirvived by his wife and (laughter, Miss le•tna Fostee, liege idst or St. Paure church. Moncrieff Last. week Reeve Livingstone while at week iseei v oil a nasty blow in the Nee limp a handspike. Several teeth 4441 1' loosened by the experience. A it Mtn Mee Day concert, ;will he held i he clittech here Wedtiesday everling, May 21,1, under the eyelet:en of the Ladies' Md. A good program will he presented byl Prof. MeMoeran, of Lneknow, assisted by local talent al PP which refreshments will be served. Petweeds will go toward painting the basement of the church. Door open at, 1.80. Goderich Wm. and Mrs, Sharman went for a trip o the Coast. Mrs. Hutu, id' London, is the guest of MIS. Lionel Elint. t. John Pullen and J. Balfour Thom, wbn have been visiting in Goderich, left for Monti eal. Miss -Bite Joeden, who hae -been the guest nr Nliss Gladys Eliot, left for her home In Mentreal. PROUDFOOT GIVEN A • WELCOME HOME.- W Met 1V illiaui Proud foot, M. P. P., arrived hope Thiclay to spend the week end he. wits met by A large liumhee of his cote:ailments and given a hearty weleonte. Mr. Proudfoot was asked if lo- would accept a dem- onstration in Goderich allow their appreciation of his service in the legislature dotting the recent emit -dry mid as a mark of protest .egainst the government's methods and prelimin- ary tutrangementa were made for this to lake piece tot May 28 or 30. The demonetraticm will take the form of either a. large dinner Or a mass demon- ettettion in, the skating rink but noth- ing yet has been definitely decided on WHT[ '3TAR E 766,...e074101(055.55.9r,e,' 15th ANNUAL EXCURSION GODER1CH toNTROIT and RETURN DIG STEEL STEAMIER GREYHOUND will leave Goderich June 10th, 9:80 a. in. Arrive Detroit, June 10th, 6:80 p. rn. Returning, leave Detroit, June 12th, 1;0e p. m. Tidets„ 1.9 Round irip mo(m5iIIT cRIoNit 7074PARTICULAiRS, .MI WI. se wrteIsE.0AYERAit., %Oka, Sick. Long months of • service „ •'prove the .. real quality • of the leather and workmanship in 0..\ HARTT jrtioe THE HART SOOT &SHOE CO. 1 linWHil I 7Thi. 11 111117/ '. .C.117add's ficA ,Shot.111,do, Sold oniy by —.Tow - Tailor and Gents'' Purnisher, Brussels although the lat tee snggestion ie cou- sidered to be the nutet likely, The monthly meethm of the General lit (melt Chapter, L 0. O. E„ look place Tueeday afternoon (((1' jury toons et the courthouse, I be regent, M ss. D, Macdonald, in the chair, After the business Was el• tended to J. P. Hume, princimil id the Collegiate Itistittite gave a very interesting suldress, his subject being "The Botifillary Lines of Canada, and the United States." Atwood POUT BALI. -The ecliedule or the Listowel Poole and Atwood clistriet or VV. P. A. watt tireanged on Monday arteentem. It Is Samford, convittirr, Atwoiel. being represented by Eric 51cliaie atalLielowel by Mr. • noddy. May 2I -A tweed ab Listowel. J rule 2-A 1W1/1111 la PI/ilk% .1111O1 (1-171,17111411 Al 49ood. 1111 0- I Ast level at Poore, 1110- 10-1'7 70Ift ILie Atwood. ;time 20-Ponla at Listowel.* • INJURED BY HORSE.- About 0 0'01Itek Saturday evening AValtet Hamilton, of the 8th (tom, of Elate, hail a load of furnitere white' he loaded in ales. 1). Roy's 3.ard, List o- wel, and was going hark of R. T. Ketiip's marble yard Bast toward Dodd St. when the colt which was hitched to the wagon became frighten. ed and jumped toward a !Attlee on ,tlis. Hoy'tt propert y. The C1108blta4' of the wagon soddenly threw 1,1,. MT motet, the liorsee' feet. Several persons on Mato street seeing the horses jumping, ran in and re- moved Mi'. Hamilton froom his perilous position. J. A. Kelly reridered first aid and then assisted him to a surgeon's offiee, whet tt a deep gash on MS forehead cruised by the hone. tramping on him was dressed. Mr. Hamiltotee son on the farm was phoned to and took his father. home. Walton Miss jean Ferguson, who has been 111 trainitig for a nurse in London, is home on a visit. She has completed her eourse and will iv athlete in a few weeks. 