HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-17, Page 5RUSIP ESS GANDA,
•, 1•
IIIW 11. tIIN 1 1101 IIYUum, M;nIH, 04
• area, will Hell tar better prioot, W
cotter emu, in lees tune anti lees °harem
than tiny ether Auctioneer it) East Huron 01
ne won't *barge anything. Dates and order.
can always be arranged at this. OMee or b
u•'reonal ainaloatlon,
• narriater, Sulloltor, Conveyancer,
Autary Polak), dto. Ulnae-litowarfe Sleek
1 door Nor th of Central hotel,
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Back.
aAlittlS'119riS, eOLIOPrnO, NURIla6
kUHLIr), `kIT
W. rueonruo'r, lt. e. N C. HARI
OIlloeo-Those formnerly0000pied by unser
Oaluerou & Bolt,
(lona1I00, ON'PABto.
Royal Mail Steamers
From St 'John Prom Bnlifea
Tunisian ,., „.......• Apr, 5 Direct
liespertan ..•.,... Apr. 11 Direct
Victorian .Apr 11 Apr• 12
eorsiran - Apr, 10 Direct
Virginian Air.. 20 Apr 20
From Boston ,from Portland
000011(11 ,., ... ,.. . Apr 10 --
Scandinavian - - Apr. 17
ParisianApr. 24 --
/quotidian '.' may 1
Pull Information as to rates, mc., 4011 oppli •a•
lion to
Agent Allan f.hte, Bru,Hele• -
,Aiv.2 taY,pauec.:4;:ty \vi,g.tavwor;.iav:,r 9
+' • maintained In. this Collette, the demand
t our ,he gradmtteH isfar in exons'. or the
r supplyy. This is 0neuesti one lily one of
.t Ont[nda'S Best Com meruhel (,heel..
It+ record proves it..
Admlto students at 11110 time, 1 -re•
V pares them ur"perly roe elude,• poet -
Mona and a--1sts -worthy students to
000000 e'nlul..yIlIeut 4 tillrga open ull
0 ppm write now ter handsome oatn-
y logae.
Oor. Yonne and tt W. J. ELLIOTT, t.
., Alexander Sta. f Principal. Ypp
v'A. ^av, avRLPAYAW'AU WAVF2v?/:A'yRLAYte134
The best practical training "oboe] 111 •
Ontario.. throe depitermeus-:Com- It
10, morale!, Shorthand and Tologra- ti
phy. Ali courses are thorough end lr
practical, Teachers 111e exlierientud u
and graduates al's 11100011 in positions.
o• Wo glVH 1 ndividtutl attention and at ud• 6
00 cot+ luny 011E01. nt nny'11 um
• r our free oatelo'ttu Itt ,
gwrite.. Yu 6.
encu. D. A. McLACHLAN Principal.' ;'
,!0 ! .,..ttiz,tazAvati.y.sy, tamtnaeoli'A'tezttrg4 0)12'.
v 4..a.-0vivey. :w. 4ti'Av vecaY4tat vz) 'tri
y! Mar. 25
le thio nin day of the - r
c g
r at
aPring Tem ,.
The , Business
L sus•
Yt Two Courses-
51 Commercial and Stenography
' is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills,: It on and
Menlo) .Pumps -arid .Stable.
Fittings, such its P11Hilg, •Vat,
er Bowls for stock, &c.
:Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended• 1.0.
Give 111eacall.
•...... .,4' ♦ A„.yr`..•
1 W. H. LOVE
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Ut'tlel•S promptly and care-
ht or
lolly aLa0nd0d Lu iu g
Clay. Phone 228.
T -v-
Business Cards
:nun,'H,l of Boatman, University of Toronto ;
.Iueiltlteta sad Graduate of the College of Phy
tua,u. and Surgeons, Ont, Post•eyraduate
:hicagu Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat hospital,
along., LII Ex -House Surgeon to Bt. Mich..
.11'11 Hospital, `Pureatu:..
letine ever N.. It. Smith's Drug: Store. Telo-
10ne• relllle0tlell with Oranbrook at all hears.
seamier of 21 wholes, University of Toronto ;
:Maim hate of College of Physimnene rind Sur'
10(0014, Ontario ; ox•Senior House Surgeon of
Western hospital,'ruronto, Offices of late Dr.
