HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-13, Page 1VOL, 4t .VO, 37 Ens BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH x3, 1913 New Advertisements Msoursions-ti, P. R. EOM 1(1111111017-4111118 lemon. l'oratces-R.Tholniten, Illnerv-Mise Hunter, f,uonl-Slisetric Light (24, hocal-W J. McCracken. Seed esati-Chas. Lemont, Early Enster-P It. Saint. 51111inery-Geo M. Mitchell, Auction sale -John ?MohoII, To contractors -Twp, of Grey. Heed bartWi er-t. trotwurn. Shoos moving on( --I. 0. Illobaribt, Tenders Wanted -Brussels Commit. Brighten en -R, A. McDonald &co. Rieh melee ilour-Ellectrle Liget co AmnintstratrIxei saio-enreh istrict Eet% Jamestown David Miller and family have had a bard null with the grippe but are improving nicely now we are pleased to say. Mrs, George Clidnibers, of Detroit, was here fin. a few weeks visiting bet - parents. Elijah and Mrs. .lacklin and other relativee. It is 8 years since she was here. She left. for home via Hate Hoot) to vend a. while with her hus- band's relatittese Lea;lbury S. and Min. ebee attended a wedding of a niece in gebbert, town- ship on Wednesday. Munn Bros., have purchased the MnNab farm coinprisigg 75 1101111. which is alongside thew properey. paying 81800 for it. Samuel McPhei son je., will note to the old Gray farm which he bough( from his father and Duncan will take over the homestead which will make a pod move for all. Miss Taylor, teacher, in nor school was oft a day on aeenent of her Mother taking a purely 110 stroke while on his way to Seaforth last Saturday but we have not heard any particulates since, MCKIIIOD Mies Louisa Hoegy is home from Michigan, to assist her mother, who is not very well. W. McKay left for Seat Ile, Washington. to resume his duties as railroad engineer. Mr. McKay has had a mouth's vacation. Miss Clara Davidson, daughter of \Vin, and Mrs. Davidson, of the Lead - bury line. was married .in Toronto ou Wednesday of last week to Percy Little, a McKillop boy who 'es mak- ing good" in the Queen city. Mr. Little was in his earlier days a student in the Seadeuth Collegiate Institute 21.11(1 Mi'. Little WAS on the staff ef The Meltaul establishment in Seaford). MeKillop Council meets at Seaforth on Meech. 16th at 1 o'clock, at Which meeting the Laweeriee Deain report will be read and coriskiered. Beletow, Seateeth, has re- ceived the i0) (.1(1(1 fib. the eree the/ or (1 1WO OtOry biOek house, for Hobe)'(. Hogg, of Alealllop. .11.• Cranbrook Irvin lientee has . moved into 1Y McDougall's house. • Thos, Bird lets rented C. Switzer's farm for he next yea'. ' Jacob Long is improving nicely and we hope will soon be fully recovered. Last Sabbath leev, Me, Haylock, of Teestveter, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church siol did well. Mies Lulu eleDonaltrs health 1111.8 net been Oa gond of late as many friends week] wish but we hope she will snort be as well ate ever. L. Bra 08 bad 101/Ved to the McNeil farm and Jas. Cameron bas moved to the Davidson farm on the 12th con., R. Davidson having gone West. Rev. ele. Thyme will be the preach- er next Sunday th 11 PrefibYleriall churcIl 11,0C1 arr. J. W. Hibbert nf Genie, i n the M called 1st, eh n rah. The Heinen. farm near lieve will be offered for sale by F, S. Scott, Auctioneee, at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Wednesday, March 2611, at 12 o'clock, Fauna is a gond one and contains 131 arre13. A dvertise- ment may be read in this iSatle. Bluevale Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Moorefield, preached in Knox eitueeh !net Sun- day. Service next Sabbath will be condueted by Rev. Mr. Fraser. GOOD-BYE ,TO OLD Fenner/m.