The Brussels Post, 1913-4-24, Page 4C.. 1, e wxtseJs :past
'CHUB HAY, AP1;IL 24, tars
Titer closure t'egislytfon if passe!] by
the C+'titmohs may play the part of a
bon • rang and he the other fellow.
Snob tins proven le be the case ever
in English Parliamentary hells,.
0 l you M. P's, at Ottawa, yott are
'cutlet, n lot elf time nue wasting thous-
ands e. dollars to little p.upuse, Ouit
} our scrapping and get down to busi-
ness. Some of your performance
the school bo alters
v patters,
than the
wisdom matured tree!i m
Ir hydroelectric power can be sup-
plied at a fair rate it will solve many of
the problems due to shortage in help on
the fel in as well as elsewhere. This is a
chance for government control and a
tariff of prices that would give the
people a chance to utilize the power,
Totttty BURNS, the pug, will not bring
much honor to Calgary or improve the
moral tone by being permitted to be
sponsor for a program of prize fights in
that city, What are the churches and
all other institutions who have a care
for Goodness and the well being of the
citizens going to do about it ?
Now would be au opportune time for
Municipal Pathmasters to lay out some
well defined plans for an improvement
csmplige on the highways for thts
season, A chat with themen composing
the beat as ,o the work might be fruit-
ful in suggestion along the line of better
mettucls and more satisfactory results.
tionitatcti will, in all probability, cap-
ture the Military Camp for 1913 although
the Attrill property will not he used this
year. The lakeside town is an ideal
spot for such purposes if a better short
cut were arranged between the camp
ground and town. Camp will open in
PROPERTY owners, tenants. &c., in
Brussels should read the Board of Health
notification delivered at their houses and
thereby become acquainted with the
regulations by which they are governed•
Some folk appear to think the law does
not apply to them and they are ready to
fight the Sanitary Inspector or Medical
Health Officer if they make them toe
the line. A knowledge of the law
might put them in a more amiable mood.
ONTARto License holders asked the
Whitney government to enact a law to
prevent newsboys and women operating
street organs to enter, hotels; to con -men -
:ate, out of government revenue, license
holders who lose their licenses ; that
Indian listers be photographed and
':opies given to bar tenders ; and that
bars be allowed to remain open until Is
p. in. Saturday nigbts. It is not prob-
able that the Government will be very
responsive to the demands. A fund of
01150,000 is said to be behind the organ-
ization to aid in carrying forward the
plans and purposes decided upon at
their meeting.
TORONTO and country generally have
been put to considerable annoyance and
c-xpense by the striking of the teamsters
that do the hauling of freight to and
from the railways. There is roorn for a
change in the law compelling the refer.
ence of all such disputes to a Court of
law or an
Arbitration Boar who w o could
probably deal with them without the ty-
ing up of business and the frequeut de
struotion of property and life, There's
something in human nature that is dif$.
cult to explain, often the consequence of
incousideration of the rights of others.
Organized labor has certain rights of
course but so have employing agencies
and companies and it is here an arbitra-
tion would get in its work in trying to
deal fairly rl}'
a man with eau, Increases do
not bit any means spell settlement as the
next year may mean the repetition of the
same thing, The public often have to
pay the piper and have no redrees,
Tits rs
t ofwillsee t
Mayhe closing of
many bars -not uecessarily hotels --
where Local Option Bylaws have been
passed. Sometimes opponents say, "0 1
the law Will never be observed." Well
who will the violaters be? Is the
violation of a law any reason for
its annulment ? It so there
are few Statutes that should not be
cancelled. People who break the law
knowingly need notbe surprised g y su prised if
penalties lire imposed, becoming increaa-
ingly severe if the offender does not
]teed the first warning. Did you ever
leen' of a transgressed law under license?
