HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-24, Page 1VOL, -VU• 43
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
New Advertisements
1 1 en1-1i, A D, ae wan.
11 � e'
h n
1.11 )v seta A taek
1' r eNou lx -Box 111icis
Pus went s 1 L ,ERio i 11)
2 ela ,0,311`F1linten N. e 'I art
1 u'go N-1 Wel Pme11
Dalt Ronda P)ofr2ea Yewh,•r.
Dino 1 or hatching --Ratty Unrnt.
1)Xrlo AT EDMONTON, -'Albs sad (news
was receive( Wednesday mined lig
that Elvin Huu1ar, tJlitd sou of John
Hunter, 1)l' Oranieool(, had died of
pneumonia in un 13(11nonton h0apilall
Tuesday night. at 8 1'eleek. 1-1e had
gone 'West Otl the 8th inst., intending
to spend the Sumter!. there, leaving
his wife (who was a 1111.1100 of Ol1n8,
Seel) tont three ch}I(leen 111 Oranbrool2,
to follow ifeverylhing tanned nut )te.
he hoped. Deceased had worked the.,
Gluts, Switzer farm for the past term •
and on giving it 8.p) 1$ few months ago 1
held a clearing slue. He was a steadyI
going, highly respected young 111811
whose nnlnol(ed for demise is gee(1tly
remolded and sincere ers sY ¢1.ty
te11ded to the young widow and fam-
ily and other relatives. The remains.
h n eYm burial the
110 Mehl brought c) I
1, it E}nittot of W
hotly h•74Y 1 (1 (1 1
was )t
1 his 30tH
! I
1 n Gunter
Veru, A. McDonald title lnelebalIt of
t)mete (mit, was with deceased when
he peeeed away.
Jamestown •
Having received lily claim on the
Cult property in full I have no furl lien
111141111 against it. DAVID BALLINGALL,
Miss Latina 011311iff spent a4 few drays
wit l) her friend Miss Jessie Strachan,
Miss Rae Moses is home from Bees -
:relit for a time. She held a position
in D. C. I1ose'store.
Dinigald Stem:limn will assist in the
pengram at the D. -Ewan Box Social
Brussels Thlu'slhty evenin{;.
James Pnrmbull's health continues
about, the Sallie. H1t1 Many friends
would be pleased to see him able to
be about again.
Woman's Institute tits Thursday
afternoon at 2.30 at 111re..1. 1). Miller's.
1111i. Wm. Holt will address the meet-
; ing on "The molter) girl and her
• Long.
prove the . .
real quality
of the
w p in
"Canada's )lest Shoe`esk•r.
Sold only by ----
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, Brussels
TldB.approachilig visit ul' dll, 1 2a)1;
R. Peather, the Pt tuber Hai)
Stove and Beauty 01111 eve Institut,
or 'F'o'unt)), should inove of interest inn
advantage to ever)' (volute who reads
this ,2nnoituceme)1,, 1'rnfe,tiul' Pew 1,11
will'display an assortment of Salm
Wavy g%Vitehes, Bt•iaiQ:4, Pell' (Mel Trail .-
fornlal:ulna, the equal of wheel have
Bever before been seen milsi(lc o1Toennl3).
liev. Wcaley, Wlox Girt v tilteon. n -
duct the servlaw tiers Cil Sunday even 1
0 7 d al
1 J McDonald u u e
14 i e iH M4D 1 1 t
s g
from •\N iughein 13usiaess College has
t 1.k 8.a ndl ion a Toronto. \1 c wish
t o p l l
)ler every ylt(teSs.
Alex. 131'yane, of Brussels, was tint
here on 'Tuesday. hit•, Bryans hes
still a warm place in his heart for the
old fat niilur• scenes
Andrew Pointe's 11as leased the +Jj+.
t;, (JttO. 'farm for this yeti•, Tins
givee hit 800 Acres to tvuris but be will
look softer 11 all right,
PROMOTION I11XAM1,-Following are
the 3('8ults rl' the remelt. Promotion
Examinations in 1i, S. No. 10. Stole's.
