HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-6, Page 8Colds
Often go fi•oni he 1 Co worse if not
attended to. Get a bottle of
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
and stop the Coughing --
250 and 5oe bottles
Throat Tablets
A good Tablet to clear the throat
or relieve huskiness is often want-
ed Those we can recommend are
Zy mole Trokeys, 26c pkg.
Heide's Licorice Pastilles, So pkg.
Menthol and Eucalyptus Pasta leo 5c on
Menthol Cough Crepe, 2 oz. ita,
Ar loutI cm fair eomplexiuns but
there is 8 remedy and you eau keep
your skin Soft and smooth by using
a good Pellet Cream. Among them
there is nothing better than
Sokol! Face Oream-2cJar
Tbis la a light and fluffy cream. ab.
solutelv greaseless. and is quiekle
absorbed by the skin. If you do not
care to spend as much,
Our Cream of Resets, fie per es
and Dermal Lotion, Be per oz
are two good preparations for rough
skin. Our stock of Toilet Prepare.
tions is very complete and confains
those that have proven satisfactoiy.
St. Patrick's Day March 17th
We have a nice assortment of Irish Cards at 5c each and 2 for 5c.
Theeil;R Store
neat Stbzis Items
DAYS are stretching.
SCHOOL Board Friday of next week.
A 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
Guess it was a "Lion" introduction
all right.
A great rush of grain chopping was
on this week at the mills.
• COUNCIL did not meet last Monday
evening but will convene next Monday.
WATcti out for Spring announcement
of bargains by the business men who
desire your trade.
BRUSAELS Camp rnembers talk of at-
tending a special meeting at Wingham
next Monday evening.
Mute monthly Horse Fair, and the
last fot this season, will be held in Brus-
eels on Thursday, April 3rd.
The lost horse blanket advertised in
THE POST was restored to its owner for
which he was thanktul for it was a good
• THE two horse snow plow had to be
called into requisition Monday morning
to open up the streets after the snow
storm of the previous clay and night.
W. I. McCeecxEe's car of New
Brunswick potatoes arrived on Monday
and a wide distribution is being made
in town and country. Did you get your
supply ye; ?
DAN DENMAN went West Tuesday of
this week. He shipped his speedy fine
• looking black roadster stallion West
ward also, Mr Denman may spend a
good share of tin Summer out there.
Tim Cockshutt Plow Company,' ol
Branford, has taken the Frost &
Wood Comnany over and has engaged
Nicholson & Kreuter, of Ethel, for
their agent at Brussels. Parties wanting
• machinery will be guaranteed, Phone
No. at present 2217.
MARRIED -In Dell Ver. Colorado, 013
February 12111, Miss Ame Elizabeth Lee.
daughter of Geo. W. and Mrs Pell, was
united in marriage to Wm. L. Stewart,
Brusselites will remember Mrs. Pell
• ,better by her maiden name -Miss Bella
Stacey -who with the members of the
family resided here for years.
• THE funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas
Kelly was to have taken place Wednes
day afternoon but was postponed to
Thursday owing to the fact that Mrs.
Jno McFadden. a niece, from the
West, did not arrive until Wednesday
night. Obituary notice will appear
• next week.
A NE .vsPAPER report from Sellwood
says that James McGregor, formerly of
this locality, name to his death in the
Moose Mountain Iron mine by being
caught in the crushing machine. He
WAS Oiling- the gear when his smock got
entangled and drew him in. Deceased
was terribly mangled, He was married
last November. Mr. McGregor was a
brother to Thomas McGregor, of Brus-
•sels, and visited here a few years ago
for several months.
At the meeting of the Electric Light
• and Water Commissiotaer, Kincardine
all the members were present. 'The
matter of appointing a Secretary -
Treasurer came up. There were several
applications for the position. It was
awarded to Robt Ross at a salary of
Soo per annum. Mr. Ross is an old
Bruseelite, being a son of David Ross
sr., Elizabeth street. We wish him
success In his new office,
KNITTING FAcToays-A meeting of
the business men in town, was called by
the Reeve, in the Council chamber on
Friday eveniug last to cousider whether
it would be advisable to give J. P.
Wood further assistance to erect an ad-
clititnal building and extend his busi.
eess. There was a good attendance
notwithstanding the fact that there was
another meeting which prevented some
of the leading men from attending.
