HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-10, Page 4=craw.- .:i.:;,wt.< v -i•.., at' he ++c1muds Vast THUI'. ',AY, APRIL re, 199 P 1Ncslans ,tell maple syrup are „u the prl;,Iale, i,•;r Oak) seed and thereby inletuve the pro0uets.uf the farm. Guap morning 1 Have you received the unfmal seed catalogue, a sure hat'' - Meg. i of Sprint;, Set 2 THE State of Washington will abolish capital punishment after Julie 14th. Much interest centres round the effect of the new enactment. Tilostt who are supposed to know af- firm that the cost of living was never higher than in IgG2. We have not heard of many people who are "cutting down” very much on the gait of the past twelve mouths and hence let3 should prove a record smasher. DoN'T flirt with measles or other ehildreus' diseases. 48 deaths took place in a month in Toronto from the former. Caution is the word to the homes. Pre vention is better than cure. Toronto had !48 cases of measles in March. Some idea of Western growth may be arrived at frcm the fact that the new redistribution in Alberta Province will give them 56 representatives instead of 41 as at ptesent, Calgary will have 3 M. P, P's and Edmonton 2 and other places proportionately. Po 'TASTER GENERAL announces a to establish a system of Parcel Post between Canada and the United King- dom. It is said it will be modelled by that of the United States but the ,P. M. G should be careful -that he is not charged with disloyalty to the old flag. THE brotherhood of man was well illustrated by the voting of 8200 on to the Ohio flood sufferers by Essex County Council. Such practical ex- pressions are worth a cord of resolutions of sympathy and no one is any the poorer in the long run. Good for Essex. Tints is the era of new fangted enter. taioments many of which would not be new in your grandmother's day. One of the latest designated is "A rag carpet coining bee," this old time activity be-' ing the base ot the program.. This will un doubt combine the useful with the ornamental and give the young people of to -day a look -in au the fine art of 5o or mo, a years ago. Nxtt done good and faithful servant" is a pronouncement that might well be applied to Township Clerk and Treasurer Henry Elliott, of Darlington, who recently completely his both con- secutive annual report to the Council. bluoicipal Clerk F S. Scott, of Brus- sels has served this village for upwards o'' 32 years and is still going good Clerk Lusted, of Windsor, has served 33 years. He is 7o years of age but still hearty. WOMAN'S further enfranchisement re• ceived quite a rebuff last week at the Ontario Legislature when no less than three :[lotions favoring various phases of the question were emphatically set upon by the big Government majority Prem- ier Whitney has at his back when be gives the nod. The red hot times the sufferagettes are having in England was said to have played its part in Ontario a, a sort of "be careful." The broaden- ing of the franchise is sure to come in this Province. HERE is an unintentional compliment to the Women's Christian Temperance Union :— "The Wine and Spirit Journal, Toronto, says :— A properly supervised caa een has been strongly v recommended byMilitaryauthorities on the other side of the line but the in- fluence of that well meaning but mis- taken body the W. C. T. U, has been too strong. With Colonel Hughes affiliated with that organization on this side it looks as if the restoration of the canteeu wasstill agood waw off." There is more than the W. C. T. U. behind the objection to the canteen even the so eAlled "supervised" one. HAVE you entered in the Oat Field Crop Competition in connection with East Huron Agricultural Society for 1923 ? You are at no expense, if a member of the Society, and stand a femme of winning one of seven prizes ranging from 820.00 to 84 00. A better bargain is not often offered. In ad - r" t no you have privileges of Sheaf and 5 s'1 t ahibits at Toronto Pair and the Wil ''r19'airat Guelph to say nothing of the enhaeced price you will probably receive for your oats for seed if a prize winner. Better than all, however, is the impetus it gives to better farming in the way of eleel. well tilled laud ant good seed, There should be rue entries among the good farmers of East Huron,. Malcolm Black, Brussels, is the Secre- tary, tel whom names stlodlcl be sons, Try your hound this year. t'{T'"F'G •18...,..s.41,++vr a .,.,.,,: .,,.