A. btaKHvoyy Smith alook. Brussels.
dural phone 48,
'hy aiotan nod Surgeon;Post Graduate courses
,,ohdon (Eng.), New York 111111 Ohkongo Rote
altnls. Special attention todNeese of eye, eat,
mu and throat. Eye, tested for glasses.
kronor graduate of 100. Ontario Veterinary
Oollege. Dayand night oohs. (Rice opposite
'flour brill, Ethel._
Why Ho Was Late.
"What blade you 80 late ?"
"I met Smithson," •
"Weil, that, is no reatioin why yon •
should be An hour lal.e getting home
to supper."
i linty he
I Itbo'1v bol I asked him
wits feeling and he insisted on telling
111(1 about his stomach trouble,"
"Did you tell him to take OIAinbee-
lain's'l'ablets ?" .
Sure, I hat is what hu 11,0008."
"Sure, by, all dealers.
Personal graduate Department of C l ithal.
ntolugy, Mot,orudok Median] Oolloge Ultirago
tit, ea prepared to test eyes and 110 glasses lit
finer Whoa over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels.
.an Thursday, Fri,hey and Saturday of every
ween. Dime hours 1 to 8 p. m. Forenoon
oy tippet t till en t. Phony 1210,
Will wife better satisfaction to both buyer and
10110.1' than any otter Auctioneer and only
Margo what is reeemutble 811100 conducted
utyty he re In Ontario. Pare bred stock melee a
Write or 'phutlu 2S wrtxetor.
foul itetris temcs
180910X Uounebukler ip town pbopld..
r oe tut i th r u
have Uls p eine s l n a o o ghly
saulttu'y state before the sst day of May,
MB. CLaao, liceuse Inspector for
North Heron, has sent In, Otto 0ealitua•
tion, to take effect at the end of the
fiumiciai year, A i 11 30. Mr Clegg
WM; al/penned tbuut 8 yeara ab
John J amnia, of Whughnn, has betel
t ec0111 melt ileal a0 1110 51101100001',
1'RRESEN'i'A'i•ION:L.-The people of this
iinterested community unl 1be it) e d 1 the
t, cul t 1 11
following note concerning former resi-
dents of this locallity :- The epe0ert
given by Empress Avenue' Mission
band (Londou) on 'l`herstlay night was
a }trent success, The audience was
large and rue program, which was; given
by the children, was very squib ap-
preciated, The chair was occupied by
Rev, T. Wesley Cosens, paster of the
church. A pleasing feature of the
evening was the p'resentatlou of two
life membership certificates, one to
Mrs,1R14 -:) Cosecs by the band, and
the other te Mrs. 1. B. Heritage by Mrs,.
Robert Greet), 'Pile Mission Band
have had a very successful year. The
suporinteude0L Mrs. J. B. Heritage,
was chiefly instremental to the success
of the organization.
Rite, 0/, U HANNA L'EAVE5.-•-Rev.'
W. G IMunn, B A , Associate Secre
tarn• tet' Eastern Cauadi of the Lord's
Day Alharee of Canada, tendered 'his
resignation to the Executive of the
Alliance, Mr, Hanna stated that for
some Buie he had contemp'.atld giving
up Ins work it) rho Alliance, bec11020 of
his desire to be relieved of the :v renu•
en0uess of it and wished Milo so at the
end of the Alliance year. He was in
diced to continue to the end of lune
anti on this understanding his resigna-
tion was acee,,ted. A committee con
Moore 17r. E.
sistiv of Dr. l`. Albert
e nal Secretary, Rev.
•r❑ ne etJ
`o d the G.
W. 5i1
Rochester, was appotuted 10
draft ti resolution appreciative of the
work of Mr. Hanna, who has been cum
netted with the Alliance for 5y years.
Dr. T. Albert Moore, Dr. E. 1. Copp,
Canon-Bi'Vtm, Prof. Farmer and the
General Secretary were appointed a
committee to consider the question of a
successor to Rev. Mr. Hanna. The
reverend gentleman Is weir known in
and about Brussels, this locality heing
' he scene of his youth.
