HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-27, Page 1VOL. 4I NO. 39 xu� r I J3RUSSRLS, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1913 New Advertisements Local—W. J, BurnsT Belmonte—Miss Innlsn- 'Vit paper—F timith. lined only-•Dutf & Stewart, Butter milk—W. W. Ftrrrle Omitted 8aooees-miss Ross Only 8 weekx—I 0 Richards, en e ri d u ap Fi'aak 0 r .(iris 6 Hoe for hntah 1 M s 17 ra.11arm •t R A aotibn wale—Hort W el l tiltrh'a, Nhitetooreditorn F 4.Reott, White WyandotteY 13. J. massing. 8 1i5trtct Leto$ Bluevale S. Paul shipped a cur of hogs Wed- nesday. Mrs. Snell spent -Idle holidays with relatives at Dunton. Miss Wilma Shaw spent a few days last week with Pelouds at Listowel. Morrie Smeltzer is on the sick list but we wish h+n a speedy recovery. Fred. Churchill spent the holidays with his brother, Harvey, at Elm- s testi. J. Johnston shipped two carload of settler's effect* to the West this. week. John Munn was seriously Injured' on Friday by being struck by a por- tion of the roof when it blow off his barn. Following is pat'tial list of Easter visitors in the villaige :—D. ()Toole at L. Buttons ; Misst, Nellie Burgess and Mabel Coultess, or Toronto, with their parents ; Miss Elsie Gannett. Robert ,Masters of Teronlo; Sliest* Black, of Steel ,• Misses Mary Stewart Laelhe Shaw lend Floe/mice Alt eltesou, of Stratford, at home ; W. H. Stewan't, of Bowling Green. with Thus. Stewart. LITERARY SOCIETY.—'Phe last regu- lar. meeting of the hest Literary Society ever held In Bluev8le was considered by many to be 11,0 best 1)f the season. Society bail the pleasure of hearing addressee by Ibev. J. W. Andrews, of Fordwich, fortnerly of Bluevale ; Rev. J. W. Hibbert, of Gol'rie ; weed the Hon President, Rev. J. E. Cook. hese gentlemen de- lighted their heavers by their wit turd homer. An laddi ess of an instructive nature was given by A. MacEwen en "Energy" and R. N. Doff spoke on "The Old Burg" giving reminiscences of Bluevale and the surrrnrndirig country. The closing number of -ePhe Literary Digest" contained an article about life on a British Man war by Jas. Carberry. Mr. Carberry spoke from personal experience as he served for 13 years in the British Navy. Several selections were given by the new ntchestt•a consisting of L. Rohan, Mrs. M. Watson . and Howard Stewart. Win. Speer con - Whiffed a number of violin soros. Theis were songs by Miss Bertha Haney, Miss Eva Duff, Ernest Wil- ' entree and Fred. Johnston and an original chortle, "The Bluevale Literary." • A humorous reeding was very plelaehpgly rendered by ells. 13cssie Moires, of Jamestown, tvlto will be warmly welcomed here in future. Eluting 1 g tl a heavy wind storm which passed d ( tvl.l a o the (ilattitt GoodFridlat, lunch damage was done Trees and P 1 rct* were blown down,w1) baths unroofed, silos blntvb Over, etc Among the ones who fared the worst weep Nelson Th» ton ,vho had his lout 43. hiowu in, oo one st;Je. It was a brick and the lose is;evereavy one ; John Mottos barn waif blown (vet ; Wm. 'Vtiornton's driving shed intro/if. ed and badly damaged ; David .level(t's barn partly unronfed ; at portion of the slate roofing taken off lHenry Diamonts house ; John Haaile silo flown over ; n111011 damage was else clone at the brick yard. Very few roofs escaped. Wroxeter J..7. Davis was a visitor in Alton 1)11 Gond Friday, Meet Kate Hazlewood spent Good Friday in IVingheam. P. Mercer visitecl at his home in Durham over Sunday. Peter Milligan, of Brussels, was in the village on Sunday. Mas. Feed. Davey returned from Termite on Wednesday. Miss Carrie Laurie, of Toronto, ie visiting with old friends here. R. 1Vi•hnie, of Toronto, renewed acquaintances in the village least week. 0. D. Simpson of Stevensville, spent Sattnday and Sunday i1) the village. Mise Lulu Rutherford, of Grand Va dlley, is home for, the Laster holt. days D. McTavish, J. R. Wendt, R. Black and W. Booth were visitors it Toronto this week. Miss Beatrice Howe has returned from London where she has been at- tending Normal School. 