HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-8, Page 7Fashion' Hints The New Bags, As soon as the warmer weather, or the time for warmer weather, comes, leather bags give up a little of their popularity for the silk or moire bags. Tho moire bag is the most popular this year. Moire, in fact, is not only used for the out- side of bags, but very often as the lining. if the bag is of moire the lining is of a contrastingshade of moire, making it completely of this silken fabric. Balloon bags, because of their shape, aro made of moire and silk, and are shirred on metal frames. The 'bottoms are shirred and fast- ened with a silk tasgsl. These moire bags can be had in all shades and make the costume ete complete if p they hatch in color the gown of the 'wearer. Crochet bags will bo carried ex- tensively this • summer, and lace bags, too, will be popular. • Flexible bags of leather, moire, lace or crochet seem to have the up- per hand. Use of Buttons. Apparently buttons are to be em- ployed in unstinted ,quantities: Blouses, dresses, jabots, coats and skirts are trimmed with them in every conceivable style. The small buttons in curious shapes and very bright colors will be the most popular, Ball and semi -ball shapes are still popular, but what is called the floral crystal button is the newest. A clear, cup -shaped crystal button, with white porcelain centre, decor- ated 'with tiny floral patterns, is a novelty. Pear-shaped colored cry- stals and round crystals, small shaped, with a rose ,design in cen- tre, are also new styles. Bulgarian effects still continue among the fads of the hour. These are to be seen in crystal and in crochet. Another result of the Bul- garian craze is the revival of fiat metal buttons decorated in conven- tional. Lulgarian designs. These were very popular some years ago. Cute Neck Fixings. Two cunning little fixings for the neck of the school girl—the _ "flapper" as she is irreverently termed to distinguish her from the debutante -aro easily made: One sort is a silo -loop bow of finest malines, sewed under a tiny buckle of satin, and the ends always kept fluffed nut and crisp looking. They cannot be worn more than three times as malines, are easily. crushed and wilted, but one of them can be fashioned in five minutes and a yard of matinee will cut into a score o them. The other bow ie made of narrow velvet ribbon in two loops centered with a tiny flower in sa- tin. Some of these are supplement- ed with long ends decorated at in- tervals with tiny exotics in satin. The Swathed Belt. NERVOUS DISEASES IN THE SITING Cured by Toning the Blood and Strengthening the Nerves It is the opinion of the best medi- cal authorities, after long observa- tion, that nervous diseases are more common and more serious in the spring than at any other time of the year, Vital 'changes in the system, after long winter menthe, may cause more trouble than the famili- ar spring weakness and weariness from which most people suffer as the result of indoor life, in poorly - ventilated and often overheated buildings. Official records prove that in April and May neuralgia, St ,Vitus dance, epilepsy and other forms of nerve troubles are at their worst, and that then, more than any other time, a blood -making, nerve -restoring tonic is needed. The antiquated custom of taking purgatives in the spring is useless, for the system really needs strengthening, while purgatives only gallop through , the bowels, leaving you weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro the best medicine, for they actually make the new, rich, red blood that feeds the starved nerves, and thus cure the many forms of nervous disorders. They cure also such other forms of spring troubles as headaches, poor appetite, weakness in the limbs, as well as remove unsightly pimples and eruptions. In fact they unfail- ingly bring new health and strength to weak, tired and depressed men, women and children. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. tk Grains of Gold. Be charitable before wealth makes thee covetous.—Sir Thomas Browne. He that calls a man ungrateful sums up all the evil that a man can be guilty of.—Swift. The great thing in the world is not so much to seek happiness as to earn peace and self-respect.— Huxley. elf-respect— Huxley. It is a great step in the interpre- tation of life when we have discov- ered that all events are ultimately spiritual.—Brierly. Do not dare to live without some clear intention toward which your living shall be bent. Mean to be something with all your might.— Phillips Brooks. T'''e world will never be in any manner an order of tranquility un- til men are firmly convinced that conscience, honor and credit are all in our interest.