> comae yob r did and 'probably said
le .:e about it. If, under Local Option,
the. a lei en occasional oversteppibg don(
make rcear'self looks silly by climbing on
the housetop to announce it as old
King Alcohol will not surrender his
kingdom without a determined fight no
matter what the consequences may he,
Express Messenger E. Stewart, of
l ea atom While on bis run to Torun
c.w .to
Itth t was hurled from
Friday Mae, his car
Y ,
about 4 miles out of Arthur, The ex
press was going A$ miles an hour at the.
pets Hale on Your Mond and Keepe
It Triers;
What's the use of being bald ?
What aeuae is there to deliberately
allowing your hair to turn gray ?
Do you want to look old before your
time ? Give up the thought old age
will come only too soot'.
Look after your hair, PARISIAN
Sage will kill the dandruff germs and
is tee only preparation, so far its we
know, that is guaranteed to do so,
Man or woman, no matter how old
you are, Parisian Sage will make you
look young,
Why not go to Jas, Fox and get a
large bottle to -day, it only costs 60
Ceuta and your money back if it doesea
not entre dandruff, atop falling hair,
or itehiug of the scalp. It will make
your hair luxuriate% blight and beau-
tiful, aid it is the ,most refreshing,
pleasant and iuvigoratiug hair dress -
lug made.
time, Stewart was missed when tbe
train stopped at Arthur. Conductor
Osborne backed bis train up and
Stewart was Lound in the ditch, badly
stunned and bruised, but no bones
were yroken, and he was taken to his
home in Teeswater.
DEAR MR, KsRa.-My position with
the big Chicago Packing industry. has
taken me over the greater part of this
little country, known as the United
States, and in writing a letter, it is with
a view that some of the readers of 'fats
Pose, who have not had the privilege of
much travel, may know something of
what this country is really like. You
know working for a large corporation is
tike working for the Government. The
head Chicago office controls the entire
country. If a point on the Pacific cosst
gets in trouble and the Chicago office
bas a man on the opposite corner of the
earth, who is experienced and adapted
to handle the work, they simply wire
him, "Want you to go" and he gets his
traps together -and takes the first train.
Of course, just bere I might mention,
that they do not expect or ask their men
to travel as we would, who feel the value
of a dollar and try to make it go as far
as possible. The best trains, hotels,
automobiles and other means of aceom•
modat ion are at their command. Last
Summer my wife and little girl were
with me down in the land of the Possum
and the Coon at Birmingham, Alabama
I had gone for a couple of days to Mo-
bile, Ala., on the Gulf of Mexico, when
upoo my return I received a wire to
come to Chicago and leave for San Fran-
cisco. The difference between the
climate, the conditions and customs of
the people and the way besiness is
handled in Alabama and California is
like going from one's homeland to a
foreign country. Just one week on the
train with tbe exception of a day in
Chicago and we had travelled from the
South to the North, then out throug-
the middle West and then South through
New Mexico to Lower California and
back up to San Francisco, a distance oI
nearly 4000 miles. Six nights on the
train might seem a little tiresome but
the through trains, leaving Chicago for
the Widen West, are palaces un wheels,
earning sleeping cat, diner, parlor,
observation, barber shop and everything
to make travelling about as comfortable
as frame. Going back to the stewing
point we find Mobile, Ala , a besutifu
little, old fashioned seaport town. Com
ing into it by rail or water a traveller
would hardly be impressed with the ap
pearance of the city. Going up into the
business district on a Summer morning
von tooted see the streets alive with men
dressed in soft white duck suits, Pana-
ma hats and low white shoes. Most 01
these people look for all the enjoyment
and comfort in life rather than tax theft
brain and body with besot business
enterprise and it is easy to enter into
conversation with them without waiting
for an introduction, which is ebarpcter-
stic of Southern people in general.
