HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-24, Page 2evity4lise,
Oiic of the Garrison.
Or, A I'lysteriaus Affair.
CHAPTER IV. ---(Continued), that my father and my sister would
Miss Iieathorstone waved her be delighted to see 'hes, and a
Impel to me with a bright anile, and change, if only for an hour or two,
tripped off up the avenue, while. her
brother unbolted the gate, and,
passing through, ciceed it again,
locking it upou the outside.
"I'll have .a stroll down the road
with you, if ynu have no objection.
Have a manilla." He drew a cou-
ple of cheroots from his pocket and
banded one to me. "You'll find
they are not bad," he said, "I be-
eame a eennoisseur in toba000 when.
. I was in India. Are you lit? I
heaps I am not interfering with your
business in conning along with
"Not at a11," I answered. "I
am very glad to have your cem-
"I'll tell you a secret," said my
companion. "This is the first time
that I have been outside the
grounds since we have been down
"And your sister?"
"She has never been out either,"
he answered. "I have given the
governor the slip to -day, but he
wouldn't half like it if he knew.
It's a whim of his that we should
keep ourselves entirely to our-
selves. At Least some people would
call it a whim; for my own part I
have reason to believe that he has
solid grounds for all that he does—
though perhaps in this matter he
may be a little too exacting."
"You must surely find it very
lonely." .said I. "Couldn't you
manage to slip down at times and
have a smoke with mei That house
over yonder is Branksome."
"Indeed, you are very kind," he
answered, with sparkling eyes. "I
should dearly like to run over now
and again. With the exception of
Israel Stakes, our old eoachman
and gardener, I have not a soul
that I can speak to,"
"And your sister, she must feel
it even more," said 1, thinking in
my heart that my new acquaintance
made rather too much of his own
troubles and too little of those of
his companion.
"Yes; poor Gabriel feels it, no
doubt," he answered carelessly:
"but it's a more unnatural thing
for a young man of my age to lac
cooped up in this way than for i
woman. Look at me now. I am human intervention. It is none the
three -and -twenty next March, and less very real, and pose -411y very
yet I have never been to a univer- imminent,"
sity, nor to a school for that mat- "You don't mean to assert that
ter. I am as complete an ignore- it is supernatural," I said, inered
mus as any of these clodhoppers. It ulously.
seems strange to you, no doubt! "Well, hardly that, either," he
and yet it is 50. Now, don't you answered with hesitation. "But,
think I deserve e better !ate " He there," he continued, "I have ;said
stopped as he spoke, and faced rather more than I should, Int I
round to ine, throwing his palms know that you will not abuse my
forward in appeal. confidence. Good -by." He took to
As I looked at him, with the sun his heels and was soon out of my
shining upon his fare, he certainly sight round a curve in the eountry
did seem a strange bird to be coop- road.
ed up in such a cage. Tall and Inns- A danger which was real and Ma-
cular, with a keen dark face. and minent, not to be averted by hu -
sharp, finely cut features, he might man means and yet hardly super -
bare stepped out of the canvas of natural—here was a conundrum in --
Murillo or Velasquez. There was deed! I had come to look upon the
latent energy and power in his. firm- inhabitants of the Hall as mere 0c- good grower seeks out and destro'li
set mouth, his square eyebrows, centrics, but after what young Mar- "What is it, Esther, timer I 3.
and the whole pose of his elastic daunt Heatlnerstone had just told asked, looking clown at m:y campan- such as exist fn dangerous prom: -
well -knit figure. me, I could] no Longer doubt that ion cop to his ears starvRotating
"There is the learning to be got -
is a means of starving value
from books and the learning to be cerise pests and is of great value
got from experience," said 1, sen •
might du her good,"
"It would be rsuther hard for us
both to get away together," he an-
swered, "However, if I see a.
chance I shall bring her down. It
might be managed some afternoon,
perhaps, for the old man. indulges
in a siesta occasionally," We had
reached the head of the winding
lane whleh,branches off from the
highroad and leads up to the laird's
house, so my companion pulled up.
