HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-27, Page 4ire + el sets x i TRIM UAY, MARCH 27, 1913 CUPID'S VICTORIES JORDAN ASH WALsii A lieppy consuiutuattoo of a love affair was tweeted at the home of Joshua ane Mm Walsh, Con, e, Best Wswauosh, on Wtdttesday, March 12th, when their eldest clan shter, Miss Mabel Mar, i•rroame the bride „1 Geo. A lathe, ,, eldest son of Seinuel Jordan, of Belgrave. promptly at 4 o'clock, the bride entered the parlor oil the arm of her father, to the shams of Meodels. ah lure wedding march played by Miss Chrk. MoChulon, cousin of the bride, wheie the groom awaited hie Itrde under a beautiful arch, In i he presence of a select company of friends and tela tives Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick of Belgrave. after the usual injunctions, spoke the •se retic words which made them man au t w tr. After the guests bad tender ed their congratulations, the newly - wedded pair led the way to the dining- room, where a splendid dejeuner was enjoyed by all. The bride was attired in a handsome gown of cream Henriette with overlace and pearl trimming and carried a boquet of carnations and maidenhair -ferns, andwas unattended A reception was held in the evening ac 8 o'clock, when about 1ze friends of th, young couple attended and offered congratulations. Maly useful and valuable presents showed the esteem in which the bride was held The eveniug was spent in games and dancing till the early hours of the morning, when the company -dispersed to their homes They will reside in Belgrave, where Me Jordan is a prosperous business man Hearty good'wtsliea for a long, happy and prosperous life are extended to Mr. Jordan and bride. SAN D&RSON-M CCALLU3t Hillcrest Farm, 13th Con. of Hellen towns'tip, was the scene of a pretty wedding at 5 p.m., on Wednesday of last v. eek. Phe good looking bride was the oily daughter of Mrs. Robert Me kalium, formerly of Brussels, and the fortunate groom was Geo. Albert :tan Berson, a prosperous young farmer now a resident of Morris and the 3rd son of Wm. Sanderson, one of the pioneer residents of Hutlett. As the Wedding March was played by Miss Grace Huuver, of Brussels locality, fele prim cipals took their places, the bride being given away by her brother Duncan. Rev. Mr. Turner, ot Blyth, tied tue matritnooial knot in the presence of 40 guests, Bride was very neatly attired in a dress of cream Bedford cord, with tunic of lace and carried white rose:: and lily of the valley. After con- gratulations supper was royally served, the table decorations being pink and white earoatiuns. The health of the bride and groum was proposed in a neat speech by Rev. Mr. Turner Wedding gifts were numerous, valuable and useful. Gr'oom's gift to the bride was a gold locket and chain and to the pianist a gold brooch. The evening .vas most enjoyably spent in vocal and instrumental music, games, social chat, etc. Guests were in attendance 'from tiraforth, Brussels and Blyth. Mr m el Mrs. Sanderson will take up housekeeping on the groom's fine farm, .t i, Con. 8, Morris, tle milesNorth of ' ee th, where we trust they may be at Tended by all the blessings of this life. It is said a few other matrimonial al helices were satisfactorily arranged the evening of the wedding but of these we will speak later. TIMELY PRESENTATIONS Causes Much Disease Miss tisit'rtic.141 1i0SB a stleftetnieKE.l) Lest week, before shying Goodbye to Brussels for a while, lines Gertrude Roes, who reaigued her pusteloh ori ail ills have their origin Au a dto- les ueeels Public School 8I00I to ac- ordered stomach, wept opo at Yx'ince Albert, busk., was Our experience with Rexall Dye. ptesouted with Various Iokeue eIt- petiole Tablets leads us to believe Advice about Stomach Troubles and how to relieve them. Don't neglect indigestion, lor it may lend to all aorta of ilia and com- plications. An ernioene physician once said that ninety-five per content presaive of the gaud wishes for a perwd marked by etpprecia1iuu, and suacese 11111er new poatLtat. Sbe had put poly looked carefully and uu- remittingly,,afLer iter selt0o1 duties here but• tumid time to aid to every- thing L11at (same eu her baud, beetle Wi11 ba geeally tutased, The pupils of moss 11058` department read the following address et) her be- fure ecnuol clueett and preeeuted hand- some copses of Luugfellow's and Teuuyscu'e poems in leather. Ad- dress was as tallows SENATOR McMIILLEN DIES DEAR MISS ROSS.