HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-17, Page 7iinn fir'. P'. • v asa,tik eh• v -r celyteAta ibat Young 5 ®is Churls. Bonny wee delighted with his new toiler -skates, and for two nights he stay,yed out until dark; but the third night he came earlyl and his face • was troubled, "Dick hasn't any skates," he said. "Anel 7 don't want any skates if ' Dick can'thave them. We had ,;more fun playing Indian with our wooden guns than I can have skat- ing alone." 'Some of the other boys have skates, haven't they1"• "I don't want any other boys, I want Di-i-ok," wailed Benny, "for he's my chum!" "I've seen boys with a skate on sone foot," said mother, • "We did that last night and night before, and had heaps of fun; but to -night his mother wouldn't let him. come out. She said she didn't want him to wear out my skates." "You oan hardly blame her," re- plied mother. "I might feel the same." "But, mother," argued Benny, "my skates won't wear out any fast- er if Diok skates on one of them than if I skate on both. It's almost • as much fun to skate on one skate, and much safer;" "Oh, is ;it7" asked mother, with new interest. "Why, mother, of course it is. If our kidneydisease earlysomething happens, and with you are skating on one foot, ad jodd's Kidney Pills, you will, never be troubled with rheumatism, grav- el, and • ther diseases" th tt are caused by sick kidneys failing to do their work. ARE OROWIND IN FAVOR EVERY DAY DODD'S ICIDNEY PILLS PROW 1NG 'THE11i VALUE AS A FAMILY A1ED1C1NB. Quebec: Mau Tells Mow They Helped Him and Cured 11is Nephew of Kidney Disease, South Ham, Wolfe Co„ Qnn April 7 (Special). -There is fresh proof every day that as a family medicine Dodd's Kidney Pills are growing in favor with the people of Quebec. Juab to quote an example, Amable Pinard of this place says, in an interview I "Dodd's Kidney Pills helped my rheumatism, backache, gravel, and heart disease, from which. I suffered year e, twenty y s, "They have not yob cured me completely, but they did completely' cure my nephew, who suffered from kidney disease." Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure kidney disease, They will com- plete .Amable Pinard's euro, because all the diseases mentioned are the results of kidney disease. They cured the young man's kidney dis- ease quickly, beoauso it was taken in its early stages. Amable Pin- ard's troubles are of twenty years' standing, and take a longer treat- ment. The moral is, that if you cure down the other foot, and if it has hollers on it, whore are you? But if it hasn't any rollers on it, it is just like a brake. Why, I don't .know how to skate on two skates." "I see. And it is certainly much safer to you to have Dick with you. He is two years older and a good deal larger. He seems to be very careful." "Of course he is!" cried Benny, and he grew crimson with pride in his friend. "You don't know how smart Dick is, mother. Nobody does.. He' won't talk before grown folks." "Would you like to give Dick one of your skatesi" "Why, of course, mother," re- plied Benny. "But you know she wouldn't let him take it." Mother sat down and wrote a lit- tle note. "Take that to Mrs. Dixon," she said, as she folded it, "and take your skates with you; but don't count too much on it. It may not work." • She waited and listened; present- ly she heard merry shouts and peals of laughter. She looked out and saw the two happiest boys in town racing each other down the walk on opposite sides of the street, axir4l each had a skate ou one foot. "It worked, mother !" cried Ben- ny, gaily, at supper -time, as be hung up a single skate with his cap. Youth's Companion. TURTLE TO CURE LEPROSY. 