HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-8, Page 4etnhgmiJ,meeree
1 t' c TE31 rusods ' .Dat
R 1)AY, MAY S, rete
cnM#+wnw ftp, woo, • ws.?+u.s, oaf,vna+'M,sen�,t• ..w.,�r..wW...«..ww,r
SALLOW SKIN 0000000000000000.0.0..••. 0o0oi®sa0000.0.0,000.0.0000 g p �l np n impel your feet along the sheet with
0 • RE A CHARMING WOMAN vine todoand dare.'iout. hooka should
help yule du your grind, sled to yule
Four Weeks
. ®e labors waltz •and make vale filed, and
Circles Under The. Eyes . e
• 0
• 4.
iv r Spots, Q
L e
, 0
are till nigue of the syeteus being Ong -
Mee' 1st' holds the belt for warmest ged, The Lives' mei Bowels are m-
weak front
' o tab is wet 1
day for that elate for maty s yeah act]ve and the uL lel.
undigested footle and foul gases.
Two things the Queen's City is
'tatty" ole is the Horse Show dud the
,Jockey Club,
ill;.7;, M. Reno:
is in the list of
gradtitttiug Dentists from the Ontario
Dental College Toronto. She will have
a "pull" on a good many sons of Adam
n s doubt.
Mexico has not a dull moment about
it, The insurgents while good shots
are very apt to pot a "Window" In on-
lookers, heuce the wisdotn of carrying
your re Tru along with other baggage,
to be ready for emergencies and save
'THEY call the tooter at a Base Ball
game a •'coach." because es a wheeled
vehicle he wears theta in Isis head.
He is also supposed to have a long
tongue alongside of which is his team.
Sometimes a is a difficult job to get
them to strike their gait and even then
it is often badly mixed.
Ws notice that a k of
0 00 packet
Ito )ern Bro uiu ' • love letters
w asold in
old London, by auction, for the tidy
stunt of $32,15o. A New York luau wee
the purchaser. [t is said the sale was
opened by a bid of $3,000. Possibly
Browning wrote all those letters in a
year,' if he was as ardent as some love let-
ter w, iters. Soo of such missives sbould
be a flue start in a sugar factory, al-
though beets could be purchased cheap-
er than the price paid by the New
A suggestion is offered that the $3s,-
000,000 proposed by the Dominion
Government for the purchase of battle'
ships might be used in buying two
Turkish ships now in course of con-
struction in British shipyards, Turkey
will not likely have any present need
of them. Before givingthe order it
would be well to await the vote of the
Senate as it is not altogether certain
that this sedate body will be a unit in
sanctioning what a maiority of the M.
Fs pushed through.
TurtoN,ro is to "blow" themselves
!luring the visit of the Presbyterian
Assembly, which is slated for the first
two weeks of June. A public reception
o ill be tendered and a moonlight sail
o t the bosom of Lake Ontario are on
t se program, the estimated cost to be
well up to the $2,000 mark. While
p':rying the part of a generous boat the
Queen city will also hit upon oue of the
hest publicity stunts tried for many a
d ty. The attendance of ministers and
laymen at the Assembly will number up
in the hundreds.
True note of warning may be too late
to he of service this Spring but may
prevent funerals at a later stage if the
lady readers of TIM Posr will hearken
and be good. Ic brief tate story is that
a New Jersey paterfamllies quit beating
carpets and went to a store quarry and
drowned himself in a deep water bole.
His farewell message was as follows :-
"I can't beat carpets or clean house and
it ain't no use of your trying to make
ine. When you read this I hope you
•sill give up your habit of cleaning
house : every time you hear a robin
TBE .leau of a Chicago College wants
students who cannot write a readable
band to be refnsed a diploma• How
would it be to start on the professors
and other officiary and fix their salaries
according to the legibility of their
chirography ? Some salaries would
take a sudden drop, we venture to say.
