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Dein ty Dishes
find's Nest Salad. -Cul; lettuce in
ribbons and marinate in Freneh
dressing, Arrange in a way to simu-
late a nest on individual salad
plates, Make "make believe" eggs
of cream cheese moulded over pe-
can centres. Put the eggs in the
nest and cover with French dress-
Spieed Apples. -Wipe and cure
soar apples. (If you haven't a cor-
er, use a knife carefully, so as to
leave the apple whole and with the
skin on). For 8 apples mix half cup
of any kind of sugar with a quarter
teaspoon cinnamon and a pinch of
allspice. Fill the holes in the ap-
ples with the mixture. Set in a
dish that has a little boiling water
in the bottom and bake in a quick
oven. Serve them hob or cold in
their own syrup.
Rolled Gingerbread --Two cups
molasses, one-half cup butter, one-
half cup other fat, two tablespoons
ginger, warmed together. When a
little more than blood -warm beat
hard for ten minutes. Adel two
teaspoons soda dissolved in a little
hot water, one cup of sour ani k
and enough flour to make a dough
that will roll. Turn out on a flour
board, roll, cut and bake in a good
oven. When hot, brush over with
the white of an egg.
Pett Soup -One cupful of one-half
can peas, one tablespoonful sugar,
one pint cold water, one pint milk,
one slice onion, two tablespoonfuls
butter, one and one-half teaspoon-
fuls salt, one-eighth teaspoonful
pepper. Drain liquid from peas
and rinse, addsugar and water and
boil slowly twenty minutes. )tub
through sieve, reheat and add flour,
butter and seasoning, cooked to-
gether. Scald milk with slice of
onion and strain; add milk to first
mixture and serve very hot with
Soup Stoek.-Four pounds meat.
and bone, one-fourth cup carrots,
one-fourth cup celery, salt, four
whites of eggs, one teaspoonful
sweet herbs, four quarts water, one
fourth cup onions, parsley, pepper,
one bay leaf. Cut the meat into
small pieces, crack the bone, soak
in the cold water for several hours,
place on the range and bring to a
boil, skim carefully and set back
where it will simmer for several
hours, add the vegetables when
'partly cooked, strain, cool and skint
off all the fat, add the whites and
shells of the eggs, set back on the
range and let boil slowly for fif-
teen minutes, and strain through
Chieken Jelly. -- Three pounds
chicken, a few peppeeeornb, two
quarts cold water, salt. Clean a
fowl that is about a year old. Out
the flesh and bone into small piec-
es; remove fat. Put in stewpan
with water and peppercorns, Bring
slowly to the boiling point; remove
scum; then cook for five or six
hours, keeping below the boiling
point. Strain through double thick-
ness of cheesecloth; season to taste
with salt, let stand until firm, re-
move fat, reheat and turn into
molds. In cooking the liquid
should be reduced to about two
maps. A spring of parsley; small
stalk of celery, and bay leaf give
additional flavor. Veal or beef
jelly is made in the same way, by
the substitution of these meats for
Oatmeal Bread. -Take three cups
of hot oatmeal`mush and mix with
it three tablespoonfuls of shorten-
ing, one level teapsoonful of salt
and one-fourth cup of molasses, Af-
ter the mixture is cooled to a luke-
warm temperature, adcl to it one
yeast cake which has bean softened
in one -Half cup of lukewarm water,
Next, work in to the dough, about
four cups of whole wheat flour', or
graham flour and four cups of wheat
dour, the amount depending on he
.i t
kind. Mix - this till r•atlte stiff and
knead it until the dough is elastic.
Lot it rise until double in bulk,
Then out it down and let it rise a
second time, When double in bulk
again, shape it into loaves. It will
make two large or three.medium-
sized loaves. Let the loaves rise
again, then bake them For fifty min-
utes or longer, depending on the
size. This gives a dark colored,
coarse-grained bread, which has
slightly: laxative properties,
Household ]Lints.'