15th Century Medicos Found Virtue In Sea Animal. A French historian, in connection with the alleged euro for 'tubercu- losis now being advanced by Dr. F. Il'. Freidmann, calla attention to the little known fact that the medi- cinal use of the sea -turtle is by no means of recent date. On July 8, 1483, fling Louis XI. of France sent Geor6e the. Greek, master mariner, to the Cape Verde Islands to seek . "various things touching nearly to the well-beiug and health of our person." The Cape Verde Islanders had the repu- tationof possessing a cure of lep- rosy, a report of whieh had been brought back to Franco by a travel- ler from the coast of Guinea at about the time King Louis was in declining :health. According to the recital trav e 1 of this eller, the big sea turtles were "aught by the islanders when they calve out on the heath at low tide to feed. They were at once killed, and their blood caught in large tuba. Persons atffiictod with leprosy bathed in the blood, and af- terwards ate of the turtle's flesh. This treatment was kept tip for two years, at the end of which time the patients were usually completely. cured.of.-the dreadful disease,. This record would, tend to show that Louis KI. was a toper. That • such was the case had been rumored bychroniclers bet the reason f e o the expedition toy the Cape Verde Islands, now published for the first time, throws niuoh Light on the pay- ohology of Louis Xi., his ill -humor, and his sedulous avoidance of man- kind during the last .dti,ys of hie life. The wretohed pian evidently believed himself ,smitten with lep- rosy, Hewas, however, never fated to test the efficacy of the sea- turtle thready, for he died August 80, 1483, before' the returnof the expedition, Betting is a, fool's argument, but. we don'tgrealiio it until we loco. 1 An exploded theory is apt to be heard by everybody except the theorist, The.higher education sometimes demonstrates that the more we know, the 14es we believe. A Hint. Mrs, Yaungwodd (shopping) - Look at this new stove with the glass door in the oven. Wonder what it's made of glass for Youngwedd-It's to make the bread lighter, I suppose. I was oared of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT, Day of Islands.. J. M. CAMPBELL. I was oured of Facial Neuralgia by MTNARD'S LINIMENT.. Springhill, N. S. WM. DANTELS. I was om'ed of ChronicRheumatismby MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co.. N. B. GEO. TINGLEY. Ultrebukod. "Sir 1" she exclaimed, when he kissed her, "you forget yourself." Possibly, he replied, 'calmly, "but I can think of myself any old time, Just now you are occupying my undivided attention." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablete,' Druggists refund money it it fails to uure. E. 1Y—son's signature is oneachbox. 25e. Two Sisters. Clara -May I borrow your bead- ed belt, dear'i Bess—Certainly. But why all this formality of asking permis- sion? "I can't find it.", - Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Village Gossip -"Was there any- thing: unusual at the wedd e:12" Joyoy-"Well, the groom looked happy, but you •know Bill tries to be pleasant, no matter what hap- pens." open Try r 'urine Eye Remedy Ho gmnrth g-a'eole Sino -Acte Quickly. Y7 la• pTryi1fbr aod,Waok, Wlttury kayos and ®. WY."O Orauulated Fyellda. Illnatmtod Boot[ In ouch leek ggo, Musis a Is eom- �q,► , ndod byou,0oe1Iule—iota"Patent .3r � � },I tholes"but llaed 10 aueenz°; ul rbyyel. 'u ens' Ptnetleo-tor mon anre, llow ./ 1 9 5 H7 dote oa' o tb tau. r,Ullo and'mai e B'i7 ® 1 40 y ,y� nrogIsrotes In e,otio'001,0. Oto,, It® 6� p . Mtt naive la Asoptlu rube,, lcaeo, Murine Eye Remedy Co„ Chlvaao It sometimes takes as much cour- age tokeep out of a fight as to win one. Mtnard's Liniment Cures Calget In Cows, Mosquitoes Stop Music. In aortic, parts of India, where mosquitoes abound, it is impossible to play the violin because the music attracts the insects in great num- bers.. When the first notes are os. uitoes swarm in heard ; the m q w clouds around the player and make the movements of the hand impassi- ble. D. 4. NEN APPETITE FAILS AND INDIDESTION IS BAD There Is Danger Ahead For the Man 'Jhl t Neglects Nature's 1'S'tta-ltlu g. Dyspepsia Tendeneles are .Serlous and' Should be Treated Accordingly. KEEF BABYS S IN CLEAR jr.q.