Without anjokingabout the matter,
bad written totters a
great annoyance to the receiver and
some of then! about as difficult to un-
wind as a Chinese puzzle, What kind
of penmanship do you produce ? • None
t io good" did you say ? Well turn
over a new leaf and no better. The
Accent is on the do you will notice.
lalfe is too short to spend much of it in
decipheriug what night be well written
oven if you are not attending • a
Chicago College.
IN, the charges laid by Barrister
Proudfoot against Sir James Whitney
and Hon, Mr, Hanna, the defendants
av H. 0, Malsonville, of Windsor, a
ioniser Secretary of Hon, Mr. Resume,
sv tlsa ,chap who "peached" for spite
o er his dismissal Mr. Maisouville
sp sin reply that be would like to ap-
pet before an independent committee
Rad tell them some things. He
challenges the Premier to show that
Any admission of the Taylor $soo eon
tributioe was admitted mute the last
two months. 'there is an appearance
about the whole 0ese that hes a bad
look about it and it appears to us it
should be thoroughly sifted to clear up
Etta olfargets and 'thereby remove the
stigma, if innocent, or prove the'guilt
of those concerned,
the great fruit remedy, will make you
feel like a new person, '
Winnipeg, 3une 27, 1911
After taking three boxes of your
Fig Pills, for stomach and liver
troubles 1 feel strong and well and
able to tin usy own work.
MRs, A. H. S teLTER
Sold at all dealers int 25 and 50 cent
boxes or flailed by The Fig Pill Co., •
St, Thomas, Out. Sold in and recout- •
mended in Brussels by J. Fox Drug- �
gist. •
• Only left to purchase g •
® your Shoes at
• Wholesale Prices" 3
w s
Ladies' Fine Kid laced or ; , •
buttoned boots - 1.90 ^""r ' .; o
Sin•gle Harness--$ i8 0o Set reduced to 15.00 0
s Trunks, Satchels, Suite Cases all at cost. •
vOne Set Second Hand Single Harness for - 3.50 0
• .
• 0
i ee
s e
f. C.Richards
0 4,
m a.•...00•..o..oao.oc•o9aoso-a
• Gents Fine Box Calf or Don-
gola Bals, regular $3.0o, reduced to - 2.10
Boys' Strong School Shoes, reg, $1.75, now 1.25
See our window this week -your choice in it for 1.50
A regular storm period is central on
the 451s, and extending from the 2nd
to the 7th, expect all the results due
under such astronomic conditions.
It will grow suddenly very warm on
andabout the 2nd, the barometer will
fall to low readings, and a series of
threatening thunder storms will set in
passing front West to East over the
mouthy. The 4th 5t11 and 8th will be
the dates of • greatest storm culmina•
tions, although the 2nd calls for active
lightning ;and thunder. Change to
Meeting and cooler weather will fol-
low in the immediate wake of the
spreading eastwardlyover the
country and lasting for several days.
A reactiouary atones period is
central ole the 9th 19th and 11th. The
Mercury equinoctial period begins in
this reactionary period, and its added
influence will be noticeable in thick,
prolonged cloudiness, with tendency
to drizzle and rain. Very cool nights
with probable frosts northward, will
come with the high barometer area
behind these 5505108.
A regular etoiut period, and the
Mercury period both have their centers
on the 16th. While the effects of the
Mercury disturbance will be apparent
from the 9th to the 20th it will be felt
it greatest power during the storm
periods within the Mercury brace.
This will be especially true on and
about the I5th. 10th 17th and 18th.
The moon being in perigee and on
the celestial equator on the 15th,
electrical and wind storms of great
energy are apt to appeal on and
touching that date.
A reactionary storm period involves
the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. On and
torching these days all the meteoro-
logical elements will undergo a
periodic change-ternperatnre will.
rise, barometer will fall, cloudiness
will ensue, and renewed storms of
more or less rain, wind and thunder
will make their transit eastwarclly
across the country. The center of an-
other seismic period fails on the 20th,
calling for renewed earthquake dis-
turbances between the 17th and the
23rd. Very cool nights for so late in
the season will result from the high
barometer and other anti -stored con-
ditions, abort the 23rd to 213th.