- 11mi 8110 y evening, friends 01111 Neigh- bors, numbering 100, assembled at the Mime of W. mid Dili% NW/well to spend a social evening and to say Good-bye. When the whole com- pany assembled Me. and Mes. Max- well and their daughter Jean, were seated before the- chairman john King, who after briefly elating the object of the gathering read an ad- dress while Mrs. Peter Powlee and Mrs. Harry Dement pi eserthel Maxwell with a gold handled 0111- brella, Nes. Maxwell with a silver handled parasol 111111 Jean with a hand. some bar -pin, Mr. Maxwell made at suitable reply thanking the friends for present and much pest kindliest,. Short speeches were made by several others and all agreed that our neigh- borhood was suffering' a serious lees in the removal of the Maxwell's se long and favorably known in this community. Several ladies in ad- dressing MIS. Maxwell expressed the sincerest regeet at their losing not only a kind neighbor but a valuable T. * + + -4. 4. 4. * 4. 4. Belm ante • * Spring Opening Our Firstgxhibit of Spring Styles will be held Wednesday and Thursday, • March 19th 4i 20th We extend a Cordial Invitation to All to visit our display on these Dates. 1,4 • *++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++4, E. INMJIN .Iipprentices Wanted." .......................... . ...... . .. 1 e i g htn I : .. .. II. : W • 44, • e havejust what you need to Brighten Up • any or every room in your house. • • • • I Walls . 5130x03 VVall Papers, which 'tee the beet • • 18a401 g on the markt. • * • • • 0 Woodwork 'she" lei lliams PAIAOS. all (Acne and tqualities for every sin lace. • 0 • i Floors sr..,li,01...3,1,100i. Oils, Stale Oils. Best ti, -/Patt erns, Also Tattieetry Rugs, • • Blinds -plain and wi tit fringe. • Arts Lace 0,1131141181 --White and Eel it or Create. 95c to 82.50 per pale. ; Domain Net -Ivory mid Bert' by the yd. • Ft ill Ainslie, Colneed Mathes. ' /, Alueliii, Sateens and Smith j ege-A huge range of Prints, Shietlegs, Dein% Meath's, Vettlige, Rol- • • • lipoid eriee, Crepe Muslies, Deese Linens, etc.. • : • Produce taken as cash on all &above goods. • • • • R. A. McDonald & Co. .1 • Windows • PHONE 0210 ' ORANBOOOK ; • 0 •••••••••••••••••••••*•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 Spring Millinery Opening Geo. M. Mitchell's ETHEL Wednesday and Thursday March 19-20 The Ledies if Ethel and vie - hely are vordigily 10 ea 11 11 1.11 t. (1))' latest sly les ie Millinery fee Lhe eosniiig seasen, MISS A. SCHMID/I', Milliner. Sutter and Eggs taken sus Cash Phone 2215 G. MI Mitchell and faithful member (d the Anssion Society and the Ladiee' Aid in Knox chu vale Motivate. There were songs by Messrs. McDonald, King and Max - :veil and Del Ise Evil Duff, plenty or music end dancing, to Mee leech pro- vided by the ladies, and all together • it tons a eevy pleasant, sociable and agreeable little, and it Was a very sympathetic !annually of young am1 old who joined hawk around the 1axwel1'8 stung "Auld Latig Syne'. 1131)1 ivielled thew God -pd and kind neighlees in thee. new home 111 the shores of Lake Erie. Following is 11 copy of the adtlreSS DEAR FRIENDS 1-Beforu your de paritir(3 111,111 you) old home, pun ieighbin s mid ft 10 )1(18 have assembled (0 5(37 Pave well. Li the years gone' by we have often enjoyed yoot 13031111,3(13 y and such pleasitnt (14. 