The situation was fully explained by tbe
Reeve and bis own opinion given with.
oet prejudice. The question was then
discussed pro and con, mostly on busi.
tress lines but unfortunately in some
cases 00 personal lines. .A Vote was
taken when 25 voted in favor of extend..
ing aid and 7 against doing anything
end a number who expressed no opinion
did not vote either way The matter
was expected to come before the Coun-
cil at their regular meeting Monday
vight, which meeting was deferred for
week owing to absence of a member of
the Council and the illness of Mr. Wood,
WAS Melted to attend. The knit -
flee rectory is among our inost active
itide .tries and the outlook of a very
bop. int character if necessary machinery
for n ,,v trade is eecnred to manufacture
new lines of goods for which a good
market is open. A new addition is a
necessity to take advantage of this trade
tis a building eo feet long is required In
width to install the plant, A visit to
the factory wield convince the Most
skeptical of it beteg a going eoneern.
THE POrtT thinks no mistake would be
Made he the town backing up the busi.
nets. Brussels needs all the factories if
it is tO hold its own.
BRUSSELS Skating rink is attracting
the young people from the aeighborieg
towns and villages for an evening's tuu.
A guod time was put in at the Royal
Arch Degree in the L. 0. L. here the
other evening. Brethren were present
from Walton and Ethel,
SATURDAY, July stle is the day set by
Huron Oid Boys 01 Toronto. for their
annual excursion to this Count's
Clinton will be headquarters this year.
SALE POsTPONED. -The auction sale
of Household Furniture, &c., belonging
to Mrs. Shaw, James street, Brussels.
has been postponed, owing to the storm,
from Thursday to Saturday afternoon
15th inst., tit 2 ObIlOck,
SOME 10 rent on Turnberry street,
Apply to R. LEATH eitnALE.
Oen of Green Mountain Potatoes on hand at
$1.25 per bag off the car, This is a chance to
get good profitable seed potatoes or for denim!.
tie purposes Beery Monday will buy end
take delivery. of old Fowl and young Chickens
at market pewee. ROUT. THOMSON, Brussels.
Scow. Snorer, lost between Donald Camp -
belie corner, Illth eon. Grey, and Clarks
bridge. Will finder plenum send word to
HARR Calmer.
Booms AND Snots leas than wholesale prices
510 gallon barrels for igale. Fine for holding
sap. G. A. DEADPAN.
As I am closing out my business all accounts
ars required to be Healed et once.
day, commencing March 4th, to points in Man-
itoba, Saskatchewan and A lberta. Full infor-
mation and tickets may be bed from H. L.
Jerecame, C. P. it. Agent, Brussels.
COLLIE DOG strayed from Lot 12, 4th Line,
Morri. Friday, Feb. 2lat. He ia black with
long hair, tan feet, long tail with a lithe white
on tip Answers to name of Toby. Persone
knowing of his whereaboute please telephone
80 CHAS, WIINNLER, Phone 158.
SECOND hand piano for side. Apply to,
5. CARTIM. Bruseela.
UPSTAIRS Mom to rent. Apple at
810121143 DRUG STORIC.
Botsg and lot io rent or for aale. Apple to
D. EWAN, Brussel& 21-1f
1858 the art et saw tiling that other experts
fail to ken. and will gum, set and file same to
your fancy. TAM MoGite0oa, Brussels,
Children are much more likely to
contract the contagious diseases
when they have colds, Whooping
cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and
consumption are diseases that are
often contracted when the child has
a cold. That is why. all medical
authotities say beware of colds. For
the quick cure of eolds you will find
nothing better than Chamberlain's:I
Cough Remedy. It can always be
depended upon and is pleasant and
safe to take. For sale by all dealers.
MARE H neox DRY - President F,
Buchauare of Wingham, has issued a
call to arms of representatives from all
the chinches and municipalities of Hur
on County ar Clintou Thursday, 2oth
inst. Business of the organization such
as election of officers will be transacted
but the leading question to be discussed
will be the aduption of the Canada
Teinperance Act, whereby the whole
County will vote at once and if a ma.
jority of the votes cast are in favor of
the act the law will go into effect on
May tat. 1914. Single fare on the rail
roads will be in effect that day as it is
the day before Good Friday.