A. regular storm period covers the
Inst week in May, being central on the
27th, There is a suspicion that there
is a fixed tendency to severe and
dangerous storrns on and about May
27th. This we will not affirm 01 deny.
At all events, we may expect regular
storms of rain, thunder and wind to
attend the low barometer and change
to much warmer which are certain to
appear from about the 26th to 29th.
Why Remain Thin and Palo 7
Pale people have pale blood. The
stomach is wrong, assimilation is
poor and food is not changed into
blood. The system lacks vitality and
reconstructive power which eau be
supplied by Ferrozone. It braces the
appetite, digestion is stimulated
what you eat is transformed into the
kind of nutriment your system re-
quires. Vital life-giving blood that
snakes rosy cheeks, strength that
defies weariness, spirit and ambition
all come from Ferrozone. Nothing in
the annals of medicine so sure to build
up and strengthen as Ferrozouets
Try ta50c box. Sold everywhere.
A11 over the world are found desert
places where reigns the scrub brush
and the cactus, a thing to torment
animals and nest, with t life-sustaain-
i) qualities made inaccessible by the
inns with v
'ul the succulentL fod-
is gnatded. Experiments cover-
ing a long period have at least eltuuts
ated the spine from the cactus and in
a multitude of varieties it is being
grown. The spineless cactus is new
and expensive and yet its developers
say the time is not fee distant when 15
will become one of the eatth's richest
One of the unique exhibits at The
San Diego Exposition of 1915 is to be
five acres of growing cactus.. The
tract of land selected ie. in a rugged
ravine, for the purpose of demonstra-
Lion the poorest soil .available being
taken. Here will be planted within a
few weeks a complete showing of Use
spineless cactus in all its varieties.
It is claimed that an acre of spineless
cactus will forage throughout the
year four cows, while an acre of alfal-
fa providesnourishment for only one
• ani yet
cow. Requiring. no [tel on
wonderfully rich in water content, the
once -despised cactus promises to be-
come a great factor in the future food
supply of the world.
For centuries the medicinal proper-
ties of the cactus have been known
and utilized. The American Indians
used the pulp of the cactus in poulti-
ces. Nob until modern experiments
were began with the purpose of elim-
inating the opines was it shown that
the nimbus yields a clelicituia jelly, is
one of tirobest foundations foe a salad
may be need in a thick, ereearny Noup,
and ie at food with medicinal qualities
of much valise to the htlrna:n 5 ttCe.
It is such exhibits as these, not only
showing how the new knowledge of
world is being utilized for the benefit
of the human race, but also portray-
ing by suggestion the things that are
to be in the future, that makes The
San Diego Exposition different from >✓P
all others ever held or p j ctell.
The five acres of cactus at the ex-
position will show the plants giowinig
and processes of culture, gathering
and eosiversion int° food stuffs for
man will be demnnstrnied. Dozens
of such odd and new exhibits will he
found on the grounds, constituting an
educational value of the greatest
What About Your Kidneys?
Ynnr back aches and fairly groans
with Use distress of kidney tenable.
Ymi'te discouraged, but you mustn't
give np. The battle can be quickly
won when Dr. Hamilton's Pills get
to work. These kidney specialists
bring new health and vitality to
marvelous power. Oontinne this
great healer, and your kidneys will
become as strong, as vigorons, as able
to work as new ones.
Remember this Dr. Hatnilton's Pills
are purely vegetable ; they do cure
liver, bladder and kidney trouble.
They will cure you, or your money
back. Price 25c per box, at all deal-
Questions and Answers Concerning
the Canada Temperance Act and its
1 -Is the Canada Temperance Act
a prohibitory measure ?
Answer -'Yea no license fur the re-
tail sale of liquor can be granted its a
county that has adopted the Act ex-
cept for medicinal, saerattteutal or
ulanufacLut3og purposes.
