HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-24, Page 5•
or M ARRiA
q'E LI
Klee in the Peat •Ince, IELhet. 9N�
L • elm, wjn sell for better prams, 0.
cotter moo, 111 Ices time and lees ohargop•
than any ether Auctioneer in Beat Homo u.
tie won't oberg. anything. Dates and ardor.
can always be arranged at We office or 0
enema! appitoatioo,
l aAt
Attu I4 NVEYAN6Irn .
k/ii j • M 13INOLAIR-
iR. • Barrister, Buttoner, 0unveyanoer,
.'otary Public), em. Gime-B tewart's Block
'raor North u l Central Hotel.
Btlloltor for the Metropolitan Ranh,
1 Ulit,1=1, ETC.
W i tn.0100T K. 0. 1t C, mon
J, L. KlOaonett
OBicoi-'rbuee formerly occupied by Maser.
Cameron 4 Holt,
0001010u, Ort't•aaIo,
Royal iVlail Steamers
Frnnt Montrno.
Tunisian Saturdny May 1
Victorian . 'Thursday, Ms, i
Corsican... . . Snturdny, May 14
Virginian ., . Thur -dry, Okay 2S
Pietnrinn ........ .., , weft), May :
Grampian .. ... •t ttu da), May 10
Scandinavian .. ra tursl8>. M.Iy 11
Hesperlan......... ........ .. Saturday, May 24
Ionian... ... •...-.. .. Sunday, May 4
Pomarlanlan . Sunday, May 11
Scotian Sunday, May 1a
Fut, Information as to rata», 0,0., on appli':a•
Mon to
Agent Allan Line, Brnaeala,
maintained in this College, thedonland
for the gradnntee 18 ter ill excuse of the
r,, sltpplyy. Tlda ie no *io tionably ata of
Cannon's Boet Commercial :4obooIe.
Its record proves it •
J Admits students at any time, pre- e
4 .pares them properly for choice pOai-
a tions and ,.sista worthy students to
secure employment, College open all (.
'b year. Write now for handsome CAGB-
✓� ogee. E.
. Cor, Young. and ( W. J. ELLIOTT,
�QA lex osier Sts, PrinCIpUI.
a" aY ^ APtP,W 2i'r ae Fa?F:e4 vFOX&SPIV 111
1.1 The beat practical Sradning school. in -
Ontario. 'Three departments -dont.
f rrtoralal, Shorthand and Telegra-
phy. All ooursea are thorough and y
(1 prnctloal, Toaeliers. taxa Pxperiemaed it
,rcy2 We give imiiv 120141,tt a Oo,i rid stud- LiLaa
•. Si ants may enter at duly time b"
A, Write for our free catalogue at
5 O. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. f
r,,`,.q.a.pc ntrA t,2448A10"1y1tfitivlylav33t1t1Y2 +,i',r
pm.v!A zvY4xrmixva-,vlJra>sA• xv.,At tiYdv ,
Tuesday, Mar. 25 I
l Io'the opening day o4' tho
8bring Term at
Pl The Rosiness
0 Listowel
5 1 College c.
`, Two Courses— *�
Commercial and 8tonography
is prepared lig supply the best
' goods in Windmills, ]1 nn and'
Wooden Pumps and ett;t4Ii
Fitliugs, such a9 Pere tut., \1'at-
er !Jowls fgt'stook, iicc.
leepaite tri' Pamtts promptly
*attended to,
Give nr(4 a call.
AHAMANN, N C eobrook
Why Ho Was Late..
What Made you SO late ?
met i:illli111snn."
"Well, Chat is no i'ettson silty you
should be willow. Tato getting home
to sapper,"
"I know, but 1 melted him hots' he
Was feeling, and b( instated nu telling
rya i c
me about los stomach trouble.." g
".Did yon toll hint to tape. Ohamber-
lain'sTablet ?"
"iiture, that le what he intedtll'
.mold by all dealers.