BRUSRELS WON -The Mitchell Hock
ev team drove to Brussels on Tuesday
afternoon and played an interesting but
one sided match with Brussels in the
first round for the Trench Silver Cup
Score was 21 to 3 in favor of the home
boys. Line up WAS as follows :-
Brussels Mitchell
Crooks Goal Smith
Gerry Point Hughes
Scott Cover Point Rogers
McMillan Rover Eizerrnan
Bell Centre Thorne
Ross L. Wing McKay
Fox R. Wing Buck
N F. Gerry was referee. The return
game will be played at Mitchell Friday
evening of this week v hen our lads
will likely have a harder conflict,
Mom' PORECA,T.- There is a re-
actionary storm period central on the
1st, and and 3rd. This is the exact
centre of the great Jupiter period with
the Mars and earth equinoctial periods
in full combined forte. Storms all the
way from tropical in the South, to bin,
eel gales and blizzards northWarl
should surprise no reader of this fore-
cast at this or anv other period dur-
ing this months A very cold Wave will
spread over most parts of the countrs
from about the 3rd to the 6th, sweep-
ing hem the Ncrthwest to the South
east. Watch for it. A regular storm
period is central on the 8th involving
the 6th to the rtth. New moon GO the
7th and moon on the celestial equa-
tor on the 8th, with the venue period
adding its influence to earth. Mars and
Jupiter, violent storms and other dis.
turbanees will be natural and certain
from about Friday the 7th to Tuesday
the Itth, Blizzards from the northwest
Will meet these tropical StOrtlis, all
ending in high, destructive gales and a
March cold wave. Electric and mag-
netic phenomena will reach a rttaxintem
causing earth currents, northern lights
end many earthquakes between the 7th sticcess.
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid up • s $1,000,000.00
Ronerve Fund . • • 1,268000=
Undivided Profits • - 181,880.26
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience.
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town, Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
otato es
P , ivii.,,rust..?-h.isAserelngeaodrpantOvatserious
illness ot her sister, Mrs. T.eit
Gillicuddy, who visited here a few
weeks ago. We hope a change for the
better may speeclils ensue but the out-
look Is causing great anxiety.
For Sale
Car of first-class Potatoes
for Family use or Seed. Free
from canker or rot. Call ear-
ly and get a supply.
W. J. MCCIIC1211, Brussels
and 12th. A marked seismic period ex-
tends Irom the 5th to the ieth, being
°entice on the 7th. Watch your bar-
ometer, the temperature, humidity.
wind currents and clouds, until this
period "shows it hand." Do the same
at all the periods it this month.
ORITUARIL-On Fe hellfire 2711] John
Howlett, a well known resident of East
Lather township, Grey county, passed
away to his reward, aged 73 years and
6 months He was burn in Woolwich
,owirship, Waterloo Co.. on August
27, h 1839 moving to Luther veros ago
In t865 deceased married Miss Agnes
Alien, who with 3 sons (Wesley and Ira
in the West and Maudsley, of San-
dusky. Ohio) and one daughter (Mrs
Doyle, of Luther,) survive, l'he son
from Ohio was home assisting to care
for his father, who was a great sufferer
for the past 5 months Mr Howlett
was a member of the Methodist church
and bis faith and confidence in his
Saviour were a great comfort to him in
his keg rill coot; duriug which he
never compl ined. A large number
gathered to pay their last tribute of
respect to a worthy man last Saturday.
'mermen'. INNS made in Proton ceme-
tery. Chas Howlett. a b •other, of de-
ceased, and Mrs Skelton, a niece, at-
tended the funeral frotn Brussels.
One 3 are now left out of a family of
People We Talk About
Miss Mend Querin was holi3aying in
Toronto for a week.
Councillor R A Pryne was in Tor"
onto this week on a business trip
Miss Annie MeQuarrie has taken a
situation at Erin, Ontario
Mrs. George Backer has been laid up
with I 'grippe but is improving now.
Alex. McKelvey returned to the West
tbis week alter a visit at the parental
Angus Kerr has gone back to the
West Where he expects to put in the
ccenieg season.
Last week Miss Hart arrived back to
brussels to assist Miss Mary Ross in the
millinery business.