�,.�.s+.+•„xw..< a. ,....,,,,ESS MT.I erei"�ru.'.a,c L.itr„s n. '', w"m�,• ffet RIME .+„x,e:a A ,. a.�m,n+s•+, .,,,-„.wes.o.s.,w.+w�. ' t,TAT !°rtN'°`""t, :'"fteili :'gtei tt it ist,ra,', • 1'c ,,.,�...:,.,, , , rs.,-„,,. �. �---rrmn - - ws+ Atts,:�`t'"'a"s,!"� LADIES WHY HOT PRESERVE ••••••••411110.64989••••••••06110660.400$60651.0018e060900.416d does In regions neutral told annul, ettsterwardly over the country 10 the ® ward on and runehii) that dote Atlantic Ocean, All actual storm a 6' o '''hose tutu Have, 1't' eau severe title- art'aa nee peetfdrd 0n the east by J • B YOUR YDHTH and BEAUTY PARISIAN Sege, the quick a'Litg hair reatotOr, is 1'o'sate i11 Brussels by 'o tl JIM, Volt and is llc With t rigid guar- antee s l t o antee and at 60 cents a larga ottle. PARISIAN Sage has an immense stile, told heee are the moms ; It is safe and harmless. It cures daidrutf in two weeke, by killing the dandruff germ. It stops failing hair. It promptly stops itching of the scalp. It makes the hair soft and luxuriant. It gives life and beauty to the hair. It is not sticky or gt'easy. It is the dautiest perfumed hale tonic. It is the best and most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. Fight shy ot the druggist who offers you a substitute, he is unworthy of your confidence. The R.'1`, Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Elie, Ont., Canadian mak- ers, SOME Canucks who are so fearful that Canada would be suable to build her. own navy should study the "get there" history of japan. In 8 years they un- dertake to cuustruc 8 dreadnoughts. 4 battle cruiser's, 3 scouts and 40 destroy- ers at a total cost of £36,goo.000. Here- tofore the large share of this work was done by Great Britsin and a small share by the United States. Are we as good as the hips or are we willing to play second fiddle to the Flowery Kingdom 1 If this Dominion is to have a navy then we think the place to build it is in Can ada. Au earlier start can never be made than right time. Don't let us throw bricks at our own window panes. Invaluable For Nursing Mothers With nursing comes an unceasing strain on the mother's vitality. The blood is weakened. Nerves are irritable through loss of sleep. Anxiety and care break down even the strongest. Experience teaches that nothing is more helpful then Ferrozone. What, an appetite it brings 1 No blood -former of net ve tonic more potent, no medicine known that so steadily beings back the health, vigor and spirit than mothers require. It's because Fer- rozone nourishes, because it supplies the materials for rebeildiog that it does such permanent good, 50c per box at all dealers. Doings at the Legislature PREVENTION` OF FLOODS It was inevitable that the dfsest•om floods in Olio should lead to a reference in the Legislature to flood conditions in Ontario on the Grano River or other streams. Thomas Marshall Liberal member for Moeck has asked for a return showing all correspondence and petitions re. ceived by the Government in regard to the conditions on the Grand River, and ads, For :1't • repnri' received from Govetiiment Lngtneels on the subject. Earlier it, the sessiou the Minister of Public Works in answer to a question, admitted that deputations had appeared before the Government as far back as Igo8 and again in 1)12. The Minister also stated that a hrdographic survey of the Grand River watersheds had been made but no results of this in- n made public in- vestigation had been The problem is three told. First— 'ro preserve human lnfe ; second— To secure a steady flow of water in the rivers of the Province instead of having so much rush away in a dat or two in the Spring that a drought is the resell in Summer ; and third— To conserve the extra flow of water for use 'n generating power It should be de. finitely determined whether all three of these results can be secured