HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-8, Page 5*7 i /10 BUSINESS CARDS, WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES moo to the Neat Ulnee, LIthel, 00.4 JOHN SUTHERLAN D numaAN01t, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. t' d, dQOTT AS AN AUCTION neateelm, will poll for bettor prime, to r men to lees tole and lone oberges than any either Auotloueer toftast n0rou 00 00 won't obaige anything. Dates and order, eau always be arranged at this (oboe or b) . atonal application, tEtiAl ANIi C1iNVEYAN1nIWIi. `V Y M S1NOLAIit- liarrister•, Solicitor, Oouvoyanoor, Notary Public, &o, Office-1itowart'o tilook 1 door IVnrtb 01 Central Hotel. Hulicitur for the Metropolitan Sauk. 1,ttOUDir00'1', HAYB & KILLORAN at ARMED. lilts SOL10I'1`0158, NOTARIES PC131.10, ETU, W. l'ho0DyoOT, K. O. R CI, 'JAYA J. L. Ku,Lo16AN 0111oes-those formerly 000apled by Masers Cameron & Holt, 0oo/91,o011, ONTARIO. ALLAN LI Royal Mail Steamers TO LIVERPOOL Front Montreal Tunisian. Saturday. May a Victorian 'rhuredny, May 8 (lnreIean........ .. Rntordny, May 17 Virginian . ... Th vomit ay, May 22 TO GLASGOW Pretoria n ... Grampian ..................... Scandinavian ............... Reoperian......... ............. 40111:1111, May 3 R'atnrday, May 10 satin day, May 17 Sat utility, May 24 TO LONDON A40 HAVRE Ionian ... ....... Sunday, May 4 Pomerianinn Sunday, May 11 Scotian . Sunday, May 18 Full f nfornlntion as to rotes, .. o., m) pelt Ie- tion to W. ef. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brume's. r OWING TO THE HIGH STANDARD r intentnined in this College, the demand for the graduates is Par in 000800 of the t 19) OIPpiy, Tlrta is unquestionably one of ,i C�! Cannda'O Beat Oonunsromi Schools. ?- Its record proves 00. 5r�, TORONTO, ONT.. r6 Admits Students at any time, pre - Pares then properly for choice posi- none and assists worthy students to secure employment. College open all C, 4 s10oar.. Write now for handsome Cate- 5500. Cor. Young and } t W. J. ELLIOTT, 0 Aloxon ler Sts. Principal. � -r B'Ila�f +rtPti4aP.r:gP,tDAta AcaVa!tPFvavma �d 0 CENTRAL s • STRATFORD.. ONT. The best practical trailing schoolIn Ontario. 'Three departments - Com- mercial, Shorthand and Telegra- phy.All '00IU'Hoa ere thorough find practical. Teachers are experienced end g1'nd0atea Ore placed in pooitio 10. We n give individual attention m }, e t U Id - at 11a encs may nater at any time. Write for .our free oatnlogne aE Once, D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. i ,r • Tuesday, Mar. s a a Y! . 25 I 't' is the opening day of the '' l Term Spring m at The Business L Stowel h. ice® CoIIe e ,Two Courses- Q Oornnlorcial and Stenography 9. �. EOW1N O. MATTHEWS, Prin. Aya'P.tvavrmA �, aa'P At+A , r L THE Best :Brains In Onn0da have partlotpattd'in the -pre. potation of our splendid Home Study Oour0ee in Banking, Ecoriondes; Higher Accounting,Conhoruiol Art, Show Carel. Writing, Photography, Journal- ism, Short Story' Writing, 'Shorthand and Bookkeeping. 4olect the work tvhIeb. most 10 toreskyou and write ns 'fol' particulars. Address • THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Vonito 8t., Toronto ISEMIIIIRRIBMINEIBRISMIRIMENA That bre Cough Is Bronchitis ' 'If neglected it will • weaken the' throat and Really ret0C11 the lungs,' Nothing 'simpler than Mitering' the 1,esting a erP a GataL'1'irOynlhN. It's t0yy�tion is like. 'magic, so helpful, so ',ettsy'Lo apply. Be done with Bron-' /•b111a] trouble 00 all time I catarrh, r h ozone. does I1C )C9 ant the o t 1 le w , sc, na 'Will tv II *tubo on too,' Sohl everywhere, Y �25e and $1,00 mide!r absolute golos 0151 51') , of .satisfactio),j • A. A o�J A.