HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-20, Page 1VOL. 41 NO. 38 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1913
New Advertisements
Shawl lost—'J.'4) s PORT',
Hoytobiro—Phone 2111,
Auction sale --D 6I1 no.
A autlun sett—R E (l.0. cliff
,hidlolnl stile—J J, A wolr.
S .W11 ser gal(1—,luhn Irrown.
11,0.1)111031—W1110wH Jrnrruw,
Houde for sale -Mrs I. Pal•Itet'.
1r.ed brayy—Audrow Lamont.
Nobles to Ol•odlbors-14' . Dana,
Tains for Wahine—John Meadows.
College at home—Wingl)am Bus. Clotlego.
33isttii.ct et
Miss Annie McEwen returned to
the West. on Monday.
Mrs. Kennedy, of London, is visit-
inI,, her stunt, Yirs. Jahn Gibson.
Philip Redden, of .liarriltou, wits
in the village on business last Wed-
1'hn8. and Mrs. Martin, of Millan
Township, have moved to Walter
Stafford's residence.
John Dickson, or Wingllant, was
the guest of Robert McKereher l'oi
several days ieeen1ly.
R, and 3.1•s. Graham, of PalinOr'stne,
were guests of their daughter, Mrs.
Win. Kaake, over Snnilay.
Wm. McLennan, who recently le-
turued from Winnipeg, is spending a'
few days with ' his mother, Airs. M.
Chas. McPherson, of Sandusky,
Mich., is the .guest of his sisters,
Al's, A. McDcngall and Mis. W.
'Miss Della lliggiu•, of this place,
was minted in marriage 10 Milton R.
Naylor, of Fordyce, in W1ngham last
Wednesday ,tI'te1110 mi.
Russell McIntosh lets, on 'I'uescla.y
with a car of sets -lot's effeels Inv
Blucher, Sesk, His 1'111'1'1110' and
other members of the rattily 0ri11 fol-
low shortly.
Rev. and Mrs. Wesley were in
Brussels on Tuesday tvhenihc former
preached the induction s1,' ton when
A. J. Mem, B. A. was 1uchucted
to Melville ehn'ch pastorate.
The entertainment given by the
Continuation Class in the Town Hall
of Friday evening was a most cm -
(able and pleasing event. A debate
'has,4.letn4.cac1>e,4 m. stns, hacl.,aua
as more infne11 1)tVW., world than
1 (1 l
brains."brains."wase ably handled by the
following speakers :— Affirmative,
Misses Annie Munro and Agnes 14fc-
Kercher, of Wroxeter ; negative,
Misses •ertrnde Deadman and Jessie
Menzies, of Brussels, the former
winning by several polma. An in-
teresting pal't 'of the progt'am was
the music furnished by the ol'ehestrit
which was composed of purely local
talent. This cp.rnpany of musicians
were Muabled to snake a handsome
display on the stage of the trophies
even i1) competition on their last trip
11111011(1. .A. play entitled "A. case (11'
thisp('11sion" was also given by several
of the C. 0. pupils and was most
i'1I0y(Ible. The proceeds of the eve r-
ing unwonted to about $45.00.
Tltrubelry Council will meet next
Monday, 81st. lust.
Rev. ;111'. Onok attended the County
Temperance Convention at Clinton on
'Phut slay of this week.
• 111101, J1Lll,— The sensnu (If the
literary, Socials mid Debating Society
will be brought to a class next
\Vednvsday night by a Lecture o1)
•'A ''rip through Canada," by Rev,
Welke Moffat of Millbank. Lecture
will be illustrated by hand colored
lantern slides. The object of the
Society is not to make mullet' but to
provide an est -mimes entt'rr.ainuleut
'd' high quality for its Members
1 he public 118 a clfoIllx to an enjoyable
\Viutr(.e. The lecture will be held in
he M0111011ist (•Farah In1(1 admission
will Is 15 cents. School children ad-
mitted free.
W7onnING.—A quite wedding 1,01)5
•<0leuluized at. the Home of -Oen. and
\irs. Haney Friday, March 14th,
when their eldest daughter 1001
11111 led in marriage to John Higgins,
of Hannah, North Dakota, by Rev:
I, 13. Cook. Promptly 1)t 12 o'clecl(
the 11:11111 misty entered the 1)1'1or le
t he statins of the wedding march Dias•
.'e1 by Mrs. (Rev.) Cook. The bride
was given away by her fal.1101' and
(vas daintily attired i1) 1L dross of
"ream silly crepe -de -chine ovot silk.