"I must go back, ' he said, •"er
they will miss me. It's very kind
of you, West, to take this interest
in as. I'm very grateful to you,
and so will Gabriel be when she
hears of your kind invitation. It's
a real heaping of coals of fire after
that infernal placard of my fee
He shook my hand and set off
down the road, but he cane run-
ning tater me ,presently, calling me
to stop. "I was just thinking, he
said, "that you must consider as a
great mystery up there at Gloom -
her. I dare say you have come to
look upon it aa a private lunatic
asylums, and I can't blame you. If
you are interested in the matter, I
feel it is unfriendly upon any part
not to satiafy your curiosity, but I
have promised my father to be sil-
ent about it. And indeed if I were
to tell you all that I know you
might not be very much the wiser
after all. I would have you under-
stand this, however,—that my fa-
ther is as sane as you or I, and that
he has very good reasons for living
the life which he does. I may add
that his wish to remain secluded
does not arise from any unworthy
or dishonorable motives, but merely
from the instinct of self-preserva-
"He is in danger, then:" I ejacu-
"Yes; he is in constant danger."
"But why dues he not apply to
the magistrates for protection?" I
asked. "If he is afraid of any one,
he has only to name him and they
will bind him. over to keep the
"My dear Weet," said young
Heatherstone, "the danger with
which my father is threatened is
me that cannot be averted by any
Ceylon's Choicest Leaf
and Bud; the Finest
the World Produces.
Mack, ®€r
en and Nixed.
a vst•-Y-a.s i vwa...vmak.
On the Farm
vele -ea& a.asaeas mesa -wee
Combating Crop Pests.
Conditions surrounding the agri-
culturist to -day are very different
from those of a generation ago.
They aro more complex. As a rule,
the -farmer or horticulturist must
be a better posted man in his par-
ticular line than formerly. To be
this he must confine his attention
to a few crops and know them thor-
oughly, and, as .a rule, he should
cultivate thoroughly smaller areas
rather than large areas badly. Worn
soils in comparison with the virgin
soils of pioneer days, resulting from
unwise farming, is one of the fan -
had made herself beloved by the tors necessitating • more intensive
whole countryside. "John," she methods required to -'clay. Intimate
said when she returned, "have you knowledge of any crop to -day in
not observed Cloonmber Hall at chides a degree of familiarity with
night?'' the more important insect enemies
"No," I answered, laying down and fungous diseases to which such
the book which I was reading. crops are liable, with the means of
cheaply combatting them, writes.
Ernest Walker. •
A great decrease of the numbers
and depredations of insect pests and
plant diseases is incidental to the
hat on and come a little walk with disturbing influences of advancing
me?" I could see by her manner civilization and to the extension of
that something had agitated or areas devoted to special crops. In -
frightened her. sects abandon their wild food plants
"Why, blese the birll" cried. I, and develop a fondness for related
boisterously, "what is the matter?
introduced species in cultivation,
The old Hall has not gone on fire, The species which previously was
surely? You look as grave as if all considered harmless may thus 'be -
Wigtown were in a blaze."
"Not quite so bad as that," she
said, smiling. "But do come out,.
Jack. I should very much like you
to see it."
Not since that memorable evening
when the general and Mr. McNeil
came over to make their inspec-
`Well, John, will you put your
In the stud they often ,beoomo eo devitalised that they nrgat
be given a long rest from ouch service. This le due to tilt,absoratlon into their systems of poisonous Bacteria or ternte,
a both contagious and sexual, in varying mares of all degrees of
health and Disease, Whore aro /natty of theeo germs very.
