HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-4-3, Page 5A BUSINESS CARDS, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER An ISSUER 1 1 OF IvIAi2TtJ:AUL LI�L+LASES lane la (ho I'ns( ellh.o Ethel, 10.4 JOHN SUTHERLAND lse01 Natt, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. I 1 S, SCOTT Aid AN AUCTION- S. • mut, will sell for better prtoee, 00 better men 15 less tome and less obarget Moan any other Auctioneer In East )Duron a Lo won't charge anything, Dates said order) can always be arranged at this oleo or 41 p-reunah application, i AdAL A1+3b Uo vEVANGIta13. m SINOLAIIi- V V . Wlrrleter, Solicitor, nuuveyau0011 Notary Publio, &o, Umoe-a tewurt'e 1310334 1 door North at neutral Hetet. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, pttOUDIfOO'1', HAX6 do KTLLORAN H AHBIa'114BB, 1$01)101Ti NGTAISII'* PU111141, 35.10, W, PROM:Moo7, K. U. .1 H U, HAY. J. L. KthLOIAN UmooN—T1300e formerly oeoupled by Mem, Cumerou & Bolt.. oouaaibs, n:rrA etc. ALLAN LINE. Royal Mail Steamers ST. J >HN HALIFAX LIVERPOOL From St. John Front Halifax Grampian ...... , . Mer. 2i Direct Virginian ............. Mar. 28 Mar 211 Tunisian .,.... ...... Apr, 5 Di PO Heoperlan .......,. .. Apr, 11 Dirl et Victorian- ..... Apr. Il Apr. 12 BOSTO V PORTLAND From 1085031 Parisian ............. -- Ionian Mar. 27 Pretgdan Scotian ... ........ Apr 10 Scandinavian ,,..,, — Full informatiolt as to rates, tion to GLASGOW Frwn Portland Mar. 2.1 A pr,b Apr. 17 bac„ On applt:m- W. H. KERR. Agent A Ilan Line, Brussels. OWING TO THE HIGH STANDARD < maintained in this College, lhedemand 1 n., for ,110 graduates is for in canes of 111e 6r/ supply. This is unquestionably one of 1.1 Uaandn's. Best 00111nu•1ni01 Schools. / Its record proves it. 4 0 TORONTO, ONT. iii 0 Admits students at any time, pre. 7- to pares them pr„uerly for choice post- tions and 1worthy students to Si- • le ll n secure etnelnyment. College open 011 P 'C year. Write now for handsome flatly P 3 loguo, ,J1 Cor. Yonn.g and 3 W. J. ELLIOTT, %E$ Ab,xandor Sia. 'Principal. }r �s Y V, - L'� r^A' i�?A`ir.^AVFL+AOi(t!( /.t1A"r �A4� :a ^A9Ft'AO CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. )e Tho best in•aotteal training s0hool Ili :A V. Ontario. Three departments -- Com- maroial, Shorthand and Tologra• Shy. Alt 000(000 Oren tllm'Hugh and 37 C g_ pr(1gl'ol. Tenahm•l are experienced101011?1 nee graduates ere Owed 111 pnsttions, it re. We give Individnal nttentiml andatud- r�VI onto may enter at any 01116 fS' Write for our free autonomy) tit i �/� once, /- D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. 0 v ;wrAgsrhemeav,, evextvez,ravaY. t <M331. y4.Ay4srbesrAvt.4.04ava rpm .1AY Tuesday, Mar. 25 Q Is tlioo onto da of the r p g r m at Vi Spring Ter e The Business stowel Colic e 1 g Two Coursos— Oommoreial and Stenography EDWIN O. MATTHEWB, Prin. A. HAYMANN is prepared to simple the best goods in Windmills, Iron and 1Vooden Pumps stud Suable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er 13"71035 for stock, &c, Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give the a call. A ranbrook .OAVMaNN C Why Ho Was Late "What wall! ylif an late'p0 '•I met Sinilhson," "Well, that, le no i•elta(10 why you should 1e, an hour late getting home Lo eupprr•" "I knee', bol I ael(ed lliea limy he sr!tu lin and he ibtir,l e 1 telling was feeling, tot