Nantes In 131414') ,If merit:- 1it11t'7n(!e
Class-- Maggie Ricluu•dsoll, George
Mloffal. anis 1 "'' essa Robb. Sr. IV.-
Ze11), 'I'uveep, Viu1)1 llaeLeod and
Mat Miller. Sr. III- Addison
Preset, 1h'zel Robb and Harvey
Rebels .0e, .0. III,- Elvrt Ramsay,
01,111814' 1+.n -re-) trod i1rtlilt '1'uneey
(equal} and Nrero0 3ohosI(.n. PL.
t[.-Rt•r61 • Ilitnet•tson, Gurdon Niel'.
rat, hew .11,iluafnn and Janet Miller.
Se. T -- M1irit ret 3(1eDOIgnll, ilath•y
Robb, Duncan McDougall, Louise
Erases and Jessie Messer.
Al. E. M CLELLAVD, Teacher.
Professor Pember
„i11 also exnnline and diagnose,free of
charge, all hair and scalp troubles and his
advice may be relied upon.
Fine Toupees and Wigs
for Gentlemen a Specialty.
All *nods are manufactured of the finest
Natural 1'1)1il% A visit will be undoubtedly
worth your while at. Lhe '
American B telBrus els'
Wednesday, May lth
Ladies who foe any treason cannot visit
the hotel, write of phone and Professor
Pember will call at their residence. For
men orders address-
' Pember Glair Store,
127 Vonore bot, Toronto! Ont.
Seeding ie well Ltdvatred.
Township oerva always wel(:otne by
We see pleased to report that Al -
met' 11c(I)ins tilt 18 nu1.kfug -noticeable.
immovetheet 211 NV111glIltII1 11O9pital
and will soon be able to get hone we
Deputy Reeve Brown recently dis-
posed (1F two rho' ?bred . Berkshire
sows, one to %Vn1. Bake). j)'., 0111 eon..
and thlnther to Wilson Evens, 12th
con.. They were good. ones.
3(1184 Living, danghte) of lies
[Mowatt A) metro)g, 1311) run., tv110
has hien attending Strut 1014 Busi-
ness College. has taken a ;amnion in
Tnronl1'. \\'e wish her gurneys its the
Queen Oily.
' Saturday (.1' last week 'Thomas
Shrove, 7.0311 tem., (vent to C,nelph to
accnnlpany MIS. Brown bark hone.
She wits at. the hospital shine Good
Friday and is recovering nicely liven
the operation, we are glad to say.
Mrs. Edward Bosnian, of Whir:Mani,
W118 visiting her daughter, .Mrs. J. AI.
Lake, 4t1) 0113., returning hone last
Saturd,)y. Mrs. Tinsman itltelids tak-
ing a resp to the West before long to
enjoy a holiday with relatives and
old friends.
NEW CuuRCu - The Contract for
the new Methodist thumb, 11th con,.
known by the 1181118 Of Union ap.
poi11hMeld. 11318 heel, 12•t to Mr. Eizo'-
tutan, 8.r' ,,\lilchell, lobo Knill the Mon-
erieff church t1. short Lime ago Build.
fug Committee has the excavating
about finished for the basement and
it 18 expected the corner stone laying
will take plane of Dltnini(n Day.
Site is Opposite the Whitfield school.