• l►,tt"(✓ injurious to the stallion, To counteract the growth of snob
4igiec1 gqents in his system, and keep him to norms eandition there
is but ono ftgrmloide in prepared form known and 'ftt for in•
tonal use, spleen's Liquid Distemper Cure is safe, simple and
euro. It nets on the whole glandular system, regulates the vital forces, .leaves the
bloodrich and rod. It will enable any stttlifon to go through a long stud eesron,
keeping lire vigorous and not the least danger from any form of tiistefnnor. Give
him a dose of 'Stiohn's"'every other day on hie tongue or with his bran or oats,
Ali irruggiste.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Ilastsrlologists, Goshen, Ind„ t), 3, A.
Information on this subject with printed instructions for ama-
teur bands and a printed form of Constitution and Bq -Laws for
bands, together with our big catalogue, will be mailed FREE on
request. Address Dept. tt D.”
the case of short-lived crops. Or
chards being perennial, however
offer special opportunity for th
increase and destructiveness of in
sect pests and plant diseases unies
careful attention is given to th
several means of holding them in
cheek. Spraying alone, when pro
perly:done, gives good results, bu
for the best success the term should
always be associated in the mind of
the grower with the several prac-
tices above mentioned.
Another General Suggestion
is the desirablility of co-operation
among the growers of a given lo-
cality in fighting their common one,
mies. The spores of fungi readily
come a great pest. Under pioneer fly through the air and insect pests
conditions abundance was ••easily readily fly from place to place as a
produced and commonly the market rule. So while one grower is wag -
value „of ordinary farm, products ing commendable warfare upon crop
low. Insect damages, unless very pests and benefiting the neighbor -
I had alewaysrefrained from say extensive indeed, awakened in early hood in various ways as well as in
ing anything which might ,alarm my die s comparatively little concern— this, his less progressiva or care -
sister, so that she knew nothing of petted itnnncivso tombs grower ex- less neighbor who adheres to the old
the interest which our neighbor's p gas he expect- ideas and refuses to spray may be
doings had for me. At her request ed it, that even under the changed maintaining a breeding place for
I took my hat and followed her out conditions of to -day he frequently the pests, which not only injure
into the darkness. She led the way continues to expect it as an Merit ofhim, but his good neighbor to some
along a little footpath over the able and unavoidable part of his extent in spite of his industry,
labor. But as far as many pests
are concerned there is
No Need of Expecting It.
- less when the ordinary spraying di-
, rections are followed, both as to
e humans eating the fruit or cattle
- eating grass tinder sprayed trees.
s In the use of vessels containing
e poisons, and in handling the poi-
sons themselves, however, great
- care should be used. These should
t be kept out of the reach of chil-
dren and marked or labeled distinct-
ly. Vessels in which the arsenites
have been mixed should be used for
no other purpose. -•
The main thing when the need
arises is to spray. Know the life
and; habits' of the insect or fungus
and apply the remedy. Be in ad-
vance. Be prompt, persistent,
thorough. Some diseases injurethe
foliage of fruiting plants, and as in.
the case of apple scab, by the in-
jury done the foliage, and perhaps
its premature shedding, reduce the
next year's crop. In the case of
such plants we should spray even
when there is nu fruit on hand to
be protected. Timeliness is half
the battle.
Among those who have not fallen
into line on the spray question there
is still frequently met with a fear
of poisons applied to fruits or other
crops. Without going into detail
on this matter which has long since
been threshed over and settled, I
will only say such fears are ground
moor, which brought us to some ris-
ing ground, from which we could
leek down upon the Hall without
our view being obstructed by any That a large part of the damage
of the fir -trees which had been done by insects and fungi can oe
planted round it. "Look at that," prevented at a comparative]y small
said my sister, ;pausing at the sum- cost has been settled, and in most
mit of this little eminence, sections of the country intelligent
Member lay beneatlz_ ns in a growers consider warfare on crop
blaze of light. Int the lower floors pests as much a part of production
the shutters obemired the illumine- as tillage or the preparation of the
tion, but above. from the broad land for crops.
