HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-13, Page 7Fashion Hints 0 areavaisaaaraverse awl» Seen In Paris Shops. The new Foulards have the chintz pattern. Jet hair ornaments are as much liked as ever. The pretty little Robespierre sash es are eti]l seen, Spring flats are mostly small with turned -tip brims, Almost all the new separate skirt have a few plaits, Draped revers are very prett made of brocaded silk. White blouses are trimmed wi a contrasting color. Vestee effects are shown on man of the spring suits. Some of the new separate skirt, are of net, lawn, or Mull. Some of the new eponge suit have yokes on their little coats. Oriental initials are in Tashi. again for handkerchief dormers. Ostrich plumes or satin roses am used to trim evening hats. Crepe de chine is a material muc favored for petticoats, The elongated shoulder line i seen on the new lingerie dresses. Most attractive are the lingeri collars and Buffs on the new suits. The interest in suite cut in. Rus sien blouse style is still increasing Even the crocheted laces aro no decorated in Bulgarian colors, Prominent in the now neckwear are low collars with and without jabots. Fashion this season insists on fa- brics in flowered and bordered de- signs. The n•ew crepe de chine has a ra- ther dull surface and slightry rougher. • On separate skirts, buttons and simulated buttonholes are a favor - its trimming. Plaited frills finish the elbow deep cuffs of some of the new long sleeves. Long silk ties to match the stripe are worn ander' the soft collars of such shirts. For children and little girls, white stockings will be in vogue the owning season. The neat cotton crepes have em- broidered figures and interwoven, stripes in color. The prettiest evening petticoats are of white crepe de chine, lace trimmed, and dotted with chiffon buds. Flexibility is more than ever a feature of the fashionable corset. The finer the corset the fewer the bones. • Printed sills eponge is the great- est novelty. It will even be made into separate jackets for plain toned skirts. Blouse coats are much seen among the new spring suits, the fullness of the coat front being drawn into a bolt. Mannish' skirts are back again, usually, made of striped wash silk and trimmed with buttons, piping, or hand embroidery. Tho newest ribbons are rich, with urge designs. Even narrow taf- fetas have Bulgarian designs. The newest spring suits of char release have ostrich feather trim- ming—kr instance, blue feathers en a taupe suit. e Crepe de ehine is the general fa- vorite among. silks, with crepes me - or and charmeuso following close- ly after. Some of the new silk petticoats leave protection ruffles of accordion Iplait'ings exactly like the ruffles above them. Bands of shirred white net over ,scarlet silk are a pretty decoration ter a scarlet and white striped silk track, Brassieres for spring are made of finer; softer materials than any ,yet, the g imported ones being hand embroidered, s y th y t8 s an e h s a w • ll'AIiIN`G NO CHANCES 'E+'very— "Will yer marry lne, EM - trier 1" Emmer-"No, 'Enery. No,; much Ali 1 fovea yer, I might mislay yen.", 2' Gettingmarried is so easy that last b4011610YR aro saspioious of it. . l Vigorous Heal ,RoStofed to E Dowl< Toiaa Seemed to Have Lost all Ambition, Was Pale and Anaemle. Made Wonderful no/weary When. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Were Used. "I was never actually sick," writes Mrs. Norman La Pierre, wife of a well-known resident of Labeniene, `yet I never could get strong like other women. I ate well enough, but somehow rich and red blood I could never make. When I married I took a 'great pride in my honsekeeiping, but it kept mes tired all the time. Mrs. Lachance, my neighbor, looked well —she told me her health had been made up by Dr. Hamilton's Fills. I only thought of pills as a physic, but now I know that Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills are more, for they quick- ened my stomach, liver and bowels —made me stouter and. stronger, gave me ouch color in my cheeks as I never had before. 