HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-10, Page 1VOL,. 41 NO, 41 111 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL, l0 1913 Now Advertisements Per _ 1 nxla —Ftii Hmifh,� L. aNs-E. 0. Plum 8. ser roll -Jae Cox Reit round—Talo Poem thirdwere—Jac. Kreuter. Ramis to rent -8. f4 Nanta Po.turogo—M. n. Madden. Yo taLo 0 lafia-, d .IIorttShoss_E rP0,A .lor-nldehyel m. R. Smith. E us for ultetIinAddleGreaten m inmost. Greatest vninl' T O. RI"hnrdx, 13ookkoepink—show Cor Rebook a' zsz .`deb s W roxete r The many friends of Donald Fisher are pleased to see hint out again after a lengthy illness, Mr. Lee, a student of Huron College, London, preached in the Episcopal, church nn Sunday afternoon, Mts. Robert Moffatt itnd daughter, Fanny, have returned from Wingham where they spent the Winter, James Gillespie, who has been spending a few months in this vicini- ty, left on Tuesday for his home at Paswegin, Seek. Edwin and Nelson Willis and Wm. Cornwall left on Tuesday afternoon' to join a C. P. R. bridge gang with whom they will be employed tate Summer. Lawrence Henry, of Winnipeg, and Himmel Henry, of Port Perry, who c, heti been (u tit eudh t t the fu t n al of the late 1looeri Evans, of Peeawater, Balt ed on friends in the village this week. Beigrave The FlH• a iu bit d t n baro t 8t t con., 1 rr East I t SVa e a *vrauosh, was totally ;woofed bythe big wind scorns of Good Fri- day. } Attel an enforced holiday of 18 years I brongh Illness 'Miss Belle Scott, of East VV'awanosh, was able to drive to liolgrave'swesty and took a look through the Presbyterian church, Foresters' hall, etc. She is real smart and the outlook is very hopH- ful for complete restoeatioh. It is little less than a miracle and het many friends are delighted at her (nprovement. A former Methodist pastor's wife, in the person of Mrs. J. A. Shaw, who is now stationed on the Siloam circuit, near 1)nndon, was recently presented by a Life nretnbership certificate, handsome plateau and fern dish by the Women's Mission. ary Society a choice pendant by the wemhH,:y of the Mission Oirele for splendid service reudeted during t he p tet 4 years. An appropriate reply was trade by the recipient. hers. Shaw was the President of the Women's Missionary Society. The enemy old friends' here of Mee. Shaw rt 11 14114 yarr•::li b rt sail HERE'S a dis- tinct individ- uality about The Hartt Shoe that im- presses men favor- ably. In style, fit, workmanship and wearing qualities it easily ranks first. THE HART BOOT & SHOE CO., u.lt.d Brtderiet... N.a. as BConada 414rr( Sh..moksrc•' 1; �' jiiiii`•li��sl ilii oI!liiill}li:n GiAe ART iPQ oe ti Sold only by—oIr- i E. C. DUNFORD Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, Brussels IVO 444-++44++++++4-1444+4,44+++++++. ++++ ..;i. 4• t. Belrnonte 4. ORE than ordinary interest has been shown by the M throngs who visited nor- Show Room on , • Ope ling 4. days, many. . aliurlrii Y , y g, anurnents were made of the becouliugness ut)dsumtrtuess Of the new styles, The choosingof a hat easy to decide y e with such a wealth of suggestions ready for vola. seeing, Quaint little boat shaped toques, artistic creations in soft .3r,, tagel stasis, chic little productions with satin or tnaline 4.* crowns, l'1'? a ,P (ss cl shapes in e,,dless vttriatyl 'both largo and + smell, 1 _ + Pretty hats for git Is in broad brine styles 0l' Mnsbroom 4, &tete.'Modelsfo•children of four and over in smart little poke and bell shapes. + 4 E. I rvmAN Apprentices Wanted -Best instruction given. •P •P •t'3•44'i!