'Airs, Jas. RiLahieand .Mis8,Teannetl,• are at present the guests of Mrs. Frank Sanderson, Tovnto. Miss Mary Howe has returned fermi a six weeks visit with relative•• at 1)nnnville and RIantford. The Rev. Me. Kinder win ieave� shortly for Leamington Will preanh his fare -well serau,n 1)1 the Episcopal churc4.30h on Sunday, March 30th 1)l p. m • An At Horne was held in the bast, mens of the Methodist church m.. Monday evening for the Sendai School and members of the con- gregation. The school staff Misses Dell, MN Lend, McLaughlin arid Ray are spend- ing the Easter vacation at their home- in Thorold, Goderich, Winghant and Fordwich" ••F•t•••••••♦••••i••••+• '••••t d•♦d'•+•+•+•+•+•+f••4 +•+•+• 2 '•D • • • • • DECIOEO • • • •I.UR MILLINERY OPENING was attended by a large %, and interested entnpauy who duly admired the wetly styles 00 display this season, • • We return thanks for the ntnnermts• compliments, Oldel'e taken and sales uncle and solicit Lite patronage of those who have not yet favored us. ' te • Our goods are t- )• 1 • g new, 1)l, t< (ata, made up in best manner 2 and sold at reasonable prices. e•• Call and see us before purchasing our new bat. 2 gY • Mourning Goods and Ohildron's Hats receive special itE '1' tentim1. 2 1 M. E. R Q S S •0 • • • s • •• • • • �•.¢• • 2 • 2 2 • • - • • • RICHARDS BLOCK 4•. • • +•••+•9••••••••+•+•+N••4••+. +•t••••'!+•+•••;i'•+•+•+•+•.••• ••••••••o••••••••••♦•••••••••♦••••♦•♦••••••••••0.044. iOnly8Weeks 2 •• • • • • • More to get your Boots and Shoes •• at Less than Wholesale Prices •• 2 • • 2 Note the Low. Prices • • 2 • t• -.,t • Men's fine Patent Leather or Box Oetlf • • or Vica Incl G(toclyeat'e sole, rep- o • 2 lar 4.00 and 5 00. o/ ♦ _ Sale )rice 3_0e • • 2 Ladies' Fine Boots, laced 1)r, butt tied, I' G ; % • • regular price 4.00— rt E • Salerice 2 7& `, '1 •. P • ✓ .;, •• 2' Boys Shoes.'. regular 2.00:— , S alerice 1.60 2 • ♦sGerls8hnea regular. 1.75— I•Sane rice 1.10 • ♦ Boys' 1)d o1)1} ' $Inln(r Shoes only SOc and 8 Oc per pair • ♦ • See our window—yob', choice of any pair of Shoes in it for $1.90" • Shoe business closes May 31st • .. All aceoun is most be old at otic or settled byNote, •• P ♦ • • 11 2 • .... • 1.Richards� A ♦ •••f•Nwy .E►•N•N••••N••♦••♦•sus. 1 MSS Casale Barris, of Toronto, is the guest of her mothee, Ales. Geo. Harris. Miss O,tsslo MCDnugall went t(. iVlu•tuu en Felday to spend a few holidays. Clarence {White left for Toronto on Saturday,t , here t h tt 1)e bite severed els sl ot rd a meitmo et his trade. p Mrs, Hogg and Miss Mae l•Jngg, of Tnlonto, all spending a, week with friends ill this ttco«ly. 13eht, and ,11rs 4icintnsh and Miss Aura left mi Moeda), for their future home at Bluntest, Sask.. David Robinson, of Toronto, visil- ed over Easter Sunday with his 09)1her, 1V. Robinson. \less 'Aloe Ir'ethaller lt*enillpani*1 Miss Slilly 1)lu'e on her rete, a 1) het- home er horn" in Newtoni 1111 Friday. A great dead 1)P damage wee done herr def int) the eevea•n wind-stot0 on I� riln y 1,1.1 _ 11.,101'8 were 1111)1411) 011 I he Town 11 (11 and residences 1)t Miss .Ies811 .1r'I'nvish and \11.s. fbtvid 1Valker. fenee8 road ehimnr.yl Were 1)11,13•) (1)1411 and nearly every farmer in thi8 vicinity suffered from build- ings being;;mu'tially if not altogether destroyed. The heavy tains fnliow- ing en closely IL did not give them an lipping unit y to repair their buildings land as a 1(18)1it in many .cases valu- able craps have been destroyed by wetter. Ethel The Millinery openings attracted a Huge einlpany of ladies hist week. Garfield and George Dunbar were at Hamilton and Stratford on a busi- 11esS trip. S. S, (.lode hoe the constructing of several oeneent bridge abutments in morels township. The work of the Storm King last 'Natty did canyiclerable damage through this lnr,tlity. J. H. and firs. Cafe and Mis' Imlay spent the Easter vacation with friends at WVinghaant and iondon. Rev. Mr. Smith tool( the service in Knox church last Sunday and will nffln)ate next Sehhatil also, The. pastor will have Mr his subject in the Methodist rhumb next Sun - dal' e.Vellirlg "The Easter aftel'wlth a nod theme for gossip." Don't forget D. Milne's Short Horn Dispelsinn auction sale next Tuesday, April 1st. No reserve. Oapt. Robson and F. S. Scott will he the Ane- bioneers. )*hs. 