HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-6, Page 6stelleateestieetteesetenetetesketesta.leava, Young Folks eieneteetbezetenatemetterielleilea Good for Something. John, the gardener, was busy rak- ing up the leaves from the lawn, and Jackie was helping him. "John," seed Jackie, "it's a both- er to rake up these leaves, isn't it 1 They snake work and they're not good for anything." John leaned on his rake and look- ed down at Jackie. "Jackie -lad," he said, "don't say that anything on this earth isn't- good for any- thing, because that's not true. No, air, Jackie -lad, everything in the world has a use, or it wouldn't be here. Do you know what we're going to do with these old leaves 1 We're going to take them over to that patch of ground behind the new summer-hottee, where the grass was all killed off last summer by the carpenters, and we're going to mix these dead leaves with the soil and make it rich. Everything on earth is good for something, Jackie - lad." The next day some of the children at school found a long, fuzzy cater- pillar. "I tell you what we'll do with him," said one of the boys, "Let's dump him in that pig puddle and see if he can swim. He isn't good for anything." Jackie heard. and remembered his talk with John the day before. "Oh, let him go. fellows; don't drown him," he said. "Why, Jackie," they said, "he isn't good for anything." "Everything in the -world is good for something," said Jackie. "John told me. You oome down and talk to him, and he will tell us what that carterpillar is good for." —Youth's Companion. �N GIRL DIVERS OF JAPAN. The Pearl Seekers Use No Special Apparatus. Pearl oysters are found at a depth of from five to thirty fathoms, says the Wide World Magazine. Women who are employed for the work dive to the bottom without any special apparatus, and retain their breath when under water. They disdain the use of weights to help them in their descent, and can remain below the surface from one to two minutes in afew instances as long as three minutes—without experiencing any ill effects. In the cold weather they will dive for an hour and then return to shore and warm themselves at the fires specially built for this pur- pose, resuming their work again after partaking of a frugal meal of rice and fish. The divers range in are from thirteen to forty years. It has been found, however, that those from twenty-five to thirty-five make the best workers because of their physical strength and experi- ence. Some of these women will bring to the surface a score, or even fifty, oysters in a minute from a depth of thirteen fathoms. Partly to realize what this means you have only to lie at the bottom of a six foot deep swimming bath while you count sixty, and then re- member that these women stay for the same length of time, and more, at twelve or thirteen times that pressure and depth, busily working with their hands the whole while. The hours of labor vary with the seasons. In warm weather about six to eight hours constitute a day's evork, and at this tisne of year three divers have been known to collect a thousand oysters between them. In very cold weather the women can- not work fur more than from one to two houre. The wages paid range from twelve to fifty cents a day; the highest ever paid is $1.25. As- tonishing as it may sound, Some o£ the women manage to save conaid- erable sums, largely because the cost of living is so low. Some of the younger girls endeavor to Darn their marriage dowry by diving. Father -Love. We hear about a mother's love In story and in song, Hew staunch ib is through thick and thin, How tender and how strong, now sweet and pure and beautiful, And every word is true, ' But what about a father's love? That claims some credit, too. It's father delves the darksoane mine, And climbs the girders high, And,swings upon the scaffolding Between the earth and sky. It's father bends his aching back, And hews bis graying head, To bear the burdens of the day, And earn the children's bread. Sem both must work and both must plan, And do an equal slier° To rear the little ones the Lord Has trusted in their care, 'All honor to the nether -level The universe it fills, But when you praise it don't for- get Thee tatleer tartys the bills. Laughs With Joy! No More Indigestion Montreal lfan So III, Thought He Would Die of Stomach Trouble, Found a Simple Remedy That Has Kept Him Well Ever Since. The experience of Mr. Larose is one very common to -day 1 "I suffered from dyspepsia and indigestion for five years. I suf- fered so much that I could hardly attend to my work. I was weak and lost all courage. I enjoyed no rest until I decided to follow your treatment, To my great surprise I immediately began to feel better. I am now using the second box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I feel so well that I want to tell you that I owe this great change to your fam- ous pills. I recommend Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills to every person who is suffering from dyspepsia. Your grateful servant, D. R. Larose, 838 Joliette street, Montreal, P.Q. All who have weak etomachs, and those who suffer with indigestion, headaches, biliousness, can be per- fectly cured by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box, at druggists and storekeepers, or the Catarrho- zone Co., Kingston, Ont., and Buf- falo, N.Y. BEAUTIFUL SPY BLOWN UP. Revolutionary Nemesis, Mary Ba- ehadze, Killed by Bomb. Mary Bachadze, famous as one of the most beautiful women in Cau- casia, Russia, has met with a ter- rible fate. She was married to a young man who was once a revolu- tionary, and Mary Bachadze shared his views. When reaction, however, gained the upper hand, the man became afraid and turned informer. One day he was blown to pieces by a bomb placed on his own doorstep. Mary Bachadze, who lowed her husband passionately, became en- raged against the revolutionaries, especially aa she did not believe that her husband had acted as a apy. For years she has persecuted the adherents of the revolutionary cause. No less than 850 of them have bean arrested through her in- strumentality, and many have been executed, She knew that she had been con- demned to death, but continued ruthlessly her plan of revenge. She took the most vigorous precautions. She never stirred out unless ac- companied by detectives, and her flat communicated by means of a secret passage with the police bur- eau. But she, too, was caught in the end. She received a basket of beautiful cherries from an old flame of hers, and was imprudent enough to take it into her flat. An awful explosion occurred, and the beau- tiful spy was killed. 