HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-5-1, Page 1xe VOL. 41 ';U. 44 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, M.lY 1, 1913 W. H. KERR,'Froptietor New Advertisements --_ )to4ek'-J. R. Wendt. )11L !.howl loot—'J'ek Powt.n,,f-I t".Inuhnrd+. cv'yell (t eorge !fillyer. Vtirny,-l-liarvev llrue+ Npring wenrinevn-.Ie". )''ox. Noose ulenning-7P 11 Smith 19moloyment-PI'II1c1711 Nirnery Co. eW yll 1'1'lft •� Seaforth , increasing interest is being. nirani-. 1'eeted in the revival services being conducted by the Kerr Brothers in the Alethndist 'Ii01(;h, -'11. \V. Kerr nid- cleessecl a MAMA menti ng of women in the Presbyterian church and J. Mel). Tiers addressed a windier sleeting for hien iti the Methodist church. Meetings will be continued every Evening !hie week. r'RANIC KUNG DEAD.- Typhoid . fever claimed another victim here on Saturday in the person of Frnul1 `Klin the popular leo Ii•ietnl' ii the Dick House. lHouse.tiling contracted the •fever about three weeks ago and i1 • was thought he was 011 the high way to recovery, but a relapse set in 00 Saturday morning end death soon followed. Deceased was in his 35th i ' survived by his wife feigns serer and 1s - c E mop dville "I 11[ MaryAllen of n eel v ss , g ,uiiil one child. The funeral wee held 1luirlay and was largely attended, • Walton it.'v. 1f1'. Ii,ichiu'clsen, of, London, will in each 111 St. Gr11rge'8 18111x011 he, t• nexG Sabbath afternoon. NextSabbtith mingling the regular (4,ntu terry (301010011100 w111 be nbst•rv- •e the pastor Itludi trini ht) r 'u theA.tt1 s church } being in ahtu'ge. Well on Chnean Frieittls;4Onnnci1 has lad quite tan'l,t•cession 1.0 their un•irl- bevel, ip by the t'ffoeteof an organizer Troon Galt, to 911'. Ackerman. '1'llecoining of May 1st closed ori the license 1)1 \Value) hotel, \Ve an- d, !stand 1 he proprietor purposes con- tinuing Ilit• hotel Mediums and should de tt good trade. Scuouz, 1Ltarortr.-The following is 'port of the standing of pupils of U. S. S. No. 12. Grey and McIfiilop since ]luster en(1'in the Fulton, t'xnutinetion4 :-V.-Ada Fulton, Att- drew Cnntte. Sr. 1V'. Total 950. I Inners '712. Pass 570. -Dotard Bu- e 11110 n 084, Alice Kireehtel 580. .i3'. 1 V.--Tola1 125. Honors 548. Plass 302. -George Ramsay 480, Ella, Case 428. Sr. TIL Total '710. Honors 532. 1?ass 355 -Gertrude McKenzie 440, Nelson Fulton 409. Jr. III. Total 035. Honors 474. Pass 818-Lisabell Suiten 401, Jimmie Sniter 474. Sr. II. •••••..•••.••.OAOIA•0m9•••1a........a®ase.•••••.••*•ao. • • Four•• is Only left to purchase � g •• of• your -1 . Shoes at o/ S • o• .5 • Wholesale Pr•ices -': iii• •• • • • • • . • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • ITC,Richardsi, ..• • • • • • • . • • • ••• ••• ••• • 0 • ••••• e • • • • • ••• • • • • • I-3' :...... Ladies' Fine IC id laced or buttoned boots - 1.90 Gents' Fins Box Calf or*Do n- gola Bats, regular $3 00, reduced to Boys' Strong School Shoes, reg. $1.75, noW 1.25 See our window this week—your choice in it for 1.50 2.10 Single Harness--$ i 8 0o Set reduced to 15.00 Trunks Satchels, Shite Cases all at cost. Second Hand Harness for 3.50 011e Set ;, Long ...months of • t. service prove 'the ' real' quality y of the - • n leather' and . 'fHE HART'1' BOOT ori SFIC" rar04:ale"FON; N.It. ' I.Ir.•11:0 "Canada'. (lest Shotm.,lu.rs Sold only by E. C. DUNFOR Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, Brussels Total (310. Honor's 457. Pess 305, - Viola Ulark 400, "Lneite Fulton-. Sr. 1. 17xcelleut•.- Jennie Ritchie, Jobunie Sutter. A L Excellent. - Ka tie Wllliaulson, 13. I. Good, - Clifford Ritchie, George Willauusoii, Willie Suiten. 