-#1....#6.46.41/,./11.4/.4/.4•1 W. H. LOVE Funeral Director C and Embalmer Ceders ea Proro tlY and asr - L tH dl+ fully 11 u d to night or g day. t h 1hu,e n 228, ETHEL, ONT. Business Cards DR, T, T. M'RAE 1n0h0for of Medioine, University of Toronto ; Automate and Graduate of the College of Phy. 'r!hgMutes and Eye, Surgeons, and Throat 'Hospital, :hivatgto,115. Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mar ..1's Hospital, Toronto, 001to0over 2'.12..Smith's Drag Store, Tele - :.one 0U,n100ti011 with.Oranbrook at all hours. DR. F' T. BRVANS Alohelor of Medlolno, University of Toronto ; 'Amoebae of College of Pllyoloioeo and Sur. loons, Ontario; ex -Senior Hoose Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of Into Dr.. A. Mo&uvoy, Smith Block, Brussels. Revel phony 46, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT. 'hysiouan and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses oudou (ENO. New York and Chicago Hos• dials. Spemnl attention rodfoease of eye, ear, ,esu and throat. 14y04 tasted for r glasses. DR. WARDLAW loner graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Jollege. Day and night nulla. 01116e opposite 'lour M111, Ethel, MAUDE C. A C BRY NS OPHTHALMOLOGIST eeri:mi graduate Department of Upphthal' nnlogy, 61etlorminh Medical College, Chicago, 111., 10 preparedto teat eye,' and lit glaooe0 at ter onioe over prewar's Re:tnnron t, Brunets, n, 'Thursday, Friday and 'Saturday of every vo0k - OfBoa Minim 1 to 8 p. ni. Forenoon. 0 appointan ell t. Phone 1219. • . • T. R. BENNETT • ,VIII give better oatiofacton to both buyer and miler than any other Auctioneer and only •hnr55o what to reosonnble, - Steles conducted 0ly whore in Ontario. Pure bred stock 00180 a specialty. ' Write or 'phone 2S Wroxeter. Q Mixx 7 v.svJr Rammer BRUSSELS GOING SOUTH G01146 Nommn Mail 7:07 a mExpress 10:55 a Express 11 :25 a m i m Mail 1150 p m Itxpross ........ 2:66 p m Bxpreks 0:02 p m CsI'xx.d'IaiNV P.pC.1140 WAL TON To Toronto To poderieh Express 7:11 a mExpress :66 a m Exercise 2:57 p in I 11Express 8:40 p nl WROXETER Going Fant - 7:05 a. m. and 3:65 p. m. Going West - 12:46 and 9:47 p. m. All tr A winscin g g East connectSou with C. P. T O. B. staillofor Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. , istti.ct /t.etus . Atwood Council met last Saturday. • Geo. Gordon is under the doctor's erre et present. The mauuflooturing of cement eom- ulelced hast week at the plaint. Some fine strings of fish have been brongli5 into town by the boys. ' Qutu'teily Meeting of the Metho- distchulcli was held Sunday morn- ing, • .1. A. '1'urn11111 11100 arrived hone after an extended tripCaliforniato dalffur 1 and Vancouver. lire Dueklaw, who has been yeti lite, sutfering from Meningitis, is gradually improving and tropes aro hell out for his recovery. Silver Cup donated to the Bowling Club by H. R, Morphy, M. P. is new 1'o be seem it) the window of the Cler'k's office. Geo.. Lnchhead won it huff year._ in. the Scotch double series. ;' Others grave an eye on it for Heap Near At Nand Is what you want when sickness Y happens at night; Can you possibly ri 6 Y p astbly find the egnal'of Nerviline P No, for 'it stands unegalled in caring pain, internal or local. E1uaelie 'toothecale and neuralgia. tdins tear in a jiffy. Pt J Y Rub it on and awnY flies the )sin. For cramps, vomiting or indigestion, all you need le Len drops in sweetened Water. Sink or well you'll find Weenie() invaluable in your house. Get aalarge 25r bottle today, Trowbridge 138n, elcCrnrohick has pnrohnse(1 the blurkstnith'sshop dere. Rev. 