W. H. LoVa
Funeral Director
and Embalmor
I O4'deKs promptly and care•
fully t attar et li ht or
d t to 1K
(ley, t Phone 228,
a •
Busirtenes Dards
A. T. T. M'RAE
nwu4L,r of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
eomutateandGrodlmto of the College of Ph),
imam and Surgeons, Ont. • Puet-graduate
•hleagu Eye, fear, Nude and Throat Hospital,
'Menge, 111. Ex.iouse Surgeon to St. Mich.
ere Hospital, Toronto,
plan over N. R. Smith's Ar1tg Spore, Tele.
Rolls r4onneetion wnh Crnnbrook at all hours.
daehelcr of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
1,loelttiate. of College of "Yllyslcione and Stir -
/mewl. Ontario ; ex -Senior Homo Burgeon of
Weldon. Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr,
A Mollevey, Smith Bioolt, Brussels.
Laurel phone 45..
a hysioinn andur sun • Peat Graduate a race
t.ondun Ming.), New Turk and Chicago HOW
pitnla. Special attention to disease 0f eyb. ear,
need bad th vont.. Eye.= ta•ted. for :;lasses.
Honor graduate of the Ontarm Vetrn•umr)
college. flay and night colla. 011Loe opposite
lour 51111, Ethel.
0.B A
eeraonsl graduate Department of Opinion.
'n04)1gy, al0Jurm4uli Mame! College Lldengo,
111 , 1+ prepared to tuna eye., and at glasses lit
office over Grewnr's Restaurant, Brttasuls,
"n Thursday, Friday end S,lt1u•day of every
week Office. hours 1 to 0 p. m. Forenoon,
by nppointn•nn1. Phone 1219.
will give bettor satisfaction to both buyer and
seller than any other Auctioneer rad only
Merge what te• reasonable. Sales conducted
4ny:vhere in Ontario. Pure bred stook miles a
Write or 'phone 210 Wroxoter.
Q:r s.Peo Ts er z !o W4rz e P
Moil 7:07 a mExpress .10:55 a
Express 11:25a m I m
Mail 1:69p m
Express. 2:56 p m Express 8:62 p
Cafmlydf VW/ r CEPIC
To Toronto To Goderiob
Express......... 7:11 n m I Express 11:55 a m
Express 2:67 p m ExpreS8 - 8:40 p m
Going Enat - 7:06a. m• and 8:66 p, m.
Going West - 12:46 and 9:47 P. m.
1.11 trains going ;rant connect with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local A gent,
goad ..etvm teles
THE POST subscription list continues
to grow. It should mean something to
the business people.
Piton Calgary comes a call concerning
non delivery of THE POST. The letter
closes"Hoping to see THE POST soon,
am lost without it.
A LIPTON, Sask., subscriber renewing
for THE POST adds ^•I can't do without
THE Powe." We hope this condition of
affairs will long continue.
For r1
F leurnatfe
urou will Bud
ing Gha
n Chamberlain's Lini-
ment. Try it and see how quickly it
gives relief. For sale by all dealers.
Scoot EXAM. -The department of
Education has issued the time tables
for the annual examination in June
Students enrolled in the middle and
upper schools will begin on Jcue 42.
and vitt finish their work on the 30t11.
The lower school and the Model and
High school entrance examinations will
be concluded on June 45th. All work
will cease before the :st of July.
ODD FEu,ows' SIRV1GE -The annual
sermon to the members of Western
Star Lodge, No, t,tg, I. 0 0. F., Brus
secs will be preached on Sabbath 47th
inst., in Ft. john's church at 7 p. nr, by
Rev. D. E. Cameron. Members are
asked to meet a1 their Lodge room,
Tee POST bioek, at 6.3u O'CIOCk, SO AS
to march to the church. Visiting
brethren are cordially invited to attend.
edition, including tbe._.Saturday Illustrat-
ed section of Canada's national news
paper, the Globe, will be sent to any ad-
dress la Canada or Great Britain from
date until January 4914 tor the sum of
2.00, Thls ober is made in view of
the possibility of a prolonged session
of the Dominion Parliament or a gen-
eral electron followin e r
sec t
t e cr sts
in the House of Coh mmons Weekly
Glohe 35c for balance of year. -
Nww CHURCH DHDncA7'g7a•--The new
First Congregational church, near the
corner of Ferguson avenue and Maiu,
street, Hamilton, was opened Sundae
13th inst., and dedicatory services were
held, Rev. W. E. Gilroy, pastor, wag
assisted in the services by Rev. Haigh.