0144)1)39 will be missed in tnure. The col i ties tha13 bound us in 011(3 8)141(31 busimeet and church relationships will not be wholly eeveved by space tuid lnit It is at regret to us all that the mime of Maxwell ‘eet n,, longer siiiso in the annals of this neighbothonel which it has adorned ein(e- the histii)'y iir the district be. gam Thee yen will enjoy prosperity in pan new home we eve confident for yet" have revealed the qualities or indust,'y end muerte Ise in your lives 8.111011g81 Ile. WO beg you to accept these gifts mid you Jean this pin, as a relllellila.anre end in parting all.join in hearty wishes for your happiness, and success in the years to come. Signed,- Your old friends, Robt. Black, A. Meffven, Peter Fowler, 1. SV. King„ eo. McDonald, Frank Antlevson, Henry Diment. Fienfryn ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.- Tuesday evenieg the neighbors and feiends of G. CI, aid Mrs. Baweita helmet. gathered at their home to spend an evening with them before they leave for the West. The night 581)8 anent in games and dancing and before tench watt served the following 131161(355s and neeseittatien was nettle : DEAR FRIENDS. -We, a few of your Mends and neiglibims have gathered in your 11(1l home this evening before. V0111' departure from anmegst us to bid ynu farewell. We always feel a 811(1110as when We are (ailed upon to catk Hp old essoeiations, more so. whet: they 'covet the greater p11413 pt of m relives as it doe, with most of us 118 evening. A good loony years bene, rolled by Since We played to- ot het. 118 1)03'8 1)11)1 girt; and we have lived and worked with you ever alley awl have al wit ys found you a good neighbor. e('e). ready to lend a help- ing- hated ti»in of need turd we feel we could not let this ocriasion pass ........... ** . * ........... !HIGH• 11 GRJ?DE * * • !FLOUR • • • Are yeti content with the • • nom, you awe esing ? If not • get a bag of • • • Model Brand : Flour : W. H, EERR, Proptietor %velem( showing our ape) eciation 81)111e tangible way, YOU, JI re BawtliiheIthei, please accept this Mantle ()lock and 211 1'. Baw ti Moe trier. this Slittyinte Case and geed CulT Li ilk, as tokens of OU)' appreciation of your true worth and we teuse you will both be lung spared to enjoy the peosperity am] comfort Of your iiew Mune. Sighed in behalf of pew feietitia, ED. COLLis, alt„ HENRY M URR, Eti. DOLLIS, ea. Me. and Mrs. Bawthilieinter both re- plied thee king their many ft iemis for their kind gifts. The mimic clueing the evening was well rendered being supplied by Henry Gersalitz and Hen. Hamilton. moms EDWA_RD ARMSTRONG ANSWERS TUE ROLL OALL.-Aluml,10.40 a. In. Tiles - day of this week the amenities, to width none can say Nay, eame to Edward Armstrong, an old and well (11(1,141) resident of Morris township, and he passed away, conscious to the last, aged 06 years and 10 months of age. Deceased , who lived with his brother Relieve on the 01318 line, had contracted a seem.% rOid alai having been 888)')' Pugged man did ttot pay much attentimi to it- until it get a firm hold. On March 1st he drOVE1 civet. to the home of his brother, W. H., 51311 line, and they got, hitto bed and expected he would soon be ((bout. Pneumonia developed arid despite all that could be done the vital !mark fled. Me. Armament; was born in Brant Co. and carne to Morris about 60 years ago. He was 'Inmate - tied turd was a jovial, big hearted Men whore death cattle us a peat surprise. Funeral beak place Thurs- day afternoon to -Bruseels cetneiery, Rev. Mr Kilpatrick conducting the service. The subject of this notive is survived by three brothers, Rohert, George atel W. 11. and rem. sisters, rS. Peter Caution, Aloeris 8. W01. C8,111.1011, allei Mt's. L. B. Neff, Peteelia ; and Mts. D.. Arnold, Cal- gary. All were here excepting the 1)11 (314, . Qrey Maple syrup initimfactnee is on the program of a _Number Greyites. Tenders are asked for in this issue for cement abutments for Olark's Intaigyl.