Mobile is one of the principal seaports
or the transportation of tropical fruits
t is 15 miles up the hay from the Gulf,
bus wellrotect o i
ed frotn m t dat waves
nd tropical storms, Large vessels
cme from South America loaded with
bananas, oranges, lemons, &c,, and one
essel wili maketrain of
a t R h 30 Carloads n(
manes. 'rhe rapidenethosi of unload -
ng these vessels is very interesting
rbere are many very interesting things
o see in Mobile, one is the old auction
lave block it1 the market square ft
was in July last when I was there and
ne night I took a trip down the bat
nd spent the night at the Point Hotel
The cool soft breeze from the gulf
made sleeping most delightful. The
melees singing of the locusts, frogs,
os ui crickets, t cets y vhi -o-
will larks
ad every other kind of bind and insect,
so numerous in that part of the copntrv,
ounded like a sweet lullaby My room
ad windows on three sides and every
window wide open. Over my bed was
large canopy of mosquito bar hong on
circle near the ceiling and running
ver all corners to the floor, I had or -
Raton to wake np during the night so I
eaebed out, touched the button atld
urned on the lights. A thousand eyes
et my bewildered gaze. Mosquitos
ith eyes like large tear drops, were
oking in so pityfully, not that they had
ny pity for me, but adding insult to in.
ury. I advised them that we had die.
mit-rued serving midnight lunches.
eking a look to see that there was no
ttlesnakes under the bed I went hack
sleep. The State of Alabama has no
articular feature of importance only in
s iteavy productiot of iron ore, Birm-
gham is a mining city, located about
e middle of the State. The heart of
ly is. in a little v.Iley surrounded by
ountains, Residence saotftu is up on
deof h
the I knowoflin
to so rich in beautiful homes. Birm-
gharrl is fest becoming the Pittsburg
the South, Coming further North
e reach Chattanoga, Tennessee, Here
e have Loakoet mountain, which is
nsidered the ideal Summer resort for
lose who prefer meentrtin ecenerV in
Atli or bathing, boating and fishing
he East portion of Tennessee 'around
liattate0 a 15 very mouniainnus and it
1 ,
almsst I I l o i t
t i l l seri fle hulk c
l to ,f he
of ignorance. loneliness and lade
0.'01120l4on that exists arnoug these
reeentalmeese, et Is gntte slllpalpit t4
travel through that part of the country
On a local train and notice the names of
the different stations ; such as hick
Skillet, Bull Gap, Pig Pen Run, Com)
Hollow, Possom'l'rot Cud stneilar names.
The names, no doubt. were derived from
what existed ip those places years ago
apd yet when one studies the people,
who live there, such commonplace
names could only be exsected, Tennes-
see is noted for -strawberries, peaches
and other garden fruits much more than
cottou and corn, Leaving 'renuessee
we soon teach Louisville, ley, Much of
interest could be written about the lie,
gro in the South, his religious passion
for stealing chicken and watermelon,
the 'reatment he receives, &c„ but we
travelled 700 voiles and mentioned only
a oiut of e e
mt r st here and there, here, I stn
writing this ou the steamer "Capital
City" ou my way from Sacrament
Sao Francisco and as this is my second
night on the water, I am tired. Will
continue in a later issue,
A. I. Mee/ma-ewe,
San Francisco, Apr. 5th.
A Brussels Old Boy
(Special to Tea Pon)
Part of tee records of the Public
Accounts Oommittee expunged by the
majority. Protest both before the-
Oommittee and on the floor of the
House by the Opposition.
Motion to appoint a Commission to
investigate rural depopulation defeat-
Hon. -Adam Beck introduces Bill to
encourage electric radill,la in country
Definite announcement mode by the
Prime Minister that there would be
no Workmen's Compensation Act this
session. Keen dissatisfaction tuuoug
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owlter)
Box 1033 Brandon Man
and all other
Commercial Courses
Taught Home
right atH me
in Spare Hours. Our courses
are the best tend our instruc-
tors the ablest in Oaoada.
G$ADUATLt'S. Take your
course with ume mail the coo -
pod TO -DAY.
S u
Shaw Correspondetice School
SIM Yonge St.,'Toron to, Oen.