Nutmegs will grate more satis-
faotorily if started from the bottom
Pickles and vinegar should be
kept in glass jare or bottles,. When
kept in glazed ware the vinegar
acts on the glaze and corms a poi-
Very excellent orange extract is
made by ,putting grated orange
peel into a bottle half full of pure
ellcoho1. Allow it to stand for three
weeks, then strain.
A palatable way to serve cold,
boiled potatoes is to put them
through tho sieve, Season them
Well with butter and salt; form into
cones and brown in the oven,
Breeze ovtatnertts when cleaned
should first have all, dust brushed
out, then apply a very Melo oil all
over the article. Polish with a soft
cluster and finally with a chamois.
Hulce in kid gloves can be eue-
cessfully mended by first button-
holing around the hole, then filling
in with buttonhole stiteh, Thia
should be done with thread watch-
ing the glove.
Hair brushes can be successfully
cleaned by putting ammonia in gold
water and dipping the brush in,
being careful not to allow the wend
to go into the water ; then rinse in
clear cold water.
The hair mattresses which are
filled with black hair are much bet.
ter than those filled with white hair,
because the latter has generally
been bleached and is deprived of
its springiness,
To clean a raincoat, it should bo
dipped in cold soft water, spread
on a table and scrubbed all over
with a largo nail brush and soap,
Then put it on a coat hanger and,
if possible, dry in the eperl air.
Jam that has become hard and
sugary can be made almost as good
as new by placing it in the oven un-
til the sugar molts, then taking it
out aid leaving it to cool,
1f, in preparing asparagus, the
tough ends of the stalks, instead of
being thrown away are stripped of
the hard outside skin, they will be
found when cooked to be as tender
and palatable as the rest.
In buying material for wash house
dresses, buy sufficient• to make
aprons of the same stuff, They leek
much neater and in better taste
than if made of some other pattexn
or color.
You will find in preparing a
grape fruit that the oeareo centre
is easily removed by taking a .pair
of scissors and clippingthe cords to
make a cup -like centro for the
A serviceable and inexpensive
cushion can bo made by folding an
old comforter into any size desired,
and covering it with flowered bro-
cade or white duck. These make
excellent cushions for porch swings
or lawn benches in summer,
In cooking a bird in the oven,
roast it in the usual way until nice-
ly browned; then tern ib back up-
ward and let it remain So until
clone. This pauses the gravy to run
into the breast, making it delicious-
ly soft and tender,
One of the best ways to have a
rich garden spot is to divide the
garden into two parts, keeping
chickens on one side, and reversing
them the next year. By this plan
the garden is kept fertile, and the
produce is nearly as great as when
the whole lot is used.
Oldest Su'iss Families Have 3Lost
Ancient (.Treece.
Tito English, the German and the
Norwegians are great consumers of
cheese, but the people el Seeker -
lane surpass them all. The dheeee
of Zermatt is so hard that one is
obliged to scrape it or cut off
chunks with a hatchet, and its use
is considered most important on all
ceremonious ooeasiions.
The ranJJ of a; Sevisli y,a'p,ijg 1.3
known by the age o fits cheese, and
the more affection or respect a
guesb inspires .the hauler is the
cheese which is cut in his honor.
It is said that there are families In
Switzerland -whose cheeses date
from the first French Revolution,
and these are served only at bap-
tisms; weddings and :after funerals,
The larder in. every family is guard-
ed with care, and the cheese is
Upon the birth .of a new heir a
cheese is made that takes the name
given him or her, and that particu-
lar cheese is never in any circum-
stanees out until the boy or girl
grows up and is married. On such
occasions each of the guests takes
a piece of cheese from the bride-
groom. Land from the bride. and
drinks to their felicity, the cheese
being held aloft,
Person .5c, t
A I.Who ie Thoroughly hly• nie -
liked by Everybody.
There are few more clasigerous
persons than the practical jolter. If
be world keep his joking within the
regions of the amusing, inventing
droll and comical . situations and
combinations, and even playing on
oddiliee of char actor, all might be
well. But he is u ua:1ly entirely un-
eblo to estimate men aa.ncl women;
indeed, he does not .care bo pilo O.