Pedley, of Montreal, who preached
morning and evening. Rev, Mr. Gil-
Foy is a brother to F. H. Gilroy, of
Brussels and is a popular preacher and
You will look a good while before
you find a better medicine for coughs
and colds (Lain Chlor 1 r i
l , 1e Irun'e Cough
Ret d . not ne It t oil.gives relic
it cures 'Try it when ou have a
cottgh or cold, and you are cettein to
be pleased with tiro prompt, cure
width it will effect. Por sale : by all
LON nos Methodist Conference' win
convene in the First Methodist church,
London, on June 511!. This will be the
3oth annual Session. A' strong program
is mapped out,' Rev Joshua'Staesdehi,
D. D„ of Indiahapolis, will Conduct a
series of meriting evangelistic • seryi e
during the Conference Rev, Dr,
Oaten is down to preach in Empress
Avenue Miureb and W, H. !Cert for a
Sunday School address iu Welliogton
street ohnr0h.
Aft a ;welt p1 the pgpitin({ of Level
Option in Kincardine
the hotels of the
town hove decided to increase their
rates. A meeting o1 the proprietors of
1aleadinghoses s
the u was held and
1 n it wee
decided thatthea falawidg
ratee would
be charged t Royal Hotel, per day,
r6z,00 i Queen's Hotel, per day, Se 00 ;
Morgan House per day $r,eo; Walker
per day, file,so. Farmers will
be charged 40 onto, for dinner anti 35
cants for breakfast or supper. !'here
will not be any change in the present
prices charged for barns.
Don't be sut'prised If you have an
attack of rheumatism this Spring.
Just rub the affected parts freely
With Ohatuberlain's Liniment and it
will soot, disappear.' Sold by all
'lira date for the annual meeting of
the Stood of Huron has been set for the
third Thursday in June or lune 17th.
While the business of the Synod is
not vet tabulated, it Is expected that a
large number of important platters will
be disposed of. Among the most in-
teresting will be the petition of the
women of the diocese for admission to
vestries. There is ad agitation of
considerable dimensions on foot, and
as a result the debate will be lively.
Some of the clergy ate greatly opposed
to admitting women to the vestries
while the laity seem largely iu ,favor of
LICENSE 1BoAl6n,-'rho .4prit Meet-
ing ,,f the Oantre Harm, Lice. use 0o111-
11issinnele was held here last ]!ridgy
and six fewer licenses will 1St iPsned
ou nrenunl of the Olintt» I Local
Option by-I1LW, which 4altce effect,
Two alar 1. 1 av }triCelkeeP era at Spann,' h
F {;'no- olth
e Dick House, and
Mrs Stepheiw,
of the Queen's, Mao
H ;hung of the Anwelettn House,.
0ritemele, are nu their good behavior,
and were given 1.111(twitle for a year.
Fines totalling over a $100() have
been (1,11 their by Inspector Johnson
daring the last year. '
Your Wisest Course
1f you are caught in the wet, get
stn a throat, neuralgia of muscular.
pain, don't wait for worse troubles.
Begin prompt ltearinent with Nervi•
line. 10d4leen away all tepee of cold,
eases riienantttism, neuralgia at
pain, saves you from a lay -rip in bed.
No 25c purchase can bring more
comfort thaw a bottle of Nerviline;
it's the Cleanest, strongest liniment
made. Sold everywhere in huge 210
bot ties.
There is a movement on foot to or-
ganize a strung town base ball league.