windows of the second story to the The term spraying in its restrict-
thin slits at the summit of the tow- ed sense means the application of
er, there was not a chink or an poisonous or fungicidal liquids or
aperture which •did not send forth powders to plants in the font of
a stream of radiance, So dazzling must 00 cloud -like spray for the pur•e
was the effect that for a moment I pose of preventing attack by injuri-
was persuaded that the house wasous organisms or to destroy those
on fire, but the steadiness and already present, In a bz•oader
clearness of the light soon freed the sense, however, the term may well be
from that apprehension, It was
clearly the result of many lamps
placed systematieally all over the
building, It added to the strange
effect that all these brilliantly illu-
minated rooms were apparently un-
tenanted, and some of them, as far
as we could judge. were not even
furnished. Through the u'llole great
house there was no sign of move-
ment or of life — nothing but the.
clear, unwinking flood of yellow
light. I was still lost in wonder at
the right when I heard a sleet,
quick sob at my aide.
understood to'include various other
phases of warfare upon e1op pests,
such as destroying sources of infec-
tion, crop remnants • and other
breeding places; maintenance of
the vigor of crops by thorough cul-
tivation; the use of manures and
good care generally, since, as it is
well known, thrifty plants not only
suffer less when attacked, but are
loos liable to diseases and insect
pests than those weakened by neg-
lect. Wild plants frequently har-
bor the fungi or insects which trou-
ble the crops being cultivated. The
some dark and sinister meaning
underlay all their actions. Thos
macre 1 pondered over the problem,
the nsore unanswerable did it ap-
pear, and yet I could not get the
,matter out of my thoughts. The
lonely _ isolated hall, and the
strange. impending catastrophe
which hung over its inmates, ap-
pealed forcibly to my imagination.
All that evening, and late into the
night, I sat moodily by the fire,
pondering over all that I hadheard,
and revolving in my mind the vari-
ous incidents which might furnish
me with Some due to time mystery.
I trust that my readers will not
set me down as an inquisitive busy-
body when I say that as the days
and weeks went by I fopnd my at-
tention and my thoughts more and
more attracted to General Heather -
stone and the mystery whish sut•-
rounded him. It was in vain that I
endeavored by hard work and a
strict attention to the laird's af-
fairs to direct my mind into some
more healthy ehannol. I)o what I
would, on land or on the water, I
would still find myself puzzling over
this one question, until it obtained
such a hold upon me that I felt that
11 was useless fur me to attempt to
apply myself to anything until I
had come to some satisfactory solu-
tion of it, .I could never pass the
dark line of five foot fencing and
the great iron gage, with its MU.
sive lock, without pausing and
racking my brain as to what the
secret might be which was shot in
by that inscrutable barrier. Vet
with a1I any conjectures and all my
observations I could never corns to
'tiny leonclueion whieh toulel for a
moment be aeeep.ted as an expla
nation of the facts.
My sister had been out ter a stroll
one night, visiting a sick peasant or
perferi'ning e01n0 other of the nu -
Menem nets of charity by which elle
"I feel 00 frightened. Oh, John,
John, take me'i,ome; I feel so frigh-
tened I" She clung to my gran, and
pulled at my coat in a perfect
frenzy of fear.
"It's all safe, darling," I said,
soothingly, "There is nothing to
fear. What has upset you so 1'
"I am afraid of them, John ; I am
afraid of the Heatherstones. Why
io their house lit up like this every
night? I have heard from others
-that it is always so. And why does
the old man run like a frightened
hare if any one comes upon him,
There is something wrens about it,
John, and it frightens me."
I pacified her as well as I could,
and led her home with me, where 1
took earn that she should have apnea
hot port negus •before going to bed.
(To be continued).
tentiously. "If you have less of
your share of the one, perhaps you
have more of the other. I cannot
believe that you have spent all your
life in mere idleness and pleasure."
