The Brussels Post, 1913-5-8, Page 1VOL— 41 NO. 45
New Advertisements
Please -A. Munliwen,
P) rant -W, Oakley.
wanted -8, 0M itolteil
A.Mottling-6i. N. Metairre.
H d
M ,1
nc n old
Tenets,' we•rted And r, w Lemont.
Loudon's Favorite ,(J0, ,1 MrElavin.
ist -ix. i1
� l t ., ttUS
N(+xtSabbath everting Robert Mc.
Kay, of Ethel will take charge of the
service In Victoria Hall,
Mo --r--
The store here will close on Wee -
day and Friday evenings each week
eta 7 o'clock dIi•hlg the Slimmer
months, nemitenuillg on May 13th.
Customers should govstar themselves
accordingly so as to aid iii. Soh neck
in carrying out the (u•rrutgerneut for
two evenings off each week:
A Concert will be held in the church
hereon Tuesday evening, 20th histol
uudee the auspice;, of the Ladle,
Aid. Good ;progieuo will be rendered
followed by a tasty Inneh. Peoreeds
will go toward painting tirelinemen(of the church
Barrister Proudfoot, M. P. R, is
touch in the lime -light For the past
few weeks.
Win. Turneyhai received the con-
tract for carrying I he mails over 1 he
new rural nntii emu ,• vis tie,i oiler.
Miss Hannah Campbell and Al is,
Agnes Smith have returned home
after spending five menthe with
Mends in New York. '
.fudge Garruw nf' Tnre1111 ,vas
operated on 1'ussday by l)r• .\rumor,
and is now doing tyeli, .111-1:,•r .1. T.
Garrote left Torun in .1111.) io the
Winter for a Meditereni inn r trip fin
his health, and has net yet occupied
his seat on the new Appellate Divi-
sion Ootilt bench to which he was
translated from the olll Unlet of
Appeal. He is 70 yeast of age. It is
understood that the operation was of
a minor Oh,tr1U'tel'.
George and Mrs. Ferguson, of Tor-
onto, are welcome visitors with rela-
tives here for a week.
C. P. R. agent McKay and family
are away for a vacation of two weeks.
}relieving agent Snell is Isere.
Empire Day Entertainment will be
given by the Ladies' Aid of Duffs
church on Friday evening, 23rd inst.
Gond program of songs, recitations
and the presentation of "An Old Fash-
ioned Ladies' Aid Meeting" nil which l
20 members of the local Society will
take part.
In the removal of James and ars. t
McCallum and daughti:rs fermi the
homestead in this locality to Brussels,
where they purpose residing, we b
Muse some of the early settlers, who
inbl,red hul(Stliously (nal pt'ofttnbly
oriel 1
, t have t•+
4 e t(l et+
I rtes Lt
t d e leisure I ! that
,any clime to {hem In then, new home,
\Ve wish .neon ,years of 501010rt and
(•ij„ytelellt, Several members of the
family aiJ11 reside fu dile community.
90 ACRIns BRING $98,000 -.The Red -
cliff. (Alla,) Trieutis says :- $98000
teal estate deal has just been con-
uuiitted whereby H. M. Mack, of
LIvet pool, Nova Scotia ; B. A. Mie
Ewen, of Pt ince Albert, Sask. ; and
1. R. CULL secure some 90 acres of
laud adjoining the city limits of Red-
e:lif)f, which is to be subdivided as
pet on the market inlinediately.
About to third of the property lies to
the South oi`town on the river banks,
while the remainder is 00 the ,West.
side cif. Lim town. The property
skirting the 15555 is to be laid out in
an artistic manner and will. very
probably be bonlevaeoed, It will be
called \Vclff Park. while the other
snbdivisiun will be known 11s Rose-
dale.. The price paid for the. property
averaged eaLltet More than a $1,000
an acre." Mr, (hitt Iefeered to is our
111, haskin, 1 he Ines station agent
at Helgrat•e, has got comfortably
settled in Alias Bengongh's house.