+rII'•h'Q'rF.'i••i••F-F,F•Fsr•P•1'++'P'P•F,:••F•F•F'1•'FrII"fF'F,P•F+Pe,1••4'•PF'P•dr•P'4»F'P•F't'd!'i' 1 will be glad to know that she is still witteing her way es of old, Wounses JNsTIIPUTa.-- Next Tues. day the regular meeting or lielgr(tve S4'ometee ltivtitute will be held at the home of 4Ls. Rerbert Wheeler, (11 2.30 n'elock, "Advau Lagos of Country I tf e„Will be, rhoP n II l r P re. r • eg nllllf) 1g In Rall Call trnmbars ere naked to supplyp PPF a gond recipe or stole [tome b entfiten t he da(,tec! r)on* Kroweua i118titute4ill1111bel:s and others cordially invited. Oranbrook hlirhaHl Iiututey's hurt), blast here wet*4 unroofed by the recent wii stet n and Dmilel McNeil, 14t11 tot Grey, lost part of the roof off It baro. BOUO)3T THE PARIS.— Tuesday 1115 week lViIIiam Locking, 12 00(1, poeeltnaed the 13ulfollr 131 no Parol, Loi 18, Con. 11, paying t1 5)11(1 o1' (115.501 therefor. Mr, Lockin will get poseeision at 0000. A aUctiou sale of Farts stock, imp! (nests, rte., will be held nn this Alae Wednesday afternoon of next wee at 1 p: t)1.. with F. S. Scott, Brussel as Anrti,un•er. Sale will be witho reserve. List may be read in TIJ PosT. :lie. Balfour may taken trip t the West. Patin !8 n good one am Mr. Loek lig should do wt'll with it. Toa ()THEE BIDE.—Au explat)atio is due to the public ' nunaernio a tete in THE POST of March .7th At the request of several melnbere n Knox church, whose ,lames 1.9(11 lave been signed only for the pie ailing 8101107 weather, 11 y wif rote to Rev. ,Mr, Bell, of Moles voieli to come over to prabr•no o try and straighten tint scoters Ir he church. Finally a Ctlnhn(isslnl net to hold an investigation end 1 vas the biggest ellaln ilnttgivable Witnesses were asked to appear be vete not Balled to testify, They tool o evidence, just listened to cob rlulietory statements and goasii nd although appealed to revere i(nes to take testimony on oath hey refused to do so. (1IUIi the,; ended nut. their decisions in mean ase ''Tha• the charge Is not 900 allied ” From tire very start of thea haat) inVesiigatio,l ii Wes guile ap- a,'ent L005,'11 a (Helen et•e(tl ell person tat they \were going to Blear those 1de1•1 regardless of ertith or church no. The tlrot ehargc against them a8 t'nr 1101 calling 41 congregational tenting en (11,10005 til+ call to Al nutty f our former pasti.r. They tiled in very way to make nut that, we had a. ugtegdlioial meeting for that pur- ose, some of the ministers going so r as to strain the truth to .dn so it finally failing (9 rt)1•) y their point ey saiditwas quite regnlnt• not to aye nn0, although the church law a s:rye. must have one in tell matters 4.eetiog tine eongregati"n. Rev. 4. Ferguson, the day he read the let, tolls two of the Elders and ie of the Board of Managers, that it as customary to hold a co igrega- (mal meeting. Now how do you candle those two statements "It i8 st.onlery to have one mid quite gator not to have one ?" but the urge was 'not sustained; The coed charge was that the Annual eet.iog was not properly conducted. !ere were no reports given except ooi the Auditors' end the.. Board of attegers. The presiding Elder, to wee uhail•(nan, refused to allow hermits 60 vola and wheo a 01014/11 to made and seconded that ad - seas be allowed to vote he would t put the question. He declared a 'tuna elected Pl easlit•er 011 14 of Ill 1„ is of tit re to 11 n e- e 8, tit E ud• • f d e k ( ) V A v tv t tv t1 a h c ) 41 E It w u 0 s co p fa b( th sti hl ed 01 w ti re eu 1•e ah ae Tl fr M w1 ad Iva be no w( ....,, ..,,,,,..,...m._.,....,............„.. 