HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-17, Page 8Wall Paper
Season in
Full Swing
The Real Spring Time and the time
to brighten tip and paper has come
at last. You will find our stock
of Wall Paper 1111101
Better and
than ever before. You will find It
easy to pick something whether it
be for a Parlor, Living Room, Hall,
Dining Room, Bedroom or Kitchen,
While we have a large stock of the
better Papers, we also have a line of
the cheaper ones from 50 and 6c a
roll up.
See Them.
Kills Smut en Grain
keaolve W have a ocean crop of Oats
and Barley next harvest time uy
using Formaldehyde pow,
Seed grain soaked or sprinkled with
a solution of Formaldehyde will in-
sure a clean crop, and those who
have used it say they would not do
without it.
Formaldehyde 1 lb. Bottles sae
Sufficient for from 8o to too bus,
Formaldehyde Ib. Bottles ase
Sufficient for from 40 to 5o bus,
We guarantee our Formaldehyde to
be a full 40 per cent preparation and
the best to be had, Get a bottle and
you will be amply repaid for the ex-
tra trouble in using it.
The RVCCLeed Store F. R. SMITH
Total 4,e3s items
SWA'r the Ay.
CHOICE weather.
HALF of April gone.
LOCAL news on page 5.
SEVERAL farmers started plowing last
WEDNESDAY the Fire Engine was out
for a rest,
WATCH out for D. Ewan's buggy advt,
next week.
AUTOS are once more on the go after
the winter's holiday.
THERE was a great rush to Brussels
for shingles this week.
THE Lawn Bowlers' roller was found
down tine river marooned on an island.
G A DEADMAN, the B King, is away
to Merlin to get his bees in wlrkiug
condition after the Winter.
'ranee.; - The thanks of Brussels
Library Board are due to lames Bow-
man, M. P., for maps of Dominion
placed at their disposal.
BRUSSELS Public Library membership
roll is growing splendidly and Library is
more popular than ever. Iuvest in a
reader's card and ask Mrs. Kerr, the
obliging Librarian, for a list of pupular
CONGRATULATIONS are extended to
Druggist and Mrs Ivan Crooks, of
Calgary, over the arrival of a son and
heir. The proud daddy is a former
resident being a son of Geo. and Mrs.
Crooks, Albert street, Brussels.
evening of this week the Odd Fellows'
Degree Team of Blvth will pas a
fraternal visit to Western Star Lodge
Brussels and exemplify several degrees.
A good rally of local members is asked
CAPTAIN MIDDLERON and two bands-
men, of Wingham corps, were in town
••n Wednesday soliciting help for the
Self denial effort which is devoted to
; ociel and Rescue work of the Army.
Anvone who has not been called on
could remit contributions to the Salva-
tion Army, Wingham postoffice.
Telfer, 16th con., of Grey township,
who recently acid his farm to J. Mc- i
Donald, his nephew, purchased the
house and lots belonging to the late
Thos. Ballantyne, It is a desirable
Mlr. Telfer and
for a home.
property I
family will take possession after next
week A. E. Hersey, of Brussels Marble
Works, placed, in Brussels cemetery a fine
imported graoite'monument to mark the
resting place of the late Angus Shaw.
The monument, base and cap weighed
over 5 ton and was put in place by the
use of a derrick, It is au A i specimen
of ,vork such as Mr. Hersey turns out.
The granite came frons Aberdeen,
the annual meeting of Brussels Branch
of the Women's Missionary Society on
Wednesday afternoon the following
officers were elected for the current
year: -Hon. -Pres., Mrs. J L. Kerr;
President, Miss Gordon ; Ist vice. Pres.,
Mrs, (Rev) Oaten ; 2nd vice -Pres.,
Mrs, G. Baeker ; Rec.-Sec.. Mrs.
Skeltou ; Car. Sec,. Mrs H. L. Jack-
son ; Treas., Mrs. R. Leatherdale' Supt.
SystematicP Giving Mrs. J. T. Wood ;
Outlook Agent, Miss M. Smith ;
Organists, Mrs. 1, F. Rowland and
Miss Smith. Mrs. A J. Lowry was the
retiring President who bas filled the
post most efficiently. The report of the
finances and membership will be given
DIED Al'EDMow oN.-A telegram on
Tuesday brought the sad news that
Mrs Normuu Smith, of Bordeu, Sask.,
died at Edmonton on Monday, leaving
a baby daughter who was born the same
day. Mr. and Mts. Smith were married
last May and had especially enjoyed
themselves in holiday outings and in
their comfortable home, General re-
gret will be felt over the demise. The
deceased's maiden name was Rtiby M.