We welcome hint to l3eigtave.
Mrs. W. K. Whaley is having
oto Auction Sale oil May 13th aid is
coming W Belgutve to live. The farm
will be taken charge of by Robt.
Armstrong who is moving back to it.
J. W. IC. VanNornlan has dispo+ied
f his residence to Mrs. W. K.
Whitley who will get possession
eller fly. The former may remove to
'r(llhlnt() it. is said. I£ so Belgrave
will eery unwillingly ptti't company
with them as they are tine residents.
t1)NO0LENCE,— To MRs. W. K.
tflinr.EY: We, the members of
Court Belgrave No. 48, wish to ex
tend to you one deep sympathy in the
loss you have sustained in the 1005111,
deeth of your. husband. For many
years he was well known to many of
ns and enjoyed the esteem of all.
In air. Court he was one of the; roost
useful members and for year; he
filled high and responsible o1Bees.
He was ever ready to help in any
gond work connected with the Order,
spending himself freely in its welfare.
His genial manner made Mende with
all arid we feel not only, that as being
a useful member of our Court, but,
that we have personally sustained a
great loss by this death. We will
miss him from the place for his
presence has become so familiar to us.
'n you we would express our. deep
sureo,v in the bereavement which has
come to you and mu: einceresympathy
n you and your family in this time
11 sorrow. We trust that in the
leve to come that your pathway may
e smoothed by the hand of that
prove the
real quality
of the
leather. and
"Canada's Best Shoemaker,
Sold only bye— " -
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, Brussels
FI p s it or, 11 the donations towards the
lives and that, the Peace and cornfort llospilnl Cot should be handed to the
f r ,
i of
I 11 we
4t U1y •Iuthee tna be e' Secretary ev r 9 tletar
y y rilhel before or at the
with yon. Signed on behalf o1' the meeting.
east• -1,.. W, ,Kilpatrick, James Mr.-
Aeall has been extended to Rev.
Mr. Ferguson, of Bel rave, to become
pastor Of Norville and Union in '1'ur-
onto Presbytery. If the reverend
gentlemen rteccpte hie removal will be
greatly regeettedby many here.
The abututeute of Sunshine Wedge
were star Led Tuesday morning,
The /Methodist church at Sunshine
is in the hands of the paper hangers.
Work will be completed before Con-
This week ,t One pietnee e1' B Clsdee-
dale loaves imported by Henry Bine
last yens was peneent(•d to Tax Pose'.
They at„ a dtthuly htlneli and up to
the hest impel ted.
W'. J. geld MIR. t11lteh cold henry
am! Aire, (511,1', 3111 Mini. 31110 111
Seam 111 on Wednesday attending
the wedding of Miss So,,sh. formerly
of Morris to 111r. Porlenne, of Sea -
lot 11h. Ally their joys be many,
:MUN1ct1'.-L STA'PIATICS. Prom
Assessor Miller's 1,011 of Morris- town-
ship, the following Particulars are
taker, ;-No. of roves. 55,174 ; value of
real prep(! ty, $1,445,805 1 value of
build time, ,fir.., 5080,800 ; bust nese
aeses,mrnt, $5,553 ; Intel assessment,
52070.858 ; ;emulation, 2,129. The
Court of Revistoi will be held on
M'on,lnv 26111 inst.
Mfss McTaggart, of Buffalo, is visit-
ing with her sister, Mrs. W. D.
Mrs. Donald Mc'Ltvish, who was
ill with a slight attack of binod-
poisoning as a result of stepping on a
rusty nail, is steadily improving.
The , C0l0(0ulliom services con-
ducted in the Baptist church Sunday
were the first held in the building
since- the fire last Winter partially
destroyed the building.
Farmers all thlciugh this district
are rapidly finishing up the Spring
work, and very little now remains to
be clone. The pane trees are covered
with blossoms and the early apples
are budding.