"Pleasure ;" he cried. '"Plea -
&are l Look at this." He pulled off
his hat, and 1 saw that his black
hair was all decked anettlashed with
streaks of gray. "Do you imagine
that this came from pleasure?" he
asked, with a bitter laugh,
,"Yon must have had seine great
shuck," I said, astonished at the
sight; "some terrible illness in your
youth. Or perhaps it arises from e
mete chronic cause—a constant
gnawing anxiety. I have known
men as young as you whose hair
was as gray,"
"Poor devils!" lie muttered, "1
pity them,"
'"11 you can manage to slip down
to Brankseme at times," gait' I,
"perhaps you could bring Miss
Ileatherstone with you. I know
la the careeseST, smetst r, sed ibaar 110001
1)40, 'w. sen buy..why you don't aven Neve to
know whet IciNo of Oath yaer0oeds oto endo
SendOm Sten (55505 CCard;i fery 1foaklat, suer
hook 1et elviary retorter of 'nyeletr ovat other calor,,
The J0nNs01.1-niOrnJta6S004 CO., Medias,
steninteM Comes,•
The family remedy for Coughs and Colds,.
Shiloh coats so little and does so medal'
A SAFE "1NS1'z'lf.lt,
"Caen yen lick Kelly 1"
"Does he bclavo in arbitration?"
"lie does;,"
"I kin."
Those Bills.
"Yes, indeed, it's astonishing how
many people call to see me when
I'm not at home," remarked Mrs.
Trifle •
"It's always that way on the first
of the month," replied, the lady
from next door with a very knowing
Gives a Quick,
Brilliant Polish
That Lasts
No Turpentine
Easier to Use
Bdtter for
the Shoes
Sweet Cream Wanted
11'1. Etre now contracting for our Summer Sup-
ply of Sweet Cream. If you ,have a good supply
of ice, good stables, milkhouse, rte., and can
ship 24 gallons of 32% creast a week, write us.
WE buy on the butter fat basis and pay on the
70th of each month. --- WE nen take
Your total output for 12 months of the year.
City Dairy Co., Limited, Toronto
' JYia s K.l4*t,OLr-0410.`"sr y.FF7r':.u1rm.c oeiis .eo,e+,[ ww..,.+1FaiSgds..: .d ..c0051 X'. :--,c'�.'.
HITHER for a silo, a milk-
house, or a million bushel
elevator, concrete is the most
economical building material in use to-
Concrete never requires- repairs, and
the saving in repair -expense' alone
makes the greater economy; of using.
concrete more apparent every day.
The cost of other building materials is,
constantly increasing.
The cost of concrete is being reduced.
Canada Cent
which Canadian fanners use, with their own sand, s
concrete, is the only ingredient you have to buy.
We have, by reason of our large output and ocienbilc
bring the puce of "Canaria" Cement so low that it
An increase in demand results in a greater economy of
conditions have warranted it, we have, from time to
time, shared this saving with the consumer by reduc..
ing the price of Canada Cement. This demand will
continue to increase—as fast as farmers learn of con-
cretes superiority over other materials,
When you buy cement, see that you get "Canada"
Cement; by so doing you. will ,assure the complete
success, of all your concrete work,"
Send a post card For our book "What the Farmer
Can do With Concrete." It is free
There is * Canada Cement dealer it year eeik)berbood.
Canada Cement Compan ► Li tilted
tone and gravel to make
methods,been able to
is within the reach of
production, and when
11 thin label ie not oh
every bag it is not
Chnade Cetnent.
Ooonrronees in the Land That
Bolgns Supreme in the Cont,
rnorcial World.
The King has given :110 to the
Destitute Sailors Fund,
Lord 13elper has been re-elected
chairman of the Nottinghamshire
County Council for the twenty-
fourth year in succession.
A new casino on the beach at
Blackpool has been licensed, Youths
uncle? eighteen will not be allowed
admission to the billiard saloon.