- We, yourpupils, regret that you are to be no longer put teacher and that you are gotug to leave Sur school and town to cute Untie your profession in a far Western town. We wisb you to kuow that the entire class unites in this ex- pression of sorrow at losing a teacher wham we love and respect. At trues aecut'diug to the ways of children, we may have been ueeulessly tryiug, ilut we wish you to forget, as we auuw you will, past d}teremues anti bear only a wartu feeling in your heart fur the2ud Room students us Brussels school. Our shtcet'est good wtehea go with you to Prince Albert As a eight token of our regard we ask you to auoeptthese books hopiug that they may often rewind you ul our good wishes. Signed un behalf. of class, DOROTHY tIOLsXES, MARGUERITE tL ILTON, MA.RJORY UAMPBELL. Miss Ross made a brief, suitable reply 1.0 which she expressed her best wishes for the scholars and her thanks for their kinds words and elegant re- membrance. A company of former scholars, who had ptumuted from Miss Russ' de- partment, desitiug to give an ex- pression foe past kindnesses pte- seuted several pieces of Limuge china, the following address, accumpituyiug the gift DEAR :512ss Roes. -We. are some of the pupils who have passed your room and are very sorry to heat' of your lee.viug and we al hope you wilt succeed well where you are going. We hope you will have a very pleasant lima. With many wishes for Eaeem. We are giving you a little present so that you will remember us tutu we are sure sve will remember you. Here is a list of the pupils :-Mildred Barwell (who wrote the adbless) 41. Pawaui, ill. and 8. McLaauhlin, F. teltNaughton, G. Thompson, 1.1.1 Skelton, V. Harris, 41.. Russ. J. Fox and A. Currie. Iu response to this thoughtful and much appreciated act the recipient spoke words of compliment and hopefulness for the future careers of the bright young people. At the hove of R. and Mts. Hender- Son, where the teachers of the school were being eutertaiued one evening recently, Principal Scott in bebalf of the staff, addressed a few sentence* to Mies Ross relative to the loss they were sustaining in het' removal to Prince Albert and We good wishes of her associates for her success in the West. This was followed by the ptesentation of a fountain pen. Miss Russ reciprocated the good fellowship manifested and hoped each in their important spheres would do their dut,y so that "Well Done" could be pronounced upon it. The hint of the pen would recall her old home town as pen was put to daily practical use. Saturday evening the 12 o'clock Club called oil Miss Ross andpre- sented her with a splendid leather suit case, Address was read by Mrs. presentation made • ill and the rase F. Butch PP by A. G. bloDiarntid. The young ftslk made the presentation- at the residence of P. and Mrs. Scott, Queen street. "This expression of kindly regard was hot necessary to convince me that the 12 o'clock Club was made up of warns friends whom I will greatly miss," said Miss Ross, "and the address and timely gift would never be forgotten." Mies Roes left Brussels by the after- noon trsiu Monday and will com- mence her duties next Monday in Prince Albert, where she will no doubt give a good account of herself. A goodly company went to the depot here to see her off and wish her God- speed. Miss Ross will visit for a day with relatives and friends in Winni- peg l et route, Mrs. McMullen Passed Away Wodnoa- day of Weak Before Last Senator James McMullen died at .1230 Tuesday of last week athis home "Maitland Hall," Mount Forest in his 80th year. It was only 5 days before k it with erysipelas, {vas to en 1 Chat he but from the first no hope was hel nett for his recovery. bins. McMullen died only Wednesday, March the 12th, andwasburied on Friday. Senator. McMullen only returned from Ottawa ten days befure and intended to returtt when the sessions were to be resumed after Easter. The funeral took place Thursday at 2 p. m. The members of the fancily who survive are : W. A. and R. T., brokers, and T. A., barrister, and one daughter, Airs. Walter Dickey, of Kansas City, 410. Mrs. Dickey was at the bedside when the end came. . Senator McMullen was a member of the Ptesbytetiatt church, The late Senator was the second soli"oi' r5u-ibltli .McMullen, a native of Monaghan, Ireland, who came to Canada in 1842. He Was born in M nna hau on the 20th of