u g tile about Ins stomach ( rouble,. "Did you tell him to lake Chamber - lei 119 Tablets ablate ?0 "Sure, tlnol is ovltat lie In eds." Sold by all dealers. W. H. LOVE 1 Funeral Director and gmlualmer Orders peornptly and care- fully attended 1,0 night or �. do 3 y tote il I, . Pt 228, ETHEL, ONT. Business Garda • W. F, A. Clilltoe bas euter•ed a. team in the Bevel: Cup series .and wt. Undo 41,au1? ('1her lett1111 will tll4u 11,+ e1i toted, OR, T, T. NI' RAE cb'•b,r ur Medicine. Cotvursity of Toronto ; Ammo a and Graduate of the College of Yhy man,. and burgeons, Ont, • Pust•f6�raduate '1lcugu ((re, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, +0100gb 1,111, 2x•Houau Surgeon to St. D11011 - 01's Hospital Toronto. Office over F. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele- noneeunneeti0h 11(th Ure1hrook at all hours. t R. T. BRYANS hacbelor of til ediuhlo,University. of Toronto ; 1Joenl into of Oollege of Phyeiwana and Sur - :eons, ()Mario ; ex•1enior H011ae 80ree1n of .Vesture H Hopi to 1, 'Toronto. Offioes of Irate Dr. A JIsKuvey, Smith 1315011, Brussels. Ru"J phone 45, M`A lou ullioe-Wo11.111 Bole] Monday mod Lrridey of moult week from 11 11.331. to 511, m. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. 'hyaioion and Surgeon ; Pest Graduate tantrum -.ondon lEug.), New York Had Chicago Hos- ,(tnis, Special attention to dlseuse of eye. ear, 1080 and throat Eyes tested for glasses, DR. WARDLAW - tonor graduate of the Ontario Voterinory loliego. Day and night calla. Umee opposite lour hi ill, Ethel. - M,AUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST '0rannai graduate Department of 00111101- ublgy, Mahn mialk Medleel College, Chicago, twepare2 to tutu 09)14 nun lit ghta1es at or Aloe over C'r04001")4 1(5sta urnnt, Brussels, 1) 'rnursdoy, Friday and Saiardtty of every "eek. Ocoee hours 1 to 8 p. m. remnants .y appointment, Phone 1219, T. R. BENNETT A911 give bettor satisfaction to bods buyer cud 'oiler than any other Auctioneer and only •berg., what is ronsanabie. Se. les '1,011117406011 uywher* in Oatarlo. Pero bred stools sales a upocielty. write or 'phone •2s Wroxeter. Bistri.tt :l.etvs Moncrieff 111AT)(I11IONTAL.-The marriage bolt 1)3(4)705.303). at In. \Vednea(lav, 21(1•(211 2611, at the residence of Olean. and Mts. 131eckert, Clu'mnnnock, Ont,, of 0..3: daughter, Elizabeth Bertha 13leckert, to 11111eet U. Melville, youngest son of John anal Mrs. Mel- ville, Alnukton, Ott. 13rille entered the pat Mr with her father 101 the wedding march ions being played by her sister, itliss Varlette 131eekert, Ceu'muo,y Was p000.01ne3 by Rev. .1. 1). Pergusou, of 0101110 on, nndre in: lurch of evergreen and lilies. Thr' beide wore LL gO5Vn of on hull] 13e11l'ord emit with satin and lace trimmings tulle veil and nr.utga blossoms and eaerited a bognet of 3 313'ntttin15 and ter n, All. and 2Its. Melville left for l.heir new home in Logan and will be tit hone 10 their friends by April 7th. \Ve wish the couple inn 11 y happy days, Walton R SCHOOL L'"PORT. 1LVn e1141rJ1 is Lha repel t Irk the sanding of pupils of U. S. S. No. 12, Grey and M(Xdlop :- V. -Examined to spelling, Geography, l i5tury, Li 1413'ature 3(3(11 G1 am. 'fetal 500. Andrew Cnntts, 30(1, *Ado Ful- ton 274. Sr, ',V. -Examined in Spell Geug., Hist., I.it., Grant. Total 500, Donald Encino:an 300. Si.. M. - Exam, in Arith.,Sppell„ Geog„ 13101., Lit, 'Dotal 500. -Geo. Raulsay 347, **Ella. Ouse 204, Flossie Clarke, Jr. i[[.