Their singularities strike him, but
he does not understand their oensi-
tivenese, he will nok recognize their
touchiness of temper, o• observe
the things thatcut them to the enre.
And so he, makes mischief by his
jokings that 1 often irreparable.
He creates bitterness, :.Ire spoils
Friendships, the produces misunder-
standings, he excites jealousies;
bits happily, the practical jolter in-
jures himself as, much abs he can in-
lure anyone else: for nobody ever
ta'nsbs him enough bo love ansi serve
14l`other (after relating pathetic.
story) --Now, Reggie, wouldn't you
like to give y"oar bonny to that poor
little boy you saw today who.
hasn't any father 1 Reggie (clutch-
ing rabbit) --Couldn't wo .give him
father insleacll
Some of the Things Rost Needed in
A very interesting summary of the
progress tna,do In highway improve.
merit throughout the Province dur-
ing the past year has just been is -
tined by Mr, W, A. McLean, Pro.
viucial .Engineer of Tlighwaye, in his
annual report, Among the thief
features of the work now being
done by the highway Department
aro, the extension of specific super-
vision over the county road systems
of the Province, the development of
closer eo-operation between the
Provincial OMoe and various muni-
cipalities in securing ,better road
conditions, and a gi•ester ixisistance
on the need of organization in con-
streetion and maintenance.
The.apread of the County Road
system candor the provisions of
Highway improvement Act origin-
ally passed in 1901, is e town by the
fact that at the end of the decade
eighteen counties had taken ad-
vantage of it. During 1911 the ex-
penditure ander this system was
$710,072. Roads were graded,
drained and metalled to the length
of two hundred and forty miles, and
one hundred and thirteen bridges
were built, many of these being of
the modern concrete type. The main
feature of the act on which this
work is carried en, is the provision
by which various county councils
may assume systems of leading
roads. The roads assumed are usu-
ally those which accommodate the
greater part of the market travel,
being located as far as possible so as
to serve the needs of through traf-
fic, The mileage within different
counties varies considerably, but
usually runs from 12 to 15 per cent.
of the total road mileage of the
llotr Roads are C'onetrueted.
Uncles• the present arrangement
the direction of the work is placed
in charge of a county engineer, or
capable superintendent employed
by the council. All roads, however,
are constructed in accordance with
the regulations of the Public Works
Department, The standard type of
roadway required by the Govern-
ment is graded to a width of 21 feet
between ditches, must be well
drained, and is surfaced with bro-
ken stone ur gravel in the centre to
a width of from 8 to 15 feet, and
consolidated by rolling. When
reads are assumed by a C'ounty
Council under this act, the township
ceases to have control over them,
and the County Council becomes
responsible for construction and
maintenance, The expense incur-
red by the county is mob by the is-
suing of debentures oz' by sums
raised from year to year in the an-
nual county rate.
The tendency in road construc-
tion noticed in some counties has
been to distribute'the county road
work each year in county sections,
rather than to take up one road and
build it from end to end, This is,
no doubt,• due in part to tho ambi-
tion of each councillor to have some
work done in the county he repre-
sents, or it may be that a desire is
Tell to -lei .an -sections u2 ;he country
see the class of work done on the
roads and, to receive some early
benefits. This tendency is usually
noticeable where there are numer-.
4)115 market centers, but in counties
such as 'Yell, with roads radiating
from Toronto, the practice has been
minimized. One of the worst fea-
tures of this patch work method of
working liar been the constant dis-
organization of the working crews,
It usually takes a month to build a
mile of read and' almost as long to
get the work going smoothly in the
first place. The interruption,
caused by moving the plant i5 con-
sequently a. great waste of time,
One of the greatest needs in the
Province to -day, according to. Mr,
Me.Lean, is the increase in the num-
ber of foremen experienced in mail
construction. The need of such
men is especially felt for the first
two or three years after the coune
hats established a road system.