Please explain (without obligation on
Soy pat how can sueoesetutly quality
e the position or profession under.
lined -
Rusinese Manager
O1Dre oorrespondenl
• Speolal let
Deal goer
Art Speclaifat
Teacher of Art
Story Writer
dry ..
weenswesimmaislealeisilniniiiiiiimi potent, Ifrace 26n at a11„ dealet'a.
4.48..1 °``t :3' ;'.i-
• •
• 0
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+ Wr P r ,, e t 4
1\ 1, 11.1 \ 1. l l o
4 IN OUR a
O o
tZ d
• H
• 4
•• ••
• °
• 1 1 tl p l m tk 6
• • A
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Brussels Electric light • e ,
e Company
• 4i
oJnot Patterson, Manager
l H./I T
NUTTY i t U {f�.sT
iL./ ,.[ Jt
F iUC,
Model Bra
It contains thegentities that
tide the state l ea
bread and burls just like
mother used to make. Man.
de -aimed by HARVEY
BROS Exeter. Sold by
.• Terms at-ictiy Cash •
s• a• a*rs o•w•et.♦o+4•s®o+ti a n a •ecce•
Opposition asks foe fall biro, illation
coucel51ug the yew lance acyl where-
by the Lake Huron and Northern Oo-
I,te111 I)IL lway Company 1.•a to get over
one million acres 1Lt'minima c114t.
Lill giving power to the City of To -
velum to purchase the Toronto Street
Railway and the Turnnt,, Elect vie
Light Oooipany given Hese and ,croute
otuu thou
)neat tl vitt
of votes t0 ularrled women owning
pe•operty. T. R. 1-Vhiteside, Ooaser-
%alive, \Vest'1'oronto, and Allan Stud-
holme Labor, East lirunillem, voted
with the Opposition for the proposal,
which was defeated.
Hon, W. 3. Ha annadmits that the
license law is beingviolated and tlh,tt.
liquor is being sold o,1 steamer -son the
lower lakes and on the railways illegal-
ly. Boats are fled at the end of each
season, which the Opposition pointed
out rlrnottute practically to a license
system coutrae•y to the law.
Government defeated resolution to
include in the public accounts detailed th
statements of the expenditures of e
T. & N. 0. Railway and the Hyde"
(electric Commission.readings,
Mr, Howell pntkes several definite
effuets to secure Tax Relen in, especial-
ly io rege,d to land and improvements
but the Guvermnent v
Mi-, Rowell's pr'0pusul to give votes
on Honey by-laws 1u le,,,uus with
tluee year leases defeated. Fleenor
low 21 years,
J. 0. Elliott, Liberal member fur
West leliddlesex, promisee the gi g
Itl a week crammed with business
and 111 temestieg situations, the most
spectaoular event ettheLPgislatmt-
wee the work of tbe steam roller in
the Public Accounts Committee,
William Proud foot, Li be rid 14)I'I)I 1» 1'
i'0r Oentre Huron, daring the tn-
vesligatio4 lute the payniet11 of
42100 to the Taylor Scott Company
in' settlement of their claim uguinst
the Government ill connection with
the Central-Priscnl labor contract,
ask ed Air, Taylor . two poi sited
questions :-
1. Did you. tell Sir James Whiln5y
that unless you secured a first to sue
in connection with . your claim you
would expose a member of the
Cabinet ?
2, Did you make a contribution to
the Government or any member of
the Government for political purposes
during the life of the contract ?
These questions Mr. Taylor 1ef11sed
to 'uilstvsr. The Chairman of the
Committee ruled that he need not
answer theta and was sustained by
the Conservative majority after a
heated debate.
It was there that the roller really
began t roll. ]ll•
o T. H. cQarty wets
the man who manipulated the (ever.
He took the absolutely unprecedented
mettle over 'n
mse t moving. 1 that C.h 1 ,
e i earl na
ienatVPl's, disuissinns and votes be
stricken from the records of the
Committee. This attempt to 1)111(11 -
ate the record, although piotesnPd
against with • vehemence by the
Libelee members was forded through
by the supeeior numbers on the
Government, side.