'Dr. Hussety of Atwood gave his illustrated lecture "To and Fro in England" in the church Monday even- ing. g Quarterly communion service was held here hist Sunday morning at 10.80. The golrterly board met Monday. Wesley McCormick is hone fur the Simonet holiday's., He has been petting in his 3rd year at the London el edictal College. t. Il ' '. Our cheese • factOry started on IWoltehty morning hist. Our' cheese' maker, .Wee, Alorse, is one of the best in Western Ontario. John R. Oode'left. one Saturda and George Robson and family left of Tneoday of Inst. we.ell for .Harwell, Sask., where they have homesteads. hlpworth League intend heaving thew Anitivelsery o1' Sunday and Momltty, May 18th and 19015. Rev. Dr. Oaten of Brussels is to preach at 10.30 to. an. and 7 30 and he and.. Mrs, Oaten are expected to take part in the ptomain c1 Mosiday evening. MHS' lesthe' 1•luber, of.Doon, has also Wen secured. , The following officers were elected le the ltpwol'th Leagne for the next eerie beginrin May President, Jennie Onstets ; let vice Presi'deety Minnie Cottons •' 2nd 'vice -President., d 1 ret• i ! Cr lens 'Snag vier T t tsndtn L 1, .1 Alda Melvin 40.1) vice r n . P fsulell L. Nal pen ny 5111 viae President M,abpl 'ROW ; Sectelaly1 1t,Init Melvin, I'ileasuees 15118,. Morphs ; Organist, Louie Code. Following ole the teeehero and officers of the 8, S. foe next year arae :- 0 N `r 9 i Supe010Leuclent, Lams, Uosens 1 eltuh- k e ets, Atisoes Jennie Cuseue, Pttua M Meryl!), Miele ltoberni, Lotlle Code, E. L. Halpouuy ; Secretary leldi0' WOMAN'S Rea ; Assia4446 Seeretary, Mabel Rea; Measurer, lobo Collins • Organ 1st, lemma Johns nt. Qorrle Farulees have been enabled to rank such splendid progress last week as result 14 the fine weather that by tit end of the week very little 'soedi 1 tuns 1eft to be donee, All are rookie for et splendid yeas', At annual meeting of Epworth League reports showed that Society is in a most peoaperous condition fuel the forward mOveweut for :1'lisstotte Is being well snstained. Following officers teem! elected :-- Hottortey President, Rev. ,I. \V. 111bbert ; President, Fe Sperling ; lot vice - President, AI iso L. Harding ; 211d vice- Pr'eaidei,t, Edith levees ; 3rd vice= Jessie Asltoo ; 4111 vice -President, Mrs. l7. ,Nunes ; limeordalhg Steatitic y, \118e1 Mirth ed Gregg; Oonrspuudiug Seerelt1ry. 13. Niebull ; Treasurer, Jetotl l`ielmotets ; Organist, liana Stitt - :10n, The ,Junior lepw•nrth League had its Hist annual 111001iug Inst week. Though .1g.ntiz'LI only hint y001. it has 41 anetulnees and holds euthnsi- esl.ie 111e0in Dinners were elected afollows t5 . 5l"1 , i i' i e I nd ut+ 1 I s 1a 1 Hands, AIrs.J. W H Ibbel L i l tl al iletat le ve :eel Careon vie President Jostle •Steinlnillei , Serletary, \Vesley Urn Imes ; 'Treanor(+e, glary 1,1111 ; Organist, Vera SLeiuutiller. It WI. mid 1l d rl . you yl" Luknow ol' the great gond again is being Mine by Chant s Tablets. Davi us Downey, of Newberg Junction, N. 13., wri((.s, ''.\ly wife 11110 been using,, Chiilnherhain's Tnbli'to 14)1(5 11,1118 thein very effectual and doing hoe lots of good." 1f you have any trouble with your stomach or bowels give thein to trial. For sale by all dealers. FORTUNE There died in Buffett, ou April 28rd anr.therofthe pioneers of Buffett, It the• perdcnl of ,M1•s, Sta•ull Wutsuu, at a th1e ieeidenoo of goer sort, Lot 12, Con. 14. Deceased lied reached the ,tdvanued age of 85 years and had re - *tided with lien eon for the last few years. She was a highly respected lady anti up to Inst few years, Nebel" she had passed lite time of life fol. usefulness hood always been willing to d assist tory of the nelghboe 10 their to troubles. Funeral took place Friday Freed From That Weak, Lan- April 26th, being hugely attended. .Burial took .luau to +++++++.14++++++++++++.1.