1 eineerely be- lieve Dr. Hamilton's Pills should be used by every woman—that's why I write this letter." No medicine invigorates and re- news health and spirits like Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c, per box, five for $1.00, at all druggists and store- keepers, or postpaid from the Oa- tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y.., and Kingston, Ont. MAN-MADE SPONGES. Substance Obtained From Paper Treated with Zino Chloride. When paper pulp is treated with zinc chloride there results a vis- cous mass. Sodium chloride (or ordinary table salt) is added to this. The .mass is then thoroughly rinsed with alcohol, and is finally submitted to the action of a press whose platform bristles with a number of fine metallic points or projections. These penetrate the mass, forming tubes like those in an ordinary marine sponge known as "aanalicules,'; The block thus obtained is of a spongy consistency and is both in- soluble and unalterable in water. It is smooth and pleasant to the touch, and is not susceptible of pu- trefa-ation. It is a very ingenious employment of the cellulose to Which we owe so much. d' Matrimony in Greece. In Greece the responsibilities of married life are assumed at a.much earlier age than with as; a Greek girl is considered to be of.mairiage- able age at fifteen, but may be wed= ded at twelve. Similarly it is per- missibie, for youths to marry at the age of fourteen. Matches are 'gen- erally arranged by the parents_ Brothers frequently make large sac- rifices and remain themselves un- married in order to :provide their sisters with dowries and start them in life. A dowerieos girl has slight ohanoes of matrimony, although in Greece there is a :superfluity of men, and not as in westeseni Europe, of women. T3+ The Death Warrant Delivered No defence can be offered when you a pr ply Putnam's to a sora corn—the offender` has to ilio. Nothing so certain to quieltly euro corns 0e .Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor; try Putnam's, it's free from acids, and painless, 26c. bottles solei by all dealers. ir 'heat. Hereditary Jralt. Y As a general thing, the men who now kick at the price of millinery are sons or grandsons of men who used to kick at the cost of shawls that women wore on .their heads. PILES CURED IN 8' TO 18. DAYS Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMTENT fails to cure any case of Ttah1 ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protrudiug Pilea In l to 14 days. 60o, Pact. If Opportunity but say, "I'm here," we yawn and stall. But we all hustle to obey - When Pleasure sounds the call. "I explained to George when he proposed that, of course, he could not expect me to cook." "What did he. any 1" "That he only expect- ed lite to l'y e" Sennett) free If you Write national two T reilomioai co, of °anode, Unla t!, •:W..QMA,N THE TOILER. Iu Japan the Male Workers Aro Outniinlhered 2 to 1. Japan's inner life contain quite as many ,problems as that of any other country. One of the most serious is the relation of capital and labor, and herein woman takes an important part. "In no other country in the world," says J. D. Whelpley in the Century Magazine, "does a larger percentage of women participate in wage earning, In the United States for every eighty-six male wage earners tilers are fourteen fe- male. Iu Great Britain it is seven- ty-five, in Germany eighty to twen- ty, in Italy'soventy-eight to twenty- two, while in Japan there are near- ly twice as mashy women as men on the pay -rolls of the country, "It is the testimony of all large employers that the women are the industrial backbone of the country, The employment of women and children is the secret of the com- petitive power of the Japanese tex- tile and other light handicraft in- dnstrie,s, and it is for this reason that the possible operation of a law enforcing sanitary provisions, and even the common decencies of 'hu- manity, in factory life is viewed -with alarm by the mateufaoturers in their necessarily strenuous com- petition for foreign trade. "Tho new law limits hours of em- ployment, forbids the use of chil- dren under certain ages and the employment of women at night and in dangerous occupations. It can be underatiood, therefore, whence oomes the delay in even promulgat- ing a law which takes effect fifteen years after its