together The preservation of human life hew. ever, and the avoiding of any possibility of such a disaster as has overwhelmed Ohio is of paramount importance. A deputation is being arranged from Grand River points to interview the Prime Minister. At a general meeting of the Grand River improvement As- sociation held in Galt it seemed to be agreed that the Government had been very slow in dealing with the matter It was the prevalent opinion that some- thing should have been done before. Other rivers besides the Grand ought to be iuvestigated also. wliA'f wES'rERVILI.a IRINRS An interesting item appears in the a Republic, cu (rent number ut theNew p a Temperance paper published In i P1 .s „ "Minister Rowell ' leOhio, Westervnl Govern- ment ver - It says on behalf of the Ontario s0 n nlent introduce) into the Provincial Parliament a resolution for the total abolition of the saloon in that Province. 'rhe text of the resolution is given in full The item is peculiar in 20 Far as it reters to "Minister Rowell" who is said to have introduced the resolution on be - halt of the Government, The actual explanation of the incident is this : Mr. Rowell has been doing such good work and has been ath•eeting so much attention that the people in Ohio not knowing the facts of the case at first band took it for granted that he was a Member of the Govern- ment, 'rhev did sot realize that as a matter of fact it Ras the Government which was really blocking the proposed Temperauce Legislation and the Op- position which was advocating it. NEW FACTORY ACT Of special importance in the ' House is the new Factory Act which is now ready to be taken up for its third read- ing but which will be atrenuotisty op- posed by the Opposition. Nothing ibis session has revealed so clearly—at least so say Labor representatives— the on progressiveness of the Whitney Govern - meet, 'Phis new act one would have supposed would hive incorporated in it 'clauses to 1111 stove the conditions under whiell employees (especially women and children) wo1 It ; for the reduction of the hoots of tuber; pav- ing apecial attention to health and sur• roundings of employees ; and for se - omestea Fertilizers i 1 Dissolution of Partnership • +r o goal! !Deane of protecting t'xiloaed warmer, Nil, 1(.l.hel, aucl followed Notioe is hereby given that the par Incursion t�`s • , 1 b t 1 10 O plass from hail d1(,Illla at 1(10 Lillie, o5 the %reel. by Posies' dearer tit Jonah Knitter bind GOerge Kreuter, ear,)' ®Ing un 1 m u+ nxsH of Tfnxw 1,6• and flo• w ant t (1uriug other April storm periods, weather till {vilhin the storlil periods, 1'l as dware'tlerohantn in Wle Villi g e IDD 1 I 0 'Lely save tilt:me'I yes great. j(lOoiven 'is a wen Lure Lo fmreeast the best it the ()minty or Huron, under the name • e U' ieoce and much Inns, Pot this warn- general season for 1l'nfl.s MULL we Geo. Kr" rt t'0, Ilea dila day then uk.o'v- • •Ddb uotud couexnb All nurnnn(s owing in y t o l 1i g "i1' pont' tial'' ao that. it will 101 I22'' 11(21 101' tunny years, also for Will make. the ,Lauri Rich and produce; big money making crops. They have been on the market over 36 years and have an established reputation unequalled by other Fertilizers. The agricultural value of a Fertilizer is measured only by the increased yield of crop due to its use. Our brands are made to give this sort of value, • a• Call in and examine goods, see the testimonials • and secure a supply. If you want a good har- e • vest next Fall secure Homestead Fertilizers. • We also handle Agricultural Implements, • Buggies, Phonographs, Pianos, &c. Y • S.CARTER, •• AC -`ENT O a to • 0 is • • t3• 0 • a • • • BRUSSELS • • ••••••••••••••••••••tatsaeaaae i•••••••••••eeeteec••G•®••c0 curing safety devices on machinery. As a matter of fact none of these im provemeuts have been added to the act in spite of the vigorous advocacy of N. W. Rowell, K. C. Allan Studholme, Labor member for East Hanulton, and all the members of the Opposition. Numerous amendments tending 'o the improvement of factory conditions have been voted down by the Government hnajority in the House. Panama -Californian International Exposition Sam Diego, Oal., Apr. 5.