HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-27, Page 7Fashion Hints id o+a �roekct is nese a. tesla Spring Waists and Blouses. The novelty in the first lin blouse .models is the fine plc end ruffles of net. These are not more than an inch or ill width and are used freely to ou yokes with fancifully out on and white cuffs, where the r are placed bolls at the toll a the wrist edge. Colored chi are placed over the plain and p eel net foundations and leave a space in front of the net. An tended band of net is on the ale Through the semi-traneparonc the chiffon wide ribbons of satin seen, and the soft sheen of. the s through the chiffon when it erne in front and is knotted in fiat 1 across the vest contrasts char ]y with the ribbon. Net blouses remain in style are modernized by hand trimm of figured silks in soft melting orings. These are applied to net blouse rather sparingly. 1 p A g3, band is about the stock top, o small turned over collar where blouse is low-necked. The h cuffs show a cohered bias band each end and large button rose of the silk are introduced, A se sash is often folded .about the B tied, but not knotted. The w voile waists differ only from ,th of last season in having a new chine stitching resembling ra embroidery outlining the vas details of the blouse in a contra ing color. Yellow and blue on are the favorite colors for this o broiclery, Dress for Young Child. A little dress for the child of 3 or 4 years is made of pink pique, cut with the Dutch neck and the short sleeves. It is made to fasten on the shoulders with buttons, and is finished with scallops of white, which also edge the sleeves. Just below the neck is a small design done also in white machine elnbroi- dery. There is a broad black patent leather belt about the waist, which is not tight fitting. It is priced at $2.90. Other frocks for little girls are being made in a]1 white lawn and organdy, and elaborately trimmed with embroidery and lace. The greater number of these 'are made with the square Duteh neck, which is so much better for a child than a collar. A11 have the waist line marked with a ribbon of blue or pink, either run through wide embroidery beading or just folded around. Little boys' suits are be- ing made in white ratine, and trimmed with bright, sleep blue sai- lor collars and ties. gerie clings often o in tline t]ines iffles an at ffons leat- vest ex - eve, y of are atin rges pops ming - and Ings col- the bias r' a the igh at rtes arf US hite ore pa- tine ied st- white Hat -shaped Parasols. The latest model in parasols looks exactly like a hat of exaggeratedly large dimensions. The spread framework of fine steel represents a moderately high, rounding crown which slopes into a but at the outer edge slightly rolled backward, mak- ing a distinctly curled finish. This spread, as it needs must be, is um- brella -gored and of silk or satin, but about the base of the simulat- ed crown is a silk cord braiding that at one side is twisted into a swirling ornament. PECMAIL HORSES. }low the 'Turkontan 'Takes Care of His Animals.. . The greatest 'pecnliarity of the Turkoman breed of horses is their hairlessness. They have naturally very little Inane, and what they have is always carefully cut off. Their skin is very soft and thin. Colonel Stewart in "Through Per- sia in Disguise' tulle of the great care taken of these animals. • They are never stabled, but pick- eted in the open. They are, how- ever,'. warmly clothed. First the Turkoman puts over his animal a thick felt body -covering of the size that an English horse weans; over this he fastens an immense piece of felt that covers the horse's earsland -his whole body down to his hocks. This elothing he keeps in pietee with a long relies, which is passed three times round the horse's body, The Tttrkom'ans feed their horses, when in camp, on barley or chopped straw, 'and give :them flour and sheep's -tail fat, or clarified butter, when they are going to call on them . for greet .exe, tion, I, myself, in ta- d'ta, have often given my horses a pound each of flout' and coarse su- gar, and half a pound of clarified butler made into balls, when I have ridden •thein far and wanted then to go on again. The horse easily di- gests thio ration, and the is ready to . start sooner than if a feed of earn , is given hila. It is also supposed. 