—Steel. A man takes contradiction and advice much more easily than poo - f .pie think. Hearts are flowers; they remain open to the softly -falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain.—Richter. Old Winter Coughs Now Easily Cured A great deal of attention is given the swathed belt or ceinturo of the spring dresses. Sometimes they are made on the dress, sometimes separate. They are of velvet, heavy silk or satin, or of leather. The latter is often draped about the waist and hip—since the sides are not treated similarly—and the ef- fect is odd, but not attractive. It gives the figure too slovenly a look, an air as though the thing had been carelessly put on. The ceinture is swathed under the bust and loose- ly about the waist --or where the waist is supposed to be. After fal- ling at one side in a suggestion of pannier, it depends from the other in a sash end, plain or with a tas- sel. 2' Pearls of 'Truth. The world, depend upon it, will always be equal to itself.—Emer- son. The true way to mourn the dead is to take care of the living who bo - long to them. -Burke. The love of liberty is the love' of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves: Healitt. A weak nature is injured by pros- perity; a finer, by adversity; the finest, by neither.—Dr, John Ker. Dare to be true, nothing can need a lie. A fault, which needs it most, grows two thereby.—Her- bert, Despatch is the soul of business; and nothing contributes more to de- spatch than .method.—,Chesterfield, I have seen wicked then and fools, a great many of both; and I believe they both get paid in the end hut the Fools first. --R, L. ,Stevenson, ` .Ml things come to those who are willing to meet them half way. I First 1'ar'ty—Don't you ever oar- ry an tlmbr'elia1 Second Party— No, I hato to have everybody look - it In' at inc with suspicion. r Magistrate—"You are charged 'with breaking a, chair over this man's head." Prieoner—"I didn't tetr.ta^broth tllkelaiti Yo k Wet, iMb.ip.," A Now Remedy Now Cures Without the Usa of Cough Syrups or Drugs. Just think of it—you can clear away that bard, racking cough, dire it com- pletely out of the system, make yourself perfectly well by Cho new breathing euro that employs uo 'medicine at all. You wonder how eery efmple,;indeed; you simply breathe in through a Catarrh - ozone Inhaler richbalsamic essences that heal and eootlte away the cough in a -few hours' time. In using Catarrhozone you bathe the lining of the nose and throat with that Powerful antisepticof the Blue Gum Tree of Australia. which is probably the surest cold and cough cure in the world to. day. Clarence E. Cromwell, writing from Me- dioine Bat, says: "To ouro a sneezing cold in about ton minutes the one thing I know of to do it la Oatarrhozono. To relieve an irritated throat quickly, no- thing can excel Catarrhozone, It simply bate up a cough or cold of any kind. I know of colds that have hung on for motitho that Catat'rhozcno cured quickly. Nearly every man. I know carries a Ca. tarrhozone Inhaler with him day and night, and in this country it makes a wonderful protection against all winter ills." Get the dollar outfit. including the bard rubber inhaler, and medication to last two months; medium size 660„ sample size 22c., at all storekeepers and druggists or The Ontnrrhozono Oo., Buffalo, N. Y„ and Megaton, Canada. 3�-- "What's the matter, Hans?" "Father caught me smoking his pipe." "Ah, so you got a good whacking, I suppose?" "No, fa- ther made me finish it out." Mineral's Liniment Co., Limited, • I war very golf will Quint*, ctnd thought I would Strangle. I used MIN- OD'S LINIMENT and it cured me et once. •I am never without it now. TOUTS g.ratefully, • MRS, 0, D. P12112052, Nauwlgowaiih, Oat, Blot. Some people aro always w tansy i"itllew ni:advvice that t',htiy tete,.. Catch. Yup,,,`. i DUE TO EA.RTRIWOBMiS. Egypt's Produetivoness Is Largely DUO to 'Them. Tho fertility of the valley of the White Nile is renowned. British scientific surveyors report that its remarkable productiveness is duo in large part to the diligence of earth- worms, which have been digging it for thousands of years. Observa- tions are recorded showing that during the active six , months of each year the castings of the worms brought to the surface there amount to about 240,000 pounds at acre, Spread out,,evenly, this would make an appreciable annual layer, Darwin estimated that 'the castings of five years ` inEngland ' would. cover the whole kingdom with a layer of now earth an inah thick, In the Nile Valley the layer would doubtless be thinker were the worms equally numerous and busy, as appears