After IncLceremony the guests num-
berivaonly the immediate friends of
tryy.... family sal down to 1t well laden
table. `Nle. 01111 11'8. Higgins left o1)
the (.1 P. 13, for their new home, the
bride travelling in 1L dress of navy
blue silk with hitt to Match. The
Witte is one of Bilevale'8 powder
vnultg ladies, being organist of the
"tet11"ist chatph fur '1,a number "1'
years :(I d her many friends join in
wishing them a happy and pro0petims
married life:
LITrRARY SOCIETY.—At a i•e0ertt
111 cet; ..1!'^ P•Mut .$uoiety.,l,',' tece'A.iite.
rants w1R !.'given by ,1`us. SMilh and
\V, I•l. Fraser 1111 "harly days in
Huron county and Bluevale district."
Last week was held Ole debate on the
Naval question, which aroused so
roach interest in this neighborlinod
11)441 the attendance was ole of the
largest of the Winter. Afl iunitive
side, which claimed that Canada, is
both able anti willing 'to maintain 11,
navy of het awn, was composed of
RIlbt, Shaw, W. H. Fraser and J. W.
King and the negative eolnprised
Belmor ,Arto
Our First E hibit of SpringY Styles
will be held
Wednesday and Thursday,
March I9th ei 20th
We extend a Cordial Invitation to All
to visit our display on these. Dates.
E. I N M 1!# . N
,/apprentices Wanted.
eel 000.000001.00S•ts•ssaS.S sSes6000000O••S•O•S•I•0000 •
• 0
(; • • a•1,
-Air. t ,
>.Z w
a tl�l r."
•�� r e
• •9on"l1): •
• `'1s 113.1. . bio- e
• 1 tater the hand Rich and produce b1, •
•.. Feu.. .la •
• The hl'ah'ng crops.
and halve been on the market over 36 years p
• oth(e an established reputation unequalled a •
• ?i'rtili' r Fertilizers Theagricultural value of a'
of cr only
o ,
res measured b the increased field
• Y Y •
• give t15; due to its use: Our brands are node to ,4
• -111,. . •
• ibis sort of value. e. •
• calr u.,: •
• •
and se examine s see'the testimonials • � and e alx, goods,c •
vest neure a supply, Ifyou want a good Far- •
�,+ . �'~]kirt Fall secure Homestead fertilizers
. 3 - We eleed,g all i
a• I'. •
'1ro'.;y,s, ,:�b�J'ib, i Agricultural llrspllelrtentst •
After supper, tii'ltile halgraphs, Pianos, &e,
ing a suit of the 'u dlni 0
till his own 011110 dry, 1'
AC+^�N'd- 1s
)nlsttess on 1,110. stalls S
• Q BR
broom to her hands, ft -01W r
got a sharp thump on tho'mllte(asr�sleelu 40•000INO••00000••0000•1•s
lowed by the exclauatioa '
"That's for asking 4,1
Stay aa' nicht,lrg
Russell Jermyn, .7, P. McCracken and
Wm. M lues. With such strong Pores
the debate 1,0 AS a vigorous one and
the audience tonins it hoth enter-
taining and 1ust'uetlye. Judges.
Rola, 81011(, A, L. Posliff and W. J.
Duff, awarded yi('l0) y to the affirma-
tive. Musical part of program was
provided by Leonel l ltullen, who
gave a number 1)l' violin solos, and
Dougald Stetttlhan, of Jatnest"wn,
who always receives it warns wel-
come iii liluevale. A(wimpa)istta
were Mrs. Rutted), Miss Lilian Ile -
(1a11 and lliss Mary King.
hies. Mitchell visited 1t I'ew or the
sick toll o1) the 2nd tan. of Grey on
3!Io"es l,llle C]ruiiigrr end. Lllu
Fraser visited 1'rie11410 i0. Listowel
last t(eok.
AlisseH.\111)1 Atenet 1t'n; sol AO0ie
licbnrlsnu 01) 're in l.i•;I.n\iel a lotlple
mf Ila(•+ 11101 Creek
11111(11 I';111011 111111 Elgin 411)1011111g
left fur Keeler,. Sask., on Tuesday
with (1 ear of horses.
