HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-8, Page 8Mouse Cleaning When Hoeso Cleating you may need Caustic Soda Bakes the finest of soap and at the one tine will use up the grease that collected during. t he Winter••' - 5 1b. tin 400. Powdered Borax Finest grade -15c lb, or 2 Its, 2fo, Household Ammonia A ;teat cleanser -roc a bottle. Coed Disinfectants Zenoleum ase per bottle. Chloride of Limo, 80, toe & 15c pkg. Powdered Copperas, 100 per lb. Carbolic. Acid, &c. Red Cedar Flakes The best moth preventative -Large package 15c. Crystal Floor Oil A good polish for Furniture, Lino- leum, &c.-202 per pint. Papei Will almost make a new room out of ten old room. Itis wonderful the improvement a tasty Wall Paper will make in It room where there has possibly been an out of date pattern Ord yon bave grown tired oE. Our ,rock of Papers is well assorted whether it be for Parlor, Living Room Hall, Dining Room Bedroom or Kitchen We have something very special for Bedrooms in Satin Stripes with cut out borders. '1 hey are winners and are most moderately priced at roc per roll. SEE THEM rhe_ Store F. . SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. prat ttelps t.errcs • SEND us the news. NOG market $9 3o. l'HE foot bridge is up. QUITE a quantity of hay being sold. Drain contractors are getting busy. SCHOOL Board Friday eveuing of this week. Are you ready for the call of Sanitary Iuspector• SYNOD of Huron will meet at Lon- don, June 17th. THE song of the Lawn Mower is heard in the land. FINE strings of fish are being caught In the Maitland river. WE always feel like taking off our bat to the man who minds his own business. AUTOMOBILES are getting about as thick on leading roads as the bair on a dog's back. SEVERAL Brusselites went to Wing - ham last Sunday to hear the Salvation Army Brass Band from Toronto. 6o cents gets THE POsT to January let 1914 to any Canadian address. Send it to the absent one as a surprise. HEAR Getty Sellers in Melville church Tuesday evening next. Brusselites don't often have tbis opportunity. BRussELs Public Library Bo .rd will meet next Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in the Board room. Members asked to attend. Ns= public holiday will be Victoria Day, which falls on a Saturday. The following Monday will be observed in most places. THE various Municipalities are stirring up getting preliminary work done in the Canada Temperance Act campaign in- to which Huron Co., will go next Fall. THE Pose Publishing House bas turned Int four sets of wedding in- vitations in the last two weeks and the endis not vet. We guarantee a good BERPANTwanted. Apply to husband with each set of invitations and MRS. W. M. SINOLAIR. SECOND hand piano for sale. Apply to, S. CARTER, Brunetti. THE Ladies Aid of Melville church intend giving a Garden Party on June 73th. ALARGE number of fine cattle were delivered here last Monday to various druvers to be put on grass. W, H. WILLIS, of Wingbam, formerly of Brussels has been appointed Express agent as successor to Alex._Ross, who is removing from town. Tuz brick residence of Editor Hall. Winghan, who is removingto California has been purchased by Rev. Fr. Blair, who will get immediate possession. DON'T forget the Auction- sale of well bred grade Durham calves and mile) cows at the Central Hotel, Brussels, Friday afternoon of this week. N. Coutts is the proprietor. WINGHAM High School Foot Ball team defeated Listowel at the latter town on Saturday and will now go into the 2ud round, Clinton also won from Stratford on the round so is also eligible for the next circle. —e— HoceE and lot to rent. Apply to W, OARLEY• SMART boy wanted to learn the printing. One who has passed the Entrance preferred. Apply at THE POST. DWeoorse rooms to let above stores. Soft water, &c. I. 0. RtOnAan8, SIX 2 year olds, steers and heifers, for sale, as owner is short ofasture. W. KNa0HTEL, Lot 22, Oon.14 McKillop, Welton P 0. K005 FOR KATOatNG.-Single Oomb Aneoaas -the beet laying strain. $1.00 per 16• HARRY AMENT, Brunnets, Bron SALE.