3. 13. Roan, Tenches. Jamestown Miss Lela Snell bas returned home from a visit with Hotvuk friends. O Rev. Alt". Wesley, 1/1' 1 V 1 xe te 1, ecnulurltd' the eery ion. to . Vittoria Hall Sunday evening. Ilrut. 11 r. 111:Lean, a member of the Alberto 0u 1, 1't t, is n uPpht'W (,t Mrs. ,Lao. titracbs[n. nt'this locale y. Stillwell A.1l>Douald, ?n>tni'r•ly n1'' Gri'y- towered!), has be,'tt engaged to tear the I7rlif..il, Sask.. sehnol l'nr this tern. • Miss Itlieede Scott, told her mother tut dyed home last Feeley from Fergus where Ile. I..,.. ..we had undergone an operation tat ,l ppendieit is, We aro plena! 11anay she stood the Jimmie), well ,toll tt illmini) be as well 1114 ever we hope. The regular monthly meeting of Gla Women's insiitut• way held last Tlul•etlay'afternoon at. the haute of. Mrs. J. 0. Miller. As Airs. Holt was not present 10 give her paper ,Urs. .1. D. Mill•r rend 11 paper on "Wntry is worse then work"which was enjoyed by till. Next meeting will be held at the himie of .Mrs. T. Smith on Flay 22nd. 14 will be the Annual meeting and a gond attenclance is lipped for. tvlll br+nn failures this year, A. L, thirdly the right man in the right cbe welcome trek to 1 usliti is a poptihu• oucl eflfcirbt .place and will d b teacher. babel. Rev Me. {Wren is to be cort- geatllated nu the succeseful outcome of the Institute. GOw-MN WEDDING.- Tuesday 01 Ude week James A1, mid Mrs. Brecken- ridge, of Overige Cottage, Bayfield Road, Godeticll, celebrated their Gulden Wedding. They were utaeried 50 yetus ago by the late Rev. Alex. Melded, All the members of their family were able to be present' at the anniversary viz -Alis. Fred. (Jlt•lc, Ptts1(detu1, Cal, , Mee. .I. hlowt•ds, Oklohoula City, Okla..; tl1 Cuthbert Hutchinson, of Gids loc,:(11 ; .las. 141. Hieckeu•itlg0, Edgiu,' Ni -1,.: Robert, New Haven, Oona; noel Andrew, Chicago. A notable el,•ut was the presence of four getleeatit7s, Mr, and Airs. Breckenridge, ,Urs. Hutchin- son, Mrs, Will.Lamont (daughter of. Air'. and Mrs, Hutchhisun) arid Jahn U., Mrs. Lament's son and heir. THE POST extends hearty congratulations to the principals coal hopes their life may have increasing joy. Geo; Haney narrowly escaped a Merlotti injtn9 one dray hast week. Haney &:ions' wen were at work ou the barn cd' Jas. Bowman, M. P., Morris, when a board was thrown off the roof, Mr. Haney beimg below it stuck him just behind the shoulder. As it is the injury is a 1311infol ons and will keep him Rout work at 1a very busy time. I3IIIING PUB(SSIUSD.= The 131uevale Literary Digest is being published in full by the•Literal•y Society and 'will soon be out. Among contribu- tors of original al Melee, stories,.poelus ole., are A. MacEwen, J. W. King, Robert Black, W. J. Duff, Walter H. 13itrgess, Helen Black, Oora A1. Messel• raid several others. 'Those who would like a copy Should apply to the Seceetar , Miss Alice Paul, at once as the sY ly will be limited. The snpply is very grateful to the business teen and women of Bluevale for their geuernns advertis- ing patronage which is a great help in reducing the expense of publication. Cranbrook Ails, Chas. Knight is in St. Thomas visiting her sister who is ill, Rev, Ali.. McOullneh attended the meeting of the Synod in Hamilton this week. D. AloInnes and A. McDonald err improving their property by putting new fences along the front. There will be no preaching service in the Methndist church next Sab- bath as it will be Ouinmunion at Brussels. Will. Hunter, of Oshawa ; Ernest Hunte, of Meaford ; ATt's. Otnstead, of Webster Oity, Iowa ; and Mr. and Mee. Naylor, of