Mrs. 3, Ride, of Edward street,
left her pocketbook contahliug $7, in
a store while she was shopping on
Saturday, and on returning 11,0110 it
missing. Every effort is being made
to locate the money.
The Centel iao Teed torial Staff
Band of the Salvation Army was
here Sunday 011(1 special musical
services held in the citadel and in the
'Lown Hall were well attended and
meets enjoyed. Mayor Vanbtone
presided at 011e meeting and F.
Buchanan nt another. -
J. R. and Mrs. Wendt spent Sun-
day in N1110inty.
John and Mts. Harris, of Brussels,
were in the village on Saturday.
Fred. and 8118. Davey visited
friends in Wingham on Sunday.
We regret to learn that Miss Rella
Smith is confined to the house through
ill Hess,
Rev. T. H. Full, of Blyth, oc0upied
the pulpit in the Episcopal' church cot
Airs. Wm. Montgomery, of Gorrie,
caller] on Blends lu the village on
3aures Ballantyne WKS in Walker-
t0n this week intending thefuneral
of his sister.
R. F. and Ales. Aikriison, of Dray -
toe, spent from Saturday, till Monday
with friends here.
Eil. Kalblleisoh and family, of
Mildmay, 'spent Sunday with the
fon nn.r's sister, Mrs. 0. Reis.
Peyer Maltven jr. of TOrtlberry,
left', on Mndday for British Doling:? t
where he will spend the Summer,
Mrs. Robert H101111ton, of '111(0 -
berry, weot to Tnrmnto on Saturday
to Hpend some time with relatives.
Miss Ethel Motley, of Mi. Forest,
sped eeyel'111 days lc(rently with her
father, Richru•d itioelev, of Hawick:
Wm. 811C411010. of'rorontn, was a
guest at the 11nt11e of his parents, W.
ami Mhos. Snitch -wenn, dif 1'urnberey,
a fewYdays of lien. week,
New topic cards fot' the coming
term ill sonlu•eting \) 11! 1 ho Itipwort.b
League have been issued 11un'i(ing opt
telt interesting and biennia ire ,course.
At the Offbeat Board of the Meth.
iodise church, held last Ntnnday after -
mem, J. K. Bt1kei' wee. appointed lay
representative to the District meet-
ing which will be held on May 22nd.
Finances were in first -cleat condition
and a fine year is jest closing.
PROD'. ZAVITZ (0031IN0. 011 the
evening cif Friday, May 10111, Prnf.
Zavi14, of the Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph, will athlete -le the
Ethel Cairulien Club. His topic will
be "Review of 30 years of Agricultural
life in Ontario." He is a geed epealte+
and weir prated niod ,Ethel is fnrtun-
ate in securing hien.
If yon wish to be profitably enter-
tinned next Wednesday evening at-
tend the Methodist church where a
sacred Concert will be given under
the auspices elf the .Junior Leagne,
The paster will give en illustrated
earliest; entitled "Front Toronto to
the Prolific Coast," 100 views will be
used to illustrate the addies8. Ad-
tnisaimn 10c and 15 rents.
meeting of the Women's Institute
will be held at the home of Mee. J:
Meteilancl on Thursday May 15th
et 2.30 n'cinsk. Order of l business.- 1
Reports of Pont mil lees ]1t('hi(l,1ng re.
port of Sec. -!lens. llllcetinn of of. 14
fleets fr' enetting gpnn t. Appoint melt i
of representative to District, annual 1
meeting. A good attendance ie asked' e
5. Balfour has gone to tMiKillop,
Seeding is well advanced in this
Miss Winnie Barr, of Etlie1, 1113(11 et
guest at the manse,
Miss Mina McRae, of Armow, is re-
newing old friendships in th]11 locality.
W. Cameron will be a member of
the General Assembly which convenes
in Toronto in June.