(1 Kiekcontiell was a visitor ma itthwet1841t11111(icatym. of McKillop township This week A. Some)* and family moved from the 12th con., of Geey, where they spent several years on the Richard Miebell farm, to the 51 11 line of Morrie. \Ve wish them en». tinned prospetity in their new home. Tuesday Hugh AlcOarthey and .1110. McDonald loaded a car of stock and settlee's effects for Tegaske, Sask. Roth are teeming in the West and itiv doing well. It is hinted that peter- pective housekeepers may follow shortly. Robert Docket, 5th eon., is h148 on a visit from Alberta where he spent the past year or so. He purposes re- turning in the eourse of a month. 51r. Docket visited 813 81., Paul for a couple of months where two brothers, James and Hugh reside. The farm of John Mitchell, 5th con., has been sold to Thos. Vodden, of Ethel. Mr. Mitchell will join 1\11.. Vndden in the liveey business at Ethel, They have also three entire horses that will take routes. Clear- ing Auction Sale of Mr. Mitchell's fartn stnek, implements, etc., will be held Thnesday afternoon of next week, with P. S. Scott as Auctioneer. Tuesday Tito. Lowe shipped a car of horses from Bruesele for York ton, Sask., John Rielly accompanying the stock. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe and 01)1131. von expect to leave on Friday for the sanne point where they will likely spend a gond share of the coming Slimmer, We hope to see them beck again to their fine farni on the 9th eon. Mi'. Harry Alevond and son Amus have gone to Toronto wheee they purpose making their home white Mr, Atwood, bakesa trip to the West. The latter is one of a family of 19 children by the same parents, 10 sone and 9 daughters, 17 of whom are alive today. Parents -lived 111 Harristort and locality. Very few families have 8)113?) 111118ITIO T1P last week Aline). the year old son of Chas. and Mrs. W- earier., 10t1) one., Wall taken clown ith appendicitis and was rename -al Wirigharn hospital Where 111,0uder ent foperatinct. The patient is getting along nicely and 'i1I be able to rettlen to his home in the (3011(380 0? a few weeks, He is a good niene of stuff and and should make good re- covery which we tenet he will, 25TR ANNIVERSARY.- 01) Friday ening last a jolly crimpitny of about aseembled at 1 he home of W. J. (1 Mrs. Sheep, 111(1 con., to join in e celebtatioti of' the silver milli ver- ey of their rriattlage. A lai liege tinte- r of valuable mai useful )3'('0(33 (.0 11 „keep the 11081. and 'hostess io mory of the event. Evehing 39)58 at enjoyably emelt , with music, r •g, sOcial chat, game A, 'dancing, Slipper WaS SerVed at Midnight. 0 guests. deperted wishing 111r. and s. Sharp elf the good things this and the (Menet, of celeheating the hien Wedding 25 years hellee, DITOOL REPORT.--Pol101ving is he tool Retiree of S., S. No. 1, Grey it mined 10 Deng., Be. , History, em., Literature, Cate History, Lie Spell, DI melee anW d riting. al 800. Hopes 600. Pates 480,- IV, -*****Stewart Hillier 160 ,Iv. -*lean Grant 621, Meted?) Miller 20)11141)20)11141)47a e Se. TIL - 3113013))) Engle 454, e****Mity wistrong 246.e Junkie , 111(1' Miele 400, ***Areeetate Lowe Sec L'ennehied in Weleing, Drawing, pre Arithmetic, Literature, sari 13850ui 1111 sa be wi hrn so, etc and he etinvineed that 113 15 ; l'h • in a 01018 by itself, being • Mt • ' eeecitel to mete Call the e.