10 give great strength. Turkornsane give their hooses al - west anything they eat themselves, ,Altllougir hardy in rospeot og food idle horses requi e . a good deal of naiii as 'lo olotlting fee their fine moats adddolloa:te e?dn5 Magic thesis eery sltsoeptible to colds. Sea Captain — i r �a to , what do 'ou call this 4 Waiter --Bouillon, „air. Sae. C ata -- Well, well, I pdale have: Matted eft bouilleti all 'my. yi'o and( lid not know it! A MESSAGE FOR 4. SIMPLl1 PRESERVATIVE, THOSE WHO SUFFER MRS. E. J.'J'AI,RO7 PILLS THEM YO 1'JND A GUIt( EN 1)QDD'S MONEY PILLS, She llad Rheumatism, Lumbago and Neuralgia and Foetid the Remedy She Wits Looking for in Dodd's Jfidney fills. Hamilton, Ont,, Mar. 17 (Special). —".t know there are a lot of peo- ple who suffer and do not know what will cure them. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills will," These are the words of Mrs. E. J, Talbot who resides at 293 Wel- lington street north, this city. And Mrs, Talbot speaks out of her own experience, "Last July I was very sick," Mrs. Talbot continues. "My heart bothered me, my limbs were heavy, and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. Rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia added to my sufferings, and the doctor I called in did lel no t help me mud. d. "Fn Dodd's ally decided to try Dodd s Kidney Pills. I have used seven boxes and I ani so much stronger and better that I feel I must re- commend them to others," Mrs. TaIbot's complication of troubles all came from sick kidneys. 'That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured them. For Dodd's Kidney. Pills are no cureall. They simply cure kidney disease of any kind. They never fail to do that. Prejudice. "Professoj, who invented the ac- cordion 7" "Why seek to find out, my boyl Perhaps he repented of it before he died." Marion Bridge, C'. B„ May 30, '02, I have handled MINARD'S LINIMENT during the past year. 12 is always the fleet Liniment asked far here, and mantes. tionably the best series of all the differ. ent kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. "She's ,been very busy telling me how to rear my baby." "Well 7" "But she got into perfect panic when I asked -her to take care of the child for a couple of days. You know I was suddenly called out of towu." Onfy One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE, Curds a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip In Two Days. 25c. Health is wealth—except for the doctor. Minard's Liniment Curas- Catgot In Cows, "This dog of mine is some dog, let me tell yon' 1 He has a wonder- ful pedigree t" "I suppose you trace him away back to the clog Nish took into the ark." "Say, this dog's ancestor didn't go into the ark. 116 had a bark of his own." Egyptians Lashed Boards Tog to Keep Out Delupuess. There were weather comp thous" in Pyramid times. Flinders Petrie, the eeleb F']gyptologist, has made some interesting discoveries in an . sive cemetery, florae thirty. miles south of Cairo, Noticeable in the cemetery the wonderful preservation of tcrials, Thus, the linen is fresh and strong, and in sem stances the pieces were as whit if they had just left the loom. coffins, all wood, of acacia or Hui, were quite sound, and m of the tombs still had the orig beams in position. This is quite markable as the cemetery d from the earliest age down to time of the Pyramids. The remains of the. houses of period were found used in the struetion of the coffins and specimens showed that the anei of this period out tie holes in edges of the planks and Ias then together in such a man that they could slide over one other duringthec change i n cl g m temperature. s: ether ensa- 1'rof. Sated most eaten odd wfls ma - quite e in - o as The shit - any inal re- ates the the con - the eats the lied nee an- atle F,nquiring }lis Way. .A lawyer, driving through a vil- lage, stopped at a cottage to in- quire his way. The lady of the house told him he must keep straight on for some time, then turn to the right; but