HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-24, Page 8An Unusual Offer
Or,, Saturday Afternoon of this week we will have on oue of the bigs
gest bargains ever offered- from our siore-dude chalice to get Geld Fish free.
With e -'v purchase of either
Rexa.fl Corn Cure
or Rexail Liver Pills
Wewillgive Fee, on Sat- 1 Gold Fish Globe
urday afternoon and while
they lust- with 2 Gold Fish
together with instruction sheet, pebbles, &c„ for globe. The Rexail Corn Cure
or Rosati Liver Pills are both reliable preparations of merit and are well worth the
price of 250. The Gold Fish are valued at 250 and the reason we make this special
offer is to have you become better acquainted with the Rexail_ Preparations.
Come early and seobre a Gold Fish acquarium for your borne.
Good supply of Fish Food on hand. •Also extra Gold Fish for sale if wanted.
The Store F. R.
thys Items
SPRING flowers,
Local. news on page 5.
THURSDAY of next week will be May
HAVE you paid your subscription to
BASE ball practice has commenced on
Victoria park by the juniors.
SUCKER fishing by lamplight is one
of the pastimes on the Maitland river.
G. A. DEADMAN shipped a Jersey cow
to Joint Brown jr., ot Harley, Ont., on
S. 'r. PLUM purposes enlarging his
blecksrnnh shop and has the brick haul
ed ready for work.
ANNUAL sermon to Brussels Odd
Fellows next Sabbath evening, at 7
o'clock, in St. Tohn's church.
HARRY BARTLIFFE, of Clinton, former -
I% of Brussels, has purchased a Stude-
baker car and taken the local agency for
TUE waste gates at the tnili dam that
were cleared of their timbers by the
Spring freshet have been repaired by
the Pryne Milling Co.
A break was discovered last week in
the sewer pipe eorner Turnberry and
Mill streets. Caretaker Oliver attended
to the neceseaiy repairs.
BxussELa Council changed the height
of the new steel bell tower, ordered
from Brantford, from 3o to 4o feet. It
is to he here in the course ot a few
Box SOCIAL - Thursday evening of
this week a Box Social will be held at
the home of D. Ewan, under the
auspices .of Melville church Ladies'
Aid. Good program, plenty of fun
and a welcome for all.
Rev. Ma. MANN will address the
members of the W. C. T. V. at their
meeting to be held in the Carnegie
Library building Friday afternoon of
tide week at 3 o'clock. Members of the
Women's Missionary Societies in Brus-
sel, and locality are invited to attend.
SEVERAL autos conveyed a number of
Brnssels Odd Fellows to Blyth Tuesday
evening where an enjoyable time was
spent as guests of Blyth Lodge. Clin-
tnn Degree team exemplified the 3rd
Degree in up -to date style, some
selites being in the uuruber receiving it
Blyth Odd Fellows made A t hosts.
Alfred Seeker, who is going extensively
into poultry raising, has engaged the
services of Chas. Crossfield, of Abbots-
ford, Quebec, who is an expert at the
business having taken it up in the most
scientific way. He is now in charge of
the plant which is located at the former
salt works property, West Frederick
Dm SPLENDIDLY. -Thursday evening
of last week Blyth I, 0. O. F. Degree
Team, 16 in all, came to Brussels and
put on the tst and and Degrees. Many
compliments were paid thein for the
excellent work done. It will keep the
best of them hustling to do better.
Three candidates received the degrees.
A short program of speechmaking and
a tasty lunch followed. Western Star
Lodge hopes to have another visit from
A DiscovERY.-Last week a 2 pound
chunk of sulphur was found at the
river batik where the spring from a well
at George Edwards' finds it exit. It
points to the fact of the spring being
strongly tinctured with mineral which
should prove a health builder. Some-
body suggested if a hospital were to
he built it might be erected in the
locality of the spring and possibly
utilize it In the form of sulphur baths,
TENNIS CLUE O Rt1ANIzsi.- Friday
afternoon of last week Tennis en-
thusiasts met at Druggist Fox's store
to organize for rco3, hollowing offi-
cers were elected Hon. President,
Reeve Leckie ; President. B S. Scott ;
'Vice President, Rev A, J. Mann ;
Sec.-Treas., C F. Rntberford ' Chair-
man of Grounds Committe, J. Fox ;
Chairman of Social Committee, Miss L.