„5:0,c; SIR FRLDERICIC PONSONBY. The son of the late General Sir Henry Ponsonby, whose name has been mentiohed as a successor to Lord Knollys, recently retired, Sir Frederick possesses many high or- ders, and is equerry in ordinary to the King. He married Miss Vic- toria ("Ria") Kennard, the daugh- ter of the bate Colonel Edmund Kennard, Presents Bridegroom With Whip.. In .Russia.,. when the groom goes to get his bride on the wedding day, he finds himself confronted by the girl's brother, if she has one, The brother is standing with drawn sword, threatening the groom. "You shall not take her unless you pay Rhe well," the brother pries, and the young man must pay before he can take the girl to . the cere- mony. Then, during the ceremony, after the various ring services - there are many of them -the bride presents the groom with a 'whip she has made. He takes it, and strikes her gently with it, saying : "I love thee as my soul; I beat thee as my- eelf. I am thy master. Thou art to obey me." sF TRAINED NURSE Remarks, About Nourishing Food. "Aphysician's wife gave me a package .of Grape -Nuts one day, with the remark that she was aura I would find .the food very bene- ficial, both for my own use and for my patients. I was particularly attracted to the food, as at that time the weather was very hot and I appreciated the foot. that Grape - Nuts requires no cooking. "The food was deliciously crisp, and most inviting' to the appetite. After,makieg, use of it twice a day for throe or four, weeks, I disoover- ed'that it was a most wonderful in- vigorator. I used to suffer greatly from exhaustion, headaches and de- pression of • spirits. My work had been very trying at times and indi- gestion had set in. "Now I are always well and ready for any amount of work, have an abundance of active ener- gy, cheerfulness and mental poise. I have proved to any entire satis- faction that this change has been brought about by Grape -Nuts food. "The fact that it is predigested is a very desirable feature. I have had many remarkable results in feeding Grape -Puts to my patients, and I cannot speak too highly of the food. My friends constantly com- ment on the change in my appear- ance. 'I have gained' 0 pounds since beginning the use of this food.". "There's a reason." Read the little bock, "The Road to Well - villa," in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A now ono appears from tune to time. They are. genuine, true, and full of human Interest, How Goes Matrimony. "Oh, Jack, old fellow! Haven't seen you since your wedding, two years ago. How goes matrimony 1" "Very well thanks.' B y Jove, it's expensive comfort1 My wife's ress- maker takes moettf my salary. If I had known—" "You would have remained single, eh?" "No, no; but I would have married the dressmaker." PILES CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund mousy if PAZO' OINTMENT faile to cure any case of Itch, ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Biles in 6 to 14 days. 600. Whefi you analyze the kleal hus- band you will find' that he hasn't the nerve to bo anything else, Minard's LInIment Cures Co144 Eta Tact and Pitney., The man who says 11e never made a business mistake isn't necessarily a Rockefeller. Maybe he's a liar. Firmness beingwillpower, obati- naey might perhaps be termed won't -power, There are only two authenticated cases in history of men killed by falling. meteorites, ' You can't beat a good .wife -un- less you're a bad husband. Yyang-ylang,-the perfume, comes from the Philippines. Many a man would be all right if he could los* hie reputation. The Bsquienaux make a kind of ice cream from seal oil, snow and frozen berries, A baby ie the ono priceless trea- sere which -finlike a diatttond-or a rope of peeele-never 'excites 'envy dr covetoesneati. There is a etrong moral in the statement of Jamul &claim, of Pleasant street, Dartmouth. N. S.