Stewart, a daughter of A. S. and Mrs,
Stewart, of Vancouver, B. C., she was
O very estimable person. Mr. Smith is
a SOD of Mrs. T. R, Smith, of Brussels,
who went West 6 years ago. He is in
the hardware business al Borden, The
baby was living when message was sent
and quite likely to thrive.
EARLY BATHING - Two Breaselltes
essayed to try their hand at fishing
:hove the mill dam on 'Tuesday night.
A boat was Reamed and the fishers went
stilling. The recent high water had
talon out the plank at the gates 10 the
dam and somehow or other, it the
absence of a pilot, the 'craft got in the
Correa', .Was swept through the gale
an I a'ter a Abort but perilous voyage
in a hieh the boat upset the fishermen
reached tate East shore. They say they
would not have • minded it ouly the
water at this SCAM IS so terribly wet,
The he easualties were figured up aq water
soaked garments, a lost hat and lost Oar,
Probabilities ere theentlemen will fish
fiord the river bank henceforth, Re-
port is not true that they are to give ex-
liibltions ofrunning the rapists or Sheet-.
ing the chute.
A FINE roadster colt was sold this
week to Chester Armstrong, loth con.
Grey, by the Pryne Milling Company,
at a fancy price,
DON'T forget the Bazaar on Friday,
18th Inst in the Town Hall. All sorts
of needlework for sale. Sale starts at
ALFRED BARKER. received 175 day old
Barred Rock chicks nv express on
Wednesday as the first instalment of
this plan. Only three died in the
LOYAL Legion will meet at 435 in the
Lecture room of the Pnblic Library
Friday afternoon of this week. Re.
freshments will be served. All mem-
bers are asked to attend.
ALFRED BARKER has a 1200 egg capac-
ity incubator at work. With good luck
Barred Rock chicks should soon be
plentiful. A building is being arranged
at the old Salt Works property for a
THE public school bell is substituting
for the town bell -off duty for the
present -in tolling off the hours of 7, 12,.
I and 6 o'clock and is a great improve-
ment over going without any public
time keeper.
A number of barrels of Winter apples yet on
hand at 41 60 per barrel. GORDON MCDONALD.
WILL the party who borrowed my small
cement lawn roller lest Summer please return
TUnnoPs buggies guaranteed to give good.
satiefaotion. Ask about them,
SEE McGregor about lawn mewet•a,
PASTURAGE To RENT. A number of cattle
will be taken for pasturage at Lot 14. 4th Line,
Morrie. For further particulars apply to M.
D. SuEDDETI. Phone 5412,
Boos son HATcatoG.—Indian Runner duck
eggs from prize winning stock. Pure white
eggs, 100 each. Also 5 pure bred 'Indian Run-
nel' Drakes for sale. L. AMITE,
Phone 4217 Brussels P. 0.
FLEURY and Ooekehntt plow repairs and
those of the Frost & Wood Implements in
stock at the PLUM blaokeinith shop,
SERVANT Wanted. Apply to
Houea to rent on Turnberry street.
HEWN o hand piano for sale. ply to,
8. CAnmsaAp, Brusaela.
Croyaa, Timothy and Garden Seeds of all
kinds at MOCRAOKRN'e. 40.8-
Ecas FOR HATc0ING.—Columbian Wyan-
dottes; Ile' headed by Mitohell Poultry Show
inmate. 1.0per set
winners. 0setting.
$ g
40-4 JAS. AAr.LANTYNEBrussels.
PERSONS wanting backyards cleaned
coal ashes drawn awry, backyards
a plowed er
any work done should apply to W. J. BDxtte,
Elizabeth et., Brussels.
WHITE WYANDOTTES.—I have for sale eggs
for hatpins. at 76o a setting, from John 8.
Martin's great Isylag strain, My pullets
started dressed
65Nov. 1012 and I sold 24 nth', oats
that dressed iib lbs. a piece at 5 months old,
B. J. MANNING, Brussels P. O. or Phone 519.
EGea POR HATOHING.—White Wyandotte
eggs for sale at 76c a setting, let pen, headed
by a $6.00 emelt, bought from W. M. Archer,
Paisley • 2nd pen, headed bye 45 00 cockerel,
bought from L, R Guild, Rockwood. These
birds are off two of the beat laying strains in
Canada. JNo. MEADOWS, Brussels.