J Leslie Kerr, of the Clinton New
Eia, was in town over Sunday visitiug
at the parental home,
Mrs. P. Watson. Queen street, has
gone to Clinton for a visit with her
brother, Adarn Scott
Mrs. Arthur Smith and son and Mi
Olive Bailey left Brussels for Edmonio
Tuesday of this week
DeWitt Hohnes, of Wingliam, an
old Bi ussels boy. was calling on Down
ing Bros last Monday,
Albert Paulin, a former well known
Wroxeterite, was in town on Saturda
He is farming near Mildmay
Miss Kate Harbottle has gone
Dundas where she has taken a position
Are wish her an enjoyable stay. •
Miss Overenil bas returned to tow
to cater to the feminine fancies i
millinery at Miss Inmein's store.
Robert and Mrs. Thompson will short
Church Chimes
The annual meeting of the Women's
Home Missionars Societe will be held
in St. Andiew's church, Toronto, on
Jun- 9-12 instead or Maruti ttit %ear
The services in the Melte dist C1111, ch
last Sunday were taken by W. 11, Kerr
and F H Gilroy. An in•ereet•ng all
dress was given by tile latter on the
Next Sunday Rev. J. J. Flavlock, of
Teeswatet, will preach in the Mello.
dist church. Rev. De. Oaten is im
proving in health but is not able to take
Me worn yet
Rev, Dr Ross. of Toronto, formerly
of Brussels, is expected to preach in
Melville church here on Sabbath 16th
inst. Old Parishioners will le glad to
greet him once more.
Mrs (Rev ) Ford's (of Teettwaler)
health is 151011 thnt after Conference she
will probably have to go to more
Southern clime, as the doctor says the
Winter here is too severe for her
The Methodist churches in the United
States stopped their (Jinn ch clocks Mr
zo minuree last Sunday in hnnnr el the
name of John Wesley, the founder of
Methodism whose death occurred on
March end.
Last Sundae afternoon in connection
with the monthly Missionary nay in
the Methodist Sabbath School a well
prepared essay on David Livingstone
was read by Lloyd Iticksrm ; Fred
Lowry sang a solo ; Will Hoover read
Pastrn let, the one read by Livinestone
at tensity worship the, nieht before he
left for Africa ; recitation by Msry
Rowland The offering weft $4 32
making a tetat of S62 45 fer peer fi
months $75.00 is the Missionary wand
arcl for the year
Tuesday M Wand Preshel ere met In
Wingham Jas Fox, M ff Meese and
Walter Yule attending rum Brussels in
connection with the call extended to
Rev A. j Mann to Melville church.
The various necessary steps were taken
and the date set for the induction is
Tnesclav, 18'h inst., at 2 3o p m Rev
Mr Wesley, of Wroxeter. will preach ,
Rev Mr. McLean address the Minister;
end Rev. D. Perrie, winzham, the
Mortgage Sale
of Valuable Farm 1
In the Township of Ciroy
Under and by virtue of the Powers centain-
ed in a certain mortgage which will be pro-
duced at the time or male, there will be offered
for sale by Public ettetton on Wed neerlay, the
2811, day of Mareb, 1018, at the hone of 12
o'clock noon. at the American hotel, in the
Village of Brussels by F. 8 Siontt, Auctioneer,
the following property, namely
Lot numb Bi tht
ceaelon of the to Weithip of Grey, elm than 1124.
n5 111Tent11:34,1',:ntfar,e:ftivP.ei;r,Ithsctre:i
n the Maitland River, containing together Ono
Hundred mid Thirtymite 00
There is a largo brick house with kitrhe
oleo banit barn and Wattling, pig -nen, delete e-
ehed and mile on the property The property
Without three mites from Ethel
erms o 0,-10 %of the purehnee money
to be paid down at the time of Bele and Ryan.
y Mont therewith to melte tip one-third of the
purchase money within ten dm,. them, fter,
and the balance may remain nn mmterige at 6%
0 per an•intn. or the purchattee ma v pay all Gash
• S'Or further pertieulare Imply tn
n McPBBRSON Davroww,
Vendor'm Relief tors
'etre treed'. Ont.