++++ lklr, Perrin stepped on the tongue of 1 + Listowel J. S. Bricker and 12. A. Roos, of the Toronto Dental College, are house for the Summer vacation. Miss Edith Binning has arrived home after speeding the Win101. iu California, and some time previous in the West: Jim and Mrs. Glenn have arrived home 1',oun 'Vinghanl where they spent the Winter with their danglltee, Mrs. Geo. Spotton. 26 pupils of the local High School have sent in their applications for permission to try .the part one.. en- trance, u) Normal exaunivation, Out or the 26 all but 4 have been recom- mended by the staff. Band reorganized and oflirers tie its follows : President-, W. Wash. bawl vise -President and leader, F. S. Howe • Seeeeta,'y. J. Pleffe•s ; laeas- mNi', A. M.- Snaith ; Engagement Uolilllittee, F. S, Bowe Laid A. B. Hermiston. P. W. Maines, who Ino the past Few yHnds has beet' employed in the SLandttiel oMMioe and who has of late been relieving on the Listowel -Lin- wood brsusch of the 0. P. R. left for Gotlerich, where he is tot present em- ployed by the company. Maxey Maloney, local agent for the Carnelian Express Co., moved into his new offices bast week. Some time ago he purchased the old post office and has had; the building remodelled ,and (deemed 111h '1 0ane flies and Owen ling house: In the maple sugar and syrup con- test recently held in Montreal, and which was open to everyone, Adolph Bros.'ca )tut el N remelt prize 1 7.1, alga it purse nF $25 in geld for their maple syrup. Although getting only fourth prize they roceivet190.7 points out of a possible 100 points. Intimation to the effect that n new Grand Trunk depot will ire erected in Listowel to replace the present otil- of-dalequarters, has been received by A. M. Smith, Grated Trunk agent, who foryeers has been working for n More op -in -date building. The peeoe'nt sltllion has. been in existence eve, since the t'oitrl was opened he 1871. 1t was altered and improved viper lm\tetially however Ithont twelveg ears ago, Y , For dwioh A. 0. Solhernn or rived back front his 1\ un *tete tan i I 01P.N Bradley, 'station u tweet, lets moved Ill o the new staltlpn. 5V no. Do.:ey, 1,f • this town, is seriously ill. J. 1V. Rata has greatly improved both interior and exterior of his store since the ever:tion of his new work- shop, C. 0, le. held their vegetal' monthly meeting in their nese hall over the postofffee, ltnnln has been thoroughly cleaned -arid re. painted anti will make a first-class place of meeting. Rev. A. '13. and Mrs, Dobson were in Protan on Wednesday of last week wheee Mr. Dobson !officiated art the mtareiage of ' Miss Mary Becker, of t11atplace, formerly of Fordwiell. Jas. Denny, of Toronto, is visiting his brother, Amos Denny and other friends in and around town. Ile is nursing an inj(u'ed hand having lura with an ie tc e1 ' t c 1 nt through whir _ b he 1030 1)0.1(1 of. one tinges' and had tiro other's badly lacerated, Jos. Mahood received .word in. formi71 hien of the serious Illness 'of Mrs. I. Mahood tut her home in Oshawa, Sir. Mahood left, for the tthovc mentioned 'duce but on Monday !noted lig 01 telegram Wats received by I,he relatives horse informing theta of the young lady's