said that she herself. was going to pass the road he must take, and if he would wait a fele moments she would show him the way. "Well," he said, "bad com- pany is better than none. Make haste." Ofter jogging on five or six miles the gentleman asked if he had not come to the road he must take. "Oh, yes,", said she, "we have passed it two or three miles back; but, as I agree that bad com- pany is better than none, I kept you along with me." 41 Headache Over the Eyes ? Look For Nasal Catarrh Catarrh Never Stops In One Place — tt Spreads Rapldly—Often Ruins Health Complctoly. In this changeable climate it is the little colds that drift into Catarrh. t'nlee,s the iuflnmmation is checked it. passes rapidly from the throat Or nose to the bronchial tubes nud them. to the lungs. You can't nuke new lungs any more than you cars make new fingers or toes, but you can curs Catarrh. The surest euro consists of breathing in the healing balsamio easene00 of CATAIUSIIOGONE, which is simply a medi- cated vapor so full of rich curative pro- perties that every trace of Catarrh van- ishes before it. "The soothing piney vapor of Catarrh. ozone ill the most powerful medicine I ever need," writes Hies. Edmond J, Chris. tine, of Saskatoon, "Every breath drawn through the Itlhalar sends a grateful feeling through. the air passagee -of the nose and throat. Clatarrhozon, cured me of frightful headaches Over the eyes, re- lieved me of a stuffy feeling is the nose, and an irritable hacking cough that had been the bane of my life for a year,. My general health is greatly improved, my appetite and digestion are considerably bettor than before. Catarrhbeouo has been the means of giving me such health se I 'always desired, but never possessed." Even though catarrh has a 1h'm Hold YOU. and affects your throat, nose or s, you can thoroughly euro It with tarrhozone. Large size, guaranteed, is 71,00; smaller size 50e.; sample eine All etorekeepere and druggiote, or 0 Ontarrllozone Co„ Buffalo, N, Y„ and Kingston. 'Canada. 4 When Your Eyes Need Care on Try Dinrine Eye nemeay, No Smarting—Peels ear Nine—Acts Quickly. Try 11 for Red, Weak, Ca lVatery Eyes and OramUnted Eyelids, Blue. grated nook in melt Package. Murine is cos cempoundea by our coa1lsts—fox a "Patent Med- 25c. Wine"— but used In eneceaetul Ph i •i - lenteiTh ys t ace ub 1100 for many scut: Now dea011110 to01 Pub- Muslisold Uvv 10e 01, .00 at 2 e ands, _pper noose. Aiurlae 34ro calve n dsoptle Tabes, Y5a-and 400. INlurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago "I am a self-made man, I am." "Well, I think there is one thing you needn't worry about." "What is that?" "Taking out a patent." Mlnaed's Liniment Cures olpfttherla. Rouse -hunter— "But . whenever there's a flood I should think the water would always could right up to the house." House Agent — "Possibly, sir. But there are preci- ous few properties where you ems get fishing from the dining room window." WHY IS TI'ifi BEST FOR YOU. BECAUSE 1t keeps your "White Clothes" looking just like New. It dogs not Spot 0r ,Stromlo the clothes as there is no settling. 77t Is the "aandleet Rind" to use.'' It is Gualnnteod to glee Peri•fect Satis- faction or money,Clieerouliy Refunded, . . LISTEN! TRYITe j-iz Blue Is IdG111 b p`tier and brevet. then any other,:., Miss for cents k Thomson, Belment,.Men, A vs antl baa- agtlent e, JO it "1-R glnetiper 16cMbar 6 months, crit. Blue, Stiyi Mr Mbar blabs is Geed Blues," Mre, Frank J. Size jLty.Lhiae moons, Conn, yea stsoomrbmed br "1 -It erns lu til® boat Th, sohdeen. Bl e 1 evarnsdd," Mre, W, albhera.fn Ca, S0 2861, Btnnden, M,Ae, 0,000 0 Young Briggs—I asked your daughter a very important ques- tion last night, sir, and she referred me to you. Old Blunt—Want to marry her, eh 4 Well, you won't! If she'd really wanted you she wouldn't have bothered about me at all. Pon 0704 lug, ito PILES CURED 1N 6 TO 14 DAYS r druggist wilt refund money it PASO TENNI' falls to cure any ease of Itch, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies le 14 date• 500. Next to 'Them. "I'm sure," said the guest he had unexpectedly brought home, to dinner that evening, "that I hve. pelt you out." "Not at