11 Dated at Stratford, Marob bth,11118,
- I
ly move to their residence on Queen
street, which is being fitted up now
Mrs. Fletcher Sperling was called to
St Marys owine to the illness of her
mother The old lady i about 86 years
of age,
Mrs Walter Smith haa be -n quite
poorly during the past few weeks but
we hope a change for the better may
speedily ensue.
C. H. Bennett left for a trip to the
West on Tuesday, Stoughton. Sask., is
Ins destination where he has a farm.
He will be absent several months.
Rev George and Mrs Jewitt and
danghter, of Meth, were visiting in
town last Saturday. The reverend
gentleman is a son of Wrn, Jewitt, Mill
street Brwsele.
Miss Georgia Kerr has taken her
piece at the Rural Central telephone
office as successor to Miss Lizzie Brown
She should mike a competent hand,
The system has been fortunate 10 the
trio et the office,
Miss Carrie Hingston has gone West
to accompany her brother, Bert, to a
sanitarium At (Wears. His health has
not beet good for some time but we
hope the new /Me of teeattnent tnaV
prove beneficial and tend to his invigor.
111100. ±
H. B. Higginbothate, of Cltathatn
From Report to Dominion Government, 31st Jan., 1913
Cash on hand and Notes and Capitol $2,429,275.00
Cheques of other Banks . , $5,541,652.65 Reserve Fund, Surplus Profits
G e cement Deposit to secure and Reserved for 1,t -rest . 3,310,791.77
Circulation 110,000.00 Dividends 77,597.55
Due by Banks 362,213,99 Circulation • 2,339,643.00
Government, Municipal and Deposits . 32,017,153.01
other Debentu es . , . . 2,766,192.18 Banks . . 1,060,027.59
Call Loans on Bolds, etc. . . 2,501,087.30
Lonna and Discounts . . . 28,898,667.57
Bank Premises, Heed Office
and Branches 996,0294 i
Other Assent
"We can' live without THE Pose is
the contents of a uote from Lloyd.
minister, Sask., accompanying sub-
scription fee for ter5. A Bluevale
suh.oriber writes "We enjoy your
p iper "
1 00
9 10
$ 92
1 06
0 10
PRIMP, MARCH 7T15,-Fat•ni stock, Imple-
ments, &c,,1,44 Lots 64 and 65 Con. 1., Meryl&
Sete unreeerved at 1 p m. Welter L. Break.
enridge, prop . 8 Scott, Atte.
WHONESDAy. NIARPH 18TH -$3 L,,0 18 (Ion,
8, mertim Rale unreserved at 1 p nt Mk& B.
.1. KNOX. Proprietress, P S. Scott, A notioneer.
WeDNIMPAr NAROU I2ent -Farm stock and
implements. Lot 15,o,, 8, Howick. Hale et
1 n'elook Robt. MoIntoeb, Prop. ; T. R. Ben-
nett, At,
THURSDAY, MARCH 18TH.- Lot 4, Con. 11,
Grey. Perm stock, implements, etc Selo un-
reaerved at I p. sn, JAPES BOTZ, Prop. F. 8,
Scott. Ano
SATITIIDAY MAtton 15mil -Howtehold ftuni-
titre, , nI the reSIdenoe of the proprintream,
m .treet Brussels MVP IlliZabOth Shaw.