RF -AD the *dem. and save money.
RUMOR of a business change in town.
Rou'rg cards^printed on short notice
at THE POs'r.
6o CENTS in advance gets THE Pos'r
to January 1st rgo4. That's cheaper
than borrowing. Send it to the absent
member of your family to whom you so
often forget to write.
'PHo house and lot of James Sharpe
corner Princess and Queen sts, has been
leased to R. E Cardiff who has rented his
farm in Grey township and will reside
in town, following up his avocation
with his ditching machine. We wet.
come the Cardiff folk to Brussels.
WOODEN shingles have been at a
premium but metal shingles have been
utilized in many places. Weather has
been very bad for buildingsunroofed or
for workmen in attending repairs. The
dealer's will soon be in shape to meet the
heavy demand for B. C. shingles.
OUGHT To Do WELL,- Chatt.n Fon'
Balt organization' has Harry Bartliffe as
President ; Dr. J. W. Shaw vice Presi-
dent ; and J. Lesiie Kerr on Managing
Committee, all former Brusselites and
members of winning teams here. With
this trio on the executive there should
be something doing along champiop.,
ship lines with Clinton team.
H I LK9 -Itln dell
hes been called to the carelessness dis
played by teamsters in driving over the
cement sidewalks regardless of whether
there is a regular crossing or not. The
Cuustable has been instructed to, put, a
scup to the practice so that .:no further
damage need be done. Drivers are also
asked to refrain from driving on fronts
of properties cutting up sod. The street
is the proper place for vehicles not 'the
grass sides. -Bicyclists are also notified
.f pedestrian rights to the walks and
may be asked to appear before the
Reeve If this hint is not accepted.
The Dumiuion Electious are - really
coming ?
u Hall is not a u ait
A new 1'ow cesY
a e
1l who go West do well
1`be Senate Is not a useless adiuuct ?
Brussels will win the Foot Ball silver-
ware ?
The Maitland will be satisfied to stay
m its bed ?
Perinanent street building would not
pay in Brussels?
Non subscribers borrow THE, l'esT
Gootl Weather will increase attendance
at church?
Cigarette law is not badly cracked in
town ?
Y')u will jute the Boost Club?
Brussels is not as good as the best ?
Reozer UN,-. Rev. Dr. McCrae,
formerly_uf Westminster. was, welcomed
to his new pastorate at the Hamilton
Road Presbyterian church, London
Monday everting of last week by about,
400 members of the congregation and
their friends, =Pate occasion was the.
second anniversary tea meeting. and it
was the most successful ever held id
the church. Clergymen from a num-
ber of entireties id the city Wore p005.Ines-
tint, and in brief addresses welcomed
Dr.,,MeCrate to the city- on behalf of the
congregation. A fine musical• program
was carried out ,luring the evening, and
Mrs. McCrae, who is well known in the
city through her eoutlectious With a
number of religious associations,, was
tendered au address of welcome by
E omens Niissionar
Mrs, Carsot 6 the W y
Society, Rev. J. Smith, the harmer
pastor, attd Rev, Dr. McCrae were
presented with Uaudsolnely botiud
Bibles by Rev. T. H, Mitchell, pastor
of New 8t Mmes' Presbyterian Chureli
on behalf ot the congregation. Before'
the reception was held tilt guests were
taker( to the basement ot the church.
where a splendid supper was served.
The ladies in charge found It necessary
L to which o0 down,
toit the tables, z sat w
three times All present thoroughly
enjoyed themselves and the ladies were
voted excel lel t hostess', The visiting
ministers were t Rev. J. Smith, Rev
T. H. 'Mitchell, 'Rev '1'. B. Clark, Rev.
G. N. 'Hazen, Rev.. J E. Millyard anti.
Rev, W. C. Rtddiford.