1111. Hero having purchased the lot
next Mr. Polley's ofi North street, has
men busy preplu•fng the foundation
for his new leside:nce.
Samuel Lynn, electrical engineer
left for Sodbury, where he took a
'('541Mu as electrical engineer. Des.
Ly1,11 and baby will juin hien in Aug-
W, st Huron Woolen's Institute has
given a donut inn for a cot in the Tor-
onto hospital foeconsglnptive children Listowel
to be known its the '%Vest- Huron Rev. H. Shorten, of Ohio, has been
Women s instil We Cot." appointed pastor of the. Lutheuul
.1 1?. Atnlren's has bought the kitty: church, Listowel.
Bees walrehou.e at the G.T. R. tracks Andrew McKeever left lust week for
op4osile llacl,Wan's 041411 sheds and 'Toronto, where he underwent a medi-
willi:uy that
50.1.811 kinds of glair,: cal operation foe appendicitis.
w t ,ret t} e Spring weather has Miss Marjorie Spears left for
nrrlet d the nn.lber of inmates at 13eaulsville, where she has accepteda
008410 0ri1110 has dwindled down to position with the G. N. W, Telegraph
5. These have been about 17 or 18 Company.
all Wham.. Two of the present in- J. S. Gee, J. O. Hay and R. K. Hall
m tte-F are rf unsound mind and 1110 were appointed a special committee
ut her ihtce sine vagrants. by High School Botu'd to consider
• 'Win. lt. Johnston, son of W. E: plans for building an additiin, to the
Johnston, of town, who is wheels- school, committee ,tri report at next
as of
mom l the sten tat mer S. IN,trent r,
P f
meeting of the Board.
whirl) hie brothel' Frank ie captain,
1 The Public. Health Exhibit, will he et
'11.11 from, the dick oil Frank,
of Listowel Friday, April .28th, -arriving
last week at Chicago, a distauu:e of there at 12.03 p. no. and remaining
ahem 20 fret: to the dock. Ile struck there with Monday, April 280 at 8
on his head on the edge of the deck 0.1441. It will be shown at the railway
and (hence .into the water, from depot in a Grand Trunk railway car.
whirl, hie was quit:kly rescued and Atrtinu Harvey Smith, late •editor
taken to St. ]S'lizebel h's hospital where and proprietor of the Listowel Banner
he luiAV lies. His skull tvate fractured has disposed of the business to O. V.
at the base and 11u was very badly Blatchford, late city editor of the
limeseri, but there is hope of his re- Windsor Record and 1t son of Rev. T,
covers. W. Blatehfoid, Methodist triinistet'.
On elondity evening of Inst week, Gh•. Blatcliford assumed control on
after Ihe regular work of the lodge, Monday of lest week,
No, 62, L 0. 0. Ie. witnessed- an 'tri- Public school Fair will be held nn
terePtittg presentation, several 'mem- Friday afternoon and evening, Ap111
bel ii receiving veteran jetvels in I•ecog. 25141, at the public school. The pupils
onion Ill' 25 encs' continent's member- work in art, domestic science, emt-
ship in the lodge. The presentation structiml work aitd knife wolf and-
er/le made iu J'l id 44)110 1»0nner ley P. beneh work in the manual training
G Sheriff Rsynulils. The recipients department will be on rich bitten.
were .,its Yates, John Roberts, O. A. Al a large sleeting of the rongrega-
Nairn, Alex. Johnston and Capt. W. , tion of the Colliegwood Presbyterian
1i10b1,, .1. 0, Martin, H. Stove and '.church held at Collingwood last week
Robert Given al9O were on the list but it was unanimously decided to extend
were not present, A number of other a call to Rev. D. W. S,
Urquhart,nhart, of
veteran members t Hume Lodge willListowel, to ass me the vacant nilia-
1OO ivesimilar recognition at a later !t4y rtUaed h the e departure of Rev.
dolt,_, . IT. J. Thompson to Ottawa. Of the
We have just whatyou need to Brig •
s J Brighten Up•
• any or every room in your house.