'Hamilton sold her house and lot at. 1.'thel station to Joseph Hutchin- son and has removed In Bluevale, and is living with her eon and family. Mrs. Hamilton was calling here last week. The Canadian Club will meet next Monday evening to continue the d.ie- cussien of the Navy Bill. We hope the Minister' of Marine will not allow any of the dreadnoughts to get away with the flood tide on the Miaitland. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.— Will the ladies who subscribed toward the furnishing of a child's Sot in the Sick Otnl(Hospital, HensT Toronto, or any w ser wishing n 1 Is In t donate ate tot s Wor- thy g ht t th r1) 1 1 sr kindly n Y v ha d the money t1). the Secretary, etat y Miss Hall. as we wieh the business closed at parr next regu- lar meeting in April,. The iriduutinn services of Rev. Mr. Mo0ullough, the new" Presbyterian aetnr, will p take place at On'anbrook next Tuesday afternoon.. Rev. Ale. Mann, Brussels, will preach ; Rev. Mr. Land Walton, Y, t , Rdal'ea9 the pastor- 1 and Rev. Mr, Perrie, Whee- lies/1. the cotgregal.Inn. Supper will. be served and a sortie' evening enjoy- ed. A large number will likely at- tend from Ethel congregation if roads and weather, are favotable, TEACHER TRAINING °LASE•-- Fol• Inwieg is the splendid record of the 'PeacherTraining class in cohneetion with the Methodist Sunday School at their renen11 exairnirlatio» nit "The pupil" 1 stein 8lemronn, t}8 ; Mrs. Will Slermmen, 93 ; Mrs, S. 8. Cole, 91 Mime Tda Cole, 98 ; Miss Edith Milne, 74 ; Robert 1110Kav, 57 ; Charlie Hansaulrl. 57 ; Rowell E. Love, 73 MISS 0 Eduteston, 100 ; Mee Beatrice Bateman, 86 ; Miss Pearl Bateman, 61. The elites is now preparing for the lash TElxeminetinn whish they hope to write in a couple of weeks. There will he a Onrivocatinn for the purpose of distributing Diplomas to • • 2 •HIGH is GRADE 2 . IFLOUI I • 2 • Ai* you content with the 2 • Flout, you are using 1 If not 2 2 get a,bag of • 2 • ♦ • Model Brand 2 ♦ •A Flour 2 • 2 arid be convinced thee. it. is 2 • in a slues by itself, being 2 • sewed to none, Call the • e • Y. e Brussels Electric �i • u ht • 2 Oompany 2 • • • and geek Pot a sack of MOD- • R Ei... tnranufacturr(1 by BAR- ♦ • VES' BROS., Exeter'. • Tartu BtrtOtt Oasts t s r ♦ Er t JP. 4 S 1)a• I at t:r, rJt1 Matra t et ..♦•.••••••••••••••••••w♦ be held on the 25th of Apeil, when Rev. F, L. Ftarewell, associate Seel*. duty of Epworth Leagues teal Sunday x Schools for the eletlmdlet chinch Canada, will be present, 11) deliver. leo -address, told (told a (knife)wlee 11) eonnectioen with Sunday 8011101 welt. Leen I'taa•e yell il the } tl neo h � ! t ) $ !t or t.1) rGuuu( r Club n tv as held. Ili - Wresting addresses were given by Co. I11epe0101• Elliott, of Glnderich, 03) 0htldie)r's Aid Work and by fir. Fne,reber, of Detroit. The hetet, 3(1ve a descriptive talk o1) the city of the Straits, its parks, etc. The impnr•t- atice of the Ohilah•e«'e Aid was well emphasized by Mr. Elliott, who is evi(le rely into i1 body and soul. Cranbrook Mira.