'l AMPE1IERS.-The Town • Dunned has
decided to ut8et• it 1•e0vaul • of $200 for
evidence that. will Seem e the eon -
of the persons who Lampe] ed
with Ilse ballots ca,t on the Local
Option by-law. The Provincial
Attorney -General and the Clown
Attorney will also be asked to take
up the molter and assist in limning
down the culpri111. Councillor
Paisley Mode the Motion tutu offered
to pay ono -bull 1 he • reward. The
by-law 1011.4 given its third reading.
Do Your Eara Ring?
Whin 1heybuzz and seem slightly
deal', bovine of ratarrh inflammation.
This giovs steadily worse, 01110. FAD
be cured by OAltu•rhozone. J. A.
proved the 11101
ovedthe11101 11 of 10,0.111 rho Inle.and
0111,1s "Nu nor rnuld 11110(1 000114e
Catarrh than• •f' had for years. It.
••teased partial deafness, haul taste,
u)1ar•1I11y sinontelt, made me sick all
over. (:atailleizene cleared m}'
nostrils, slopped Lite cough and gave
1110 10 (11P11 1. feeling Ott my breathing
in gang. 1 nut absolutely. cured."
Doctors say molting is better than
0ul+n rhazone. Try it and you'll say
011 ono. 'Too u, sizes, 25c. and $1.00 at,
all dealers.
G. M. Chant tiers. who is eng(iged as
r ,nli
''1ilnart i11 Iruvellot it R. Nel
u i n 1 ,
Lando, is away live days of every
Dr 1. Jic'I'aggar( and 'his brother,
George, were 1tt Hertsall on news 110 of
the serious -illness of' their graud-
munt het, who is a very old lady.
The degree tenni of Clinton Lodge
of Od111,01lovs will visit 131yt(3 1)1.etl1-
reiu 1111 the evening of April 221id for
purpose of exemplifying 3rd degree.
Leo J. Belly attended the Spring
Pair rat•Oliitton.:uud WEN Surcessfui in
oapLtn'ing lst turlee with his bay
(leaver. He also gill eperi,tl pri0li
given by nn0 of the merchants. -
Heron Presbytery, islet in St. An-
drew's church. r •h at Myth li on Monday
afternoon of bast week -to substantiate
15 r Reid,of Alma, to
esti to Rsv.il •
- nut esboro thr *Marge. b*e. A. 13ur11s L 1
1811int 1 and James Campbell were
present 111 heh101f of Bnns (Nongtfga.
1 s 11 and Melville
and rust Bell '1 t s a
tion n
lesbnrn The new
represented Lt1of
elergyuuul is offered 81000, free manse
ttnd,fntu' weeks holidays each year.
Rev. Mr, '1'nrner, Blyth • and Mr,
Melville, of Lnlldesborn,.Will prosecute
the call it Guelph Presbytery.
Saved. by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.,
Swarthmore, Penn. - " For fifteen
years i'suffered untold agony, and for
one period of nearly
two years I had hem-
orrhages and the
doctors told me I
would have to un-
dergo an operation,
but I began taking
Lydia E. Pinkham!0
Vegetable Com-
pound and am in
good health now. I
am all over the
Change of Life and
cannot praise your Vegetable Compound
'Loo highly. Everywomanshould take it at
that time. I recommend it to both old
and young for female troubles." -Mrs.
Canadian Woman's Experience:
Fort William ., Ont. --"I feel as if I
could not tell others enough about the
good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done for me. - I was weak
and tired and I could not rest nights. A
friend recommended your Compound and
I soon gained health and strength and
could not wish to sleep better. I know
other womenwho h
o have taken it for the
same purpose and they join me in
it." -Mrs. WM. A. BuPPY, 681 South
Vickar Street, Fort Williams, Ontario.
Since we guarantee that all testimo-
nials which we publish are genuine, is it
not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinlc
ham's Vegetable Compound has the vir-
tue to help these women it will help any
other woman who is suffering in a like
][t yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi-
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
Woman and held in strict confidence.
Luxton Hill, while working: at the
pltuter in his mill had the misfortune
to get his left hand into it with 1110
result hint as couple of the fingers
were tujnred:
Blyth Lodge I. 0, O. F. will meet 111
their Intl!, Sunday evening April 2011,,
at 6.80 and march to the Methodist
church where Rev. George' Jewitt will
preach the anniversary seinen).