-Ilxamined in Geog„ Hist., Spell., Atitit , 1.11, Total 500. -'"Gerrit: Kenzie 222, **Nelsen Fallon 145, Al- lred Qlarke—. Se. i1. Exam. in Si Ih g le Gen , Lit. AriCll. Clap. and Memory work. ' Total 500. -Lisabell Seitee 420,- Jimmie Suiten 302. Jr. IL=Exanl. in Spell„ Geog., Aritb., Comp. 3411(1 Memory work. Total- 500. *Luella Fulton 207, **Viola Clarke 258, Sr. I. -Excel- lent i33111ie . o lllie Suiter. lent Jwn Ie R 7 1 t ter. ,1 r, I.- Excellent -Kale \Villialnsou. J. 13. 1ROBB, Teacher. You r( 1 'ou will lock a d whole before 6 you find a better medicine for coughs and colds than Chamberlain's Cilugh Remedy. It not only gives teller- ] C mires. Tty it 71733031 31011 have pa congt3 nr (old, and you are cant(Li❑ to uR 3(13ased with the prompt cure which it will effect. For sale by all dealers. ' Listowel Hugh Tipping 11)0e sold the rtaoieg mare. Pearl Ti ppi31 , 10 M6•. Chamney, who •hi ed her est. 5 W pP The 111 unnell fits is has been solar l t I e In A. 13th 11',,of Toronto, who per- pn ea taking charge of the hotel, 10430, Dr. Bmbee donee: ed his iotae- esting lecture, "The Pyramids of Egypt;" in' 131uevitle on Wednesday evenlug. A. J. Smith, who prim:based the b :411009 of P. J. SVa lter•tu33 who 11as been rondticting it general store in 1,01011 for the peat, few months, has disposed of his busiaass to 141, .Cain & Cn„ of London. Joh! kiymee, who 71vas, 4wa1313 the contract of ca) l'3' l r tate mail (115 Rul'al Rona, Nn. 2 conintene.ed April 14. 'phis will 13(117.0)31,1331')' the stage ironi A.l itrthell, which will only come tie fat, as \loldt ton. D G. Rn Inral manager of theImperial hank, has beet tettesfeereil o 1(rnenvt, for e•hieli iplace he will leav0 in iahO131 03'n days, A S 13 111n'rey, til 6`uot11111. will sd0,.eed•.01r. Roy as 11111,110ger here. i.isio7vel 11('011 Cup fool ball leant was r7 -organized when the following 0111ner11 were elected ; Iron Peesi- dents, the ulenller'2 of he School n i• Pre I: Bonita V r- ee Bart s. 3 1 e P s. t 8 lath 1 Mona et W. T Mo- A es( (. t rlson t Seeollsrette., lhar'ry Moore t ()apt aim 11 L. Orr; Form Committees ltlld 630(111111 001003? tees we l'e also IL ed. II. L. Oro 1'ap1'(;5ellfed the sten at the aunaal meeting of the 1 This Tonic Builds Up A al wt• I•ci tea i 1 a 1. 1 I 11 at a71 to 14'0 I t n tl( 00av n, 11570 yu1 w,15e than ever. N'et'roz"ne is different -it's a blood- lbrnlvi', at II vrSe•Ht'ellgthener, abody- buikder, Pule lauaem11 girls ore given culce and vigor. The tired told Sleep. Less art steetlglheued and restored, "Better 11iian11114,lruice I I'n i31(1 Pet,. rozot11)" w[fte's Mrs. 12, F. Castleton til41uYlq ur \\ l I 1 71VIL', Up I1 t ere I I 1 run down, ehtekHtitre ha:Jett lips white nun boll every ewe ul amentia. Leerigeaoue added to lay weight, gave uta strength. ambilion and gruel health," Noshing heti ee, try 1''ee- 30110ne yourself. 50c pin box at. all dealers, Grey Soaoor, Ri4Pon.T.-✓.I'he Tolle i'111g Is a repor: for e,. .3 No. 10. Grey, bring the pare 1 ttl(ges Ii' weekly examine - liens 7171 rill en 4111 /Incl Lt rut work, 11111•ing the Leine ending 1Mateell 2011, (]lt•s V.--lexnulir•ed in Cemp., IILso., .41g, 1)111, -\,gilt, Lit. 19. Iteathwell 50, 11. \\'l,itli»l,l 155. Sr. 1 V.