• `�/ I'� SBoxee' Wall Pitpees, which are aha best.
• 1 values on the market. •
Advice to Expeci:4.._t
The experience of Motherhood is a try-
ing one to meet wa , to and iettrl,s
tinctly an epoch in tleele 1444144 I';ot u'..•
woman in a hundred is peppered or el
derstands how to properly care for her.
self. Of course nearly every woman
nowadays has medical treatment at
such times, but many approach the 1
experience with an organism unfitted
for the trial of strength, and when it
is over: her system has received a hock
from which it hard to recover. Fol.
lowing right upon this comes the ncr•-
vona strain of caring for the child, a1:d
adlistinct change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
a happy and healthy mother of children,
and indeed child -birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard fa health or
beauty. The unexplainable thing is that,
with all the evidence of shattered nerves
and broken health resulting from an un-
prepared condition, and with ample time
in which to prepare, women will persist
in going blindly to the trial.
Every woman at this time should rely
upon LydiaE.Plnkham'sVegetable Com -
Pound, a most valuable .
tonic and i in
orator of thefemale. organism.
In many homes
once childless there
Bre now children be -
emu of the fact
that, Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound makes
women normal,
healthy and strong. a
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkllam Medicine Co. (cond.
denttal) Lynn, Blass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in Strict conidence4
Under the direction oi' the Provinci-
al Depot tulerlt of Agriculture an
Agricultural exhibit comprising two
ears (01teof various kinds of Bye stock)
is to visit Gederich on June 7th. In
connection with this exhibit demon-
sttatinns of livestock judging will be
giver) and in the evening there will be
an illustrated lecture.
why Burn Your Toes
Stop using Acid Corn Salves, use
Putnam's Painless Extractor; it
auks a little more, but it's far the
best. Use only "Putnam's"-25c at
1141 dealers.
Tighten t
tWoodwork J S1.r-et•win.Williams Paints, all milord and
o �qual]ties for every surface.
♦ Lit1oleabnse Finer Oils, Stair' Oils. Best,
Floors Patterns, Also Tapestry
• 1 lenge.•
Blinds --plain and with: fringe, i
• Lace (hatable -White Mid Ecru or •
Oreant. 36
c to L,50 er pair. w� $ pp i •
•. cin•titin.lValr-,vary and Emu by the yd.
• libi'4 Muslin, Colored Madras, •
• Art Menthe,',Sateel,s and Set•ints. •
att-Ag lar a range of Prints, Shirtin s, Drills Mualins Vosti, •
• . broideeiee, Crepe Muslinga, Deese Litwin, eta En - c. Ig , t s
Produce taken As oath on all of above goods, . e
Rn Ar M onaldCo.
230 ballots OW, 1.38 were 19 fagor of
the Lletowel toluene) , Owing to
Oul.wgtvoatl being situated in the
Hartlr �tel lwel in
'resbytery ttf of tied It wee
necessary to appoint a committee to
wait on the Stratford Prosbytol y to
prosecute the call.
TUrtx17,tlt`P OoUNo5L,-Oauncil was
held le Bluevalo, Monday, April 7th,
Members all present, Reeve in shale,
Minutes of last regular and special
Meetings were read- and adopted on
motion of Messrs, 1'laBurney and
Wheeler. \Vheeler-- McBurney -
That Reeve, 1410. Rutherford and Gh',
VV'ellwood 4e appointed to meet on
North Boundary re Bryce Drain,
April 9th, at 3 p.' m, carried. Well -
wood -McBurney --That Olive, Barber
get the contract of building two
cement ttbnt dente at Wood's bridge
tee the rate of $4,10 per eu, yd. work
to be completed abbot the end or M41y.
Oa,ried. A. Hill & Oo, got the con-
tracte' the steel work •,,..1 at:ment
floor $3746.00. The Mill.. i.• ba ready
for traffic about the , r.d :,f July.