4 Ooakkeepio g ii •hort hand 1 Typewriting m Pen a 0000 n shi Commercial and all other Cu -aeron alCo Courses Taught i•lght.'tit Witte Houle. in Sprue Hours. Our• courses are the best and nue instruc• tors the ablest in Canada.. WE GUARANTEE OUR COURSES WV1( PLACE AL1, OUR ORA DUA7'I)4. S TaltB'yoir course with 'its, Hall the.con.' t)1' p ( TO -DAY. Y. uc ee S Shaw Correspondence School 393 Yonge 1I.,, Toilette, Can. Please explain (without 'oldish on (81port l howIcan seceos,PulIyqualify for the potation or Profession nlftlor. 'Hood Cleartored Auditor A000nn(bnt Btivhlr(ee %outgo.. Offoe Correopnndonr Bookkeeper Stenographer Penman oma d oroiai Ad-wrlthrr pedal fat Muse Address Iltllvtrator DE...tut(or Art sreelali t Teacher' or Art Story writer: Journalist IQ5wopanor Photb rsspphertbr Show -Card writer 0,000., ,,.• miuo•tty vote 00111 with the oh. f.,q..l,.t„1,+,•fi•,bfi,+3„t•�,l,J,fi393,i,t^ih+F$•I• petite' of the uuuutgets elld 1 hitt 1110 $. Piaci I•+ 1 Ulla u b old h ) ll '' 4 i m f the' O t 1 num. • i )Il bet', lo the face of all this the 4e• P � R W ei' U .Hat �� 1 1 Wilr6 the chat 1• � � nn �P zt r is I,ut stns• .H �tl wined," 3rd r.! a • g � � • 1 tea was t710G the +fie preaitlhlgElder dt/i nuts}.leak thSuitio2s+ h P (t it n II n- Ae ,e as t•- i 1- a t le 0 is Y 1 CI 1 k 1rutl at the auuuu 1 utt til ( ig s fact will m, - 1 h t allow 1 will Jo mention nue Ingtanul He was uqk.. wh • this l:lu rc at on tl 3 (, g i t meeting WI not held. He stated that we had congregational meeting and that was called. As the Oornmissio found that 11(1 each congregation, sleeting was held, eve) yb, fy wo dere why and no nue underst)u, how "the 'Marge was not enstaitied 4th charge was soothe(• Eider can to sur home) house, knowing I w absent and &tensed my wife of pe shading a neighbor woman to stn away from church and stated pos Lively that he had proofs. He el gaited of the woman and found they was no truth in his statements (41) at the investigation he twisted it a round that he only said he though he could furnish proofs. When 1 was eoutradieted I again appealed t place both witnesses on oath but th. was again refused and in some wit or other "the charge was not sustain ed." Is there any cou't of. justice h the Laud will uphold these decide is Are these Elders so simple miode as to imagine that this mockery of t)1 investigation cleared their) in th eyes of the congregation ? Th Ignorant and credulous may thin that it has and stay with thea) but nothing will clear them in the eyes of the intelligent portion of the con gregatton and the large percentage of empty pews every Sabbath (ley bears silent testimony against them. JOAN MCNADB. Craobl•ook, April 2, 1918. Walton Repairs to a number of thedamaged buildings by the wind storm ate being made its quickly its 11) ttetial toil men are available. George and Mrs. Ferguson, of Tor- onto, were here for a few days visit- ing at Robert Fergeson's• We are glad to hear that Miss eland Fergu- son 15 making favorable progress•aatl limy leave the hospital by the end of this week. DEATH OF ROBERT MELLI8.— Mon - da), of last week Robert tllellis, formerly of Kipprn, passed away at t he residence of his son-in-law, Rev, A. *1cKibbol, !n London, at the a.ge Uf 83. He wits nue of the pioneers M. H111011 eonu4y, resiling at Hippel., whHre hr: WIl8 enraged in business for about 46 years, inuring which time he served es postmaster. For over half it century he was a member of the Methodist chetah. He was in 0- de/eased by ttvn 50118 some years ago and by his wife, June Smith i11H111s. who died in London about a your 111111 tt half ago. (ince elates, ill vs. Pd wand