"One, of the secrets of the good
roads of England and France is, ' he
says,"the he ]arge body of trained
:then who., tl5rong.t permanent em-
ployment on . roads, have become
proficient in their work. Road
building is chiefly a matter of labor
-teen, teams and machinery -and
for"ornen who can combine a knew -
ledge of roads with a capacity t0
direct. Suclt labor can only bo ob-
tained through the usual process of
Another Need hi the Province
is a recognition of the necessity fur
fulluwing the first work of oun-
struotiun with a well organized eye-
tem of maintenance, To be efficient
such a system must provide immedi-
ate repair of all of the holes in the
roads and depressions appearing in
the surfaces, Repairs should cpm-
mento as sown as the road is built,
A gaud system of maintenance int•
plies the dividing of tho mad into
suitable sections, to be constantly
under the caro of patrol men, Dura
ing the past few years the increase
in the cost of road construction has
been steadily vowing with the in-
crease in the cost of securing labor,
Lesson II-Jneob et Bethel, Gen.
214. 10.22. Golden text,
(leu, 28, 145.
Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, after
counseling her sun Jacob to doe
from the wrath of Esau to Laban,
his uncle, in distant Haran, pro -
coeds to enlist the co-operation of
biome in furthering her pians and
enabling Jacoh to make the journey
Ton years ago men were commonly in the guise of a suitor, rather than
employed in the townships for $1,951 as .an acknowledged from
• day and teams fur $3.60. The the just anger of a deeply wronged
brother, To accomplish her purpose
Rebekah resorts to deception and
by its practice succeeds in -withhold-
ing from her aged husband the real
reason for desiring that Jacob
shall proceed without delay upon
the long journey, Apparently also
she succeeds in keeping Esau from
suspecting her purpose,
Verses 5-9 inclusive record the
effect on Esau of Isaac's sending
Jacob into Padanaram to secure a
wife; for "Esau saw that the daugh-
ters of Canaan pleased not Isaac,
his father ; and Esau went unto Ish-
mael and took besides the wives
that he had, Mahalath, the daugh-
ter of Ishmael, Abraham's son. the
sister of Nebaioth, to be his wife,"
Verse 10. Beer-sheba--The nates
means literally "well of the oath,"
It was here that Abraham had en-
tered into covenant with Abimeleeh,
king of Gorar (Gen. 21, 31),
on a cash basis, instead of statute "Wherefore he called that place
labor, the money to be raised by a Beer-sheba; because there they
rate on the general township as- sware both of them.' A different
sessn.ent in the same way as other
township revenues,
2. Management to be placed un-
der one permanent mad foreman
fur the township, acting under the
direction of the council,
Of the 50,000 miles .:.f road in Old
Ontario the report makes the fol-
lowing classification: -
(9.) 1, Trunk roads, 5 per cent, or
2,500 miles, 2. County roads, 12
per cent, or 6,000 miles. 3. Main
township roads, 50 per cent, or 28,-
000 miles.
(b) Secondary township roads, 33
per eent. or 16,500 miles.
Of these the trunk roads are car-
rying an increasing amount of
throng]) interurban traffic, The naso or ladder set up on the earth,
county and leading market roads and the top of it reached to heaven.
are the big burden bearers, and to- 13. ,Above it -Or, beside hint, as
gether with the through roads the marginal reading of -the Re -
would carry it probably selected
and constructed about 80 per cent.
of the traffic of the Province. It is
along these highways, therefore,
that permanent road building will,
in all probability, be first under-
Of Governmental aid to mad con-
struction the 'report says: "Large
Governmental expenditure has been
successfully made and is necessary,
but the sources of income should be
considered,' In Ontario indirect
taxation up to the present is - the
price now commonly paid is $2,00 a
day for men and $8.00 for teams.
Ono available remedy for this in-
crease in cost has been found to lie
in the use of machinery to replace
teams and manual labor. Effieient
use of machinery, however, requires
that it be steadily employed, other-
wise the interest and depreciation
charges overbalance profit. To this
end the construction of main reacts
as now centralized in, county men-
eils is the most profitable method.
The equipment necessary includes
grading machines, stone -crushers,
wagon -trains for hauling gravel and
stone, and steam -rollers.