November, c g 1830, and educated 1.o the public schools. He was married in Septem- ber, -.1850, to Marry Ann, the youngest daughter of Robett ,Dunbar, Guelph On b. For some years he was engaged in mercantile life, and occupted the position of Reeve of Mount Forest. He sett for North Wellington in the House of Commons in the Lkberal interests from 1882 to 1000. He op- posed the erection of a national monument to Sir John Macdonald ire 1892, and suppotted Nicholas Flood Davin for the extension of the Do- minion franchise to women in 1806. He was called to the Senate February 11, 1002, by Lord Minto. , He was Chairman of the Staudblg Committee int Public Accounts from 1896 to 1000." In 1902 he joined Pion. J. I. 'tette for increased protection, In 1007 he introduced a measure look big to Senate reform, and in 1909 {von fol' the protection of life at level et•osslngs. He was opposed to tilTaft-8'ieldieg reciprocity coin - peel, in 1911, and was a Vice-Presi- dtint,lf. the Dominion Life Assurance Qott,P'oly. He was a member of the National Club, Toronto, teed was de- eoribed by the late Sir John Maodon aid as one of the ablest of the Liberal old guard. rata) aloud Poleoning Frequently follows the use of cheap corn salves +loci piaetets. The safest is the beet and that's "Puttiaen's," which has a record of fifty iwears sue- tiesa. Refuse substitutes lot' "Put« Harp's" which tioeta 26c in every drug Ntole. then, to be one of the most dependable remedies known for indigestion and chronic dyspepsia, Their ingredi- ents are soothing to the indnmed membranes of the stomach. Rich in Pepsin and Bleniuth, two of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine, the relief they afford is very prompt. Used persistently and regularly for a short time, they tend to relieve pains caused by stomeoh disorders. Resell DyspepsiaTablets help insure healthy appetite, aid diges- tion, and promote nutrition. As evidence of oto faith in them, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not hive (ante satiefaotion, we will return the money you paid us Without queation or formality. Three sizes, 25 rents, 50 cents, and 51.00, ynu. ea^. buy Boxall Dyspepsia Tablets in t,.: ,„Iv nt our store: F. R. SMITH. Brussels vs*SSON Ontario aMa There la a Remit More in neatly every town and oily in, the United States, Canada add Remedy fora nearly every ordinaryohumaResell- M- eech espeoielly designed for the partlouler ill for which It ie recommended. Tits Raul, Stores Storeserca's Greatest 1 thus rendered and the weiild at the saute time ask you to accept this purse of gold as a slight acknowledgment of the congregation's gratitude to you. We would also venture to congratu- lateyou on your long and efficient service in the ministry of the Gospel and to express our sincere {visit that .your bow may long abide ill strength and that your esteemed partner in life may continue to enjoy for many years the blessingsof a ii'accioustGlnd and the Joy of happy and toil in the church of Jesus °heist. Signed on behalf. ot the Session, Managers and Oongcegation. WALTER YV ILL, G. A. DEADM.AN, M. BLACK. Brassels March 18th, 1918. Mrs. (Rev) Petrie is a forme' Brns- selite, her maiden name being Miss Annie Knechtel. She was a daughter ItE s. Pervie e I eSt ived her that lessons e hlt in church work in Brussels. Rev. Mr. Perrie's boyhood home was only a few utiles away so that anything .that ,toncerua Rev. and Mrs. Petrie is of very special interest to the people of til is locality. REV. DAVID PERRIS) s SERVICES APPRECIATED Last week THE Pow referred in the report of the induction of Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., to the presentation of $50.00 in gold to Rev. D. Petrie, of Vinghtitwho officiated as interim Moderator during the vacancy in Melville ehhrch. We have since se- cured a copy of the addtees rend on the occasion and this week give it a place in our columns. It was as fol - DEAR-- DEAR MR. PERRIE,-'1'he ,office -bear- ers aid members of Melville church, - rejoiced Ghat the Presbytery of Mait- laud saw Ht to appoint you Modera- tor of Session during the vacancy which was created by the translation of our beloved Pastor, Rev. A. 0. Wishart to one of the great and grow- ing cities of the Weal. Our confident expectation was that you would dis- charge your duties its interim Modera- tor in a faithful, judicious and cap- able manner and this expectation has