HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-20, Page 4I)� 1russe s ASf CURE DANDRUFF FOR 50 CTS.•••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••V••N....••NN...•• ♦ ;cant The iulpot'tlulee oP this as 11 the box•hokiel will bo expeclecl w
. • leant°' toe',u'd oily buil lit ill b i
l it e? I1;>;I' NI ARCH 13, 1913
'111adiAal IIgY n BU1Vle1"J team
will leave on June- 6:h for the British
hies and will be away seven weeks, five
.4 which will be. stlrnt In trundling the
ap'ic'es No (lpube It will prove an en-
joyable outing.'
c Ig w e meet G to cottrle ou Ills next• Crip
-•- - . • 'nudity appreciated. and give et receipt on delivery of the
Tors Xt's alts;, and you logo ucl • • nrtis•In. Registered letu•18 oil which
Tisk, GO to Jas, Fox the • Shoes are MoviiiijDui .. • the postage )strati( f es have
druggist, to -day, and gat a ' • ,;
l t PAIL
I e•
HOW the a: •,
l: 0 Ila of � (omelet, and 11 reipt given theee-
'rneaa is nor Partietlar'reason for a
wealthy Province like Ontario to run in
dept u1'ess by spendthrift methods but
the finances had the "shores" in the last
budget report when it came to striking
a balauce. Somebody should say
"Whoa I"
THURSDAY of last week the Duke and
Duchess' of Connaught celebrated the
i 4th anniversary of their marriage and
eceived hearty cougratulatious, The
health of the Duchess bas been of a
very indeffinite character during the
past year but we hope the visit to the
Old Land will greatly aid in her
CAN you guess when the next
Dominion Election will take placed If
signs do not fail it looks like an early
reference to the people. the enval Bill
being one of the chief questions the
electors would be called upon to express
an opinion. Hon. Mr, Borden might
save his political life by a compromise
but if a navy at all a Canadian nave
befit and ulaoned by Canucks appears
to be a. strong card in the contention of
the Opposition.
QUITE a .fresh interest has been a-
wakened in "The Pocket Testament
League" in Canada in connection with
a campaign. Only obligation is to
carry a copy of the Testament and read
a chapter every day. Membership after
a lapse of 22 months now numbers over
45.000 with the prospect of steady in-
creases. It is a cause worthy of sup-
port and should prove of special value
to young people enabling them to con-
t the Guide Book in travelling life's
hereby missing many of the
. Would you like to
of every day Bible
all )o t e o
SIAN S(tge, lila germ killing •
MIME • hair restorer. •
ANY ONE If 11 does not cure dandruff •
1r1 two weeks he will give you o
your wnury back
PARISIAN Sage is a pleasant,
daintily perfumed tonic and hair
grower. It is guaranteed to stop
falling hair or itching of the scalp,
and to cure all diseases of the scalp
and hair.
PARISIAN Sage has many imita-
tor's -get the genuine. The R. T.
Booth Go., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont.,
oanadian makers.
Boards of Health iive up to the de -
mantis of he Act, some do not even
meet for organization during the twelve
Grey Oouncil
The Municipal Council of the Town
ship of Grey wet in the Township Hall
Ethel, Monday March 3rd. Members
all present. Minutes of previous meet•
ing read and confirmed.
Bylaw No, 3 for 1913, appoiutiug
Pathmasters for the year 1913 and de-
fining their respective road Divisions
was put through its several stages and
fivally passed.
Clerk was instructed to advertise for
tenders on the construction of the ce-
ment abutments for the bridge on Sade
road 3, Con, 17, known as Clark's bl idge
tenders to be opened Monday noun,
Apr , 7111 next.
The following accounts were present-
ed and ordered to be paid ;-F. S
Scott, collecting taxes lot 16, Lon, 5,
$9.50 ; William bray, gravel, 82 48
Grant to Ethel Publte Library, S5 10;
Municipal World, supplies $i9 68
William Rohinsou. gravel, $18 no; Wm
C. Harrison, gravelling bey , Grey and
Elora, part payment, $25.00 ; fames
ferrie, repairing Calder's (ridge, sue ;
David Milne, tee dram on Mill Road,
$6 00 ; 'township of Morris, Grey's por-
tron of deficit on construction of ;Our
rav•Lamb Drain, $ioo.58 ; Wm. F.
Schnock, supplies for tile moulds,
Council then adjourned to met on
April 7th. A. H. MACDONALD, Clerk.
Almost Dead Of Bronchitis
Few people have suffered more
than Jno. P. Taylor of Dymelt, P.