Sea?orth, were ;here attending the funeral of Ervin Hunter on Wednesday afternoon. Our esteemed Editor dues not get. all t he big eggs to eat as some of there did mit get, past the Plot. V. Foe'ste• ecu, show as many 4 oz. -eggs as the - mej"rityand some 5 ,'z., measuring (it x 8} inches. They certainly rue emetic' eating. , The funeral of the tete Et vin 'Hum ter took place fimu the parental resi•. dente last \Vednesday- afternoon, service being conducted by Rev. Dr. Oaten. Interment was made in Brus- sels remoter y. The pall bean ers were 3'l 4 brothers, Harvey, Wm. Ernest and Peed. Remains arrived herr' last Monday from Edmonton. Deep sympathy is expressed for the bereav- ed. SCHOOL TtEroar.- Promotion Ex. amilliat ions (Senior t•nnm) Those unn'ked * failed. Jr. Tia - Evelyn. Baker 8(17, Ross Hunter 354. *Erin Baker 824, *John Smalldon 272. Sr. ITC-- Irene Kreuter 605, Annie Suutlldoo 488, Alfred Knight 424, Bn.rhnre Fischer 400, Ida Huntet.886 3'. IV.- Lizzie B,ikei' 520, Erie Pennington 410, Welland Krnnter 401).1NIar'i,., Lt,•g 398, Cltire Long 389. John 5ldnmrk 374, *Sttuu•t NoOle"813, *E u 1 11aymnnd 255. Repn't of Jr moot for the mane li of April. ' Pro- ,ani,1,10.11 examination r'esu'lts. Sr. iI. to Jr. -1 iL-Total (125 Pass 313.-W. Knight 509, M. Stwirasr 398; L. States 411, A. Sperling. 365, W. Sinclair 381, J: Nirlol 348, A. Steles 257, Sr..11. 1t0 Sr. 11.-'''ol+s1 685 Pass 295.-P. Sehnnek 395..{3. Alderson 37:6. 11. Pen ,ti t,gt :4)) 305. Pt.. 1L -Total 400.- E. Dark 383, P. A1001'8,n L. Kreuter 380, L. Bet felt 371. C. Camer- on 310, E. Speiran 324 *E. Knight 256, 1\l Bilker 321). P. NmalIdisn 252. Sr. letJ. "iltll 2.70. -Lt„ Noble5. Jr. ]8 i Locking. loran A - and [,1 c3' G v, 1 G a , outer, ]� t e brut- V. H i inners l.x 1 Spotia n, M. I3akrr (loud P. Pen- ningt'nn, \V. L^citing, (1. D,u'k. O 11, Tua7taY Pr'incipttl, If A HOUSTON Asst: Ethel - All the weddings are not over yet. Township Council will meet here on Monday 12th :duet. We are pleased to report improve- ment Lu the health of Mrs., John Kreuter. Ethel cheese factory will commence operations for this season on Monday of next week, May 5th. Miss Hemsworth was the guest of Mrs. Win. Spence, her grandmother. Her home 18 in Mitchell. Miss Ida Cole was at Wingham S. S. 'Institute \Veduesdtty of last week Teacher n•1 c n lenche where she read a paper 1 Training. A Fool. Ball practice game will be played Saturday evening of this week followed by meeting to re -organize Olub for 1913. Get to it. Mrs. 3no. Slegtmnn, of Ethel, who has been ill with appendicitis, at, t he home of Mrs. Robt. Tindall, has felly recovered without an operation. G. W. Pollard, J. K. Brown and Deputy Reeve Brown attended the O(1d Fellows' service in St. John's church, Brussels, last, Sabbath even- ing. Ethelit..es were very sorry to hear of the demise of W. K. Whaley, nf 1301 - grave locality last Saturday. He was in the employ of the late- Postnastei Spence for a number of years aril mule many friends. Owing to the large attendance at our public school the tl'nstees put on a second teacher, after Easter in the peewit) of bible 13eseie Aloses. of Jitrlles- town, who is doing well. Miss Dan - brook had more than she could attend to. Mrs J no. Clouting, of Grandand Rapidsi s Stich., and Airs. Elliott,rs. Alex. L n of Dur- ham, were visiting their uncle, Wm. King, 9th con. last week, who has been confined to the house 3'a gond part of the Winter. We are pleased to state he has improved nicely and is able to get out a little now that the warm weather has come. A quiet wedding was solemnized Wednesday of lust week at '•Alaitr