A. Gnhr, who has the 1101 l.ract of
etraightetliug the Blyth creek through
Mortis and tvhose dredge has been
shut flown during the Winter, return-
ed to town and will commence opera-
tions at Mice. He received la ear Of
coal' for bis dredge.
Don't be surprised if you have an
attack of rheumatism this Spring.
,lust tub the affected parts freely
wi1li Chamberlain's Liniment and it
will soon , disappear. Sold by all
Angus 14IcNevin, of the Goderich
P. O. staff, has been appointed a clerk
in the railway mail service, and be-
gan work last week on the London to
Windsor line. '
Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor of North
St. Methodist -church, was transferred
from London to *Montreal Oufele
1 meeting of 011 Transfer com-
the nett, e 1ta 1
mit•tee held in Toronto. lie will go
un .lily 1st.
Friends of Cyril Carrie will be
pleased to hear that bre has been ap-
pointed delegate from TuroutnUniver
sity to Conferences at -the Universi-
ties of Yale -and Harvard, in Boston,
and McGill, Montreal.
From present indications, Gode-
rich will
od'e-rich-will again get the military cramp
this year. Leut.•Col.. Belton, of
Loudon, rues here inspecting the
Murney property, near Saltford.
Col, Hodghls 00105 here recently, and
went over the stone ground. Negotia-
Molls are .udder way with farmers in
the vicinity Por the use of their land
for manoeuvring purposes. The site
that has be looked over been I c van will be
plenty largec enough for the most ex=
ten9lVe Inta110e11Vi'09•
Rev. W. K. Hager B. A, chairman
ofc' District in the Tor-
0o11'in rwo 1
6 +
onto Conference, who was invited by
of tt ( Y
of North street'
the official .board
Methodist church to become their
pastor at the beginning of the ensu-
ing Conference year (July lst) was ori
the application of the above board to
• We have just what y you need to Brighten Up
• any•
or every room in your house,
• / Boxes' Wall Papers, which are the best
Walls- 1$ vtdues on the market. •
het•win•Williuns Paints,
all colors taut 1Bqualities for every surface. •
f j+iuoieutns, P1001' 011e, Stair Oils. .Best
Floors ).Pat
• •
'atterns. Also Ta1 lestry hugs.
131in(ls-phtin and with fringe: 0
Lace' Uurt:tius- White and Lcrn or •.
to 2.50 n
Cream. 85c •
J>_ p i.
Windows . i•
Curtain Net --Ivory rand Lan by the yd,
F011 NI est Colored Madras. •
• and Scrims. At Sttteeus n •
lA , 1
Rey- large rang. e of Prints, Shirtings, (')rills, Mnstins, Vestings, Pm ♦
tmoideries, Crepe Mullins, Dress Linens, etc. • •
Produce taken as cash on all of above goods. •
Ra A. McDonald & Co.
• •oN•do••••+••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••1••••♦•••••
Transfer committee, which mot in
Tomtit o last week transferred to
the Londou Conference, It is ex
petted the handsome new parsonage
being •erected will be rolnp)eted ill
Ottofor occupancy by Alr, Hager
101111 fatnliy,
++++++++++++, ,F4t•>Hd^3•A•fi••h3•'r+++
N Spring t
.1, ltoVerd hus ih ved lito li 3
ul ings d
h Are attracting t»uch at-
tention these days. :4.,
4 1111th r,...,
New designs are
•6 We have them in vat ions I
d. shades such, as Taus, Blues,
+Grays, &c. ;'
+ .These are worn by the Best •i,
'f Dressed Men, Suits wade by us
+I+ are distinctive and correct and
+ bound to give satisfaction. 4.
.'fl. Conte in and let us show you. T.
tOur prices are inudorate con-
sidering the quality of material
+ and workmanship. +
+ Good trimfnings one of the H
features of our trade.
+ A few Ready-to-wear Over- ;.
+ coats ata Bargain. 4'
W. P. Fraser
+84• II
• Merchant Tailor
+++++++++++++++ ++44-1-1444++
new Ilnute torinerly occupied by hia
0 R eis
W. Rata has commenced tile
erection of hie work shot) ab the tear
of the hardware store.