- Ex- amined in ()mei:, 11151., Lit., Geog., Atith., HI,, Cunt. 01, 1, to (60, L,. Lake 06, A1, 1.1 i r 03, M. Cox 57, U. Henry .iii `• \ and 1.1, 50, 1''. l Illlinhe('I( 30.. .11, 11' ---- Examined ie Coen), Ilio -L., 3.itrr, .11ith., 5p., (blue. G. Leglis 40, 11. tlollinbeel( 82, So. 111.- Lxtuni2etl to Comp., Arith., Sp„ Hoed- llyg. C. Speirlu, 65, 8, Baker (15, 1. (0 hit field 60, W. Neubel 68, 11. 1Vhil6,dd 50, A. Neetb(•I 54, E. ‘yard 53 Pt. 1 [. to Jr.II PunnotlAn ex- ai1(11411tie1t Total l11 lrtl 250 Puss 125. Those having 111(x1* below 125 are re- ported as It:ti'Sng faded G Whit- field 2011, V, Inglis 20U, Erle Whitfield 188, f,. P110.horst))) . 180, Al. Win d 160, H. Nen ble 107. 32. 1Vhi1field 157, 13. Inglis 131 Pt.. 1 -10 Pt. 1I - V. Michael 176, R. P131103son 172, G. Speiren 110. Primary class. Ex- (• _ 1 Ex- cellent- G. N('aai Good- pie (e od L. Elli- cott, cntt, I' 1'( Love, W. Ward, M. Henry, 0 Whit field. Fair -AI. Cox, A. A. Whitfield. 0V. A. STEVENSON, Tettchen Fordwich Will.Adams, o)' Guelph, culled on friends here ou Gond Friday. There were 4 carloads of horses shipped frnitl here to the West on Tuesday of Last week. Mrs R, J. Gibson and two children left least. week to juin her hutsband at 01:u3d, Slash., where they will 33Juke thee• house. A Public Meeting was held in the Public School, Fordw3e.1, Monday eveting to consider the reorganizing 1)1)1)34 Public Library. At the close of school at S. S. No. (1 liowick. Ibt Eaatet a presentation (133111115 hunts bag was made to Hiss A. AI 3)1)31), wh41 was leaving lhere,tac- rolul,nitold by 11)111ddress. Thus Shearer, jest \Vest of town, was the heaviest Inset' near here by the recent. ivied:norm his 5130.37 *heal and n111)110111 below emoplrlely de- muli.hl'n. notal sylnpoilhy is fell for nor Shenrer in lIlo loss, its he is fel 00)'1ort 13111x14' at Ili a peesellt time as to be r,nllturd In his bed with a papal ytie0)303t0' The Cause Of Bore Feet Ex.tntine them carefully baud you'll probaldy thud owns. OVhether hard, soft 411 bleeding, apply Putnaam's Dort Extractor, It's pet Mess, if* sure and move all quick to act. In- sist 011 only "Put Haul'*." • Atwood Elaut council (( ill meet on Sttroteluy April 5111. -. 11. A. Thompson. has purchased the ISne peoprvty of h'. Croft's ou 1510.331 sti eel. Lemuel Peltrtn line bought the pu,p,•) I y belonging to Wes. Candle• who iuten(171 tunving to Milverton, Nesbitt 143uniltnu is the new pro Miele: of the livery ' barn, having bought the bosfoess from 'Thos. Ilan:MMon The 1'11111101' 53)3(1 Itis 7321.101, A surprise pal ty,, cmmposell of scholars ol`,Vatitllt111 Sunday School, met on Gond' Friday evening at the residence of Phos. E. Hammond Sup('rintett de:: told `3i i, her and very kindly presented hilt with a dandy awl,: lump, nneltethonk and gold tole 0111, Itrenmputtied with a concise address, (•linIt 't 711 .w1ls ler el v feelingly re le 1 11 f L(1 ) the ruin )fell nod 1 v n t 4 1 t sulk I h t fully eo (v d•• 1 I) Luk (le „err nes a 1(rnd. (x 0115111 q1 of love 11)111 ttpglle0httmn A hutch wits served and an enjoyable evening, ' spent in uuta11', singing, gltue'S, etc„ 1111 etuly morning, when 111) dispersed feeling they Ilam had a pl('440ant time in en1ne(tlien with I ire Sunday StIio 1, FREE ADVICE O SIMWOMEN PG;ssly E T' Thousands Have BeenHelped By Common Sense Suggestions. Women suffering from any form of fe- male ills are invited to communicate promptly with the woman'spr'ivate corre- spondence department of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been established a confidential corre- spondence which h as extended over many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never Ilas the Company allowed these confiden- tial letters to get out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest. Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Noth- ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou- sands. Surely any woman rich r , or Pyr, should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Ad- dress Lydia E. Pink. ham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mase. - Every - woman ought bt LydiayE. PPlnkbam' 80 -page Text Book. It is not s book for general distribution, as it lis too expensive. It . is free and only obtainable by man. Writs for it today. Flan - Millbank Presbyterian manse, the residence of Rev. Walter Moffat, was completely destroyed by fire on Friday morning March 21st. The. blaze started from some unknown cause ill the kitchen and was dis- covered by Ml's. Moffat in time to pet mit of the exit of the Yneulbets of 1110 (11133137. They escaped in scant ,([tire t however, and were t ere unnhle to e. Nav(well their ir clothing. Efforts ;vele Houle to curtail the damage by a bucket brigade, but with little effect. Among AIr. Motfiat's most serious losses was u library that he valued highly. For rlletmmatisat you will find noth- ing better then Ohanbellain's Lini- ment Try it and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by all dealers. ' • GOLDEN WEDDING MARRIED Pk*0o050-KNIO011.- At Easter, on March r 12th '1b68 Mime i 8 CarolineKnight lr K t dna Ehler g 5 0Y Mr, end Mrs Jamestang Knight (p Mr. Henryy PenYound of Stanley township, On Wednesday evening, 111arch 1218 i4 social time was spent at, the com- fortable hone of Henry and Mrs. Penfouud, Bencefield, it being the 10111 anus ('el'aal'y of their wedding. tors. Petl'41und is a daughter of the late James Knight, 10111 0011., Grey township being a sister of James Knight 1211) con„ and Chas. 1Cnight, 1011 cam. lir. and Mr's. PenYound have had a family of five, three sous. and two daughters. Ote daughter is deceased. During the day the family presented their parents with two beautiful teatime upholstered chairs wishing them many years yet to take all the comfort they can out of them. AIr. and firs. Penfound received many beautiful presents from other friends. About 3 p. In. tett was served, the tables being looked after by the Aliases 2 Sadie d and Laurel 13a4tes,.grand• children, with Mrs. Eva Bates as matron. The dining room leas beauti- fnll deou t tiled with carnations y o natiotsan11 daffodils.After doing justice to the gond things that welt on the tables, the 00mpany retired to 1110 pallor where the evening was spent in tnu0ie and social chat. Rev. Mr. Barker, Alethn di is t minister 3)f SeaPnrGh, t. pleased t Ile ga thering with his fins solos, Ab03111 midnight the host and hostess L)alleil the company together a,E •e•••••••••••••••MM••• 2 s ri - M • erg • • • • • • • • i. 4 • • • 0 Z • • • • • B " •s • • • ■ • • e ♦ • • ••• • • • • • •• • • • • • Blinds --platin ams with fringe. Lace Curtahrs - White ttuel Emu or Crean o' , Cream, 1350 t , 2:5(1 per )lair 1 Windows 1 Curtain.Not-Tvnry and