land bank Farts," the home of the bride, when Rev. D. Wren, M. A., tied the matrimonial knot between 113t 131(141111 Sleighthohu Land Allis Edith V , (laughter of David and Nies. Alible in the presence of the immediate relatives. Ah'. and Mrs. Sleightholm will make their horde here. They have the gond wishes of the eom- tuuuitylife. for a happy and prosperous - S&HomL REPORT. -The following is the report of S. S. No. 11 Grey t- Prometirnn to Sr. 1V, Houurs. - De.11t McKee, Myrtle Bowes, Stuart Alenonald, Pass. - Gladys Hellen - beck, Lnekltart Dane. '1'o Jr, IV.- Hnl7nrs.-Uect1 Bateman, James Luc- as, Dave :ilcKee. Pass -Archie Alt - e Bruilce Flood. Mc- Donald, 9tuil r Gill, Dt Y To Sr. 1 1 , III.-ilusstl Iinu.uler. Room e + Eck Jr,III. H not cs.-.,l.lnu Ther. i 1.1 Bernice Dole, Verna Ali(aal1. Bertha h a Ui,l•. l'as,+ed. Mae V,dden, Oltff'lyd F,a•guvon, nest D1,b8ntl, (4 eolge;'Mc• Kee, Willie Dane. Sr. II, Alilton 1+1,1111, Edwin Kramer, i3lake I-1nwlet, Margaret 7>1ar,Dnneld, Leslie Pollard, 1. \I'to NII: 1>'. Rhea Al,daelhuld, hon t h if. -1101a 11itrliell, Olarelo> Flood, Willie 'Wood, Lloyd Unnhar, Lily Senders, Viola Nth chen. Sr. I- 47>1te McKee, NIervin Belt inter, \Villie Alitahell. Jr. I (a) Rnby Cleav- er, Audrey Bremner, Alnriel Welsh, Evert Wright, Walker Mitchell, Susie Rowland, Edwin Gill. Jr. I (b). -171inlnt' Engler, Ralph Rowland, Hanley Eckmier, Alice Davidson, E. S. DANBROOIC, 1 Tearheta. Reams) Moses, J Bluevale Allw� Agnea :\Atchison is visiting in Stratl'.n ti. 'rurnberry Tntvnshil Council will meet hetennext .Monday. Mrs, A. theme is beck to Shawl& after a visit with Pitloerstott friends. Miss lt•eue MacEwen has been. ill but. we wish her speedy convtlestieu(to. Hee Imlayfriends are pleased to see Mee Dailey beck iu 131uevele after a lengthy absetics', io the West. Deep svulpitthy is felt. here for Rob(, and Ales. 'Purvey, of Morris, in the accidental death of - their little son laretweek. Airs. Wilbur left on Alondtly for a Innnt(>'$ visit with relatives at Delhi. She was accompanied by her daugh- ter, 14L's, H. A. McOell. J. 0. Habkirk, the butter maker for Bluevale Crealney, arrived- last week and the creame'y is being pat in shape for the openieg of the 3P0.8011 on May 1. Ever ything ;whits to it aucc('ssfn1 year for ' the 131uevade Cheese attd Bntt(31' 00. and Re patrons. The inquest into the death of the little son of Rnb1,. and Mrs. Turves, Who was killed hot )week by the G. T, R. flyer,' Was hell• of the Polyesters' Hall here Friday evening. The train '.row was exonerated Prem blame but the i'ttiltvay cntlipany was cens0led for nit having the railway, gate properly attended to, A Lil n'ury has beet) secured for the Blnevele school containing it variety of interesting books. 'J'his is a wel- come itnplrovement to the equipment of the 51lrnnl.. The prnmotni. ex aminations art\ over and the children have been 'adjusted in their new ('lasses. The'1ilrtt,anee class is zv»t'k. lug over tints and apparently there MOVED TO 1-IA1/MTGE.-Pile LisIO-- wel Standard speaks as follows of pee. ple well known here :-"The !many frielde,of`Levi and Mrs. Lake and family, will learn with regret of theit' tlepurtnre flow Listowel. They left for Hamilton on Thursday where they will snake their home in future. They take with them the best wishes of all their ,1Cgtlaitltances. A very pleasant evening yet one mingled with a shade nl'sadness, was spent at the home of Mrs. Olianiney.. Listowel, on Tuesday night, when the members of the Bell Telephone staff gathered together to spend a social evening and bid fare- well to a Member of the staff, who