HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-13, Page 8EARLY
Easter ioperhaps conn ug this year
i,.fore we are ready for it, but it is
.se not t0 forget that it Is a season
ler well -wish 4 and retnetnbranees,
For this purpose we have a fine as-
sorttnent of
tI ,.'klets at 5c & toe esch,
l Lind colored Poet Cards 50 each,
Plush Cards in Boxes, t5c each
Those at 2 for scare better than ever.
Purple Felt Easter Pennants, 150
each, Ttte newest thing going.
Chicks In Eggs, toc each,
Wooly Chicks, roc each.
Bag Dye for coloring Easter Eggs,
5c per package,
Toil t Ne
For Easter
Rexall Soap
The Twin Glycerine Soaps -Violet
and Rose - are pure transparent
Soaps and to make them still better
known we ere giving
a Wash Rag with two large cakes -
25e. Pry this Soap and find out just
how good it is.
Your Ohance to get a
Vanity Box
With the purchase of a tin of trlQ-
you get free a nice Vanity Box suit-
able for Hand Bag.
Take advantage of these
Special Offers.
The store Fe R. S M I T H
rani Relus Piro
LocAL news on page 5,
ST. YATRICles Day next Monday.
MILLINERY Openings 19th and gotb.
Bottom. Board Friday evening of this
THE thaw has put the sleighing
slightly on the "hog."
BRpssats School report may be read
au page 4 of this issue,
TENDERS asked for John street sewer.
See advt. in another column,
G000 Friday will be a btafutory
, holiday. It comes on March 21st.
MRs, SHAW'S sate of Furniture, etc.,
Saturday afternoon of this week at 2
o'clock, James street, Brussels.
JNo. GALBRAITH purchased a dandy
h avv draft team from Joe McDonald,
of Grey, last week, at a fancy price.
FOURTH Division Court was held
Wednesday before Judge Holt, Docket
was light the most of the cases being
BAzzAR,-The members of St, John's
church Brussels, are making prepare
tions for a bazaar which will be held in
the Town Hall, the fore part of April.
Date will be announced later.
H. J. MORDEN. formerly of Brussels
has favored THE POST with a budget of
daily papers from Mexico city, Judging
by the reports contained therein they
had a hot in the old town without any
THE door of the postomce safe that
was damaged by the explosion in the
recent attempted robbery, has been
undergoing a reconstruction and is back
to its place ready for another charge.
Safe is an extra good one
'l'uesday afternoon Miss Anne Kelly
plied at her home, 'Purnberry street, in
1 er 84th year, The funeral will be on
Friday of this week, service being con-
ducted iD St. John's church at 2 3o p,
to Interment in Brussels cemetery.
A more extended notice will be given
in next week's issue of THE POST.
MONEY vs, BRAINS,- Friday
evening of this week the Literary So-
ciety of the Continuation School accom-
panied by a goodly number of other
young fo k drive to Wroxeter to pay a
return visit to that village. 'A Society
debate is on the program in which
he subject of Money vs Brains will be
discussed- The affirmative is champi-
oned by Misses Smith and Hamilton, of
Wroxeter and the negative by Miss
Jessie Menzies and Miss Gertrude
Deadman, of Brussels.
Harris, proprietor of Brussels well
known Butter Factory, is shaping things
up for the coming season which promis-
es to be a good one, L. Stephenson, of
Welland, has been engaged as maker
and comes highly recommended. About
the same territory will be covered as in
1912 and the factory will get busy as
early as possible, Mr. Harris is well
known as a square going, straightfor-
ward and well experienced man who
has the faenity of striking good markets.
-The following item refers to a lady
who resided to Brussels some years ago
and carried on a millinery business, re-
moving from here to Wingham :-Miss
McJilersou, who conducted a millinery
store in Win h found
g am, wasdead on
Monday morning of last week. She
lived in one of the dwellings above and
at the rear of the store. She was a-
round Sunday as usual, Tbe neighbors
not seeing her Monday morning be.
came alarmed and going en found her
dead sitting in a easy chair beside the
coal fire, death no doubt beim; due to
heart trouble, as she had been troubled
with a weak heart. Miss McPherson
had been in the millinery business in
Wfugham about 15 years and was pre-
pnrlug for a big Spring trade, baying
part of ber new stock.