to be the case, because the proportion of non -arable land there is much less than in the Bri- tish Isles. It must be remembered, also, that, in addition to the benefi tial. service of stirring, up the soil, admitting air and water more easi- ly, and bringing deep deposits to the surface, there is a constant fer- tilization effected by the vegetable matter dragged into their burrows by the worms, much of which is left to decay where it will do the most good. Elaborate Dog's Funeral, One of the Most elaborate funer- als ever held at the celebrated dog's cemetery at Molesworth, Hunts, England, has just taken place. The body was enclosed in a coffin of regulation type, with handles at- tached, and was conveyed from London in a motor car. The "de- ceased" was a fox terrier, and the interment was witnessed by four persons, including the lady owner of the dog. A wreath placed on the grave bore the inscription : "To my darling little Punch, from his loving mistress. Requiescat in pace." BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED FOR TEN YEARS When one medicine is used in a home for a number of years it is the strongest testimony as to the value of that particular remedy. Thou- sands of mothers have been using no other medicine but Baby's Own Tablets for years—in fact many of them say they would have no other medicine in the house. Concerning them Mrs. Jas. H. Konkle, Beams- ville, Ont., says : "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for ten years and would not be without them as long as there are children in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MUST 1VEAIt GLASSES. For Stone -Cutters and Others Whose Eyes Aro Endangered. "I believe," said Mr. Myles Standish in his lecture at the Har- vard Medical School, "that it is a crime to have pointed scissors about in any household in which there are children under six years of age. Children will invariably play with scissors; they frequently fall on the points and puncture the eye, and often the wound, while it will cause blindness, is too small to be noticed by the mother. "Next in point of danger to the eyesight is the pounding of steel on steel, which throwing out slivers, eventually destroys the sight. Ma- chinists and stonecutters meet with. similar aocidents, and now that the public is paying for those` injuries through insurance, workmen, who are subjected to such dangers, should be compelled to wear glasses of some sort to protect their eyes. "I have known of quarrymen go= ing on strike because their em- ployer tried to force them to wear glasses, and I have seen a quarry- man who has lost an eye through a premature explosion of dynamite go back to the same work and lose the other eye." Mistress (getting ready for re- ception) ---How does my new gown look in the back, Norah? Maid—, Beautiful, mum. Sure they'll all be delighted when you lava the room. Only One "DROMO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. w. (Move, Cures- a Cold in One Day. Cures (*rip 'n Two Days. 25o. Ate Barrel of Apples In 10 Days. Frank Rinse, of Roekfoed, Eng- land, ate a barrel of apples in ten days. It was a regulatiotl barrel. Rinse accomplished the feat for a bet. His wager netted shim $50, and he was seventeen pounds heavier when be had finished. He has new a dislike for apples 'which he can- not express in words. He figures it will be ninety years at least before be asks anyone to "please pasts the apple sauce." It is easier and cheaper to get married than it is to get unmarried. Some men never stick to a bad begitlititiit long enottgll tb:':reaeh the geed' ending. Found the Cause The Rest Was Easy DODD'S l(IDNEY PILLS QL'ICIf- LY CITED HIS KIDNNEY DISEASE, How Hudson 8lareltllank, After Suffering for Five ]'ears, Found Quick Relief and Permanent Cure in the Greatest of Canadian Remedies. Marchbank, King's County, N.B., April 28 (Special).—After suffering for five years from kidney disease, brought on by a strain, Hudson Marchbank, Esq., the well-known farmer of this place, is again a strong, healthy man, and another grand cure for Dodd's Kidney Pills has been put on record. In an in- terview, Mr.Marc Marchbank "About five years ago I hurt my hack from lifting, and it developed into kidney disease. My, back pained me all the time, and I was very much troubled with headaches. My appetite was fitful: I had a bit- ter taste in my mouth in the morn- ings; I perspired freely, and my perspiration had a disagreeable odor. "I used liniments and plasters, but they did not do me any good, and as there were other symptoms that my kidneys were affected, I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, After using two boxes, my