-, Like thousands of peo- ple. he was failing in health because his stomach and digestive organs were out of repair. His vitality was slipping away: be wee losing ground every day. "I could not have held on =oh longer. I: was wasting away simply beaaun° no remedy 1 wood gave tone and strength to my stomach. Tho vital forme ofmy VS. tam were dead. I was advised to try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, What hidden weakness they aearehed out'I don't know, but to a miraculous way theme have made a new mean of mo. My stomach troubles are cured, rich blood now rues through my velns-clear akin and unmistakable (wt. dances of health and vigor I feel every day. Dr.iiamilton'e Pills have oortainly mastered' the secret of curing the sickly enervated mac and I strongly urge every- one in failing or lost health to use this grand remedy." Dr. Ifamilton'e Pi11v" of Mandrake and Butternut are purely vegetable -25c. per box, five for $1.00, all druggists end store• keepers, or poet ,from the Oatarrhozone Co„ Buffalo, N.Pl., and Kingston, Ont. WHERE PEOPLE LIVE LO.NG. Balkan States Hold the Record for Old Folks. Some years ago a German statis- tician made a careful investigation to discover in which countries the greatest age is attained. The Ger- man Empire, with her 55,000,000 population, has but 78 subjects who are more than 100 years old. France, with fewer than 40,000,000, has 213 persons who have passed their hundredth birthday. England has 140, Scotland 5e, Denmark 2, Belgium 5, Sweden 10, and Norway, with about 2,000,000 inhabitants,. 23. Switzerland does not boast of a single centenarian, but Spain, with about 19,000,000, has 410. The most amazing figures come from that troublesome and turbulent re- gion known as the Balkan Penin- sula,. Bervine has 575 parsons who are more than 100 years old, Rou- mania 1084, and Bulgaria 3883. In other words, Bulgaria has a centen- arian to every 1,000 inhabitants, and thus holds the international re- cord for old people. In 1892 alone there died in Bulgaria 350 persons who had exceeded the century. Japanese Pool of Tears. , Ono spot in Japan shunned by all is the "Pool of Teare," alittlo pond on the execution ground of an old prison at Tokio. It never dries, and even the hottest weather seems to have little effect upon it, Since the removal of the prison no build- ings have been erected 011 the site, occupying the brow of a hill. rl.. "The Family Friend for 40 years." A never failing relief for Croup and Whooping aCou h. BURGLAR'S ORIGINAL IDEA. Why Ile Robbed the Employer of a Workgirl. Tho methods of the Pares (France) burglar are often surprisingly oxi- gina]. If, as is usually the case, he holds anarchist or socialist opin- ions he will go to considerable pains in an attempt to justify his crime. One"of the fraternity, has just had an unusually brilliant idea. Mme, 13., who, is a milliner in the Rue de la Chaussee d'tlntin, arrived on her premises on a recent morning to find that the hadhad a nocturnal if v s for who had relieved her of a sum of :225. On a table the guilty one had 'kit a letter as an"acquit de consoienee." It read: "Madame, I have been robbed by olio of your workgirls, a pretty littlebrunette, who is Ono of the last to leave in the evenings and lives near the RV o de. Be110fond. I advise you to keep a watch on, her, as she is probably robbing you too. In the meantime 1 have taken. out of the till the amount she stele," Curiously enough, "the amount she stole" was the exact amount which had been in the till. Another bee of Blood Poisionillg Persisted in paring hie porno with a resole Foolish when Care le 00 paro1045 'end sure with. Putnatn'irCorn Extractor. nlnteodtmad plstinlose,, Price 26b itt all deal. ors. UTICURA SOAP Alifetime of disfigurement and suffer- ing often results from the neglect, in infancy or childhood, of simple skinaf- fections. In the prevention and treat- ment of minor eruptions and in the promotion of permanent skinandhair" health, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are absolutely unrivaled. 