Time. Me f11115blin left fOr '
S(tslt„ 1)1'lei' Hpelidiug the Winter
months Will this plu'ento here.
The ninny frit -ride of Mrs, David
811tl.mnghlh1 will be pleased to tearsl
of her recovery from her recent
severe ilhtess,
'Phos. Honeyl'o'tl, who lull been
win'kiog ih the mill here for the past
year, has decided 111 change his uncus
nation and expects Ira leave town.
E. Lester and sane of Ila' 1ming
111011 of the town have i .t' -•1,•d in a
row boat with which th. > , xln•et to
spend many pleasant lean „ on the
pond stere this cooling huunul^a.
Yoe will look a g good /111110 before
you find to better medicine for coughs
and colds than Chamberlain's Dough
Remedy, It not only gives toilet-
it cures. Try .1t when you have a
cough or cold, and you are certain to
be .pleased with the prompt cute
which it will effect:. Pal sale by all
dealer's. .
James Bowman, 11'1. P., held a
o i
e ufe coca with the local Conserva-
ave Aeaooiatiml last week
and it
looks as if there might be
doing shortly,
REALIZED $150.00,- The stile of
work held by the Ladies' Auxiliary
of the Wiughalu General Hospital
on PI May was a great success and
5150 was realized. The committee
in charge of the arrangements, Presi-
dent, 1511's. It, Vuustone ; Secretary,
Mrs. R. Olegg and Treasurer bliss Al.
13rnek were tvaa only complimented
upon the 0nccesn of the affair. The
tunms -were attractively decorated
and those in charge of the booths
were : ',Pea room -Mrs. (Dr.) Rut-
ledge, ,Mts. (Dr.) Tamblyu and Mrs.
John A. McLean. Candy and con-
fectionery booth-Mts. (Dr.) Humbly.
,lies May Smith, bliss Martin. Fancy
•vurk and woolen goods booth -Mrs.
(I)rr) Redmond, Mrs. Roe, Mrs. G. 0.
Vaustone. Houle -made baking and
imokintg booth-iMi•s. Richard Van -
stone, Mrs. O. P. Smith, Waitresses.
-bliss Gretta Kennedy, Miss Annie
lcLeama, Miss Freda Vanalote, Miss
\ 11 use Griffin.
Poisoned By a Razor
Don't, trim your cores with a razor,
u,e a purely vegetable remedy like
Putuain's Oo•u Extractor. No pain,
Oet•tatn care, and all for a quarter.
Every dealer sells "Putnatn's.
Morris Council
At the Council meeting, held in the
'l'otvusllip Hall, Morris on April 7110,
all the members were present with
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of hast
meeting read and confirmed. No
actiun WAS taken itt the platter of
appeal for change of School Section
by C. K. Taylo. The contract for
the construction of the Sunshine
abutments was given to L. 3. Looby,
of Dublin, at $5.00 per cu. yd. and
the abutments for Grantee' bridge
goes to Duff & Stewart, of •Bluevale,
at 84.40 per cm. yd., contractors to use
12% stone concrete 1 : 6 excavations
included. The two culverts on the
Blyth Creek drain will be constructed
by L. 3. Lobby at $735.00. Council
appointed the Reeve and lylr. Fraser
to tweet the other interested parties
to consider improvements on the
Prairie rend South of Wingham.
Accounts paid :- Municipal World,
$5.00 ; S. Skinn, removing Ice $12.20 ;
P. Moffat, .fining, $5.00 ; 7. Speir,
work on East Boundary, $2.50 ; W.
Cunningham, filling washout, $8.50 ;
Peter Haley. filling, $8.00 ; John
Ni vino, filling $2.00 ; Rus. Fear, draw-
ing bridge material, $6.00; Geo.
White, wetk on West Boundary,
$2.00 ; Chas. Pollard, work on East
Boundary, $8.00 ; Thomas Bolger,
hauling and placing tile, $3.50;
Thomas Bolger, di
tch on ]1st
Boundary, $2 00; Phomas .Miller
Assessor's saLlt
a • 80.00 ; W.Wells
salary, $
taunt bridge McCall drain,$15.00.