death which occurred on Saturday, typhoid teem. being the (:1e115e,,, The Reviled $lye :-To have two revolve) envivid gee explode to, the kitchen and no damage result (hove - from is to vt'r.y,> uuigu0 oeetu''ence, but 90011 WAS the expeeienceof Mrs. Jos. 13eswithe•ick and her servant girl 100 1110 hotel here on Saturday Boon rest. Ileepeears that the, cartridges lad been left in a dresserd.l'nwer bya hn nary aid is the ladles t a, t, ! l ndle8 VC's lallllae- a eluu,in t, rtbt chtuvet hail been cleanL d . ort and the refuse thrown in the stove' Ioget.hee with ,the explosives tvllich were unnoticed. The strtngo pert of the a(f5Lie is that the eatt1 apt; net t et 7r"Unionut u1d,.Aiways Tired Feel- misworrAnY•--Wonlum,0 Missionelly ing, by Lydia .Pink- Society or the Methodist (Meech held ham's Compound. Thessalen, lint.--• 1 cannot speak too highly of your medicine. When my ap- +r , 'i;eeeeewgeopetite is poor and 1 j1' to /Ai have that weak, lan- e. guid, always tired feeling, I get a bot- tle of Lydia 1;. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it builds me up, gives me strength, and re - ie stores me to perfect health again. It is truly a blessing to women, and 1 cannot speak highly enough of it Itake pleas- ureure to recommend ng it to others." - Mrs. ANNIE CAMERON, Thessalan, Ont. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts ox doubt the nk ability of Y L aha E. i P ham'T e e b] V g to a Compound to restore their health. There are probably hundreds of thou- sands, perhaps millions of women in the United States who have been benefite(1 by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over 80 years ago by a woman to relieve wo- man's suffering. If you are sick and need such n medicine, why don't you try it ? I1 you want special advice write to Lydia L PInkham Medicine Co. (conll- dentlal) Lynn, Mass. You letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. remained in the fireplace all forenoon without gning off, and not until the ashes had been emptied into the coal scuttle dirt they make themselves known- The two ladies were in the morn when the fist one went off but itis:L safe bet that by the time the second report was heard they were among the missing, The proprietor appeared on the scene just in time to see them escaping from the room with- out even waiting to say gond bye and lie was also just, in Lime to get the seconds o It Clc. It was a9 indeed lucky that no person was injured ; as it was however, all they have of the occur, mice is the remembrance. Blyth Jets. Barr, sen. left Lown for the West - Mrs. H. McQnarrie visited with Lo)desboi•o friends last week. Miss Taman, of Detroit, is at pres- ent visiting with. her parents here. N. Johnston Was Judge for the Ontario Government at the Spring Stallion Show at Ohathatn. Dr. Annie Ross, one of the Princi- pals of the Macdonald institute Guelph, spent a few days with her parents here. Faulk Metcalf was called to Lon- don on account .count of the condition of his daughter. We are e glad to state slue is somewhat better. Mrs, D. Flondy and Master Nor- man, who have been visiting the fortner's parents, Geo. and Mrs. 13rogden, of L' oncleshnro, for the past Pew weeks, left for North Batt.leford, Sask.. where they will make their hone. Andrew Oootnbs, who has finished his final year at the Toronto S. P. S. spent at few days here with relations and friends. 