Tendere for Bolt drain l,,'n. opened
and on motion of Moesr, itutheef(rrd
and -Wheeler, that of Bi.•okenridge &
McMichael, was accepted ae $3200, it
being the lowest. Work 0' be done
acenrdhig to agreement. Following
accounts were passed anti cheques
issuer! :-0. A. Jones, survey, &o.,
$171.50 ; H. 13. Elliott, printing, $13 ;
Municipal WO, ld, 82.74 Drain l'rnnlg ;
Jas. Wray, 50e work on road ; Wm.
Vanetone, $1,50 work on road ;'Rost.
Sheipin, :$0.00, Linton's bridge; Treas.
Morris, $2.14, balance account; Wm.
Campbell, be11 3.6 0
0 trot* k net
p $
w bridges.
Commit d'ot
adjourned to me g
et 3n Blue -
vale, May 5th at 2 p. tn. u
P. POWELL, Clerk.
Greatest Female Strengthener on Earth
Thousands of women are wan,
pallid, rundown and dispirited. What
they need ie that nourishing tonin
Ferrozone. Soon they regain those
laughing eyes, blight spirits and rosy
cheeks. Ferrozone does Ibis and
moves an Mrs, L. F. Adrianson of
Whitney Pier, 0. B., testifies, "My
4anglitee WAS very much run down
and had considerable troubles at tittles.
Often I teas at a loss to know what
to do. I was advised to_give her
Fen ozone anti I did so. Ferrozone
cleared up all the trouble, made my
slaughter healthy and well. Ferro -
zone gives good appetite, regulates,
strengthens. 1 consider it a needi-
eine every woman should nee regularly
if she wants to feel her beet.' Re-
build with Ferrozone, it is the Bing
of all cures. Price 50e per box at all
Howick Ooutsell
Council met today in Beswitherick's
Hotel, Furdwich, on April 10th, put-
suraut to aojournment, Members
all present, Reeve in chair. Minutes
of last meeting read and on motion
of Edgar and Crawford were adopted.
Moved by Crawford and Edgar that
the following changes be made in the
Pathniasters :- R. J. Huostcn in-
stead of Geo. A. Dane and Henry
Zimmerman iusteltd of Davie] flicks.
Uarlie.d. Moven by Bailing and
Deu nlerling that ByLaw No. 4 ap.
poineiug Pathmasters, Poundkeepers
and Fence -viewers be read the third
time and passed. Cow10d. Moved
by Deutmerhtg and Crawford that
no notion be taker, with repairing
the ;Lthu'ngey bridge until the May
meeting: Carried. J. H. Johnston
waited on the Council asking for a
grant for the Agricultural Society.
.Moved by Edgar and Harding that
the Cunncil give a grant of 830.00.
Carried. Operating of the road
machinist wee then considered.
Moved by Demi/tailing and Harding
that Birk King he employed and
that he be paid $13.00 per day and he
furuish'everything. Carried. Tend-
ers were opened for building abut-
ments of the McLaughlin bridge.
Moved by Edgar and Crawford that
Tender of Schafer &. Rogers for $3.76
per cubic yard be "accepted the con-
tractors to furnish all material and
do all excavating. Carried. A' num-
bee of accounts were paid on motion
of Crawford and Harding. Coun;il
ademented to meet Wednesday, May
21st in the Township Hall, Gorrie.
C. E. WALKER, Clerk.
Following a recent visit to San
Diego, A. C. Browning, K. C., of Tor-
onto, gave out the followinginterview
concerning hie impressionand be-
liefs regarding the future of San Die-
go), to at Vancouver paper.
"San Diego is destined to benome
one of the three great seaports on the
Pacific, the other 2 being San Fran.
eisee and Vancouver.
Those who look for the Southern
port t
grow inimportance
be disappointed.