back was completely cured, and my kid- neys have not troubled me since." When Mr. Marchbank decided that his kidneys were the cause of his troubles the rest was easy, Al- most any of his neighbors could tell him that Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidneys. To Enlarge Capacity of Lungs. It has been shown by recorded tests, made principally abroad, that by the means of systematic exercise the capacity of the lungs may be in- creased to the extent of more than 12 per cent. This figure was the average increase noted in the 'gym- nasium at Bonn. In some indivi- dual cases the beneficent results of the exercise were far greater, but the lung capacity of the average student on entering the institution was found to be 207 cubic inches, whereas after a course of training it was increased by twenty-five cu- bic inches. Many Christians in Japan. An official census of Christians in Japan, taken in 1911, has only now been summarized for the public.• Tables eubmitted include the fol- lowing figures: Roman Catholic, 63,081; Greek, 14,749; Anglican, 15,- 090; Presbyterian, 18,441; Congre- gationalist, 16,115; Methodist, 11,- 763; Baptist, 4,191; other sects, 12,240; total, 155,681. ISN'r THIS ROMANTIC? Two toes loved by four corns for five Years and sentenced to die by five appli. cations of Putnam'o Corn Extractor. If yon want to ouro corns, "Putnam's" le the only thing—try this painless remedy, 250. at all dealers. Landlady—"You make an awful noise with that cornet." Lodger— "Well, I'm sorry to hear it." Land- lady—"So's everybody else." PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS, • Your druggist will. refund money if PASO OINTMENT' fails to euro any oaee of Itch. Mg, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilee in 6 to 14 days. 50e. .Be.(making poor headway)—Will nothing induce you to change your mind and marry 1 She—Another man might. R� When Your Eyes Need dare Try Elnrino Eye Remedy.. Nc,Smarting—Peale Fine—Acts. Qnlekly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eine and Granulated Eyelids, Illus- trated Book in each Package. Marine la compounded, by our Ootalsts—not 0"Patent Med- Me in—but In successful Physicians' Pram - 1100 tor many ears. Now dedicated to Lho Pub. 11e end sold by Druagt0Ls nt' fro And 100 per Bottle. Marino Nye halve In Aseptic, .Tubes, Mc and 000. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago There's nothing like a good manu- facturing plant for raising `money. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Why y Sho Did 1t. "Why does Miss Screecher close her eyes when she sings 4" "Perhaps she has a tender heart." "I don't quite understand." "Maybe she can't bear to see how we suffer. WHY ENDURE PIMPLES CUTIC Soap and Ointment Do so much for pimples, blackheads, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little that ' it' is almost criminal not to use them. Outlaws% Soap and Ointment aro sold throughout the world. A liberal sample of each, with 22.0000 booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and 01010, sent post -Iron. Address Potter Drug do Ohem. Corp., Dept, 280, Easton, V. E. A. DIDN'T LIRE DRUNRENNESS The Late Ring Edward's Temper- ance Influence. Though he was not a total ab- stainer no one contributed more to the cause of temperance than did the late King Edward VII. He was very sparing in the matter of sti- mulants, and entertained an in- tense horror of drunkenness. It is mainly attributable to the social in- fluence which he exercised upon English life, frons the time of his marriage, in March, 1863, until his death, in 1910—that is to say, for nearly half a century—that inebri- ety has gone out of fashion,- and that hard drinking is no longer countenanced. Intoxication is now regarded as being bad form in the banqueting hall of the peer or great territorial magnate, as well as in the back parlor of the small shop- keeper, in the smoking room of the smart London club and in the cafe or barroom of the suburban inn or city gin -mill. The old saying of "drunk as a lord" has no longer any meaning, thanks to King Ed- ward. All will remember the me- morable letter written in his name by his private secretary, Lord Knollys, expressing the wish, as monarch, that the royal toasts, which are obligatory at most mili- tary and naval messes, should be drunk with mineral water by all those of the officers who far one reason or another objected to alco- hol To -day the number of officers in the British army who are total abstainers is very large, and the battle of Omdurman, which crushed the Madhi and restored the Soudan from barbarism to civiliza- tion, was won by Lord Kitchener with an absolutely teetotal force, r. Ever Have Crams, Nausea, Vomiting? THEN USE NERVILINE. For Stomach Pains and Cramps, No Remedy to Prompt as Nerviline. A Westerner's Experience Related. "It's in an unsettled part of the conn. try like our far West that proves how valuable Nerviline to in thehome," writes Mr. 