It is estimated (hal the new edifice
will cost about $0;000. The congrega-
tion and Nese. deem ye credit for
their enterprise and business manage-
Smoot, Rt4PoW1.-The following- is
a report 8.l' 1 he standing of •the pupils
of 8. H. Nn I Grey, also of the Marks
nblai11cd by Theo 111. .the recent Pen -
111011e1 8.101111111411 11111 :-SI'. IV. -Jean
Grant 571 (manors) Mervin Miller 412,
WilfredOamerol' 356. J1. IV.-11lay
Arulaurnug 512, Malcolm Engle 304,
Jr. I I I.-\\'illie Engel 285, "'Ion
i ernaglia0 83, Tint Armstrong 545
(honor-) \villi.. muss. 4211. Sr II.-
Ruh)' K131.11414:111111442 (honors) Willie
Perris 310. Jr. IL-Grnre Kerneghan
Jessie Miller, Russel Grant, Robbie
Engel, Ernie Ooehrane. Pt. TI. -
Margaret Alcock. '* mieee(1 six exams,
KATE 1DLEER, Teaeher,
uLundy, pawn,
eo f d
m t W118 1a de l3russets CenleI tt
1(dlb•atel) were. Robt, 'Thunman,
Alex, and ,ino, lleDnnald, three
2,Ritchie end ( ett
, ( hens J leu Rites 1L
) t.
WHO) soils iisl74te nlul J Ii81.144,
the 9111)jH(•1. of this natic2• was 1.4 faith-
ful tlrinber of the Presbyterian
Church ; a Liberal in politics and al-
though a 1-8seeved than possessed
traits of character that were manly
and well deserving of the respect and
esteem iu which he was held by all
who knew him, Me. McAllister hes a
sister, Mrs, 14ngg, 110111g; in Ayr. The
bereaved share in the sympathy of
the community.
Reed the ude1, in this issue concern-
ing letting township contracts next
.1(uues Bowman M. P., was house
over Sunday. He thinks the session
wittiest into June.
PaOSIOTION8.-Report of promotion
examinations of S. S. No. 9, Morris :-
Jr. IV to Sr. IV --Total 725 ; to pass
300-M. Davidson 435. Sr. III to Jr.
[V -Total 725 ; to pass 300-L. ;Jack-
son 436, Sr. II to Jr, III -Total 625 ;
Lo pass 310-E. Mc08.11 524 (honors), 0,
Skelton 479 (honors), G. Kelly 448, E.
Watson 413. A. E. COWAN,
HOME BURNED. -Jas. -McGee a fartm-
er residing on the lit concession of
Morris, had his house completely
destroyed by fire which was caused
by an overheated stovepipe. The
family had only retired a short time
when Mr. McGee was awakened by
the smell of smoke an(1 of going out
discovered that the • flee had made
considerable headway. As geiokl'y
as possible he aroused the others, but
so quickly did the flames spread [hut
they only gut out in the scantiest
l ltilhiug, Intl had much difficulty iu
rescuing. Alt. 1l10:ee's mother, who
was SO 111 Butt. she )tad to retrain in
bed. 13e1'nre neighbors' could gather
to help tight. the fire the )louse was a
I'urnare and soon afterwards a pile of
SAD ACCIDENT, -Tuesday nfternonn
asad and fatal accident oc;lrred Be
miles f1'nnl Blnevale, Lot 20, 2nd line
Alnreis township, When Glen A.,
yoinige81 son of Robert and Mary A.
'rupeey, was instantly killed by the
3!'clock express, going :Moth. The
little Ind who was a year and 9 Months
(1121, had been playing around the
ylu'd and is supposed to have followed
his grandfather Tnrvey who went
wit it 1.4 gtu, to shoot ground hogs. and
mood iced got on the W. G. & B. rail -
wit y, which crosses the farm quite
close to the house. The engine
whistle was blown at the mile post
and before the child was discovered
!he irnu horse 33148 close IlpOtl hilt.
Despite the application of the enter -
galley brake, which well nigh threw
1 11S1etlgel•S on the train off their seats
the distance was ton short to avert
the terrible blow. The little boy's
neck was broker!, a nasty eat was in-
flicted and: the back of his head badly
crustier], death beiuq • (3)531(1111111)011(18.
The rentable were tet(lerly lifted and
carried to the home by Conductor
Cox, this being the first intimation
of the heart breaking occurrence.
No blame can be attached to the et ew
as everything possible was done to
8230 the little. boy. The grandfather
was not more than 25 or 3p , ode from
the scene of the finality when it ac-
cepted and the father was working
with the leant in a field not far away.