-Ma4sey-Harris btcyole, cushion frame, in good repair ; good tires ' ran three seasons, A bargain for cash. Apply P. 0, Box 9, Brussels. T000000 buggies guaranteed to give good eatisfaotlon, Ask about them. ERNBST G• PLUM. SEE McGregor about lawn mowers, EOGs Boa HAeoaneee-Indian Runner thick eggs from prize winning stook. Pore white eggs, 10e each. Also 5 pure bred Indian Run- ner Drakes for sale. L. ADDIS, Phone 4217 Brussels P. O. .nnouncements, BRUSSELS, Seaforth and Clinton will be the opponents in the ffrst round of the Intermediate Foot Ball games this season. Our lads will require to get; down to practice as the Hough Cup series is giving Clinton players a good work out. FARM products with a name or trade mark soon become known and the same serves as a guide to the quality of the goods offered for sale. Make a name and market for your products by using printed stationery and butter paper. Jo11N HARRIS has leased the Leather - dale house vacated by Robt. Thomson and gets possession this week. The latter has moved to his newly acquired property on Queen street West. former ly owned by George Crooks, and has a - nice piace. SUBeRIBEas who have not yet renew- ed THE PosT for tete and wbo desire to take advantage ofour clubbing rates , are requested to do so without any further delay as some of the rates will be withdrawn on May 15th. Renew now, Lase week James Ballantyne, of town thrnugn his advt, in THE POST. receiv- ed an order for a couple of settings of Columbian Wyandotte eggs from Manitoba. The shipment ' was made in due course. It pays to ad- vertise in a paper that people read. ANOTHER AUTO COMING '00 'TOWN - 'his week G. C. Manners gave an order for a Ford car and it will be here in a few days. The sale was made by "Tot" i Cochrane, of W n Rham former Brusselite, Sonnwell R w known Some others are on the Het it is said. Mr, Manners is al- ready somewhat acquainted with the "buzz wagon" and sbonld handle it all right. TEACHERS and parents can aocom- plish a real service to• their couutry by instructing the children to spare the ' robins. .Phe robin and its nestlings are perfect gormandizers wheu it conies to making a meal of bugs and cater- pillars -the enemies of mankind. The Redgings eat one and two-fifths times their own weight of worms and insects each day. Goon Recoap,-Brussels Methodist church Auxiliary of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society has just closed a very successful year. Financially it Is the hest since he organization 25 years ago. There are 44 members, $tte,00 raised sento Branch Treas- urer $I03.I0. While not sending a hale as formerly to a distance the EOGs POR HATOH1NG. - White Wyandotte eggs for sale at 75c a setting. 1st pen, headed by a $5.00 cook, bought from W. M. Archer. Paisley ; 2nd pen, headed by a 55 00 cockerel, bought from L. B Guild, Rockwood. These birds are off two of the best laying strains in Canada. JNo. MEADOWS, Bruaels. The Metropolitan Capitan Paid up • Reserve Fund - • Undivided Profits - Springy' dok El °�a-�� 1sTAB�Isf® o Isla 'Weariness iii i1 i\ -� li $i,000,000.00 1,280,000,00 181,888,26 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO t: Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town, Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any :, of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $I.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GiLROY. MANAGER BOWLING. -A meeting for the re- organization of Brussels Bowling Club for Jere will be held Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the Carnegie Library Board room. All interested are asked to at- tend so that arrangements may he 0002- pleted for the season. NExT Monday evening at the Ep- tvorth League the topic will be Japan. As a point of special interest too fine stereopticon views will be presented on this wonderful land --the Britain of the East --accompanied by a Travel Talk. Everybody welcome. Monthly cot - lection will be taken. THE Grande Prairie (Alta) Herald which by the way is a new journalistic venture with good prospects, SR} s ot a Former resident of this locality ;-las. A Moore has been appointed issuer of marriage licenses. This appointment was among the many necessities of the prairie as here.te-fore tiny intended benedicts had to travel to spirit River, 6o miles away, in order to procure the legal documents. 