Our merchants, during the Spring
and Summer season, will close their
stores Tuesday and Friday evenings
at7o'clock,-Firstdate for this new
order will be 81117 13th.
We are glad to know that J. J,
Mitchell, of \Vingham, has been :ap-
pointed License Inspector for Nath
Huron. He will Rll the bill to a
nicety as he is alert, level hetil3ed and
will dr. his duty. Mr. Mitchell was a
resident of Cranbrook foraocd
many years and old friends here wish
him success.
Thursday evening of next week a
congregational meeting will be field
in the Methodist church at 8 o'clock,
A review of the church work will be
given followed by a very interesting
illustrated Trove] talk in which the
pastor and F. H. Gilroy, of Brussels,
will take part, There should be rt
large attendance.
M1811 Uinta Bosman, of Toronto is
visiting with her brother and other.
Rev. Mr. Young, of Clifford, preach-
ed in the . Presbyterian church 00
Sunday. He is a tine old, gen1.lemai.
Maitland Presbyterial will meet in
the Presbyterian church here on
Tuesday, 20th inst., when a fine pro-
gram will be presented.
ACCIDENT. -Jos, Smith, while draw-
ing butter boxes from the station to
the factory, bad the misfortune to
fall from the top nf.the load and hurt
his back. We hope he will soon be
o. k.
It is expected that Rev. Mr. Trite,
of St. Catharines, may be inducted
on May 20th. Jas. Elliott was the
Oourutisioner 3(pp0inted to represent
the case of Bluevale and Battles at the
Presbytery in which St. Catharines
Last week a former well known
resident of this !reality died at
Whitechurch in the person of Frank
Patterson. The funeral took place
to Winghntn on Friday afternoon„
Mr. Patterson was 08 years of age
sed was a reran who enjoyed the
esteem of a wide circle of friends,
A report published ^WVednesday in
the daily press says :-A call to Rev.
Mr. Tait late of the Queenatnn Street
church, St. Catharines, from Blilev:de,
and Eadie's in the Presbytery of'Maft-
Iaand, near Winghalrt, was favorably
considered by the Hamilton..P'esby-
tery Tuesday afternoon and accepted
by Mr. Tait. The stipend is $1,000
per year with manse and three weeks'
At the annual meeting of the
Epworth League following officers
were elected :- PI esident, Mrs. Jas•
Masters; Hon. -President, Rev. Mr,
Cook ; 1st vice -President, Mrs. Mc-
Call ; and vice -President, G. Hall ;
3,0 vice -President, Miss A. Mc-
Michael ; 4th ylee•President, Miss L.
McCall t 6th vice -President, Jas.
Masters ; Treasurer, Mary McGee ;
Sec., 11. Chamberlain ; Organist,
Miss McCall
The country looks tine ai.nd Spring
grain growing nicely.
John McAllister has returned to his
home at Toronto. His grand daugh-
ter accompanied him.
Next Monday Township Council
will sleet at Ethel. .80vert11 ,Drain
13y -Lows will come before the Board.
Frank Deitner has not been having
very gond health of late but we hope
be will pick up now the good weather
is here.
Mrs...I. Davidson and snit, of Strata
ford, who w(10 Visitors -at Robt.
Carr's, 3rd con., returned to then'
Next Sabbath morning at 9,30
o'clock, the Sunday School In connec-
tion with Roe's church will resume ite
regular sessions. The Superintendent
w111 he Roht, Garr.
BIG EGG.-Gcnrge Bishop,. son of
A. 13is1aop,. $th line, 1111.8 a .111ttrk
•Minnreii•' hen 1.11(11 is determined to
keep up with the procession and is
laving eggs 7 x 8 inches and weigh-
ing 41 onnees. Biddy 18 tt good one,
Tuesday evening of next week in
Roe's ('.hunc) an ilIilstratrated ad-
dress will be givenby the paetnr en-
titled "A trip from Toronto tri
Hazelton, B. C." with the lantern
and slides -100 views will be used t0
illustrate address.
invitations have Bern issued for the
marriage of Alex. I. Arrnsprrntg, who
recently bought the Eli Smith farm,.