Next Commit meeting will be held
hi Hall Monda . May
in the Township Y
26th. A MAoFWEN, Clerk.
North Boundary. James Hender-
son, A. Magee, R. Taylor. Geo. IVlc-
Dotiaid, Jos. McKinney, W. Robert-
son, Geo. Thortiktn land Peter 111c -
Dougall, -
-let line..-James Magee, J. McEwen,
Duncan Campbell, Thomas Abram,
J. Books, Chas, rur•vey, John Johu-
stnn and Chanes Forrest
2iid lino VViu Findlater, Thos.
Scott R Gentles jr., Henry blathers,
Geo. Ttn.•vey, J. 3. Sellers A. Mustard,
D. Ramsay, and L. Ecktuier.
8rd line. -A. Brydges, John Hop-
per, E. 1•liggins, Ed. Pollard, Fred.
Brewer, R, Warwick, W. Sellers,
and Joseph 81111 00.
4th linea--, Thos. Bl'ydgea, W.
Whaley, U. Wilkinson, James Nichol.
son, R. McMurray, R. Shedden, T.
Bi (MAIM, Alfred. Cochrane, John
Buri and A. Crooks.
5111 line.- Geo. W. Procter, A.
Clnnkey, John Clegg, F. Martin, John.
UoA.rter, Thos. Clarke, Wilson
Marks, James Davis, Elston Cardiff
tants (ileo. herr,
6th line -Dal(. Kelly, Jetties Kelly,
1Z, Yining, }r W. Bird ter Mc-
Nabb, 3. P. Belly, R. SPemith, Wm.
Bernard, 3, Robb and Thos. Miller.
7111 lime. -E. Nesbitt, Jno. Phelan,
Jas. Craig, G. Pierce, Jho. Nivhne, A.
Rowlett, S. McCall, R. McLean and
James Parish.
8011 line.-Jno. SScotL, J. Gibson, A.
Laidlaw, J Olt vu 1 M'rllio J i
South Boundary. -Wm. Shortreed.
West Bondi James Golle
Boundary.- y.
James Taylor, Thos.Gosman and
hrneet Sanderson
East Boundary Ld Bernard, A.
McLaughlin, W, Oakley and Thos.
Walton. -Jho. Watt.
Belgrave.-'Geo, Daley.
Ready On The Shelf
That's where you'll find "Nerviline"
in every well regulated household.
So pleasant to take that even little
children will cry for it. So certain
to cure coughs, sudden colds and
tight chest that thousands of bottles
are used every day. Nerviline does
prevent illness, itdoes ease pain and
inflammation, • and by being handy
will save worry and keep down the
doctor bills. Large bottles sold for a
quarter at all dealers.
Brussels Council
Regular meeting of Brussels Coun-
cil was held Monday evening, 7th inst.
Reeve and Councillors McGuire, Mul-
doon and Hewitt ptesent. Minutes
of last meeting read and passed.
were resented:
Following accounts p
Tam PosT, printing $ 0 00
The question of constructing a hose
bell wets was
building andabl to
••'1 nil
44 some length and plans
a 1 (1'
promoted to arrive atprwtica c
elusions, )?rices of steel towel's will
ba asked for bell purposes, The bell
t tolestwill to200 rn 0,12(11 unds scale ind l,t Iabout a
3 tendons from Listowel, St, Marys.
and Brussels wet'e presented for 16
1 lI
u ishlei .
'c e F
Ile for us
Malt cementt la
,1 h
street dialu. Moved by Geo. Muldoon
and 3, Hewitt, that the Reev0 see G.
Bar'klay and if he will supply tile in (1
3 to 1 mixture at price stated and
have theta ready in good time, he to
be awarded the con tytiet, otherwise it
goes to J. 0, Hay, Listowel. Carried.
R. Thomlai en asked (Jonucil in refees$'
encs to an electric 115(30 ou W
Queen street and on motion of Messrs.