afternoon the closing meeting of Brus-
sels Literary Society in connection with
the Continuation School, for this term
was held in tate school house and proved
a most enjoyable time, The chair was
occupied by W. H. Kerr, Hon -President
and the well rendered program was as
f ollowe :-Girl's chorus a chairman's re,
marks , reoitatiotl, Lillian Burgess 1
I irmottica selection, Harvey Hoover ;
oratory contest on Woman's rights to
which luneve Taylor, Lulu McDonald,
Hazel Lowry, Beryl Oaten and Ruth
W;•rrt sir rook part and ail did splendidly
the fiat mentioned pi'tg awarded the t
pn / • recitation,, r" ert Lott ; reading,
fo-, Journal', 4iy Editress, Beatrice
Hat, i., ; boys' ahortts ; boys' contest on
"Why I am a Canadiad brougbt out
geed points by Athol McQuarrie and
.Bert Lott. award went to latter •
recitation, Juneve Taylor ; National
Anthem. Confectionery' was dispensed
with a liberal hand at an intermission id
the program. Several visitors were in
attendance. principal Scott, the ofTi a
cors and members are to be coegratulat- g
ed on the success of the Society It s
anode 8 decided hit,
W. P. FRAsER, merchant tailor, has
natty and attractive Spring suilings.
Read his advt. and see the goods.
NEXT and last Monthly Horse Fah
tor this season will be held on Thursday,
April 3rd. It should be one of the
biggest of the season,
THE POST welcomes Alex. Bryans and
family to Brussels and hopes they mss
enjoy many happy years in tlieir coon-
for table home Queen street.
DONT forget the went enation auction
sale Saturday afternoon of this week at
Mrs Shaw's James street. In addition
to the offering of Mrs. Shaw's furniture
and other household effects Eli Smith
will sell furniture. rigs, harness.
grain, etc. F. S. Scott wit' be the
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE --The next meet-
ing of Brussels Women's Institute will
be held 'Thursday, 20th inst., in the
Caruegie Library Lecture room. open-
ing at 2 3o. Topics will be ;- '"rte
mother's relation to the Public School
and 'Teacher," by Mrs D. C. Ross ;
and"Household share of income," by
Mrs john Oliver. Members and
others invited to attend and join in
these practical discussions,
DELEIvARR potatoes for sale at MoOraoken's
81,25 per bag, Leave your order.
CHeIet lot of seed peas for sale, Lot 10, Con
7, Grey. ORAS. Limon%, Phone 2113,
Nosraa.-Owing to our easterners wanting
us to continue chopping we have deoided to
run on Tuesday. Tharaday and Saturday of
each week until farther notice, We are get-
ting in o fresh stook of Flour and Feed. Look
for Flour advt, on another page. A11 accounts
must be settled at once, Terms atrietly cash.
27,2 John Patterson, Manager.
Ronan to rent on Tnrnberry street.
Apply to R. LaATaERDALE,
SGooa SHOVEL lost between Donald Oamp-
bell'e corner, 10th con, Grey, and Olark's
bridge. Will Ander please send word to
SECOND hand piano for ante. Apply to,
B. CARTER, Brussels.
UTBeTAIRs rooms to rent, Apply at
86IITH'a 02100
SEWANoma and lot to rentor for Bale. Apply to
, Brnsaele. 21.11
I ERN the art of caw filing that other experts
Salt to ken. and will gum, net and file same 10
your fancy, TAM MOGRRGoa, Brueaela,
subject of this notice win passed away
at St. John's rectory, Brussels, shorty
of ter to a. in. 00 Thursday, 27th ult., in
her 73rd year, was the secoud daughter
of the late
L. A. C. and Mary McCon,
Bell, and bore her mother's name. She
was born near Holland Landing, Out
and came West with her parents in 1852•
settling in the South west section of
Morris township, where a goodly por-
tion of Blyth now stands. The place
was bush at that date. In 2836 deceased
was united in nn .rriage to the late 'Thos
Kelly and they lived on Mr. Kelly's
farm, 8th line Morris, until 38 years ago
when they took up residence in Brussels
where Mr. Kelly mauaged agreen house
business successfully, Their children
died in infancy, excepting the oldest
daughter, Minnie, who attained the age
of 3 years and died of diphtheria Mr.