7th eon., and Miss Aima Belle. eldest
(laugh le•'nf Nit's. Hugh 11'iriiinnnn,
of the 8101111 litre. Wedding tapes
place Wednesday of next week at
"Oban Place", the bride's home, al; 5
n. m.
A GREAT HoaSE.-Tuesday of this
week Robert L. McDonald, 1ttt cont,,
a (veil known hnraennan, p11101)1tsed
the fine imported (Miele etalline,
r'Tetenacns," (15521)=11244- from the
sturdy importer, James Leiper, of
llullett. The horse is a dark bay
white h e
marks, is lcs .
n s
rid of rest substance
g drafty0
glean, He is certainly the typof a
10111(1 to produce the eines, of 01y(lrs
mw ill lotnnmi.. Mr, Melintnlld rlr-
erveaeted1t for his enterprise and it
s to be hoped he will do well with
is new purchase, "Revelanta' is the
ire of the new horse.
W. H. J RRR, Proprietor
By the great critics of two cond.
nems, Getty Sellars, cnuceet orgartist
of the Queen's Hail and Crystal Ficl.
ace Music Festivals, London, Englund,
who plays here on 'Tuesday next.
May 12, at Melville church, has been
acclaimed the world's,greateet. deem
ti11e organist. One writer pill. it suc-
cinctly whenhe said, ' \\'i„t Padere-
wski ie to the }ARCO, Get 1 t Helloes is
to the organ,” and it will be a musical
event of the highest impel Lance to
hear the Paderewski 3(f the organ."
Even those who are not musically in -
(dined are held spell -bound, rte they
would be at en intense drama by his
marvellously realistic rendition of "A
Stour iu the Alps" - the lightning,
thunder, rain and wind sounding as
in real life, 0t 'the Russian Patrol"
by Rubenstein, where the realistic
sounds of tramping, struggling troops
are so life -like that one critic accused
Mr. Sellars of carrying a company of
erten with hint to make the sound of
tramping behind the organ. Music
lovers will be enchanted when they
hear the world famed artist in 011188i -
cat selections by the great plasters,
from Bach and Wagner to Sir Edward
Edgar and Getty Sellars himself who
8 one of England's foremost oonlpos•
ors. To hear the Coronation Music,
with beautiful Cathedral Chimes
(which Me. Sellars, carries with hint
and adjusts to the organ) is to im-
agine oneself inside Westminster
Abbey at the historic moment crown-
ing 0f )King George V. The same
program will be given which has de.
lighted audiences, averagingfrom five
to ten thousand people 1 uch audi-
toriutes as Queen's Hall and Crystal
Palace, London, or the auditorium,
Los Angeles, or The Norman Taber-
nacle, Salt Lake City. It is not sur-
prising that there is a very large de-
mand for tickets. The demand is so
great that those who do not buy their
tickets early may 111188 the greatest
treat in years.
Wren will give on Thursday evening
of next week in Union Methodist
church an illustrated address on "A
trip from Toronto to British
Columbia." I00 stereopticon views
will be presented. It should prove
entertaining and instructive.
Last week's Wingham Advance con-
tained the following of interest to
Brusselites :-
The following letter, which explaine
itself. has been handed to us :
Ottawa, Feb. 28th. 1913
Dear Bowman -
Re your proposal concerning
the Drill Halls and Armouries for
your riding -
As you are aware it was our inten-
tion to give you a cosy Drill Ball in
Brussels, and later on one in Wing -
ham, but the public building hi Bruer-
eels is to donate a suitable room for
the use of the Company there, in the
It therefore gives us much pleasure
to accede to your request that the
Drill Hall at the Armoury for Wing -
ham may be proceeded with at the
earliest possible moment.