Muldoon and McGuire a light, 000010g
512 per annum was ordered. This
will make 40 lights' now on the streets
in I3rnssels.
There. were no tenders offered for
the John street sewer.
Deuced adjourned.
Youth's vitality Sapped Away
Your child looks poorly, is tired'
and fretful. You would like this boy
or girl to be More robust,
more energetic and vivaotnus.
The "something" that Is wrong is
simply this, Stomach and bowels
Ineeds attention. Constipation and
indigestion most be relieved, new
life put into young folks ao-well as the
old ones. Every child should use
this medicine regularly because its
benefits are not to be had in any other
way. 25e at all dealers. .
Kindly Pay up
All persons indebted to us are call-
ed upon to square off the same before
Ilayllst. As the partnership has been
dissolved it is necessary to have our
books balanced hence the urgency of
this request.
G. KRAUTER & Co., Ethel.
The business is note in charge of.
the undersigned who solicits a goodly
share of the patronage of the public.
I will handle a full line of General
Hardware and Tinware, also Roofing.
Lightning Rods, &c. Repairs kept for
all kinds of farm machinery.
Jno. Krauter, Ethel
Jas. Burgess, work on streets.. 1-00
Brussels Electric Light Co,
streets and Hall 188 7o
Jas. Thuell team on grader4 50
1). Hogg, work at Hall 1 75
Robb. Oliver, salary 40 00
Moved by A. McGuire, seconded- by
.1. H. Hewitt, that above accounts be
paid. Carried.
520.35 was reported as receipts from
scales for last month by Weigbmaster
For sale on easy terms
or will rent_ to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith Owner.
Box 1033 Brandon Man.
O •
° Leave your order for :
• •
• Potatoes Seed Potatoes for de-
livery first part of May
Finest New Brunswick Green Mountain $ l.25 per 9D lb beg =
• " i' Irish Cobblers L So
• s
a• •♦••♦♦♦c• ••
'East Huron Produce Emporium BRUSSELS 1
•Nd••••••••••••••••••••••••0••®•••••••••••••••••••v :
• • •
i .s art'
t L•
1- ,
t [,;
• rs •
a( , re
@ w1 Yo
• b.. - .. ,t ••
_ •
Ew' i ,'-wva,. ..a r.'I iZ t.. •
• :it Simplex •
lam' +'"R 'f'i ■
•C ; Link -Blade
i f) r •
=lV • 4 t ff" You look for Relief from your i
• ' tl Cream Separator Troubles.•
The Right Track
if to the
•tai°` Look at it
• i
v otr
Size its substantial construction, •
• only a slightindication of the super-
• -' 4 lot• work and ettclilraitce of which it is la
' capable. •
"STAY ON" till you've tried a Simple Oat your own dairy, then;
: you're safe. 0
• Patented, blatiufactured anal Guaranteed by the pioneer and targ-
e est manufacturers of Dairy Snppdies and tvhn'first introduced the Can. •
• trifu (til Cream Sepru+atot' i1r America; it the product of many years' •
• g
. I'aVOrlte,
111 "Dairyman's.
• wo•k and study 11111.10 the ever Increasing
4• •
e Notdepending o11 Gigantic and Costly Advertising Campaigns, •
• 'L'ravellingSalesmen, l+t'ee Mainlines and Free.'1.1ips to Agents, etc., to •
s rush sales we 1at0 able to embody the saving tints (tifotded in superior •
e construction and material and thus give the user more Value for his, •
d ,nfoney, •
a 0911 or write and WO Will tell you;Innre abaut it,
of •. a
au ea1v, Y,ti 3 1
McCaughey. 81. Jackson, Gilbert bre•• ••'
11111111, Jos. Bewley. . Pct. Bryans, • Agent •
s nwsnh.
Logan, our hoe. Wallace
OLh lino,• -•VV..., 1•
O. K, fiaylnr, Finlay Laidlaw, John , _. _ Mthtichlin,=- ----'so
Laidlaw, It. Shnttteed, ,'hos, Me -
Oa,' lames Fargnttrsou and ' T, 1 •••••••••••0000oCt•oe4'006 20. i t3 froofe••••st►ti•••••1il••eO -