There are two other children in the
family. 'Funereal takes place Thurs-
day afternoon
Thursdayatfter'noon to Bluevale cemetery,
Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Belgrave, con-
ducting the service. 0croner Ken-
nedy, of Winghaan, and the jurymen
selected visited the scene and viewed
the body rand an inquest will be held
1! 1 hlaay evening at 8 o'clock in Blue -
vale. It is said the child probably
got on the tt•ack under or through a
hole Wire gate that 1s 1
to bar the way at the crossing on the
farm. The sad accident has called
out widespread sympathy for the
afflicted family in the death of their
bright lilt10 lad.
Saturday. Thomas Skelton, a fol•tner
resilient of Mortis township, died tat,
Londe,, after an illness of 2 weeks,
Deceased wits bnl•n
� yeas. I)e( 2 L
n hie 71 t
•' 41 I and oar,: L(
i!, Ynrlt4hne, l.ni,la 1 t ,
Canada ,+illi his parents %ellen 6 years
of age,: }neat lug in Sravboeo. About
50 yews ago lie ,came to Morris and
h line,
nu the SL
taol(np 14 bush Perin
where he spent LL good litany 'years.
His %rife wa8 Miss Elizabeth Jackson,
l,f ih iris, to tv140111 118 w148 mart•isd
114 3'8411.8 sago and who predeceased
him) by nearly 16 yeses passing away
at Drayton, Ont., at which point
they had moved to in 1881. M.I
8114111)11 3)21.9 (4q extensive dealer in
Bruin of both Beus8Pls and Drayton
markets and was widely known,
especially by the farming com-
munities with whom he had such hn-
tirnateacgtraiutance. Deceased came;
back to Brussels to live and spent 13
yeti's there. He suffen'ecl a stroke of
paralysis which affected his mental
powers so that 11e was incapatcitaated
fi•ntn actively engaging in business
affairs. A flintily o1 6 children was
baro bothe house the sons being
Robert, Reeve of Mimic°, who is en-
gaged in the Sewer pipe business;
George, e, G. T, R. agent at Onondaga ;
and Harry, a IIachinist, of Detrot,
all, of whom were in attendance at
the funeral. Jno. died its Toronto,
aged 21 years and the 11 anglkteee-
Mrs. A. McKenzie, of Buffalo, N. `i'. ;.
and Mrs. 13ryans, of Newcastle -tate
also deceased. The funeral of All',
Skelton took place to 13russols
cemetery Monday afternotel, 'Rev.
A, .1. Mann officietnlg in the absence
of Rev. Dr. Oaten at Gntlerich. ' Pall-
bearers were J. Querht, W. take,
N. IF.'Gerry, .1. Hewitt, 0. McQuarmie
ana Thos Marshall. The sub'ect of
Rend the Stephens advt. regarding
n tied boots and es 2 ) 1 L
Several from locality attended
St. Jnhu's church Bazaar at Brussels
last Friday,
Miss Aland Felgn8nn is 1(01(1(1 from
'Toront(1 after anexlended slay. Her.
disabled limb iv Making favorable
progress and we hope will cnntiame
to do so until completely restored.
Oongler1nlntiols rue extended to
bride (Miss Mary
Will.Marra and It 1(1 , 1
Davidson, of hlcKillop,) who ware
married Wednesday evening of this
week 111 I he Manse here by Rev. Mr.
Lundy. The yom(0col couple .will reside
on the groom's flue Nein adjoining
Walton. \Ve wish them many happy
prospsl•nats years, '
-At the home rf his daughter, Mrs.
Robt. Veitcl2._near Galt, \'Vin. Mc-
AIIi4Ler, (m' of the pioneers of Grey
tn1Vl1,111)1, passed aw)4yy. Th11)5day
morning of last week. Born in New
York Stale. in 1836 he, when if child,
)moved with his parents to Waterloo
township where his early life was
spent, Ile gats Married in 1802 to
Miss Janet Richardson, of the same
later the
boivuahip and two years. n y
moved to the 17th con. of. Grey town-
ship where he lived until last Fall
when he moved to Walton. Four
weeks ago Air. McAllister' went' to
visit his daughter and other relatives
in Dumfries and when preparing Co
return 'home was seized with heart
failure and in a few -days )sassed away.