1 Cutlbura Soop aeO Otetment era sold throughout Um world. A liberal eemplo 01,0001,, with 35 -pogo booklet on the onto and trentmentof ti,e akin and geelp. sant post -tree. Address cotter Drug dr ahem, [,ere., Dept. 10D,Boston, V.6, A. Honesty in Trivial Hatters. Be entirely honest in trivial mat - tens. One who borrows a cent should be as careful to return it as if he had borrowed a, dollar. If grocers and market men were asked to tell their experience they would sometimes relate :stories of small thefts made by customers who pick- ed up an apple, a bit of candy or' sugar, and had not the least idea that in doing this without payment they were violating the rule of strict honesty. A girl at school was warn- ed against another because the hat- ter, though very sweet in manner and amiable in conduct, borrowed ribbons, hairpins, postage stamps, notepaperand -loose change, and seldom took the trouble to return the loans Be honest, not for the reason that this is the best policy, but for the higher reason that it is right, Not Deefienit. This story'ia` related of a young French teacher whose English was just a little uncertain, andwho in- quired of one of her pupils how to ask in the English shop for an "eponge pour le bain." "Oh," said the latter, "all you've got to do is to tell the shopman that you want a big bath sponge to take home with you." "Ah, . it is not deeflcult," she said; but when the shop was reached she expressed it differently. "Please," she said, smiling pleasantly at the young man, "will you kindly take me home and give me a big sponge bath V' 1' HE SENT MS "BEST" REMEDY The young daughter of Mrs. T, S. Dougall, 523 Flora Avenue, Winni- peg, was arranging some of her doll's washing on a clothes rack, beside the stove, when she fell, and her hand came in contact with the hot stove. She sustained a serious burn, and her screams brought her mother quickly to the spot. "I sent tothe druggist for the best remedy he had for burns," she says, "and he sent back a 'box of Zatm-Buk' He -said that there was nothilig to equal it. I. applied this, and it soothed the pain so quickly that the child laughed through her tears. I bound up the hand in Zam-Buk, and each day applied Zam-Buk frequentlyand liberally, Y> until the been was quite cured. "The little one was soon able to go on with her play. and we had no trouble with her during the time the burn was being healed." All druggists and' stores sell Zam-Buk at fifty Dents box; and Soap at 250. tablet. Post free from,. Zam-Buk Co., .Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations. R' It isn't ignorance of the law that defeats a client so often as the ig- norance of his lawyer, It's all right to take time by the forelock, but don't tell your trou- bles before they happen. A man's idea of making a friend feel at Homo is inviting him to come to the dining table in his shirt sleeves. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM Conquered by GIN PILLS Kr, W. G.1Reid, Hamilton, Ont., widest, "T have ben for the last two years a cripple with Muscatel. awl Delletumatory Rheumatism. 3 tried almost everything known to medical eliepoe and Bought ehango of'olitnato without relief. Your manager in this city recommended Gin Pill* tied! have since taken eight boxes and amt now cured. 1 considet Gin Pills the conqueror of Rheumatism end Riduey Disease". see. a box, 6 for S2;go. Sample free if you writeNationa Demg and Chefnled Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto.. 633 THIS WHEAT 8,400 YEARS OLD. But Attempts ie Grow 11 Prove Un- successful, An interesting a000unt of the attempts to grew corn •front wheat grains, discovered in tile Lombe *1 Egyptian, mummies, is given in the March number of Knowledge, All these attempts have failed, and re- cent researches aulfgest that, while the power of germination in wheat or barley is little affected for five years, after that period a rapid lose of vitality sets in. Considerable ohemical change was detected in the mummy wheat, which is probably 3,400 years old, It had lost two per cent, of its moisture, and with that its vitality. When crushed the flour was very irritating