- Jaddatz, son and daughter, spent Easter i1) Bel lin. Miss 13. Caider, of Toronto, teas a visitor here fur Easter. Mrs. H. Hunter and sons spent Eas- ter holiday with friends in Mitchell. A. Reymann and A, Helot were visitors in London and Stratford dur- ing the week. leduetion of Rev. Mr, McCullough, of Chatsworth, takes place in Knox church next Tuesday afleenoob, A gond time is expected. The S. Balfour farm has been wild to John Balfour, of Lead bury, the purchase price being 55,500. It, is a Ailsplace and well located. The following announcement was read froth the pulpit of the Presby- terian church on Sunday 10111 111113 Gast :—To the members of Knox Pi *sby teriu,i thureh. DEAR BaETn- REN. 'Phe eomurtssioe appointed by Maitland Presbytery to in vestigal *0(11'- 18113) charges pre4elred against the Ehlers of this church by Mrs. J. M,'- Nabb, tv1811e8 to inform you that the charges were rest emit/tined and that t11e Session is exonerated from all bhuue. T, A. BELL, Cleik of Commission, Morris Council meeti''3 Monday, April 7th. Miss Irene Clegg was house for Easter from Troy, Ont. Serious damage was done by the wind storm of haat Friday. Miss Mnrdte, teacher at the Ander. eon school, wont to bee parental home al Winthrop for Easter. Miss Jernle Rabb and Miss Grace Robb have been home from their respective schools for the Easter holi- days. \piss Nettie Findltater is making an extended trip to her aunt at 4Vashiog- toil where she tvtllspend the Summer probably. . The young son of Wm. and Mrs. Shnrtreed underwent a successful operation and will soon be fully re - stirred we trust. The 100 acre farm of Mrs. Thos. Menoders, 2} miles Smith of Brus- sels hoe hear« leased to Wm. McLean, of 1 he 7111 line. A new housekeeper will have to be looked up. Sant. McCurdy, 5t1, line, attended the funeral of his u no a 1 ] tib 7. Mc- Curdy, at Guelph. h. He died very suddudy. Funeral was held. Monday. MISS Pearl Anderson and Norman Welsh were married Wednesday of last week at 5 o'clock by Rev. Mr. Ferguson before immediate friends. Groom's flue farm will be the place of residence. Presbyterian choir, 13elgrave, presentede0 cluck to the bride as a token of good wishes. May their joys be many. Jus. Taylor has taken out an anc- tioneer's license and is prepared to take charge of auction sales and solic- its the patronage of the publics His acquaintance with the public, also heaving to practical experience covering it number of Yeats on the road as a buyer of live stock, should qualify him to successfully 1111 the bill. Parties heaving sales Should eonsuit hint at an rally elate. GONE TC HER REWARD. --On Feb. 1st, 1013, Oluistiannal (Johnston) Jew- itt, after a brief illness passed away at Che General 1lospital, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. She was burn near, 13rue- sela, on May 30, 1867, where sire resid- ed dining her ell -limed, removing hater with her parents to Newbridge and from there to Ford ;vie!), where she coie:teed to reside until her re- moval with her sister Mrs. Wesley Wallace, eta Sault rite.$ Marie. On lugusl 2181, 1002. she 441148 Married a.1 the home of Wesley 1Vallenr, Sault Ste. Marie, to Amos Jewitt, of the sawed plane, formerly or Binevtde, Ont,. 1)«d continued to live in that city until 1 he time of her decease. When but le young girl about 12 years of age, Mrs. lewdtt gave her heart to Christ and luring Lite rest of hoe life was allvtiy8 fictive in the Master's work. She was .1 faithful and devout member of the Central Methodist. chute+ in Sault Ste 3111141 and attended both ohm eh and Sunday School the last Saahhat] in worth. Not only did chnl'rh )activities engage het, time rami interest but Kine )V118 ion 011tlezeitIStIC worker• in the 4Vunfen's Christian Temperance Union, being Vice President of the Union at the time of her demise, Feb. 70. the W. 0. T. IT, held la Mete - oriel service for their White Ribbon 4181)r and Many tender te1etenees were made of her beantifnl character. "Gates Agar" and "The Ohtistilut's Good -night' were very 6e,nntifctlly tendered at thatseroioe, Mee. J'etvitt Inas gone to her t'oward brit she leaves h rhltld fel' as an iliapilHlti1111 and tee