Sinclair. An interesting time is figured
on for the season.
p. m. Friday of last week sholtly after
a Blight shower of rain and a cooling off
of the temperature the wind from the
West iuereased suddenly and with such
force that so feet of the roof on Walter
Lnwres's large stone stable was lifted
off rafters and sheeting and carried in
secti0na .Eastward nearly to Turnberry
street, lodging iu the yard near the
t3'+ ctric Light Power house, One large
pot inn took its course over the machine
shop lliiely vacated by Messrs, Garside
& Ism% but fortunately remained in
the nit long enough to clear e it. merely
cater f the building,
�Catehing nue urn t n g.
n a I
Part of the flying roof wass n s tod
into kiudlingand consegnentiy could not
be replaced. The smoke stack at the
Eteotrio Light wee also blown down
het Was replaced Saturday afternoon,
Mr. Lowry has beau put to considerable
expense in repairing the datnage tO his
building, .It wasa very unusual Oc-
currence for this country and ovet in a
few inflltttea,
The residence of . George Crooks, Al-
bert street,g is being improved by inter-
nal and external alterations that will add
to its 'comfort.
NEARLY a year ago Walter Scott lost
his fouutain pen and searching failing to
dtscover it the pen was given up for
gone, A few weeks ago the
missing article was found by rhe owner
near the corner of William and Albert
streets near the sidewalks. It was.
little the worse of its outing. .
MAGISTERIAL. - Monday afternoon
Reeve Leckie held Court to hear a case
of assault preferred by Robt. Cochrane
against Harry Alcock, neighbors, 14th
con. Grey township. Barrister Sinclair
appeared !for the plaintiff; and Barrister
Vanstone, of Wingbam, defended Mr.
Alcock, After hearing the evidence the
i P. assessed the defendant $6.00 and
-- 0--
EGGs 5011 HATCHING. -Jingle Comb Ancone
-the beat laying strain. 01.50 per 16.
we bove a few 101b. palls of very Moe honey
but a little dark, at $1,00 per pail,
FOR SAFE: Massey-Hsrris bicycle, cushion
frame, in good repair ; good tires . ran three
seasons, A bargalntor cash. Apply P.O. Box
9, Brussels.
A number of barrels of Winter apples yet on
hand at $1.50 per barrel. Goanos MODONALD.
TDDaope buggies guaranteed to give good
satisfaction, Ask about them..
SEE McGregor about lawn mowers,
EOGs SCR HATCHING. -Indian thinner duck
eggs from prize winning stook. Pure white
neo Drakes for antlOc each, e. 5 pure bred
40012. diad Ran.
Phone 4217 Brussels P. 0.
FLEURY and Oockshntt plow repairs and
those of the Frost .ik Wood Implements in
stock at the PLUM blacksmith shop.
SERVANT wanted, Apply to
Mae, W. M. STNOLAIa,
SECOND hand piano for sale. Apply to,
B. CARTER, Brussels.
Enos son HATCHING,- Columbian Wyan-
dottes; pens headed. by Mitchell Poultry Show
winners. $1.00 per setting.
40.4 JAS. RALLANTvNE, Brussels.
PERsoae wonting buokyards cleaned ftp
coal ashes drawn away, gardens plowed or
any work done should apply to W. J. BVRNa,
Elizabeth at., Brussels.
WHITE WYANDOT'PEs.-I have for sale eggs
for hatching at 756 a setting from John S.
Martin's great laying strain. My pullets
started laying Nov. 1912 and I sold 24 cockerels
that dressed 00 lbs. a piece at 6 months old.