promulgation. The moneyed classes and the "inter- ests" necessarily control a legisla- tive body like the Japanese Diet, many members of which are elected by a most amazing and open sys- tem of corruption and vote buying, a system which puts to shame in its effrontery;thc worst days of ward politics in any gang -ridden city in the United States." tN Every Weak Throat Quickly Strengthened And Bronchitis Cured Crand Results Follow the Direct Breathing Remedy, Wiyfoh Cures Without Drugging. The country is fairly wild over the wgnderful recovery that throat sufferers rife Matting every day with Clatarrhozone. From ocean to ocean come lettere telling of rapid cures -end cures when the com- plaint was chronic and long standing. It's a brand new ,principle upon which Car tarrhosono works—not a dingle dose of medicine to take—notlilng to upset the stomach or spoil digestion. You can breathe through the Catarrh. ozone Inhaler. medteoted air tbat is frill of healing,' soothing' balsams, full of piney' antiseptic essences that reoemblo the air of the Dine woods in the Adiron- daeks. The piney vapor has a truly marvelous action on 'weak throats. It brings strength and healthto the boon- ebitio, stops that hacking, Irritating cough, prevents hoarseness and difficult breathing. You can't find anything for Weak -throated people. on earth more beneficial than Catarrhozone. It means heaven on earth to the man that has had bronchitis, catarrh or throat irritation. You will realize this the first time you use Ca;arrhozone, which is a scientific preparation specially designed for die• trice ofthenoes, throat and bronchial tubes. Get the large size, it lasts two Menthe. coats $1.00; medium size, 60e; sample size, 25c. All storekeepers and druggists, or The Oatarrhozone Co., Buf- falo. N. Y., and Megaton,Canada. ,p y Another Mystery Explained. A woman frequently changes her mind. That's why she is able to give a person a piece of it, and still always have enough left over for the next one. Every girl has, an idea that she .is not like other girls—and she isn't. Low Colonist Rates to Partino Coast Via Chicago add North Western Railway. On sale daily. March 16th to April 15th inclusive, from all pointe in Canada to Loa Angeles, San Fra.noiseo, Portland, Salt Latta City, Seattle, Victoria, Van- couver, Neleon; Roseland, and many other Delete. Through Tourist .sleepers and free reclining chair ears front 0111e/tee, Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full luformaLion ae to rat05,. Teethe and literature, write or call on. B. H. Bonnett. General Agent, 46 Yongo Street, Toronto. Sound judgment is usually noise- less. • Minard's LInlment Cures Dlstomser, The Power of the Bye. How far off can 'yolk recognize Your friends? If you have good eyesight, you should be able to dis- tinguish someone, whose figure and manner of walking you know, inti- mately, at anything upto five hun- dred feet. The loss thoroughly ac- quainted you are with the person, the 101.012ter the Iislauce at which you will recognize him, A ti 'nes rifleman man distinguish the differ- ent parts of his adversary's body at about three hundred feet, and will >xotice a movomsnf of the limbs at twice that distance. At six hun- dred yal'tis a moving individual, to the naked eye, is merely a, blur on the landscape. Dwellers in towns, of course, stave lest mush of title power of distant vision, while those who live out in the open country or by the sea may be able to.e,xeeed Moat of the above figures. HER SYMPATHY MAKES HER SPEAK DAiiZIJ M.A,YI':IRTELLS ILOW SHE POUND A CURE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Suffered for Three Years From Rheumatism, headache, Palpita- tion and Bright's Disease — Doll's ICidney PI11s Corel Her kidneys and Made her Well. 1tuberdeau, Argenteuil Co., Que,, March 3 (Special).—"I 'am always glad to tell of my cure, be- cause I sympathize with others who may be suffering as I did." So says Dame Joseph Mayer, well known and highly respected here. "For three years I was a very sick woman. Rheumatism, head- ache, palpitation of the heart and Bright's disease were my succes- sion of troubles, but Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cured them all. I used twenty-four boxes to complete my cure, but they certainly made me' well, "I will never be without Dodd's Kidney Pills in the house." Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Dania Mayer's ills because they are all caused by diseased kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidneys, and with cured kidneys straining the seeds of disease out of the blood, the rheumatism, Bright's disease, headache and pal- pitation of the heart are bound to disappear. You never heard of a case of kid- ney disease that Dodd's Kidney Pills would not cure. IH Truth by Accident. The beat definition of a dema- gogue will always remain with that little girl of seven, who said : "A demagogue is a vessel containing beer and other liquids." Minard's Liniment Co.,' Limited. Gentlemen, --Theodore laterals,a custo- mer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after five years of suffering, by the judicious use of MINARD'S LINI- MENT. The above facts can be verified by writ- ing to him,to the Parish Priest or any of bin neighbors. A. OOTE, Merchant. St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, '98. Hubby—Of course, dear, it's only a rough idea of mine; but do you think it's possible that there's ever such a thing as a printer's error in that cookery manual of yours 1 Only One "BROMO QUJHINE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE.. Curds a Cold in Ono Day, Ouree Grip 'n Two Daye. 25.e. "The men of the present genera- tion are not what they used to be." "Indeed, no; they used to be boys." fdlnaed's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta. When the seven days of the week have been renamed, "Presently," "By -and- bye," "Pretty - soon," "After -a -while," f'To-morrow," "In -a -minute" and "Right -away," how busy we shall all be with postponed duties if we are at all mindful of past promises. 6Yhen Your Eyes Need Care Try ermine Eye Remedy., No Sninrthig 5 eels Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Illue- trated Book in each Package. Morino is compounded byourOaullsts—not a',P [tent M0d- iaino"—bus used le successful Physicians, Prac- !goo for many years.Now dodleatee to the Pub- lic and cold byy Druggists at 96c and !Ac per Battle, hiuth,e Eye naive lu Asoptto rubes, 010 sad 6ao, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago aro ou 'Bill ---"Why so certain y n that Jones is a truthful man," Will --"He had a black eye one day and when I asked him how- he got it he told me that a man hit him," Mlnard's' LInlment Cures Diphtheria. Trilling Exceptions. ' "Does your wife ever change her min'1'' "Ondly on some minor matters," 1'eplied Mr. Meekbon, after careful thought. "I believe I recall that she once expressed an intention to love, honor and obey, or something like that." Truth may also be a joy forever, but it is seldom a thing of beauty. PJMPI.Eg DROKE :,OUT AFIIJU\EJ C!JIN Burst and Formed Ugly Scabs. Burnin ', then Itching. Had to Go Without Shaving for. Weeks, Used Guticura Soap and Oint- ment. Skin Perfectly Clears 181 Closo St., Toronto, Ont,—"I taus troubled with facial eczema for nearly ton Years. The first algae were pimpled break- ing out and-tlten bursting and forming nasty ugly scabs around my chin. Veryottc'i the. sensation was that of burning, then itching so that I scratched the sore. I had to go without Weaving for 'weeks at, a time. I tried many patent remedies but did not find a pernianont euro. Every spring and fall the disease appeared ab its worse. I soma - times got rid (lit for a few months, then 16 returned as bad as ever. :'About els months ago 0received a sam- ple of Cuticura Soap and. Ointment and found great relief after a few applications. Ipurchased two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and some Cutieura Soap and used them as directed and now my skin is perfectly clear. I can shave with pleasure" (Signed) Wm. Maoiiean, Sitay 27, 1012. Not only are Cuticura Soap and Ointment most valuable in the treatment of eczemas and other distressing eruptions of skin and scalp, but no other emollients do so much for pimples, blackheads, red, rough skins. Itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless nails, nor do it so economically. A single cake of Cuticure, Soap (20e) and box of Cuticura Ointment (tiOsi) aro often sufficient when all else has failed. Sold by druggists and dealers throughout the world Liberal eample of erten mailed free, With 32-p, Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 430, Boston. 