Iu the first place, it
hast flue n
r H natural harbor, and it has
the great advantage of being the first
port of call of vessels passing through
the Panama canal bound for this
coast, Extensive harbor work is in
progress,, and the authorities there in-
tend to be in a position to handle
traffic tvhen the big waterway is com-
The growth of San Diego and its
development los a seaport will 'not
affet:t Vancouver adversely on he-
count of the gloat distance between
the two cite*, holt some of the ports
of the North AMe1'ican coast, will, no
doubt, feel the competition very kaon
In add411011 to its other. advantages,
Diego San n ie
has One of the gmost enJuY-
able climates in te hworld, C v xld, Winter
tend Sunlmet' not showing a difference
of ten. clegt'ees,
With the vast, stuns now being spells
by the city ie harbor' improvement,
mnnieipal dock building and the rec-
lamation of In11111Ci rn da
1 and the
monster' 1015 Exposition
Zttaition building in
full swing and with the population of
the city increasing at the rate of mot'e
that) 20,0 00 at year, the predictions r ,
Y ,
the Toronto Mali acelt, to San Diegaus
very conservative.
With a raiload building from a
Junetin4 with Eastern knee at "Yutua,
Aritiena, shortening the Vett tern haul
by hundreds of miles and with steam.
11,4..1,.1,.1. •Fh• •b
d..6.1,.1.r•i 't'4'.�
Our New Spring
1� �
d ui i .I•
1. Ara attracting much at. +
tention those days.
New designs are neat,
0)to1414s1 lr ert yourself, andshunned
raplable Han,
your wife•
1111t7 have looney eo keep you until
your time cornea to flit a drunkard's
;Chars are said to be 10 Scottish
Dukes, 5 Marquises, 20 Earls and 5
Lords -40 111 all -who have a direst
rea 0
inti1oa n u s 11 e r e
of the drink traffic,In England and
Wales the names of no fewer than;
172 members of the upper house ap•
pear tee owners of one or more licensed ;
We have them in various KindlyPay u
sllade8 ouch . as Tans, Blues,
+ Gra------
+ These are worn by the Best
t Dressed Men. Suits trade by He 4*
,g, are distinctive and correct and
+ bound to give eatiefaction.
+ A few .heady -to -wear Over. .1.
* coats at a Bargain. +
W. Pr Fraser asci
4• ..
Merchant Tailor
3.9•i'4••]'i••iI'•i•3d i••i••II•.t•.g•'i•3•g•i••II••i•'7r•1••II+
Come In and let us show you.
Our prices are moderate con.
sidering the quality of material
4- and workmanship,
Gond trimmings one of the 4.
features of our trade.
ship lines
the e
port first
domingg through the P 1
ama canal
from the
ports of the world, why
should San Diego not grow rapidly
and prosper emeriti), ? San Diego ex-
pects to have 200,000 people by the
time the Ban Diego Exposition opens
in 1915 and to entertain during that
year at least 6,000,000 visitors.
Sallow Complexion
Indicates indigestion, constipation
or liver trouble. FIG PILLS will
regulate your system and build up
the nerve forces so that you can sleep
and enjoy life. At all dealers 25 and
60 cents or The Fig Pill Co., St.
Thomas, Out. Sold arid recommend.
ed in Brussels by J. Fox Druggist.
Regular meeting of the W. 0. T. U.
will be held in the audience xoom of
the Public Library F1 iday afternoon,
April 26th, at 3 o'clock. An address
will be given by Rev. Mr, Mann,
The following advice which an
actor gave to a friend is certainly
such as should open the eyes of the
intemperate :
"MyDear-- A gallon .of whisky
costs about $3 and contains about
6515•ceot drinks. Now, if you mast
drink, buy a gallon and make your
wife be the barkeeper, When you
are dry give her 15 cents for a drink,
and when the whisky is gone, she will
have, after paying for it, $8.75
left, and every gallon the,eafter will
yield the same profit. This looney
she should put away, so that when
you have become inebriated and unable
A,11 persona Indebted to us are oldie
ed upon to square off the same before
1V141yllst. 14,s the partnership has been
dissolved itis necessary to have out'
books balanced hence the urgency of
this cegtlest.