141r. McAllister will be Test renlem-
betted by residents of Walton vicinity
as teacher and leader of singing
in Duff's church, Walton,' of which
he was leader for over 80 years and
gone °then places
Gybe have n( t°
maul v
. g
and hands will never forget his teach-
ing and hospitality. Deceased is eau'-
vived by his wife, one son, W. J., of
Sarnia; and three daughters, Mies
Teenie, at home • Mrs. R. Veiteh,
Waterloo ; and. 14frs. :Toe, Ritchie
17th col, (iirey. Tho fuheral took
place Sattlyd3)y afternoon from hi
lane residenee here, an apptopriat
service being conducted by Rev, M
and In his earlierY ears had been an
waive (118.11 In the general welfare of
the community. Deceased was an
uncle to Wm. Skelton, of this town -
shin • Jim, PiiestnLe Alun ,
of WoolsI ((k'• and des. Campbell,
of Kihra•
1dlne. the Jackson Bros
of 3(1011•is and 13lyth, are brother's to
the late Mrs. Skelton,
Corner's iegne81 will be held here.
Friday evening in eoneeetio, with
the death of little Glen 'Purvey on
Tuesday afternoon,
CALLED'A M(N15•r3R.-III11 sate and
Bashes Presbyterian chitset,• s have
extended a unenilneus roll nu Rey.
Taite, of 8t. ()atharities, A eper -
aal meeting of the Plesbyy Ivill be
held on Thursday Maylst to Ileal with
the call. If this is settled IL will only
leave Kinlongh and Kinloss charge
vacant fn Maitland Presbytery.
Mr's, J. Fox, of Brussel., spent
Saturday in the village.
Miss Myles, of Huilybury renewed
acgnaintalleeti here this. week.
Mrs. Rintoul, of Wiagbam, was the
guest of friends here on Sunday.
Mrs. Lowryaod Miss A. Lowry of
Belm(n•e, visiled friends in the village
last Thursday.
Quarterly Service will be held in the
Methodist, church next Sunday morn-
irlgat 10 80 o'clock,
J. Kalbfloisch, of Milverton, spent
several days of last week with his
daughter, Mrs. C. Reis.
Sherrie Gibson reterned to London
on Tuesday having agent a few days
with ,relatives and friem(1s in the
1111`19 I1ot1Ce W115 a Methodist, a iberat
through the district,
aturda was set for the bearing
s y
the lawyers In
• u ofelteY
of the 4 fin F
15 per cent, off on all Shoe goods,
Mostly McPherson make, Men's
heavy shoes;. up to the finest end latest
styles, also Children's and Women's
Slippers, Oxfords, buttoned and laced,
Some Rubbers of good quality.
A fine line of Harness of different
kinds. Horse Blankets, Robes, Rugs,
Whips, Trunks, Valises, &c.
Shoes and Long Boots made to
Harness and Shoe Repairing done
ro tl
P Hive 1)a a call.
Lead bury
Mts. Wm. Stewart, who has been
pno'1)' the past few weeks, is able to
be around again.
;John Dundee has not been es well
as we would like to see him but hope.
he will soon be around again.
-- Mrs, Ep11. Dennis, of Ottawa, is vis-
iting at the hone of het husband's
parents Menu and Mrs. Dennis,
Wm. Koechtel had the clever bullet'
ill the other day which at the price of
seed is a profitable asset to farming.
The various schools in the township
had their Spring examinations on
Thursday atn(1 P11day of last week and
the majority of the children have had
their highest expectations realized be-
cause of promntton.