1Ve wish her success in the heating art. All mull meeting of the Walton Branch of the Women's Institute will he held in the Workmates Hull, Wednesday, May 21st at 3 p. im this is the anneal meeting one of the District officers is expected to be peesott and a full atteridart ce,is asked for. Etupire Day entertainment will be given Friday evening, :May Zird, (11 Welton Pi esby teri Church. .A program of songs. recitations and v.d- ti misses will be given. 26 ladies array- ed is old time 11081 111114'$, will give the seeviee entitled "An old time Ladies' Aid meeting." The public cordially vi ed, ••• • •••444,0•••••••_•••••••• o . • 51,.it• •• 0 • • • • • •• • • • gi • • • 4. • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • Great• • • • :• Shoe • . • • • Sp: • • na • • . , • • .....0160,...., * • • PAI RS of Heavy • S 0 i I d Leather • 0 * WOricingolan'S Shoes reg- , -4 war priee 2.25 ; 150 ., • (11114 Week Only . • • • • The wholesale mire of this .11` • Shoe to-dity is 8(61. We • - o 41, 1 it , 1 Ili.',,, mc • • lei ed 1 1111,111118ittlis 4 ,, • ago and. just received them • it now, so while they last you : get, them for $1.50. • • • • • • * • • ... * • Watch 4. • • • Window 1 f For Bargains In i it Harness Dept. : • • •We have a full stock of Sin- • : gle and Double Hernees, : • Wool and Plueb Lep Huge, • • Dieters and Waterproof : : Rugs ILII et Lowest Prices, . * 40 • pie : * IL CI Richards!: Centre HUN liberal Association The 4011/241 meeting a the 04,'Iltle tiorol LiteTel Assie4/41(11i will be held at the WWI) ilall, Seafterth, Tuesday, May 47th, at 2 ,,deck 71,14 01. for the purpose of electisig and Daneact ing any other buniselse that may be brought before the mete..(-, ing. large Attendance is desired. 'Altiania, President. 74 J. L. Kiet,onall, Secretary. 33cD BIRTHDAY PARTY, -The 831.0 ante vereary of the come9 stone laying of St, George's church, Walton, will be einnmernorated by special services 111 Su,iday, June 8th and a Teas under theWirection of the Ladies' Guild at John Bolger's on Wedneeday evening June Ilth. A good propel', will be preeen ted, Lucknow AFTER THE LAW BREAKERS. - Several eases of alleged infringement of the local optidn law were tried at Kincardine Tuesday before Police Magistrate Jos. Baeker. The offences were charged to have been emannitted in the village of Luck no w. The prosecu- tions were made by J. A. Ayearst of the Provincial License Department', Toronto. Jame, Hunter, a resident of Lunknow for 43 years and a man highly esteemed, was convicted of selling liquor to one of the Govern- ment detectives. Hunter more poairively that he did riot sell the liquor, but gave it to the 1/111.11. 50111141 111(0 purehased it at a drug etore on CIOCLOr'S order. The court believed the evidence of the detective and imposed a fine of $100 and costs or ninety days in jail. John Mc- Garry w,,e acquitted on 11 eharge of allowing liquor to be drank on his premises. Garnet Aetnstrong. drug- gist, 49118 arquii ted on a charge of having sold ligan without' a medical certificate, Thos. Oath and Thos. Grundy are being tried on several! charges of violation of the low, Belgrave TFIE POST gives the news. Thursday of this week Rev, Mr. Ferguson preaches at Blyth Presby- terian church at, the preparatory service to the Communion next Sale haTilihe. earl news was received last Saturday by Wm. IVightinah that Miss Walker, of Newburg, Ont., bud dropped dead from heart trouble. She was a former resident of this locality and her sudden demise is greatl y regretted. Robt- Clark, Fruit Inspector, of Vancouver, 13. O., has been visiting in and about Belgrave. Be is tr, brother to Mrs. Frank Wheeler and is a bright, agreeable, well posted man. Mr. Clark VMS tl/ former tete- dent•of this locality and his wife was formerly Miss May Rogerson. Last Sunday Rev. D. Petrie, of Winghtun, preached a gond sermon in the Presbyterian church here and notified the congregation 'of the call to Rev. Mr. Fergueon front Norval, It will be considered at the Preeby- bevy. next Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Fergu- son 11145 been here fin. over 4 years and has many friends. Mothers' Day was observed in the Methodist church here last Sabbath