'Be has two chances of positions, one of the C. P. R. in the West, where he woeked last year and anntl r ' le m Toronto. The following is a list of competi- tors in the Standing Orop Competi- tion held by 131yCh Agricultural Society Y fail the r r year 1913 R m. Watson, i' ) V n R. 13,Mo Neu n Wm. Mc- Gowan, Russel Riehmolld, Duncan lleCallum. Getty Bros., John Barr, Robert Wightman, Blyth ; Oliver Hemingway. 13tnssels ; Jas. Snell, Olinton ; Robert Shol breed, Walton MerlesWighlmail, Belgrays ; Wes. Beacom, Harlock. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •s • TIL4T NUS i TY L,4VO WE HAVE IT IN OUR • • • : • • • • • • Madel Brand • • l Four • • • I It aoutains the goa,nties.that i • -tickle the .palate t takes • • bread and buns . just, like • • • - tnnt•hee used to 511111(e. Man- • nfacl',ured 1 by HARVEY • i 13ROS., Exeter, Sold by Y Brun • eels Electric 2 light Company • • •Pio., Patterson, tlsan, Managerel • • Terms Strictly Cash .n ••••••••••••••••••••••••i their annual meeting and elections of officer's which resulted as follows :-- Pl•esident, Mrs. A. 13. Otter ; let vice- P'esident, Mrs. John Mains ; 2n4 vice -President, Al's. R. Wightnion ; ltenordiug Secretary, Airs. J. Col- clongli Ger.-Secretary, Ales. (nee.) Jewitt ; TL'ea'tueer, Mee. C. H. Besse ; Organist, ,\109, Mellow ; Assislaut Organist, Ales, I. Brown ; Supe'in- teudel)t Systematic Givin5, AM's. It. \Vigraman ; Auditors, 'Mee. '\'illiatn Joheeton and Airs. Steel.lrl•n ; Rep- resentatives for ll)ssiouel; Outlook and Annual Reports, Ali:. Burling and Ales. Granby 1 Superintendent and assistants Mission Hand, MI's. Bender, lire. Bell, Mrs, F. Baggit and Mrs. (Rev,) Jewitt; Mrs, Wight. until was appointed delegate to the pis(riet Con vel)(ia(5lIseld ill Clinton May 7th Society c lel Is In to 1' " Y A 6 G681Ve Ca ICII �tl 1 tl n the membership still in- creasing A bide of clothing (Includ- ing 12gtults) was sent to a Deaconess Mumu In'l'o'onto, Mission Band, un- der the leadership of Mrs, Myles Young and Mrs,9 . Bender, is doing ex- cellent eat Wolk Poor appetite is to sure sign of in1- pnited digestion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TIthiels will strengthen your digestion and improve your appetite. Thous- ands have been benefitted by taking these Tablets. Sold by all defilers, Exeter Paddy Flynn splintered a bone in his arm when cranking an auto. It is getting better leappidly. Airs. lleGilliruddy had the infs- foe tune to fall and sprain her arm. It was painful for a few days. Geo. Sanders was painfully injured by the pony he owns kicking him in the face inflicting to severe wound on the nose. le, N. Shier, of Kirkton, has pur- chased 1V. J. Ca rling's drygoods etnek and hes opened up fur business in the same stand. The blahs, marriages and deaths for the Township of Stephen for the fleet 3 months of this year are 21 births, 8 males and 13 females ; 3 msu•ritoges ; 16 deaths 11 mattes and 5 females. A noticeable feature of the deaths is that the majority wete raged people one was 90 years of age and four over' 75 years. Look Out For This Man If he offers something "better" than Putnam's Oorn Extractor, Its the additional profit or inferior goods Hutt tempts him, Putnanl's is the one sure and painless cure. Use no others. Grey Jas, AND MRs, BREOKENBIDGE CELEBRATE THEM GOLDEN WED- DINO.