• life • Z Go 1111133CIS'fiectrIc 1 Ex I S feel Or Ari iot IV. 5114, 21(1• • Aer jno Patter$011, Manager ; *NV • 867. 40 eve, eee.•••••••••••:e•••e•.• Ste • • • ' Company • • • •and tisk for a sack of MOD- • EL, menefactueed by HAR- • VEY BROS,, F.,xetee. • •• • Terns StrictlyCash • Geogrephy, Compositioe. Total 600. Hopes 450, Pim 860, Sr, II. -Cecil Somers 408, Jim At nettatong 480, Wil- lexcelleue. --1('431(9 Mier, 2(1)8501Robert, Eitgle, Pt, I. Excellerit- animate! 1(11(4 or move examittatioes. ' . e e, Alergtwet Alcock. Those marked " GrantGood- NodCochran PRAM, 13AERER, Teacher. Moncriciff Mrs. Jae, MOKay has been vieiring in Hamilton this week. John Murray has plirchu,11 Hart. Speiratee farm. Whet is the next move Johnnie ? \Ve are glad to welemare Mrs. Robeelson and son Rueeell baolt te lel onceieff again. Quite a 01)1451881'assembled last Monday eve to say (3(10(1 bye to Jim Mann before returning to the Vest. Repotts say he wiff be back next year. humor had it that Jae. 21(111)11, who came home Met (Theistuarts fot. holt. day, was not likely to return to the Wne est alobut he did. It will meai! another trip likely next Fall or Win- ter, Hugh McKay and wife, who were hre efeint' Earl Grey, Sask., for holi- day visit, have returned to their twine. Mrs. Mail./Y was a daughter e.i.ch. McLean, 16th COIL We wish them mown i ty. CONGRATULATIONS.-OUr old friend, George McKey, sr., celebrated .his it t 8511) bhday last Monday. For a man of his age he is wonderfully smart end we extend hearty congrat- 'dairies 1)8(31 the event. ADDRESS AM/ PRESENTATIOR,-The congregation of .Knox 01301(3)1 was Weil represented at the prayer 'beat- ing \Veditesdey evening of 1)031 week whew after set vita was over a meet- ing was called and Jas. Mann was elect Chairman. Wm Harvey read au address arid Thos. Inglis pre - seined it pireee containing $75.00 -to the much esteemed Pastor and Mrs. Littilly, who were completely- taken by surprise. lir. Lundy replied to the address in his characteristic happy waythanking the CONgrea- tint) for himself and1131118. d rs. Lundy. 1570)65 of appreciation were spoken by Messes. Menu, MacQuarrie, Stnith, Snelling and larrisee. aloncrieff has certainly cause to think well of their Paetor. Following is a copy of the address 3- DEAR PASTOR. -We, the members and adherents or Knox cheetah, Mon- crieff, wishing to show you that we appreciate the efforts you have ever pu t forth while in our midst in every- thing that would 10(16 130 our spiritual weiraee, and would acknowledge that the gnat suecess that has been a- chieved in so short a time has been due to the untiring zeal energy and devotion you have ever put heti' in (be cause with the Masters blessing added thereto. Nor yet would we be unmindful of the part Mee. Lundy has take), in the work and would take this opportunity• to convey to you out. gratitude and would ask you to accept this purse as a small token of the esteem in which you are held in our midst,. We fain would hope that the association so pleasantly and profitably begun may not soon be seveteci and that long may you both be spared to lives of usefulness and abundantly may your /above be blessed, Such is the sincere wish of .all. Signed on behalf of, the Con- gregation. BY BOARD OP blANAGERS. •••• Ethel Watch out for the Millinery open- ing on the 19th and 200. A sale was not made of the Rose fre a' at; the auction last week (55 14)0 re- serve 1)1(1 1r11.8 not