TaNsus.-A meeting for the purpose
of organizing a 'Tennis club for the corn
ing season will be held in the offi:e of
Fox's Drug Store on Friday afternoon
at 4 15 o'clock sharp. All interested are
invited to attend.
Aucviox SALE, -The Auction sale of
household Furniture, etc, announced
for last Saturday afternoon at the hone
of Mrs S. Crawford, didnot wfo take
place but will be held Saturday of this
week In the Garniss' block, Turnberry
street, commencing at 3 o'clock
Stove wood, poultry, etc., will also be
FACTORY OPENED.- Brnasels Butter
Factory resumed work for this season
this week. W. W. Harris, proprietor,
has engaged Lorne Stephenson, of
Woodstock locality, as maker for this
season, who comes highly recommended.
The prospects for a busy season were
never better and a lig output at good
prices is figured on,
Mich., on Wednesday April qth, Sarah
Taggart, relict of the late James Max-
well, in her 78th Year departed this life
at the home of her daughter. Mrs
George E. Cameron, at 3 o'clock p, m.
Deceased was born in the Co, of Tyrone,
Ireland in the year 1835 and was united
in marriage to James Maxwell, of the
coubty of FermaDAgh, on the 7th of
February r855, Rev. Joseph Love offs.
elating. 8 children were born to them
of which 6 survive viz: -Mrs, Geo. E,
Cameron, Galesburg, Mich. ; Mrs.
Martin Price, Merrill, Mich. ; Mrs. C.
E, Gridley, Teducah, Kentucky; Mrs.
M. F Kilpatrick, and Mrs C. I. Clapp,
Battle Creek, Mich. ; and Jas, E
• Maxwell, who has recently gone West,
Samuel W , the first horn, died in the
Old Land and another son passed away
in infancy and was buried in Brussels
cemetery. Mr,.end Mrs. Maxwell made
their home in Brussels since 186e where
they made many warm friends by their
kind disposition and the bereaved
family have the sympathy of the entire
community. nm t RDr n
Y Rev, Oaten coudirt-
ed asuitables
.,;rules Saturday Rfternnoi
at deceased's late reeidetee and in
torment tr was
made in the family plat it
Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were D
McDonald, A Somers, Geo, Colvin, JY
Reticle, Geo,'Cardiff Sud A Baeker.
The Metropolitan Bank
Capitol Paid up -
Resorvo Fund •
Undivided Profits - -
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
THE steam sawing machine of Wut.
Dark has been busy cutting up wood
for W. Gordon, J. C, Tuck and the
Electric Light plant.
CARD OF.THANKs.- The undersigned
wish to express their appreciation of
the many favors shown them in their
late bereavement from the people of
this community and the kind words.
uttered by Rev. Dr. Oaten. -
BAZAAR.- The Ladies' Guild ot St.
john's church will hold a Bazaar in the
Town Hall Friday, April 18th. The
ladies purpose serving supper from 5
to 7 at the low price of 15 cents. Every
body welcome. Business people
especially invited,
who was supposed to be lost or clead, to
the person of Ned Wilson, was dis-
covered at the home of Jut,. Mooney, sib
line. Morris not much the worse or wear.
He possesses a good deal of vitality for
a mAU of his years considering that he
has nut always taken the best care of
himself -
ODD FELLows' SERVICE -The annual
sermon to the members of Western
Star Lodge; No 149, I 0 0. F . Bros
sets, will be preached on Sabbath 27th
in51, in St lohn's church at 7 p nt. bt
Rev, D. E Cameron. Members are
asked to meet at their Lodge roost,
THE POST block, at 6.3u o'clock, so as
to march to the church. Visiting
brethren are cordially iuvited to attend
ask the Librarian for these hooks -there
is much in them that might be consider
ed knowledge worth knowing-Carlyle's
Essays -"Crown of Wild Olives;"
lolstot's Works Rourinot-"How we
ere governed." -Unusual comment is
being made non the recent decree for-
bidding the reading of I Kendrick
Bang's Houseboat on the styx." Have
you read it?
editiou, including the Saturday'llustrat
ed section of Canada's national news-
paper, the Globe, will be sent to any ad-
dress in Canada or Great Britain from
elate until Jauuary 1914 for the : um of
$2 00. 'Th s offer is made in view of
the possibility of a prolonged s:ssion
of the Dominion Parliament or a gen-
eral election following the present crisis
in the House of Commons. Weekly
Globe 35c for balance of year.