Proprietrese• F. 5 Scott, Atm
Auction Sales
PLOAllutiT8, ,Put -10. 8, 1.0011 has t•isesiv•st
Instrattlistim 0 um the undersigned peoprietor
to sell 10 Public, Auction at b. hall Lots 64-6,
Oun. 1. Morn, Friday Abu eh 7111, tit I 0.0lock,
the felmweng vamabie property 1-1 Ulyde
mere wrung 10 years old supnesen to be in
roar to mascot, 1 Clyde mare rising 5 years old
lived to Gold Ltiik, 1 Lny delta/m rising 4y eum
old. 1 Beekney 1,6,51- 16115 IS '-Id, 1
ge.ding met rising 8 yearn old, 1 geldiug colt
7 months 624,5 t 08. slip) d tt. Le in mat, 1
steer 1,1ting 2 years 016,8 heifers , icing 5 y Pare
old, 5 lielfere I ling 2 yearti old, 1 steer rising
2 years old. 2 CAI M. 7 Well bred sheep, 1
thorongh bred Oxford rani, 2 pigs, about 20
hens, 1 telt of single hertiess, 1 eat of 8011,1
bl 111.` leopnled tenth Ila,,,*, 1 Maetry Barris
binder 6 ft, out, 1 ibeCorrnick mots er, 1 Sharpe
hay mks,! Massey.Bermt 12•Iitied 01,16 6111,1
hey reek, 1 P. BenilIt, t cultivator, 1 51aseey-
Barris ,Rasura spreader. 1 disc he rrow, 1 set
lilamond harrows, I No 21 Maury plow, 1
cot -lc -butt double plow, feinting 01111 110,16
'Ile,', 156-,,- Nut, / wagon, 1 rubber tiredbuggy, buggy, 1 steel tired buggy, 1 Bungler, 1 Belt
turnip pall per, I spied et one. 1 Bet of sleigh, 1
wagon box 1 churn. 1 wheeTherrow. 0 grain
credit% 1 oroett int 1RW, 1 oak barrel, a quell*
14 of bey and grain, forks, rakes chains end
at -tier article' Sale without reserve as the
proprietor hes sold his farm. Terms:
-All tenet ef 95 and tinder cash over that
anion tit 9 months' credit given on filen lehin g
auproved Joint notes. 4 per cent off for cash
on credit amounts. Bay and grain cash.
S. Soots, Atm Walter L. Breckenridge, Prop.
P1.1,4.140:1'8 ,80 -F S. Scott, Auctioneer.
has been tiettructed by ,he undermigte. d tu sell
by public auction 011,01 4. (Jon. 11, Grey. 011
Thur•elay, Mareh Illth, at 1 o'clock, the follow-
ing valuable nrope,ty mare tieing 8 yea re
suppomed in foal.] mare rising 3 year, 1 home
risme 3 ye ire. 1 heavy driving horse rla-
hig 5 piers, 1 filly rising 1 year, 1 horse colt
riming 1.yea,',t Div./pith now 7 years gild, 1 Dur-
ham heifer rising 8 years 1 Durhem 182112 yrs
obi. 1 DUrItion heifer calf, 0 grad a cowe suppos-
ed in 05I5. it holstein lie -Here rising 8 years due
to salve May 44,8 grade heifers Wales 8 years.
netters P1515 1, 2 yee rs, eteere tieing 2 years.
2 elilirfel Tirane I year 1 good Collie dog, 126
pure bred White T•eghorn hens, 25 Brown Leg -
hoe,,'.. 60 mixed breed all young, 1 turkey and
1 gabble,', 1 Mick, 1 A/wow-Barrie binder No,
4 1 Deering mower, 1 Big B mower with nen
harvester attaehed, 1 steel rake, 1 roller, 1 8 -
borer cultivator. 1 2-ftrrow niow, 2 walkieg
plowe. 1 18.dise drill, 1 hoe drill, 1 disc harrow,
1 twenty 4 senile/le, I harrow 8 51
ble wnenn box end nig rook omnbined,' I Reut-
her, 1 warm, 1001,' eleielet, 1 mum, raok, 1
gravel box, 1 inn twiggy, 1091,1, lm ggy, 2 cut-
ters, 1 eel:double Mien ORS, 1 set rubber mann t•
ed eingle flatmate, 1 eot single harnese, 8 lam.
,','l, 2 milk mum 1 wheelbarrow, 1 hey fork
sea slings, I wire Rtr.tehf.r. 80 bilge end 60
auk., 1 at 1090 lb. eaglos. 1 hend corn cutter.
1 ineehnter nett brooder, 1 cylinder root, put -
net', 75 One gond elean need oats, a quint tity of
hey, 1 no,* AltOVO. 1 hentietr stove, 1ttupboard,
1 berrel &m,',,. 1 Oneminnte weehing meehine,
aevorn1 on Minket. 1 setter kettle 1 exteneion
Wider 52 ft , 1 ;ewe mower. 1 grindstone end
tin innentie other P9 Sale it nrevervsd as
the pi•Ooristor is giving un ferming Terms -
A11 soma of 910 end 1)51/1FlI. mali: over that
ninnent 12 months' credit will he given on fur-
niehine 51.51111.(i1P8 joint nets 5 per sent- off
fro, (melt 0i nredlt ;prelude Hay and este to
be moth. ,TA MBS BOTZ, Proprietor.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4'
1: Most Beautiful taster Present 1
,,,, , .,.