0., Out. Today lie is well and
writes, -"I must tell you how much
Oalarrhozone has been to me. I was
so bad with bronchitis sometimes I
thought it would soon be over with
me. A spell of choking world come
on that left we prostrated and weak.
'ince using,
C,atart ha zoos L have
t had
uble at all. It ren rt leu t
1 eti ley
'upped the cough, gave me
ng and entirely cured."
experience. Catarrh -
cures whether
Uatarth. Two
epi," The
ne of the Christian
e fact of the resurrection
and with this the removal of the sting
of death and the defeat of the victory
of the grave. "Christ, the Lord. is
risen to day" should be the keynote of
a joyous Easter end call out thanks
giving and praise from the human
EXETER had a smallpox scare, more
scare than smallpox, but after all it is
better to be sure than sorry and those
who advised, or insisted on precaution
cry measures, were on the right line.
It is a dangerous and expensive epiden,
t.• and consequently sets a neighbor`
hood all agog where it makes its ap-
pearance. We believe the public school
should instruct the pupils In Board of
Health rules and Regulations As a means,
of acquainting both the pupils and the
homes they come from with the law and
the necessity of observing it along
.. brood lines asthey relate to sanitation,
diseases 8nd the preservation of the
pub'ic health. Very - few Municipal
d be
it on
sit -
an 111-
apping or
would be
ova of the
pe was quite
wasn't it ?
1 attempts to
ter the fact is
known through -
that in Ontario
ed hi the Budget
i. 1. B. Lucas, there
t year of $245,000 on
Mit and that this year
p to the present 1101 in -
the extra suppletnenttu'y
is 2131)00. The total will
les $t a v
Ore than that of lust year. This
lot pleasing news and reflects dis-
credit on the Government which hes
to report it. What is wmree 51r.
Lucas has outlined no plan for coping
with the difficulty. • The aiabililiee
have to be met but lite acting
Ptoviucial Treasurer has refused 111
the House to discuss the /natter or to
tell whether the necessary funds will
be raised by special taxes or by loans
Such disregard of the vital gnestioi
of finance 11E8 no pavallel to PItiviticial
politics. "Reactionaries" is a per.
fatly fair definition of the Give'(-'
hent on the 'Temperance question.
The Liberal policy of Abolish tilt
Bat has been (e•intto0uced into the
House but the Oonservalives who had
Mt opportunity to take a forward
step moved backwards instead. II,
the recent Temperance debate the
Government's resolution did not go
nearly 1113 fat' as their proposal last
Year to abolish the treating system.
71'hat was their positive cure for the
evils of the liquor traffic as opposed
to Abolish the Bar. This seasotl they
simply stand on their past record
whatever than is and the abolition of
the treating clause is releg�ated iii an
obscure minor and qualified position
ht their' resolution. Local Option and
other tenperanbe votes In the last
few years have proved that Ontario
is peogreseing, and that it is moving
gltiokly to wipe out every ban amp
eVe'y club lice1180 (and thet ewith the
treating systetn,) Tile Whitney
Goyethrnent on this question Ana oil
Get your supply at
these Reduced Prices
• while the stock lasts.
i,,,�, rel«t •
' .
Move Quick as the 1 •
• are Going fast •
0 Gents' Oalf Bluchers, Goodyear Welt, reguhti $0 00 retlneed to $•t (lU 4.
• Gents' Dongola Bluchers, regular 4 UU " 3
no •
• Ladies' Glut Metal Buttoned Boots, regular8h 00 " 3 UO e
• Ladies' Kid Blucher's, regular 3 00 " 2 (10
• Ladies' Kid Buttoned Boots, regelar 2.60 " 1 00 •
Girls' Kid Buttoned Boots, regular 2 00 " 1 00 •
• Girls' Kid Bluchers, regular 1 60 " 1 10 •
le Buys' Box Calf Bluchers, regular 2 25 " 1 06 •
Great• Reductions 113 Hen's and Boys' heavy Rubbers,
: Trunks atntl Satchels away clown in price. -Suit Ott5e8 regular $3.00, n e •
• duced to $2 00. Suit Cases, leather or itnrtation, at low prices. •
' Ip -2 Sets Second Hand Single Harness -Your choice at $3.75. •
• ••
o• •
I. C. Richards
• •
others is not in line with the pro-
gressive sentiment of the Province.
They may have the support of
"Reactionaries" in their "policy of do
nothing" but "Reactionaries" ave not
going to be allowed by the people of
Ontario to rule this Province.