THE Canada Lancet says :-Dr. Alex.
D McKelvey, University of Toronto,
tgos ex -house Surgeon, 'Toronto General
Hospital, and for over two years senior
residentaural Surgeon Massachusetts
Charitable Eve and Ear infirmary and
assistant to the out patient laryngologi-
cul department of MassechusettsGeuelal
hospital, Boston,has sailed for an ex-
tended visit to te European Clinics.
We, the members ot L. 0 L. No 774.
wish to express our deep sympathy fur
you in the sad trial you have been
called upon to pass through in the
death of our worthy brother, tour de-
voted husband. We sincerely pray
that "He who is the Friend to the
friendless and Husband to the widow,"
may sustain and give you the required
strength and all necessary support in this
time of heartfelt sorrow. Signed in be-
half of the Lodge. D. E CAMERON
Brussels, April 14111 1913
01, and after April 1st the com-
missions to be charged for money order,
issued in Canada for payment in
Canada, Bermuda, Jamaica, New
foundland, Panama, Philippine Islands,
Porto Rico, the United States, and
some other countries, with the ex-
ception P
cr tion GreatBritain • a Ireland
B t at and Ire and
have increased as follows :-Unlet $to,
five cents ; over $Io up to $3o, ten
cents • over $3, up to $5o, fifteen Ceuta;
over $5o up to $6o, twenty cents ; over
$6o up to $Ior, twenty five cents.
STROKE WAs FATAL. -The funeral of
Mrs Marga'et Clark, wile of William
Clark. of Pttrolia, held Thursday after-
noon or last week was conducted by
Rev. Dr McNair, Mrs Clark bad been
out shopping and on returning was
stricken with a stroke and cried soon
after. She went to Petrolia about three
years ago from Brussels and is survived
by her husband, four brothers and one
sister: -Rev. George McKay. Con-
cordia, Kansas; William and Edward
McKay, Portland, Kansas ; Andrew
McKay, Vancouver ; and Mrs Mary
Stephenson, of Port Huron. Deceased
resided in Brussels and locality for over
3o years and was highly respected and
her sudden demise will be regretted.
evening this Board met in the Board
room, Ali the members were present
viz: -j, Leckie, F. S. Scott, " J F.
Rowland, A. C. Dames, F. H. Gilroy.
B. S. Scott and W. H, Kerr. After
minutes were read and Treasurer's
statement presented a report of the
three Entertainments under the auspices
of the Library Board was made showing
a net train of $3o 0o even at the low fee
charged at Lecture and Recital, - New
series will he put on next Fall and Win,
ter which will no cle'ubt be entertaiuing
and instructive, Officers for this year
ore W, H. Kerr, Chairman and J, 5'.
Rowland, Secretary -Treasurer.
nance and Property -Committee, Messrs.
Leckie, Rowlaltd end Gro .
Book nk Committee, Messrs, B.
S, Scott F, S. Scott and A. C
, Dames, plus the Librarian, Several
gnestinus of interest were discussed
after which Board adjourned t0 meet on
end lviohclay 1nMeV,
BRUSSELS School Board met last Fri-
day evening. Only routine business
was done.
NEW Cauacs,—At a meeting on Wed
nesday evening it: Melville church, Rev
Mr. Mann, pastor in the chair, a recom
mendation from the Board of Managers
advising the erection of a new church
was preseuted, discussed sod carried,
011 CODdition that the Cany'assiug cons.
mittee meet with hearty financial sup
.port toward the project. A committee
was appointed to procure estimates, &c.,
w preseut to a congregational meeting
of the following; -J. I"zekfe, W,
Yuill M, H. Moore, A. ,AlcGutre
and A. Stewart jr. Edifice would be
build next Summer and on site of
present church and will no doubt be a
building worthy of so large and able
a congregation. New horse shells of
modern type will also be pot up. The -
wind storm of Good Friday hastened
the decision arrived at as eltm'eh was
damaged cousiderably.