H, J. MANSSNG, BrusselsP. 0. or Phone 619.
EGOS FOR HATOHING• - White Wyandotte
eggs for asatGo750 a gettif SW 1. headed
Py. a $6,00 nook, bought from W. ht. ' cockerel, el,
Paisley ; Znd sten, headed by a $5 00 aoakerel,
bought from . R Guild, Rockwood. These
birds are off two of the best laying strains En
Canada, JNO. MIsADOwB, Brussels,
ago S. Bailey. of Brussels put In his
claim to the Dominion Government for
service rendered in connection with the
Fenian raid skirmish of 1866. Last
week he received a cheque for Stop
which was easy "mediciue" to take.
Mr. Bailey belonged to the Horse Ar-
tillery of Toronto, under command of
Capt. Gray, now Colonel Gray and
while not in the actual fight tells some
interesting tales of those stirring times.
AecID1tNTs.-Walter S. Scott got his
left foot caught in the front wheel of
the Anderson Bros, bus and gave it
quite a wrench -George Manning while
riding his bike bumped into a stone
and before he could square himself one
deg received a twist between the fork
and wheel. He walks with quite a
limp. -Last week while assisting in
placing timbers et the water gates in the
mill dam George McMillan had the
misfortune to have One foot bruised by
one of the plank which incapecitated him
from his regular wurlc for a few days.
-Lorne Aiteheson, baggage man at
the G. T. R. station met with au ac-
cident by which he broke the thumb
ot his right hand but we hope he will
soon be all rignt
BAZAAR A SUccEsS--The Bazaar held
by the Guild, in connection with Si
John's church, last Friday in the Town
Hai here, was a splendid success. The
proceeds amounted to $Soo 28, Mem-
bers of the Guild wish to thank all who
helped in any way to make it a success,
Display of work was very good, and es.
peetally the donations sent by the' old
members of the church, bringing back
to memory old names and faces of days
gone by. A good many availed them
selves of the long tea hour and came up
for supper, and many were the oomph.
'rents showered on the ladies in charge.
In the evening there was a short pro-
gram as follows :-Instrumental duet,
Misses Isabel Strachan and Minerva
Jones ; vocal duet, Misses McGregor
and itryans ; violin duet, Mr. and Miss
Sholdlce ; solo, C. F. Rutherford ; in-
strumental duet, Misses Jones and
Strachan ; vocal duet, Mlsses Gerry and
Pryne ; dialogue, Miss Eienor Cameron
and Masters Maurice and Bernard Cam-
eron ; violin duet, Mr and Miss Shot -
dice ; "God save the I{iug," The pian-
ists were Mesdames Oaten and Sholdlee
and Misses Tones and Wilson, The
Recto', Rev. D E. Cameron, 13. A., was
chairmen, At the close a few articles
that hadn't been sold in the afternoon
were auctioned off by Auctioneer Dames,
who wnnld be a decided success et this
line of work. 'L'lte ladies are to he con-
gratulated upon the success of their en•
iet prise.
The Metropolitan ask F
Capital Paid up' -
liesorve Fund -
Undividod Profits -
joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
Saturday afternoon of this week, 26th
inst., at 2 O'clock, F. S. Scott, Auction
eer, will sell by Public Auction at the
Central Hotel, Brussels, a car of high
grade Milch cows, either in calf or
newly calved. The proprietor is N,
Coutts. .Now's the ehence;
ANNUAL MEETING -There was'a very
representative Itendauce at the annual
meeting of the Methodist Sabbath
School Tuesday evening, the pastor,
Rev. Dr. Oaten,- iu the chair. Cheer-
ing' reports were preserved by the
various departments indi at ng prog-
ress and a broadening interest, Fol-
lowing officers were re elected ;- Hon
Superintendent, B. Gerry, Who has
been in.1 he school for 'over 5o years ;
Superintendent, W. Fl Kerr Asst,
Super.. F. H. Gilroy ; Secretaries, W.