Chamberlain's Cough Reined; has
won its great reputation and ex-
tensive sale by its remarkable cures
of coughs, colds and EMIR. IS caul
be depended upon. 'Try it. Sold by
all dealers,
'the natural gas strike which was
made at a depth of 1300 feet here the
day before yesterday has proved to
be of sufficient quantity to supply
Fuel for the whole of the muni-
cipal power plant and the elet•tric
light plant and the water wcn'ks,
The present flow is estimated tat
• ••
• ., you content with the •
Flour- you are using ? If not
• get a bag of • •
1•Model Brand ••
t Flour
and be convinced that it is.
• in a class by itself, being
• second to none. Call the
t• Brussels Electric Eight
• Company
• and ask fora sack of 51 OD-
• EL, nianiifactured by HAR-
• VEY BROS., Exeter. .
Terms Strictly Cash
vie. PAtterson, Manager
250,000 cubic feet every twenty four
hours. This flow tea, struck in five
feet of the regultu gars sand and the
chief driller who superintended the
drilling of the big Medicine Rat
well states that the formation of the
oil at Vegreville corresponds to that
mettviLllat 1Medicine'fiat. Drilling
is being continued and as the depth is
increased the present. flow will be
augmented every few feet by other
veins. Drilling from now on will be
only to develop and increase the
supply. This part of the work will
be slower as on lleconut of the p(es-
elee of gas in dangerous quantities
all lights have had to be removed and
consequently night work is now
The scene at the time of the strike
attracted a great deal 11' attention
and as smut ars the news of the find
became known in the town there was
as general stampede t(1 the well. The
day following upward of 500 people
visited the well. Although the flow
ignited WEE 1103 allowed to run at its
full power and although it. was in=
creasing in strength all the time, bine
flame shot up to about twenty feet
and was burning c1nti1OOnsly from
a ten inch pipe until it was neces-
saryto ill 1
ext gt sh it in order to re -
item e
e•iteme work.
As has already been stated, the
Miller; in 011(31 ye expect to 111111 011 a
a lower strata in this Veg1•e
1 eemi
ascends th
"as it
inlay to that of
Another proof of the richness of the
Vegreville (1180ict in mineral mai tee
came last week in tete discovery of a
seam of good coal three feet two
inches thiel[, This was discove•ed nn
property belonging In Messrs. John
ston & 51 ill or Bnttlefnrcl. Samplee
have been taken yvhieh prove to be
(t8 gond as the highest) grade mined
at Ifelninnton. The property is to be
developed at once.
The alder 'riven by Hon, Frank
(1(lnlute tlu1 the 0. P. R. should
build its Lanigan-Prilee Albert line
through the town of Humboldt,
definitely assures the standing of that
place as tine of the coming railway
centres of the `Vest and has had no
inconsiderable effect on the stability
of Humboldt property values. Fotlh-
er developments in connection with
the 0. N. R care also assured and lll-
aide info(nration is to hand In the
effect that the Hem bold t-3lrl fort
blanch is 10 be rushed to completion
at once. The prospects are that
'Humboldt will have railway lines
leading nut of it in at least five dif-
ferenttiireotions before the end nf,the
Leave your order for
Seed Potatoes for de-
livery first part of May
Finest New Brunswick Green Mountain $1,25 per 90 Ib bag
Irish Cobblers I.So of
East Huron Produce Emporium
To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Low Bound Trfp. Rates each Tuesday,
Match to October inclusive
Winnipeg and Return - $35.00
Edmonton and Return - 43.00
-Other pointe in proportion
Return Limit two months.
on all cxeurslons. Comfortable berths, fully
For settlers travel-
ling with live stock
and effects.
Will leave Toronto
I0.1:0 p.m.
Settlers and famines
without live stock
ahoald use
Leaving Toronto
10.20 p.m. Daily
Through Colonist
equipped with bedding, can be secured at
moderate rates through local agent.
No charge for
Same Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March,
April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and
10.20 p.m. during May, June, July and August.
Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West
Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy(
District Passenger Agent, Toronto
Rural Mail Delivery
11 will be of considerable interest
to I he public to learn that tllo ad.
rantaages of the Ceti/Wien n R.ura1 Mail
Delivery System have reeettly been
iuet'eased colder a new regulation of
the Post Offlee Depot intent. tvhieh
requires Rural Mail • Ctntrere 10
teausnct Money Order and Peropi
Note buaiueea fur box -keglers ou ( heli
respective routes told also to tarty at
supply of Postage stamps, sufficient
Lo meet the (:equireulents ul' the
patrons, and to accept letters for
registration from box -holders, and
give receipts therefore. Iu this way
the Rural Delivery System will be-
come a Post Office oil wheels, and
will add much to the increasing) coin-
' venieuoes of Rural life. Patrons of
' Rural Delivery will be supplied with
blank applications for Money Orders
and Postal Notes, - to be used as oc-
casion arises, The patron will pre-
pare the application and hand it to-
gethet with the purchase money to
the courier, who will give a receipt
therefor and will purchase the Motley
Order or Postai Note at the distri-
huting office, and deliver 11 to the
box•ialdel• on his next trip; ot• the
courier may be eeLrnsted with bite
open letter 111 which to enolose the
Money Order or Postal Note and thus
save time. In the case of registered
lettere for: box -holders the Post-
master of the distributing office will
vilify the box -holder• of the x(115131
of the registered article and the box -
holder will be required to give the
cornier an order on the Postmaster to
deliver the article to the courier, and
1913 Catalogue Now Ready
170 pages brim full of good things. Con.
tains valuable information for the farmer,
market gardener and private planter. 12
pages of the latest and best, world-wide
introductions. Valuable premiums, Your
choice of 6 new varieties 81(1 unnamed
(not for sale until 1014) absolutely free
with every order, large or small. Don't
deand; addresss our requede st with
ll receive
special attention. St -sr•- you area
vegetab flows.
•.lhilo i, a zees
Dept. B 4
40 Ile we
price plat. •Write to -day
vovr mind.
ul e
been fully paid, n' ll be accepted by
• A 8uggoation Of Rare Value
A dise,asc11 eunditiln of the Hllf1'tt(ee
of 111e air peseages nausea bud tweet 11,
but more rt'lntl1nhly emanates tet 1013
indiggeslinl er an imppure condition of
lite I,h„•d '19hnlslu11ls of 131113138 prove
11101 1)I. • 1lprttiltou's Pills though
their imeelf10nctlon on Lite sem'elory
111111 elinliuelire (ogling, Hot only eul13
hail hi tau h, hal H1 thoroughly purify
the 9)'01('1(1 tluat anything suggestive
or blood op digestive tlitd)ll's is
poss(ble, Tllrnugh Dv. F1aulillml's
Pills the skin grIu•a•rosy aid clear,
nativil y pf the hotly and 111111(1 in-
creases, and bounding health, is
established. Sold aveIywlle'e in 25e
Assissoa Loam. ie about through with
his work.
HAVE you a Rural Telephone 1 I1
not y on are the loser. A move is on to
reach moo on the circuit and it rooks
like attaining it. Leave your °leder.
Administratrix's Sale
In the Village of Brussels
The Administn,irix of•the estate of 11 nt
7013(08 Maxwell will tiler for pale by Public
Attrition on the pre8 (1808 in the Village oL
Brussel,' on Monday, Apelt 7,1, 11)18, at the
lour of 2 o'clock 1n the afternoon; V, Inge
Lots Numbers 870, 377, 1178 end e75 m1 the Welt
side'of Eliznleth Street In the Villein. of Itras-
8r18. On the ilrern1508 is a brick (u1t8ge and
frame house, good well end smell oroharrl
Terme n( Se le :-Te11 per tent In oath en tiny
of ante end hninnoe within thirty days there*
after when purchase will be completed fold
purchaser let into possession For farther
pnrt1cn11ro ripply to the undersigned Admin.
lstrntrix or the A nation eer.
F. S. 80053', 8813811 Maxwara„
Auctioneer. Adudn(stilt trig
Mortgage Sale
of Valuable Farm
In the Township of Grey
Under and by virtue of the Powers contain.
ed in a certain mortgage whirl] will be pro•
dueed at the time•of x1118, there will Inc offered
fol• ant. by paths 8uut1027 on Wednesday, the
28.1, day of Marna, 1818, et the hour of 32
elo5k noon, at the A0155 loan Hotel, in the
Village of Brussels by 8'. 8. Soot t, Auctioneer,
the following property, namely :-
Lot number Eighteen in the: Eleventh Con-
0eest, wnship of Grey, also the. gnr-t
oot til' leer 7,7 .fie to ))'Mine
slop of the Townaliip of Grey, lying Son th til'
the Maitland River, oonteining together Ona
Hundred cold Thirty -our acres.