AWAY.—Thursdav of last week Emily
Henderson, beloved wife of lolly Bream,
Brampton, and mother tit Mrs, Marry
lames, Brusselspassed away, aged 66
years. She had been 111 for 6 weeks
with lagrippe and rheumatism but her
death was not anticipated until shortly
before the end came. Deceased was
born in Hampshire, England. and was
married 50 years ago to her now bereft
partner. to children survive viz:-
Mrs. Cook. Hamilton ; Mrs. Hilts,
Owen Sound ; Mrs Greenwood, Brook
lyn, N. Y. ; Mrs Burton, Bramwell ;
Mrs. James, Brussels ; James and Wm ,
Toronto; Robert, George and Edward,
Bramp.ou. The family have resided in
Brampton for past 16 years. Funeral
took place on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs
lames were at Brampton last week
The subject of this notice was greatly
beloved and was a most estimable
woman whose demise is greatly regret
People We Talk About
Inspector Field is visiting Brussels
School this week.
Rev. Dr Oaten was ill 'Toronto tor a
Few d ys this week.
Mrs. Greensules, of Atwood, was
visiting in town this week,
Miss Pipe is visiting for a few weeks
with Mex. Etdie, of Harrlstun.'
Mrs P. Ament and Miss Margaret
were vtsnuts a1 Listowel on Friday,
Mrs, Rubt. Work, of 'Toronto, Is visit
ing nutter the pal mem roof for a week
Rob,. awl Mrs. Forrest, of McKillop,
were visitingwith relatives in Brussels
last week,
Mrs. R A. Plaine and daughter
Helena, were visiting in loron•o dur-
ing the past week
Mrs W. H. Kerr visited at the h' nn
of her brot her, Postmaster Kat, of
Stratford, Inst Friday.
- Wm. and Mrs Jackson and daughter,.
of Blyth, were calling on Brussels rel-
atives and friends l.cst Frld•w.
Jno. Wilton, of the Metrop'•1t1.0
Bank, Acton, is home on the sick list
but we hope he will soon be o k.
Charlie Leckie returned to school at
Stratford of Mondae after an enforced
holtday of to days owing to sickness.
M's T. Maunders, of Detroit, wit'•
was renewing old friendships in anti
about Br ussels, lett for Berlin on Pride.
to visit her sister before rt turning 10
her home.
1'H. Yosr 1s pleased to notice tits.
Carman eldest on of Rev G,_A
Powell. of Exeter, formerly s
x , of ehs Bt uti.
stood in the honor roll at the head of
his class last exam.
J no, Currie is getting thong nicely
now over his accident in which he
broke his leg and has been' able to get
dowel town on crutches almost daily
during the past week.
Miss Irene Cavanagh, who has been
undergoing A siege from typhoidfever
at Wingltont hospital, is progve•sing
favorably ahihtl will soon be able to re•
turn to Brussetswe hope
John Weynhoilth, of Brussels, who
has been s',wing at 10110. Hutton's mill
at Londesboro, hewing finished the cut
returned home He may lake aposition
in L. Hill's planing 00111, Blyth.
George Colvin jr., has token a position
on the staff of J. IF Cardwell, SI
Marys, where he will. work with the
coatlnakiog staff Ile has been with
W. 5, Fraser, Brtisssis, for the past 2
years. We wish Bill success.
It will be a .tnat'er of general'altt•
prise no doubt, for our reads',
to learn that IS, Getry anti Mildly pro-
pose removing to fort William in tile.
cuurseef a mouth , Mrs, Gerh'v'e health
has been s0 pool during the past
Winter the change will be made in the
hope that it will prove productive c,f
good to her While visiting there she
was so much better she ihirdcs itwould
improve cohdiliens nealn, .Mr Gerry
Inas resided hole for over 5o years and
is among I he old residents of Brussels
He will not sell- his home in the
nicantime, The rettioval of Mr, and
Miss Gerry, would take two good work-
ers from the Methodist' church as they
t been iv almost ll the rl •-
have ba taut a in m a 1, L
elliSof service 111( their places
sella 8 T and 1 H
will not be easily filled. Mrs Gerry
r s: l
did her .hare also when hue fie,,
pemitted We hope the (hangs'
to Fort William will prove
benefielal to Mrs. Gerry 'Three sons
are in busiiess in that bustling town, •
vve,AD OFPicz,
J. F. Rowland, O 1!1-d Manager.
IT is an advantage sometimes to
1 keep a bank account in the names
of two persons, so that either one
may make withdrawals. Such an
account is called a "joint account."
We shall be pleased to furnish par.
tinnier*. �ee
Mrs. W. M. Sinclair's health has not
been very good of late but . we hope she
wlh soon feel Ute invigoration of the
Spring season.