2 -Does it apply to every municipali-
ty in the comity ?
Answer -Yes. It effects all towns,
villages and townships alike and can-
not be adopted in one without the
others. Oities alone are ass exception
to this provision.
3 -Ile places that have carried Local
Option what is the effect ?
Answer -While the C. T. A. is in
force Local Option is suspended but
not repealed and in case the 0. T. A.
should be repealed the Local Option
13y -law comes back automatically and
remains in force until repealed tinder
the acme terms upon which it was
4 -How can the O. T. A. be secur-
ed ?
Ansswer-A petition. of 25 per cent
of all persons qualified to vote at a
Dominion Parliamentary eiectian
must be secured, a special election
held and if a majority of the votes
cast are in favor of the Aet the law
comes into force at the beginning of
the license year, providing the vote is
taken before November lab of the
preceding year.
5 -Who may vote an the C. T. A. ?
Answer -Those qualified to vote at
a Dominitm Election which includes
parts one and three of the 1\7unicipal
list. Women do nob vols not. cats
they sign the petition.
0 -Who will enforce the 0. 'E, A ?
Answer -The Ontario Governett
have special clan ties in the Ontario
Liquor Act w hsc h apply to the en-
forcement of the 0. T. A. and the
saute officers as enforce the present
liquor laws will euforee the C. •T. A.
The Ontario Government have pront-
isecl the sane rigid enforcement to
the C. T. A. as there is now given to
no license municipalities.
7-0an the County Oouncil appoint
inspectors 5
Answer --Yes the County Council
or the Municipal Council or both may
eAppointofficers to enforce the 0. T.
8 -Can liquor be shipped into a
0.'T. A, County?
Answer - Yes, but it oust be
bought and paid for outside the Coun-
ty and only used for home consump-
tion. The Act has been recently
amended in this regard and is very
1---Whab are the penalties for vio-
lating the C. T. A. ?
Answer -The magistrate shall im-
pose a line of not less than $50,00 or
send the person to jail feu' Otte rnonilt the residence of t Ile snannget of Ihp.
for the first offence. For the second Canadian Musk i f Onnsuserce. is being
offence he can either Impose a line of offered for sale, the hstnk nffleieels
5100.00 or send the person to jai] for
two months. For a third offence the
penalty is four months itt jail withou t
the option of it fine.
The employer ail the employee are
1 s l
equally responsible and liable to t d
10 -Do yon has+'e to prove as sale to
get a conviction tis usidee the O, T. A. 5
A Clearing
15 per cent. off on all ;Slane goods,
mostly McPherson nistke. Men's
heavy shoes, up to the finest and latest
styles, also Ohildren's and \Vntuess's
Slippers, Oxfords, buttoned rind holed.
Some Rubbers of good qualil y.
A Ane line of Harness of differ en
kinds. Horse Blankets, ltnbes, Ruge,
Whips, Trunks, Valises, fie.
Shoes and Long hoots grade to
Harness and Sisue Repairing clone
Give us a call.
IL C. Stephen,
p s
We Give Steady Employment
to reliable energetic men for the sale
of our products. We give all theed-
vaitages that a reliable, well advertis-
ed, established firm can offer, If you
wish to represent us WRITE NOW,
before it is too late, for further Int or -
Ina tion.
Over 600 Acres
under cuitivatlors and 0710 of the most
complete Nursery plants in flaseda.
Established 86 years. Freeontnlogue of
stook on application.
Toronto, Ontario
or that rely liquor cull tactually enn-
stuued to secure a conviction if the
magistrate is satisfied that e, transac-
tion in the nature of at sale or other
unlawfwidisposal actually took place:,
A prosecution may be commenced
any time within three months of the
alleged offence..
11 -\What is the adratitstge of the
0. T. A. over the Local Option By-
law ?