Tuesday evening of last week a com-
pany of neighbors numbering abont
50 assembled at the comfortable home
of Walter and Mrs, Davidson, of Mc-
Killop, who were recently married
and utter rending the following ad-
dress presented two fine rocking
chairs to the popular host and
hostess :-
DEAR FRIENDS. -We, the friends
and ileiglnb0l'S of our most esteemed
friend, Walter. Davidson have thought
it befitting to call upon hint to offer
eolgrattlla1iens and Welcome his bride
to Leadbuey. Mr. Davidson is well
known im McKillop and highly es-
teemed and respected by all. In his
associations with the religious busi-
ness and social life of the district,
his honesty and sincerity, has been
appreciated and could not fail to snake
an impression on those around him.
We beg Mr. and Mrs. Davidson to
accept these chairs as a small token
of our regard, which can only con-
vey in a very small measure our
feelings toward then). We sincerely
offer out best wishes for a ling happy
lire which we hope they will enjoy
among their many friends here.
Mr. Davidson made a brief but ap-
propriate reply expressing the thanks
of Mrs. Davidson and himself for the
kind words and highly valued gifts.
A fine time was enjoyed by the guests.
Last Monday Jno. VanNorman
motored to Toronto.
Rev. i\Ir. Kilpatrick attended Sab-
bath School Institutes this week to
give addresses.
The Promotion exams. were on
last week and the successful pupils
will advance next week.
ThurS(1(Ly afternoon of this week
Rev. Mr. Ferguson was called upon
to take charge funeral service of the
of the little sou of Rebt. T)rvey,
2nd lino of Morris, who was killed.
'lhaes(hay afternoon by the 1V. G. iso
3. ex 1tress.
A 1iOR.ltER MOERISITE, ihe North
Dakota Democrat, published in Fargo,
011 daumlry 23rd, has a good likeness
of an old Hulot) boy, 3a native of the.
township of Morris, a son of the dale
Robert 3',,) 11)131.1 lll(g 1111(1 a brother of
Robt. Al melx•ong, of Belgrave. The
Democrat says': -D. L Armstrong,
whose residence is Willow City, N.
D., and who has been chosen as (fl'lei-
al- messenger of the North Dakota
presidential electors to starry the elec-
toral vote of this state to Waihillggton.
1.41dCa.cast t}G fes' Wilson and Marshall,
is 43 years old and has been a; resident
111 North Dakota for 25 years. He hits.
hold no public office except Secretary
of. the (lame Oonmiseion. He has
been extensively engaged in the real
le: ett011(1 collection business in the
past. sai11d isat p18813111' extensively en•.
gaged in farming. He is a married
,111411 (111(1 his, family consists of him-
self, wife and ditughtet•ss Ile has had
1 e in the bank-
a e
business and was ...at one time
cashier of the Rugby Bank at Rugby.
Ile is an active North Dakotan, al-
ways interested in all of the affair's
that street the people and will be a
must.. creditable representative to
carry the eleetotaal vote of this enter•
'rising Northwestern State to Walsh-
ngCoe. A.t.his 1111118 of life he is just
the prime of his manhood and no
doubt has a very bright, and active
01)111'e before hitt i1g busitiess and if
he should so desire would be a very
W. C. Stephen, hen, W )ton
t a
likely future public office holder. The
State of North Dakota may well feel
justly proud of its representative to
miry the electoral vote of the state
to Washington to help decide the
presidential contest.
Dougald Simpson, who has been
engaged on the G. T. R. here for solve
time, has been appointed Section
foreman at Olandeboye nn the Grand
'trunk and has gone to his new posi-
tion. We wish him success and be-
lieve he will render diligent anafaith
ful service. Sorry to see them move
from Belgrave. Mr. Simpson was
caretaker of the Presbyterian church
and is succeeded by D. Geddes.
OBIT. -On April 8th Mrs. Arthur
Agnew, a former resident, died at the
hotne of her son at Plainsyille, Ohio,
aged 83 years, She was married three
titles, 1st to Mr. Oaskbell, by whom
she had 5 children • afterward to 14lr.
Gilmour, who died here 26 years ago.