—San Diego, where is being built an international exposition to be open the entfee year of 1915,.is also embarked upon other great cowmen!ty entee•prises invol y- ing the development. of its natural assets. The city is the first port of call for ships passing through the .ameba canal and turning North- ward, on American soil With the building of the Panama carnal the people of the city realized the potential possibilities of the land- locked hat b01', with a natural channel from 85 to 60 feet deep and from 1500 to 2500 feet wide and eight Guiles in length, where the waters are never dangerous because p1 otected from all storms by hills to the landward mid a strand that closes all except the chan- nel entrance. Back of San Diego is a vast empire where irrigation is working wonders and hundreds of acres at'e being re- claimed monthly, with fields of rich) alfalfa, dairy farms, snowy fields of fleeciest cotton, rivalling that of the Nile in texture and whiteness, grains and gardens, making up fast.growing, prospering communities. With such development to the Eastward and the fine harbor and geographical location opening the door ot opportunity for the develop- ment of import anti export trade, San Diego began improvement of her har- bor asset. A plan fol' a harbor bulk- head nine miles long, at the ohanuel edge, from which ten wharves each 900 oe 1,000 feet in length are project- ed, was outlined. The first milt of this work is now under way. It has foo railway lr'acke and a warehouse 750 feet in length and 72 feet wide, the whole construction of bulkhead_ and wharf being of steel and concrete and costing $1,500. To connect this harbor with the in- land just beginning to develop its t•ilih possibilities nutter itsigation methods San Diego capital is building a railroad across California into Ari. zona, there connecting with a great rail system and providing the short- est, most direct, and lowest gradient outlet from the Mississippi valley to the Pacific coast, at a point nearest the future world's markets lying to the South. Since these projects began, ton years ago, San Diego has grown from For Hair Health 0 Rexall "93" Hair Tonic does not improve the health of your scalp and hair, we will pay for what you use during tile trial, We could not so strongly endorse Rexall "930 Heir Tonic and continuo to sell it to the sameeo le if It did P p not do aill ' Should w0 a allri. ..1)C old it not prove entirely satisfactory our ct1K- tomere would lose faith in us, we could lose their patronage, and esu' business would suffer. If your hair is falling out or you suffer any scalp trouble, we believe Rexall "93" Bair Tonto will do more to eradicate the dandruff, hive health to the Scalp, stimulate new hair growth and prevent premature hcld- noss than any other human agenuy. We want you to make ns prove this. Wo ask you to risk no mon(+3+ whatever. Buy a bottle of Itexa ti 98" Hair Tome, use it according to directions for thirty days; then if you aro not entirely satfslie1, come and tell us and we will promptly hand back the money you pealus for it. We won't !Lek you to sign any- thing, nor even to bring the bottle batik, We won't obligate you in any way: We will take (0(1 mere word. Could anything he a ,.'%l.1'; Could we do anything 11o1, to ploy) our belief 0 Resell "93" Bei Tont., and our honesty of purpose 11' recom- mending it to you? " Rexall "93" Hair Tonic #Sas elem- ent to use as spring water and has but a faint, pleasing odor. It comes in two sizes of bottles, Sore and 81.00. You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonin in tine community only at our store: F. �RR..,,S�MITH. 1ru2sole no . 