Onsford, of Elora, survives !1)171 ; also (our daughters, Mrq. $emirs Ivisnu, Kinpeu ; etre. (Rev.) A. 1!c'1 ihhnn, London ; Mrs. J. Balfour, Regio. and Mt N. (Rev.) \Vm. Gould. of FO 1.1011$11 Japan. Rev, Mr. McKibbnit is 41 Walton old boy who is well remem- bered by many in this locality. Ethel' Sal.arnz Mn))dayy a czar of potae- tuea twillday be alit Ethel G. T. R. anti will be offered for sale by Jno, Richmond. See advt. in this issue. Wm. Milne, of North Bay, was re- newing old acquaintances here a short filum ego. He Inas prospered in the Not thland'we are pleased to hear A good share of last Monday's Council sleeting was taken up in .dis- misaion of drain By-laws, three of which were read and peovllionally adopted. Sabbath afternoon last Rev. Mr. Meoullnoh, the new Presbyterian minister, pee(tehed his fleet sermon here. Kis subject (vas "The cluing of Waltman, the leper," from whish a nurnber of profit"able lessons were pointed Ont. WOMEN'S INBTITDTE,—The vegetal. -trim of WometesInstitute will be11Hr ilutrte C homeo f Mrs. wort Dd h on Thursday, April 17111, at 231 p. rt). Subject, "Systematic Honse.krepine," led. by Mrs. C. Cleaver and Mee, R. Dilworth. These mil t also , • t< ) s he 11f• al I nh t e anew •re 1 ( d 1 to 1 tat' is • io t fist n ' Y q u tit favorite +unities, Remember the don- ations to the Hospital Fund. At the bast meeting of the 01nadiau) Clube th Guv .et • It L nit •h was defeated feaLed and the Leader of the Opposition, S. Campbell, tv148 called upon to form a nve11 g one, tt. . Next meeting will be held Friday c I i(,14y evening, May loth, when Prof. Zavitz, of Gnelph, will address the Ciub on an Agricultural topic. As lie is h foremast )actin ill this lice he should be heard by a large audi- ence. In the short story told last week concerning the past 108601y of the Pres iYte nun cion ch here no attempt was amide to individualize yet here i8 no doubt special reference should have been male of the late Wm. Spence, who for lon ear8 labo most industriously milds successfully in the various departments it) the !,N Wrest, of the congregation. 13is name and work are even' -green in the memory of those who It nety him and the earnestness of his efforts. This is tt tribute dice the late Mr. Spellee TNVJTED Fou THE FOURTH YEAR.— The following from a Chatluuu paper refet•e to a well-known fotnier 41(•111,,. diet pastor whole friends ate glad to notice this mark of eppeechtt,(n of his work t "The' quarterly official boatel aPit V .toric avenueMethodist c thodist church met, last ,evehln and invited 4. Are attracting much at- .t. .t. tention these days. 4. $` ▪ New designs are t(1 t. .N We have them to rations4. + shades such as Tau., Slues, ,}. ,q Grays, &o. •P These are worn by the Best .j. Dressed Metl. Suits made: by us ,y, are distinctive and 00(14.ct and .P 1. bound to give satisfaction. .I. (101ne ie and let us shote ynu. ,P 001' prices are moderate con- sidering the quality of material .I, and workmanship. • '1' + Gond trimmings one of the •0 4. A few Ready-to-wear Over- coats at a Bargain. * featates of our Llade, * W. P. Fraser � Merchant Tailor ++4+4.4.4-1-%' 4-1-1+++++++++ between pastor and congregation and also shows that the Victoria avenue church people are highly pleased with 111e ltlillistt•y among there,. Mr. Armstrong thankfully accepted the invitation told will now speed another year in Chatham•" Leadbury Miss G. Storey has gone to spend the Summer itt Hullett at 1', Mo- * 1 Mall's, l tin's, Saturday last. John Belittle delivered a fine horse to J. Sparrow for which he received the handsome