Mr. Agnew, was her third husband
and on his demise the subject of this
notice removed to Ohio. She was a
member of the Presbyterian church
and will be remembered well by the
older people of the community.
case, The crowd stated that the case
r he of
t A
a undo. ,
edl ern
un out U
d b -
Counsel for the defence sal
d1.}I man
a' come n
,det the nunleF
act, which provides a penalty of $20
and disqualification For two years,
and not under the'eriutista' code as an
indictable offence.
°The jails would be full if that view'
were correct," he said,
'lie floored the officials of 'the Do-
minion' Alliance and Constable
Brown. a weak
"It is usual when a aide has
case for the lawyer to score the wit-
nesses on the other side," said the
crown, "My 1ea1•ned friend bas
absolutely no bushless to ca11 down
the constable. He was simply doing
his duty, and he did it well. He need
not malign either the Dominion
Alliance. The case is undoubtedly
one in which the defe,)(lant should be
sent for trial on the evidence given."
The magistrate concurred with this
view and committed Ezra Brenner
for trial at Godericb. Bail was ac-
cepted iu the stun of $400.' Brenner's
father put up $200, and Brenner him-
self the rest,
Lend a hand to Ethel Women's In-
stitute to complete their $50 for the
Sunday School Institute in the
Methodist church }sere Thursday
afternoon and evening of this week.
Atiss Walker of Napanee, Ont., who
has been visiting with Mrs. R. Close,
Mrs. Pirie and other relatives and
friends for the past 3 months, has
returned to her home.
The Canadian Club donated $5.00 to
the Children's Aid Society of Huron
Co., as an indication of the interest
fain the work as presented by Co.
Inspector Elliott, of Godericb.
WOMEN'S 1NsTITDTE.-TheI•e was an
attendance of 21 members and visitors
at the home of Mrs. Dilworth Thurs-
day afternoon of last weekatthe
regular meeting of the Women's In-
stitute. After the opening exercises
the report of the Hospital Fund was
given. Thele wasn't quite enough
subscribed to furnish the cot so the
ladies decided to leave it Over until.
the May meeting as they are determin-
ed to raise the $50.00 and
have the cot named "Ethel Women's
Institute." Any member who has
not been called on should remit con-
tributions to Miss Hall, the Secretary.
Mrs, 0. Cleaver gave a splendid paper
"Systematic I'lonsekeeping." Roll
call brought out some of the benefits
of the Institute by quotations from
favorite authors. Mrs. W. Bremner
. After the meeting
gave a reading.
ra taint
closed Mrs. Dilworthserved l y
luncheon. All present thoroughly en-
joyed themselves. Next lneetmg will
be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Mc-
Lelland on May 19th. It will be the
annual meeting and a good attend-
ance is asked for.
Oober, well known l'3espeler real
estate broker and conveyancer, drop
ed dead Friday morning,ruing+ shortly
alter 7 o'clock. 130 had started to dig
in his garden and was suddenly over-
come. lie had been troubled with his
heart for some time but was down
town daily doing business at his
office. The news of his death will be
(4 shock to his many friends in West-
ern Ontario. The late Mr. ()ober held
many positions of trust in Hespeler.
He was tax collector for the town of
Hesppeler, secretary -treasurer of the
Methodist church, and held in trust
many valuable papers for the different
societies of 13espeler. He had been a
steward, trustee, and (fisher for
many years in the church. Remark-
able evidence of hie faithfulness
lay in the fact that during his 30 years
of Membership he had not missed 30
Sundays at the service during that
time, Mr, (Jober was in his 70th year.
A wife and grown -8.p family survive
hint, five danghters and one son. De-
ceased was a brother to the late John
Colter , a former well known wn resident
of 181113'1 and occasionally visited
The first trial of its kind in Canada
will be 1)811111 at the 53111113 assizes in
t ofDzta Kreuter
Godericb as :a result
of Grand Bend, being committed
for trial et Exeter Saturday nn
charges of having paid money to buy
votes against Local Opi(0(1 in the
recent 00111eitin Stephen Township.