I have pleasure in furnishing you
with the plan of,a Drill Hall, such as
we purpose erecting for you in Wing -
ham. I wish you would be good
enough to show it -to Wilson and
Sinclair as well as your Mayor and
Municipal Council
Of course you understand the town
has to furnish a suitable site free.
With kindest regards,
$Ant. HUs#HEs.
Jas. Bowman, M. P., - House of Com-
mons, Ottawa.
Brussels Council
The residue meeting of Brussels
Council war held last Monday even-
ing, the Reeve in the chair and Conor-
enters McGuire, Muldoon and Hewitt
Minutes of last tweeting read and
Following accounts were presented
viz :-
3110. Long, Assessor's salary ...$50 00
Robt. Oliver, salary 40 00
Anderson Bros., work on street 8 00
A. Campbell, " " 7 87
T. Ritchie, " " . 1 00
Moved by A, McGuire, seconded by
J. Hewitt, that above accounts be.
paid. Carried.
Weighmaster Oliver reported re-
ceipts of settles for April to be $18.06.
On emotion of Geo. Muldoon, second-
ed by A. McGuire, Court of Revision
oil assessment roll will be held on Mon-
day, June 2nd, at 8 o'clrek.
A. J. Low] y presented a petition
asltipg for the cutting down of two
Balm of Gilead trees on Tuenberey
street as they area mtisanoe. Reeve
to interview J. G. Jones, before whose
property they are.
. A conimunicaLion wets read concern-
ing street watering on Tuenberry
street Notth. No action taken as
letter bore no signature.
Onuncillor _Hewitt asked for R.
Thomson permission to change pump
in well East st Haran1
Qo d Storage
bnilding ng 3(L Mr, Thomson's- expense
and that he have permission to lock
up the same if pump IS abneed No
0114 (lin1i was taken to change of
pump hot tit( latter regnest'was,n011
it('Peded t0.
It runs Ieliorted that the eery steel
tower for the town bell was expected
to crave and the Reeve and Street
w asked to see to Its
erection at 4e early a date as p085113le,
In reply to a queu as to Cement
tile making for Ashleigh street It was
stated that George Bar'klay was about
ready to commence operations.
W. Jewitt and R. 11011d858011 asked
in reference to what was going to ba
done eon(:erniug the drain through
their 'property. Explanation was
etude by Council.
Moved by Geo. Muldoon, eeconded
by Jiro. Hewitt, that Treasurer be in-
structed to have interest and instal-
ments on loan from town to Excelsior
Knitting Factory squared.
Council adjourned.
The intermediate groups with the
conveners of each are as follows :
Group 1. -Owen Souud, Mildmay
arid Ohesley, Dr. Doerring, of Mild-
may, convener ; meet at Obesley.
Group 2. -Listowel, Poole and At-
wood. B. Bamford, Listowel, con-
vener ; meet at Listowel.
Group 8. -Brussels, Seaforth and
Clinton. 1', Sills, Seaforth, conven-
er • meet at Seaforth.
Group 4. -St. George and the three
Galt teams -the Caledotiias, Trinity
Olub and Sons of England, ' T. G.
Elliott, Gait, convener ; meet at Galt.
Group 5. -Berlin, Waterloo, Pres-
ton, Hespeler and New Dundee. H.
W. Brown, Berlin, convener ; meet
at Preston.
Group B. -Inglewood and George-
town -the schedule to be arranged by
the secretaries at the two clubs.
Stratbroy and Sirucoe are given
byes in the meantime and Wood-
stock and Ingersol will be admitted
to the intermediate series if they de-
cide to affiliate immediately.
TRE bomb route is the latest fad by
Old Land suffragettes. Wouldn't
that shock you ?
• •
4000 delegates are expected to at-
tend the Presbyterian General Con-
gress and General Assembly in Toron-
to from June 1 to 10. It will be a
HOME 'Rule is once wore on the
carpet in the House of Commons in
England and will give (opportunity of
discharging the usual fireworks at-
tending the debates on this subject.