51. S. A. Death. -Rate of Middle Age. Dr. Arthur Newshuime, chief medical officer of the Local Govern- ment Board of England, says that in spite of a marked reduction in the general death -rate, due to im- proved social and sanitary condi- tions, the death -rate among Eng- lishmen between the ages of forty- five and sixty-five is increasing. Doctor Newshollno thinks that the cause of this increase is the move- ment of the people to the cities, with the consequent change from agricultural to industrial pursuits, The English Mechanic and World of Science, on the other hand, be- lieves that the difference between the present death -rate and earlier ones merely reflects the toll of the feebler lives that improved hygiene and .advancing medical science had saved in infancy and youth. "I would suggest giving our new Mayor three cheers," announced. St. Wiffletree at the first meeting of the new Town Council. "Make it two cheers," suggested Hiram Waffle. "Remember, we are pledged to economy all along the line." Many a man who is sure he is right hasn't energy enough to go ahead. YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Suits -would look better dyed. If no agent of ours in your town, write direct to Montreal, Box 33. Gold Medalist. British American Dyeing Cc. The Soul of a Piano lathe Action, insist on the '13170 H8nEfi.d" Piano Action BOILERS New and Second- hand, for healing and power purposes, TANKS AND SMK OE STACKS. Agents for Starts. rant Ventilating and Minting System. POLSOi1 550 7 TEDKS TORONTO I Engines and Shipbulldsra J1t j� Sufferers from ust a Minute protruding or bleeding g piles can be bared by using nature's stun re• medyo medieino—h o op —n 1 oration. This remedy does not profess to cure internal. puce, but is a certain cure for protruding piloe. Discovery was made by sufferer of 20 years' standing, who is now quite well. Full inetruetione on receipt of 51.00. WM. B. OXLEY, 294 Bereeloy 9t., Toronto. cacnoe PowdoS F n Noisemakers 1, key anti Sleigh irides iso Pillll'lakers„lr;;” o0 Puzzles. Jokes, Tricks Galore CAT.4400 OV REQUEST elpeieal prices to dealers NOVELTY' HOUSE, 334 Notre Dame St. went, MONTREAL a�Fas,3T�xiraaa^ to i.s' 11 ED. 4. ISST]IE 10----'13. Noreen, Mules end Cowl,. 1I'oy aro healthier and render hotter rervIco. When t1,0 heavy Wet that held, the wetewoatnnd dirt to removed they aremors solely kentelean, loolrbetter —Ret mom Reed trent maw feed and aro hotter 1n ovary way. Iohiet on having The Stewart Ball Dearing Clipping P achine It turns eaelor, cites fatUr caul deter and etayn sharp loner that nay 0516n Hoorn aro all Mb hard and ant tram solid steel bar, picot sboy aro en6losed, pre. tested and nm In out 11tt10 frirtten 11ttle *see ftee Ansel0t00tomen, tyleOMrrnatinsy flexible Mete anis the oelobinted M attsingle tension Wrestle head, highest grade. sof end Conway flatlet every ineekhee ttearentoed to please. canomt0 PLEIXinixt BHAR'T 00.19 503 La Salle Nee. oNlOAab, ILL. 'write for 6orntleto tree era/demo 01,00100 world's 1♦rrcat 50,1 Intlneelan nee of hor06 sara1. Aimee el,earing Machines, Maned (radon mot A.LF'ONSO'S IffiALTJY, • C,onoern'. Fait About I Ing, Ono of Whose Lungs Is Affected. A oorrospondent of the Manatee. ter Guardian, while declaring that the ominous rumors in regard to Ring Alfenso's health may be exag- gerated, says they are certainly not without k,nndation. He did not in- herit a robust constitution from his father, who died of consumption six months before the birth of the pre- sent King, Ws mother's care resulted in an increase of the strength of the young monarch, but nothing could make him e strong man. His stoop- ing shoulders and trailing gait tell their own stories. Tho expression of his face is often of such ghastly weariness that his subjects are now forbidden to take enap shat pic- tures of him and the police vigor- ously oenflscate all cameras. Itis credibly reported that ono