Born b the d. 1•I ill Mesut, .Colored Mad Pas, y y At M ualirl Safeties end Scritrl9, We have just what you need to Brighten Up any or every room in your- house. .Boxes' wanPapers, which are the best Walls. ` alls. , (Valtlee 011 themarket, Woodwork Sheresin-Williams Paint's, all colors and qualities for every suefaue, Floors Lit nlennte, Floor Oils, Static Oils. ;Best 1'Petterns, Also Tapestry hugs. ilO".'A large range of Prints, Shirtings, Drills, Mneline, Veslings, Etc. broderies, Crepe Mullins, Dress Linens, eta a • • Proal .. t • • ace takeVt as cash on all of above goods, • R. McDonald A. ad84Co. • • • • •• PHONE; 5210 - ORANBROOK 9 • 1•••'•..1s•0s••••••••_•••••••••••••••••A••e••••••*••••:4s 1 • RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO ANO LAME BACK eau be outed by thetreat fruit kidney ate! 1i vet. remedy, g Y 1 FIC PAIR Brantford, Ont„ Aug. 13, 1011. Yii)13' tie dtrioe, Fig Pills, has work- e(l wonders for uo', The rheumatic pains have entirely left me and 1 owe eecrythieg 10 you:, remedy. You r atliberty to publish this. . R. 11. GAILOIAN At all duly rs 25 and 50 entity 03' netiled by The Fig Pm oo„ St, '1"bonne, Ont. Sold and 1 ee0uunen(1ed 111 Bn15sele by .1, Fox Druggist. g and after singing a verse of one of the old hymns, 1Vt•, Barker spoke a few words and ('loseil with a abort peav1>r. '1"he company sept(rated wishing lir. and Mrs, Penfonn11 many happy 1•eturms of their w'edi1l11g day. "Aly little sots had tot (rty oevere cold. I Was Metalline III I. d 141 try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle was finished he was as well as ever," writes lilts. H. Sills, 20 Dowling Street, Sydney, Australia. This remedy is for sale by all (sealers. NORTH WELLINGTON LIBERALS The North Wellington Liberal nominating convention was held at Arthur Thursday March 20th when R. Al. H Iewood az f Clifford, was chosen as the standard bearer for the party at the next Dominion election. Mr, Hazelwood addressed the meet- ing briefly, thanking those present for the honor they had conferred upon him. I am heartily in favor of the Liberal policy said he, and I trust'. Sir. Gnthrie will tell his fellow Liberals when he returns to Ottawa that North Wellington is united anti will win the tiding for the good old Ratty. Udltey Richardson Al. P. P. Last Wellington, followed and in a few words expressed hie confidence in the candidate chosen. R. M. Hazelwood, the Liberal nominee is a life long resident of Clifford a MILD in the priule of life, who has been iden- tified with the public life of his town Por some years. He has served in the municipal Council and has for many years been a leading spirit in the Methodist church. He is held in the highest esteem by all and enjoys the good will of innumerable friends. He has been successfully engaged in the stilling business in the town and has been very popular. Throughout the whole riding he is looked upon as a very strong candidate. Mr. f3azle- woo(1 is a brother to ev-Reeve Hazle. wood, of Wroxeter. and was a resi- dent of Brussels 40 years ago being miller in the Vanstoue Flouring mill. Great Distress In Her Throat Not tut uncommon experience was the 141 4 of s. K. S.WiI e too It of Shuler, N. S. Doctors v et failed, Still it quick cure Was found in "O'1Larrhozone." Notice this statement : "I have been la utast dreadful sufferer from bronchial trouble and catarrh. On damp days I would hawk and suffer great distress in ray throat. I used all kinds of medicines but didn't get permanent relief Lill I used Catarrh- ozotte. It has strengthened my throat, cured my cnatgh and made me en tit ely well." Refuse substitutes for 1144 one reliable bronchial and 11001111 em's. All dealers sell "Catarrh- Ozone" in 25o and 81.00 sizes. Huron Spring Assizes The Spring Assizes opened at the Ootu't House on Tuesday afternoon of last week Chief Justice Sit' Glen- 1oln10 Falconbridge presiding. There were 7 cases on the docket, but evi- dence was taken in only one, that of Flynn v. Grand Trunk Railway 0o. The plaintiff in this ease is the widow of \Viiliatn Flynt), who was killed on February 231d, 1012, in the G. T. 11. station yard at Kincardine, while in the employ of the railway as a 0eeti(33(3(1an. It ivas1a' c sled that while Flynn was ciearing away ice and snow front the railway track a trainv ;asshunted aloeg the track on which r l was working, warning 6o him, and one of the ears passed over him, and killed 111m. $5,000,dammages were claitned. Aflet the hearing of evidence a number t 1 nee n f questions were submitted to the jury, In reply to the first question, the jury found that the c�g 4i a h ant ( P Flynn y ;v s a not caused by negligence on the part of the rail- way c0nipany or, its servants and aecordtngly the action was dismissed. The nthel eases on the docket were disposed of its follows we. Baal filer v Bae l i c 1 et Trialp ost- gloved to next Court. Cott v 13alln1gall Artmn for 310 - paid purchase money of a fawn to the township of Grey and for possession of sante. Judgment in terms ar- ranged by counsel for plaintiff and defendant. Graham v. Dancey.-- Action for specific, performance of side of deben- tures of the Horseshoe Quarry at St, 14Jarys. Trial postponed to next n0mjnry sittings. Andrews v. Canada Co,- Action for illegal 113511088 of plaintiffs cattle. P311l postponed till next Oontt. In the lilealltitne money paid into 0onrt by plaintiff as security is re- leased. Barr, v. turning et al.- Settled be- tween the patties. v L'1 0 ct • 11 V. S to radaId Bank et al.- An l - An ac intto actum secure the return of certain notes given by the plaintiff. William PALMY), it fattener in East 1Vaiva30sh, to the ; defendant the ainhi' New H 1 tog Mitnnfaetairfng Co.' and afteety arils ltanefet'red to the defendant the Standard Bank. These nni,e8 were given on an agreement, for the sale of a threshing l tR machine,hImR which agreement g enirnl was afterwards ordered to posy plaiotltf's costs, T4ere caput mu eliwlnal business for the Court which concluded on Wed- nesday afternoon. Oh,For Omar { 0 A Complexion I A cleat' complexion is the outward evidence of inward cleanliness, 11) bad health the face becomes at sign- board, telling of disease within, If yellow, bile ie not properly secreted g 1913 Catalogue Now Ready 80 poxes brim full of good things, Con- tains valuable information for the farmer, market gardener and private planter, 12 pages of the latest and bat, world-wide Introductions. Valuable premiums, Your choice of 6 new varieties eta! unnamed (not for sale until 1014) absolutely free with every order, large or email. Don't delay writing. Man this with your name and address. Your request will receive special attention.' State if you grow vegetables or flowers for market, as we have a special price list. Write today while it's fresh in your mind. DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO., Limited Dept. 84 LONDON, CANADA if pallid the kll are faulty al •if skin 3)3 3nur'ky anddarkolrclee b31' neat!) the eyes, look for constipation. Whatever the cause, no remedy com- pares with I)r, Iiamil0on'o Pi1113 which are Dni11, safe, purifying and vitaliz• ing in their action, They give a marvelous rosy tint to the cheeks, brighten the eyes end es[ablislt health that defies age and (llaease, Sold everywhere in 26e boxes. - Seed Oats 1 -it---FOR SALE Duff & Stewart BLUEVALE Manitoba Improved Farms For sale on easy terms or will rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Man. • • • • • • • ° • • • • • • Potatoes Leave your order for Seed Potatoes for de- livery first part of May Finest New Brunswick Green Mountain $1.25 per 9016 bag Irish Cobblers 1.5o ••••••••••••• R. TH®%=='tSON., East Huron Produce Emporium BRUSSELS • • • • • • • • • A • A • • • • N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••s SIS0 i'•F•I••h•t••l-•bd•-P•••i.T•.p•'4••II••D•'Fd•d•-t„F•1••I'•FF.,...;..1'drd.i.�e..1,.g...q.i„¢,•F.q..g..1.3.3.i..I..1... •fi ♦ '1 41 i- 1 ) i"" 1. ...t. •41 i Wttches •r • a. 4 � � y, Just arrived another fine assort- • d . ..-., -.w r-...., ..L., i.....-,. makers. 4. a y;' �, L�- g'}},,1•. •b <:. `jp•' Our reputation and wide exper- • fence alone with the makers • ''k'{ jy g a , � �>< �~ ,.�' ,,uarantee is at the back of every Watch we sell. • • • • •3. H. 4. Elgin, Waltham, •• a Hampden and Regina : • • + Watches always in stock. -4 ' -b Our Prices ars unbeatable • $ .1• • ,l, .l, We •will convince you on this matter if a - .I you will favor us with a caul. ♦4• -1' M • Wendt, J. R. J&Enffraeweller 4. ver • • • • Wroxeter, ' Ont. • 4.++9++++++++++'0+++.5.+.++..+..+++.32 ,++++++44-144-H-34+++4 -'H'+++4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••0110•0•••••••••o••e001600000vJ • • • Your Dn" • • e e ••�' The Right Track • if to the • • • • • simplex• • Llnk® Blade• • 0• • You look for Relief from your • Cream Separator Troubles. •{ f 118.119 s 1u1e • flu ., Look at it • Size its substantial construction, • only a slight indication of the elver- •• • • • ' for work and eiidat'anee of which it is e capable, • • • • • si • (1 11 •Guaiautee(1 by the ptoneet and latg a • • •t ifs g 1 •U S p A et `c 4 , gL is the pinduct of inauyyoals' • • iVOt k Y4 Id atUdy atld i9 thR eVRI ill Cteat5111g 'Dail ynlall'a F1LV0] itet1i • you'ar'eSTAYsafeON" till you've tried a Simplex. in youe own dairy, then , Patented Manufacture a est mannfacture3s of Daisy Supplies incl ovllo first intr0dlleed the Oen. r iga ream a ara0(1r In America •1 'a • t • • • Not depending on Gigantic and Costly Advertising Campaigns, 1. e Travelling SO4-esmen. Free Machines and Free Trips to g 1 ) to Agents, etc. 1 r rush 5t4105 we ate able t0 embody the saving 111115 i4ffU1'dltd ill superior • .� .. • • • can )ihd t o L 1e dePOndaut Company mpany • having delivered In the plaintiff's 00111)sel the notes in gnc111o3 no evidence was taken, and the defendant the NOW Hamburg Mfg, 00. WAS Call or write and we 4311 tell you more about it, •S. Mctiichlin, • • 0 • • Agent s. B r u esels• • • ate..0eMlt111014.0..00,,etw ,114,lties 7 9eotma awseoeessea.eeetll•t.«