a11," she replied sweet- ly. "Not at all. We gave you just what we were going to have our- selves, Just our ordinary dinner, ye0 know." "I wish I could believe that, but I still feel that 1 have put you to a great deal of tremble and annoy- ance. If so I am sorry that I allow - cd your husband to persuade me to comae." "I don't want sot, to feel that way at all, We were delighted to Haveou with r J ill us, lh a lova to have our friends drop in and take pot luck with us," ' And when he got outside he looked back at the hawse and mut- tored; "Liars 1 I smelled Corn beef, and cabbage when I entered that home,' and what I got was mutton chops and green peas," "What' is the worst thing about riches? asked .a school teacher of a pnpii,"'Their eearoityf1' replied thc.pltipil, and was immedldtely re- warded 11111 ]Barks. Dizzy Headaches Cured in One Night If Troubled With Head -Fullness, Ringing Noises, ,5peelfs Be- fore .the Eyes, the Stone. full is at Fault. Qulok R011at and Certain Cure Came From Dr. Hamilton's Pills, "I had terrible b pains in my home. My appetite faded away, and when I did eat anything it disagreed and made m0 vary sick for honre after eao11 meal. The Paine in my stomach and the alley howl - aches I had to endure almosteet ono wild. Sometimes attacks came on so tie- vorely that I had to go to bed. I would feel s0 worn, depressed and utterly mle- ernble that for hours I wouldn't speak to my family. My oyotem was poisoned with wastes and nothing helped me till I need Dr, li:amilton's Pills. Without tuts grand system-cleaniug remedy I would still bo elnk, but each day brought me better' health and spfrIts. i was cured and made strong, ruddy and healthy, and 1ei11 always vee nod recommend Dr,. Hamilton's Pills." "MRS, B, C. CURRAN, Westport P. 0." Thousands. who aro in sin ailing, low state of health need nothing else but Dr, Hamilton's Pills. 25e. per box, or live boxes for 71.00, at all druggists and store- keepers, 00 the Catal'rhoaone Company, Buffalo, N. Y., end Kingston, Ont. HOW TILE STIP RISES. Organized Marvels of Mechanical Construclion. How the raw sap travels from the absorbing roots beneath the ground to the topmost twig of an oak or elm tree, more than 100 feet above, and to nearly four or five times that height in the ease of •some of the mammoth gum trees (eucalyptus) of the Tasmanian forests, and in the gigantic Wellingtonia of California, has long puzzled the physicist to explain, says the Strand Magazine. The old idea that capillarity is the factor at work, the ffnid being con- veyed up the trunk and branches after the manner of oil through the wick of ss lamp, becomes an alto- gether inadequate explanation. Es- pecially is this so when we realize that, in some of the internal tissues of the stem, the pressure exerted reaches from eight to twenty atmos- pheres, or in other words from -120 to 300 pounds to the square inch— & force greater than that in the boiler of a normal railway ergine. This mighty pressure, scattered more or less irregularly through the tissues of the tree, drives the sap to the buds and forces them open, expands their leaves, and is contin- ually at work, wherever the process of building new structures' ifs going ou. It is obvious, therefore, that the engineering arrangements for the conducting and controlling of this powerful stream of life-giving a s must b pe very perfectly organ- ized. Indeed, they are more than that; they present marvels of mech- anical construction which are not only astonishing on account of their perfection, but are so minute that marl can only penetrate the myster- ies and beauty of their structure by means of high-power microscopes and easeful chemical investigations. Even then he is left baffled and wondering. UNFIT TO LIVE-1VMUST DIE. The verdict rendered a thoneand times when corns got sore. Do them to death by Putuam's Corn Extractor; it aures painlessly in twenty-four hours, Oso "Pittna n's," the only vegetable remedy known. Price 56e., at all dealers, Health is the 4.greatest of gifts, contentedness the bust riches. Truth is the best of relatives. Hub—Why are you 80 elated 7 Wife—I picked up a horseshoe to- day. Hub—Huh 1 Old superstition nonsense 1 Wife—Don't jump at conclitsions, clear. It was a dia- mond horseshoe, and I picked it up at a bargain counter, »r 1 VE 12--'13. 