reached. RrW ev. M. ren will preach next Sabbath evening on "Lessons from the lire of David Livingstone." We are sorry to hear of the illness ef Gen. Bateman who had a, slight at lack of paralysis. His frietois 'di hope for a speedy recovery. The tattle'. of Dr. Ferguson, who lives in liarriston locality, has not been having very good health of late but we hope for improvement with the advent of better weather, A big cleaving Auction Sale is an- nounced by D. Milne, of this place, for Friday, March 2,80), at 12 o'clock. Shell Hem stock will be included. F. S. Sent t will be the auctioneer. Last &matey evening' the topic of 1,Im disconese at, the Alethridiet church in collimation with a series on "20th Goethe? Women," was "'Phe woman who thinks she cannot be got along IvielPrcrsiu.b13.")..ay has moved back to his 28.11111 011 the lath e011. Mr. 211131211)',59(10 WAR 1)11 it will likely go West. Mee. 13tay has been in Brussels nine- ine hn et. 'ether, Mee. Jne aHowatd, who is not yet restored to full health: FLOUR AND FEED. -I keep a stock of Flom Mid Feed on hand at Mwese 1111$11 pieces. Have, a car of Bran„ Shorts and low grade ilour coming. Patties wariting same leave raiders Phone 2216. Will notify purehasers when 0)1)' 11119(55. W. E, SANDERS. At the Oanadien Club laet, FridayeveningMr, evening Mr, Imeie gave an inteeeet- leg addeess on "The fultotions of the Press to Public life." He dealt with hie sehjeet Melee three heads viz Lifoemative ; (2) 0oreective (3) Con- etenetive, It wee much appreeiated by the large 00111intity.• The Address 191(8 p1551911, some say enelied, and other heel/tees of the House baits - acted. Parliement, will meet in 8114)51 8088(011 Thureday evening, 20th 1,181., to fot Weed several matter)), and the regular meeting will convene Good Feeley (light whn eaddresses are ex rected from Go. letemeetor G 01 el lett of the Olinda:lees Aid 114v and liklitov jas. Mitehen, Ardent of Comity branch of the le oegenization. They -will have I 4, e+•+•+ve •+•+•+•••+•+• * 0+ Spring • 1 i 4 • • ,,a,„ 4. The Ladies of ;hal and • 11 vi 7181 vb7e /41Defden0ilnlg Win" 44 1 10eality are (medially in- , vited to my Spring Mil. 4 * + t, 1 Wednesday and Thursday i i March 19-20.! • I Wheta the newest styles • • 4' will be on exhibition. 4 Call and see the display. • • 4 • • .1. Miss r ii f • • • luu Le Huo e L P +41. • • Dilworth Block EMI i • tbutter and, Eggs taken ate Casio +•+•44+40+11+•+*+•+11+4•+11411+4. interesting stories to tell of the pee- wees of the good work. fierenerrae.L.-A ettiet wedding took place at the Paysonage,. Ethel, when Hev. David Wren bespoke the mystio words which made Miss Mary Alberta, dattsghter of W. 11. and Mrs. Cole and Ddugald 'Joseph Hutchinson, eon or Morley and Pdre. Hutchinson man and wife. The beide was becomingly at- tired in' a suit of navy blue ladies cloth and hat to tnaech. The happy couple will take up residence on the groom's (Inc farm ou the Oh cote Grey. WouRefs Ietneeerre.- The rep - hu meeting of the Women's Institute tvill be held at the home of Mrs. J. K. Baker Thursday March 200 at, 2.80 p. 111, Topic Criticisms on at Book "The Upas Tree," by Miss Healey, to be led by Mrs. (Rev.) Wren and Mrs. Wtn. Slemmon. Sleighs to con- vey the ladies to the meeting will leave J. MeDonald'e store -at 1 o'clock. In ease of bad roads or weather the !fleeting will be held at the home of M.iscetoL sRall. SREPORT.