Kelly died r4 years ago. On the day
Mrs. Kelly took ill she was as attending n
meeting of the Guild at the rectory and
appeared to be well, taking part in the
conversation and discussions and par
took of lunch at 5 p. m. About 6
o'clock she was stricken and never ral-
lied passing away as above Stated. Ali
that loving hands could do by Mrs.
(Rev.) Cameron and °there, was of no
avail, The funeral was delayed until
Thursday, March 6th, to permit of
relatives getting here from tile West.
Service was held in St. John's church
and was in charge of Rev. D. E.
Cameron assisted by Rev Mr. Fergus-
on, of Belgrave, Mrs, Fergusou being a
niece. Interment was made in the
family plot, Brussels cemetery. y. Pall
bearers were Wm. Bryans Prank and
W. H. Mct'utoheon, F. S. Scott, Geo
Colvin and T. G. Jones. Among rely
fives who were here from a distance
were Mrs, Robt, McCutcheon,
Frobisher, Sask. ; Mrs. Jno. McFadden
and Miss Mary, of "Tuscola, Sask. ; Mrs.
Eastman, Detroit and Mrs. J,, F. Mal
coirn, of {Galt. Mrs. Kellv'slsisters are
Mrs, W. B. Hutton, Moose Jaw; Mrs.
las. Henry, Newmarket Ont., and
Mrs E. Eastman, Detroit. 3 brothers
are deceased. The subject of this notice
and her husband were loyal supporters
Of the Anglican church ever since the
congregation was formed and took an
active interest in its welfare both as
office bearers and contributors. This
was evidenced in Mrs Kelly's generosi-
y making the church one of her bene
ficiariee. Mrs. Kelly was unusually
well this Winter and was the picture of
health. She was genial. kindly and a
devout Christian, generous and hospit-
able. Ker pleasant couptenanee was
always attractive and nd shebad r'
Yia friends by
the score who greatly regretted her suit
den detntse yet rejoiced in the fact that
the summons found her busy in
her. Master's business, The relatives
re sympathised with. St. John's con-
rega'ion lost a good friend end f3rus
OS 0110 of ifs most deservedly esteemed
esidents in the demise tt Mrs. Melly,
the Metropolitan Book
Capital Paid up
Rosorvo Fund
Undivldod Profito
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
SUBSCRIBERS en arrears to ''NE POST
are asked to kindly square up. A good-
ly number have already done so.
THE James Maxwell Estate exects-
trattix will offer for sale on Monday,
April 7th, four village lots located on
E lzabetb street, Brussels. Location
is eligible and desirable.
COUNC(t.LOR MULDOON received a car
of tile from Crediton last week and bas
had them hauled out to his farm where
he intends to do some draining. H.
Kirkby's machine will do the digging.
persuce Legion will hold an Entertain-
ment on Good Friday evening in the
audience room of the Public Library.
A program consisting of .so'os, recita-
tion, dialogues and music will be fun
Dished Evers body invited to attend
LONDON Advertiser sass: -Skip Wm.
Lowry, (formerly of Brussel-) won the
Colts' prizes at the weekly banspeii held
at the Loudon Club last evening. His
rink matte the higest score and desery
ed the honors The second prizes were
won by skip Frank Ashplant and the
hirci went to Skip E. W. Boyle.
'PSR result of the Hockey match at
Mitchell on Friday evening was II to 7
in favor of the home team. Onr boys
drove to Seaforth and took train to
Mitchell, arriving home about 2 o'clock
Saturday morning. Result of the two
games was Brussels scored 28 goals to
Mitchell's 24,
'VEST EXAM, -Results of test exams
in Sr. IV class, iu subjects of part 11 of
Entrance exam„ Brussels school,
Pass 41 % in each subject 6o % of total.
Honors 40 % in each subject, 75 % of
R. Stewart, 86%
L. Amens, 85
L. Wright, 8o
B. Campbell, 78
A. Thompson, 76
E. Rands, 74
T. McLauchlin, 70
19. Currie, 6g (Arith.)
M McFarlane, 69
M. McFarlane, 66
A. McLauchlit, 63
V. McCracken, 6o
V. Sinclair, 58 (Gram, & 'Total)
a Subjects after names indicate failures,
People We Talk About
Mrs, F. Burchill Is visiting at Sea -
J. T. Wood made a business trip to
Stewart Scott was in Termite dnriug
the past week.