emit -moment to °there, a height, t' t' lot anal exempt(' Sand •.all unfaltering enet i« her Saviour and It triumphant Tenth. One of the hest nleSS11ge8 t) to the 1n ed ones around her was, ihat the toed was ceiling her. The 143)0'. rat 5104/110 was conducted by, her f)iithfnl p,tatet', , Rot, E. N. Baker. NI A. D. D Mee Jewitt, who was at err ' err `P• ( r • 1 Wife land mother, It t wee r y the ,Ht .ggt u 1`tn' 1)r Robert n g t t tPl t wart 7 rot A. Johnston lout she 1rtt0e8 to Mann) her Inas, rt farrowing husband and ale. deer little danghler 4 year's old, also her mother and one sister, Mr's. Wee. ley Wallace and two bruthers Robert A, Johnston, of Mohan, North Dako- ta, and Wesley Jululstnn, of Sault Ste Marie, Ont, We eau all say ,efilessed are the dead who die In the Lord." Jamestown n Ralph Shaw, teacher, was homefor the 5ltater vacation, Miss Marjorie Strachan is making a visit with her sister, Mrs. Yeomans, of Detroit, Horace Kell, a Goderirh bay, has conte to crake his home n i1Mrs. Jae. Straeha l and family, Last Sabbath evening 11. lee I Shaw, of Bluevale, took charge «1 the ser- vices in Victoria Hall, Miss Mary. daughter id Mrs. Alex. Tempest, has taken a position as sten• ogr•apher'to a Michigan 11(l/vn, We wr5h her success. Walter Hrerkenridge, his another land niece, puepnse moving to 131 easels where we tenet they will enjoy corn - fort turd the blessing of gond health. Many old Mende in this locality are glad they are locating so near by. Wlnaham Thee was a big gathering of the Members of the Bap- tist church in the. O. 0. F. Hall Wednesday evening to honor Alex. end Mts. Kelly and their daughter, Tette, prior to their departure for Vancouver. The family has been rinlileeted with the church for over 20 years. An address was read by Gen. Poonek and handsome gifts of silver- Wlue and nut glass were presented by Mrs. Peter Fisclter, Miss Phoebe Dine- rnmle and Mee. T. McDonald. The pastor, Rev. G. V. Collins, presided and during the evening a program, consisting of songs and solos by mem- bers of the chair, addressee by the pastel•. Peter and Mrs. Fisher, read- ings by Mrs. G. 0. Hanna and Calvin Wilson was much enjoyed. An excel- lent lunchenn was later served by the Ladies' Aid. Grey Harold Livingstone was holidaying with relatives at St. Marys and locali- ty. Mise Katye Denman is assisting ea sting Miss Schmidt at the millinery in Ethel. Lorenzo Frain and Miss Lorena Frain were visitors at Detroit for Easter. Misses Rands, Dickson and Grant are home from their schools for Easter vacation. The line farm of Wm. Hogg has been leased for a term of years by R. Jlu•kiin. He will take up residence o1) it in the near future. Miss Kate Telfer has been engaged 1)•y the Trustees of 8. S. No. 1 to corn- plele the term of Miss Pearl Baeker, who tapas a positinn on Brussels staff. Miss Bette. For, of Winnipeg, formerly of Grey township, was the guest of Miss Elsie e Steins and other Friends in da u this locality for acouple of weeks Mise..Tean Armstrong, of the Tor. onto Normal, is home for her vacs - Linn, She will probably return to the Queen city to resume the teaching profession. Sated. Campbell, of Gaylord. Mich.. returned to his home last Saturday after an enjnyahle visit with relatives and friends in Grey and Morrie. Hartwell Speiran, having disposed of his farm, lot 28, con. 15, will hold a sleeting Ruction sale of farm stock, implements etc., on Tuesday, April 8t Sale will commence at 1 o'clock, A NARROW ESCAPE.