-The following is the report of the Ethel Public School for March. Number on the roll sixty- five, average attendance fifey-five. Those !narked with an asterisk missed one or more exandeatioes. Names in order of merit t -Se. IV. -E. Fei gee - on, M. IficLelland, P. Doeson, N. Addy, G. Cole, *N. McKee. Jr. IV. - M, Bowes, L. Dane, D. McKee, S. Mc- Donald, eG. Hollenbeck. Sr. Bateman, A. McDonald, D. McKee, S. Gill, .1. Lucas, L. Vodden, Jr. M.- & Kreuter, E. Sinclair, M. Martin, E. Eakmiee'H. Love, W. Rowland, G. Rowland, G. Pollard, "S. Davidson, P. Love. Sr. IL -A. Eckuier, C. Ferguson'B. Cole, L Dobson, M. Vedder! V. McCall, B. McCall, 13. Cole, G.'MeKee, W. Dane, *M. Flood. Jr. IL -L Mitchell, L. Pollard, M. McDonald, E Kreuter, E. lentebell, R. McLelland, W. Wood% L. Dun- bar, *B. Howlett, L. Sanders, *O. Flood. Sr. I. -M. McKee, M. Eck - mime W. Mitchell. Primer.- M. Welsh, R. Cleaver, E. Wright, A. Bremner, E. gill, W. Mitchell, A. Wends, F. Flood, 4,. 08816330. E. S. DANBROOK, TeaCher. Walton FOR SALE.-Plour and feeds of all No. 1 kinds, inaluding corn, at the welter) Elevator 0, 8, DRAconi, Our Hockey teem is a lively bunch. Rural mail delivery is one of the live gnestions. W. and Mrs. Grigg and P. and Mrs. Hudson, who were visiting around here for the past few months have i.e. turned to their respective homes in Moose Jaw localiey, ++++++++++++++++++++++++44 4 4. Our New. Suring * .,. .4.• 3 I t 11 + + .. s 4. t 4. * + Are attracting much at- + + + tention these days. * New designs are neat, * We halve 'them in vavious 4 shades such as Tans, Blues, + .1. 4' Grays, &c.' T. .t. These are worm by. the Best 4. t Dressed Alen. Suits made by us •l' are distinctive rind correct and 4. 4. bound to give satisfactioe. + Come ha and let us show you. .1. Our prices are modetate con- sidering the quality of material and workmariship. 4- Good tritertringe one of the feltutieews ofRoetand. yle-attod0.%,veltr '1 over. 4* coats at a 13nrgatin. W. P. ser Fra Mrs. lt, 11. Fergueon ie borne hem Toronto. Miss Maud 15 making falter. able progress. Rev. 111r, Lundy will preside at the intheetion of Rev. Mr. 291a»n at ville chtueli, Brusselti, next Tuesday 0(141)00n, The monthly meeting of Women% Lath ute will be held le the 4., 0, 27, W. kf&ill nexe Wednesday afternoon, Mr. isith 0,100‘.. Program wilt consist of readings, recitations, and songs by the ladles. A goed turn out will be expeceed. "I'nte 111P,seAelet rea' Lecterr,"- On Good Friday evening re sacred .Easter Livingstone Entertainment will be held 111 the Presbyterian chinch, Waltorte The line service, entitled "The message of Light," will be given by the ebole assisted by the IlIntsion, Band, No admission fee but a free. will (define on behalf of tbe Organ Fund. The public cordially invited. Wroxeter Mee McNeil, of Alton, is visiting her niece, Airs. Davis. Rev. L. Fame'', of Moorefield, visit- ed old friends here this week, Jas, Hoffrnen, of Ternberry, has moved to Chas. Pope's residence. Hugh eleLeare of Hateriston, is the geese of his brotbee, Adana McLean, Dr. McKenzie, of Toronto, is xe. oewiug acquaiuteumee he the Village. There was a large attendance at the Horse Fair held here on Beturday afternoon. Charles Wendt, of Mildmay, is spending a week with his brother, J. Re Wendt,. Arahur Stet t left on Monday foe Seskatoon aud John Simmons for Medicine Hat. Bliss Cora Sheieff, of Willfelarn, WaS the guest of Miss Millie Melia tot a few days recently, Phe monthly meeting of the W. F. i1L S. of the Presbyeerinii church was held at the borne of AIL'S. WM Wil. son on Thursday. Mee. eVin, Rutherford was called to Harriston on Saturday owing to the illness of her daughter, Miss Chita therford. Our