evening by Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick preach/lig a very suitable discourse from "Honor thy mother." De- corations of white flowers and lilies were not wanting and lit front of the pulpit was atablet with the tivord "Mother" in white on a back- ground of green bordered with yellow. A quartette )l'/l8 sung by \V, and Mrs. Procter and Mr. and Mrs. Fee. ODNOERT. -On the evening of Vic - toile Day, Friday, May 2311, a grand conceet will be held in the Forestere' here, under the auspices of the Epworth League. Conunittee have secured Miss Alma Noteworthy, gold medalist in humorous and drtainatie eadiegs,.of St. Thomas and in addi- tion vocel and inatromental selections will be given by well known talent from Lticknow and Wingharn. Platt of hall at the post of/ice, Bluevale •Iitcuarrox.- Thursday afternoon an interest:Mg event wit) take place when Rev. Orawford Taito will be huhu:Led into the pastorate of litiox• and Endive' &lurches. All the minister $ of the Preghytevy are ex- pected to be present. lit the evening a tea•ineeting will be held to celebrate the coming of the new pastor and his family and the chard) workers are tryiug lewd to make it a sneceesfril and enjoyable enteetaitiment, Rev. Mr. Bell, moderator, will preside at induction • Rev. Mr. MeOnlinch, nf Oranhttoolr, p1e11 `11 ; RSV. Me. Mann, of Brussels, will address the pastor ana Rev, Mr. Perrie, Whig. hani, the Congregations. PRESBYTERIAL,- The 29th annual Ineeting of the Maitland Presbyterial Society W. F. AL S. 191)1 719 held in nittevale ell '1'lresday May 20h.,Pro- gram will be as follows :-Devotional meeting led by Mrs. McArthur, Ki n. cardine, 11 30 a, in. Afternoon ses- 'sloe at 2 o'clock, Praise, Hymn 431 • Scripture reading, Mre. McDonald, 13luevale ; prayer, Mrs, Bradley, Teestvater ; reading' initintee, Med. Ll1hrly, 7497,tl ton ; President's releivese, Mts. Peerie. Winghtun ; praise, Hymn 449 ; Secretary's report. Miss Mather, Kincardine ; Mission 13an0 Secretary'e report, Mee. Coombe, Kincardine Treasurer's eeport, Mrs. McKeniie, Lueltnow ; dedicatoey Dreyer ; tar' 07 Stinpliee • teitiorf, Mee: Viiat; Wi tigh am ; Tidi tigs • Seel tary's ispotb, Mrs, Vet gesen, 13e1-• v.v.; eepert of Nominating ' Com- mittee, Election of offleere. Meeting , ,• of is.Toruitialing Committee (Presidents of Auxilial y and Mission Bands), 1.30 e, 10. ArritOgittiaerag for next mom& meeting, eici. •, pealse, hymn 447 ; iiiiss(onstry address, Miss Thompson, Elora, (late of fmlia) ; solo, Mit,.0 Duff, 1311,eyale ; offering ; greetings of 711 esbytery and Sheer Sodeties ; praise, hymn, 468 ; diecriesion oti Mesion Band emelt, opened by MISS Rt,,, Benseele ; closing words, eles. Fergusou, Brussel, ; clotting 1)1ayee, .741 1-8. J. A. Ferguson, Belgreve, Even - 'Ate.; session at 7.30 o'clock. NI isslonary .n41 ess, Rev, 8. B. Roluitil, Mist:lion- iiry"•,,to the Jews, T.trtottt. : music, 11111 eleele choir. PREeINVTERIAL.- Nee t e ,e.it will be a kanikk and impOi 1(11,1 (me for Knox chtw&l.fev . Tuescl1)10 annual presbyterial Ail be held 1,('e° when delegates frorns. al/the Foreign n Missioary Sedates in(1114 Pr y willesby- tertneet met ill evention.Special speakers are expect* to give ad- dresses and between" 071(1 end WO (1(17111 'i'0 friends will e entertained by the local 9)) 711(11, Ili 1 fedi yeetion will intend° both arternoo and even- ing sessione. On the same\8 clay the Maitland Presbytery will 'Meet in Bluevale. Rev, Mr, Mann, ofi Belle - sets, will convey the PresbytterY's greetings to the Presbyterial \ 1 Wroxeter ‘ l MSS Grigg, of Exeter, :iii the guest of Mes. W. H. Brawn. F. Mercer rei ;trued on Monday from a few clays visit at his home in Dur- ham. Thos. and Mrs. Hemphill and O. and MIs. Oook motored from Hensel' on Sunday. Mills and Mrs. Razlewood, of Chi - fat cl, spent Sunday with the former's brother. W. 0. HazIewood. S. Rasmussen and family and M. and Mrs. Ed M117.18011 spent Sunday with friends near IVIildmay. Grey Clover has been nipped by frost in Amite places. A Garden Party will be held at the home of Hugh Richmond on the evening of May 80th. Proceeds for beneffi, of Union Sabbath School, This week Wm. Roy, of Walton, was busy setting out BOO apple trees 011 the farm on the 6th con., now the peoperty of John W. Morrison, his son-in-law. Lastweek Jas. McOratken, of Gode- rich, was renewing old friendships in Mils township. Ile moved from Grey in 1874 but is not forgotten by many of the old timers. New wire fencing ie on the program nn the 8th con. at T. Keifer's, A. Turnbull's, W. Birewer's, C. Lamont's and Mrs. Jno. McKinnon's. The wind 81(0018 07 this Spring made havoc of a gond many fences, New or partly new barn roofs have been pet on barns belonging to Fred. Oster, Wm. Hall, Jas. Cardiff, Alex. McDonald, hrs. Armstrong, W. J. Stephenson and numerous others. The new enclosed, cement horse Aerie for the proposed new Union church will be 48 x 100 feet. Work may begin next week on tbetn. The trustees have an acre of land which will cotistitute a first °lase site. Ethel Council met here last Monday. Wedding bells will ring next Wed- nesday. Frost pinched some of the tender garden "sass." J. K. 131 own gave one of his hands quite u gash witha chisel. A new wire fence has been put up by Ohris. Eekmier at the front of his f 4rMn Anew shingle roof has been put on the house on the McKee fern) West of the village. Dont forget Prof. Zavitz address Friday evening of this week before the Cartadian Club. Oti account of the plowing up of the field nn which Foot 13all was played the club hits not organized this year. The ministrations of Rev. Mr. Mc- Culloch are meeting with a large measure of succees. He is preaching a seriesof sermons. Next week Rev. Mr. Wren will at- tend the District meeting of the Methodist, church at Brussels. 11 1)109118 IVednesclay and Thursday. We are snrry to report the illness of Miss 13. Bateman, daughter of George Bateman. If good wishes 111(1 in her listensHolt she should '0011 let NV ell. • Com Mend ng lash Monday the leteiness places close at 7 excepting on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Help on the good arrangement by trading eatly. Mrs. W. Slemmon is book from a vieit to her daughter, Mrs. Franklin. The,Y leve a new daughter down there an that Will promote Mr, and Mrs. Slieurnoti to the honor of Grandfather and Grandmother. Owing to the poor health of Thos. Voticlen the hotel is not open to the travelling public at the present tittle. Meals are being served at the 1,0n,' of Mrs. Ames by Mrs. McGuire so that the inconvenience Is being obviated in this %stay. NEW GOVERNMENT. -The Canadian Chill lets eleeted a new Cabinet .and Friday evening' the Speech from the thiole Is expected. Following is the peesontiel of the Govetitiment Pt einier, S. J. Campbell Minister of Militia, Gen, Donber ; Moister of jesticte,'NV. Love ;Millietee of Finance told Customs, T. Keffer ; Minister of Agriculture. 0. Armstroog ; Minister of Marine and Fielieeice: T. Dough - evil; Minister of Railways and Canals, ; Ministee of Public Works, J. fievairs ; Minister of Labor, P. A. ineArtleti ; Minietee of Trade and Commerce, jno, McDonald Nitiletee of Interioe, E. Wheeler Postmeetee Getteral, W. Spence. 'The (1 le,' been elected Treastwer of the Chibk At the. close of 'a shaft IN. behigdevoretted with eel'IllltiOtle 414 en nn whieh both beide And groom ere II. held. A couple of hours was very 1 number of 50 eat dew') to eti excellent ; dejenner prepared in the best style of \ the haste The dioiogroovo decors' dons were pink 44)1&W11)(5, the tfthles E Company 33rd Reg't Goes to camp at Goderich for Training Manoeuvres JUNE 16th TO JUNE 27th. Rates of Pay Rank and File -81.00 to $1.25 per day. Good Men Only Wanted •4+144441+1 See M. H. LAKE, Queen's Hotel, Brussels. LIEUT. R. R.•SLOAN Ill Co. Command. evasion Friday evening Prof. Zavitz Will address the gathering. He is au ine,etesting speaker, well posted and wellwerth hearing. -.JamestOwn Wm. Holt, -1"1:ii.l11se, Grey, is in Not Ili Dakota. Miss Margaret BrowliN,PPent Sun- day at S. Snell's. John and Miss Bessie Miller spent Sunday at Is Ruttan's, Howick. A. D. Gtaut will connect the service in Victoria Hall Sunday evening next. New wire fencing has been put along the front of D. Millar's farm, adjoining Jamestown, making quite an improveureot. Garden Party 011 June Oth at S. Victoria Hall will be beniflt- ted by the proceeds. A good program. Watch out for the bills, NoTE THE OH&NHE.-Jamestown Branch of the Womeit's lustitute will hold their annual meeting cm Wednesday, blity 2ist, at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Thomas Smith. A good atteudance is hoped for. S. and Mee. Burke were visitors in Listowel with Jno. and Mrs. White, formetly of Grey township. We are sorry to state that Mrs. White's health is not as good as in former years but we hope she will soon. im- prove. Morris School Inspector Field has been visiting the schools in this township. bliss Florence Souch has gone 10 London where she has accepted a position. Good progress is being made on the cement abutments for Se/181111m iron bridge. Ray and Mrs. Fear, 8th line, at- tended the Grainger-fillliott wedding near Itiolesworth cm Wednesday. The Auction sale a.t Mrs. VV. K. Whaley's on Tuesday afternoon went with quite a swing and good prices were realized. The temperance workers of this township will take an active hand in the peopoeed Canada Temperance Act campaign. Mrs. and Mies Hood, of Blyth, were repewieg old friendships in Sunshine locality where they lived for a gond many years and are always welormte back. Wiu. and -Mrs. Craig and George Oole have gone to the West, The former go to Calgary and Mr. Cole to Regina where his brother is' located and is doing well. •The barn on the farm of Alex. Forsyth, North gravel road; has been re -shingled. Stabling will be over- hauled aiso and cement floors, new stalls, etc., put in. The cement floor Wad put on the Clark steel bridge this week by Robert Vint. A. jubilation shoeld almost be held when public travel is once more resumed over it. A.0 organization has been formed in Morris in connection with the fot theriming Canada Temperance Aet campaign and assistance is asked froni all favorable to the cause. The Sabbath School at Sunshine has been reorganized with Bert. Carter as Superintendent and meets on Sunday afternoon prim to the preaching service. We wish the good work SWIMS& Molesworth PRETTY WIEDDING.-On Wednesday 4th inst., at high noon, wedding bells kt‘atig merrily at the muntuoclioue resi- nee of Harry and Airs. Graitiger, Boundary, line of Grey, when their youngest daughter, Miss Iilefle, was utiited in marriage with James T. Elliott, of Harvey, III, The ceremony was performed melee an evergreen arch trimmed with apple bloseores and banked with flowers, Rev, Mr. McKelvey, of Trowbridge, was the officiating cleegymen. Wedding March was played by Miss Roxie Me - Kee, of Peterboree. The bride who was llciVell aWity by 'het fathee, was beautifully goweed in ivoey messaline satin en belie trimined with pearl garniture crystal fristge and studded with seed pearls She carried a Marie Antoinette homier, of white rOSed, lily of the valley iced asparagus fern, her bridal veil being caeght with lily 07 11114 valley. Bridesmaid, Who 471 9, iNlisS Ella Fetteer, of Melesvoeth, e a8 dreseed in theean voile trimmed with lace and etrettied pink and white ear - ntaiOns, flOssel Grainger, brother or the bride supported the genesis. ' Ai- tei eongeatuletiosse gueets to LW pleasantly spent in social cht.aand the ; taking of 'snaps," Bride's going away suit was tailor made, navy blue serge with Dream brocaded eilk waist and white bat with 2 large white photo*. The bridal party left about 2,80, going by motor to Listowel and from there taking the • 2,30 train to Guelph, Forges and other point, Mr. and eire. EIIioti will be At Home to their friends at 15414 Myrtle ave., Harvey, 111„ after May 24tb. The best wishes of a large number of friends accompany them. KNOX COWER STRATFORD, BURNED Three Men timed Fire, which started when lightning struck the big tower of the Knox Presbytevian church, Stratford, an Ontario street about 2 o'clock. Monday morning, octet the lives of Fire Chief Hugh Durkin, Police Chief McCarthy -* and Policeman Matthew Hamilton. The big church was completely gutt- ed. The storm broke about 1.80 and did not seem severe. There was one tete rifle crash only, and the bolt truek the tower, ripping it badly. By the ; time the fire department arrived the live had a big hold on the interior of the building and flame, were shootin from the windows. .47 the thne of the accident the men,, -iidieetsWteekin in a space between the livery barn, au'Wekus the church and, one of the heavy walls. 7:reari44r-ei15tt the intense heat was going to cause". the wall to fall, the chief decided to move the ladder, Ile called for help and he and Police Ohief McCarthy and Policeman Hamilton were moving the ladder when the top part fell and a big beam crashed down, striking the three men. Chief McCarthy and Policeman Hamilton were instant- ly killed and Ohief Durkin died on the way to the hospital. The flume meantime swept through the church and nothing is left stand- ing but the walls. .A. new $7,000 or- gan which had just been Installed, was burned. Fireman Sid. VanStone, who was working. with the others, was hit bv' some Meeks. His injuries while pain- ful are not serious, $34,000 insurance on the church. The Sunday School room was for- tunately saved and will be .used for public services. ChurGh chimes Rev. Dr. Oaten gave a suitable dis- course Sabbath morning on Mothers' Day. -The plea of evil' was the topic in the evening. Next Sabbath Rev. Dr. Oaten will tweed) anniversary sermons at Trow. bridge. Rev. A. I. McKelvey, B. D,, will cccupy the pulpit of the Methodist church here. At tbe Epworth League last Monday evening the topic was Japan. A large °umber of Stereopticon views were showii. F. H. Gilroy operated the lan- tern and Mrs. Parker read the lecture. At the May Official Board of Empress Avenue Methodist church, Loudon, of which Rev, T. Wesley Cosens is the pastor, DeWitt Cosens was appointed an exhot ter. Rey. Mr. Cosens was pastor here for lour years. At the Presbyterial to he held in Blnevele next 'Tuesday Miss Lizzie Ross, of tows, is to deal with Mission Band Work and Mrs. (Rev.)Ferguson Is down for "Closing Words." A load of delegates will attend from Melville 'rlchurch.iimportance of taining children" was Rev. Mr. Mann's subject Sundae morning last in Melville church. At the evening service the text was "Some doubted," Matt. efi-re, Rev. Mr. Parte, a Turk, addressed the Christian Endeavor at their meeting following the regular preaching set vice. In the Mothers' Day program at the Methodist Sabbath School last Sundae Mts. W. Rands gave a short address on Frances 74ViIIaid; Mrs. A, J.' Lowry on Ploreuce Nightingale and Rae. Me, Paris, (roti Turkey, spoke an the situation of that laud. Misses T. Gerry and Alta Pryne sang a duet and S. Carter's gramophone rendered a quartette "Nearer my God to Thee," Rev. D E. Catneron, 13. A,, Rector of St. John's church for the past 4 years. has resigned and will be moving to Bei ford, Oxford Co-, in the course or a mouth. 130th he and Mrs. Camerou have been faithful workers in Orb Master's vineyard and will cartY with them the best wishes ot the community. We have not learned who the new rector at St, John's church will be bet no doubt an early appointment will be inadttDreicr liiterntro -Wednesday and Thursday of next week the annual District meeting of Witgliatu District Will convene in the Methodist church. Seessels. First day will be devoted to ministerial affairs followed by a public meeting its the evening, at 8 ,o'clock, at which addresses will be given by Rev, . 13. 1). Rchirtsos, M. A., of Betvic oti "The cell of the Kingdom ;" and Rev. W. 1. Ford, Lt L, 13., of Teeswater. os "Recollections of a pastor's life." The letter purposes retiring from the melee ministry alter 5107171 and useful period so shoulil have featly interesting re. Mitrisceuces70 relete, Musical program will be rendered hy the dwell thole. Thersday tho laymett will jolt) the Clerics and general business will he transacted Rev 1. W, Hibbert le the chairmen (11 the District. There slion14 • he 35 or 40 MeMbers preseet,