'Patrick M. Debnney, from Fort Sao- katobewan. "011ila are frequent—a hot drink of Nerviline elands life circulating through the body In three minutes. Cramps or sudden illneeo at night is one of our terrors. No druggist or doctor is near, but if Nerviline is bandy you ran get relief. The worst mama Nerviline has cured In my children in half a min. uta. I don't think any farmer's wife has any right to be without the protection of Nervillno. In ourfamily we use it for n hundred ills, and it cures them all. Ono night one of my kiddies hadearacho and another toothache. Without Nervilino no Onecould have slept—I applied it no di. mated, and the childreno' value dtsap. neared.. My husband uses Nerviline for lame•baelc, rheumatism, netting joints and all sorts of muscular pains, It ie tie good inside as •outside, and is Rs m11eh a part of my home rte my kitchen stove." You find a thousand nota for a good. family remedy like Nervilino. get the 50o, family else bottle;. it's more ec0nomb tel than. the 25o, trial size. Sold] by all storekeepers and druggists, or The Oa-. tnrrhozono Co., Buffalo, N • . Y. The hot air treatment for trouble is seldom .eilicaeioats, Mlnard'e Liniment Cures Olstetnpor. "I'saw Lushman going home last night the worse for liquor." "Had a bigger load than he could car- ry, did he?" "II won't say that exactly, but I do think he'd have been wiser to ]lave made two tripe after it!' Minard'e'L'tddintent'Cures CCv5tit 1 flea PARIS POLICE IIA't'E'NEW'GUN It sires a Cartridge Filled With Stilling, Gases, • After the two sieges sustained by the automobile bandit Bonnet at C'hoisy-le-Rai and Garnier and Valet at Noge'nt-on-Maine, Fraises), it became evident, that modern .re- volvers and magazine rifles enabled a reckless man to hold a smallarmy at bay and is pay for his own life with that of several others. Among the schemes to meet the new condi- tions proposed by the Paris polite were the use of chrome steel shields, under cover of which they could advance, and a sort of 'revol- ver, or rather blunderbuss firing a cartridge containing a mixture of gases, which renders any person in a room into which it is fired insert sible for a time without, however, doing him permanent injury. These new weapons had their first practical use last week, not against at bandit at, bay, but against. an unfortunate negro who had gone mad and, revolver in hand, was pre- pared to stand a siege barricaded in a room. Though the new weapons are pro- nounced a success, it is thought that they aro not without danger to those who handle them. - alt Being Drunk Defined. The following definition of heing drunk has been given by a laborer in a Melbourne (Australia) police court, writes a Sydney correspon- dent: "I go on drinking till I'm drunk. Then I drink more, till I believe I am sober, Then I am sure that I am drunk," • '1. Bright, Ruddy Cheeks For Pale Girls No Longer Any Need to be Pale, Weak or Anaemic. By Following the Advice of Miss McEwen You Can Quickly Become Strong Again. The pallid girl always lacks appetite. What little she eats is badly digested. At night oho is restless, she dozes, but doesn't sleep 00110117. Vital force must be Snoreneed, new blood must be supplied and,a general re- building take place before eho will feel like the ought. Dr. Hamilton has invaluable experience in these oases and found nothing so prompt in building no young women as hie vegetable pills of Mandrake and But- ternut. Dr. Hamilton's Pills begin by cleansing the system and purifying the blood; they also improve digestion and render food ready for absorption. Additional nour. isbment is quickly supplied and the pati- ent is fast strengthened and invigorated. Full of spirit, ruddy and strong is the girl that assists her eystem by the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. The following recent letter from bliss Etta McEwen, of Haliburton, speaks for 1 itself: "In using Dr. Hamilton's Pills I find my system le wonderfully built up. It is certainly the most effective remedy Lever used. I have now a good appetite, sleep moresoundly, and awakeninthe morn- ing feeling quite refreshed. "Formerly I felt tired and depressed. I looked as if a severe illness ware hanging over my head. "Nothing could give quicker results than Dr. Hamilton'o Pills and I strongly advise every young woman to 1100 them." All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 