The business is now in charge of
the undersigned who solicits a goodly
share of the patronage of the public.
I will handle a full line of General
Hardware and Tinware, also
Rods, &e. Repairs
kept for
all kinds of farm machinery.
Jne,. Krauter, Ethel
Must You Be A.ia1d?
What have you done to stop y..0 .•
hair from failing? Have you trl.,...t
Rexall 093" Hair Tonic ':' if not, : c
want you to try it at our risk,
If you have dandruff; if your herr
is failing out and your scalp is net
lazed and shiny, if you use Rexa:l
93" 13uu• Tonic according to dim -
tions for thirty days, and at the Kra.
of that time you are not the ougbi .'
satisfied with the results and wilt tell
us so, we will immediately hand bad
your money. Wo won't ask you t.,
promise anything. We won't ever
question you. We will take you.
mere word and retura your looney.
Doesn't it stand to reason the-
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic must lee
Mighty good remedy and have gi:'.:.
great satisfaotion to oee caatomer, ,.
we endorse it: like this.' We know 1',
no similar remedy that ,a,e: .1. 1.
is because of what Boxall "t > ' Hair
Tonle has done for otters Let we
back it with our own mg.., •.
Why suffer scalp and 1... Email 1
or be bald, when Rexall "93"71,1r
Tonic will remove dandruff, ,T0,1.'
your scalp comfortable and licehe•,
promote hair growth and tend N
prevent baldness - when we n•1 :
pay for the treatment should it f;,t1
to please you?
We don't obligate you to any-
thing. You simply buy the treat-
ment; use it, and if not pleased,
come back thus empty-handed- and
we will hand back what you paid no. ,
Two sizes, 50e and $1:00 a bottle.
You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tondo
in this community only at our store:
F. 111.SMITH.�
. p
Brussels The SCorm Ontario
Thera it a Resell Stora in nearly every town
and at in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. Thera Is n different Resell
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill -
each eepeeially designed for the partiodar IU
for which itis recommended.
The Rexatl Stores are America's Or1taat
Drug Stores
Potatoes Leave your order for
♦ Seed Potatoes for de- r
liver firs. art f a
�a�e Y
t o May
Finest New Brunswick Green Mountain $1.25 per9llhhag
Irish Cobblers 1.50 4,
East Huron Produce Emporium BRUSSELS e
m0000mooso•••••o••o•s• s00000•ss0000••••o•••o•M•
•N••••oss000••••.•ssomoo emote OOODO•s••••••e•••••••t'J
"Y oil'
41�1Nit ON" •
, >v •
•r°11 t� t, 4p1 ! The Right Track •
if to the •
n r
�. Simplex •
��g :Link -Blade j
{� _,
®s You look:'for Relief from your •
� 1� e.� Cream$operator Troubles. •
• �l •
•• elle }"t�, •vsam•^--�w •
'4 Looll� ,t it•
s ti. :1 ttell
• a Size iia substantial construction, w
• •
only a slight indication of the •
inr woi'lt' and endurance of which It is •
• "STAY ON" till you've tried a Simple in our own 43831 then
you:re safe. p y y,
LI Patented, Manufactured and Ouaratiteed by the pioneer and large o
•O Det lnanufactnrers of Dairy Supplies wed who first lob:adored the Oen• •
• trifug,tl Create Separator in ANlel'ica t it is the Product of
• work and study and is the ever ivareasing"Dairyutn,s Tavorites,"e
at's' •
Not depending 00 Gigantio and Costly Advertising campaigns,
o Travelling Salesmen Free Machines told Free. Ttips.00 Agents, etc., to •, .
rush gales we ate able to embody the saving thus afforded in superier •
• couseructiott mud material and thus give the user more value for his •
•• money. : i
Gall or write and we will tell o`1:rno'e abU tt 1 it.
�+ , •
IITICIAOChli11 Brussels A eM�
r 5S
cis •
tg1"0•IIi0M/661110•0100o9®slillds0•On•'+,• Kinn -each septi••t•e•••••d•t