been realized in the fullest measure, so that to.tlay, we .are in the happy position of being a milted, hatitonitnus anti hopeful people and have had settled over us as our Pastor, one whotn.'we believe will prove himself to be a time minister of the Gospel, in nouiesllittg tis in spieitua,l things and in leading us fnrtearcl in Christian service. This desirahle state of af- fail's is to be atlrtbuLtd in large rnesstlre to the Wisdom and tlismetion with which you have guided the Congregation in its action, 4 We wis'ti to a881.1re you that we appreciate the vahtable service thee had been Judicial Sale Of Property Situate in. the Township of Morris, in theCounty of Huron, at ono time oc- cupied by Alexander Format Pursuant to the final order for sale made in the action of Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada vs. Alexander Forrest et al., there will be offered for sale with the approbation of the Local Master at Bolin, by Mr. W. S. Scott, Ancttoneor, at the American Betel in the Village of Brnsaela, at tea o'clock in the afternoon sari Monday, 7th April,1013, the following laud in one parcel The South half of Lot Number 22 in the .8th Concession of the Township of Morrie, in the County of Boron, containing 100 terea more or less. This property is said to be situate about 6 utiles from Brassels and Sly th; about 8 miles from Walton P 0., and to be oonvenf• ant to church and school. There is add to be a good log house and frame bank barn with mid to be in unfailing fair atata running of ciation,' at for erop- InThe property will be offered for sale sabieot to a reserved bid fixed by the said Master. The Purchaser shall pay ten per oent of the par, chase money at the time of the sale to the Vendors' Soliaitors, and the balance thereof hall be paid at the expiration of thirty dnya from the date of sale, with interest at the rate of ave per Dent par annum. The Vendors will only be required to furnish a Rogiatrar'a Abstract of title and to produce 'nob deeds or copies thereof or evidences of Otto as are in their possession. In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will bathe standing conditions of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Further partlenlare may be obtained on op - plication to .MI,LAR. SIMS &GIREGORY, Ven- dors' Solicitors, Berlin Ont„ or IP. 8, SoOTT, Auctioneer, Brussels Ont , or .T..T. A. WEIR, - Local Master at Berlin. Administratrix's Sale -0E-• VILLAGE LOTS In the Village of Brussels The Admtnistratriz of the estate of the late Janes Maxwell will offer for sale by Public Auction on the promisee in the Village of Brussels on Monday, April 7th, 1918, at the Lots Numbers 878, 277,878 and 878 011 the 1.W est side of Elizabeth street in the Village 'of Bros. sale. On the premises ie a brick cottage and frame house, good well and small orchard. Terma of Sete: -Ten per ee,tt in melt on day of sale and balance within thirty.d eye there- after when purchasewill be completed and purchaser let into possession. For further oartieuiara apply to the undersigned- Adntin- latratrix or the A.notioneer. IP. 5, Soon', SARAil MAxwnLL, Auctioneer. Adminlatratrix, Notice to Creditors to the matter of the estate of J. Vance Bate, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, fernier, deceased. Notice le hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 55, Chap, 20, of the Statutes of Ontario I George V.. that all credttors and others having el RIMS agalnat the estate of the sold J. Vanes Dann, Who died on or about the Wend day of Feb- rile•yy A, D. 1013, are required on or before the 1518 day of April, A. D, 1018, to eend by ppoet prepaid or deliver to the underelgned Executrix of the estate their Ohri5051 and aarilamee, addresses m,ti deaeriptlote and a statement of their seoounta agenat,thte said estate and also the nature of the seourity (if anylheld by them, duly verified by a etatutory declaration, And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executrix Wiil pro• coed 1 distribute the asaete d1 the deceased amongst the parties entitledthereto, hitting regard only to the olafine of which she shall then have got notice and that the said E11. ooutrit will not he liable for the said a950ta Or any part thereof teeny person orpersons of whose claims notion shall not have been reoeiv ed by her at the {fine of atoll distribution. Dated ibis 18th 41 of March, 11118 MRS. ANNIEI srazassma