"'Phis ace ion simply means" denim --
eel J. C.' Elliott, Liberal metnbtt for •
West Middlesex,. "that whenever a
es n rnblu• to
n tin P 1199. to the Gnvcl'1s-
q tr
meat is asked >1 ernbarassing evn1er,ee-
given it can be struck off the records,
It is nothing tint an dntrage."
The principal involved tears eon-
sidered so important tient the on se
was brought, np on floor i
a b 1r t the 1l cl of the
1 -inose and the Opposition's protest.
against what they considered not
only tyranny but a sordid disregard
of the public interest in the Mitt lel.
WAS registl'ated enipliatiea11y, The
Pellicle Minister promised consider:
The important proposal to apjxsiu1
a Onimnission or a select Cnnnnittee
of the. Legislative to il,vcal:igute Burn
oonditiori especially ue de. sl io
sthe nn ti n
in cenntey districts ,old the ]scarcity
System Roqulres Frequent Cleansing
Not may outside hut inside es well,
your body most In, frcgnrn1ly clean-
ed, 0(1111i.is1' it b5'2011ses Mitchel
wasteshat. .
I clog f, up the whe£`la
of health, Mitch (1(15151 - 4>1 net in
time. Use 131. Flumiltftl's !'ills ; •
they strengthen antl regnlitle the
bowels, runlet digestion, enekh the
and Mid h
ill < theyby fortify the nerves:
and lay the fouticiatiori of lasting
good health,
Dr. Hamilton's Pills bring tern mut'
vitality so much sought for 'malty 1
they illJ'itee a feeling of fl eelnu'5s nil
spirit in 41)054 u hn have been n114hg
for ,years, 11eelly nn inediein4 so
of lsprr4 teem' Was voted down by Ili
Goya! entente Cal 11;tyberry LI here
member vin' Smiler Oxford, lit 111.,vio
the ees,hllion for an Invesele,ttiul
0 I reed wee glean evevy frppnrtuPmtyf co
this year, they home failed 10 do so
midi the agi1.11 '114 for relief will have
to continuo tee before, 'lite may
t (Menges a read to by the Governtnarlt
e 1111' diose decided np011 in the Special
Comm; teem, provid og a higher exemp-
tt tion for h toalte, rhe chief issue,
I however, of giving ,Municipalities
s Local Option to LAX itOproventenbe
e less than land lets not been touched
1- end the Oppnsiilen is still on the war•
path for the rc lol'Ins %sleet, have been
se widely denlivaled both in the cities
' and 8014111 v tl1<U'icis "1' 1.118 Pr'oVillce,
I h, ing in a real uletlstu'e o Cas re oven
pointed out ell to conditions in the
eoturtry wets• fee from being whit
they Amnia b, 1 , f that it. was th
duty of the Government it) the In
terlats or the i'tr,,i •ee 4,1' the Pi ovine
to give the question the t'lost,s
asiruGiuy, In spite of the argument
nnavw•d in support. of lea proposal 11
>y:. • tumble to pet sonde the (Invert
Went. l0 1 OW Marion,
Adam Beck's Bill In eticout•ttg
nu tci3tliti
r u p i cs to build aleutrie radial
i*,3 1151 important, piece df legislation
ell. \V !Lowell speaking for the 0
thou which ch h s u'
l ,
a t c.d such
erhamo all sessiml cougrntuluted the
Miuietet' of Power on his 13111, No
government funds will be spent, (lit-
eetly0n the project, The cost is to be
met by the Municipalities from deben-
The railways will be allowed
to use the Hydro right of way and by
buyingthe Hydro enema would be'
freed' from any danger' of exorbitant',
TAX 5:
In spite of the fact that the govern
Duff & Stewart
4''4'+++'34'+'i-++++++'1'4'++++-)- q.a ,..;..}..:•ti••, ..: •S••. , ... , ;•k•1-
Just arrived another fine assort-
ment from the best makers.