sum of *861. W. Mrs. .UcNichol, who has been quite iii for some time, is improving slowly but is still confined to bed. We wish het a speedy recovery, tt'cdoestlay, April 2nd, Walter Davidson wag Il)>Ii(ied to Miss Agnes Telfer, of Grey township. The Lead - limo. petiole extent! congratulations 11111 w4elcomt' illes. Davidson to their midst. John J. WcGavin has again come to the front at the Spring Shote in Seaforth, held on April 1st, taking lot prize, for his year old colt in a huge class of coils that have taken prizes tit Toronto and London Fall hilus and Guelph Winter Fair. This colt was shred by Mr. TcGavin's well known stallion "Lrntdnn's Favourite." Morris Township Onuncil met last Monday, Thos. McMillan, of Hullett, [vas cal- ling of relatives in Morris this week. So roue!) rain has kept the roads very bad but they will soon iwpl•nve now. Jas. Bowman, M. P„ was hove this week for few clays from Ot- tawa. David Walker, of Regina, washere on a short visit to the parental home. This is a buaillees trip. D. G. Smith, agent for Old Oountry faint bele, was at Toronto last week sleeting a company destined for this local i l y, This week Ed. Ward held an auc- tion sale and purpnses removing to New Ontario taut for the Summer, if longer. , act 1t is said Morris will supply the bride for a no -distant matrimonial alliance. Dont ask THE POST who it 1s as we wont tell just yet. The roof was blown off Alex. Cloak- ey's tend Jas. Grasby's barns • wetal- 1! c shingles from las. Clark's barn roof and Robt.d You ' t , e hoc g bowie got a . n 'iblff We 1Ferry m e to state that Mrs. S. Walker, 0111 line has not been hav- ing Very gond health of late but her teat[ friends hope e ho s will 1 soon be fully Hs tired. ed. Oi1i the 811) line, Gnod Friday's wind stone made bad work. James Smith had part hie a,nroof blown Off. At David Lu,idk4w's one side wag tak- etl totally off and the other side above the pl(rllne. John Mciluay lead a space 28 feel i ofro roof cleared orf. Roof split at ridge and lapped for 28 feet. At \Vth. Skelton's about 60 feet were cleared, taftors, sheeting, and 'shingles. About 75 blushes of siting. les will be t'equired to put George Jackson's barn root in shape. The 8nd of Thos. Bolger's straw shed was chummed and on W, 13,, Maunders' hum n) aa�oes •the concession limo Ilse storm took East side of rent olid seri- misty damaged both silo and wind- tsill. 1t will take C k many hundred dollars to stake gond. the losses in this town8hl!). LATE elite. RICA&RI) PRATT,—Theta died. very suddenly at the home of herdanglttee!n hticknow ore 'Tuesday of lets¢ week Mavis, Corbett, relict of the late Richard P1•110, Deceased lied been in her usual health and was about the house until within a couple of hours of her demise, wile( she complained' of a suffocating sensation lied lay do*vnne the bets and expired shortly afterwards. The late Mrs. nett [vas horn hi 13itncoe County in the yea, 1835 and where sixteen years later she WAS married to Richard the pastor, Bev. E, lag'. Ar'tnstrnng, Pettit wan lived on the adjacent lot back for a fottrtl, year air ae increase to that, of her father. Here she ro- of 8200 a year whtry, The board also mauled lentil the death of her linehand t advanced his s/t1)lry for the present 1t) Jnr ' 1904, since then she has been year $100. The genelnsity time malting leer home with. her son, h manifested by the quarterly honed ltiehatel, of the 13111 of Willett matt s etroegly attests the happy relatioes her daughter in Ltteknow. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church and for many years took an interest in the work of the church at Jackson's appointment, She leaves a family of two buys and two girls to mourn her loss, namely ;—(leorge, of Manitoba Richard, c}lard 18t 1 1 ! lin le t t Mra, Julie ht1C Carter, ter Luckmvw mutt Mise Les Maria, the 1 t b tlxr• whow , a as with e w her mother in Luckuow at the time of Icer death. The remains were btought to Myth for burial an Friday morn- ing the funeral taking place flout the r•eeidettco of Mrs. Otitis, King street, In the afternoon, iutetlnent being made in the Uniolt cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all their old ueigghbots and Weeds in this section }n their beteavelnent. Jamestown John putt, of Gnderich, was here last week ou a business trip, They are liking their new home. George McDonald, North Boundary, bus made about .160 gallons of Maple syrup this season. He has a good bush. Miss Moses was supplying the place of Miss McLelland, of Ethel, at the Ramsay school, 14 miles West of Jamestown. The One paper tread by Miss Jessie Strachan to the Women's Iustitute on "The latest it( the home" will ap- pear in next issue. Mts. Thus. McEwen, was in Dur- ham last week attending the martiage Uf her James, of Guderich, to Miss Cassie Barton, of Toronto. We are sorry to hear that Elijah Jacklin, an old resident of the 2nd con., of Gley, is on the sick list but we hope he will soon be fully restored. The young ladies of• Jamestown were entertained at the huwe of Thos. Smith and presented Miss Jean Burke with a "Bridal Shower," odor pp to her tuarriuge to a Mr. McLeod, of Ripley locality. Her many friends wish her a ban voyage over the matrimonial sew alATRI]UONIAt.— Wednesday even- ing of last week was the scene of a !pretty wedding at 5 p. u)., when Rev. D. Wren, 51. A., tied the mauimouial bow between Norman McLeod, a prosperous young farther, of Ripley and Miss Eliza J., eldest daughter of S. and Mrs. Burke, at the• parental horse. East of Jonestown. As the wedding march was played by Miss Maury Smith, the principals took their places under an evergreen arch in the parlor for the ceremony, the bride be- ing given away by her father, which was witnessed by the immediate rela- tives of the ronu•aoting parties. They were unattended. The bride wore a becoming costume of nays blue lady's cloth with white net waist over white silk, After congratulations the com- pany sat down to a spread of good things p(aparerl in the best style of the hostess. The wedding gifts were umnerous, useful and valuable, in- cluding e4sutn of money. Mr. and Mts. McLeod left for Ripley on Thursday, a reception being held at the groom's parental home Friday evening when about 150 guests assem- bled. The young couple will reside on the grantul'S farm, 8th eot'x, Moron township, near Ripley. BI•ike's going away dress was old rose silk. We ex. tend hearty congratulations and hope that the future has many bright and prosperous days in store fur them in their voyage over life's sea. Grey Send nett Pose, the news. Its al- ways welcome, Telephone Nos. are 31 and 32. Chas. Draper, who went to England last December to visit relatives and friends, is back from an enjoyable stay. e H isemployed in i 15111 cnu. P sett tt Jno. Ewau's It is said Messrs. Somers and Tyer- man have leased the Mitchell farm, 11th Cott., For this frau. The former hos been the tenant since R. Mitchell went West. Further drainage plans will be car- ried out in Grey township this year, some of the By-laws being provislonal- 1 adopted at the e r Y Council P meeting last Monday. Prices wet with quite a swim at Hartwell