DA A O, SD -D othc38g eutrix ot the gotate, The World's Most Reliable Medium.Priced far Studebaker "20" $950 F. O. B. Walkerville Full Nickel Trimmings Complete Without Extra Charge Most Manufacturers Charge $50 to $75 Extra Specifications Brakes -Doubly powerful, internal and external. Springs -Oil tempered, semi -elliptic front, full el- liptic rear. Steering Gear -Improved worm and worm -wheel type. Control -Latest improved, simple, effective and convenient. Wheel Base 102 inches. Tires -30 x 3j/e. Equipment -Includes magneto,- three oil lamps, Prest-o-Lite tank, headlights, horn, tool kit, tire repair outfit, : ump and jack. Motor -20 horse power. Carburetor -Specially designed, extremely ihle for all speeds, 4 to 50 miles per on high. . rubrication -On the vacuum feed principle. ' nition-Dual system, dry cells and Splitdorf magneto. Clutch -Internal direct clutch, positive, in action without shock to passengers. Transmission-Threecntrlled, gearhousingmountedoec- n rear axle. flex - hour The Reliability Champion of the Year A CTUATED by a v li�l1. to show the ability of the Studebaker '20" and continued July in 1 the Studebaker Corporation beganJ y ., throughout the year the widest campaign of competition on record in the annals of motordom in America. The result was the installation of the Studebaker "20" as the reliability champion of the year. During this campaign this car was entered in all the big endur- ance runs of the season. in every one of these contests with but one exception this car carried away either free-for-all or class honors. The contest in which it failed to win first award saw three Studebaker "20" cars finish with, perfect road scores. - m e History of important Contests • "Little Glidden," Iowa -Minnesota -Three Studebaker rr20" cars finished with perfect road scores. St. Paul to Helena, 1400 miles -Stude- baker "20" finished with two of the three perfect scores, winning first and second. Atlanta Constitution "Round the State" Tour -Three Studebaker "20" cars finished with perfect scores, winning $500 worth of 'prize money, as well as consistency prize for the entire tour. Automobile Club- of Buffalo Reliability Rup-The "20" won first'ia its class, Newark Endurance Rttn - Studebaker "20" score and first rite in its won perfect 20 wo P class. Lake Tahoe Endurance Run -Studebaker "20" had two of the six perfect scores, win- ning first and second in its class. San Francisco -Los Angeles Reliability Run -Studebaker "20" brought in the only pe,fect road score, winning with. ease. "Tennessee to Gulf," Reliability' Run- Studebaker "20.'s" only ones to complete trip, winning all the prizes. "Register" Reliability* Run, Mobile to Sel- ma-Studebaker el- ma Studebaker "20" the only car to finish on schedule time, winning all prizes. Glidden Tour -Studebaker "20" won first, second and third in its class and was one of the 14 perfect score cars which drew for the Anderson Trophy, donated as an award to the best car in the tour. St. Louis to Kansas City, Reliability Run, 800 miles --Studebaker "20" won first in its class and free-for-all, beating large field of high powered cars. Denver Times Reliability Run -Stude- baker "20" won in its class and captured the big Denver Times Trophy, donated as an award to the best car in the tour. In all these events the Studebaker "20" cars were compelled to conform rigidly to them In most of running time. I schedule for t they would have been penalized for the slightest delay, either for repairs or.adjust- ments, and were prohibited from taking on e supplies of any sort except p at the stated controls. The' Studebaker "20 also performed con- spicuously in the important bill clitnbs of this year in which it was entered. At Minneapolis at :won in its class; at I3edfol•d, Ind, it won in a free-for-all against large and small cars; at Worcester, Mass., it won its class and tore up Dead Horse Hill at a rate equalled by no car of less than twice its power and price. Studebaker "20» Touring Car, $ 950 Studebaker "20" Roadster, 900 Studebaker "20" Delivery 1000 Robert It ornsony Local Agent ,a ; The Studebaker Corporation of Cana Brussels a. Limited Many autfetere froln ; heuloat-isu4 have beep surprised and deligitted whit 1.1137 prompt teller effnrded by up. plying Ohlaubeelaiu's Liniment, Nei. one come of rheuuntiant In len quires any internal testttuten1 011111. reel', This liniment is fm' sale by 'ill dealers, Stock for Service peITLL FOR SERVICE. -The uindereignu1 so will keep the Morel -broil Solstete.l, , • Man bull, Alfred Yhonui, 10815, for sovlee 1 u Lot•18, 0o11.10, Ores. The bull lyes bred tr. Richard Clerk, s well known breeder end prize 'winner of Elma. Sire of Alfred Thema 1.1 Maple 0111 Alfred, No. 5580, and dein 0ore)ta Vanua of Enna, No, 18801, Terms, 11,00 for grades and OA fur Intro breds. 