A farmer at Thorney, near Peter-
borough found a full-grown hare in
a large rat -trap.
While playing in the churchyard,
at East Horsley, Surrey, a tomb-
stone fell on a five-year-old child
and broke its leg.
A laborer named William Co]th-
rope, of Gedgrave, Orford, Suffolk,
died in consequence of being gored
by a bull,
At the instance of the R.S.P. C.A.,
W. Roberts of High Wycombe was
fined 14s. Gd. for cutting off a cat's
tail last week with a meat chopper,
Annie Atkinson, a married woman
employed at the Bell Beaming Com-
pany's mills, Blackburn, has died
as the result of falling clown a lift.
Of the series of boat races be-
tween the Universities, Oxford has.
won 39. Cambridge 33, and there has
been one dead heat,
,Whilst travelling by express traits,
from Colwyn Bay to Liverpool in
charge of a young invalid, a trained
nurse, Annie Kershaw, fell trona the
carriage and sustained fatal in-
Helen Grier was fined sC50, or in
default, 3 months, at the Mansion
House, for smuggling 17 pounds of
A child of seven, named Mary
Tugwood; was killed and her foster
mother, Mrs. Florence Cogger, of
Camberwell, seriously injured in a
motor 'bus smash in Trafalgar road,
olcl Kent road,
Mr, Percy James Fisher, London
editor of the Berkshire Daily Chron
idle, died suddenly while dancing at
the Bishopsgate Institute.
•The death has occurred of Dr. W,
B. Tate, for 94 years superintend-
ent of Coppice Lunatic Asylum,
Fourteen skeletons, with the re-
mains of bronze wire wristlets,-
ristlets,were recently dug up on tlto farm
of Mr, T. C. Ratcliff at Chesterton,.
near Peterborough.
Mr. Herbert Paul, formerly M.P.
or Northampton, has presented a
row of houses in Iiinsden, his na-
tive town, for poor widows.
Twenty sheep out of a flock of
Forty grazing just outside Hunting-
don, were worried to death by dogs.
Among the men accepted as re-
cruits for the army last year, were
three actors, ten dentists, two law
students, six medical students, and
seven surveyors,
Southport Town Council have
decided to open its art gallery on
Sunday afternoon for the remainder
o the spring Art Exhibition,
The Marquis of Londonderry has
presented $260 to the benefit fund
f the London Fire Brigade in re-
cogn.it'ion of the prompt services
rendered at an outbreak at Lon-
donderry House, Park Lane,
Richmond Royal Horse Show, will
take place during the interval be-
tneen Epsom and Ascot races, on
June 13 and 14.
talians Find This Remedy Never
Humanity has suffered with corns
ver since shoes that pinch the feet
ave been worn, but there is no
eed of eves those who will persist
n wearing tight shoes having any
lore sufferitee slut: to this difficulty.
The Italian people have less corns
van any other. The reason for this
et is simply because they resort to
he most certain corn cure known
the world; When an Italian finds
his corn is appearing ha goes to the
mon for 'relief. A pisco of juicy
pion skin is tied on the toe coni-
etel,d covering the affected part,
ed allowed to rerna.iri there all
ght, when it is removed. The new
en will simply disappear, and the
d offender will stop hurting rind
most instances div tip and die.
moue,, 1'n a few cases where the
machos been a had one of long
ending it will require Mere than
application. The acid in the
mors reduces the inilammatien and
e tissues soon become normal,
The remedyremedyis safe, cheap and de
anal,:anal,:and should be tried by
cry one who knows what it is to
Rev with a turn,
190 Answer.
'Does ,your husband ever tell you
t, _ have poor taste':?"
"1?requently "
'And what ,reply do ,you make to
re ?'t
',I think 61 What I married and
ay nothing."
lbs- l2 marri'uges out of every 100
vealtir'e, iYne parties hair been Married'