Speiran's auction sale Tues- day after naon. Mr. Y b eh an will like- ly s)e dl cloning n the c tllu Y t Sum i tiler in the g West where he has been on former rasions, Aimee M c cattle underwent Q t n el wen t an- ). (thee operation on Buuda Y but the last reports are that be is improving, He has put up a good fight and we hope will 11 soon v t in out t t and ibe able toget home. one At the Township Council meeting last Monday the erection of the two cement abutments for the nets Clark bridge ah the 17th COIL, wail let to John McNabb, of Cranbrook, at $4.76 per cubic yard. A 40 foot iron bridge will be put on. TUE NAMES WERE MIXER.—In the item concerningr the Parr—Riley marriage last week there was a ser'ioue blunder viz that Levi Parr was re. ported ae the bridegroom egroom when it should have read Milton Parr. The mistake trade no difference to persons not acquainted with the interested parties but to those - who were it Wall the caner of some sport and possible annoyance. No damage was clone' IVP. !lope and THE P08T (11001laes to be good aid never get names lifted up again. • Next Tuesday James seen Miss Bella Botz, well known residents of the lith coil, expect to leave for Portatge- la-Prairie, alias., one of the points they will visit !n , Untie trip to the West. Mr. Betz fat- has (vett leased by Jaines Dickson for t4. year, This lace p mal taken alt by ince late Philip Botz neat ly 00 yeas s ago'and his will be the first time x1(31)1 ,13 outside of a member of the f))((((ly 1 as worked it,, Paton is neatly 4,11 ceded down. We irisin Mr. and 11h.s Baty an enjoyable stay in the \l est. 1 W. ,H. Is:ERR, .Proptheor They both deserve a holiday evenn if • they will he missed hem the old horse. Umz XIV (flY)cLPI3 11013PITAL. --. On Friday, ,\larch 2S1.11, Fruoois Ouates, well known remittent of Dims, town - step, Med Guelph hospital ttot where n t e had w,tl l use wt) operation, u t , Wes l/ 4 t. fSt a t o t3 Ir a ut his age, Se- nates li r g, mates 1 Ma 55 1u who was Moot Mary J. A,•nU l Ut \t, ^ t t , ult'la township, carte are left to mouth hitt loos c—I sou, Ed- ward, of iflzn , and 6 daughters, 1(1rs. Alex, Campbell, of hlonktou ; Mre. Juilu Aimee -joint, of Wilkie, Sask. ; z%ire. Gaol gr hJuwp, 13attlefnld, Sask.; Sara. Richard. Juit ietuu, Ehue ; and 151 tam Frames, et home. The funeral Look place Monday, March Bleb, to "Fairview" cemetery, Listowel, and was attended by quite a zuwber from this locality. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved, MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCES DAVI D sON—TELFElt On'*Vedmesday eveuiug, Aptil2nd, a very pretty wedding was solemnized SA the home of Wm. and alts. Telfer, 10th cut i. liras township, when chant daughter, Mlles Aggle, wa, united In marriage with Walter Davideou, of uKtliup, frt clic presence of about 30 guests, the near relatives of the two fuwtltes and the members of the Pres. byteriau choir of Date church, Wel- tum, of which the bride has been a west faithful and efficient member. '1'he bride wore a beautiful gown of white voile and named a large boquet of white carnations. Rev. 2. A, Lun- dy, of tlalum, performed the mar• Liege cereulu0y. Daring the reeep- tiu .and eignwg of the registerta quartette from the choir sang "The Voice that Breathed o'er Eden," The wedding dialer was served in ex,iel- lent style ot the spacious dining room, after which speeches and toasts were participated .in. Among . the mutter us gifts w the bride told groom testifying to the high eatuent in which they are held, was a beautiful silver 10a service presented by the choir of .Duff's cbu4vll, Waltuu. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will reside in McKillop and have the heat ty hood wishes of a wide circle of telativea and friends for a vet y happy awl prosperous life. COLLIES—AIItEN8 A pretty wedding took place at the Moue of Janes atm Mrs. Aikens on tV eduesctay March 12th, at 4 o'clock, whet) their daughter, lldyth. Ellen, was united in marriage to Wm. Outline, of Logttu. Rev. Dr. McRae, pastor of Kuux Church, Mitchell, assisted by Rev. Mr. cousins, pastor of Zwn Methodist church, performed the ceremony. The bride entered the parlor leauitlg un the arm of her father, Co the strains of the Wedding March' played by Miss Annie Collins, coustu u1 the groom. Bride *5118 as- sisted by 8ii5s Little Collins, sister of the groom, while Ervine Aikens, brother of the bride, supported the groom. Viola Morrison, of Mc- Killop, wade a chat ming little Sower girl, carrying a basket of white carnations in which the. ring was concealed. The bride looked very attractive iii et gown of cream eolieune cal ryiug a boquet of cream American Beauty ruses. After congratulations the guests assembled to the dining room where a dainty lucent awaitett them. Toasts were proposed to the bride by Rev. Mf. McRae and re- sponded to by Rev. Mr. Cousins. The evenlug was spent in music and thumb's when several One eolo8 were teudered by Dl. MtShall, of Dublin. The guests, to the number of 160, in- cluded relatives from Clinton; Walton, Stratford, Listowel. Staffs, McKillop 111 and other points. P t The P young /:Duple will reside on the groom's farm near Willowgrove, Loan, Their litany friends join in within them m along, prosperous and happy wedded life. hicEwEN—Baaro.X 'rinit 1 church, Durhat Y , ) was the cue 1' a e t# pretty L wedding t P Ya high luno on V g Wednesday, t April ' Lod Y. P when he marriage was solemnized of Miss alhatrit)e 1) Barton, of Toronto, to tones . l J lltEwe n of Go maria h. The ride is a hal' sister of Rev. W. , matey, Rector of Trinity 01101011, In performed tole ceremony. Mise arid) V i (Ilei presided at the organ ran g t)4 the choir of the church also as - 01441 in the singing of the hymn, The voice that breathed o'er Fden," t)(1 "Th e• 1 Ile Dens M.iaet•saLur. 111[* ride, who was given away by' hat ember, Joseph A. Barton, was audsolnely gowned in white ambit aped with ninon with pearl Whe- less. She %vote a bridal veil with teeth of orange blossoms and zlied a white player book. Miss ssie W. Dayton, sister of the bride, tad a. -bridesmaid anti wore pale P tie satin draped with ninon, .and 1•ine t) led with small pink rosebuds, (1a black hat, Site also wore tt eautiful n' } t al necklace and pendalL e girt o1' the groom, and carried a q,1et of prnit rases. The groom's It to the bride was a ring get with e pearls. After the ceremony the Mal party wits entertained at the e1ory fora few hours, when they t byC.T. R. for Toronto, Ottawa n d Montreal, They will also vial[ a. :Hartley', 1)alf•brotiter of the ide, tinct 1 of P p,• elle Bi-tingllal (idol school at Vankleelt Hill, Mr, d Mrs, bl0Ewei, will settle in air• tonne at Goderich, after a trip some ten days. Those reaetmt lu a distance were, 0 J 1) H tv 8 u s1 a b b dl ut tv ea Je ac til t an b ill ggbo fly br Ice: lef ell all b) 81 an C)f fro Ewen, Jamestown, mother of the groom 1 Mrs. G.13arton, I)f "Ifilmore Cottage," Howiek, loather (if the bride t Miss Una Martin, rTeeawa'ter old ;Hiss Jessie Baht(( and Joseph Bari flit, of Toronto. Did friends wis11, air. 110111vo) a)d beide many nippy acid prosperous years.