+ sl•
+ ÷
,• The Mysterious, luminous Crucifix, or .4'.
The Crass of Eternal light •
* *
4911E :nose marvellous myetic wonder of the twentiet 11 centtivy-oue t
4. I Saviour nailed to the Cross -a he.ittli ifill Mel tun twel lona work of
+ ; art that hat myst ifled the whole world wit li its startling booth- 4.
+ ous effect., which 191veidneting. The theme of Christ at well as the t
+ Cross itself are of imitatine tiewble nieteritil. ebowilig WHITE in day-
+ IN TH 18 DARICIDST ROOM, The Mutinous effect is everlasting. t
*+ The greatest cyovIc of alt evei known to scietine. 11 19 indeed a glorious
and Most Precious article ,ff tette devotion. Seiente has long been 4o
i puzzled at this mysterious Work of are, e•
There are two diffeventt sizes i The bteger-mie (11 by 6 inches) has :r•
+ been redeoed to mile 824)0 twee the Oeigi nal 111 1<10 of $10 00 a el tl .41;
+ stnaller-one (4 by 8) fettle 10 00 to but otie $1.00 in 111 di to enable
every Christine family to have one in their home. These priees will
hold good only till April let.
who rendered high class earl/Ice in the *
A. NETKOW 832;:irrtZi;.t.
3 Please mention paper in whits') you found this itelvertieement.
+++++++++++++++44+++++++++ +44++++4.4444++++++++++++4
pitchers hex with Brussels Base Ball
nine On several °emotions, hag been
promoted to be Manager of the
New branch Of the Standard
Bank rete He bee the good wishes
Of 13resselites for a career marked by
The People's Column
`r WO YEAR OLD General Purpose Filly for
• sale. Lot 22, Con 18, Grey.
4, D. MaNAIR,
Phone 489, Orlin brook P.O.
550 GRAIN FOR SAL)/ -0, A. O. No. 21
Barley and Gold Di -op Oats. Well clean'
ed and tree front feel seeds. MARTIN MC.
NAIR, Lot 17, Con. 15, Grey. Oranbrook P, 0.
Phone 2810, 50.4
C051FOR;VA SLE HOUSE and good lot for
Variety urft.ultit ; good neighbor-
hood. &c Poss.-Sr/fun given within a mouth.
For further pall tem Mrs imply to
55.4 THOS. SONIC, Brussels.
40 • March
* 4
• Winds •
• mi,,..„ winds tan and rough-
1 en ninny cOiliplexiime 8-1,1012 !
ate not, easily offeeted at
• other seasons. •
• •
* Pi oteel ion and OUP(' ill'e Id-
• roglio by our delight 1)11 •
e leo-'end Heed 'wept Val iffile.
Almond Cream
41: Cream of Hoses
Cream of Witch Hotel
Cream of Violets, &c,
• • 444C
• •
• -AT- 0
• •
* *
• •
• Fox's store :
• Drug :
••••••••••..... ***** ...****
•rICNDBRS will be received for a cement
X eta melee S. S. Nu, 8, Grey town.
chip, up to blench 1511i. The lowomt or tiny
bele, net 111001-1,11 I iiy accepttel. For turtle
;girl -feeler» limey 0, ID Seoretery,
1.7.1 n Moult P U, Phone 286 86•11
'1°0 RENT. -Will 11,11545 for three years, 100
• acre farm, 4th 001i. Mey township. Good
buildings. Poseestion M a , eh 1611, A eel) to
11118. Will HOGG, 504 DOVertlutirt lived, To.
rUll 50.
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physicione and rmr.
gime& Ontario ; V.X.81,33101. Homo. Suegeon of
Weatern Hospital, Toronto. Oillcem of late Dr.
A Mellevey, Smith Block, Semple's.