0 WHAT WE MAY EXPECT. - Sheep seeking. A visit to the ole' swimmin' bole. June weddings. Flies. June bugs. Lawn mower solos. Foot Ball matches. Early strawberries Straw hats, Coat less men and hat -less women. Trout fishing excursions. "Plugging" for exams. W. C. T. U. -The regular meeting of the W, C. T. U. was held April 25th a large number of ladies being present A former member remembered the Lumberman's work by sending a liberal contribution, After the regular business wee finished Rev.. Mr. Marra addressed the meeting taking for his subject "'Phe Ideal made real," '!`here are people who continue very much in rsicn and e wayas before soave the sem they are not yet fit to enter into the laud as they have lett God out of the question. We must give over wrestling, to clinging. Canada has cot yet given up all the things she should trample under her feet. Just as Jacob was into the struggle he wrestled. struggled and conquered, so must we. Too often mautakes'the crown and casts it into the dust but no one has gone down so low but there is still some good in him worth saving. The time is coining and is here to put temptstiou from es Some thiuk, to change a man's en• vironnlent he can be cbanged. Be may be outsardly but it is not Scrip• tural. It is men we are here to save and one of the ways is to close these open doors from our midst, remove the temptation and by the power of prayer. We have the promise, "If ye ask anything in my name I will give it you," We can do a great deal by earnest, sinoere, faithful prayer. Let us work and pray to remove the temptations. Let us move forward un- tie gates for til we push ilia battle tot God is making our country, Mrs Meadows' solo "The Ribbon While" much appreciated. Mr, Ackerman, was pp C, 0. C. F. organizer, of Galt, Wag 1a e Society has helped several needy cases present and gave a short talk, He in the neighborhood, A good deal of said God bless the White tibbon as it the maces, has beau due to the energy stands for purity and lies a great 151. of the retiring President, Mrs, A, J, fluence for good. We Gannet go with - Lbw. v ith-Low.v Mt • toe CIRCLE, --At the annual meet- ing of the Voting Ladies Mission Clrele of the Methodist church, the following officers were elected i--Hon„-President, Mrs, (Rev.) Oaten ; President, Miss Lizzie Dowuing ; Vice. President, Miss Millie Pryne ; Cor. -Secretary, Miss Ruby Plutl,; Rec.-SecretarV, Miss Pearl liaeker; Treasurer, Miss Pearl Dark; Sept, Systematic :Geeing, miss Carrie Ilia stow, The Circle) hadp acn out our influence being either for goo or for evil, Our intiueuce counts far more than we think, "Perfect Love casteth out fear,” How many ever think we are walking on sidewalks paid for by part License money and our children educated al the expense of the drunkard's children ? Whet are we White Ribbon Women doing to help. By gathering at our meetings we ale doing a great hal for. good. A hearty vote of thanks to Rev Mr, Mann and did year and has a tdembershlp of 34, 3 Mr. Ackerman was moved bi Ml's. being Life Metuher3. Rands secoeclod by Mrs. Backer, People We Talk About Carl Holmes is back from school at Toronto for his vacation. Mrs. Wm. Pollard has been ing old frieudships in Brussels. Miss Laura Jermyn is spending few weeks with friends at Blyth. Mrs. Copp, of Toronto, who was visitiug here, hss returned home. A. J. Lowry's health shows con- siderable improvement we are pleased t0 stale Mrs. Jno. Cunningham was on the sick list during the past week but is considerably better now, Miss Lorna Addison, of Mount Forest, is the guest of Mrs. F. H. Gilroy. She is a niece of Mr Gilroy. George and Mrs. Lowry and Leslie of Brussels, attended the Porteous- Snuch wedding at Seaforth Wednesday of this week. Miss Ina Bryans, Queen street was, laid aside during the past week owing to a disabled knee. She is improving we are glad to state. R. J. McLauchlio gave