Our reputation and wide c.xpri'- o
ience along with the makers'
guarantee is at the back or every
Watch we sell.
Eigin, Waltham,
Hampden and Regina
Watches always in stock
4. 0 •
Dur Prices are unbeatable
„. •
'3' p \Vo will convince yen al this matter if •
4• ee you will favor us with a call. •
+ 0
•t J. ■
Wendt, & Engraver ver
.0 4' <'-
4s Wroxeter, Ont. a•
4.44-4-+++.04.4.44+4.4-++++++++4.04..',004-04.44 •444•'00rfiit1I334•4..
To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday,
March to October Incluatve
Winnipeg and Return - $35.00
Edmonton and Return • 43.00
OtherpointsIn proportion
Return Limit two months.
on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully
moderate rates through local can be at
For settlers travel-
d efeccts.
Will leave Toronto
10.20 p.m.
Eyes Iockke
ehoWd use
Leaving Toronto
10.20 p.m.der
Through Colonist
and Tourist Sleepers
No charge for Berths
Home Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m during 1Iar ob,
April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and
10.90 p.m. during May, June, July and August.
Through' Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West
Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto
P`k. Ir r A 1J'!ED eg
WHEi: t,
Cured by the Now Method Treatment
Thousands of young and mlddle.aged men are annually swept to a premature grove
through Early Indisaretionr, Excess. and Blood Diseases, If you haveany of 1ho fol-
lowing syulptows consult tis before itis toe late. Are you nervous and uveal, despon-
dentaatl 511418, e4,021,8 before the eyes, with dors Circles under them, hank beck,
kianeys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and lo. nes, sediment in urine.
ppiniplaeou tbo tau, ej0a 24 1:on, hollow obeeka .careworn espressimi, poor. tnamory,
llfolsso, dlstruetia,l, rook curbry sad strength, tired nlerelago, restless nl;;hts; ehangtlnbla
moods, weak manhood, pec,.tature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.
Our New Method Treatment ono cure you and make a man of you. lender its *Miu-
ence the mete becomesus active, the bloodurlaod 10 that all pimples, blotches and ulcess
disappear, t] c ••
n nt the ,la
s become m,.sn s
7 w e steel., so
c chat nervousness, uses n
b sbfulu .
ll�� das-
DIl[IeaO 'VttWleh' the 1 q
co Bea bright, the r
pendency g 10 y Bea full and clear,oredia 11 returns se the
body vitalthe waste Ito t),o system,
and sexual systems .invfakirs rob
you gens hard
more vital lal-s frefn the. system, 01 140 lot quacks. and fakirs rob yea' 01 your hard
carted dolla,•s. VVe yelll aura you or no pay.
READER: No matter who has treated yen, write for an honest opinion P oa Fra0 of Charge.
Books Gree -"The Golden Monitor" (IIIuStratedY on Secret Diseases of Mon,
DIRS.KENNEDYiltKENNEEIYCor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich,
All letters from Cattadamustbeadlree
ii � .• E to our Canadian Corras code
b1:v p nee Depart-
nieut itt Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical institute :iu Detroit as we see and
Go patients in our Windsor offices : winch are for Correepohdeneo and
Cancun -an
business only, Address all letters as follows:
EAY, Windsor. Onta
Writofor out private addreae.
wtia4 fQ> Altar
Loss of appetite or distress after
eating—a symptom that should
not be disregarded,
Itisre what you eat ler twee( yo) t
1 asslei ate•., n
int e .
ti tau
good, a:uo of the etrongeet, honed,-
let per,: l:li are mOderttte este'$,
,thing will outteo morn kedge than
u dioerdered etomeoh, and mdny
ieopin mania sorlous maladies
l enure! de -weenie or tlbuse of
tomnnh, ,
Vee urge all who suffer from indi-
gention, Or dyspepsia,. to try Retell
Dyspepsia Tnblots, with the under-•
stand11155 that wo will refund the.
luny paid us without question or
eternality, if after use you aro not
ttlf t3 HatIsr
ad with results.