— Saturday evening, about 7 o'clock, as Arthur Denman and hie 001)510 were return. lug home from the village of Ethel, heaving crossed the switch track and about (,Kissing the plain track, a West boated engine and cab dashed through, Thele 441)11 no warning given, nor no headlight. The occupants did not see or hear it in time and only for the 11(1a'de becoming frightened and rear. ing back they would probably have Inst their' lives. Somebody was to bleutle. JNo. DUNBAR PASSES AWAY. --On • Good Eritlay an old and well known tesideut of the 4th coni, passed a- wey in theperson of John Dunbar, in Ids 690 yetis'. He had been in failing heaa111, for the past year. He was barn at Prescott. Ont., and carne Westin 1867, following his trade as a carpenter, 28 years ago he took up faa'mhlg and followed it up to hie decease. Deceased was united in marriage to Miss 'Ellett J. Molielvey 37 years ago, who 1redeeeased hint by 9 years. The 0hi1llen are :—Mrs. P. Lemma, of Gee ' Mrs. Robert Mc- Lean, of Centealia ; Alex., Bert., Misses Mina and Myrtle. The subject of this ontioe was a Presbyterian, a Liberal and a Masan. Funeral was held on Monday to Brussels cemetery, Rev. Me. Bell, of Molesworth, con- ducting the service. Pallbearers weret 1. nod J. Pearson, W. Seemlier, Jas McCartney. S. lamp - bell and G. Dixon. David Dunbar, of Ethel,is ah anther to deceased. CALLR) HOME.—Jlunday afternoon at'2 o'clock the spirit of James Savage to tto 1)k i s flight the Clod who goes it. Hi: had been in failing n ug heealoh for the past 8 yeas* but not seriously ill until five weeks u o, when lung trouble set in ofloch tv Ito died on March llth. Doceesed was born on Lot 22, Con, 3, Grey, in.1 6. l3T Mr. Savage4vta9[cnown AS In 1* R uprights Flt l (l n lnrun , 1> roan i 1X Who enjoyed the 'respect of the 0011)3n0ni- 1 y 111'. Savage died nn Lnt 29, Cnn. 4, tvlierehu h has lived ` vedfor the past nine years having bought the farm front Richard Pearson. Whose who are left to mem% hie loss are live hrethpr•s and Ilse *'. )11 1 Wter, Jr 9r 711 and n .. J ten of i the John, at it tin, l Lula Willie - I l rt cif f t hr 4th (Inc end Den and Sank lam, 3)1, ' Dean 1,1) Men., lea t . and Aire. Wm. Artr( iQ, ws , 6th.. thee (Ivey. Punsr'+al tank plate on There - (ley, 26th last, and was lerge[y Attend- ++!•d,•h•F•7••1•i•i"•9•i•'49'•B»b•i'•1•+4•+4"-1++++ • Our New Spring Suitings + Aro attracting much at- tention these days. *New designs are ne � at, + We have them in various + shades such as Tans, Blues, + Grays, &e.. These are worn by the Best Dressed Men, Suite made by us + are distinctive and correct and 2 bound to give satisfaction. ,I, Come in and let us show you. * Our prices are moderate eon- sidering the quality of material 4. and workmanship. + Good trimmings one of the 2 features of our trade. 2 2 • • • •• • • • 8- • + + 2 + • A few Ready-to-wear Over, t, 2 W. Ps Fraser coats at a Bargain. Merchant Tailor ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ed, Pall bearers were C. Hanes, Wm. Lucas, J. Lucas, 0. Dixon, A. Spilett, F. Lucas. Rev. Mr. Conners, of At- wood, officiated at the house and also at the grave, .We extend our sym- pathy to the bereaved. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Agnes Telfer, 18th con., and Walter A. Davidson, of McKillop. Ceremony will take place at the bride's home Wednesday even- ing next. It was expected that Aimee, son of Chas, and Mrs. McQuarrie IOth con., would be ready to return home this week from Wiugharn hospital but he took a bad turn and will have to con- tinue at Wiughem longer. We hope he will soon be o. k. Mrs. Thos, Brown, 10th Cnn., was taken to Guelph hospital iaast week where she underwent operations for appendicitis and another trouble. Her many friends hope she will soon be restored to gond health. The baby is being looked after by Mrs. Robert Oliver, Brussels, sister to Mrs. Brown. Walton Mies Annie Ferguson spent the Ras ter holiday with relatives in Toronto, Joseph and Mrs. Bennett and Miss Florence were visiting in Win3ham over Easter with relatives and friends. The postponed sacred Easter Livt n - stens e 8 rvioe "The message' of Light" K will've a b given in Walton g Presbyterian church this week on Fridley night. All welcome. Good Friday's storm left a long eerie* of