SosranoDY in the charges' laid by
Barrister Peoudfoot against Premier
Whitney and Hon. Mr. Hanna must
belong to the Ananias Society, as the
stories told are nearly opposite by the
two political parties.
4 *
THEY say 2,000 tickets were forged
by naughty Conservatives for admis-
sion to the Laurier big meeting at
Toronto. Well supposing they did, it
probably did the dear brethren good
to hear the gospel of Liberalism as
proclaimed by Messrs. Laurier,
Graham, Clarke, ttc.
• • M
TORONTO'S 1912 Base Ball champions
have been receiving a very lavish
ornamentation of whitewash and are
at the bottom of the roll of honor
but if "The hast shall be first" holds
true botore the close of the season we
expect to see them at the other end
of the list.
SOME of the new costumes for this
season's wear are enough to stop a
clock. Nevertheless both sexes will
don them so long as it is in style.
One trouble (.appears to be to distin-
guish between the !endue and male
attire, in fact there are garments that
Might be designated neuter.
• M •
WE will give you three guesses as
to what the Senate will do with the
naval question. Those Senators are
big guns themselves and there probab-
ly will be as much smoke as powder.
The blank cartridge fired in the Com-
mons sort of prepared the way for the
• • N
A ORowLE88 rooster must be bred
for Toronto or else the I.00n1 at the
lunatic asylum will have to be greatly
increased. The Haughty king of the
barnyard is so inconsiderate that his
morning call is 00 the program before
the Queen city folk are ready to tion
their togs. Something has to be thine
to put a stop to this awful condition
of affairs. A rooster 0011510es is one
Way out, of the difficulty en that a
proper time table could possibly be
PAttr is not the only person who
had a thorn in the flesh as Sir J. P.
Whitney is also this
elites just
110te, W. Proudfo0t, M. P, P. for
Centre Huron, has been Eying to
exten05 it but the Ontario Governo
men tdont sant hien to perform' the
opereti nt. Mss Whitney Raid some
very "sassy" things to the (io(let•1o11
K. 0. the other defy, that were couch
ed in rather more than parliameatary
language but as both are lawyer* 10
didn't hurt, they are used to It.
Perth County
The total receipts of the Mitchell
Horticultural Society for the yearl912
amounted to 5195, including a grant
from the Ontario Government of 5813.
Members' fees, 5111, Of this $110 was
paid for bulbs and plants ; 858 for leo-
tures and periodicals and 516 in sal-
The official lists of rinks on the Can-
adian bowling team to tour England,
Ireland, Scotland and Wales 8o groups
A. Frill, of Stratford 1-Mitehellrink-
Alex. Faill, Stratford ; T. S. Ford,
Mitchell ; H. Thompson, Rodney; Dr.
E. G. Wood, (skip), Mitchell. In flvo
weeks they will sail for the 01d
Country. Each Canadian 'rink will
play an equal number of games and
the rinlc making the greatest number
of wins will receive the J, Rose
Robertson medal. rhe Royal Oan)-
dian Yacht Club- colors have been
Private reports being sent to parents.
G. Edwards 86, H, Denman 84, J.
Elliott 82, B. MoQuarrie 82, B. Kerr Bo.
G, Speiran 8o, L. Jackson 78, K. Mc-
Donald 71, L. Love 1 6g, F. Wood 64
(Gram.), R, Barkley 64; W. Harris 64.
L. Burgess 6e (Latin), R. Sinclair 57, j
Oliver 56 (total Alg., Science Geom.. J.
Scott 56 (total Alg., Lit.,) G. Armstrong
54, (total Science, Art), J. Ballantyne
53. (total Age. Book keeping), G. Wil-
son °•o (total Alg., Grammar), Harry
Fox 44 (total Alg„ French, Latin,
Geom.), P. Payn 42 (total.)