There is a large brook house with kitchen,
bank a
n ankh rnfid
n sxbl n•
t 1 F, pig The, property shed and elleonthe property Th. pi °pert;
la abort three +nils+ fr Efhel •
Terms of Sale; -10 a of the pureimea money,
to be paid down at the thne of snit, and soli)•
Went therewith to mike up our -third of the
purchase money wit lin ten tiny- the1130 Her,
and the balance play remail on mortgage et 0%
tier 0nrmm, or the pnrolmser may pay 1111 Dash
For further pertin» pert entity to
Vendor's Mnlicitnt•8,
Rtretrord, Ont.
Dated at Stratford, )la't'h 6th, 1018.
I is a decided Economy and an excellent Investment-
1E11. i': 88
Because it makes other feed more palatable and
digestible. It also puts stock in first-class condition
very quick. Caldwell's Molasses Meal is 84% Pure
Can• Molasses with 16% a special variety of edible
moss possessing unique digestive action.
Thousands of stockmen and farmers are consistent
users of Molasses Meal because they have proven it
to be the best conditioner on the market. Your feed -
man likely has it. If he hasn't, it would be well
worth your while to write for prices.
Confined to His Home for Weeks,
I(Iloavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought en
Varicose Veins. Whoa I worked hard the aching would become
severe and I was often laid up fur a week at a Inco, My family
physiciantold m
y o au operation yeas m oil
ho e-
Y bu
Y t dreaded i
.�trl dseteiNs c
a a t.
e Inliscs but
soon found f•'q p o l d o tors
they wanted was my
mono; I commended y (31 11 to look upon all doctors as lode better than
rogues, One day dy ones asked 1 why I was oil It Drs,
so much and
\\ I told him my bad
Ileadvisedme to consult Drs, Kennedy w
I{ennedy,as a lad taken treatment from them himself and knew
they were aquae and akElfnl.' I wrote thein and got Teo N017
No -'not) TREATMENT, My progress was somewhat slow and during
yr �' the first month's trentmout I wa8 somewhat discouraged. however,
I continued treatment for three. months longer and was rewarded
t );,\ • ) With a complete cure. I could only earn tile a week Io a machine
; shop before treatment, now I am earning 82j and nOYerc loose a. day.
I with all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment.
ii) N1W O. LOOUST,
BLOOD POISONS aro the most prevalent and mesa serious lllscasee, They sap the
very life blood of the victim and unless ehtlro eradicated from tho system will cause •
scrims complications. Beware of 3terollry. It may Suppress tho symptoms -Our NEW
11ETIIO10 cures all blood diseases,
YOUNG OZ IL'IDDLI3 AGED MEN, -'Imprudent sofa or later exsessea have broken
clown your sy:tt(n, 'You feel the symptoms steelier, over v011, Mentally, physically and
vitally you aro not the amu you used to bo or should be, Willyoul)ee4 tllo0augorsignals?
EADCRAro you a victitn? Eavo you lost hope' Are you intending to marry? Has
Gil your Llood been diseased? Have you any, we^l:00,31 Our Naw 51Emnoo
nEAmMcuT w:.1 euro you, What 1t has done for others 1t w.1 do for you. Conseltatien
Free No matter who has treated you write for an honest oPD noon Fred- (Charge,
Books Free -"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood," (Illustrated) on Diseases of Mem
boxes or envelopes. Everything Confidential. Quatioa Litt and Cott of Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICEAll letters from Cannclamust beaddressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart.
sarrinaas- recut in Windsor, Ont, If you deeire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we emend treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for Ong private address,_
Stock for Servide
BULL FC1( N(C1tVlt•D-The II 11HIV 1,-n
W1111,0131) 1(15 thorn'-hrod Rolst in 41,,.
Hlnn bull Alfred Y ern 1
It 1, 1e b, fon- rt, via, ,n
(1 he Oon.18 Grey. The lull uu• In 13-11 hl
35(115 rd Clark a well known brevet.). tie pilau
winner of Mem She of Alfred- 3'I rwn lH
Maple 110 II Alfred, No.0, and dt171t. (•(111114
Yltonn a01 nd 35M No, 18808111 !Terme, g1,en ver
gl tides 40,00 fur pro beetle,
860 0. H.1.(2(1011)', Prom teto3,
The People's Column
601(11001(TABLS HOUSE and good but for
solo, Variety of fruits ; knurl fit Ighbor•
howl, &e Possession ;oven within n month,
Fo' further partiouiarn apply to
115.4 THOS, BOND, BI'a.neht,
P AtirUtll( TO. 1(8CN•e. - The °lege farm,
being hot 8 Gov 5, Morris, is ufferr1 to
1411,1 for pip,lure. Fel•Ell l'lha' pl{Ptluu acs tip.