We we sorry to hear Jaw. David
Campbell has been under the doetoi s
care hut. the hope she will 00011 hr• 0. k.
Ju1111 Grainger 11115 retnnerl to his
house- in the Vilest after visiting
I'rieu(Is het e for the past two months.
Thr 1N'emen'e Institute trill hold its
mom 1,1v steeling on Thursday,
Mated 27, at ,\its. 11.Yon.ues. •'Spring
tie tviug" will be 1 h(• 511 hjelt• for dis-
(r198in11. A good turn out is hoped
'Be, "Livingstone" social, heldin
1lit, Pi(shy lelian ohmel) .1 Tuesday
evening, was well 1111('(ded tants a
t)owlier of very interesting items on
the program reletting to the great.
missionary's life. Collection amount-
ed to St7.50.
Alex. Gardiner will take 11 business
tip to the \Vest.
joie] Bolger expects to leave next
wept( with it car of horses fur the
Don't forget the Livingstone even-
ing in Duff's church'Good Friday
G.. S'rm,:�T3'!ltb,iv 81,11,4,.., confined to
'tri ii ha li..ie hwe hope the tile "al c,f
Spring will greatly aid her.
This weak \•1,•s. S. A'lcSpIadde.n . alias
With and Ariias Mabel Be1)1te1J't are
limey to Hamann for tb•5e Easter
Several from this 15,teleality attended
1lo' fn neral of Ih1e r late Mics Anne
Kelly 111 BrusseW, Friday of last. week.
Deceased ivy .s well known i1) Walton
and Vichiyiity.
—NV'e1111esday evening Ressie McKee,
rw'101('t of the late Christopher Mul-
doon, passed away quite unexpectedly
111 her 77111 year, 11t Ole home of her
sol -in -late, :No. Watt. Mr. Muldoon
diel 0 yeti's ago. The funeral is de-
1.1yed pending the taming of rela-
tives from the \Vest,. i(111ther parti-
clderH next week. '
One 0111 friend J. W. Morrison,
who hits been all Montreal at the head
office of the 0. P. R., for seine tune,
has been seat to Conksville, •near
Pomata, (there he is ip charge as
resident engineer of JO miles of double
traret1 lg being dine. There will be
80 miles in all—from Islington t0
Guelph Junction. We tare glad to See
these pnsitiols of East placed mum
4f 3ln'rison as we believe he has it
. 1 1
in him to make gond. Many old
friends wish him the hest of steres•.
Mr. acid '11•s. Morrison are visiting
het 1' Piet now, Last week they eele-
hrated the 10th anniversaly of their
binlght the A. K. McAllister farm, 1
21)11 line, Where the rattily reside.
Deceased had eve❑ a very hearty and
h,dustrinus man and toad 11000evedly
(ale0211111. He wwen+a PIesbyLei lan in
religion and a Lille, al i1) politics.
Funeral took place Thulsdely ed'let-
1101111 to Bluevale cemetery, The bets
unveil share in the sympathy of the
coin rim ti y.
W. 11. and Ales. Watson and son,
Hugh, 5111 line, left this week for the
\Vest, their destination being 3ledi.
chic Hal, Alta. All. and Nt-s. Wet.
sun were old ee8it1e118 of Morris who
cavil, with theta the good wishes of
many old fiends. Air. and Mrs,
\Vatsol may or may not remain in
the West. It Will depend on how
lley like it.
Ross Alclii:mon left last Friday on
a trip to Yorkto), Sask., where he
trust' 81)0)111 801110 tame.
Al;ss Lottie Jackson, MAI con., is
Mune. (40111 an enjoyable visit with
relatives in Chesley and locality.
Inn, Lowe and family left brussels
for Yorktol, Sask., fast Friday after-
noon. A number of old friends were
1111 the depot to see them oil and tvi5(1'
them a pleasant stay 3n the West.
Dr. Jno. 134)8801! and 114110, of
Saginaw, arich., are visiting relatives
and friends in Grey, Morris and Brus-
sels. The wedding took plane at
Elsie, Mich„ on. the 12611 dust. It is
14 years since Dr. Russell left store's.