1. McCracken, Frank Geirt''slid Ernest
Plum ; Treasurer, R A Pryne ; Con-
ductor of Orchestra, H L tact:son ;
Supt. Home Department, Mrs• W.
Rands ; Assistant, ,Miss Pipe ; Snpts.,
Cradle Roll. Mrs. H, L- Jackson and'
Miss L Downing; Paperarisns, Missee
M Pryne and j Cunningham ; Super-
intendent's Cabinet, Pastes, Asst,
Supt , Secretary, Presidents of Epworth
Leagues, Suptds. Hume Dept. and
Crede Roll. leachers, Messrs. Gilroy,
Bailey, Pryne, Mesdames, Rands,
Lowry, Parker and Smith, and Misses
Backer, Smith, Walker, Bailey, Gerry
Cardiff, Buchanan and Hingston.
Over $37. co was contributed to Missions
and $15 on to Sick Children's Hospital
:luring past year. A vote of thanks
was passed to orchestra ; a motion of
sympathy to A. J. Lowry and regret
expressed over the prospective removal
B and Miss Gerry from the school
to Fort William. Supplies were order.
ed for the coming Conference year and
a strong staff of supply teachers drafted
in to aid the good work.
People We Talk About
Miss Cora Bell is visiting at Atwood.
Mrs, J Fox visited with Wroxeter
friends last Friday.
George Edwards was in Toronto this
week on a business trip.
J. F. McRae is renewing old friend-
ships in Brussels atld locality.
Mrs (Rev.) Mann was visiting in
Listowel last week with friends.
Mrs John Thomson is visiting rela-
tives and friends in Waterk.o Co.
MN, M. H. Moore spent a few days
last week in Listowel with her mother.
Miss Kathleen Wilton was on the
sick list but is considerably improved
B. and Mrs. Gerry were visitors in
Wingham for a few days this week with
Miss Doust, of Delaware. is holiday-
ing with the family of G. A. Deadman,
Frederick street.
Mrs Copp, of Toronto, is visiting
here for a couple of weeks at the home
of G. A. Deadman.
Mrs. and Miss Grainger, of Moles-
worth, were visitors with J. and the
Misses Grainger on Monday. '
Mrs. Jabez Jermyn, Queen sweet, is
back from an enjoyable holiday visit of
five weeks with relatives in Toronto.
Garfield Jamieson is learning the•bak-
ing business at the bakery of George
Thomson, under the direction of Lorne
Mrs E. j Service, who was visiting
Mrs, F. S. Scott, went to Blyth to visit
at the home of her brother., lnto. G.
Emigh this week.
Mrs. W. H. Kerr visited in Wingpant
last Monday calling on her niece, Miss
Irene Cavanagh, at the hosirital. who is
progressing nicely.
Wm, McCall, Queen street, formerly
of Morris township who has been an in-
valid for sr me years, is hardly as well
this week and is losing strength.
Will. Lowry and daughter, Reta, of
Loudon and Miss Julia Sharpe, nurse,
of Ingersoll, were welcome visitors to
Brussels. during the past week.
Miss Kttte Harbottle has returned' to
her position at Dundas Her grand-
mother, Mrs. Howard, la improving in
health we are pleased to stale.
License Commissioner Becket' was at
Clinton last Friday allcudiug a meeting
of Centre Huron License Board concern
ing the.granting of hotel mid shop li•
James and Mrs. Maxwell Arrived
home Friday front a trip "f it mouth or
so to the West. Mr, Max,ie:l found too
many men already on the lookout for
jobs so turned his face Eastw•atd.
Mrs. S Crawford, of Mown, aoconl'
panted by her daughter, Mrs. Alattice,
of Detroit, went for a visit to Hensel'
and Exeter with relatives. 'Phe latter
will Lo 011 to her home atter a short stay„
THE POST notices that 1)r George
Ross, of Wingham, has le co elected
Vice -President of the B.•wlmg club.