to the :nostrils and smelt strongly of bitumen -'the preserva- tive used to embalm the mummy. It was also markedly acid. Examined under the microscope its particles i d ffered entirely from those of mod- ern wheat, When treated with wa- ter it gave a thin paste without any strength of dough. • Just. Enough. That very well-known, dootor, Sir James Crichton-Browne, has been reproving ue for our "sanitary apa- thy." Sir James is a thorough Scotsman, but he does nob mind tel- ling a story against himself and his own countrymen. He says that dur- ing a visit to Jamaica, feeling a lit- tle lonely, he asked a colored offici- al -"Are there many Scotsmen in these parte l'•' -"Not many,". was the reply ; "just a few -but quite enough I" New Treatment Now Advocated For Bronchitis 1s Having Wonderful Success, and 1s Making Most Remarkable Cures. For bronchitis a different form of treat- ment^ie now advocated. It consists of a scientifically devised vapor that pene- trates to the uttprmoet recesses of the. lungs and bronchial tubes. Every epot that is sore, every surface that is irri- tated is at once bathed- with soothing balsams and healing essences that make chronio bronchitie'an impossibility. This treatment now so .universally em- ployed in bronchitis, throat troubles, colds, - etc., is "called - OATARRHOZONE. It acts lust as air of the pine woods ants, as a healing' antiseptio remedy for all diseases of the • breathing organa. Just think of 1t -a remedy that can be carried with tios very air you breathe to. the Beat of bronchial or catarrhal in- flammation. A remedypowerful enough to kill germ life and yet so healing that disease flees before it. Oatarrhozone is truly a 'wonderful remedy. In many lands. It has won its way, and is afford - in. grand results to sufferers from colds, catarrh, throat weakness, asthma and bronchitis. There isno sufferer from a grippy cold or any winter ill, that won't find "a.cure in Oetarrhozone, which is em- ployed by physicians, ministers, lawyers and public men throughout many foreign lands. Large size lasts two months and costs $1,00and is guaranteed; small size 60c., sample size Ole., all storekeepers and druggists, or The-Oatarrhozone Co Buf- falo. N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. 4• THE WILD BEAST D O CTOIR,. Relates Ills Experience While Es- amining .a Lion's Mouth. • "The man who medically and sur- gieally attends cattle and wild boasts has often a harder time than an ordinary hospital surgeon," says a wild beast doctor, in the course of a recent conversation. "It is no easy -task to operate upon a large animal, whether it be a horse or an elephant from a tropi- cal forest, and the danger connect- ed with wild beast 'doctoring' would drive many an insurance agent into a fib. "I had an alarming experience while examining the mouth of a large lion suffering from a badly - inflamed tongue. The beast seemed so friendly when he approached me thatI decided to eat' him. tr straightaway, and without binding the animal or placing e gag be- tween hist jaws. It was a foolish thing to do, and I knew it was fool- ish when I tonohed the lion's tongue, for lis lifted a paw ��'}1 a second, and brought it down wit7i a terrific crash on my left shoulder, ripping open the flesh; and almost exposing the bone, • 'On another occasion, when I wns medically treating a monkey, the creature took it into his bead that I was out for 'fun,' and imme- diately started wrestling with tee . simian l e n the Theplayful tool m o 'mat,' so to speak, in no time.,, y' quickly steps coughs, cures colds, and heals tho throat and lunge. .. '2' to . Sts cents. Kissing Surprising Custom. Visitors in England in the seven- teenth century were surprised to find that kissing was a eom01100 foram of salutation, Nicolas de Bethlen, a Hungarian, Who visited England in 1033, wrote: "My bro- ther and I behaved very rudely on ono occasion, being unaware that it was tubtesnary in that toun:try to kiss t1 a corner of the mouth of wo- men, instead