The ease will he the Rest of its kind
to which the amended act will apply,
and 18 being watched with the great -
T est interest by teml)eratee people ail
Epworth League Anniversary
a Decided Success.
Last Sabbath the anniversary ser -
woes of the Epworth League were
preached in the Methodist church by
Rev. Allied Brown, of (4oderich, to
large and attentive congregations.
In the morning the text chosen was
Phil. 4th chap. and 3rd verse from
which stifle sermon was given on the
obligation and privilege of being call-
ed to labor for the Master. The
Junior League members, in addition
to the church choir, rendered suitable
musical selections.
At the evening service the speaker
eloquently and practically dwelt upon
Nehemiah's rebuilding the walls of
Jerusalem. The discourse was out of
the ordinary but will not soon be for-
gotten as the duty of personal service
was pointedly emphasized and illus..
Crated. It was most applicable, to the
occasion and was stimulating and
optimistic. A male choir of 30 voices
sang two rousing choruses and lead •
the regular praise service. Church was
tastefully decorated with flowers.
We ate sorry to state that Rev. bur.
Brogan will be removing from this
Conference in Jame having accepted
an invitation to Kingston. Rev. DI'.
Oaten occupied Rev. 141x. Brown's pul-
pit at Guderioh.
Monday evening the Town Hall was
well filled at the Recital under the
auspices of the League. Rev. Dr.
Oaten was in charge and Rev. Mr.
Mann offered prayer at the opening
of the program. MissJevohn Nicklin,
of Milbank, was the star and in the
rendering of her 14 numbers, includ-
ing encores, she proved herself to be
an artist of high order as she rendered
her difficult selections on the violin:
without any written music, meaning
that she had memorized every number
She was accompanied on the piano by
her sister, Miss Yetta 0. Nicklin, who
performed her part in first-class man-
ner. In addition to the instrumental
selections vocal numbers were inter-
spersed as follows :- "Won't you
come to my
tea party P y ?n Velma
Lowry ;"Spring is coming," Miss
Oarrie HingsLon : "Killarney,' Lorne
Eckinier and encore, "Scots wa hae" ;
motion song, in which Miss Hin ston
sang, "Nearer my God to Thee,"
while 8 little lassies perfortned evolu-
tions illustrative of the hymn. The
girls were, lllary Rowland, Elsie
Jarvis, 01araAnderson, Lena Barclay.,
Margaret McOraoken, Marguerite
ord and Eva
Jamiesn. A choice duet was present-
ed by Miss Alta Pvyne and Rev. Dr.
Oaten. We must not overlook the
debut ol'little Miss Dolly Jarvis, who
sang, "Jesus Loves ale" and brought
down the .burse. The acoompam8ts
for the vocal numbers was Ws. (Rev.)
Oaten and Miss Alta Pryne, who per-
formed their parts mostost accepttl y
and the local talent did splendidly.
The Natinual Anthem brought the
enjoyable program to a close.
Fivanc}al proceeds were-abou t $50.00.
bliss Jsvohn Nicklin is the second
daughter of D. J. Nicklin, who fre-
quently visits Brussels as commercial
tea3eller. She belongs to a musical
family and although only 16 years of
age is in her 2nd year at the Censer-
vatoryin Toronto, where she expects
to graduate and will then probably
take a course in Italy. Iler_violin,
from 11vllich brings forth such charm-
ing'ntusic, is an historic; enc. ;It is
a beautiful Nicholas Ainati, grand,
pattern, the handiwork of Cremona,
a notable. violinist of Italy and beaky
the date 1054. It was pinchated from
R. S. Williams, a violin expert, of
Toronto, who seemed it in London,
linglancl. The violin is a characteris
tie example of the maker. The bank
1 a t' till flttished
}s in (toe 1000 t f k e u n£
maple, sides and scroll to match varn-
ish a rich golden amber. Its tone is
mellow. .full told sympathetic. We
anticipate a very successful musical
career for Hiss Jevons) in the conking
%eaal•5. The young ladies were guests
tL'the parsonage while in town as
they lyre old friends of Dr, and Mrer