Hearty cOIgratnlatiolls from many
"Id friends are extended.
Itlsv'1'lan Ills li'Aall --R. E. Cardiff
lits lensed his 100 stere farm, Lot i3,
Oen. 7, to Levi Pat r, also of 01 et', 1'111'
a term 01 veal's. The I'ormer will take
up resident, i1) Brussels and will de -
'Ole Ills attpn11011 10 the operation of
1118 (11101hing machine which' is Much
i1) demand. ,1,h', Oal'diff will hold a1
eke! Mg sale 1)3' hie farm stook, 1111.
;dements, &M. next Tuesday after noon,
91r. Parr, jr., will tike up house-
kee )ing on the Cardiff flute,
'I'he monthly meeting of the :Mission-
ary Society of Roe's appointment, met
at the home of Mts. Lorenzo Frain, o1)
March 12th, with President, ides. R.
Pearson, in the Muth.. The meeting
opened with singing and prayer, Min-
utes of last meeting were read after
0ifit+n"ol1 was called. :Miss Lizzie
Bryans 1' -' •'ter front Miss Phoebe
Oode, missiona,• buts, Al-
berta, thanking the t 1
of Ethel circuit who joined in sendin1
a1 large, well filled Fox .of bedding
clothing, &c , which was very ulucl
needed and highly appreciated. Spec
ial mention was made in the letter n
the thoughtfnluess of our members
who sent. a Christmas cake which was
very m0011 enjoyed by 11(1. The beit,')
also eon tained an account of the Mis
-denary's work among the Austa'iturs
and was listened to with very much
pietism e by our Society. A duet was
sung and readings given by three
members,. followed Spy singing and
prayer. A tasty lunch was served at
the close of the meeting. Next nteet-
ing will be held at the home of Ales.
.1)111) Jackson.
Mrs 14. Jackson, 8t11111111, will spend
Easter with friends at Durham.
Jaynes Bowman, Ai. P., is home
from Ottawa for I'17e Easter Vacation,
Some of 00)' Maple syrup mom•
fartusets are ready for this sweetest
of nvncal inns,
A1158 Florence Conk has gone to
Ano At'her, Mich., for 11n Easter holi-
day width her slider, Al's, Albert L(1w-
141.x, • Rielint d Procter and 800,
Ritchie, 41.h line, have gine on It visit
In 'rot onto with eelative5 for the
Easter holiday.
The Clegg farm, 5111 lino, hits been
lensed for a year by James Michie,
whn owns the ad,11111ing 100 mires on
rhe West. He is developing into
quite P. 1,L tan(;II.
GVnrd tins been received that Eliza -
both Fisher, eldest huh=hter of W.
It, \Vat -on late of Morris, died in
13131 ish Columbia on March 8th She
11 ayes two children, one a babe three
weeks ahs, h .
, is 10 years since Airs,
Fisher went West.
At. the last 'Council meeting the
con Itact. .for Ile steel superstruett),e
foe Sunshine bwdge was let to Hill &
Co., of Mitchell, S. S. Cole. ¢if Ethel,
will build the Senelline - abu1010mts
and R. Vint, of 131y.11, similar work
for Blyth ()reek bridge and what is
known Its RutL101 s bridge, hat lisle.
13('Ih aro old Milds at the 1)08iue85.
joint McViernxa CALLED :0O 1:118
Loses Hostu.—About 8.80 Tuesday
week John M etLin
morning t I this rV
hl . res u
1,1) old 1,1x1 highly. g b 1'(ted resident
of Morris, p11i0 NeLtm�e's debt, in his
78th year. He had ' been in failing
health foe several months bob wits
only in bed fora week. Ileal( weak.
0005 was the (guise of death. Deceits -
ed was born neer Kingston 1Hid carpe
with his 3,11 cuss to Tnekpostnith tote))-
ship in his youth. On coming tn..
Mor't'is he seemed a bnslifattn, Lot 15,
1st. 1100, nn wide)) he spent a gond
many years of hard work. Over 50
yc111sago3l;, M('Vrttie was Married
to Miss Nribey Jt`rase•, ((1, the 811 ))0
1Me, whn will) 0110 800 (1, Mllttm) Mid
two catgltei9(Mrs: Jren)es Ato lt,
and ,Mrs. Walter Davidson) survive.