The Whole Secret of Success
in efficient and economic road build-
ing, however, lies in good organiz-
ation. To this end two recommen-
dations are made by the Chief En-
gineer's report.
1. The expenditure to be wholly
derivation, however, is suggested in
Gen. 26. 33: "We have found
water. . And he called it Shibah
therefore the name of the city is
Beer-sheba unto this day."
11. One of the stones of the place
-In the vicinity of Beitin, the site
of ancient Bethel, the ground is
covered by largo sheets of bare
stone, with here and there a rock
in upright position, while a little to
the southeast a hill rises to its top
in terraces of stone.
12.. Behold, a ladder -The physi-
cal features of the place, especially
the terraces of stone referred_ to in
the preceding note, seemeel in the
dream to constitute a huge stair-
vesed Version indicates.
14. As the dust of the earth -
Compare the sirnilar promises in
which the countless stars of heaven
(Gen. 16. 5; 22. 17; 26, 4) and the
sand (Gen. 22, 17; 32. 12) serve as
figures to describe the great num-
ber of descendants who are prom-
Thou shalt spread abroad --Heb,,
break forth.
To the west, and to the east, and
to the north, and to the south -In
the days of its greatest prosperity
only F p,•nvincial reven,,,, the united kingdom actually did
while direct taxation is aefelesyuee:', see extend as ja�' ,in €+vcmry dire0 l as
municipal corporations."
"The inducer sources of income
are restricted and the Provincial
revenues are fixed. Direct taxation
o n the other hand is .flexible and
responsive to the ability of the peo-
ple. With this responsive income it
appears advisable that municipali-
ties should draw upon it as fee as
their circumstances will permit; to
be supplemented rather than re-
placed by provincial expenditure."
The primary object reached by pre-
vincial expenditure is the creation
of an organization such as will
equitably distribute the cost of
main roads, en constructed and
maintained as to adequately meet
the needs of traffic, and in doing
this to step in itself and help bear
the burden when the situation de-
mands a better mad than that for
which the adjacent district is fitted
to pay.
Tho Dangerous Kiss.
He-Douo a think kissing is as.
dangerous. as the doctors say 1 -
She -Well, it has certainly- put
an cucl to a good many confirmed
bachelors, at any rate, •
The people who are wink to take
offence have no difficulty in finding
a plentiful supply. -
"N'oer, it's like this cloctor-ine and My hn4,tid softer from
onterntittnnt inlealeise Whiehove,r of no . gets to sleep first
koopethe other awake all night I"
these words of prophecy comet pus-
sibly be interpreted to indicate.
15. Bring thee again into this
land -The word "again" in old
English is constantly used where we
should say "back."
16. I knew it not -Apparently
Jacob had been accustomed to think
of Jehovah's presence as associated
especially with certain sacred places
at which his forefathers had dwelt
and worshipped. He seems to be
surprised to find Jehovah's pres-
ence in this strange and lonely
17.e. Dreadful -Literally; "to be
The house of God -The place of
Jehovah's own abode, and conse-
quently the gate of heaven.
18. For a pillar -;Literally, "a
standing stone," that is, a sacred
monolith such as in early Old Tes-
tament times constituted the dis-
tinguishing mark of a sacred place,
often standing beside an altar, In
Exod. 23. 24, and in 2 Kings 10. 25,
the "pillars" till,ars of the (.:anaanatcs are
ordered to be destroyed, and in
Deist. 16, 22 it is forbidden to erect
pillars by the altar irf ,Jehovah,
Pouted oil upon the top of it -
Thereby consecrating it and spiting
it apart sacredly as marking a place
of. worship.
19. Beth -el -Meaning, literally,
"the house of God," Tiie modern
stone there shall be erected at some
future time a permanent sanctuary
for the worship of Jeliuvele
I will surely give the tenth unto
the --the distinct command to set
aside a tenth as Jehovah's portion
is given in Lev. 27. 30-32°. in Gen.