is severing (ler connection with the Company. On behalf of herr compan- ion an- ion employees Miss Nora Lake was presented with a jewel case and a rope of pearls. Miss Lake has been employed in the local telephone ex- change for some time past and has al- ways been an efficient employee as well as being obliging and courteous to theOnmpany's eitstome's. While regretting to see her leave town her large circle of friends wish her every happiness in; her new home." Mr. Lake is a sou of Wm. Lake. of Brus- sels and formerly resided near here. S ENSATION AL CNA NGEN Against Sir James Whitney and Hon. W. J. Hanna.. In the Local Legislature ou Wed- nesday of last week W. Proudfaot, Liberal member for Centre Huron, preferred charges agalnet Premier Provin- cial Whitney, and the P nna Hon. J. Ha r t. W al S creta H w Secretary, which were referred to the Com- mittee on Privileges and Elections. The charges arise out of the claim of Taylor, Scott & Oo., of Toronto, a- gainst the Province and which ease was before the Public Accounts Com- mittee a few weeks ago. Part of the mystery which has sur- rounded the settlement' of the claims of Taylor, Scott & Co. in connection with the Central Prison labor eon Ira ct was disclosed by Sir James Whitney in the Legislature Monday afternoon of last week. Prior to the election of 1908, said the Prime Minister, a campaign contribution had been received byHon. W. J. Hanna from Mr. Taylo. This state- ment was given to the House by Sir James on the orders of the day being, called, in parsuanee to a promise that he would investigate the matter Clinton Our Hangh Foot Ball team defeated Stratford last Saturday by 1-0. The return game will be played here next Saturday. BEE KEEPING.- The Spring meet- ing of the Huron Beekeepers' Asso- ciation will be held at the Council Chamber, Clinton, on Thursday, bitty 8th. Morning session, all' and afternotnl session at 1. Speakers from outside will address the meeting. Yon are cordially invited to attend. If evnu are not able to come, send your membership fee- $1.25-t once, to the Secretary -Treasurer, if you have not already done so. Bring or send ynnt• Wintering Report.... DEATH OF FRED. KIMBALL.- By - the death of Fred. Rumball, Clinton loses its oldest resident and one of its best known and most highly respect- ed eitiaens. Deceased was in bis 79th year and up to the last few years had been in active business life As a local mannfant tree he was prosperous and industrious and a zealous member of Wesley Methodist church, having been one of Ole original members of the old Rattenbnry street church. He leaves a family of five married daughters. The funeral took place from his tete residence, Huron street on Tuesday. SocaEss1UL.-The Sunday School institute Thursday of last week was to decidedemcees although the"aLt.end- ance was. 1101 es large as expected owing to the busy season' amour the fatuities. CI (Mil McD0ualii presided at the afternoon session cid R. Alciiay. conducted' the devotional exercises. Mrs. W, Slemmmell, Miss Ida Cole, Rev, Mr. Farewell and the pastor' took part presenting toptee in first Claws Style and of vital interest to the world. Lunch was served after this session. AG the eveeing gathering the paster occupied the !;herr rand fee addresses Were . given by Rev. Me. Farewell, who spoke twice along very practical tin's. 13 is closing suject wile "How to deal with the boy,"and wire well worth hearing. F. 13. Gilroy, of Brussels, delivered all addt'eee on "Missionary work in' the S. 8." that should do gond, Diplomas were1'esetlt.ed to Mesdatues Stemntnn and Cole and Aries Cole R. Matey, , 0. Bars n1d, Russelel Love and ,7, M, Sletmmon for auemiss- fellly passing with high pel'cenierc:, Towhee Teaming i'xalnlnat nils. bliss Edmiston9s wail mailed 1,0 110I' W. II, Ker e, of TUN P08'P macre the pees- eltatlo11,. Rev, 1411', Farewell is evt- u ou cil r Council (7 48- av meeting of Township P Next x t g will he heldMonda y 20t h doer, At the funeral of Gien Tut'vey,, Thursday afternoon of last week., Lorne tract Jas.. 