15 yews ago the 81111,104of this notice
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., Inducted as
Pastor of Melville Church, Brussels
Interesting Services, Fine Addresses, Large
and a Hearty Welcome.
Specially interesting were the induc-
tion der ('1eeS 1)£1 Tuesday afteruunu In
3lelville Owed), when Rev ,1. A.
Mem], B. .1., teas installed as nastily
in the presence of e( g..odly numbel of
uliniSleriel heel liven of (1IlitIlInli
Fresh}•!et 7and at 11u'ge gel '..,1 of
the membership of the
Rev. Al•. \Vesley, of ' r IxeLer,
In cached ca 111url imitable "' 11l' 0 from
Genesis 87:10 and 211, .11, hold this
dreamer cometh. 00100 11110', there-
fore and let ns slay him." The ;meek-
er said that instead of dreamers being
useless, visionary and parasites they
are to be respecled. The dream of the
ages is the at eon of the lost garden of
Eden and snnship with God, Ahra-
hluu, Jacob, the !prophets and Psalm-
ist were 1)mnnitain top mea who 811w
things. Jesus Christ, had had a vision
of at new day, the establishment of
God's 1Cingdnm 01) the earth. A
precious gift of .Terms was the vision of
t'edeetued humanity. The eh)n•eb is
REV. A. J. MANN, B. A.
the body of 111e dream, the substance.
The world's treatment of the dreamer
was dwelt upon and the antagonism
to (
tLIBed Ille ;needier e her deals plains
1 t c
1 Y
with sit and vice. Carlyle speaks of
wined of chaos but there's no room for
pes5a11)i8u1 as the Gospel shall con -
it is 8 great day when the
-717flinommes, and trueulanbood sees
vision of 11at',e1v day. Rev. Mr.
Wesley handled -Ws, subject well.
Following prayer M(iderriiito•,$lly'
Bdillinery openings this week.
School closed Thursday for Easter
Thursday of this week Rev. D.
Wren and J. K. Baker attended the
Temperance (' ran• Con -n'ou 01111 -
ton. 1. m e ce 0)uve t at Ci 1
Last Saturday the Spring freshet on
the Attained was in frill swing' Low
lying lands were flooded but no seri-
ous damage done. -
will be held in Voddel's house at 8.80
p. 111. on Saturday, March 22nd, 11)
talk over foot ball matters for the
corning season. All inte1esled please
VR07. ZAVITZ.—It 15 expected that -
Prof. Zavitz, of the Ontario Ag1•icul-
Ineal College, will cone to Ethel and
address the May meeting of the Cane -
dine Club on "Some phases of Ontario
Agriculture." Be's a good speaker
and a thorough practical Ulan whom
every person who has &L• chance should
Friday evening of this week On,
Inspector G. Ai. Elliott and Miler
Mitchell. both of Goateed), ave export-
ed to address the Canadian Chili on
1Jte very interestlIg subject of Child-
ren's Aid work. The club showed its
up•t0-dueness i1) de5hleg M bear
(shout this good wool. It relates very
closely lnsel to Canadian life,
da of the cleaving Auction
The date 1
Side of Short Been Cattle and other
gond stack, implements, &a., at David
Milne's near Ethel, is slatted for Tues-
day, April 1st at 1 p. m. sharp. Mr,
Milne is nlfeeed al.g ood plsiliou and
will probably rent or sell his fine farm
v ,1)b y (
and give up farthing. List of his
1V001ion sale may be o cad in this issue,
The following Laken frau) the Fargo
(N. Dalt.) Forum, of Feb. 25111, r1Fees
to a danghter•iu-law of William 111111,
of Ethel :—Mrs. George Hall, wife or
a well known bevelling ngont for the
local office of a wholesale 0111(1lTne
hoose, passed- away last evening at
9.80 o'clock at one of the local hospi-
tals following an coper11tinn. Tho (1r-
ceasel, was well known 10 the eity
.and was a prominent thember of the
Fits( Methodist. el)u•er1. Mr, and
Airs. 141111 'novels to Fargo about nine
,yeti's sago from Groton, S. D., 11tc1.fn1'
theletsl • three yeae5 have resided In
apartments 111 the P3nneee T,,1fe bnild-
ing. She was 52 years of age and be-
sides her hnshlind, 18 sur' sed by two
setts, 'Milton and 01a('e))ee Hall, trolls
of whom ate living in Canada, She
also has two sisters living i1) Montana,
7'he hairy friends of the late Mrs.