1(170,13110 ',roubles to 111B13, JOS, CLEO(+,
FARM FOR `!ALE -West Ralf Lot 2, Oen.
12, Township of Ilia;, containing is °urns,
45 elect n•., fenced, denim d end all In 7, ass. 6
nerd, hard -wood bosh No bmldm0. icor
fur her ptu• tieulare apply to J. 1.EC31I1•',
Iketf . Brussels.
To Contractors
T8N01118 will be received by the outlet,
signed, nu to noon Apml7111, 1512, (or the
n omitimetion of cement abutments for a bridge
on Adenoid 8, t:ou. 17, Town flip of Grey,
known tet Clark'a bridge, Plane and spra3Dgx•
Cions may be seen at Clerk's office EMI, 1,
A. H MAcutiNAD
Clerlr 07 Grey,
John Street Sewer
Sealed tenders will be reeelvl d tap to Mon-
dey, hlareh 5(00, nor the 01tuition tion or the
.lot, ii 9trset ,;ewer Plans and speeilientlone
nifty be 0101 et the -office of the (limit. - The
lowest or tiny fonder :not necesserlly eecepted•
Add retie tenders to F. H (3(1013T,
Village Clerk, Brunelle.
SHALL farm for sale, part Lot 11, Con, 11.
Groy township, on ltrh is a (101110
/ion- 0, hank burn, driving shed, pig pets, silo,
orchard, &o Good drilled well, 134 Innen
(ram Ursnbr"ok. Poo8eosion on March 10,
for further mirtimllers apply to
CHAS.'S 1y 1'I Z ER,
Welton, P. 0.
F'A11131113011 .SALE. -Being North ports or
Lute 4 and 0, Con. 12, Grey , containing 08
aura', more or less. On Lut 0 18 a good brick
house 1 ('ante barn, on low 51111, 05878 feet
bank barn with stabling under, 40580 feet ;
frame stable 81x00 feet ; entail wMving shed
good well. Fara, seeded in grass ; good or-
chard; school across the road ; 2k: utiles from
•trnssela Will moll lot° together w•eeparately.
sold will rent. immediate tot 1t. J sSHINE, If
West Montt ton, Ont. 80.4
he/n'.—Th. home recently vacated by
John H Kmruwy, wlto moved to 0atlyh (known
ea the liege,,, property, Tnnlbel ry street. i8
offered for sale or if not Bold will be rented.
1'h ere is a Ito intone blahouse, good etebl5 and
X34 0304 or hind with a double entrance. rine
xrd.n, &0. For further par tion ler* apply l5
W H 11,o r, of Tau Pon, who h,1da the key,
rt-MYelor andyAa14sy+o;L.•4134_121-.Lli14'1 et lehre Ford
very rea.onobly. 27.17
411,31 Mott 8.41,E. -The undersigned offers
los tine Perm 1 t of Oli Inc.e about le tibe
,111 ening the Conn of Ul(,tFor 8o le. Tike
farm is 111 a good state of cultivation, and has
cud buildings. brick house bank barn, driv•
I o g 11,11,0, pig 130,3, etc ,1311 compk rn l i 1e1y new,
A Brett:lass young oroharrl contenting an
kinds of h 1,its and 81.0 small frosts. The
farm (n well I'.•uced and drained and Is n very
de-irnble home. F01*(11111101. peri Molars Apply
on the premises or odd PPM
28.17 JOHN TORRANt'E. Clinton,
Fort SALE OR TO 1.1115-8 good •omfort-
nbtedwllnng end two Iota in Brussels.
Terme easy Apply to F 14 Set er, Auction-
eer, Brnosel,' or to B, 5 Cook, Fut dMelt. 0.8m
FTA RM F01( SALE, beim,, South half Lot 25,
Con 4, Morris township, Huron (10„ eon -
mining lilt neves 11101•e or hone. (111 Ihe prem -
iso. (s,, 7,1 me Mime, honk barn, good orchard,
well windmill, Ste All cleared (-Snell about
1111 acre School IK miles diatom• Only 23,6
milts from Bruosele. it aeras of Fall whentin
end al not 00 nares seeded down, Iron price,
t, rn,, and other information apply on the
u(0un'n- r if writing Brnssele P O, '5111.the
12a. Cr h' 4 Sratl-, Hi -un ee(a.
(1.17 A, f.. KR1111 Proprietor.
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