1 CUTICU SOAP SII4MPOOS And occasional light dressings of Cuticura Ointment will pre- vent it when all else fails. Cutioum Scan and Ointment are float throughout the world, A liberal sample of each, web 32 -page Wakles an tee faro and treatmoat of tlfo skin and .rasp, Gent post-free. Atlrlreas Patter Drug dr Chem. Corp., Dopt 28U, Demob.. U. S. A. TREES THAT SHOW AF,GIR. A. Species in Idaho Which Shakes and ];suits unpleasant Odor. In Idaho there exists a species of the acacia tree which is entitled to be classed as one of the wonders of plant life. When full grown it closes its leaves together in coils each day at sunset and curls its tavigs to the shape of pigtails. When the tree has thus settled it- self for its night's sleep, it is said that if touched it will flutter as if agitated or impatient at the distur- bance. The oftener, it is averred, the foliage is molested, the more violent will become the shaking of the branches. Finally, it is fur- ther alleged, if the shaking is con- tinued, the tree will at length emit a nauseating odor quite sufficient to induce a headache in the ease of the person disturbing the tree: In Idaho it is called the "angry tree," and it is said that it was discovered by men who on making camp for the night placed one end of a canvas covering over one of the sensitive bushes, using it for et sup- port, Immediately the tree began to jerk its branches sharply. The motion continued, with increasing "nervousness," until at last came a sickening odor that drove the1lirecl campers to a more friendly loca- tion. ZAM-BUIi DOES 1 1!a cLRr. PILES. Mas. 0. Hanson, . wife of the pro- prietor of the Commercial Hotel, Poplar, 13,C., suffered from piles for years. Went to doctor after doctor • in vain. Finally went to Spokane anti had an operation. Twelve months afterwards she was as bad again. She says, "0ne day I read about Zam-73uk and thought I would try it. The first one or two boxes gave me more ease than anything else I had tried, so I went on with-thetroatment, In a short time I began to feel altogether dif- ferent and better, and I saw that Zane -Bok was going to euro ale, Well, I went on using it, and by the time I had used six boxes T was delighted to find myself entirely cured." GOc. all druggists and stores. The Acme. Briggs—Here's a fellow who writes about the acme of selfishness without having the slightest idea of what it really is 2 Griggs -Well; what is its Briggs—Having your wife a cold- air fiend, insist upon leaving both windows in the room open and then rolling herself up in all the bed clothing! Mfhard's Ltnimsnt Cures Colds, Eta Not it Complainer. There is a good deal of complaint because people don't walk. more, but it doesn't come from the head of a large family with shoes to buy, "Papa, is it necessary to whip. lne2" "Yon ought to kisow,'' "'Well, 7. sometimes think you don't realize how little good it does me." Low Odl4ntet Rates to Peeled) Coast Via Chicago and North W6etern Railway, On sale daily, March 15th to April 15111 hi. elusive, from all points. in Canada to .Los ,Angeles, San .Frauoiseo, Portland, Salt Lake City, 8oattle, Victoria. Van0o11v4r, Nelson, Roseland, and many other points. Through tourist eloope1's and free 0 elan- ing chair, bars from Chicago. Variable routes, Rlbornl stop overs For hill in. fo1'rnatiml 08 to rotas, route] sad liters - tura, Write or boll on 13. II, Bennett, Gen. oral Agent, 46' Yonge Street, 0020011*, 1t is easy, to ,forgive yam,' enemies —Lifter getting square with them. N!nard'a UnlmbntChris tilsianp/i. AN INTERILI'ITJINT SPRING. The Water Conies and Goes Like Thief in the Night. Near the village of Aloham, in whisked valley of the North. Flown England, ivlthin a few ashes of bus Dover, is an intermittent spring water that is at present in full fore and activity, It has long period of quieseenoc, for, according to tra- dition, it appears only every rev cath year: As a matter et fact however, it has appeared with rnor or less regularity any time withil last four years: 1t comes, like a