1)111 1,01111 1•e ret to heal OP her dentist',
Funeral serf Vire8 Was held 'phunsda.y.
afternoon at 8 n'elook from the First
Methodist elitrcit with 'Rev. J, Al.'
Waite's officiating.
Rev. Dr. Ross, of Toronto, a former,
much loved paean., was called upon
to say a few (voids. He said he felt
a great interest in the people with
whom he had spent a of at century so
happily and which ended 7 years ago.
The pleasure of being present last
Sabbath and now at the induction
was 1)o slush one. He hoped the con-
gregation would continue to grow
purer, truer and more spiritual under
the new leader not, forgetting that
the Master is greater than the minis-
try and never comes to the end of His
resources. Oongratnlated all on ar-
riving so successfully at this new
starting point. Another mountain
peak had been reached under the new
leadership and he hoped all would
get a larger vision of the great work.
ad pleasant recollections of their
new pastor and believed he would do
his part most competently.
Rev. Mr, Lundy, of Walton, offered
prayer. Before this interesting gath-
ering was dismissed M. Black, Secre-
tary -Treasurer, read a kindly worded
address to Rev. Mr. Perris) for his in-
terest and highly valued assistance
during the vacancy, after which \V,
Yuill, chairman of the Board of Mana-
gers, presented Alt. Perrie with a
poise of gold. The recipient (made a
fitting reply in which he thanked the
eollgtegelion for their kindness,
generosity and courtesy and wished
theta every prosperity His work had
been to pleasure.
Rev. Mr. Mann was handed a bank
cheque for his first quarter's salary
after which the Benediction was pro-
nounced by the Moderator.
The new pastor was conducted to
the front door by Rev. Mr. Petrie and
Elder Thos. Strachan and introduced
to the people, receiving many a hearty
handshake and welcunie to his new
charge. Mrs. Mann and son also fell
heir to just as warm greetings by
many of the ladies of the congrega-
tion and both Mr. and Nh'e. liana
made very favorable impressions on
their new parishioners.
The Ladies' Aid under the direction
of Mrs. D. 0. Ross, the President, had
an A 1 supper prepared in the base-
ment and for several hours dispensed
the good things of this life to the
large com.pauy who accepted the in-
vitation. Bill of fare was A.1 and the
band of ladies who looped after
Mr. Bell, of Aloleswo'th, called uporserving
to their work f
Rev. D. Pestle, of Wingllam, interim .+iA..e manner. the )venin
,\lnderator, ec alt,mate the steps lend teas calledadpr he aRev
Mg' i1) ly the 11011, which he did vary who wasddeked'er bylde
The usual questions (vete put to with greatacceptanb
Rev. 31r•. Mann and on satisfactory happyntanner. Rev,
1lrswers being given the Moderator rector of St. John':
nfTrrr(1 the dedicatory prayer and in- the "paring prayer
ducted Rev. Air. Alan nInto the pastor. interesting, well r•
al charge of Melville congregation. appreciated progr
The members of Presbytery gatve the —Sol", Bliss 3e
right hand of fellowship. Rev. Mr. Brads
Che new owressed by Prb
Rev. Mr. NJoLeapastnr, al
as Huronaddchurch, Messes.of es
Ripley, who dill it most admirably. an and Fox
AJ'ter welcoming 3Ir. Mann to NJait- Lean, Riple
bund Presbytery, he referred to the than and
two calls that come to the minister— Strachan ; 1
the call of God and the call of the Wi)lgham
congregation. Brussels Wes a fine Rev. D. E.