disasters in its train and this locality was not exempt. The barns of Jas. Fulton, Archie McCallum and W. H. Maunders were moire those that were unroofed. Windmills and silos were hit hard. Brussels is to have James and Mrs. McCallum, of this locality, as resi- dente. They purchased the comfort- able brick hoose of Mts. James Ferguson this week and will get possession next mouth. They ate well known here having spent many induetrinn9 and successful year8 in McKillop, where several members of their family also reside, DOING WELL,—Mea. 81lnpenu, who had the.misfortune to break her left limb, at the thigh, by a fall In yard, is getting along as well as could be ex- pected. Although 76 years of age Mrs. Simpson is made of gond stuff which will help her through to com- plete recovery her many friends hope. Mrs. Simpson, of Globe. Anent), who is a daughter-in-law. is here waiting on the patient and as she is a trained num she is able to give professional. care to Mrs. Simpson. Rev. and Mrs, Lundy entertained the members of the Adult Bible Claes, Monday evening, 3rd east„ on the eve of the departure of Lloyd and Miss Maggie Potter for their new home in Greytownship, F p. Wetvill surety miss. there as Miss Margaret has been a faithful organist in the Sabbath School for over a year. After enjoy- ing a pleasant evening and the si)t'in3 of "God be with you till we meet again," all departed declaring Mr. and Mrs. Lundy first-class entertain- en'A. OBITUARY•—Peacefully and sudden- ly came the clotting out of life to Mrs. Christopher Maldonn, at the home of her daughter; Mrs. John Watt, with whom she had resided fo rthe past 6years, since Me. Muldoon died. She is survived by 5 children, (Mrs. R. Hewitt, of Oormmattdo, Montana Mrs. Adam Shohliue, of Dauphin, Man. ; Mrs. John Wltt, \Velton; Jun. of Lauder, Mian.: and George, of Brussels. Funeral took place last Saturday afternoon to J3ru'sels cerne- tr e y, service tee being conducted in St. George's Otero!), ,1)f which deceased eease a was n faithful tnembely by Rev, D. E. Cameron, rector,. , scene'. MI' s, Muldoon r wee born atDne ngal Ireland, Fan 1, in Nov, 1834, was married to Mr. Muldoon' Sept.1856 Rev, J. t Cruickshank, by hank and canoe direct to this country after, it voyage of 6 weeks. Eglnnndville then made eye of few helms was her first home where Mr, Muldoon work- ed inatail a heel•few v A e' v afttoffa t• they moved to Con, 9, McKillop then bosh and nn white) hlclh a shanty wee built. After1) sojourn there for `l i < years they bought on tile 12th eon, Of McKillop where they spent 42 W. FI. KRRR, Pro/tietos years. The Pine fere' was sold to Wen, A7c0avie jr, The subject of this notice was a fine woman and Was beloved by a large circle of friends for leer many good qualities of both heart and head Rev. A. C. Wishart, RA.t Calgary ry Sonde Hee good Wlohao to Molvlllo Church Pastor and Cangrogatlon The following letter was received too late for the induction last week :— To TAB el EMBERS AND ADHERENTS 010 Al ELVILLE OHunez D MY DRAB, FRIENDS,—I feel that I cannot let this opportunity pass with- out writing you o1) this very import- ant occasion, and expressing to you 1141 very best wishes on the settlement theft has taken place to -day. After a soutels hat, lengthy vacancy, a new pastor has been inducted into this pastoral charge, a new marriage con- tract has been entered into. I trust that the union may prove to be a very fruitful and happy one ; that, in the great harvest day when God comes to make up His jewels, many precious souls may shine as the brightness of the firmament in the kingdote of our Father, as the result of the union that has been co)summated today. A new watchman has been set upon the wales of this Zion ; a new sower has been sent to sow the seed out 1)t the Heaven- ly granary in this place. May you hold up his hands in prayer ; may you go forth and