Ruin' phone 96,
e..nr Also of/lee-Walton hotel - Monday and
Friday of ditch week from 11 a.m. 1.0 51). 11,
CARTA POR SA LB, -Being North porta nr
1.- Lots 5 and 600,,, 12, Grey containine 05
Repot more or Ism On Lut 0 is a good le kik
house ; freme barn, en low wall, 55378 feet
bank burn wif b webling under, 40x60 feet ;
trams stable/30280 feet ; smell driving shed ;
Wed well. Perm seeded in griesi : good nr-
chard ; school across the road • N miles from
Et, U141, put -,0,11VI IL - Thu undersigned
0911 050)1 finer,,'' 11'1,1 dOltIDOill•1'1.151*
Sun butt. Alt,.ti Ykeita, 15218, ter sei vice on
1,01. 18, 5;01, JO. UPI-) , 1 hi- i bred by
Riebeid •I, elc. it WO 1 known 151'1111 11' vn,tprlze•
winnei of SII I 01 A II; ed Thema Is
thiple Sloan, en No 868i., and nein Corelia
'Thema !it Elme, 10. I20111 Tel mu 91.00 for
el adv.. and 55-50111, PO. I. 1,1,0 0,
86,2 0 el RNIGS 1/, Proprietor,
FARM FOR 14.81,5 Olt aawr.—Iror tale or
1.0111., 250 nores of land eiljoining the VII.
lege of W 1.011530010 to churches,
school, stores. post la tr• etu, 151111 to suitable
for either greeing or wain gi•owing,-about 100
acrem for crop, remaitaPer boy and gram&
There iti a large, mullein Mink barn 611 pi 5.4
with stone ate/thug undernsitt 5, a driving
shed, implenient hones). good toning well with
windmill Red tank and PI eon] fortable frame
house with telephone winner:1cm, orchard and
Vinery The farm is situated 5 mike; South
or !Welton and 01 miles Not th of Keaforth.
The nand...signed 1114 or alno Griat M ill
ernseele Will sell lots together or ernarately 40x 50. four ,,torlea high and a frame barn
Remy terms and ishinediale poesessinn I' net BO x 80 These will be sold with or Without
Sold will rent. Apply to R.J. SHINE, V S., fern). For further pettieuhire apply to
West Monkton, Ont. • 88-4 H 1.40VENLOWL, WINTHROP,
••••••••e••••••••••••eoseeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeee••••••••• o
I Homestead
• e
F e r t 1 I 1 z e rs
, .
• •
• •
• •
Will make the Land Rich and produce big
money making crops.
They have been on the market' over 36 years
and have an established reputation un t quailed
by other Fertilizers. The agricultural value of a
Fertilizer is measureci.only by the increased yield
of crop due to its use. Our brands are made to
give this sort of value.
Call in and examine goods. see the' testimonials
. and secure a supply If you want a good har-
vest next Fall secure Homestead Fertilizers.
We also handle Agricultural• Implements, •
Buggies, Phonographs, Pianos, &c. •
• S. CARTE R•, AC` -ENT •
• se•eseoemeeeoeeeeewseee, 6••••••••00•8•:etjoeSeS0•E•LeSeeee•0
••••••••••••••••••••••••seeensiailettelleeemeseaseseasiamor 08
it *
,P •
"You're On"
t e)
a i,ti, 9
• "STAY GN" you've tried a Sim Plex in yotte own claivy, then ou're safe.
The Right Track •
< *
Link -Blade •
You look for Relief from your :
• ;es
Patented, Manufactured and Gtutrailleed by 1 he plotteet• mid lam- :
• est manufactin•eis of Dairy Supplies and who Rest in trodueed the Cam
, O
trifugal Cresco Separator in Alliel.icti 1 it la the product. ,,i! many veers -
• 0
• 'work mid study and is the ever increasing "Daley wee's Fevorlui."
as e
8 Not depending. on Gigantic and Onetly Advertising Campaigns, e
eTravelling Salesmen Floe Miselli nes 151511 2'i, Pi ilk 8-,,A gen LA, V10.5 10 0
: rush sales we in e ahle 114 6111 boll y 010 911,01tig t hue elfin tied in supetioe 0
• construction and material and thus gigs the 31001'ttioee value fOt his 9
: money.
• •
8 Call or Write and We will tell you more about it. te
• •
• e)
• I AlCleaUChilli . Brussels„ 3
G Ag tit :
e 1 ---___. 6
• a
••••••••••••Oeoleezeoe•••••• otteeeeee•••••••••••••••lee
if to the
Cream Separator Trouble,
Look at it !
Size its substantial botPitruetion,
1,11710 slight, billieation of the super-
ior work and endurance of tthich it is
• •