'ittx JYoI Ontario There is a Rexall Store in aootly eve town and dity in the Unitod 8tatan, Cnnatl�a and Creat Britain. Thom is n rltfforent Roxall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill—. eacheapeoially designed for the partioular i11 for Which it fa rocominst hod, The Ragail Stores Are Amerlea'e Greaten brut Sfores it population of 40,000 to over 50,000 with no apparent cessntil(l of in- crease. Building operations are at the rate of $20,000,990 auraurilly. it is this sort of progressive spirit that led San Diego to 1 21U U •ate tine. Pnnaina- Catlifiu•oin Exposlti011 o]' I915 for the u t )o,s revealing to the .nal e of revcatle he world L utichless, unbounded °ppm.tunities for 1101118 building and investment in the 1Vestern United States, North. western Canada, and all points 1t which tl nluigl•ati,n will flow through the canal to her gates. The Tromblo Of Old Age With the advance of years the vital functions of the body slow down. In consequence the organs 48 secretion suffer, rho action of the bowels is lessened and 'there is 3141 longer healthy ci,o,Isllou. The brain is congested with blood, giddi- ness, trembling and cold extremities are common. N(1 aro-Written i5 s(1 potent as 1)r. Hamilton', Pills. 13y their tiiisot action on the slomaeh, liver anti kidneys they cause an im- mediate change. Mild, free frau gripe, strengthening and cleansing the whole system, 10) 1)011 112(5 is 80 valuable in old age ns De. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake & 13ntteenut. 'Try these Pills, 25c per box at all dealers. Blyth BOWLERS ORGANIZE,—The annual meeting of the Lawn Bowling Club was held at St. George Clnb rooms. There was a good attendance. Presi- (181)1 MC'Taggal'L MAS 141 the ellaii. The financial state(110111 wl(S read by the secretary, and was the best the club has ever had. A discussion tonic place as to the advisability of fn stalling electric lights on the green and the clatter was finally left in the hands of G. U. 4IiTaggnrt and H. Thomas. '.1'he election • of 0131561 (4 re- sulted as follows ; Honorary peesi- cleui, Alex. ; President, M. 141cl'agna rt ; vice -President, W. Sims ; Secrelary•'Treasovet. lames Alc- Murelde : l;xeclitive Committee, A. W. Sloan, 1. Coombs and Dr, Oharles- worth ; 1'ournonent Com inirtPe, G. E. M `Ta cart andM. Hamilton' (. g(: J , Membership Committee, Drs. Milne aid i11CTaggau t. APRIL WEATHER The Mercury period is central on the 2nd and will prolong the"dislnr- bances at this dine. 'l'h nclel, lighlu- ing, wind and rain, with severe hail storms in many sections, may lie looked fors with possibly spurts of snow and sleet to . the northward, up to the 10th. A. regulal'storm period involves the 01.1 to the 1421, having its centra 0i the 11114. A very decided rise of teul- peratnr0 will set in to the westoml'd about the 911 and 1011, the baruna'I et' will fall, and storms of ratio, hind, thunder and hail will push east wald1y across the country 00 and touching the 1011), 1111,1211 and 1811). A reactionary 510(10 period is central on 1110 171h, 18th and 10111 The moon f8 in perigee and on the celestial aq215101' on the 131 h. This calls for sudden ,tad great increase of temperature,ra )id fall of the 1)1110- I rueter, followed by thunder storms and Mail, with probability of 101.1114; 1913 Catalogue Now Ready 80 pages brim full of rood things, Con- tains valunhle information for the farmer, market gardener end private planter. 12 pages of the latest and beat, world-wide introductions. Valuable premiums, Your choice of 0 now vurretles still unnamed (not for sole until 1014) absolutely bee with every order, large or small. Don't delay writing, Mail this with your name and address. 'Your request will receive apeolal attention. State if you grow vegetables, or f10Wers for market, as we have u special price list. Write to -slay while it's fresh in your mind. DARCH •tai HUNTER SEED CO., Limited Dept. B 4 LONDON, CANADA tet)uIn• let, IIbarometer 4n seeding allt'ln of crops and gart ers.. some un,ee very cool days and nights IGxrepLious Lo this rola will be flow, trill follow IS um tthuul. the 19111 to 31 ,1 110 prepnted to cover (11119 l 111uuts, A regular storm peviud i5 ee111.1,1( 1 011 the 23rd, covering the 31o1 to 21rti. The temperature will again 1 Use eery i ' high, and the barometer will inn to 11,w 105111055 as the enter this pet 1(421, begi lining i11 westei 11 extremes Stutnis of rain, wind and 11ai1 will 1'ullow, amt fluting We 221'01 to 2511), these at011108 will puss i1' reguIu', 11' u- gressive outlet flout 'West to Blast over