labor with flim earnestly "until the evening." I bespeak for my successor, Rev. Air. Mann, the same considerateness, the same kind hospitality, the same love and friendship which you extend- ed to me during my sojourn among you. He comes among you with the experience gained in several years of labor in other parts of our Lord's vineyard. I trust end pray that thea may be the most successful pastorate he has ever had. May the Lord bless both pastor and people, as you now begin work together. As the Lord looks down from heaven, may He see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied. May you all have joy and peace and gladness in the service of your Lord here, and a crown of life that fadeth not away, i1) the kingdom of our Father above. With kindest regards to one and all. Believe me, as ever Your Sincere Friend, A. 0. WIsHART. Calgary, Alta, March lath 1913. J. H. CAMERON ADDRESSES THE MOTHERS' CLUB The regular monthly meeting of 8t. George's Mothe,"s Club held in the kindergarten room. London, on Tues - say evening of last week, was largely attended. Owing to the illness of the President, Mrs. llluett and the Vice- Presidsl to Mesdames 1 dames Prterma p and , le Harley, the chair was occupied ted b y bIrs. Tanner. The musical part of the. program was given first, vocal and in- strumental stilus being rendered by Mrs. Chapman and Miss Irene Brown. J. H. Cameron, of the Collegiate In• stitute staff, then addressed the moth - ere on "Principles of Education." Starting with the great educator* as far hack as the sixteenth and seven- teenth century, when a good educe. tion meant a knowledge of the dead languages alone. ler. Cameron foie lowed on dawn through the years. giving the principles of Montaigne, Rousseau, Pestlalozzi and Froebel. The last two, he stated had discovered the key note to the best means of eau, eating the child and today, although we are still striving more effectually probably than in yeale gone by to carry out their great principles, there is still much to be desired. Mr. Cameron mentioned the man- ner in which ole educators are hands. capped by those in authority, who al+ , though they may have a thorongh comprehension of what is needed, still have one eye an the educational sys- tem and the other on the popular vote. That the mothers appreciate the worth of Mr. Cameron's. address was evident in the sympatlecifs.:-he17'r,,g -see tendered him, Seeeteen1`ir'those pees-. ent expressed Miele' gratitude to Mr. Cameron for so kindly devoting an evening of his time in speaking before the Club. The speaker is a former. Brussels teacher. LOCAL, OPTION SUSTAINED AT °LINTON Judge Holt finally disposed of the Clinton local °price by-law case last Saturday by reporting that the, By -late had received the required sixty per cent and should now be given the third reading by the Town Council, The Judge held that same evil -disposed persons had tampered with the ballots in 8t. John's Ward by erasing the cross fn favor of local option and plac, ing crosses agehist local option. 'There were 14 ballots which Writing Expert Stenion hadsaid were changed, and the Judge Allowed 13 of these as it WHO very appsreat the crosses added had been made by tete one person, while trite ballot, which had been marked for local option arid also had the word "Yes /drove he l 4votd „g , a ants " wire s not arlotved. The final vote as reported by the judge was 327 for the by-li;w and 2t6 a aib8f . which leaves a =teeth V 1. of three votes over the three fifths necessary to carry the by-law. Coul- ee) for the local option party,W, Pro rd' t Pdot. R. C , held that the roriyf- 191 w rc 'f uitlr t which nub tave n tea 1)r itv of for dr Lntal Ouc n alduld 1a ve bee r t. accepted but judge decided other. w'se he y 1 .1)y l t costs t, Of the Cage are, NSSe55ttl .i;1) est liceellreper lieuben Graham d4 (.11.9e wore the abuse suis entered,