of shaking hands as we tlb in Hungary." Its no trouble at all," says n bill collector, to find people out. leestgatiOstirodcterzsgmaeazookto A GOOD ¥'ABET Tea when you are tired, particularlY if ifs I TSI) '..11 TE Goes farthest for the moneygilazigiolliaftPtilatarRia Long Wearing GLOVES If you are looking for a pair gloves that are as tough as a Mexicali' Snake whip and that will give you full satisfaction or a new pair freo ask your dealer for A.B.I.Phbto Shell Gloves These are the best wearing gloves ever turned out from a factory. Send for Interesting stogy "The Pinto's Shell ., 181RIDSON BAY' KNITTING CO. ' Canada's Expert Glove and =Makers. MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. (1 00D 8800E FARM OF 500 AOREal4' 'Ur with Three Reuses; large Bork Barn, Most he. sold 'guipk. Price is very low. C1 EVERAT, DF,RIRABLE FARMS I00 1� Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought: Worth the money foe quick sale. J. RAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED 000D .farms to different sections .of:Ontarto t on my :lint. If you want a farm conalOs` me. .kri H. W. DAW$ON,. Toronto. r (IND HUNDRED ACRES IN LAMBTON;. I'll County; Boil clay and clay loam; acres timber: 3 acres orchard; building@ in fair condition. Ol0se to market and Railway Station. .Anxious to sell... The Western • RealEstate Exchange, London,.. Ont. 57iARM IN SASKATCHEWAN -EQUIP - 8..' ped; in crop; must sell; terms easy. Perm, Lover 1zaworden, Sask. MALE HELP WANTED. T ONCE -MEN T0 LEARN BARBER .t3L trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools free; always euro employ - meet for barber. Write for catalogue. Moler College, 001 Queen E„ Toronto. - , STAMPS"AND' COINS. . 0 TAMP COLLECTORS -HUN ORM) Oleo 17 ferent Foreign Stamps, Oatalogoeo Album, mule Seven Cents.. Marks Stamp •, ,f`mmnnny. Tr, rnTiro. MISCELLANEOIIS et ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.,' :. LJ Internal and external, cured with. out rain by our home trentment. Wrftal • as before too late. Dr, Rehman Medical; Co., .lin, fled, f:ollinnwnnd• Ont. GALL 010N ES, KILNb;Y Ahu IlLAle.. der Stones, Kidney trouble, GrareL Lumbago and kindred allments positively cured with the new German. Remedy, , Sanol," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Meilitue, and sure core. le "Sanol's Antl-Dlabetee." Price $2.00 from druggists . or direct. The Sancti Msniifao- taring Company of Canada, .Limited. Winnipeg. hien. AMY ELL's HGKAMPiori" Is 1n a class by Itself -tire easiest running, the most substantially built, the most -satisfactory washer,. ever Invented. Only washer worked with crank handle at side as well as top lever -and the .only one where the whole top Opens Up. Mk': your dealer to show you the "Champion" Washer. "Favorite" Churn to the world's. bast chum. Write for catalogue. 54510 MAXWELL &SONS ST. MARY'S, ONT. rptltsEO y i tt . .9 't,"iIIIIIIII1111111111 1 I it • , \1 Mpl i 6 � n SIIIV III II pp raat� li tea Temperance Orator --'`Drink wad- ' er, my brethren. Eschew all spirits and other evil drinks, for water alone will never hurt any man." Timid voice from the rear-" What . about the Flood?" l4lnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Uncle -"I hope you don't span' ]i "' all your earnings, s Mike?" Mike y g 11i e "' ++ siree''I make i I N t a rule ne , , , L t spend moran two-thirds ,o,o ",Uncle -"Ah,, .. a os. .." , that's tS d 00� that's good 1 And you ,put the other third in tho bank?' "No; I give it to the misses -t0 keep house on I" Dr. Morse's li tsdfi an Root Pins areust the right Lncdioine for the chillren. When they are constipated -when their kidneys are out of order when over:indulgencein 5oflle favorite food gives thein indigestion -Dr. Mertes lndiatt Root Pills will quickly and surely put then right. Purely vegetable, they neither sicken, weaken orgripe, like hareliur ativee. Guard' your thi"ldree's health by always keeping a hint of Dr. Morse s, Indian Root 10,1101 1 the house, They ll®Ttp the Gs"aiithisss "Von