the 0010110y? A reactionary storm period covers elle' last three days of the mon I). Re- 11L'u of April thunder showers, with low barometer, %'twiner, ell fl winds and hail stones, should not surprise nt' alarm any student o1' t1(•( not These storms, like all general storms the northern hemisphere, will develop i11 western extremes of the country, with falling barometer and lunch warmer, cloudiness will follow. and rain, wind and thunder will pass 0d HJ i e 0• t NUTTY s • a •• • 9• ♦ i ��0 • 0 1V1 FIA VE IT ♦ 9 IN OUR • ♦ Model Brland' Flour a 9 4 ♦ it contains the [)halite& that tickle the palate ' makes bread and buns just like ♦ nhlt.hPr used to male. Maul- n newt -awed by HARVEY a 11 10S., Exeter. Sold by e Br Eight Brussels Electric L l9 t I Company tr 4, Jno. Patterson, Manager r Terms Strictly Cash ' ®aP Am****♦0040o•R34•b!. A e en, 04!"P Assignee's Notice to Creditors 111 the nttuter , f the entitle of John T. Denim.° ,, nl ties Township of Me - Kit .e 1•„1(1'1• of Huron, far- mer, nu L ,.,010811. Notloe is hereby 5iven that(theabove Need: vent buts na1de no A"•Ignn,rnt to Willlnnt G, Neal of tire 1' e Venn tut Walton, BlorsIsu l un- der the provisioner of 10 Edward VII Chapter 64 and (mend ing Auto, n1' ell his estate and ef- feaba for the benefit or his credit urs. A meeting of the Creditors of the Reid estate Is horehe convened and will be held of the Law OMoe of ,1, 1)1. Beat, Senforth, Ontario, on Friday, the (Till day of April, 1018, at, two e'eloolt In the afternoon, for the purpose of appointing Inspectors and the giving of (Urea bone with reference to the disposalof the ere tato. All 010510ors et the sold Debtor are hereby required bo file then' olahne with my Solicitor 1 M Best. verified by ofadavit on or before the date of Said meeting, J. al. BgSTSlitoSoci' f r Oran, gnee. Doted 20th Enroll, 1010. Comfort Your Stomach We pay for this treatment if it fails to promptly relieve Indiges- tion and Dyspepsia. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles because they con- tain the proper proportion of Pepsin and Bismuth and the necessary car- minatives that help nature to supply the elements the absence of which in the gastric e neves causes indiges- tion es- tion and dysppsia. They aid the stomata' to digest food and to quickly convert 13 into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dys- pepsia Tablets in your vest pocket, or keep them in your 1.00121. Take one after each heavy meal and prove - our assertion that they will keep indi- gestion frombothering you. We know what Rexall Dyapopeiu Tablets aro and what they will do. Wo guarantee them to relieve eve indi- gestion and dyspepsia, or to refund your money, if they fail to do 50. Doesn't it stand to reason that we wouldn't assume this money risk were we not curtain Reknit Dyspepsia Tablets will satisfy you?' Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 51.00. You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets In this community only at our store: F. R. SMITH. 1(rua5010 Tho tore i 'P015 Ontario Thorn ie a Rexall Store in tesriy avert'y town end oily in the here States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly ivory ordinary human illll eaoh especially designed for the particular ill for which it 0 recommended. Tho Rexall Stores are America's Oreatest Drug Stores EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta SETTLERS H®MESEEKERS Low Round Trip Rates each Tueadoy. March to October Inclusive Winnipeg and 'Return - S35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 , Other In n proportion points i P Return Limit two months. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on. all excursions. Comfortable bertha, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. For Settlers travel- ling with live stock and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY BARCH AND APRIL 10.20 p.m. Settlers and families witsstock REGULAR TRAINS Leaving Toronto o 10.20 p.m, Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers COLONIST OARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths Home Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m during March, April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and 10.20 p.m. during May, June, July and August. Throudh Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto H. L. JACKSON, AGENT, BRUSSELS. r qtr® -45?