Miss Lizzie Downing was a visitor in
Seaforth this week,
Barrister Siuclair was in Goderich on
Monday on legal business.
Miss Ethel Howard hasne
O to
Hamilton where relatives reside.
Miss Jessie McLauchliu has been
visiting at Chesley with relatives,
Miss Mina Haney, of Bluevale, is
vi sit ing with friends in town.
Oliver Doll is back from the West
and wilt probably remain in this locality.
Miss Katie Manning is visiting with
her sisters in Palmerston and Flesher-
Miss Annie 13. Ross was visiting with
Mrs, W. E. liroadfoot, Seaforth, last
Miss Maude Jackson is going to be
with Miss Inman this seasou iu the
Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Hibbert, of
Gorrie, were in Brussels on Wednesday
of last week.
J, F. Rowland was called to New-
castle last Saturday owing to the serious
illness of his mother.
Mrs H. L Jackson and Lloyd were
victims of Iagrippe last week but
will soon on be o, k we hope.
Mrs. Gilroy. of Mount Forest, was a
visitor at the home of her SOH F. H
Gilroy, 'l'urnbet ry street, Brussels.
H. and Mrs, McQuarrie, who have
spent the Winter in Brussels, have re.
turned to their farm, 4th con., Grey
R. Leatiherdale will go to Toronto
next week to attend the A. 0. U. W.
Grand Lodge as representative from
Brussels Lodge,
Mrs. J H Cameron, of London, was
renewing old associations here by a
visit of a few days Lot don is evident-
ly agreeing well with her.
Mrs. Ballard, who is training for a
nurse at Berlin hospital, has been visit-
ing her sister, Mrs Jno. Ferguson, and
brother, Dr, T, T. McRae, of town,
Mrs. Harold Stewart, of 'Toronto, was
a guest at Reiair. Grove, the home of
Reeve 0,411 MI'S, Leckie The visitor is
a niece. She was eccompanie I by her
Son. Jack.
Mrs J Ferguson And Miss lean and
Mrs. Ballard. of Berlin, are visiting
Rev, D. B. McRae and family at An
mow. The ladles are daughters of Rev,
Mr. McRae,.
Miss Mina Hunter left for Grimsby
last Saturday to assume the position of
deputy postmistress. The Grimsby
people will find Miss Hunter a Very
competebt hand.
Druggist Garfield Baekor has moved
from Brandon to Regina where he is
filling a position in the Duncan drug
store. He is a sou of Mrs, George.
Seeker, Brussels.
Mrs. W. B Willis, of Witigham,
spent a few drive At the parental home
visiting her mother, Mrs, 13, Gerry,
who has been quite ell but who is some•
what improeed nOW, We ale pleased to
See_ d Cats
As a large percentage of the Oats
its this ueigbbbrhood will be unfit
for seed we have secured a car
load of Canada Western Seed Oats
that we expect 10 arrive shortly.
Western Oats sown en Or last
year almost doubled in yield home
grown seed.- Parties requiring to
buy Seed Oats cannot do better
than send (thele oidei' to us AT
ONCE and we will reserve the
quantities they require.
We will also have Timothy, Clov-
er and Corn Seed.
Duff 8 Stewart
Rev. Dr. Oateu was , ble to take a
short drive on 'rues:ay anti will soot!
be able to be about as isusl we hope.
M• nday of this week F, Burchill left
for Prince Albert, win re he purposes
making his headqu t•teis for the pres-
E P. and Mrs. Paulin and daughter,
Miss Grace, of Regius, were welcome
visitors at the home of Druggist and
Mat. Fox The gentlemen were school
boys at Wroxeter several Summers ago
and have alwaysl'teen fast friends.
Jno, and Mrs Fetch left Brussels on
Monday for Eimontou, where +her
Purpose making their home. We wish
them the best of health and success.
They carry with them the good wishes
of a wide circle of friends.
S G and Mrs. Wright, of Melton,
Sash , were here ou a short visit with
the latter's parents, H. and Mrs. Mc-
Quarrie, and other relatives. 'Then
have been on a holiday outing and were
eu route totheir home from here.
Miss Mina Dunbar, who was em-
ployed in the G. N. McLaren store.
went to Seattle, Wash„ with her sister
and will probably slake her home there,
She has the good wishes of many old
friends here. Miss McGregor, of
Walton, has succeeded her behind the
counter in Brussels.