-The Goderich Signal of last week speaks as follows of the parents of Mrs, Outhbeet Hutchinson, of this township :-A pleasant event such as happens in the lives of only a favored few was the golden wedding celebration which took place on Tues- day of this k) this atthei home of yJames and Mts. McN. Breckenridge, Bay- field rued, Gotlerich. James Mc• Naught Bieckenridge and Grace Wilson were warned April 29th, 1863, at the home of the bride's father, George Wilson, Huron Road, Gotle- rich, the officiating clergyman being the late Rev. Alexander McKid. Ale. Wilson. by the way, was out of the earliest settlers in Lhis commun- ity, having come to this county from Otunbethtnd, England, with his father and settling in Goder)ch in the year 1835. lir. Breckenridge was born in Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1840 audocatee to Goderioh in 1860, residing here constantly since. Mrs. Breckenridge was born in Godericlt itt 1830, After their marriage Mr. and Nils. Breckenridge e made thele t home 1 me in the c )rofuc•ta f bre residence Ce which they still occupy, and in which their family of 6 children all were both. The family circle is still com- plete and all were home for the Golden Wedding celebration. The danghtets are Mts. J. F. Clarke, Pasadena, Oalifo•uia ; Mrs, James Edwards, of Oklahoma City, Okla. ; rand Mts. Cuthbert Hutchinson, of Ethel, Out. ; and the 80019 J. M, 13tecke)n•idge, of Edgar, Nebraska ; R. W., of New Haven, Conn., and A. M., of Ohicago, I11. A11 are method with the exception of the last ntetned, and there are nine grated, children and one great-grandchild, the S001 of Va. 'aunt Airs. Lamont, of Grey. The celebration on Tuesday wets a very hatppy atf stir. Mr, and Airs. tieerkenritlge, surrounded by their children, received the con- ga lati 111 ! ' Lu l 9 UP a 1 LI a number a g g f friends . and neighbors, a reception held from 3 to 6 o'clock in the after- uoongiving callers au opportunity of lendeeitig their felicitations. Among these who attended gals Rev. Geo. 11. Ross, pastor of Knox church, who had with him the 'church records of the marriage of 50 years ago. Fenno out of town there were present A'lt's. Joseph 13own, of Stratford (who was the bridesmaid 50ear's topm) t,t)' , Mies 198 Brown, of Stratford ; Miss Buchanan, of Stratford ; Marshall and M's. Weight and dsusgllter Sarah, of Sar. lie. The family presented their parents with a l)tnldsome sum 11) gold, in addition to a gold headed Bane and a gold -mounted pipe Inc Me. Beeckenl'idg er a cameo brnoCh or Mrs. leeeeke 1,. f A l e a !d a and a hand. some gold Tin r, snita1silq engraved for •each. Gifts letters and telegrams + Our New Spring Suiting the wagon to get le the bones topk fright and he was 411reWn In trent of the wheels, One passed over );518 heard, fracturing his skull, Be never b regained consolousnees. He was born i1 1 St, Marys, but had resided in ]din- ea5•dfne district for years. Deceased 0 was a brother to Rev. L. Perrin. 4 Are attracting much at- 6 6 tontion these days. 4. New designs are neat, 1 + We have them in vat•ious g. + Orale Ssuc11 as Tans, Blues, 4. Yre. + These are worn by the Best ,r♦. • Dressed Alen, Suits road(. by tis + + acs distinctive and correct and � .♦t, bound to give satisfaction, + • + Come in and let us show you. .+1, • + • • + I t. ,,• '♦t' ) yk 4. •• 4. -k • 'e Our prices are moderate con- + sidering Lhe quality of material + 4. and workmanship. + Good trimmings one of the .•i. * features of our tiude, + .t. A few Ready-to-wear Over- i; coats at a Bargain, a, 4. • • There's no Crowd • • when the Third's W. P. Fraser •a• + Merchant Tailor ,+ •• •• a• + 0 DAK •• ver' much appreciated. The Signal Y P S P g joins with the man friends J sof the Y worthy couple Duple in wlshiug them many year's yet of pleasant companionship with each other and their family. i There never was a tittle when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now, This is shown by the in- crease in sales and voluntary testi- monials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or. your children aro troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become acquainted with its good qualities. Fon sale by all dealers. Wroxeter KILLED.