14. 20, however, Abraham is refer-
red to as paying tlthcs (that is
tenths) unto Melchizedek, king of
Absence of 3linerel Salts Makes Its
Use. Dangerous,
Chernieally pure water is danger-
ous to drink, according to the de-
elaratiun of a number el French
navy surgeons, who have been mak-
ing careful iuveetigations. After
so much hue been said during the
last decade about the danger of
impure water, such a declaration
sounds almost preposterous, yet
the•' a French navy surgeons give
logical reasons why there is danger
in drinking chemically pure water,
To make water chemically pure, it
has eo be distilled, and the contin-
ued use of distilled water as a bev-
erage reduces the strength of the
physical organism, because, while
it is free from all germs, it contains
nothing but oxygen and hydrogen.
The mineral silts are left behind
during the procees of distillation,
and the mineral salts are really in-
"As long as life persists in the
body," these surgeons declare,
"the elimination of mineral salts
goes on. and this means the rapid
demineralization of the organism."
Demineralization, it is explained,
leaves one's system in such a state
that the natural tendency is to be -
Progress of the Great West Told
In a Few Polnted
Phree Chinamen were each fined
*20 .at Vancouver, for keeping an.
opium den.
The incorporation bill for Arm-
strong ltas paeeed and it has now
become re city,
A new post -office, the Kettle Val-
ley, has now been opened in the
Rock ('reek district.
The esswm,ill of the Thompson
River Lumber Company, has been
burned. The total loss is $30,000,
the insurance $7;000.
Sub -contracts for the grading of
the Lulu Island branch of the 0,
N. It, east of the big trestle a.t An-
naois slough ]cave been let,
A gang of workmen and ten car-
loads of material for the rebuilding
of the big C.P.R. bridge at Green-
wood, have arrived in that town,
Brakeman Daniel Mckenzie,
aged 23, of Vancouver, was killed
in a collision which occurred on the
(iP.R, at Harrison Mills Siding, -
Property owners at Merritt inter-
ested have clubbed together fur the
purpose of installing a bridge
across the Nicola on Garcia Street,
and work will start in a few days.
Work has been commenced on the
magnificent new traffic bridge which
come tubercular. It was found that is being built by the Provincial
there were numerous eases of tu-
berculosis among the young Bailors River just .at Athalmere.
in the Freneb navS• and this was An unknown burglar attempted
to rob the store of Fraser and
g Bishop at Cumberland, but was
prevented by Constables Bass and
Wetway at the ,cost of the leutter's
life. -
The Lord's Day Observance Act
came into the limelight at the last
meeting -of the New Westminster
Trades and Labor Council and, on
the whole, it was approved of.
The Hindus cif Vancouver have
sent to London, England, three
delegates, who will represent to the
British Government there the con-
ditions that govern their coming to
Nanaimo now boasts the largest
incubator in Canada. It has been
installed on five acre lots by
Messrs. E. B. Skinner and Blank -
house. Its capacity is ten thousand
As was the case during the early
part of last year, the steamer Prin-
cess Royal, of the C.P.R. coastal
fleet, will this season maintain the
regular service to Granby Bay,
Prince Rupert and way points.
Pelee Creek dredging is to be
started se soon as passible by the
An effort is being made to provide Pacific Dredging Company, of Co -
further proof of the dangers of quitlam, which recently seeurocl the
ehemicahy pure water as m.ai.ntain- eentraet for removing a couple o1
ed by the surgeons of the French million yardF. of dirba d, rock.
navy by means of experiments on f'-' average of etween 'booms•
animals, and thirty ears, each 1-naclail ,,s_h
after long investigation by the sur -
eons of the navy,attributed to the
demineralization of the water.
The distilled water was used in
the belief that it was best for the
sailers, and the naval authorities
were anxious to make every condi-
tion as healthy as possible. Just
now the surgeons are studying the
best means of treating the distilled
water used aboard the ships -with
mineral matter. Of course, pure •
water is wanted, but as conclitiens
are now. it is held that ordinary
drinking water would be even bet-
ter than the chemically .pure., if the
latter was respousihle for the in-
crease of tuberculosis in thenavy.