This week John Henderson left For
Port Colborne, Ont., where he enters
the office of the Electric railway having
a good position He le an industrious,
level headed youth who should do well
and we believe he will. His brother
Will holds a si'lintinn in the same town
as di ur'g'e'.
We welcolie to Brussels Eli Smith;
mother and sister from Grey township
They have taken u residence dante
Princess street in the,
home recently
purchased from 151's. John Sinclair,
who is now living with her (laughter,
Mrs. McPherson, at Binsearth, Man,
Mrs. Smith was a former resident of
Brussels before she and her husband
From Rejiore to Dominion Governments 314 Jan., 1913
Colli on hand and Notes and.
Cheques of other Backs , - $5,541,652,65
G o0mmeat Deposit to secure
Due by Banks
Government, Municipal and
other Debentures , . . 2,766,192,18
Call Loans on Bonds, etc, , , 2,501,087,30
Lanus and Discounts , 28,898,667,57
Bank Premise, Head Office
and Branches 996,029,01
Other Assets 58,645.22
Cepitpl. . , , . , $2,429,275.00
Reserve Fend, Surplus Praia
sad Reserved for l surest 3,310,791,77
Dividends 77,597.55
Circulation 2,339,643.00
Deposits 32,017,153,01
Ranke 1,060,027,59
went to the farm and Eli also lived here
Olen filling a position as, miller iu the
flour mill,
Brussels Council
The village Council met Monday even-
ing with all members in their' places.
Minutes of fest meeting read Hud passed.
Following acctntits were presented : •-
Andersen] Bc Deumrn, snow plow•
ing $ 2 00
Anderson Bros„ snow plowing4 00
.yes Stephenson, wood g 50
Robt. Oliver, salary .,. . 4S , o
Moved by A. McGuire, seconded by
Geo. Muldoon, that above accounts be
paid.. Carried.
Cornmunication was read from Wing.
ham buspital asking a grant. No ac-
t ion.
Moved by A McGuire,. seconded by
Geo. Muldoon, that tenders be asked for
the construction of lohn street sewer by
ative, tisement in THE Po:'r. Carried.
A rebate of $7 5o for dnt-1,eation of
taxes from T Snider was ordered on
motion of R. A. Pryne and J. H. Hew-
$40.35 was reported as proceeds of.
scales by Weikhmesler Olive r for Feb
The question of street watering was
introduced 6v the Reeve, as to whether
Cotincil would take hold of it. Ceun¢il
declined to act so work will probably be
done by private enterprise as in tormer
A short discussion was engaged In
over the Knitting Factory loan proposal
but tis proprietor was absent from town
nothing was dine,
The question of enforcement of the
Bt• -law relative to the pool room and the
hour of closing, vii, 10 30 p m , was
referred to and the unanimous decision
was for Constable Oliver to enforce the
Bi• law.
. Clerk was instructed to write concern-
ing rile for Fishlelgh street drain
Council adjourned.
I,ONO.-Iu Brnsaele, on Meech 10010 to bir, and
Mrs Garfield Long. of Mam'orie, Snide, a
daughter. (Florence Elizabeth )
JOiNehN -Neo' Southey, Seek., on Feb 25th
to Me. and 61ra. Fred. Johnson, (nee' Mises
Ida Gibbs) twin boyo. '
ARMSTRONG -70 Morris, on March I1th, Ed•
ward Armstrong aged 80 years and 10
Knr.LY.-In Brussels, on Mach 11th, Anne
felly, in her 84110 year, Funeral aerviee
at 46 John's church Friday 14th Met.. at
SATURDAY. MARCH 162,11 -Ronsehold furni.
tura, &o , at the residence of the proprletrass,
Janes etreet. Brussels. Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw,
Pro rletrean FA Bcott.Anc
Wm -Farm A Satin Con,5.G stSa
pleerved, etc , Lot la, Con, 5. Gray. Sale. un-
reserved. at t o'clock, JNO, MITOHHLL, Prop.