Hockey team went to liar.. riston last Tuesday evening where they met defeat the score standing 12,---"S in favor of the:home team. A. Cone ere under the auspices of the Literary Society of the VVroxeter Contirmation Class will be given in the TOWN Hall on Friday evening, One of Lhe chief features of the pro, gran) will be a debate, Wroxeter vs.' Brussels on "Resolved that money has had and bas more influence on the world than Mains." • Church Chimes Next Sabbath Rev. Dr, Ross, of Toronto, will be the preacher in Mel. ville church, uumber of improvements have been made in and about Melville Manse prior to lite twining of the new pester, - Rev..). W. Hibbert, of Goirie, Chair - 1151t1 01 Wingham District, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church nelti Sabbath Dr. Oaten is improving in health but is not yet able to resume his work. Rev. Mr. Young completed his work last 'Sunday in connection with supply. Ing Melville church pulpit since the call was ex:ended. The old gentleman was here for 7 or 8 Sabbaths and rendered most acceptable service. His home is " at Clifford He has many warm friends in Brussels. The itrduction of Rev, A. J. MAIM, B. A., to Melville chinch pastorate will tette place Tuesday• afternoon of next week, service commencing at 2.30 o'clock. Congregational tea will be served in the basement from 5 to 7 p. m. under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. A musical and literary program will be rendered in connectioe with s. welcoming gathering to the Rev. Mr. Mann and family in the church follow- ing the supper. Da. STEWART aum-Rev. A. c, Stewart, a graduate of Knox college, Tor. nto, died Tuesday at Streetsville. Oct., in his 71st year. He was born in Peel county and was educated in Tor- onto. He had charge of a ellutete, 111 Bel more, Ont., for over 15 years and bad- "e- beeu living on a farm in Streetsville, re- tired for a number of years, He is survived by a widow, 2 son.s and two daeghters. Miss Hazel Stewart, a daughter, is a teacher in oho of Toron- to's public schools. The remains were taken to Toronto for interment ou Thursday, The funeral took place from the Union station at 12 20 p, In, when the Teeswater trate arrived. Rev. le J. Haylock, a superannuated minister living at Teeswater, took charee of the services in the Methodist church here last Sunday and did it well. Morning text was "Will ye also be His disciples 7" and in the evening "The marriage Supper of the latnb" was the theme. The reverend gentleman is a unique personality anti presents the Gospel message in a style peculiarly his own, At the close of the evening sermon Mr. leavlocksang, by recomet, 1(30 finest:4o eThe prints nts of the nails In His hands," the choir and congregation joining in the chores. The services were much enjoyed. Although in tire Min Wry 30(3 44 years he is a hearty man vet Red steeds day's Work like it votive Fellow Rev, Mr, flaylock spent hie earlier years la the Province of Q nehec Next Sabbath he supplies for Rev Mr ellitbert at Gerrie while the latter comes to Breesel, the building line in het heeding centre. 2e0118(3 School, League mad °berate , A Memeerient, Sank., subscriber 515911work doing nieely. in reteitrine enhscription TIM Pose, we 80351)011 Pose regularly, and ..,,,l,0William 85('5 thee expect a big 50050(3A letter from Ira Gerry, of F'ort h t T n it like In do wit/to Met•cwit/tout it. ay reediog e all at 01 4, it we Call tintlit 0111. frieball and P: quoin I Ineei, 4.4415 Brussele end surround,* 4.4444444,441,4444*++++4.4. i c,,ttn t y.