Answer -Owing to the two•tllirels
requirement of the Local Options By-
ltawit•.is almost impossible to rtury
Local Option in the towns and villages
and as the advantage of havissg a
r apparent lathe territory "d15 is lel pause L a
united effort on the part• of all the
municipalities tvnuld result in mutual
advantage and the bringing of it pro-
hibitory uteastn•e into force over the
entire coniey land to do this it otsly
requires a majority vote.
Yom never saw a beautiful woman
who didn't have beautiful Ititir, The
elevens of a beautiful seem/tel lir In lset•
hair. Malty women du not realize the
attractions they possess because they
do not give mopes. aLLteetiuu to the
l'he women eel' the !'15)1)" are famed
1515 lhvir beauty, nut beemese their
facial features ane espr5inr Io those
of outer women, !silt isuc.,ttae ,bhey
know how to keep young by snirTsly..
ing vigor, lustre and Mt tngtlt to their
Up to a few years ago PARISIAN
Sage euttld baldly be obtained in
Celestite Bot now this delightful hair
restorer can be had in every town.
Jas. Fax sells it in Brussels for 50
pants a bottle and guarantees it to
t luxuriant hair grow bet artful luau t
stop faille;, burs eradicate
The funeral of Archie Scutt took
place on Monday to the Maitland
l3ank cemetery, his father James
Scott, having rectsived permission
from the Toronto aurhoeities to have
the remstins brought to Seaforth.
Lame back is nsnsr•Ily caused by
rheumatism of the muscles of the
bitch, for which you will flnrl nothing
better titles Chamberlain's LIi invent.
Foe sale by all dealers.
The racing stable of the late Peewit
byi cut u u
u ublio t
f > 11
Ming will be t
It ti
to Maythis
tan AllRS 7rrne
john '3'.Dh/ksmf mid
left for then new home ht 'i'uronln.
.they eitnvr cit iris.
11iayo 0resg weleouled the Stt1-
vetiom At my TameLarial Barrel on its
arrival nt I he Town Hall.
Mee. Robt Scott has renmtved lu
Toronto, where her son is teacher in
one of the Collegiate Inatitnlrs
Dan. and Airs, McDonald, of Ed-
monton, httve returned to town, Anel'
will spend the. $iurituei• at 1l1eir hetes
let COM. Meliilime
isirs. W. D. Meel.emat and nhiith en
left for Edtrsnutnsl, ivhei'c MP, Olss
Lean has an iniporta))P. eclitneial posi-
tion on the Bulletin RIOT.
Miss itiarnie Chesney, nurse int Iitt
General Hospital, Roehestes, N. Y.
is visiting her linmols, Pietas and
11rs. Chesney, Lbrkersmitls, •
Lorne and Mrs. \•Voir'and eau have
returned frosts Pei isee Alheei, Sack„
where Wits Weir has been for the last,
nine Years and will uvanngs Ihr Itny-
al hotel fee Isis ittUs, i, James 1\rein,
13tuoltIinunefoe n ntimber, of, rears
F. lja, Holmes left tot' hilt t McNuull,
wheys he will speed the Summer.
West Boron learmer's Imatitute ex-
cursion to 0tsellih will run this year
on the 14111 of June.'
Miss I, 15, Sharman,, principal of
Centred school has received word of
her success iii the final English exam.
illation of Queen's 'University.
Autos are ince easing in number in
t suer-
fs Hunter and L u
o elr D a
des i •
ears led
•ei� edfine a n
roti enol) having a nr c
are daily experimenting to leave to
control tbens.
Judge Doyle and 'Ales. Doyle arrived
home after a trip of about three
months in the Southern Statee. They
enjoyed the trip greatly and Itis
Donor looks wonclecfnliy well
Archie Torn, who has been attend•
Mg the School of Practical Science,
'Toronto, left for Maple Greek, Sask„
where he. will spend the Summer with
is survey party as drttftsnneu.
Ci°derieh latwn tennis club has re-
organized for the season of 1918, with
Use following sffl els : Hon, Presi-
dent, 1.. N. Lewis, M, P. ; Hon. vice -
President, \\rut,' Proudfoot, M. P.