'Purvey, Oatneron Mustard and George Fell acted rte pall bearers. Rev, Mr, Ferguson, of !' Bel ave conducted the service and iuten'rneu't waa made at Bluevale cemete•t.ry. April DIED '3' EDMONTON.- On 101,11, Robert Hughes, a former rest- ate home died e 1 ' re dte th of the 7th line, , of his $ou Marshall, Edmonton, aged 86 years. Mrs. Hughes died 0 yyars ago at lily th w here they moved from. Morris. Alt.Hughes -- Welt West 4years ago. He i8 8113'- vived by 2 sons Milton, of Detroit and Marshal, Edmonton.; Edmonton; and 2 daughters, - - Mrs. Jiro, Wheeler, of London, tad Miss Annie, of Ethnouton. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church and was highly esteemed. SenooL REPORT. -J be following is the resort of the promotion examine, tions held in 8. S. No. 8, Morrie. From Sr. III to Jr. 1V. Pass 302 Honors 544. -Norman Speir 306. Je. 1II to Sr. III. Pass 302. Honors 544. - -Russel Marks 424, John McNeil 884, Annie Alcock 368. Sr, II to Jr. III. Pass 312. Hulloes 409.- Margaret Hanna 510, Mary MoNab 497, Lillian McArter 594, b aI'et McNeil 801. 1a3' g Jr. II to 53'. II. Pass 312. Honors 469.- James Duncan 437, Clifford Marks 360. let to 2nd.-Everet Nich- ol, Allan Spell.. Primary to 1st. -E1 - Bred Miller, Verena Clark, Stanley Marks, blary Alcock. F. BRYANs, Teacher. HYMENEAL. -A quiet wedding was solemnized at the personagge, Ux- bridge, when D. 0. Walker of Regina, Sask., eon of S. and Mrs. Walker of Brussels, Ont., and Miss Clara S. Sib - bald, youngest daughter of: Mrs. Sibt,ald and the late Francis Sib - bald, of Meadowvale, were married. The ceeemony was conducted by Rev. Herbert L. Partridge, B. A., Mother-in-law of the bride. The hricle was gowned in tan corded silk, and wore as handsome pearl necklace, the gift of the groom and -carried a beautiful bognel of bridal roses. After the dejeutier Mr. and Mrs. Walker left foe a short visit with relatives. after which they will make their home in Regina, Sask. Mrs. and bliss Welker were guests at the wedding and the bride and groom are spending part of their honeymoon in this locality now. Hearty cot- gratulations are extended for a long, happy and prosperous life. 03. PROUDFOOT, M. P. P. FOR CENTRE HURON, WHO PREFERRED THE CHARGES. of his interview with Mr. Taylor re garding the settlement of the claim. The Premier's statement was received in profound silence and. only when he declared that he told Mr. Taylor it would be useless to try to - n of imtimi- a date -him was there any sign ap- plause. -Referring to his interview with Air. Taylor, Sir James said that about three years ago, he could not fix the time. Alr. Taylor called on hint and said he had a claim against the Government. "I am not sure whether he told me what it was but that the Government did not seem inclined to pay it, that he was en- titled to better treatment for what he bad done and mentioned the fact that he had given Mr. Hanna a subscrip- tion to an election fund previous to the election of 1908. He gt'ew quite warm over the statement of what he called ifs wrongs so much so that I interrupted him and told hire that what he was saying sounded very much intimidation and that it would be useless for him to try to intimidate me. He then went away." In 1911 Taylor, Scott & Co., contractors for the Central Prison labor and power i•Preived from the Goverumelt $21;088 in consideration for to 350,- 000 claim. 