We are pleased io notice that Mrs. J.
Leckie is unmoving nicely after her
lung undesired lesired leisure ocettsione] by a
broken arm. The swelling is still quite
noticeable uta her hand but we wish her
rapid improvement.
D M. Scott aid Stewart Scott left
town this weelc for Prince Albert, Sask ,
where trey expect to speed the Sum-
mer. 'Tile former has spent some time
there in the real estate business. We
wish tlhetn well.
P. J Bishop, P. M., of St. John's
Lodge, 284, A. F. & A M., was At Lon
don on ayednesdav attending the dei1l
cation of the Masonic 'temple in his
official capacity, as Grand Steward Mr.
Bishop is a very enthusiastic member of
the craft.
Church Chimes
Rev Dr. Oaten will preach in North
St'eet church,.Goderich, next Sunday.
Rev, Mr Manu gave a good discours-
es isat Sabbath in Melville church on
'Influence" and the "Transfiguration."'
Last Sunday Rev Dr Osten spoke in
the morning on "Proving God" and in
the evening gave the closing sermon 0u
Bible Arithine'ic, his topic being
"Division." Many good points were
Rev Geo Gilmore was inducted into
the pastorate of Knox Presb,•lerittn
clturell, Ripley, las' Friday. Before
I eying Fingal Rev end Mrs. Gilmore
were invited.to the church even. ly mid
presented With a parse of $151.50,.
Mrs Gilmore waS presented with a
large b"quetof carnations At the
farewell set vices large crowds were
present from all other denominations. es
the nlher churches were closed.. Rev.
A G. Harris assisted at the service surf
the Methodist cht,ir jellied with Kuox
church An .anthem, —Saviour Lead
us Onward." was sung by the choir ; a
solo, '•I'nh a Pilot im," by Miss M. Mac-
pherson and a duet, "Some Day," by
Mesdames Culver and Whalls.
Rev. Mr, Wesley, of Wroxeter, will
address the annual Thank offering meet•
lug of Melville Home Mission Society
00 Wednesday evenine, April 23rd.
Wil' be League alinlvel sire' day in S111
sets Methodist chime Rev. Alfred
Brown. of Goderielh will ba the preach
er. The Junior Leaguers will sing a
couple of selections at the morning am-
ities and a male choir of 3o or more
voices will lea.l in the evening. • Juniors -
will occupy the front centre pews in the
morning, Monday evening a Violin
Recital of high merit will be given by
Miss Jevoliu Nicklin, assisted by local
talent, in the 'Town Hall, Miss Nicklin.
is well worth (hearing. Admission 250
and to cents. Recital at 8 o'clock. The annual election of officers by con-
nection with the' Epworth League was
held Monday evening with the fc (lowing
result :-Hon.-Pres., Rev. Dr. Dater ;
President, - Mrs I Parker ; 1st Vice -
Pres, 4V. J. McCracken; en
Pres.Miss ills Bailey ; 3rd Vice-PVice-
Miss Lizzie Downing ; 4111 Vice -Pres.,
Eli Smith ; 5th Vice Pres , Miss Latera
Leatlrerdale; Secretary. Cleve Denhow;
Treasurer, Dr. Hamilton- ; Organist.
Miss Alia Prvne. Encouraging re
ports were presented frons the various
deparnneits and the outlook is very en,
couraging. Last year was one of the
best the League has enjoyed For a num.
ber of years in point of attendance and
general interest and under the new offi
Mary the coining year should continue
the good work.
8011= •
• • •
• •
: For the 2 weeks ending o
April 26th we are offer- +
• ing some 20 patterns at t
2 8c per Roll •S
• . •
• These inclndo some splendid o "'
+ values in papers very suitable ;
• for Patriots, Dining Ronnie and • -
• Halls, with Bardet and Ceiling •
+ to match. They are neatly all j -
• gilt papers awl many of thein •
• well worth twice the price we ••
• ash for them. See them In our •
• witidoty and don't forget the •
: price -8e per Roll •
• •
• • Fox's Dru •
+ g
• Store •
• •,
OIOORs.—In Calgary, on April 18111, 1918, to
51,' and 11,s, Ivan H. Crooks n son,
D11141401.41—In Hallett, on April 4611, toide.
and Mrs David Uenholn' a dentthter.
SHonTREEn —In Morris, on April 8th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Shortreed, a Bon.