Mr, Alarm
with roan and scope for enl-
rhaa a tvlt 1 t
h P
Both each
pinywe.ut. 4)l' 1,111 the powers possessed
and no doubt the encouragements high type an
wonld be 11111,11T in the hearty co -opera- ion day of
1100 of the ulemhe)ship. The 111i1119_ 810.13107'
ter's calling is the highest Its he is an 11"1 "vet-burde
ambassador of the King. It calls for work and advise
the best a rutin can do. Seasonable 11)ent to the past.
advice was given as to taking proper Leon's theme was "
care of his health, diet, exercise, rest, fellowmen to God" ;
sleep, &ro., so as to have a sound body spoke words of appreei
told clear min(l. Take heed to work, Ross and the good work
whish was not confined to either church. The new pastor 1110
pulpit, steely or pastorate, but all coni- for the cordiality shown to
billed Seek light of God's spirit, as and family, for kind and ho
words spoken n and asked for hear
seeress depends on this. Study and
P0113' 000' 1071'1h11105 until they live and (i0 -operation in the great work to be
became 11 burning message. .Prepare done. Hoped Melville chetah would
set moils and addresses with the people continue to be a strong spiritual force
before you in thought. Make theta with every member at work, Dick-
plain, simple and 0140111'. Stand he- ens said, "the harder amen works the
hind the ('1058 mud hold up Jesus• happier he is. Had heard splendid
Be positive and leave speculation out. things about Brussels and hoped even
Have Fact h i1) God, remembering that better days were coming. The royal
so called higher criticism hers not over- and hearty welcome would never be
thrown the'.Iruth. Expect results forgotten. MrS. Mann and himself
from srrulnns laud drtlw frequently woudeanfrill sharef
fthe well'i of salvelinu. lis an tvoritld andenhopevord to Godd'sa blessing wou0ld
dd in personal topnh wish attend every effort.
people. Feed the '11n k, Beafaithfnl, Rev. Dr. Ross in his cunclludingg
words assured the pastor that mei-
741111 Lille evangelist. .
g 7Y
i 1 .hutch people would meeLsnre u
ville c 0l
Ra'v. Air. M(T,011n's address will not to the demands and would not over
sone be forgotten,
work 1tr8. Mann. Oen doors and
It fell 1011,e IOL of Rev. Al.Pertie 10 o P i. -
spea.lt to the (.nngregation. He did open hearts would be maaorded 1,v Lh
4)tfollow the beaten path but gave
otul Ydoub . Hoped all would b
faithful, loyal and true. He suggest
s1, /Light, practical tical Gal lc 1,0 the menthe',
ship showing thea. they (veer the ed els nlelville•chul'eh jubilee tvih be
clue eh and roust uphold end fultlser at 11101d 1c the ".nurse of another' year
its interests. Duty In051 be done. 00 so that this event should not be
ThewLrdianahi p 01 'oown sort; is lost sight of and if ib were markedulrked by
a most iinpo•laur nt. matter, followed a fine new church Lhe Celebration
closely by the winning tit others, would be all the more complete. He
I'1)" an 1110lt
hoped to be favored pa91)1) Is the leader and teacher
and is worthy of n0ufidenco and 103'111 tibu,to be present, The colgrega•
fotvina, At lti'nlinn wins called t" tint) Ole hint and it may
the 4)0 leet cis :441 -week prayer meets- be81' fru11. Rev, 0r, 0011(11 pronnun0-
rJ 1 pdic int and the 001, /1s-
8 the Bel t v e
) � 0 1
1 )i cit] do ea not necessal i -
ill , big ft
tomb wa9�rT10Ht auspiciously be 1)u'
I,v t•oraHUrte e. gaol �irayer meeting 1 Y g
Thomas Iiulliday, on the corner
where Airs, D. Robb's residence 110\V
stands for $5 and the frame of a
church, 80 x 40 feet raised, The build-
ing was 1101 finished until .the follow-
ing year, and work was principally
volunteer labor. The two first elders
were the late Donald McLauchlin and
Gilbert McCallum. Rev. John Fergus.
011 11,001 Glengarry CO., was inducted
in the year 1804 and put in 15 years of
faithful service. His salary at the
commencement was -$500 with free
house which was increased to $800 be-
fore be left, During the first few
years of Rev, Alr. Ferguson's pastor-
ate he also preached at Oranbrook and
Walton, conducting services in both
Gaelic and English Iauguage. The
Brusselscon greget it 1 increased in eine
and strepgtb until in 1872 old Mel.
ville chinch wets thought too small
and asite for building was looked for.