38.000 is intimated as the amount of the firm's contribution to the Conservative election fund. The Liberals want to know the merits of 'Taylor's claim y and the case will be probed by the Committee before wham evidence was taken. Mr. Prondfont, engaged as counsel Mahlon K. (Jewell, K. 0., and Hartley Dewar', K. 0. On the other hand, the committee will retain Iiou. Wallace Nesbitt, IC. C., and W. N. Ferguson, of Toronto, to present the other side of.tle case. Owing to the unwillingness of the chairman of the Committee to permit the neoessary probing Barrister Dew - tart, Bau•ristet' Prnadfoot, and the Liberal menbees of the Committee withdrew on Wednesday, Mr. Proudfnntsays he will seek number way to press the rhnrges when the Conservative majority mime, bar the way of getting at the facts. Grey Township Council Monday, May 12th. Wirt. Armstrong, 9th con., 1)138 leased the 50 arse farm of Richard Cardiff, on the sideroad, for pastur- age this year. 1to SundaySchool meeting in 3,with P. A. t e School house S. S. Nov McArthur as Superintendent, 1ten dent will . r•Psnute its sessions next Sabbath at 3 p. w„'after the Winter's holiday. We are pleased to say that Abner 7Megoareie, 100 con.continues to. improve and if nothing unforeseen prevents, will he able to come home n t from the hospital in cab u two weeks. .loo. Patterson, of Carnevale, Sask., fut'mei•ly of this township, writing nn April 29x11 says :-We have had line weather so fat• this Spring ; seeding is well advanced and wheat will likely all be sown by May 1st. AN ACTIVE MAN, -On April loth, Thos..Lott, 9th con„ passed his 80th birthday. Ito is a wmrclerfolly smart man for his years. No One would judge him at 80 as there is more "get up” about hint than some teen at 00 years of age. SOHOOL REPORT. -Report of primes - Lion examinations. S. S. No. 4, Giey. Names in ,rater of merit. The num- bets rept'eseit the number of days present since last examination. En- trance ,-Laura 13ryane. Edith King. '.To Sr. IV.-- Elsie Johnston 168. To Jr. IV. -Adelina Johnston 198, .Gur- don Mchlwet 172, Harold ,lacklin 84, Maggie Breckenridge*. Se. ]:II.-Se- lah l3xeckentidge*, George Sieling 81, Alvin Badgley*. Jr. III.- Alex. King 199, Jatene Thomson 19S, Bei tie Lake 181, Je, 1I. -Eva Balfour, Fred. ilayde.n, Alphaens Bing, Edna Ham- ilton, Sr. Pt. 'Il. -Willie Balfour, 71ag5ie Mcltven, Evelyn Holt, Rich- ard Jacklfn, Stanley McDonald. Pt. IL-1E11a Fraser, Robert Bal- lingal. Sr. I.-Mall'ggare! Thomson, Ge'tio Payne, Fred, Sielittg, 13et. Hayden, Eva McKay, Sybil Ling, Ccoil Peyn. ,L'. I. -Andrew Jacklin, fear 1 Jnrclin Jack h Isabel Thomson, Tilde, Baalin al. Prtmt, --Trate Sack 1111, Edith Jncklin, Linda McKay.'Olerenoe 13iyens, Roxie Siel' ing. *the pupils marked thus have nnrne from other schools since Christ - nuts. "P. 8, ARMSTRONG, TO/Whet, Belgrave . Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick gave a fine discourse in the' Methodist church, based on the ever new 23ed Psaltn. Interest is stirring up toward a Scott Act campaign.. Local Option came into effect Thursday of this le are visible, week. Some of bre effects Friday evening of this week a de- bate is on in connection with a Social Evening at the League of the Metho- dist, church. Topit is "Resolved that invention has done more good than reformation," 3 speakers on each side. A good time is expected. AN OLD RESIDENT' PASSES AWAY. Last Sunday morning Robert Ooultes an old and well known resident of, - East V.'awanosh, passed over the river, after being in poor health for some time. He was 83 years of age -, and is survived by his wife, -4 sons (Robert, George and Albert, of Wa- - wanosh, and John, of Morrie) and a daughter, (!Mrs. Jas. Leaver, of Wa- wattosh.) Funeral took place to the Brandon cemetery on Tuesday, Rev. Alt'. Ferguson officiating. Deceased was most highly respected and was a successful fanner. W. Ii. WHALEY DIES GREATLY REGRETTED.