He is a son of D. 0, and 6l [s. Roes, of
Brussels and a good bowl, r. as is his
J. Weymohth'anti remits. will take up
their residence in Ritth where they riwn
a house anti lot. The fo'mer will be
hack lo Brussels next Fall to run his
Apple Evaporator, if season is et all
15 Waddell and Miss -Campbell, or
Kerwood, were visitors at I). l:wan's for
a few days They come be :into Mr.
Waddell ordered a coveted milk van
from Mr. Ewan while here raw use in
comic -mien with his creamery.
Phe BI1'th Standard speaks thusly rl a
well known fo mer resident of this lo-
cality :-"Grandpa" Coombs is right on
the "ball of his heel" now that the days
for lawn bowling are approaching.
is Just thas gataudimeyg a playerisoasvanced the youngesyears
,,l Ibem.
THE POST has pleasure iu• reporting
the promotion of Roger Deadman, a
former Brusseiite. who bas been on he
staff of the Dominion Bank. Winnipeg,
to the Inspector's Department of the
same Bank, The territory covered is
Winnipeg to Vancouver, B C. We
wish Mr. Deadman the highest success.
He will still make ,his headquarters iu
The many friends of Miss Annie Ross
will be sorry to know that her 1 ally is
not of that tobnat character of former
Years and the and her sister, Miss Lizzie
are exchanging positions as storekeeper
and Housekeeper expecting that the
change will p,•nve hem finial in building
up he eseyl'11V s' s', el We wish Miss
Ross sp -rile nnprovement,
Church Chimes
Women's Heine Mission Society
Thank offering was held Wednesday
evening 10 Melville church. Rev
Mr Wesley, of Wroxeter, delivered
an appropriate -ticfdress,
"Pat your shoulder to the wheel" was
the practical subject of Rev, A J
Mann's sermon last Sabbath morniuv,
"Mind over body" was the eye ning
'Pile repairs to Melville church neves
skilled by the wind sinrm, hove been
completed and the big pile of waste
material removed considerably improv-
ing the appearance of the surroandinge.
Disralc'r MEETING - l'I1e annual Din
1riot meeting of the Winghtun District
will be held (0 V ) in he Methodist
church, Brussels, Wedncsdav and Thune.
day, May 21st and 2211d Ministerial
session opens Wedneaiav, at 9 30 a m
and Genet[] session 't'htirsdav murning,
at 9 o'clock. Wednesd ty evenine a pub-
lic meeting will he. held at 8 n'c'oc•It
when addresses will be given by Rev
13 11 R M A , stthj.ct, ''The
Call of the Kingdom"; ; and Rev tl' j
•••••O.00••A••f•O••••Gt10•o B •
o •
Five Weeks
s• Only left to purchase
• your Shoes at
• Wholesale Prices
sLadies' Fine Kid laced or
• buttoned boots - 1.90
Gents' Fine Box Calf or Don
• gola Bals, regular $3,00, reduced to
Boys' Strong,School Shoes, reg. $1.5, now 1.25
e See our window this week --your chdice in it for 1.50
4 ••••••
Single Harness--$ t8 0o Set reduced to 15.00
Trunks, Satchels
Suite Cases all at cost,
One Set Second Hand Single Harness for 3.80
1 Richards
•••••••s•••••••••••• 4•0440•4•4•44•4•4.44•4.404M4ae
irix,p3D OFp'Ce
C 6CURITY for both principal and
sJ interest is the first essential of an
investment; the ability to realize
quickly the second. Judged by these
standards, a deposit in the savings
department of this Bank is an ideal
form of investment.
J. F. Rowland, D ChD Manager.
Ford, L. L. B. on "Recollections or a
Pastor's Life," Rev. 1. W 14ilnnert, of
Gerrie, is Chairman of the District dull •
will preside. ..
DEAR AIN, KERB.=I feel ashamed
that haven't ere this acknowledged
your kind rcmernbiiu,c8 tu..Oisriatrsnts.