of the King's lungs is seriously af- fected, and the family history is sufficient to account for serious con- ecrn about any indisposition of this kind, A French palmist has mads a "reading" of King Alfonso's hand from an inked impreasson, and the result is far from being a happy one, She declares that the Iine of the heart is almost absent, which indicates sensuality and cruelty. The head line shows brain trouble, which will develop in middle life, while on the life line is marked a serious but not fatal illness when about 30 years of age. '0 Ease That Sore Joint Nerviline Will Do It The Champion Clog and Pedestal Daneer of Canada Tells How to Beep la Trim. Fur men in hie profession are better known than Mr. Tbnmao Hagan, of 27 Fortification Lane, Montreal, who 15115 :— "To limber up a stiff joint, to remove every sense of snreneos from tired muscles I cantell you nothing compares with Nerviline. It is really a wonderful liniment, and I use it continually, simply because I find It keepsthe muscles and Joints, stipple and entirely free from pain and etifrnoss. I earnestly reenmmend Nerviline to every person that minim: to use a strong, penetrating, pain -subduing liniment." For Rheumatism Nerviline is a won- der; for Sciatica it cures where othere fait; for Lmnbagc, stiffness and cold, no- thing surpasses it. Keep Nerviline bandy -it's good to take inwardly, de- etiroye internal pains quickly, and is fret es good for outward application, Large family size bottle; 50e.; email size, 26c., at all storekeepers and druggists or The Catarrhozoue 110„ Buffalo. 05, Y. Paddy 1'oolc It Back. • Paddy bought a watch from a lo- cal jeweller, who guaranteed to keep it in order fur twelve months. About six months later Paddy took it back because it had stopped. "You seem to have had an noel - dent with it," said the jeweller. ".A small one, sure enough, ser : About two months ago I was fading the pigs and it fell into the trough." "But you should have brought it before." "Sure, ser, I brought it as soon as I could, We only killed the pig yesterday." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Garget In 0003. TO FIT THE CRIME. Ancients IIatl Severe Punishments for Food Adulterators. Complaints about the inferior quality of food, the adulteration of food, the high prices and the cheat- ing weights have been common for r CentllrlP„i , There are some e C carious pages in Henri Estenno's "Apology for Heroclotus," and that book was published in 1586. But offenders were often punished and in most appropriate manner. Witness an edict recently found in the archives of Puy -de -Dome : "Whosoever shall have sold watered milk in his mouth shall be sot a tube, and into the said tube shall be poured the watered milk till.tlie doctor or barber there present shall assert that the culprit cannot swallow more without being put in danger of his days, Whoso- ever shall have sold butter con- taining turnips, stones or any other foreign substance shall be seized and attached in a eery curious man- ner to our pillory of Pontet. Then the said butter shall be placed on his head till the sten shall have melted it completely, and in the meantime the children anti meaner folic of the Tillagea,shall insult him with such outrageous epithets as shall please them --subject to the respect of God and Isis majesty. Whosoever shall have solei evil or rotten eggs shall be seized by the body and exposed in our pillory of Pdntet, The said egg's shall be given to the children of the vil. leges, who abaft, by way of joyful diversion, throw them in rim faro of the culprit, to that all may be full of merriment and letighttsr," SerieuS Enough: "With Mr. Brown's illness a seri. Oslo otlelrs., "Wel], he married •Iris nurse," "NA -DRU -CQ' DYSPEPSIA TABLETS .Preyed of $creat Value to Ma'd'• -4 There is only one explanation for the nutnbers of enthusiastic lettere that we receive praising Na-Dra.Co Dyspepsia Tablets, and that is that these tablets certainly do cure any loud of atomeck trouble. Isere is a typical letter front ltiiap Eliza Armswort;hy, Canso, N.S.: "It is with pleasureI write to inform' Tou that your, Na•Dru-Co Dyspepsia ablets have proved of greet value to , me, I tried remedy