8831 0, H. RNIORT, Proprietor, The People's Column CO1511fOttTABLE 'ROUSE and good lot for sale. Variety offruits l good neighbor hood, 40 0'05050/3151 given within a month. For furtherpartIoular3 applyto 884 TROs. I0NID, eraeeela, F 4I.551 7014 SALE -West Bali i of 2, lion, 13, Township of grey. eettiaining 50 sora. 45,oleared, fenced, drained and all in grass, 5 mires hard -wood bush. No butldints, For fur her particulars apply to J, L1OC1(1aBt101H. 88.10' To Contractors TIONDE138 will be revolved by the tinder. Renege at. to n001t A 9111758,10111 for the o n ieideruadl 8 lion,il 17,3 town hip el Gley known as Olnek's bridge, Plane ami 0peeiflox- clung may be seen 115 (Merles aloe Ethel. A. R MACDONALD. (lurk of grey. John Street Sewer TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received tip to Mom day, klarehglat, for the construction of the John Street Sewer. Plans and spreltioutiena may be seen at the office of the (Berk. The lowest or any tender nut necessarily accepted, Address tenders to F. Village Olo SCOTT, B, u-oela. FARM FOR SALE.-13enrg North porta of Lots 5 and 0, Cum 12, Grey, containing 98 acres more or leas. On Lot 9 is a good brisk house ; frena barn, on low wall, 85278 feet i bank barn willsstalling nutter, 40x40 feet I Primo stable 80x80 to.0 ; Mwstl tinvnlg 0815 1 good well. Iters, seeded. m grecs • gond so, chard ; school erose the road; 23114115e from •rnasois W,115..IIlots together esset aruttly. Easy terms end immrdiale puaseswus: 11 not mid will rest. A poly to 11. J. SHINTO, V. S., West til nekton, Ont. 88.4 yEGIlS rr E PROPERTY FOR SALE ePrecently healed John H Kerney, who moved to Quell is (known as the Rogers property, Tutnbe, ry street is offered for sale or if not sold will tee rented. There Is a comfortable house, good stable and 1%D acres of lend with a double entrance. Fine garden, &,o. For further tarnk'elars apply to W. R Kar, of ‚Inc Poste, who holds the hey. It is n choice spot to 11 ve 111 and will be sold very reasonably. 27-11 FAl2M FOR SA (41 -The undersigned offers hls line farm consisting of sbrint 185 am'ao adjoining the town of Olinton, for sale. 'She farm twin a good 0tnle or cultivation. and .has good buddin s brick house Wolk burn, drive leg h• ,,se. p15 inn, etc Il mompxreilrtdy new. A flirt -cls s yc005 r rrhard .00111amn1s 011 kinds of units and sl'o saran traits. The foam is well fenord and drained and is a very desirable home. For further pxr'ttettlei s apply on the premiers Oraddrrsa 28-tf JOBN TORRANCE. Clinton. OR FA LE OR TO LILT -A good comfort- 3""eble dwelling nod. two lots in Broom's. Terme easy. A. poly to F -1. S SOOT Auction - eer, Bruesoln,or to B, S. 000x, Fo•dwi,b 9•sn1 FARM FOR HALE, being -South half T.nt22, 0011. 4, Morris township, Huron 013., sow Wining U10 acres -mare or Iasi. On the prom - hat fa a frame liouse, blink horn, goad orchard, . well. windmill, Se. - MI cleared exempt about an acre Snhuol 134 tulles distant. Only 2••1 intim front Brussels. a sores of Fall wheat (n and [baht 50 Moran seeded down. Por price, teras and other information apply on :the ptrealises Cr If writing Brussels P O. 'Phone - 128, Or F. S. Scott, 13,•uaeeln. - 11.1f A. L.RERR. Proprietor. • essamemareaselegreesil 1ealligalllea STUDY AT NOME ilc, me maoikeeperouitegespher, o Ilearn to Draw and Design, or take a (aurae in Story Writing or Journalism: end gnali17 to earn neo d salary. We run. give you Mat the right Course. - Write os for Ontnlogne W. E1. -SHAW, PI'eaid enc, Shnw'o Schools, Toronto. smcsessissassesmauttamstamssasernsm RUPTURE Cured At your hone without pain, danger or operation. My tnt,1hod will cure;ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what y011r age is or how long 'rupturecl.. Why wait until your rup turebecom'es strangulated when you can be f urs -d ? Do not wait -- fill in coupon Age lime llup Single or Double ........r,.,, ...,, Nalne ........ .... ... ....., „ Addi•ees .11 ' 11 ,J. S. SMITH R8 Calodonlst'St. , Stratfo ti, Ont.