F. B Rents, Anc,
TDBBDAY, Aram 1sT• --Clearing Bale of
Short Horn ca. tie, good horsesand other.
stook, implements, etc. Sale et 12 o'clock et
Ethel. D, SitiNE, Prop. F. S. Scott, Auo.
potatoes Leave your older for
Seed Potatoes for de-
livery first part of May
Finest New Brunswick Green Mountain $ 1`25 per 30 lb be
Irish Cobblers - 1.50 " 9
•m East Huron Produce Emporium 13RUSSELS 1
eo•neeneeoeseeseeeinteeo•eooseoonemono®rioeetmgme. 119.
•+•errs-344-set•.'♦'r•'A•+•+0•t.•4'•d 4.•+•'f'•'F••N♦'t'O
�• •
• •
• f •444♦4114.4.1'• ••F
Sprin Millinery
to the Ladies of Brussels and locality to
visit our Spring Millinery Opening which will
be held on .
Wednesday and Thursday
March 19th and 20th ♦+♦
The Latest and most Fashionable Goods t.
will be on display and at rices that are in reach 4
p �
of all, Your patronage solicited:'
M. E5 ■ ! O ..+
Oats b 84
Barley 46
Eggs utter 21
Hogs 8 16
Match winds tall acid rough -
OH MAR y coltlplexinns that ♦4
ate not easily affected at
other seasons. •
Protection and Cure are af- •
foid\'d by our delightful •
Farmland Hants preparations.
Almond Cream
Cream of Roses
Cream of Witch Hazel
! s Cream of Violets &c
11 •
90 •
21 l
0 16 •
The People's Column
Guaranteed never to have sprouted, 76
Bente per bushel. ROB1. R HOUSTON,
87.2 Lot 16, Con I0, Grey.
Phone 288 . Oranbrook P. 0.
-11:1'- ♦
Fox'sS O
Auction Sales
arWO YEAR OLD General Purpose Filly for
• sale. Lot 22, Oon 18, Grey. AUOTICN 0A LE ON FARM 8T00K, 161•
.1, D. McNAIR, NLeukNTs, &a.-ir. S. Scott, Auctioneer,
Phone 4115. Oran brook P. O. has been instructed by the nnderaigued to sell
by Public Auction at Lot 111 Oon. 0, Grey, an
veSffiDGRAIN -FOR BALffi.-O.A, O. Na. 21 Thu penny ,hlorbhOlttlt,at1o'aloek,the follow •
Burley and Gold Drop pate. Well clean. ing vulpoble property, 521. -1 draft mere 12
and freefrom foul spade. MARTIN 6'10• yeare old, 1 draft mare 7 genes old supposed in
ed IR, Lot 17, Oon. 15, Grey. Ornnbrook P. O. fool, 1 5,0801 in
loos purpose niers rising 4 years
NAIR,one 818, 88.4 suppreedinfoal, lgeneral purpose borseris•
Mr 4yeers, 1 driving horse using 4 yeare, 1
TENDERS will be received /or a cement
- basement under S. 8. No. 8, Grey town-
ship, up to March 15th, The lowest or any
Weider not necessarily accepted. For further
ppartioulare apply to ED, FUL.TON, Secretory,
Oranbroolr P. 0, Phone 285. 55.8
COMFORTABLE 13017SE and good lot for
sole. Variety of fruits ; good neighbor-
hood. &o Possession given within a month.
For further partioulere apply to
85.4 THOS. BONE, Brussels.
To Contractors
TENDERS will be received by the under•
Memel, un to noon April 7215, 1018, for the
construction of cement abutments for bridge
on ,iderosd 8, Leon. 17, Town hip of Grey,
known an Clarks bridge. Plans and specifica-
tions may be seen at OJerk's office Ethel,
A.H. kcAen'4NALD.
Olerk of Grey.
John Street Sewer
Sealed' tenders will be received up to Mon.
day,March Met, for the eonotrootlon of the
JohStreet Sewer. Plans fend apeciAsatiuns
may be aeon nt the office of the Clerk. The
lowest or any tender not ueoeaaarlly noeepted.
Address tenders to F. 0. SCOTT,
Village Clerk, Brnsaele.
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College, of Physicians and Sur.
Reotta, Ontario ; ex•Senior Boase Surgeon of
Western Hoopitnl, Toronto. Officer' of late Dr.
A. Me3eveYy, Smith Block, Brussels.
ta�'Aleo office Rural phone 45.