-Thoinson Perrin is dead at his Rolle neat' Kincardine as a re- sult of being inn over in his field while he was doing his seeding. He was taking a wagon and several bags of grain to sow, and when one .of the bags slipped off, he went to get it. In doing so one`of the reins slipped down between the horses, and when •+. ie®O • g. - • + y k- ,l. Anybody d can Koda • Y o 3• • No fuss, e i No bother, • No dark noon],• iKodaks from 85.00 up : Brownies 81.00 to 812.00 .•,,. • Now that the bright dayys. • are here conditions are right i for getting good pictures. • Everything for the Kodaker always in stork. d• • 'l+ .•1. J. R. Wendt U • fo • e + • •'0 • •+ • Jeweler Wroxeter •••••••••••••••••0004♦♦••• ;a•••♦e•••••........... ••• r ■ • • righten n e ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • 0 ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••0.0•••0••0• •••••••+•••••••••••••••••• • • We have just what you need to Brighten Up e' any or every room in your house. • • • • WallsWalls$Boxes' Wall Papers, which tare the best s (valties on the market. • • Woodwp.� ®�� �a Sheewin.l,Villiams Paints, all cubes and • ork ®IA k ',qualities for every surface. • • • Linoleums Fluor Oils,Stair Oils. Best Floors 'Patterns. Also Tapestry hugs. e y Blinds -plain and with fringe. • `�� Lace Curtains - White and Ecru or �iC 1 n Cream. 35c to $2,50 per pair. • ® Curtain Nat -Ivory and Ecru by the yd. • Frill Muslin Colored Madras. l • Art Muslin, Sateens and Scrims. • i1* -A large range of Prints, Shirtings, Drills, Muslins, Vesta s, Em- • brosderies, Crepe Mullins Dress Linens etc. g . P , Produce taken as cash on all of above goods. e • • • • • PHONE 5210 CRANBROOK e • R. A. McDonald & Co.C: •••••••••••••Is•s••••s••••••••••••••®••••••ee•sss••sa.1 a 0 s s • • s e • • • t • • • 0 • 0 • • P • • • • • • • 'g • • v're On" The Right Track • • • • • • • s • • • if to the • • • • Simplex Link -Blade • You look:for Relief from your • Cream Separator Troubles. - - 0 • Look at it t46 • ;Size its substantial construction, s ofthe super- only a slight indication s Y g • k ' for LP,ox'k'aud endarahee of which it is • • en stile. • p • • • ,•STAY ON" till you've triedaSimplex inyour ova.dah•Y, then • �. you're safe, at • 0 Patented,•Manufttottu'ed and Guaranteed by the pioneer and larg- 0 '• ' est nLnufastur' es of' introduced Oen• • e Deity Supplies crud who first ther • • ta'ifugal Cream Separator in Amterica; itis the product of many years • a work and study and is the ever increasing "Dairyman's Favorite." ww s Not depending 1 • s 1 g art Gigantic and Costly Advertising Ottln algr s, . 0 Travellitl aaf aFree Trips g P g Salesmen. Alti,rllfnes anti free Ctnps to Ageni;s, etc„ to �' rush sales we aat0 able to embody, the saving thus afforded fn, superior • conisleh t1C talar andfor 0 a e nl renis and ,it the wee mote value his • lnOn0)' a 1, 1 them give e s• • w 9 Call or Write • t t r fA.ndavve vain tell h+ntitnare abntlt it. a�' 0 • • 0 p w • II • a • B $s is • r e. s it ul also tame faunal (many friends and helped lr l i ed o make the day to vo yY happy 3 One In the everting the lodelichl band serenaded Mr. and bit's. Brecken• •, , - 4i ridge frotn the rayon in front of the • residence all aL entlo n 1• t vhlell \ 1 was iiiiiii®fiili1l1 9mCW�9i trB�596••••t •i•Mii • •i N ri/