- (Dix M(fitrime ? SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures EV" No Names or Testimonials CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD P18821SE. Patient No 10174. "Tho spots aro all gone from mylogo and arms anti 1 good now. I nm very grateful to You and shall nater forgot the favor your medicines have done for me. You can use my name in recommending It to any sufferer. I am going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking yen once more, ecce" SAYS TWO MONTHS CURED HIRE. Patient No, Mag. Ago 22, single. Indulged In immoral halts 4 years, De- posit In urine and drains at night, varicose Veins on both aides, pains la back, weak 5exua03'. lie writes:—"I received your totter of .recant date and In reply I am' pleased to say that after taking two months' treatment I would consider myself completely eared, as I have seen 50 signs of them coming back (ono yens'). THE WORLD SEEMS ItufVERENT. Patient No, 10928, "I have not )tad a regular Emission I don't lcnow when and am feeling fine, Tho Noel( seems altogether different to loo. and I thank God for directing m0 -to you, You have been an honest dotter with me," used without written consent VARICOSE VELVS OARED. Case No. 10888, Symptoms when he darted treatment:—Age 21, single, , 1n• dol ed In Immoral 1)a Its severalv Dara. on then 505, e, both sldos—pimples treatment the fa he ora After00two months' trentmont ho writes as Yollou's:—"Your welcome letter to hand and am very glad to say that I think myself mired. My Varicose Veins hays completely dis- appeared for quite a while and it seems a oure. I work harder and feel lose tired. I have no desire for that habit whatever and If I stay like thus, which I have every reason to believe I w1)1, Thanking you for your kind attention," eto. GAINED 14 POUNDS IN ONE NONTIo. Patient. No. 18022. This patient (aged 69) had a chronic Tape of Nervous De- nity and Sexual Weakness and was run down in vigor and vitality. After one month's treatment ho reports as fol- lows . "I am fueling very well I have gained 14 pounds In one month, so that I Will have to congratulate you." Later report:—"I am beginning to feel more lite a mon, I feet mg condition is getting bettor every week." Ills last ro- pc•t1—"Dene Doctors—As i foo) this is the lent month's treatment that I will have to got, I thought at ono time I would never be cured but I put con- fidence In you from the start and you have cured mo" CURES` GUARANTEED OR NO PAY RI We front wad ;pure VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY, ,BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases Peculiar to met•. CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write fora Question Blank for Home Treatment, NfY�1 ' All totters from Conoda muet ho oddrossed to our Can. �0dd A CSI adinn Correspohdonca Doparkrnient 1'a follows •ssav,eu- '.-� DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, WINDSOR, ONT. a '- pf;- r t '9,,,t'... Cor. Michigan two. and Griswold St , Detroit, Mich. the bat lir») of Geo Srs11101` ('0, a) a to I it aid to 1011 Reenter, and al•(4 nil debts o vt ti. e , { are b se n I �r1'h01mtP61'11111110 he llll/l(ll Id illi( V the said1 basil:M oft a lot' er,111 who twill one l0nt1(11 i 1 b0isaw nrtheInce8rmntthe some ahold .1't lite said tee-oga of Ethel. Wibeno : STACOB ]iAOVE , A H. MAoanNAf n � GEA RBA OVER, Dated this 2nd day of Aprll,111HL Notice to Crediito'rs In the wetter 1'l' the estate of Mrs. Mat v Kelly, late of the Vdlace of Brussels, in the County of Huron, widow, de- ceased. Redacts hereby given,pursuant to See. (8, Ohne. 20, of the Wit let tee of Ontario, I Goo, go V.. Govt all creditors and 0111010 1111 vI 1111 0(0(2 4 against the astute of the said Mrs, Retry Relit , who died on or about the 27th day of Pebrua' y A. D 10111, nee required on or before the 1.1 tiny of May A, D 1018, to send by post prop,'.