250. per box or five boxes for $1.00, by mail from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. NAPOLEON'S DISCIPLINE. Was Very Strict Regarding the Conduct of His Soidiers. The published memoirs and let- ters of Baron Desgenettes, the chief army surgeon who accompanied Na- poleon's expedition to Egypt, throw a fresh light upon some of the great man's eharaoterisbics. Ho had con- demned several of his grenadiers to be shot for looting, and in speaking of the matter to Desgenettes, he said : My sentence an the grenadiers of the Thirty-second Regiment cost me dear, but I was obliged to make it. How can you reasonably question that a man, to whom the state sometimes entrusts the lives of to. hundred thousand troops, has the right to punish such offenses as he deems fit 7 1 convicted, these grenadiers be- fore punishing them, When I seized Antoine by the collar, and said to him, "Come, you miserable wretch, and let me confront you with your accomplices," he was confounded. But what menu Fel- )(two to win a battle by themselves l Did you sec how they died 1 Like Caesar's soldiers, they showed their affection for me, their general, One of their comrades went to drink with 'them in prison, and re- marked, "Perhaps there was come truth in the charge, .else Bonaparte would not have condemned you." "Beeilentl" was the answer. "You do not know what you are saying. He was deceived again, as he has often been before; but no matter, Let Its drink to his health," And when the time came for the execution, they marched steadily out, and stood calmly before the firing -party, saying, `This is how the grenadiers of the Thirty-stwond die l Afterward, the offieers:of the regiment came to me, but I would not teeiaiVet Cheek a lidnpl$lfid, Faith, 1 pity those oh 'whgm the8 4 11t1 A. nourishing, tasty, econtalnicel meal. A time anti money saver. lA strength producer. GLOVES By The Year 1f you want llic best and longest-" wearing gloves or mitts ever turned out of a factory be sure and ask for the famous PINTO SHELL These gloves are specially tanned for hard service and will save you money end reduce your glove expense by the year. Send for our descriptive pamphlet -The Pinto's Sb011. SODSON BAY KNITTING CO. Canada's Expert Clove end 51111 Makers, MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALE, N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. GOOD STOCK FARM OF 500 AOltEd with Three Houses: largo Bank Barn. .. Moat he sold quirk. Price la very' low. 5 EVENAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN 1 Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick Pale. T RAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED 0000 C. farms in different eectione of Ontario on my list. if you want a farm weenie Inc. H. W. DAWSON. Toronto. CACRES IN MIDDLESEX.COUNTY— I) Soil clay loam; 2 acres fruit; new brick house; number of outbuildings:. 3 miles to market and Railway Station. This ie o clean Tarn], The Western Real Estate Exchange, London, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. A T ONCE --MEN TO LEARN BARBER L1 trade: export instruction; eonatant practice; tools free; always sure' employ. meat for barber. Write for catalogue. Moser College, 221 Queen E., Toronto. STAMPS AND. 00IN3. - TAMP COLLEC't'Oge—H UNDUE!, IIP - 11 ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogia Album, only Revei Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto MISCELLANEOUS. CANGER., TUMOlos, LUMPS. 1211.1.. internal and external, cured with. ant rain by our home treatment. Writs ns before too late. Dr. Bellmap Medics! Go.. f.imlted. Bnlllnewood, Ont' When buying your Piano insist on having an ` i t TT'y►;l M MEL" Piano Action, " New and Second - OILERS ' S hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Stunts. rant Ventilating and Cleating ,Systema, • POLSOP3 "TAM" WORKS TORONTO Engines and Shlpbulldora Maypoie DYES SO EASILY With Maypole Soap there Is no trouble and no muss in home dyeing. Dyes cotton, wool, silk 'or mixtures. 24 colors -will give any shade. Colors 10c. Black 15c --at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from Io8 F L. 6l NECICT & CO. Montreal Thirty-second may fall, on the first occasion that presents itself for them to wipe out the remembrance of all this Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Edo. "These opera glasses were given to me a year ago," she said sweet- ly. "Aren't they beautiful?" he replied.' "Yes," - she answered, "but I discovered, this afternoon that they're beginning to rust from lack of nee." Whereupon 110 tumb- led to himself and invited her to go to the theatre. yhtl tort 'ils�If d r,i u