Few people continually drink
chemically pure water, and for this
reason the dangers could not well
bo learned until this discovery was
made. There are a number of ways
in which the germs in water may be
eliminated and at the .same time the
mineral salts left in the fluid.
tilled water is scarcely palatable at
the best, as it is these very nece.s-
sary mineral salts that make it
really palatable.
:N !Wet' Ani* na
tone OZ Steel, aye
in Itamloops daily for the C.N.R.
main line, .and the total consign,.
ment for the eity is valued a•t about
$800,000. - - l
Siili;;ing 1,056 tons of low grade
copper ore to the British Columbia
Copper Company's . smelter at
Greenwood, the famous old Queen
Victoria mine near Nelson last
week broke all records for produc-
i.tion during a similar period.
The current issue of The British
, Columbia Gazette contains the
cial proclamation of the incorpora-
tion of the new cities cif Port Co-
quitlam and Port Moody, arrange-
ments for the elections of Mayors
and Councils being consummated.
The Solicitor --"But supp , use af•
ter we begin this snit for breach of
promise, the defendant offers to
marry yowl"
Fair Client -"Oh, I don't think
ho will ; he has never shown any
inclination that way."
Was Ill -Prophet to Romano.
The Romans appear to have had
Beitin is a small village with ruins most determined views on eeeee and
of early Christian and crusaders'- their significance. -Julius Obse-
buildings, about twelve miles north eons in his "Book of Prodigies,"
shows that a little befetrn the death
of Commodes Antonius, the emper-
or, an ow.l was observed to sit upon
the top of his chamber, both at
Rome and at L antivitim Xiphalins,
city but later the 'fame of the . epeazking of the prodigies that went
sanctuary ted to t
crag bloat rite owl. sang upon the top of
known by file same Hama. Finally the Curia.
of Jerusalem and a little east, of the
main highway leading from Jerusa-
lem northward to Sheehan),
The city was Luz at the first, -
Apparently the sacred place
"Bethel" was outsido the ancient
he city
1 b before the death of Augustus, says
Bothbl completely superseded Luz,
20. Vowed a vow --As was common
among ancient Oriental peoples,
this vow consisted of a solemn prom -
Ohl Thorpe Clrrtreh a Treasure.
iso to rendes' to God some service Thorpe 'church is one of t!.ie rarest
in the event of a particular been and most unspoiled treasures of
asked for being granted, England. The tower was built in
21, 22 And Jehovah will be my. 1110. rhe porch was added in the
God, then this stone -Or, "then nett century, Bath tower and
shall Jehovah be my God and this perch stand today practically un.
stone," .etc, is ached and unaltered tam. what
's house-- tit in an 1;bey' were in those far -away tinx�ea,
Shall be Clod lJ' c , , i y
Tho , chaneeJ was repaired hilt
idolatrous sense, bttfl moaning p 1
pimply that in the plate of the ;'ear's ago.
Jap Vendors of Cheerful Insects
Do Thriving, Business.
Sslling eriekets is a lucrative
r the in -
into where business
Ja, wh
sects are valued for their songs and
kept in cages like canary birds.
Tokio there- are two wholesale
agents who seircl their agents -into
the streets of the large cities. - Tho
insects are oarric-.d in little bamboo
cages. A good seller 'clears approx-
imately from 80 cents to a dollar- a
day. An insect valued for its mu-
sic brings from two to seven cents.
The Kusa hibari is the most valu-
able of all the songsters, but the
Common cricket and the grasshop••
per are oonsicierecl excellent sing -
The singers ,are collected from the
fields in September, before laying
tune. Theyaretaicen from the
grass and shut up in glass jars.
Soon after. they .are imprisoned the
females lay their eggs and die al-
most, immediately afterward. The
male is the singer ; he only is an
ebje' t of commerce, - and from 100
eggs theeultivator, despite all his
tare, has only 60 salable insects.
The lot of the locust is a martyr' -
dont from birth to death. The to--
cust is the toy of file Japanese
Child; he is caught on heathen twigs
rttbbed with ar, gluey substance and. -
tormented .according to the ignor-
ance or the cruelty of his keeper,
The lila of the ,singing insect never
oxecods a born of AVE) weeirth