\'his was seemed from T. McMichael,
on William street and contained $ of
an t10te, the price paid for it being
$M0. The brick for the church was
made by Thos. Aiulay and the 'con-
tract given to Tltos, l3rown, of Oran-
brook, the 0111100 ill: of the contract be-
ing $4,500. Of this slue $2,500 was
secured before commencing to build
and the balance was borrowed from it
14 ust and Loan 0o. in Hamilton, at an
annual instalment with interest com-
ing due on the first of .April every
year. To the credit of the congrega-
tion it is to be said the last payment
was wade in April of 1882. The size
of the building is 40 x W feet, gallery
on three sides and a large and roomy
basement fitted up for Sunday School
purposes. The seating capacity is
estimated at 600. The two furnaces
in Ole basement beat the church
Rev. Dr. Ross was installed as pas-
tor in 1879, accepted a unanimous
call to Port Dalhousie in Janus
1906, aftera most successful pas
in Melville church of over 20 y
removed early in Februar
great regret of the common
riled only by the fact 1b
loved pastor would have
and consequently w
able to build up his he
resigned his last
located in Tor
bath School, Yo
Mission Band
lint being unlined toil 1 the spirit of
prayer and having; a part in the wor-
ship will prove m 131)001, biassing. Par-
ental duty -and 00e151g1110 in the mat-
tes of home training, attendance at
the hnnse of (hod, Sunday School, etc.,
ryas r Inplla5fzed and the danger of
('1llieising 111' pastor before the
(hitch en pointed out. Show vitality,
and be ready to loud a helping hand
and Weis, will be no cause for regret.
Was glad le 111)1w the S0tt1ern04t was
such a hltppy one and hoped that the
relations with he new /11410-' t n i
lhtt 11l 8v t vnd
1)M long, p1e0410)1 £11d 11101111. Rev,
ilr. Petrie spoke with earnestness
and fervor and his message should do
73ISTORIAS 8(01L'TCti.
The history of this church called
after the end nen 1, Scottish divhle, Rev,
Andrew Melville, dates back to the
year 1$54 when service was held in
private houses and in the bush in the
Sentinel. season. The first preacher
was 11 810(10111 from ICnox College,
named Donald McLean, who died
shot'tl` after he left Ibis station.
Thee Wowed Alex, itioKay, Rey. Dr,
Fletcher anti other studentstvlto sup-
plied three:montlts of the year, while
the Colleg'es (Vern closed, There Was
always au occasional sermon peenrhr'd
thr•oigh the year, butonthing re •oho•:
In 1857 0,0 acio of land W4te boiight' nil
(lover, and Tucnbert'y streets front
pastor LA,- ea 0 '111
tendert hmdtion, awing to ii'
crexsin a and took a superatl
tlt0Lha i sl etiotr. Rev. G. Howie, a4
native of Palestine, was called and
labored for two years when he return-
ed to the land of his birth to enter the
mission field. All.. Howie was succeed-
ed by Rev. D. Miller, who did excel-
lent work for three years and at the
end of that time resigned. The ques-
tion of nueon with A1140(110 church
was then taken a and .ha happily PP Y
con -
eliminated. ur1))nated. 1Vatsn r Ainlaypurchased
Watson u u ase
I church and lot and con
the vetted. the.
building Mtn a dwelling house.
Rev. A. 0. Wishart was inducted
into Melville church pastorate of
August 16th 1000 and enjoyed
a most
succ1eful term
of over 6 years when
he accepted a call from St. Paul's
nr.1) tn Calgary,leaving gg many warm
friends behind him who will never
forget his zealous efforts to further
every good' word and work.
Rev, Mr. Mane was born at Bahl.
more, Ontario anti is a sort of Alexan-
der and Elizabeth Mann. After leav-
ing the saint! Welled
he took
a course
at the Collegiate at Cobourg and theft
to the University at Toronto, where
he geminated as a 13. A. Being still
desirous of securing the very beet
along the educational Iine Mr.
Mann attended P1lnaeten Seminary,
Princeto), New dot'sey, and followed
that byatt)'ndanoe at. Knox College,
Toronto. During the past Winter he
has been pursuing a post graduate
course at the latter institution,
Rev.. 111r. • Main's last charge was
Woodville. Tie conies to i3russels.
(yell recommended both as preacher
t1111 i
r wllbeloyally support-
ba large. membershp aandwelt
orga))izc(1 (01(13))allti"t,. THIS PORI'
extends at hearty welcome to tile'
reverend gentlemen, Mrs, Nano and
theft enn, Alen,