13. S. SCOTT.
Sr. IV, -Examined in Arith., Cornp..
Hygiene, History, Spell. and Daily
work. Honors 75%. Pass
R Stewart 91 E Rands - 118
L Ameut ....83 A McLanchlin..,68
L Wright. ....70 A Thompson 67
13 Campbell 76 V Sinclair. 65
H Currie ,75 M McFarlane -.55
T McLaucblin 71 A Mann 46
Jr. IV. -Examined in Gram., Liter.,
Hygiene, Arith., Spell. and Daily work.
Honors 75. Pass 6o.
H Stewart -9 W Buchanan . „Bo
D R'ss .75 S McLauchlan .,.53
H Gerry 70 L McCracken....49
R Hewitt ..... 66 M Carter 46
E Cameron 6o
Sr. III. -Exam. in Hist., Arial.,
Gram . Writ., and Daily work. Honors
75. Pass 6o.
C Bre' 71 M Puwson 50
B Wright ....67 ACurrie 5o
P Barkley .....,. 65 1 Fox
M Skelton 63 A Fox
F Hinson ...... ....62 C Moore
le Moore 57 H James 40
F McNaughton .52 1 Warwick .36
Jr. III, Examined in Writ. Gram..
Read„ Lit., and Daily work. Honors
75. Pass 6o.
le Lott ... ........69 0 Hemingway.:.45
E Jamieson.... .58 W Rue 41
V Harris 58 G Backer ...35
Af Hoist 57 •*G Thompson.,.34
M Cameron.,,, :56 **J Thompson ...33
S McLauchlin ss *A Drage. ...3z
NI Duuforcl 5s R Currie 32
M McLanchlin...52 W Harkness 3o
M Ross 47 C Heist 16
W Burgess 46
Those marked." missed exams.
Sr. IL -Examined in Arith„ Mem.,
Comp., and Daily work. Honors 75.
Pass 6o.
I McNichol 84
D Hohnes 85
E Burgess ?7
M Wilton 60
r Anderson 69
V Lowry ... 67
0 Hollinger. ,67
G Jarvis 61
Ir. II Class -
C Thomson 9t
L Drage 84
F Stewart ,.....,8o
L Barkley 79
E Hollinger. 77
D Walker 76
J Lowry ....,68
M Campbell 6o
A Stewart 58
W James.., 58
D Currie - 56
W Snider
L Conley - .55
M*J Harkoess......25
M Oliver 59
el McCracken 47
M Wood.:.. ,45
G Wilson,..:32
**G Suider 3(6
***L Snider 16.
'rhose marked * missed an examina-
Pram., BALKER'
PRIMARY 5.00st
V, -Examined in Arab., Spell..
Read„ Language, Writ., Dep. and
Daily work.
'r Burgess.,.,.....95 H Kevs 78
K McLaren qz E Oliver
Al MoLauehlin:..84 13 Cameron .59
13 •Thneli - 82 H Drage ......,64
R Hemingway...81 L Flatt.... 63
F' Oliver....., . 8o E. Moore. ... .
117. Examined in same.
LHolmes'........e2 C Lott,..,....,,..„.64
I Snider 72 *A 13allantyee...,55
ITL 'Excellent. -G, Jamas,. J.'Welk-
er, E. Jarvis, L. l hnell, • W, McDowell,
Good -C. Salter, 13, Cardiff, A, 'Loom-
soli, E..MeLaren,
I1._..Excellent,-I. Milligan, 1L. Sloven.
G. Eckm]er.
Good -b. 'Thom -
I. Excellout.-1, Keys, L. Hollinger,
K. Ferguson, 13, Saiter, 0. Atiderson,
G Best, F. Oliver, W. McFerize n, G.
Sts itt. Goo
Ballantyne, M. Snider, M. Hal. lager,
la Dennis, F. Lowry, N. Snider..
r. BtrotsAtiAN.