thief in the night, and in a few hours turns a fertile bottom into a generous lake that overflows the highway and makes of it a raging torrent. After keeping above ground for a few hundred yards it disappears as mysteriously as it came, and its subsequent course is not visible. A countryman whose douse borders Dillingore, as the stream is called, told me it gave no warning of its approach, says a writer. I asked him if he had ever seen any water bubbling up, and he said "No; the place will be r P dry overnight, nl t a nd full f go water ter in the 1 morning, and that's all we know about it." He had no idea whether a wet winter such as this which followed wed a wet romance had any- thing to do with it. A similar spring exists near Croydon, in the Gaterham Palley, known as the Woe waters, from the belief that its appearance presaged. plague, fam- ine, or war. Dillingore anust be the. overflow of a large subterranean reservoir in the chalk, which is fed by the natural drainage of the sur- rounding heights.. -y Cure Your Sore Throat Nerviline Will Do It Blessed Relief Comes Qtliek, YOU Get Comfort, Every Plain Disappears. "Experience has taught tee that the quickest way to cure a sore threat is with Nerviline;" writes Mrs. Enoch P. Maclean. "My children always seem to get wet feet and etas out in the cold, and in consequence 5 have to keep a good household remedy handy. I rub in Nerviline almost every hour, give the children say twenty drops in het, oweet- ened water, and make them gargle with it. I have yet to see the cold tide won't break up quickly." Prom the La Have Islands, N 4 'Mrs Tobn Wa1fleld tvritesi—"We have been using Nerviline for about nine years, and And it .excellent. When. we find any of me getting n cold we take Nerviline in hoe water.' It is a euro relief for it, and is 'alsoan instant .relief for internal pains of any kind." Tho remerkoble pain -subduing power of Nerviline and ito ability to check cnida, influenza and sore threat is unequalled. Every home should have Nerviline body on tho shelf for sudden illness at night, like 0ramps or interval pains. Large family size, 23Oc'; trial size 25e., at all storekeepers or druggists, or The Catarrh. Ozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. • FI. J4.P= LEGEND Or CATs. 111, Demons That Devour OId Women and Take Their Shape. "Legends about wicked cats are of a different character from those about dogs, which protected man- kind; the Japanese 'nekomata.,' or bewitching bat, with her, forked tail being an exceedingly dangerous demon, who devours old women and assumes their shape,'' 'writes Mr. Lawson in the Referee. "In the. seventeenth century she is spoken of as an animal of darkness, a do- mestic tiger•, and the Japanese place a sword gat the side of a 'corpse in order to prevent the cat from walk- ing over it or causing it to revive and change into a terrible demon. "In the legends of the nineteenth century, however, the cat plays a good past instead of that of an evil demon, and in these tales she sac- rifiees her life on behalf of her mas- ter and is .rewarded by burial in a Buddhist churchyard, with masses read for her soul, "Thera is also an old tradition among Iapanese sailors, which sur- vives to this clay, according to which a three colored tomcat (white, black and brown) is an ex- cellent charm against evs] spirits. He knows when a storm is coming and 'climbs upon the mast, where he drives away the demons; and the sailors of Dai Nippon do not care what price they pay for such a cat and make great sacrifices in order til have one as a mascot on board ship." TRY IT WREN YOU'RE TIRED You will find it )Fonderfully refreshing LI T rt sustains and cheers from the X Ranoh Corral a wall eyed Pinto 13ronclio with a Roman nose and lightning heels. We have issued a humorous descriptive circular of this remarkable bronco with illus- trations of his antics. Sent free on application to any reader of this paper. This is the most famous circular ever printed in the English language. More than half a million copies have already e Y been distributed d to advertise our famous Pinto Shellto s g vs. made from tough Bronco hides. For a free copy send postal to HUDSON BAY &dAQST Canada's Expert Glove and M1tt Makers. MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street, Toronto. OOD STOCK genu OP 500 ACRES •w with Three Itnases; Inrge Beek Barn, Must he gold quick. Price is very low. Qt EVES AI, DESIRABLE PARMfA IN Manitoba, Alberta and. Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the moues,forquick sale. THAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different eeetiono of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm consult me. H, W, DAWSON, Toronto, •STAMPS AND COINS. Q, TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED DIP - i, ferent hnrelgn Stamps. Catalogue, Album, oslo Seven Cents. Marks Stump Comnnnv, Toronto. BILLIARDS. YERYBODY ENJOYS BILLIARDS — Barbers and Live Men in towns only 100 population make big money. Be fleet to write for book, "Bow to Start n 1311• Bard Room"—Coat, Ensy Terms; etc. Cate. loguee of tables for Homo and Club free.- If you have a table ask for our supply catalogue. Brunewiolt-Baike-Cotlender Com - Pa nY, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. OSTCARDS FREE—BOYS AND GIRLS ogiwrite for particulars. Elgin Novelty Co., Sparta, Out Ai 3OCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETO.. V internal and external, cured with. out rein by our home treatment, write us briery too late, Dr, Rehman Medical Co., 7,imited, Cnlliogwnnd, Ont. fl ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND /MAD. lee' der Stones; Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments pesitivelr -cured with the new German Remedy. Sonne " price 81.55. Another new remedy for Diabetes•htellitne, and sure cure, Is "Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists er direct. The Sunol Manufac- turing Company of Canada, Limited. Wlnnieer. Man. Just a Minute pprotullerudirere from ng or bleeding piles can bo cured by using nature's own re- medy—no medicine—no operation. Thfa romedv does not profess to cure internal piles, but is a certain cure for protruding pile]. Discovery was made by sufferer 'o) 20 years' standing, who is now quite well. Full instructions on receipt of 71.00, W1W, B. OXLEY, 294 Berkeley St„ Toronto. CARPE t' DVEINQ and Cleaning, Thio Is t calamity with rho 13ritlsh Arne/loan Dyeing Co' Send pnrtioulere by pant end waive pore to entity..: Gold Mee chat. Address sax 232, Montreal BOLESNOW New arid Second• hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Age:, 0 for stuns. vatat Venailatlug and [Dating Svetonaf. POLSOC4 1TLW2p1S TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders When buying your Piano insist on have- ~an� OTT ' ,. L'2 Ptarao Actiora ' Maypole Soap CLEANS AND OYES Give. rich glowing colors, fadeless in sun of suds.. ],lyes Cotton. silk, wool or mixtures. Use it yourself at home. No trouble— no muss, 24 colors— will give any shade. Colors I0c,black• 15c, at your cicala'. or postpaid with booklet How to Dye" from 1o6 F. L. figNECICT & CO. Plonlro1l 0ulekly stops coughs,, cures colds, and teals Wen a Stingy man Ilan togive in the thOSot and lunge, .. 25 tents. Occeseon011y, Improved pa,rrnss FOR 5ALEou 0157 te1'rho in tiro me gt dealrable farm- ing district in rho Oanadian'N4rt11weol, flood rich bleak, nln- lea , y m. Dash fel 4r m will - 4u11 do the etwdiv - tiiie a aped, Owtt- g s sin v g and soil with the crop. Foy further ,/ Ice Fslrviaw portions toe .,. Pbl'(�3' Love Tenant) _,. a write owner :,. ..... ,, ,:nopio.(ard, Mahe the florae' GIaid'r* and Eager for Work - 001pblurlgto0yyoapatl,tmatthannrin .work. 0008 eg 1,1, telerfr 0085 tbet nolda 40,11 wet 'ewelitend'dlrt. 9041 ¢p050006, 10 413)j61 5311 tori,18811 bittvr,'rest by, Dr nn gi'Veyol, lied for 810410 n in 0VOC3 'pay, poati bier any; 0411) The Cow Ball Dgaving Abp g M ohino the omelette het 000n4 peeler, hilae tentoriasj5, Clbm5raad8eteyeeaord ie5*60 than any otter, fnittuw�Yrtle M n 815 hnreAd end m15 From eaed .1081 iM Odry a ondloybd, protect401 fl4i.'va 18 811, 1e41on rattle was, 1108 mat rebt dtb6w a 1105, easy tun. tlh 8110(41608510warO,1s4le'.tenel6aehlt lain 31.50 ¢,Ib. , P10105 9OB /dem seam 04Ot Mete Acid 150050,2, .' bor toefi'msoldools goitstrsis rtttf, Celeb4 Ron