P. ; President, Alex. Saunders ; vicc-
President. Gen. \Viilituns ; Secretary,
T. T„ Peest Tseasnrer, 3. 0, Geddes.
A number of the members of Thoth
street Methodist chrreir choir gather-
ed at the home of J. L. and Airs.
n u•es uteri
Miss ileac
Alt keit /Old e
All. 1
Aitken with afonutede pen, prior to
her departure for Port Colborne,
where she, has taken a poeitinn as
bookkeeper with the )Maple Leaf
SU:LMER ScasooL A'i' Goostnt'st.-
At tlse Presby1etiai Synod in Hamil-
ton and Loudon it was decided to
bold a Susitnes School at Goderich,
August 11 to 17. The arrangements
are under the pare of 55 committee
representing the 'Hogue and Foreign
Missions and the Sabbath
Schools and Young People's wnl:.
The Presbyteries) church, Goderich is
secured and speoital arrangements
have been made for very reasonable
hoard during the term. The best
spealces•s !available on the various de-
port mettle of religions life and work
nue num being arranged 105' and notb-
ing will be neglected to make the
school Ws edncsttional and pleasant
holiday. Full particulars may ' be
secured from Rev, 3. 11. Hall, el. A„
Sarnia ; Rev. .Pt. William Wallis,
Niagara Falls, or Rev. 0. L. Ross, 'B.
D., Goderich,
news -•No IL is not; neeeseaty t.°
"'enmities having leased the residence)
of lohtt. D. W Johnson for thrix man -
-1 flcrretttt•y Iirndrriek .511 4it' Sea
retell 'l'u,?Cl1ih. has 1reeived 18
tri<sfol. 1u2.301tto el hal 17 eel ri
for the 221 lei -..both tweeds etre
stakes and tiered a few drays ago.
'The,su's's this year will use held cal
June 10 11 and 12 and la big field of
aitoW that any money actually passed houses are looped for.
` I
'There ruse so nutty helpful honks,
Ute beeps that 5,5•,5!5 pay, Use useful
hunks Hutt drive the spooks of grief
and pal'e away ; it's foolishness and
worst, gaelzocks, to paw away the
time a sealing honks that Uvent 01
cranks and fifty brands of crime. So
many books are merely foam, !mule
for the passing hoar, and every tome
yon read at house should heave a lift-
ing power. The atnif yon read should
help you meet yew. uties uvea ywhevei.
made you blind to other people's
limits. Your hooks should teach yon
what le right, mud also wheat is wrong,
aid help you fight like armored
Icuight, with battle -or? and song.
They should make Koine e happy
Place,. your wife the ,lay in chief, with
not tt trace upon iter lave of wettri nnees
of grief. So da notsoak }erne spongy
head in rubbish dray by day, but resid
instead the bootee that spread some
light upuu, your clay, littel hefty
books deal bit the spot with tierce
and 1,11u0'ul stut,ke; ell, turn Ville
thought away 11ons sol to truths that
fairly smoke,
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, snob els Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &c.
13etudes to Puufps promptly
attended to,
Give me tt call.
A. HAYMANN, Cranbrank
i oba
ilii a. �r9 �
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants, Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith ((Nner)
Box 1033 Brandon Mart
For Loss of Hair
We will pay for what you use f4
Rexali "93" Hair Tonic does tee
promote the growth of your hair.
In all our experience with hair
tonics the one that has dna,' most to
gain our confidence is llevell. ":(i"
Hair Tonic. We have aunt well-
founded faith in it that we e est
you to try it at our risk. 0 it doss
not satisfy you in every particular,
we will pay for what you uee to the
extent of a 30 day treatment.
If Resell "03" Hair Tunic docs
not remove dandruff, nice ' scalp
irritation, stop the hair frons fslline
lend promote a new groutis of hair,
come bask to its and aslc ns to smarts
the money You paid for it, and two uiit
promptly hand it back to -eon. You
dant sign anything, promise any-
thing, bring anything baric, er its any
way obligate yourself, Isn't that fair?