after remedy but without any lasting good. Having heard of your tablets curing such cases as mine I decided to give them a fair trial.; They proved satisfactory in my case." The remarkable success,of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets is such a success as can only come to an honest remedy, compounded according to an exception. ally good formula, from pure ingre- dients, by expert chemists. If you are troubled with your stomach just ask your Druggist about Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, compounded by the National Drag and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, and sold throughout the Dominion at Sot• a box. 142 FARMS FOR SALE, H, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, � t 000 STOCK FARM OF 600 acute 7f with Three Houses: large Bank Barn. Must he sold quick Pelee is very low. EVEItAL DESIRABLE FARMS I1'1 t.7 Manitoba. Alberta and Easicatchewa8 that can be bougbt. Worth the money lot quick sale. TRAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED 00011 farms to different esetione of Ontarle on my hlst. If you want a farm conanit roe. 14. W. DAWSON, Toronto. 1-1IFS'Y-TWO ACRES IN MIDDLESEX AA County; soll clay and clay loam) 11.2 acres orchard; good buildings Twenty-seven hundred dollars. would OD change for larger farm. The Western Real Estate Esrhango, London, Ont, FARMS FOR SALE IMPROVED AND FULLY EQUIPPED My reason for selling is that I'have more than I .can handle. In 1912 my' throshiug lasted for thirty-two clays. Will sell on email payments down. The farms nre ready for the drill. Willsellhomes, harness, machinery and farm. On the fame are good water, shouse, r ban, im- elements, shed, weigh coals, windmill. Write Percy Love, 33 FairviewHouleverd, Toronto, for full pantieulnrr. 7��Y TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED Di0. i A7 ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Album, ouly Seven Cents Marisa Stamp Comnanv, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS, BILLIARDS. i VERYBCDY ENJOYS BILLIARDS — Au Barbers and Live Men in 'owns only 100 population make big money. Be first to write for hook, "How to Start a Bil- liard Room" --Coat, Easy Terme, etc. Cata- logues of tables for Home and Club free. If you have a table ask for our supply catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Callender Com- pany, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. A GENrs!—SURE MONEYJO AICER! OUR'" 2-1 Illustrated Dollar Book "Discovery I t+outh Pole; Tragic Fate of Scott Expedi- tion. Commission Fifty Per Cent. Freight paid; credit given; free outfit; postage ton cents. Nichola Limited, Pub. fishers, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CI AN CER, TU010110, LUMPO, ETC.. + Internal and external, eared witle out rain by our home treatment. Write ns before tea late. Dr. Belimen Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont. GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND (u,AD' der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago end kindred nimente positivell cured with the new German Reined!, 8anni," price 81.60. Another new remade for Diabetes•Mellitno, and sera cure, la "Senors AnteD!abetes." Pelee $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sonol Menefee. luring Company of Canada, Limited, Rtt itnipeg, 2,1 ao. Sufficient Evidence. "You drank too touch punch ab that receptien yesterday." "Who saw me drink too much 1" "It wasn't necessary tototal' up. When I came in you were holding an animated: conversation with the piano lamp,' 81 eva ury 111J2, lis,6"4, Overheard in a Street -Car. There's a lesson right there! Little blemishes of com- plexion, small sores, eruptions, spots, are not only unpleasant to the person afflicted, but are the first thing naticed by Other people. A little Zara-lluk applied at night to spots, eruptions, sores of any kind will do Wonders. ZamBuk Isnot a greasy preparation which will go ran- cid on your dressing table. It is made from healing, herbal 1 extracts and essences. Always pure, fresh and ready for use. Doesn't lose its power. keeps indefinitely. Healing, soothing and antiseptic all the bine. Try it! tOc, baro all druggists anis IIoo'as.