one of his ankles a twist that gave him a very perceptible limn for several days dur- ing the past week. Mrs. T. Maunders. who was visiting at Brussels, Berlin and Galt, has arrived eately at her home in Detroit. The holiday did her good. Percy Thuell left Tuesday morning for London where he will take a post tion in a box factory. We wish him rene w - a Old CANADA 4p,t OFPict, TORONTO THE business man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. ,s, BRUSSELS BRANCH, 3. F. Rowland, Kin Manager. Miss Carrie Hingston went to London The Duchess of Connaught is slowly hist Saturday to meet her brother Bert, recovering from the recent operation who is here now at the parental home which she underwent for appendicitis. He is showing improvement in health The bulletin issued by the etlending and we trust the change of air and scene phvsieiass said that she had enjoyed a will be a means of complete resto'auou. ' lair day, and that the improvement Last Mondat Athol McQu: i'rie left noted today was maintained. for Goderich where he will spend the next few mouths un the Signal staff He purposes resuming his studies at Brussels • Continnit,iom School next Fall. F Rutherford will assume Mr McQHarr e's dntiee in Melville Sabbath School. bliss Helen D Ford, eld st daughter of Rev, J. E. and Mrs. Ford, of Clteton and a former teacher in Brussels, has just graduated front Queen's University, securiug her B A. deseree and also specialist standingin Moderns, History and English. Many Brussels friends extend congratulations Mrs. Garfield Loug, wbo is at tbe (mental home, Brussels. has not been having vety good health since the birth of the baby daughter. ser ' many friends hope for a marked improvement in the near future. Mrs. George 'Phomsoo, Mrs Long's mother, is still in California, where she accompanied her son, James, last Fall. '1 he fetter has gained• 20 or 30 hounds and has dole well during the past Winter. They hope to get back from the Seuth before long. Church Chimes Rev. D. E, Cameron, R. A , took the services at Holmesville lest Sunday. Regular service will be held in the R. C. church next Sabbnth at time hour. Rev. Mr. Mann will be a Commission- er to the Presbyterian Assembly which will cal vene in Tut'uute next month. "Mothers' Day" will be observed in the Metaodtst Sabbath School new Sunday Choice program. Persons attending are sicked to wear a white flower. Ali welcome. The pastor's topic next Sabbath morn- ing in the Methodist church will be "Our mothers." In the evening the subject will be "The evils of to•dsy," the first of a short series Last Sunday Rev. Dr. Richardson, of London. conducted the services in St. John's church, Brussels. He gave tWu fine discourses. the morning text being Mark 16th chapter and 1514 verse and the evening theme "The house of anent Mansions." He will be welcome. back. Last Sabbath evening an exchange 01 pulpits took place between Rev. A. J. success in the Forest city. Maur and Rev, Pr Oaten Fortner A. Strachan, Jas. Fax, M. Black and gave s nu; odthe•r• on "The piace James Shurrie were in Toronto this and ya tie et the Christian church." week and took in the Laurier demon- stration Monday evening. Miss Vera Wilbee is home from Stratford for a holiday of a few weeks, The Classic city evidently agrees well with her judging by appearances. D. A. Lot*ry, of Toronto, was in town for a few da}s. He is "up to his eyes" in business in the Queen city, hence his stay was necessarily short. G A. Deadman got a small silver. fast on the inside of his right eyelid. It gave him considerable bother but the optic is getting all right again we are pleased to state Geo. Robb, of St Catharines. dropped in on old friends last Saturday and is spending the week here. He is well pleased with his work asinsul'ance agent and is making it go all right. D Fountain, of London, who has been here for several weeks recruiting 1115 health, was called home lest Saler day. Bruesels maidens are sighing him r "Will ye no' come back again." Miss Iva Govier, of London, formerly of Brussels and a granddaughter of Mrs. Thuell sr., of town was married Wednesday of last week to a Londoner We wish them many happy prosperous years, H, B Churchill has been moved from ElmsteRd, Kent Co. to McCaw, Huron• Treasurer of the Cemetery Com lulloe inhisstead, Mr..Gerry was heartily thauk.ed for king yen,. of faithful umni. peteet service and regret expressed al his going away. ,. John Walter, a Berlin, Out , amateur aVlatot', was testing his flying machine Monday morning on Lancet ter street hill and when abunl 15 feet in the air, n gust of wind sent the aeroplane to the ground The VOUla, aviator sustained surae bruises but his machine was saved from serines damage by•the timely as sistanlance of several spectators. Walter intends periecting his invention and oak' ng another attempt BRUCE DRYING Ile -- The going io'o effect of Local Optiou in Kineard ne on May 1, leaves Walkerton' and vicinity standing out conspicuously as the wet territory on the map of Bruce, How the country as a whole is drying up mnv be gathered from the fact that in 1874 there were issued in Bruce no less than t8o tavern and 20 shop licenses as against 241 tavern and 20 shop licenses for 1913, the last liquor store and the station hotel in Nalk,rrton being doomed to shortly vanish. Of the 24 licenses that will thus be issued in Bruce county for roe, it is probably singular that 20 of these should he granted for Walker- ton and immediate vicinity, the list being as follows; Walkerton 5, Car- rick 7, Brant 4, and Greenock 4 That the Bence Capital and every township surrounding it should be wet while Wank' all the rest of the county is dry, reveals one of the most remarkable situations in the province. Miss Jessie Cunningham sang "Abide with tie" in good voice Dr Oateu's text in Melville church was "My cup runneth over" from which a fine sermon was preached. The annual tneelilig of Huron Aliglt can S. S. Assriciatinll and -Deanery Chapter was held in 'erivitt Memorial church, Exeter, 'euesday May 6111. In- cluded in the tiroerem were addresses by Rsv. T B. Westgate, Missionary from East Africa, Rev T, 13 Howled Woodstock, Rev I. B Fotheritighein, of Goderich, D. M. Rose, of Toronto, and Ven. Archdeacon Richardson,1). C. L. At the official Hoard meeting of ti's Methodist church 00 'Tuesday evening F: H Gilroy was chosen lay delegate to tbe mutual District meeting' A general Congregational meeting will be held next Wednesday evening In which re- ports of the various departments will be given. Congregat ional rel resentatves to Board will be elected and a portion of the evening taken tip with a lonelier of ttereoplicou views in ',nonectil•n with Mission fields The same S.ewe! ds, Class Leaflets and Local Preachers were re-elected, F H Gilroy keine Rdtied to the lel ter.. Owing to expected removal ot 13 Gerry to Fort Will am, R, Leatherdale Was chosen as Secretary Co., as station agent on the C, P. R Mrs. Churchill is a daughter of George and Mrs. Edwards, of town, and a graduate of THE POST. Wm. and Mrs ',mitt spent a few days at the Methodi.t Parsonage Bluth, last week. 'Their son, Rev. George Jewitt, is the pastor there and is doing good work as he always does. An former old resident of Brussels WAS in town last week in the person of Hugh Williams, who now lives at Egmondville. Although well, over 8o veal's of see Mr. Williams is real smart, Mrs. W. A. Grewar is a claugltter. G. A Deadman is looking after his heea in Merlin. He reports that they Wintered well, The wind on Good Friday blew off several covers and r turned over a few hives but otherwise no damage. The clover is in excellent shape, never better, We are sorry to ' state that Will Ament is horhe from Seaforth i11 with typhoid fever. He boarded at the Dick House whose well was condemned by the Board of Health. Mr, Ament's many friends hope he will 800n be re• stored to his'esual good health, Lastweek James and Mrs. Mc Callum and daughters, of McKillop. moved to town and tools possession of their ' recently Derchesed residence, bought from Mrs. lames Ferguson, corner of Albert ere William streets We ilei thein weloome In Brussels and hone theywill enjoy life here after a busy time in M*Klllop township, Huron County. In order to interest school children in the reforesting of the lands in Hay township, F. Fess, sr.. of Zurich, has planned to furnish each school section or the district with 12 hardy catalpa trees (known as fever trees) for plant- ingtin Arbm'Day. It is expected that the trustees, teachers and children will unite in making a good com- mencement by planting, the rare trees Canadian News The nine vear old daughter of Henry Moore, of E•trd:ev, Que , was burned to death anti Moore himself had four fingers charred, in fire which destroy ed their home 011 Saturday night Brantford Ministerial Alliance, at the annual meeting, dtelared unanimously. in favor of submitting a Local Option measure in Stamford next year. Ap• Deals v:ere read in all the ollnrclles Sun- day, Charles fltm found guilty on Nov 223rd, last of the murder of Joseph Rosenthal, a Jewish junk dealer, in the Hydro -electric earths at the font of Strechtui avenue, '1'r roma, on Good Friday, 1912, is to l xpiale his. shot' oo. the scaffold, In the Criminal ASI C' Court at the City Hall 'Tuesday alter - :noon he was sentenced by Chief Justice Sir William Moloch to be hanged on ,Cednesday July 9. The Melt sod wastut tied. on the Galt - Blew I ford ilt-Branlfor't section of the new Lake Erie & Northern railway. 200 men formed " i a grading gang and the numtiet will be Added to as fast As laborers tan be seem ed at a point on the river three 01lea from Galt Railway 'OonetJue'IOn temp Supplier; coining from Galt give e, tlee'd edtmpetusto the various lines of trade, 1 Not the tried that comes' from lab- or and Is cured byeef'reshilig sleep and Elias rest but the genet III weariness and latigucr fel as tmloh in the morning as at night Slid which seem difficult. Sell a, conditione every little kis dos to iulpure blood and exhausted nerves. donated them With other varieties, The catalpa tree is prolific in growth and tnay be utilized for commercial purposes at the age of five years. Be- sides, it is ornamental, growing 10 it great height and having leaves that measure 16 inches iu diauleter, Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. 'You can do it by ap-' plying Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts freely at each application. For sale by all dealers. Our Beef, Iron and Wine purifies and revitalizes the blond and through the blood feeds the eluevitig peeves. 11 increases the appetite, clears the complexion anti renews strength and energy. A reinedy indispensable to almost every one 'at this season of the year, $1.00 per large bottle at F DRUG STORE Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter DIED Eggs Li ereter—AtOkotoks, Alta„ on April slat, Hoge John 13, Linehan!, aged 56 years, son of the Slay late Thos. Lineham, 12th eon, Elma town- Wool ship. _ PATEItsoN - On April 89th, 1518, in White -----•--_ ._.-_ church,Ont., at his home. N•rantrPaterson, Notice late of inghem and Toronto in his bath ear. — BRUSSELS MARKET $ 00 $ 50 84 . 20 448 10 18 9 00 12 0000 19 9 00 18 18 3' AUCTION SAL.ES FRIDAY. MAY Son, -55 good grade Durham calves and 10 fresh Moll cows at Central Hotel, Brussels, at 2 p. m. N. Oo0TT8, Prop, F, S. Scott, Ana. TUESDAY, MAY 16TH.-PRrm Stock, imple- ments oto•, SM Lot 0, Con. 4, Morris township. S,le unreserved at 1 p. m. Mite. W. 10. W HALEY, Proprietress, P, PURv7S, 8110. FRIDAY. MAY 2880 -Household Furniture, 070 , at the hone of B. Gerry, still street, Brussels at 2 p m„ owing to intended re- moval B. GERRY, Proprietor ; F. 8. Scott, Auctioneer. The People's Column TTEACHER wan N 1,G township, du god. Applicants tierlenoe and sal by the undersign The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the Township or Morris will be held in the 'Township Hall on Monday, the 29111 day of May, next, at 11 o'elook a, tri. All parties in- terested will please take notice and govern themselves. accordingly. A. metOWI M, Clerk, Morris, May 7111, 151.8. Notice ! The Court of Revision on the Acsea#n ant - Roll of the Township of Grey wilt be held at. the Township Ba11, Ethel, on Monday, the 20th day of May next, at tl o'clock a, m, All par. Men Interested will please take notice and goy ern themselves n000•dinrt A. H, MACDONALD, Werk, Ethel, May 701,, 1978. ted for S, mance o, ray ' (� sten to to c maat1n,' x- to ante �c;nnd9cation,• ex• IQOOB� S FAVORITE p1) ary. Appllcatione renewed ( j- / ed, up to t,lav 2lth, ANDREW LAMONT, (11812) 13070 earetary-Treasurer, Brnasel8. Will stand for the improvement of good rellabPacifi man to repro- stook at his own stable, Ca is terneaten tory Railwayfull Land Lot 22, Coil. 13, IdoKillop hie ITOO E Far full t U. mugsELL,oto, Onict Sales Building, Toronto, Ontario. tic - Colts off this horse have won 1st prize for the last tln•ee years ae Brussels and n the premises of the under- Sear otth Shot's 'in the heavy draught Lot 19, 0011. 9, Moria, n y ear- class. 'Perms -$8.00. an white In color. Has horns, t leading to its recovery will JOHN J. MaGAVIN, eeived. Leadbtu'y P. O. GE MILLER, Bruao'ds P. O. I S wANTED. -A Rent the U Department in t alar, apply to S. Agent. 6001O.P R STRAYED fro signed, IN ling steer, red a Any Information be thankfully re 03908 •+ 4,t, e-4. i. 1.0•-4•ri •C -1-e+ 4,,. •®h•••• t•4.4.d•40•N••r••i•••1•40•4•0•7••t••l,•.t••.1'•,F m•i•e•ir+•1•••t••a••d'•'II•••M••••r•••••'`••t: G. N. McLaren Brussels oa to ht Store • • • '1' , „i n • AI Il,,nryat'll,'IU9,PIe'a'VPp,'11r11'll'lli IL'lli Ii'll'l1Ale'1,' 6 b la4,l4,r't• t Ir • arM'4's,"h'tl,'4141u;.,,qu4,,,„.„. ,.., W'Is'4,,„.„, Ors; s,°i^nJ,„ Oi u,,,^,„„.„„ p's,,„„„„ ,,„ t. , ,, e, , • A • • 5• Fa.or Me01; sn • ▪ New Ready- rIr+ki'is'° . • to -wear ® 4 tr��. Milli."." --fir”- '.."� o ' O E are showing extraordinary values in Boys' and Men's Clothing and without k o4. • doubt the lar y'est snitl best assorted stock we have ever had: PROGRESS • : BRAND—Made Right, Fit. Right, Are Right and at Right Prices. Beau 4°• tiful Patterns in Fancy. Worsteds and Serges, in Grey's, Browns and Greens. New • • Tweeds in Heathen' Mixed and Diagonal Stripes, All this season's best patterns. • O • 4.Here are a Few of the many Good Lines offered • Y • 4. 4. 9 4• 1' 1 9 L n Illi, ,canon s •, • 4. Men's Brown and Green Mixed Worsted -finished Youths Fancy Mixed Tweet Suits is i Il sizes bestPutteI'ns,withlong pants; sl•nug lining; weetle 1 strong liningand'gond filling, +i in sizes84and35— Dean 84 la 4a - z 83, Special at $7.00 Special value at $6.00 • • • 4' Men's Brown, Green and Grey Milted Tweeds and Worsteds perfect fltLi fitting i wool serge linin • hallt4 fiiii•,il,al. with Belt straps and 5 pockets ; ttli iso •• i3•I to •14 -- Our Special at $10.00' Mon's Fanny ,l'ors teds told Berges ; extra good quel. 1tiee of lining; making No. .Iinteveryrespect; 4• Grey, 'Brown. and Green mixed patterns ; . all • sizes 34 10 41- 4. Y.OIIA r choice for $13.75 •N 4' ••F 'A O A Complete Assortment of Cotton Hosiery Just placed in stoclt, Prices the 'Lowest. lee4•04••1'4ele••h•F'i'01. F•4+d•+Ftd•4••p+i••4-1. lafen's'Bine and Black Berges and Fancy Worsted. Attila ., ' No. 1 in everY respect, ; triintning and ami 1 ,,,. the best ; patterns new • peeler e het.ing in Si tler, Iele.1itine Short, Stout and Large Every models. We can fit you.Lvevy suit good value at the prices marked- . 15.00 16.00 8618.00 u 0 0 • ✓ •4,•4•••1•••N•o••h•Q•••* 1.•4••4'••i'•+. s* t••4.•+•'I •4•••i'•'N• 4,•4'•4•444•.o•+•444444fIl4ll•• Youths' Fancy Mixed Worsted and Serge Suits, in Grey and Brown 'nixed > alL el,s; Blueelil e• hl wool serge lined ; pants finished Ili e I straps acid 6 pookets ; make good 2•piece tit 11-piere eon's ; sizes 32, 83, 84 and 35- Specials at 10.00 & 12.00 Clow' 28-p & nd iece Suits, with K,,icker and Bioo,ner I Pants ; lovely patterns 111 Worsteds and Fancy :Tweeds ; all are properly made and every snit good value tit - 3.00, 3,50, 4.00 & 5.00 Boots and Shoes. We have a full' stock of Men's Boots and Shoes, bonght before the advance in price. Men's Working Boots at 2.00, 7.60 & $3.00 W01 111 20 per cent more to -day. All sizes in stock, .' • ••1' • • •• • • • 0 a• • 4• • 4. •1• Always the Highest Air&• • Prices for Produce. N McLaren • 1 4 ii • '1 'l