Doesn't it stand to res:.,:a that we
would not make such a til::;s•ul offer
if we .did not truly believe that
Rexall ''03" Hair Toiie will do all
we clams for it,- that it wet do all
and more than ane other remedy?
We have everything there is a de-
mand for, find are able to judge the
merits of the things we Neil. Cus-
tomers tell us of their sones<;. There
are more satisfied users of ltexuU
"93" Bair Tonic than any dueller
preparation we sell.
Start a treatment of Rexall "03"
Hair Tonic today. If you do, we.
believe you will thank us far this
advice. Two size bottles, 50o and 51.
You can luny Roxall "03" (Hair Tonic
in this community only at our store:
Brussels The Store Ontario
Them is a Reran Store in nearly every town
ed city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. Them is a different Remit
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human M-
eech eepctlsSly designed for the particular ill
for whish it is recommended.
The Regal' Stores are America's Greatest
Drug' Stores
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT vial cure you and make a man of
you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so thew all
pimples, blotches and ulcera heal up; the nerves become strong es steel so that
nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the
Ecce full and clear, energy returns to the body, and. tiro moral, plsyaloat and mental
systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system,
rob you of y our hard earmarriage llars seept be a failure. Don't let quacks
OU t £
Peter 10. Summers relates his experlences
'I was troubled with Nervous Debility
for many years. I lay it to indiscretion
and excesses in youth, I became very
despondent and didn't care whether
worked or not. 1 imagined everybody
who looked at• me guessed my secret.
Imaginative ached,hadgpaint; itis the
back of my head, hands and feet were
cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite,
Angers were shaky, eyes blurred, base
loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in
the fingers set in and tho doctor told me
he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of
medicines and tried many first=class.
physicians, wore an electric bolt fortluee
months, but received little benefit. I
BEFORE TREATMENT easindennedtteedy, ttohough eonsaftIbad llits.ost Ii.enrtedy �, AFTEO TREATMENT.
li:ah faith in
doctors. Like adrowning Man I commenced the Rise Manion TREATMENT and it
saved my life. The improvement was like male -1 could toelthovtger going through
the nerves. l was oared mentally and phystemly..lime sent them malty patients
and oontinueto do so.
pocutier to Men,
CONSULTATION FREE. HOOKS FREE. If unable to cull write for a Question
Blank for Home Treatment,
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich,
Al2 letters front Canada must be addressed
NOTICE n �* di err prudence De art
fR�T�{itii. taotu'vCana an C cap ,P
a i s ' meat in 'Windsor, Ont, If you desire to
see lee personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices 'which are for Cor'respond'ence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all lettere ea follows:
DRS. KENNEDY '& KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont:
Write for our private address.
For Dyspepsia
51 you suffer Stomach Trouble
r e o -
•o t our am d it t5
nl a r n
ac Y
y Y
cost you a cont 0 it fails.
To prose to yon that Wel a -tent
and slyepettsia can bo thoroughly re.
dewed and that Rcxait Dyspepsia
Tablets wilt do It, we will fruss•tls
the medicine absolutely free if it
fails to give you satisfaction.
'the remarkable success of Roxall
Dyspepsia Tablets is duo to the logit
degree of settee: ie skill treed in de
vislag their formula as well as to the
ease exorcised sst theirfr manufacture,nufacture
whereby the well-known nrupertie
of liissnutleSubnitrate and Pepsin
have been properly combined with
Carminatives and other agents.
Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin
are eunsLlsrt13' employed and meg-
seized by, the entire medical profes-
sion as invaluable In the treatment
of indigestion and dyspepsia. 'Their
r r nhi
1 makes ar
Invaluable fur stomach rehof.
We ore •:n certain that there is
nothing so good for stomach ills as
Itecall DyespnpsiaTablets!halt! aergo
you to try them at our risk, Three
stars, 25 scuts, 50 cents, and 51.00.