- Deep and widespread _ was the sorrow expressed when the news of W. K. Whaley's demise last Saturday Morning was made known. He had been ill for 10 days at hie East of here but it was miles Items 1 1 hoped he would all through gb A1thOU 3' constitution was not the most his robust. H.e was a son of Robert Whaley and in his 39th year and saute to this locality about 18 years ago from Ethel. For many years he was ill the employ of David Sptaat in the store and upon the peddling wag- '., on and he afterward became part- ner nor in the business. Be was active, obliging, chatty and jolly and was a general favnrite with the people. Owing to his health not being any too rugged he went far'nlilIg neatly 3 years ago, renting the Robert Arm- strong farts, 4th line Morris. 11 ears .tisFltins. ago the subject of this n01100 was united 1n tuarriage W Miss Nellie, sewed daughter of the late Thos, Wilkinson and she and 2 sees (Willie, aged 10 years and Sproat, aged 7). Report of .S. S. No. 0 Grey. Pro- of 51)113e Presbyterian ive. Nits lMurrell and. was a member motion examinatio , Sr. III to Jr. 111911rbeP of Belgrave G. 0.F. The IV. -Stanley Hall, Lillian Jµ !hos. funeral on Tuesday was vols largely Jr. TTT. to Sr. IlL-Edith Antes. the pr cess"on reacniugfr'om Sr. IL. to Jrr. .ill.- Wilfrid Hoy, attended c . Bobbie Jhnklin, Mary Rose. Jr. Il to the boon: Lo Belgrave, Service was Sr -M. -Lennie Sinrllie, Isaac Rose, '41(10(1 ed by Rev: Mr. Ferguson, ars- 'l'ommie .1anklin, Cecil lint. Pt, TL Misted by T;ev, Alr. 'Kilpatrick ant RPv Alr Ooolce of Bluovale, Pall to Jr. IL -Joe 11 an'lin. Lawreneo beavers were 7.,. .Vtlliamson, Lowe. Sr Pt I to Pt. II. -Lyle Brill FR. A, .131. ens, J. Stewart, B. and 1. ec t es. mermen was ma e Ames. Jr. Pt. I. to Sr. Pt. L-Ilarveq G 11 I t d 11("4e,Sylveste' Raynal'cl, i1Jay Jarlc in Brandon cemetery, Jas. McCal- lin, Gordon Lowe. Inrn and Rev, Mr. Kilpatrick tailing 131tATalc'w M. CURRY, ' cher. , the Foresters' burial ceremony. The Nlbrris finial tributes were beautiful. Mrs. Al-haley and family will share largely W, Wilkinson, of Echo 1 in the sympathy of the comntugity 01. gonna:"!vasa visitor at ,lOhtl ieggs the death of husband• and father. is week. Among relatives from a distance who On aectntnt of the regtilitr Lv1 eteety were stere were "iv. B, and Afro. ,Na cher. C un meeting being hold at Blyth next `ilcun and 31ts. 141. \Vnsop and Sabbath the usual preaehm5 service eylfilrie oif. Rsoipley ; Goa, 'lki W-. Wilkinson. at the Jaelts011 char o11, Sib line, will eif the Son, brothers to Mrs. Whaley lied,f Rens- nor Wilkinsonn r a r uncle be ca Joseph \Vilknrs 1 I J 1 James McOrackel, n£ Gnd1'r(rlr. is , 1 • anal Mr. Blank a cousin, of Toroti- speniling a few weeks with his broth- to, Mrs. '''hostas Wilkinson made '1Vrn, ATcO)'acken, 4th 1111'. The her home with her daughter, Few 111,1101' 1s' still nslttl� t'rutelles In t;et 1''. yotitg neer here more poplar 1Heli . . lett the hope rte will stern be able r at tl hie ua nEt 1 to throw them away, will not soon be forgotten.. bout F I the tate A\ , 1i. Whaley • t l •