Believe me it wasn't through any lack
of regard or kindly feelings, but
thi'ongh stress of many pressing
ditties, I have been kept very busy
since ct't1ning here, but now all our
ohut'ch cleptttmeuts are frilly organiz-
ed and hard at walls. Perseverance,
optitnisrn and tact, coupled with en-
tire dependence open Divine help, will
accomplish much. We have much
reason for thankfulness. I have been
very kindly received everywhere, our
congregations have very lacgely in-
creased and a spirit of optimism and
good feeling prevail. We have a
good !stayer meeting, one of the best
in the city, The Young People's
Society and Bible Classlikewise. We
have gond organizations and expect
much good therefrom. Our Sabbath
School has doubled and one congrega-
tion nlos'e than trebled. We had our
oonlmuniOn Inst Sunday and. had 59
new members join and over 40 at our
first c.ntnnsnnion in December, making
over 100 addition to our membership
since I "arse. During the first six
months Of 1012 there wits a total of
20 at the two communions, I find
that a simple, straight Uospt1 is nut
only what is heeded here and else-
where, but that it is app' eciatecl as
well. I just preach the same Gospel
here as t did in Mussels and intend to
do so as long as I lite.
We had a very fine Winter. and the
weather is nice and wm'nt now. The
money slaingency is very keenly Mt
and there will be probably 1111101 less
building and lunch less speculation in
teal estate than formerly, although
the expectation - is that the eitys
population will very materially in-
crease during the present year.
Provincial elections are on to•day
and the usual excitement prevails.
The government will likely be return-
ed with a large majority.
Now I will eloss, I enjoy Tau POST
very much, flu' more Llittu I did when
I was there, tor Most ttf the local news
was known by the Glide 1'iiIl POST ap-
peared, Now each item Is teal live.
118810 and .11e31d 11. all very clu'el'ully.
the "Church Chanes" not being the
least appreciated. I hope that both
you and Mils. Kerr and all my old
friends are quite well and trust that I
there may be light at eventide. ilbt..h
kind l'egai'tla and best wishes for
health and prosperity, I ant,
Yom's sincerely
(Rev.) A. C. WleasalST.
duet Where The Danger Lies
Iu many catarrh snuffs, cocaine is
the largely used lhgredieut ; in conse
guence the drug habit rutty be formed.
To be really cured of catarrh, to do se
quickly, safely and pleasantly, doctors
say Uatarrhozone is superior to any
Gibes' remedy, It heals .sore places
stops discharge, prevents lltwldng.
spitting mid had brealai-doets this by
Hist destroying the cause of the
disease. Oatani'hnzoiie is no expel'i-
went, it is a tried tntd prover] cure
Hutt is guaranteed for bronchial,
throat, nose and lung catarrh. Two
sires, 260 lttit7 $1,00 at a0 dealers.
320t,itAy-DA-IDanN.-At the Manse, Walton,
Oil April 1Erd, by Rev. air. Lundy, Mr. Wits,
Murray, of lVeltoe, to Miss clary David-
son, of McKillop township.
SLEIGisTtlor.-3111.NE,-At "Maitland Bank
Farm," the home of the bride, on A pill
28rd, by Rev 13 Wren, M. A., M,. Frank-
lin Sleightholn, to Miss Edith kl., daughter
or Mr, and Mrs, David Al line, all of Ethel.
ftUNTEs-Ie Edmonton, Alta„ on Apndl 22nd,
Ervin hooter, ante of Oranbrnok, ill hls
80th yenr..
afcArrAST(ctt,-In Ayr, Ont„ ml Anvil 17th,
Wm McAllister, or Waltnl,. nerd70 yenta,
Slcar,Tns -In Loadoo, on April 1011,, Thoams
Skelton, formerly of Morris township, in
• 0 •
O •
• For the 2 weeks ending $ .