You can buy Roxa1L Dyspepsia Tablets
in this community only at our store:
F. RR.�.,,,SMITH.
Brussels Tee 328 Store Ontario
Thera is a Resell Store in nearly every town
and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. Them is a different Resell
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human 11i-
oaeh especially designed for the particular ill
for which it is recommended.
Tha Rexoll Stores are Amerina's Greatest
Drug Stores
The People's Column
l Pu
AnteLot 52, Oole.l'Grey,
.1. D. tcNAIR
Photo 180. Grnnbroulr
Ir farina,lb:ing 145 Luts2he 1 lnd24, Lion. 0
end'Lot22, Con. O, Grey, aro offered t., rent..
Ueli on the undersigned. F. S. 13COT'll
45 555
ARM FOR SALE OREAP.-100 aerie, Soots
11- half Lot 22, Con. 8, Township of Morris, 8
,wiles frau Walton. Good land with orchard
and spring. Log honseasd frame bank barn.
Convenient to ohurel, and school. Apply to
IF S. SCOTT, Brussels, or MILLAR. SIMS &
GREGORY, Berlin, Ont, .12.11
CARS] FOR SALE -West half Lot 2, Oon.
12, Towootitp of Grey, containing 60 sores
45 cleared, fenced, drained. and all in grass. 6
acres hard -wood busts. No Windham. For
fur'her particulars apply to 3. LECKIE,
58.51 Brtu)sela.
Rs/vs.-The home recently wasted by
John B Tierney, who moved to Guelph Ornown.
ns the Rogers property, Turn berry 01 eeti is
offered for sale or if not sold will be rented.
There isncomfortubin house , good stable and
55 scram of land with a deohle entrance. Fine
ars alit to
For boy particulars y
warden Via. F YnrG p apply
t i a Torr, snot E live, who boldswill Ilse ey.
1tiAnchoiceshot to live in and twill bo sold
very reasonably. 4-11
FARM FOR SA5.E,-Tlteunderafgned offers
his lite farm consistinga, of about 186 acres
adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. Tito
aros is to good state of cultivation, and baa
1 good buildings, brink house, bank barn, driv-
ing house, pig pen, eta., ail conspa•at ively new.
A fIratmlass young orchard containing all
kinds of fruits and also small fruits. The
faros Is well fenced and drained and fa a very
desirable home. For further particulars apply
on the premises or address
28•tf JOHN TORRANOE, Clinton.
graR5I FOR SALE, being South half kat 26,
Con. 4, Morris township, Huron Oa, con-
taining 100 acres more or less. On the prem•
lata is a frame hones, bank bas' good orchard,
well, windmill, &a. All cleared except about
an sore. School 114 miles distant. Only 2111
miles from Brussels. 0 aures of Fall wheat kr
and about 60 nares seeded down. P'nr price,
terms and otter hofa•mation apply on the
premises or if writing Brnssele P. 0. Phone
126, Or N. S. Scott, Brussels.
1.1.51 A. L. KERR. Proprietor.
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are hast preparing in their 151151
Ito mem to occupy lnerattve poatttona as
stenographers, boolrlteepers,telegra-
phers, civil servants, in foot every
sphere of aetivittes• You may finish. et
ooliege t yeti so wish. Positions guar-
anteed. Enter college anday. Inds.
vidussl instrnettas, 1Expertsteaohers
Thirty years' experience. Largest
trainers in Canada, Seven colleges.
Special course for teachers.
5(SIiated with Cmuusorelal Educe.
tor's Association 'of Oaneda, Summer
School at famous Spotion Business Col,
lege, London,
Wingham Business College
Gtoo. Eromvns, W, T. Moaaw,
Presids'i i Prinotpmt.
�1 L
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At . your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure' ah-
p.arently hopeless cases no'
!natter . what your age is
or how long ruptured;'
Why wsut until your ri.Ip
tare becomes stran ulated
When you can be ccur d
Donot wait = Fill in coupon
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Pent, A Stratfo) d Ont,
1 Y