( or deliver to the undersigned Exoontor of Ibo estate, their Christian nod surnaln0N, addr, se if ( et' tl Hos n l les , 1 mss and a atntew1,6 of t1) r noconnts against the mid rotate and also tubo nature of the areurity 1111sly) hold by t1), n,, duly verified by 0 Statutory declaration. And further t nice notice that after such ll"t mentioned date the Exeentor will proceed to diatribe tethe tweets of the deems,'( 5711011.1 the parties entitled thereto, 'loving regard a1• ly to the clai,n0 of which he shell then hove got notice, end that, the said Executor will 1111 be liable for the said assete or any port tbrre• 01 to any permo l or pereooa of whose 01511, s notice shall not have been received by him 1,t the time of ennh distribution. , Dated this 26th day of March, 1.018. Ks, SCOTT, Executor, .88.3 Brussels?. 0. Stock far Service ars.ULI, 121st 4114V1(•10 —The undersign,( till keep the 1001W -bred 'n - v d 0, o1'rl t Ir 01) . lam boll, te- Atfi�rn Ykoua 16318, for sae vic0i out Lot 18 Con 10. Grey. )Phe hull ,ne bred by Rlobard Clark, 0 well Ia1o1Vn breeder endwise winner of Elam. Sire of Al ?'ed Ykemn is aleph, Bill Alfred,No 5585, and dant (lorelia Ykone of Shun, No, 15351. Terns, Mar) toe grades and 45.50 for 140) a 1,'x(114, 15tf 0. a. IINIGHT, Proprieto', The People's Column Ll GIBLE PROPERTY FOR SALE 014 TO sar1t ,rum,—Tho home recently %wonted by John H Kelm who moved Reentry, u vet to ry 1 (known offered o,, property, 'number ry sheet, is Tiered for sale or forte nut sold wl L•o tea eed, 3.100 i0 aeom0alt, 0hotel, good sta,,co and 1 nems of Iol'owith11dmtblerul,,rieu, into garden,.fsa Por further pa rtieuia re apply to W. 14 Kerr, of Tors Pow, who holds the ltay. It bra choice spot to live in and will be sold very y4;50005114. 27.1f or ARAI ) M(lt 5A 1,18.—The undersigned offers rso 611 line form 11 01 Clinton.ting of abulic 185 Dees adjltning the town of Cfor sale. lite farm is 1)n a good Onto of sultfvulfon, nodI11111 9. good buudinge bride house bank barn, driv- ing ilerme, pig pen, etc ,all compare 1 f v,iy new. A. Rrsr-eh,11 young nreberd contenting all kinds of Prune and 111.0 small fruits, ale furs is wellfencedand drained null is n very de. b'ahle home. For Arthur pm;ticll5, 5 apply an the premlece of address 21.1? JOHN'TO1tRANCE. Clinton, COR SALE OR TO 1ST—A gond dolnfart- abledwelling and two lots in Brussels. Terme e'ny A poly re 1P 1 teases Auction- eer, Ilrusarls,or roll. 8 (mole, Fe:dwirh. 0.88 CA1431 5'012 14.4 1,01, being South lin 111,04 20, (`on. 4. Morel.. town -hip. Huron Or., Pon - mining Il4rl unpins mure,n• 1144, O„ 1110 perm• 140" Iso frame 11,100,, honk barn, need "Pollard, well windmill, An Ail (derived except 4414001 an acre school 154 miles dintaul. Only 2)3 miles from Brussels ti neves of Mail w Leat to and about 0011erre aertlerl down Yin once, terms and 011101' 1)110.1)1,, Hon apply 01' the ,014,,,(008 or if writing Brns..015 P 0, 'Phone (26. Or P. S. Stott, Pommels. 114..2 A. 1,. li1121t, Proprietor. GOLLEGE AT HOME Thensnnd0 of ambitious young pro - pie are rust preparing In their ono hones to occupy lucent lye positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, tolegra• phere, civil servants, ht feet every sphere TI' netivit Urs, You may finish at (soilage if you so wish. Post ti:ona 4000• anteed, Enter college tiny day. Ind1- vidnal inatrartfcn. Expert trochees. Thirty years' experience. Largest trnlnero In Uuunda, Seven colleges. Special eonrs0 for teachers. Affiliated with Ounaueroial Edaoa• tor'sAssociation or Canada. Stormer School at famous Spotton Bttsivass col- lege, London, Wiugham Business College Gino. 6'roe'ros, W. T. Moana,. President. Principal. enssaseasgaccemmeasseemeamossmisesteemi issznassmessessmemesemisunlieliellenene RJP?��E Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless p-parentlyhopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Vt1hy wait until your Etfp- ture becomes strangulated' when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age .. Time 911(3 .. ,.. Slagle or Double Address .,. , . acct 4Pttfrn to Fyn ' If J. 8, Sl 6TH Se caibdonlct 8t, Dem 11 A Stratfo d, Orth. illiesoimessassaleistamml