• April QGth we are offer-
ing some 20 patterlis at e'•:
cperRoll a
• • •
• These include some splendid e
p values in pn``t�ees very sultisble i
• for Parlors, Dining Rooms and •
• Halls, with Hostler and Ceiling
• to match. They ate nearly all Z
• g111 papers and Many of. them •
• well worth twice the prit'e we •
ask for thein See thew in our
window and don't forget the 4
Roll rice -St per R i 1
-AT• 4.
• Q
• 5 ®rug
WATSON.-In Blyth, on April 10th, to Mr. and'
Mrs. W. N, Watson, a daughter.
i- $ 0409 $ Oat550
Pena 5U 00
Burley . 48 86
Butter 4,1 25
BM 17 18
tinya 79 000 8.00
Wool , - 12 18
Auction Sales
TW0 YISAR OLD General Purpose Fully for
solo. Lot 22,
Con 18, Grey.
.1. D. bleNAIR,
Phone d99. Or'anbu'oolt P.0.
John Street Sewer
Sealed tenders hill be received up to Rion -
day, bisy lith, for the (meetmotion of 11,e, Jahn
Street Sewer. Plans and speoificetions-nmy
be seen at the office of the (]lark, The lowest
or any tender not necessarily aroepted. Ad-
dress tenders to F. S. SCOTT.`,
Pilhtge Olark, Brussels.
To Contractors
The undersigt,ned tvtll. [et by Public) Tender
the renewing fees, on Tneiday, April 29th :-
A job of cleaning nut the Onle Drain, Morrie,
from Attics 4110 stalte 70 ; plan•, to be seen at
Mr Robert Yonne'n, 0th line, where the jab
will he let at 8 o'clock. Also cleaning oat
t vrxr. Branch A on Grassy Drain, job to be let at
4;80 o'oloalr tit telae place. Also at 0 o'elonk a
TURTEY,-In Morria, 011 April 22nd, Glen A., job of tilling Small approach to Olarlt'a bridge
son of Robert and Mary Tummy, aged 1 to be let at the bridge.
' year, 0 months and 5 days. WILLIAM THUELL, Councillor.
0 0r0;.o.; 4, .s-ra•t's+0 ro-e-•,t•••so-Font 0+0+4,4•••1.40.7.•+•+•+•••+•+•÷0÷ 4,•+•+04.•÷0f 0.0•÷0.:•0+0+
Black Heather Mixed
1 /,
Satin Coats. They are extra values "at $8.00 to $15.00
Brussels Daylight Store
• 'n'idy,ne,nl,'tL'4At't,a 'I A A N n ,I: r 4 A,,, ,, „ �i , i, q q . , , .
New 'Spring �i
r>D p
Women's and Misses' Fashion-
able Man Tailored Suits (Silk lined)
$11.00 to $16.00
We wish to.specially direct your attention to
the large assortment of Misses' and Women's
highly tailored Silk Lined Suits we are show-
ing made by the best makers, in Navy, Black
and Tan Serges ; Navy, Black and Grey Von-
\ etians ; Grey and Heather Mixed Tweeds,
These Suits are extra'good values at
$1 1.00 to $16.00
New Spring Coats
Women's and Misses' New ..SpringCoats in
Navy and Serges, eatter
Tweeds ; also some .choice 'Black Silk and
G. N. McLaren
New Goods
in Stock
New Prints and Gingharns, New Dress Goods, New. Em-
broideries and Laces, New Spring Styles in Corsets, New
Whitewear and Ready -to. -wear Dresses for Ladies, Misses
and Children. All at the very lowest prices.
Bigger and Setter , than Ever
Our Ready-to-wear Clothing for'LBoys and' Men
We are positively showing the best assortment of Men's and Boys'
Bo Y s' Ready-to-wear-to-wearClothing we have ever had. Men's n Black and Blue Serges, Fancy
Brown, Green
Grey Mixed
Worsteds in
which w c means the very best
tailoring- n
rl g a d perfect fitting. Also Grey and Brown Mixed Tweeds in cheaper quai-
ities-Every-Suit a Bargain. At from $7.50 to $18.00
Always the highest
Prices for Produce..
G. N.
Mc L.ren
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