Walton Betel -Monday and
Friday of each week from 11 aim, to 8 p. til.
ill y riving 2 years, 1 filly Heine 1 y ear, 2 geld-
121503.rIsing.lyears, 5 young cows supposed In
calf, 2 steers rising 2 years, 0heifers tieing 2
years, 2heifer calves, a number of hens, 1
Maaaey.as nit' binder, 1 tllnoeeyB arrla tower,
1 hey loed,r, 1 steel horse rake, !steel roller,
110•hoed drill, 1 set dtaniond l,arrows, 1 tvalk-
inn plow, 1 big two -furrowed plow, 1 small
bwo.furrowed plow, 'ceder. 1 heavy wagon,
1 eel heavy bob•Rlel1lts, 1 set light bob•slelghu,
matter, 1 bay rack, l weed mak, 1 set scales, l
Canning mill, 1 w heel barrow, 1 sto,Phon t,1 set
heavy deablellarnees. I set plow hntwesa, 1
estenrion ladder, 1 lungroue ladder, 1 hay
te,'k andettaehmanta, about 25 bushels pens,
9 quantity of hay, it number of cedar posts,
1 gravel box, wbifl.'troaa, neekyohss, forks
WW1 other ertirlan. Rale without reserve as
the proprietor has sold his farm Terme-A11
moment' 55 nod 'Bider cash ; over that amount
8 month.' steed It given on furnishing,, pprove,
inint notes ; 4 per cent off for retell on credit
amount+. JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor,
Admiliistratrix's Sale
In the Village of' Brussels
The •Admin istyntrix of the estate of the late
James Maxwell will offer for sale by Pubilo
Auction on the premises In the Vllhege of
Brussel"' on Monday, April 701, Ib18, nt the
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon: -Village
Leta Numbers 875, 877, 378 and 870 on the West
side of Elizabeth etreet in the Village of Brim.
able. On the premises is a brick cottage and
frame bowie,ood well and small orobat'd.
Terms of Sale: Ton per Dent in each on day
of aaleand balance within thirty days there-
after when purchase will be completed and
purohaoer let into ,,osseeaion For further
particulars apply to the undersigned Admin-
letratrix or the Auctioneer
F. 8. Saosw, BAa2n MAxwsLL,
Auctioneer... Administratrix.
•••1.4•.•4.4♦♦••44••44.444••®•••4♦•••4 900••••••••••0•
Shoos are Movhi
Get your supply at
these Reduced Prices
while the stock lasts.
Move Quick as they
are Going Fast
Gents' Calf Bluchers, Goodyear Welt, regular $5 00 reduced to $4 00
Gents' Dongola Bluchers, regular 4 00 3 00
Ladies' Gun Metal Buttoned Boots, regale 4 00 4.8 0000
♦� Ladies' Kid Bluchers, regular 3 00 2,(10
sLadies' Ked Buttoned Boots, tcgi'lar 2 50 1 Off
Girls' Kid Bnttoued Boots, rr+gaily 00 1 00
• Gids' Kid Bluchers, regular 1 50 1 10
• Boys' Box Calf Bihchet's, regular 2 20 " 1 013
• Great Reductions in Men's and o.
d B ys'
• Trunks and Satchels away down in price -Suit CREWS ev alar $13.00, re-
• . &used t0 $200. Suit Cases, leather nr imitation, int IOW pTHr10J
•.. girl Seto -second Rand Single lNaruess-Yotu' choice.ab 88.75,
C._ Richards'
••♦ •
To Manitoba, 6 Saskitchew n Alberta
Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday,
March to October inclusive
Winnipeg and Return $35.00
Edmonton and Return - 43,00
Retptn Limit ther wmmonticse.proportion
Por settlerstnwel-
ling Walt lied stock
and effects.
W111 leave Toronto
Settlers and tamales
without live stock
should nes
Leal/log Toronto
10.80 p:m, Deily
Throe h Colonist
and Tourist Sleepers
on all excursions, Comfortable berths. fully
e5ufpped Wilk beddfag, can be secured 21 COLONIST CARO ON ALL TRAINS
moderate rates through local agent, No charge for Bertha
Home Seekers' Trains Leave 'Toronto 10.20 p.in during March,
April, September • and October, and at 2 p.m. and
10.90 p.m. during Nay, Jane, July and August.
Throndh Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West
Fuii particulars from any C.P.R. Agent 'or write M. G. Murphy,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto