HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-1, Page 51 v BUSINESS CARDS, WM. SPENOE OONVEVANOEli, AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LIOENSEti Mee In the rust unite. Ethel. 3e•4 JOHN SUTHERLAND 1NOnaatiO 1, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. . ��, b. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION • ase, will sell tut better prices, L. .nutter ales, 1 lees 11111u and less charger than any other Auetlouou, in yeast Huron of he won't abargo anything. Dates and order. eau always ue arranged at this tare or b r re uOI spplioatlon, • a.EUAL ANii i;ONVEYANCINS. 1 M S1NOLAIii- 11 • 330 830ter, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public', &o, tlffioe-Stewart's Block I door NrL al ()sutra% Hotel. Solicitor ler the Metropolitan n Bnuk. pt(OUDI+'00T, HAYS & KILLORAN BARtt1B'1 ERS, SOLICI:TORB, NC/TABUN PVBLIU, 3310, W. 1'000D/00T, K. O. -R O. HAY( J. L, KILLORAN OlOoeo-'rbooe formerly mauled by Messrs Cameron & Holt, GOnaa1O0, ONTARIO. ALLAN LIN Royal Mail Steamers T J LIVERPOOL Taniatan ................ .. Victorian .................... e'nrninnn......... . ... 'Virginian ,. , Fruu1 ;Solaro, Saturday May ; 1118,84 y. lin, 1 Snitudl.y, triny 11 Thar -tiny, Slay 2'. TO GLASGOW Pretoria!' 41' tit .1a i , 11•y I Gramp1ian., .., ... ., 4t relict, ,tiny 1e 4nmldinnvhul ..., ,. .. ": I nidal. play 1; Hesperilla. .. .......... S..111111117, May 24 TOL - NOON A O HAVRE Sunday, May 4 Pnulerinnina Sunday, May 11 Suction .. Sunday, May 1e Fall information 1111 to rat on,., c., on appli tw. tion to W. H. KERR. A gait Allan hhlr, Brussels. 4 n ✓Art✓& ��7tvnrAysrAvuyAvuS ri Y0. ss. OWING TO THE HIGH STANDARD D. maintained .3,., iiad in this Colleen, the sof the 19L for ly graduates Is far In 0x0,1(00 of the �IC supply. This iannque.tounn lily one of 7 ! Canada's Best voam,•rnial Sellouts. y 11, reacted proves it. ELLIOTT std, TORONTO, ONT. s Admits students at any time, pre. - V pares them ( ,properly for choice pod- '0 Lions and , ...Isis worthy students to P V secure employ meut. College open all ( •S year. Write now for Imndsome Onto. 0``�� 2,logne. C' aOur. Young mad 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, tE Alexander Mo. f Principal. c. 6i.- tt emx res,e 882x4,1: etverem'C GENTIAL STRATFORD, ONT, It Tree best practical training school In o- Ontario. Three departments -Dam- ,,�ttt morcial, shorthand and Tolegra. a ri. phy. All courses are thorough and practical. Teachers ole experienced ?a and grndttntea are placed In positions. •SI pI We give. individnnl attention and stud- i7 etas may eater ut any tune elWrite for our free catalogue at irsS once, D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. r,YASYiOVOYAM.,..q0tvr'ArLYAtAYArl,1r t.4?V , Tuesday, 25 € �; 1. is th8p Png T rdm atf the 4 PBusiness The e. a�r qy - Two. `O Courses-, Sten E' Commercial and stenography i� EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. 9 L oft4„,,,,,,,,....-....ca ANA. HRAYM.ANN stowel I0 Coale e 9 Is prepared to simply thebest goetis in Witultuills, iron and ' \Voorlen Pumps and Stable. Fittings :melt as Piping, Wat- er Bowls- £or'stoek, Ate. Repairs Lo P(1n1Ps promptly attended to. Give lin' a 1:(111. anbraok O YMANN Cr A. A When your Back Hurts Of cour80 its hard 30 work. Stoop- ing Over hurts, lifting is tedious, and you tvondor what to do. Ever try ,.. Ne tvliiuia? Not MIS in like it fee weak 1 ', 1(l lame hat k It peolate,t I l s LO the ,1034, of rile palm eases hem the first core that defies aa' rapt)11c,ulon. Minus 0 eelapse No lnlmltelit 18 so clean so 8ontlmng, so certain to kill rr111241lit l' rheumatic or stiletto pants. Vont• dealeh sells Nervildne in huge 25r, bottie9, Why not try it, , , • e, _ s s s s �e • 1 W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Etrnpalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night or citty. Phone 228. ETHEL, ONT. t • p—er • Business [lards OR. T. T, M RAE rat+hrlur of Medicine, University of Toronto ; ,ioectuite and Graduate of the voltage of Phu-, 1011111.' 11114 burgeons, Ont, Poat•gker314uate Mange EyYe, Ear, Nose and Throat (lospltal, 'hiuugu; I11. Ex -House Surgeon to St. 7dich- l's 1101104111, Toronto. (Mine over F, it Smith's Drug Store, Tole• 'trona ...inflection with Cranbrookst all Miura. OR, '' T. BRYANS ha:helm. oftlediolno, University of Toronto ; iduenth,te of (1011nge of -Physrloas and 1(.08' aeons, Onto; le ; ex'3enior Home Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, Offices of late Dr. A McKevey, Smith Block, Brussels. Rural phone 95. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. ?hyslcian and Surgeon ; Post &radnate'eoureee London (Eng.), New York and Ohioan° Hos- Axis. Spscial attention to disease of eye, ear, lose and throat: grim tested for -glasses. OR. WAROLAW • donor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night galls. 011ce opposite Motu Mill, itthel, MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department ofOphthal- mology, McCormick ie a lde 011., l prepared t0 tent eye' and t a8o4 a1 ,er office over Growar's Restaurant, Brussels, In ,Thursday, 'friday and Saturday of every ,veek Office hours 1 to 6 p. n1. Forenoon' appointor(111. Phone 1219. .. .. T. R. BENNETT Will give better Antiafnctlon to both buyer and ,eller than any other Auctioneer and only Marge what tN renaounble. Sales 0011.1 noted • i ywhere (n Ontario. Pare bred stook Notes n apeclelty, Write or ', I Bonn 26 Wroxeter. _ Racal tlelus terns' TRADE follows the Ad. Lots of family trees bear lemons. LENT week we seut out notices to subsci,bers ill arrears. A number re- sponded promptly but others have ap pareltly overlooked the request for a remittance. Now is the time to get yourself in good standing. KINCARDINE Reporter says of a form er Brusselite :-C. W. Jackson is im- proving his home on Broadway by the ad.litiou of cedar hedges, -new fenbe and cement flower pots. ,ibis is the season of the year to begin to beautify the houses. '('His paper solicits your printing. If \ou avant any kind of printing we can do it neatly and for memorial cards or wedding invitations we have the latest designs. If it is business stationery or an auction sale bill, pro• grams, annual statements, tickets, in tact anything in the line of paper and printing, we eau give you satisfaction. -It would surprise you to know of the great good that is being done by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Downey, of Newberg Junction, N. B., writes, "My wife has been using Chamberlain's Tablets and finds thecal very effectual and doing her lots of good. 1f you have any trouble with your stomach or bowels give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. good old days IN the Y if you had ,a pain 'anlidship" the doctor told yon Mainly that it was • the stomach ache. Now he calls it appendicitis, perito- nitis or gastritis. If you had tr.-indite in the "upper storey" he called 31 a head- ache. Nowadays it is corrustified exegeter antispasmodically emanating Froin au iofiained condition of the molecular anti atomic formations con, :ltituting the Medulla oblongata and thereby materially affecting the cerebra' nerves, Which belong in juxtaposition thereto, produces a prolific source of irritability an the pericranial epidermis of the mental profundity. FROM ANRTA NORTH DAKOTA. --Dear o W1 KerPILa,e find enclosed $t•5n for subscription to THE POST winch wr receive gladly every week It Is a much better paper than we can get for the money around homehere andbesides it gives us the news of our old home town. We are fairly well although old grippe has been making his -rounds as in the East and gripped some of us rather hard. Weather is fine and everybody busy. Had very little snow all last Win ter. With best regards, Yours Sincerely, M. McKBNzts. Aneta, April 18, 2913. FORMER RESIDENT. -OD Friday Apri 18th. the death occurred of one 01 the pioneer residents of Seaiorth, in the person of Mts. John Winter at the good age of 84 years. She passed peacefullt away at her home on Victoria street after It brief illness. She dict not seen') to suffer from any particular disease but gradually, gave .way under the weight of years. Mrs. Winter's maiden name was Jane Cairns. She. Was- born in 'Berwick -on •Tweed, Scotland, and (vas married thereto Robert Thompson, who soon after their marriage over 6, Veers ago they came to Canada. • They first settled id Flarnboro, Wentworth county. From there they removed to the township of Morris,. settling on the farm within the corporation ...of. ,what is now 131118sels and on wliiolt the present agricultural grounds, are rioW located !'hey lived on titles farm L18111 Mr. Tholnpson died when Mts. Thomp- son removed into Ainleyville or 'wleat Is new Brussels. After a few years' residence there the deceased removed to'Sealorlh about 45 years ago, where she was .married to John Winter, 13v the first marriage site had a family of g sons and 2 daughters of whom 2 sons 'Pho sons are d titers survive. and 2 n a f John and William Thompson and the daughters, Mrs, Jolts Payne and Mise'Phompson, all. of }Cham reside Seaforth.' .David died Some years ago By the second marriage there were two sons, Jasper and Alexander both bf'whom are dead, Mrs, Winter wes n quiet, good living woman, whose'.. chief pleasure was n1uls'ering to her family by whom she was very greatly beloved, She Wag P cousisteut member 01 the Presbyterian church, The funeral took place 011 Monday, the services beteg conducted by Rev. Mr, Larki0. and in- terment taking place in tate Maitland - bank cemetery. t 1 Y• Poor appetite is a sure sign of 1111 - paired digestion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen our dl L Ginn and improve your appetite. !'Mona- ands have been benefitted by taking these Tablets, Sold byal a ti dealer*. 1, DIFFERENT 1 OOST BOYS - M i do not wish to go and fish as other ladsr WIb are tin • I'd rather take the spade ade and r8lte, r spend the long dayhoeing. I'll plant the seeds and pull the weeds where grow the beet and radish, nor yearn at all to play baseball or other pastimes Relish. When 1 am done, at set of sun with cabbage, beet and onion, .3 wont forsooth, read tale of sleuth P11 read the works of (innyan. 1 do not care to see the bear or elephant perftd'mutg or watch the clown tumbling down when up a pole he's swarming. To do my task is all I ask, all clay, till night ISdwindlin to sae: the wood.as 1 gg chtIdler should and stilt the morning ktudliug Let other lads distress the dads and 1(1 the brook go swimming; with knife -on edge I'll prune the hedge and give the greet a tritnnling.,. I'll clean the lard which now looks; hard and paint the shed and stable and fix the tense with z.al intense, aud'toil ' white I am able. I do not ate how thele can be a joy in foolish p.'easure the one best bet Is honest s..eat and IOi"a+'lar g,e.itest treasure i Coder ch timidity morning wg the I. O. Q. F. 036Phtlell .Net flee in Victoria street church. Nev. Ur. Medd preached. Samuel Jot doe, La nice time p4e1- prielur of -the Bedford block bather shop, tree buried ill Tot onto at Mon- day of hast week. -' Saturtltay, May 3r41, the ratepayers of Goderieh will vote on the two in• (11slrhal bylaws. First, to guarantee the 11(111(11 of the Rice-J(Dight Co. 10 the extent of $20,04)0, and the other to grant a loan- of 34,000 to N. Diet - itch & Son. Morris SCHOOL REPORT,-Fn11ou'Mg is the school report of S. 3 No 8. Result of tm•tnitiml ltxntue. Ent. -Gram., U01ug1., Geog., Read. Total 40(0 Pass- 240.-U. Johnston 387, 1. Turvey 830, 11. (t ',ashy 295, .1. Bosnian 270. G. Agar 22'44 -Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -Total 4140 Pass 4110-L. Brower 093.' Jt. Ill. to Sr. I IL-Tot„I 80D Pass 4110 - I,1 Sellers 593, F. Ki'. uey 5935, L. Tut rey 1382, G. Brewer 493, ll. Sorrell 443. Sr. 11. to .Ir. lit-'Potnl 70) Pms350.-E. \Vnrwiek 534, U. '.3.8. 11,111 521, ll. Sou,•l, 515. U. Bosnian 490 Jr. 1 L to Se. 11.-Tot,d 700 Phse 35(1, PI Gilt alas 602, G. Ft'll 043, W. Ker hey 517, F. G:n•niss 501, H. Geodes 350 Jr: 11.-13. Mabee, Sr. Pt. 11.--1\I. Density. .L'. Pt. 1 L. -A. Johnston, .1 'Purvey. se. Pt. Warwick, F. anew'''. Jr. Pt. I -B. Smelt, I,. Gnomes. \V. Sellers. Primer -J McVet 631', A. Turvey, 0. \Vafwick F. Jfilsturd. I 13. FRAIN. Teacher. Atwood 51'1,001nd 0,uulcil of Elaut meets Satcu•day, May 31.d. - \1'ea. Candler solei his property scone Lituc.nig1( anti moved t0 •Mllvelton. T. G. Ballantyne plaid $50 to An- drew i aidlaty fora sew that weighed 050 poolds. • Elute Cheese & Butter Mfg.. Oo Ltd., ,hipped theft make of butter for the lhst pat t of April to the Swift a dlaCo.,atfold at. 30c ler Canadian 1 ( S 1 pn11ud Atno�unt realized. 3043.65. Patrons received 34 18 cis. per p 80111(1 of bullet• fat. !$LMA INSURANCE MEETING.- A meeting of the 1)heetots of Elnia ,mets 121(1(31(13 lire Insurallno Cont- ently was held 111 Atwood, Taesday, Apell15611. Members of board were present amt Mt:. Love. A claim was presented from Jun, NV, McKay for $3.00 For (Manage t1( his house by 'lightt.11133 on March 2401, 1913, which was paid in full. 58 applications for insurance were accepted amounting to $154,750.00 of.risk. Meeting adjourn- ed till Tuesday, 203 Inst. ACCOMMODATION FOR THE 7`RAVEL- TTNe9 I IIRLTC.-ill 11101 w'ork's Bee the following item appeared Up to the preseiit time we 1(l a infra need- by Lite props fetor Of the -Elora l louse that he has not peen ablr to seenee a tenant at. the rental he asks. The present tenalIb purposes vacating the prem- ises ern the ant of May. In view of these facto nlfuly of Dur best houses are offering accommodation. E'II'8t class tnea,ls and rooms are available at TOrONTO WOMAN WELL AGAIN Freed From Bearing Down Pains, Backache and Pain in Side by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Compound. Toronto, Qnt, ',Last October, I wrote tocompletely ou for advice as I wasrun Y down, had bearing % 41 / 1;•, `�. eY; :,J,', dowe sensation in the lower part of bow- els, backache, and pain in the side• I also suffered terribly from gas. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound and am now entirely free from pain in back and bowels and am stronerinever g Y way. I recommend LydiaE. Pinkham's Compound highly to all expectant moth- ers. "-Mrs. E. WANDBY, 92 Logan Ave- nue, Toronto, Ontario. Consider We11 This Advice. No woman suffering from .any form female troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound a fair trial„ This famous remedy, the medicinal in- gredients of which are derived from na- tive roots and herbs, has for nearly fortY. years proved to be a most valuable tonic' and invigorator of the female organism. Women residing in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound will help you, write toLydiaE.Pinkhamllfedicine Co. (eonfdential) Lynn,Mass., for ad- vice. -Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, gad held in strict confidence. - 31.50 per day. Iefnr'inetion regarding the snrne may be obtained 01( enquiry at the motionor 0r at W. R. EI8lcine's store. 1.311opla1'(111111 tirlrgnate for the ten vellees 1(l a 111811 available. DIES GOING FOR LUNCH. -Fred. 13118. ser, forouvly n1FailhalVe,Ont., near 1.01101011, land NM employee of the Mettle leer Alining Company, Kenna, flied suddenly Monday 011 his way to lmirh from work. A8 he (Tossed the U. P. It. tracks he MLR 8eizr1l With 11 hemorrhage anti expired a few Minutes Inter. Deceased WAR 41 years- of ago and had been 1,1 Kenmaa flume .tutu years. The body was taken to Stlnth- rey for interment, Rev. 1)1.. Roser, pastor of the Methodist church here, Who is n brother, attended the funer- al. Lame back is usually canned by rheumatism of the muscles of the hack, for which yon will find. nothing better. than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. Listowel W. J. Hay, of Winnipeg, spent a short time in town last week. A number of painters of the 0. P. R. were in town painting and decora- ting the C. P. R. property here. Mrs. H. B. Mnrnhy, who has been spending the Winter with her hus- band in Ottawa, has returned 11ome. Rev. Dr. Gaudier, ' Principal ' of Minx College, Toronto, preached morning and evening in the Preshy- tetian chnech last Sunday. A. Byrne, of Toronto, has taken possession of the Mannell House. Mr. 13i (gnat, the former proprietor, and firs. Miguel and family, will remove to Toronto. At a special meeting of the official -board of the Methodist church -a un- animous invitation wan extended to Rev. Dr., Barber to remain for the third yehr. The invitaation W48 Ac- cepted. -- Andrew Yule met with . a painful accident when in opening a box his chisel slipped causing a gash in his thumb (1 hu tl Ihat required uirrd 4 atltc1l es l 1 el0ae: He was Off work for some tune The gold Watch which 0. 13. blur. logy, jeweller, offered 0.0 the person guessing nearest to the time at which the wraith would cease running, was. wnn by A. W. Glen. Mr, Glen uess. ed the watch would run 33 hours, 7 (minutes and 57 seconds. It ran for ••�•••••••�••��•••••��•••� a• • E-ri.hte,n • • �+1N81� • • • • •• • • • • Wallsr 1 p! We have just what you need to Brighten Up any or every room in your house. (Boxes' Wall Paws, which tune the best j values on the market. !Sherwin Williams Paints, 01 colors and qualities for ever',\' surfer:v. • dw V1Foo 0rk Floors 1 .. Windows • 1 Der- A huge range of Prints, Shillings, Dr'ille, Mneliu8, Vestings, Ern- • t,rtlideries, Crepe blus11116, Dress Linens, ore. • 1 f Ov cods. on 1.31 abOve ken as Dash a du eta !E Pro 0 1 - • • • dCO. 1 o�nal & �o RIS A. MC11 '; PHONE 6210 - CRANBROOK i ( s •••••i'••••••••••s•a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• {{ LinnlOuma, 'Floor Oils, Stair Oils. Best Pat terns. Also'l'apestl'y Lugs, Blinds-plainand. with fringe. Lace Curtains -White and Ecru. or Olean,. 35e to $2.50 per pale. Curtain Nat --•Ivory and Earn by the yd. Frill Muslin, Colored Mitdras. Ar.t Muslin, Sateena and Scrims. - • •• 1 • •. • • • • • •13 1 • • • e 1 • •• • • •••• • • • 38 hour's, $ minutes and 37 seconds, ,likq,.G.F+'1••h,1:,1,•h,'?.l F„>•d':L:+d•4•+d•+++ Cow t cli' 11ev3Nio7 ail for the RIMS. Mr. Gllen'e gue58 being jtlet 40eeeonde ", MAL Bluevalo MATILIMONIAL PI e 1 1(1131 et Rev and Mee. F. E. Davey, of Oalge.ry, 18(80 the 800(131 of 11 pre3l y wedding on 1 t \Vednesdll evemiu April 1601 when :Mss 1'Iethee Hawley, of Calgary, be - carne the bride of Fred. Haney, formerly of Bluevale. Bride looked chat ming in ,1 own of ale blue, charmeuaesatin ((11d carrier a Marge hoc net or bridal roses. Ilea' Mendes. nut ' 1 3 r d, MINY P u1111c Davey, w s gown- ed . v t o eta ua deli'blue Mucin and carried pink rat natl(1ue The e bride's aft len r 1 IHP t Us Donby, a' t 1 Miss 1 l Llel eta I'illg Iea1P.[' 1111d, e•arried pink carhatinns, The cerrm0113' was performed by Rev, P. E. Davey, brother -in -haw of the bride, which was followed by adelta y httu'h- e(111. envies being laid for only the immediate friends of the cout'acting parties. 14tble wee beautifully dee- /tutted with rosea. (a1ema:1.ns and ferns end 8tre0nlei'R of 40,101, s,1301 ribbon. Mr. Haney is it t' 11 g busi- 11e130 mal of Calgary, h„l, e n 10pre. sentative of the Seeks Co. Limited Toronto. The bride has to 11 , It friends 1 in cityL v theand Was the 11 r a tion of 1 t many 'beautiful gills. \Ve extend hearty couga'atulatiorls to the fnrtnn- ate groom...__ Blyth Beiuton Bron. have purchased a fine new, five passenger Overleuld, car. !Hiss . Huzel Bennett is able to be about titter a confinement of ten days to her home through illness. The Standard says :-Owen Geiger, ttf the Bl n Presider Blyth Flax Co. was ae y in town during t31 week a e hl u in the townships surrounding, making ar- rangements for plowing and sowing this Season's flax. We understand they will put in over 200 acres. Blyth Agriculttit•al Society offers throe special prizes -1st $3, 2nd $200 3rd 31.00 001' the best collection of garden produce grown by children under 10 yeas of age, there to be at least 15 varieties, the same to be shown at the Fall Fair. Fordwich A new Sherlock & Manning organ was -placed in the church at Orange Hill. Thos. Williams, of Sault Ste Marie, is visiting his parento and other relatives in town. T. and Mrs. Andrew and son, Elliott left. Gerrie for Regina, where they in- tend Malting their home. 'Phe rnrnl mail route from this office Meta been let. John Barber formerly of London will be the earl kr. JI1:'s..1r(mes 131',iwn, who spent the \Vitaerwit h het. daughter in 314103is- tnu,•has 1',turned to her haute here. W Lnwham 11,0111111 t Groves' son is at present in the hospital with typhoid fever. Alex. Reid lois purchased the prop- erty on John street. formerly owned by Ur. l\lellonadd from Dr. Cook. Andrew Jamieson last week deliver- ed Thos. Field 8 two-year-old steers which weighed 4050 lbs. and netted $273 38. The famous Salvation Army Staff Band cif 33 members will visit Wing - ham May 3rd and 4th. Saturday evening Musical Festival, Town Hall, 8 p. m. Mayor Vanstone, chairman. Three cars of horses were shipped ream Wingham last week. Two car's were purchased by Messrs. Rintoul anti McKague and shipped to Mon- treal, the other by Geo. Shaw to Winnipeg. R'ingharn was favored with a visit from Rev. J. W. Aikins, of Toronto, who preached morning and evening in the Methodist church last Sunday in the interests of the Temperance and Moral Reform) work. Monday of last week the Board of License Commissioners for North Huron met in Wingham and granted Hammes to 4 hotels in Wingham and one in Wroxeter but withheld the licenses of the Dinsley house here and the two in Blyth. These three will be reconsidered at their next meeting, May 9th. Board consists of M. Lock- hart, chairman, Al. Dane and T. Dur- nln. L1STOWEL WON.- Listowel High School team, holders of the Hough Cup defeated Win m hahere last Stati rdlly by 1 to 0 in the first of the home and home games. It was a grand battle the line up -Win - haul -Goal G R. Smith ; backs. F. Colvin, L Taylor ; halbacks, J. Currie, (4. Cruickshank, J. Campbell ; left wing, G. Rintonl, 3. Dixon ; right wing, W. Elliott, W. Buchanan; centre, W. Haines ; spare, H. Day, Listowel -Goal, H., Strachan ; hacks, W. Kett, H. Moore ; half -backs, W. Yule, E. 1leEain, P. Waddell ; for- feited* C. !Tiles. 1i. Orr, H. McLach- lan. F,:Kelly, 0. Cavell. Alex. Ander- son, of Brussels, made a competent referee. , Why Do Vou Paint 7 Sometimes Prom shock or fright, but usually because the system is weakened and depressed, -it lacks power to react' from sudden strain. This - s eclnditiqu demandsnnuristnnent which is best supplied by Ferroznne. In every form of debility Ferrozone is a specific. It fot lilies - that digestive and aesiuudati3e power of the body, proulnte9 the elimination of waste materials, builds up tissue, gives. poergy - ,and resistance. To have enduring 'nerves, aL strong COnSittlti01 and hutting good health, use Ferro - zone, Sold everywhere in 50o boxes or six for 32.60, n East Wan¢ osh Council The n Aril 14th e Council met o April , members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and confirarted,. Communication from Samuel Ped- dle received complaining about dam- age he was su ltaulh'g through no• proper outlet for water on his peopet r'e boundary 1 ry 'leek was t t m Northam 1101 r c n 0 Y 0correspond•Iib Mr. n1aLr(1cted t w Peddle end suggest that :proceedings be taken u'ndet the Ditches and Vltateecee1ses Act for a satisfactol'y settlement of this matter, Ourrie -'•- Stonehouse That C. A. Junes, of Peetrolla, be appointed En., Our New Spring to ings + 4. Are attracting much at- .1. tention these days. New designs are neat. We have them it valious + shades snoh as Tans, Blues, 4. k- riVsl 4c. + + These are worn by the Best .;. t Dressed Men. Snits Made by its + are distinctive and correct and bound to give satisfaction, ++ + Conte in and let us show you. .p. 'r Our prices are moderate 0(011• + sidering the quality of material � 4. atsd'workmanship. • + Good trimmings one of the ++ 1 features of our Glade. + A,few Ready-to-wear Over- + coots at a Bargain. + W P. Fraser it Merchant Tailor + •f 44+++++.1-14++++4.4-1-1-1.4•444.+3-+ gineer for the township under the and - Ditches tWatercourses Act in place of C. D. Campbell, Galt. Car- ried. Mr. Calder, representing the Saw- yer & Massey Go. waited on the Coun- cil hi reference to the purchasing of a new road grader. Laid over till next Buchanan -Irwin -That J. E. Ellis be appointed Tax Collector for the present year at a salary of 300, ptovid- iug'he furnish sufficient security for the due fulfilment of said office. Carried. By-law No. 5 and By-law Nu. 0, 1913, both read and passed. A number of accounts amounting to 397.95, principally for repairs to cul- verts and washouts were ordered to be paid: Council adjourned to meet' Monday, May 26th, at 1 o'clock as a ael1011 1(t' ul her 1owtlship iTusinesa• PORTERFIELD, Clerk.. +0+40.1•04.0+41.4.0+4-1.•+4 44.13.13+8 t 4, • • b + • • o t• •Offit • 1 .i�r • f There's no Crowd •• + • when the Third's • • ill KODAK 4. +• • • + a•• Y Y — •+ Any can Kodak— • 4. No fuss; • • No bother, i No dark room. + ®® • •P • Kodaks from 35.00 up T. + Brownies $1.00 to $12.00 I • 'L +• Now that the bright days- • •d• are here eouditione are right • • for getting good pictures. ' Everything for the Kodaker l • always in stock. 4. . 1tA1y11e�g I+ J• •r R. -♦ ndt I 4. Jeweler Wroxeter • • •,s÷•+•÷•+4-1-0÷•÷•÷•÷•÷•+•+• Irlair Goods THE approaching visit of par. nee ,Pember, of the Pember Ha Store and Beauty Cnithee Tnstil u; of'Curont”, should ;dove of interest 0r ad want ago Ll rivet y' woman who ren. this autlunnlceulent. Professor Penale will display en assort Men 1.. 00 Mho; Wavy Switches, 13raids, Puffs and Trac. formations, the equal of which hat never before been seen ont8ide of Toro; to, Professor Pember will also exau1ine and diagnose, free of charge, all 11at1' and scalp t1'ntlble's and his advice may -be relied 11900, Fine Toupees and Wigs for Gentlemen a Specialty. All goods are manufactured of the finest Natural Hair. A visit will be nndonbtedly worth your while at the American Hotel, , Brussels Wednesday, May 0th Ladies who for any reason cannot visit the Hotel, write or phone ami Professor Pember will call at their residence. Foe mail orders address- Pember Hair Store, 127 Yong° at., Toronto, Ont. • • • • •e • • • • _' • •• + • ••• • • • a • • • ••• ••• • • •13 • • • •13 • • • 1 1 t AlMctauchlin, ppeOn"J • The Right Track • • if to the • • Simplex ••• • Linn -lade •• •• 'You look:for Relief from your • Cream Separator Troubles, • • • • • l.00katit1• • • • • • ••• • • • • • Size its substantial construction, only a slight indication of the, super ler work and endurance: of whiell 1t is capable. "STAY ON" till you've tried a Simplex in yoer Own dairy, thea you're safe, - Patented, 141aitnfactueed and Guaranteed by the pioneer and larg- est manufacturers of Dairy Supplies and who first int:emblced 111e Cen- 4,,fngal 01'e'aln Separator in America; it' is the pt'od(c8 of tetany years' work and study and is the ever increasing "Didryuuul's P,1vorit9, Not depending on Gigantic and Costly Advertising Campaigns, Travelling Satlesmen. Preo Machines and Free 'Pt ips to Agents, etc., to rush sales we at able to embody the saving thus al -fouled in superior (10I1961licti011 and Inetel•htl and thusgive the 1eee 11101'3 value for his moneys Gall •0r' write and we will bity ors more about it, Agent Brussels w 1i M w • • • • • • s a M•••••s Sa•Sf 13•tJL643Yso91•So 1$440400•••e0000000000••••••