\ rrecommend ex il
\ a Dyspepsia
Tablets o nus m rs every y
P a
t 1 to e V day, a
1 yet to hear of one who )' m not
. en beveled. Wo believe tliom to
I- Irilheutr.lual, They giveprompt
!-lief, aiding to neutralize acidity,
•.111111htte flow Of gastric) juice,
I,rngthen the digestive organs, and -
ems i rare t : perfect nutrition and ..
(nit -et unesel thy symptoms. Three
sic , '5 e 1 ls, 50 canto, and $1.00.
X: -1 014'1 buy Rexal Dyspepsia Tablets
it •:aauuity only at our storo:
F. R. SMITH. -
Dressels The r1 ^^ '!'fere Ontario
There le a Rang Store in nearly every taws
and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Retell
Remedy for nearly every ordinary humanMM-
eech especially designed for the particular 51
for which it is recommeeded.
The Rant! Stores ere America's Greatest
Drug Stores
The People's Column
11857'. -The John W. Rose.
forms, bring N% Lets 48 and 24, Don d,
and Lot 22, Oen. 8, Grey, are offered 1,. rem.
Oell on the end,u•sigued. F. 0, ,13(10'1.45,
Al -11 hetowels.
FA1t11 FOR SALMC'HEAP.-100arrc0,south
half Lot S2 Con. 8, Township ed' 8nurrie, 8
miles from Wel tel. C400d land 0011 arches
and spring, Log house and dra1,10 bonlm barn.
Convenient to church and school, Ap 13 10
12 H SUO'r'1', l3rtlsnais, or .1111.LA1„ BINS St
GREGORY, Berlin, Ont. 142.11
O..A1UN FOR .,ALE -West Half Lot 2, (len.
12, Township or Greycontaining 10 acres,
46 cleared, fenced, draluc'd and all in grass, 6
Ptares hard -wood bush. No buildings. For
ur:her.particulars apply to ,1, LEt RIE,
88•,1 U1104141.
1405'L-Tli'e home recently vacated by
Jolla! B. Kerney, who -moved to Guell,1, Ikaown
ne the Rogers property, Turnherry street, is
offered for sale or if not sold will be rented.
There in comfortable house, good ,.treble and
ni nares of landwith n double entrance. Fine
garden, &o, For farther particulars ,-ppl to
W. R. Kerr, of Tom POST, w110 holds the lies
It is a choice spot to live in and will be sold
very reasonably. 27-tf
,"ARM FOR SALE, -The undersigned offers
his ane farm consisting of about 186 Rona
adjoining the town of Minton, for sale. The
farm is In a good state of cultivation, and has
good buildings, brick house, bank barn, drly-
ing horse, pig pen, eta., all aolnparatively new.
A first-class young orchard containing all
,rinds of fruits and also small fruits. The
forum in well /elated and drained and is a vary
desirable home. Fa• further particulars apply
on the premises or add reel
28-tf JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton.
Ott NATE 45 TO LET. -A good comfort•
able dwelling and two lots in 13rneaels.
Ferns easy. Apply to P. S. SnoTV, Auction•
ver, Bressels,or to 13, S. Coog, 7ordtvioh. 0.8m
FAR61 FOR KALE, being South Miff Lot 25,
0011. •1, Morris township, Huron r':,., eon-
1OU acres more sr Ione. On the. prem•
lees 405 Prime honer, hank barn, good orchard,
well. windmill, dm All cleared 0014111 about
an sore &onto) 1lt-miles distant, Only 2I
Innen from Brussels. If acres of buil uI, eat ain
end about Nacres seeded down. Pn, ;rine,
terms and other information appy tn.Me
nrenllees twit writing Itruesele P.O. '41145140
129. Or P. K. Neat t: Hrnepele.
11.11 A. L. HERR Preprietnr.
±,a i7u'Hr O L L .f��t. m "fi�j�y�,
g E . •
Thonsends of ambitious young: poo•
pie urn• Past preparing in their e
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