Bltnws —In Brampton, on April 10 Eh, Emily
Henderson, beloved wife of Jno. Brown,
aged 88 years,
StitpR.—At. Edmonton, Alta., on April 14th,
Ruby Mr Stewart, beloved wife o5 Norman
Smith,. of Borden, Seek., formerly of Brus-
81:Entns. In Walleue tcWriisldp, on April 14th,
Salome Aenther, relict of the late V. (Me -
mon, aged 76 years.
SRANNON—FOSTER. At Blyth, on Tuesday,
April 801,1)y By, W. D. Turner, sir. Mr
Phee Shannon, of Leadbury, to Nies Au
nes Foster, of Blyth,
Wheat 4 88 4 88
Oats 114 89
Pes 90 00
Baai•ley 46 50
Butter 22 28
17 18
...... 9 00 B 00
Wool 12 18
- Auction Sales
TWO YEAR OLD General Purpose Filly for
Bale. Lot 22, Con 18, Grey,
Phone 429. Cranbrook P.O.
FARMS TO RENT—The .Joint W, Rose
farms, being N% Lots 48 and 24, Con. O,
and Lot 22. Con. 6, Grey, are offered t.. rent.
Calf on the undersigned. F. 8. SCOTT,
4I-tf: Brussel$.
FARM 11000 SAGE CHEAP: 180 aoree, South
half lot 22, 00n. 8, 'Township of Morris, 8
utiles from Walton Good hand with orchard
and miring, Log hooseand frame bank barn:
Convenient to ,'porch and aelloed. Apply to
F.8 SCO'M',.Brussela, or iTII,LA11. SIMS &
GREGORY, Berlin, Ont. - 42.9
John Street Sewer
Sealed tenders will be received up to Mon-
day, May 6th, for the construction of the John
Street Sewer, Pinna and epeciflentlona prey
bo wean at the office nt: the Clerk. The lowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ad-
dress tenders to F. S. SCOTT,
Village Cleric, Brussels,
••hi•F•H•••F•+••t•••i•+••k••t•••t•.•3•••F•d'••6••••I••4•'t••d•••i••+•+•••4'•'1' .÷....••••••••••••••••••••
• • Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren k
rn,,i,„. dn,.'t,'i.,'ne., •
trpPh^t"t!eP,ldi,1W'pMUyd4d'h'4i Ib'I'IIPIx4'h"Ir'"litl•'hi4,'IV'bibs"11pdt,9•'la9ayyIdedl'•e ,Nit, t^W"h'eh'Iu'tPly'Ip't,,'6,01; Ilr'U,BIAhei IUSV U t t h a 11 t 6 e t t t I„,•
, Suits •
Women's and Misses' Fashion-
able Man Tailored Suits (Silk lined)
$1.1.00 to $16.00
We wish to specially direct your attention to
the'large assortment of Misses' and Women's
highly tailored Silk Lined Suits we are show-
ing made by the best makers, in Navy, Black
and Tan Serge's Navy, Black and Grey Ven-
etians ; Grey and Heather. Mixed Tweeds.
These Suits are extra good values at
$11.00 to 516.00
New Spring Coats
Women's and Misses'' New Spring Coats in
Navy g . and Black Ser ges' HeatherMixed
Tweeds.; also some choice Black Silk and
Satin Coats. . They are extra values at $8.00
• -
New Goods
in Stock
New Prints and Gin hams,New Dress Goods,Neww Em-
broideries and Laces, New Spring Styles in Corsets, New
Whitewear and Ready-to-wear Dresses for Ladies, Misses
and Children. A1I at the very lowest prices. -
• Bigger and Better than Ever
• Our Ready-to-wear Clothing for Boys and Men
We are positively showing the e best assortment
of Men's
and Boys'Ready
to -wear:
4Clothing we have ever had. Men's 11Black and Blue ergas, easy Brown, Green,
• and Grey Mixed Worsteds, in PROGRESS BRAND, ... which means 'he ver `best
:I tailoring and perfect fitting'. Aiso Grey and Blown Mixed Tweeds I cheaper
equal- •
F sties --Every Suit a Bargain. At from $7.50 t0 $18.00 •
A -1w. s Highest
a the i hest
Prices Prforoduce.
o ce.
*.44•••••+•+•••••••444.,44.1.04.••••• ••*.•44444.•+i'•••N•444.4 •h•44 i{.44.1••44.14•b•4'••F•••1•••i'••N•' 44.• A
C. N. McLaren