5. TSETSE FLY RAMPANT. Several Important African Roads Closed to Animal Transport. How great a menace is the tsetse fly to the progress of certain re- gions of Africa is shown in the re- port of Sir William H. Manning, governor of Nyasaland. The preva- lence of the fly has made it neoes- sary to close many important roads againet all forme of animal trans part. One of the highways thus closed to animal -drawn vehicles is tate road between Blantyre, the chief commercial centre of the country, and Zomba, the adminis- trative capital, but twenty-three miles of it, or more than half, has been macadamized, in order that motor vehicles can use it, .and work on the remainder is going on rapid- ly. 'Bhe ordinary roads of the country are impassable for ox wit - gone during the rainy season, which extends from November to May, For this reason a great increase of macadamized highways is desirablo. Unless it is provided, the newly - developed agricultural settlements of the protectorate will auffer greatly, People who are rolling in wealth should be able to find a better use for it. 110 RHEUMiTiSM LASTWlI1TE6l Montreal Man Conquered MS fSld Enemy by using GIN PILLg Mr, A. Ilcaudry of 597 I'anet Montreal, thus expresses Ifs great satisfaction with GIN PII,I,S. "It affords me great pleasure to inform you that I have heed GIN P11.I4 for about six months, and that they have done me a great deal of good, I have bad .Rheumatism for a couple of y and last winter I saved Myself frotn i! by using GIN I'ILis9." sae. a boa, 6 for Sap. Sample free if you write National Dtuggand Che'uti Co, of Camra, Lllnitetl, Toronto: f8$ A PROIIIOTER OF PEACE. If a thorough understanding is not arrived at between England and Germany it will not be the fault of Sir Thomas Barclay, who is de- votiug all his energies to this laud- able task, Under his auspices an English paper is to be established in Berlin for tho express purpose of improving the relations between the two oouutries. Sir Thomae Barelay is wolf ex- perienced in such delicate tasks, for he played a big part in the estab- lishment of the entente cordiale be- tween England and France. Though he is a Scotsman, and was born at Dunfermline some seventy years ago, he has spent the great- er part of his professional life in the French capital, He first went to Paris as oorrespondenb for the Times. After six years of journal- ism he entered the French legal profession, For the past twelve years he has concentrated his ef- forts on promoting the peace of Europe. Besides his work in France and Germany he has visited the United States to promote a Sir T. Barclay. movement for an Anglo-American treaty of arbitration and concilia- tion. - Sir Thomas Barclay, in addition to being an English knight, is an officer of the Legion of Honor and Knight of the Order of Leopold. He has served as an examiner in juris- prudence, andinternational, iub- lfc, and private law to the Univer- sity of Oxford. He has written much on law and diplomacy, and has represented Blackburn in the Rouse of Commons. iI. GOOD NATURED AGAIN. Good Humor Returns with Change to Proper Food. "For many years I was a con- stant sufferer from indigestion and nervousness, amounting almost to prostration," writes a Western man. "My blood was impoverished, the vision was blurred and weak, with moving spots before my eyes. This was a steady daily condition. I grew ill-tempered, and eventually got so nervous I could Beet keep my books posted, nor handle accounts satisfactorily. I can't describe my sufferings. "Nothing I ate agreed with me, till one day I happened to notice Grape -Nuts in a grocery store, and bought a package out of curio- sity to know what it was. "I liked the food from the very first, eating it with cream, and now I buy it by the case and use it daily. I soon found that Grape - Nuts food was supplying brain and nerve force as nothing in the drug line ever had done or could do. "It wasn't long before I was re- stored to health, comfort and hap- piness. "Through the use of Grape -Nuts food my digestion has been restor- ed, my nerves are steady once more, my eye -sight is good again, my mental faculties are clear and acute, and I have become so good- natured that my friends are truly astonished at the change. I feel younger and better than I have for 20 years. No amount of money would induce me to surrender what I have gained through the use of Grape -Nuts food," Name given by Canadian Postern 0o., Windsor, Ont, "There's a reason!' Read the little book, "The Road to Well - villa," in pkgs. Ever read the above lettere A new one appears from Nine to time. They ars genuine, true, and full of human interest, 5 "Children," said the teacher, in- structing the class in composition, "you should not attempt any flights of fancy; simply be your- selves and write what is in you. Do nob imitate any other person's writings or draw inspiration from outside sources." Aa a result of this advice ono bright lad turned n the ,following: "We should not attempt any flights of fanoy, bub write what is in us. In me there is my atemaoh, lunge,aa ht liver, two ap ea, one piece of pie, one ati of lemon candy and any din- ne ," "Money, after ells meant nothing but ta' tsbie.'`,. "Still it it the only thud o! titota ie which it is hard to borrow. AFTER EFFECTS OF LONG ILLNESS SPEEDILY VANISH WREN YOU USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Lorca 0, Ladd only found complete relief after using the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Ladd's Mills, Stanstead 0o., Que., Feb. 24 (Speoial).—That the seeds of disease left in the body ,after an illness are sure to cause trouble is the experience of Loren G. Ladd, a well known young man in this community. Mr. Ladd has also learned that those seede can be cleared out of the body and per- fect health restored by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. "At the age of six I had Scarlet Fever," Mr. Ladd states. "At twelve I had Typhoid Fever, and at fourteen I had Measles, About a year later I began to be troubled by swellings of the face, feet and hands. The doctor told me I had Kidney trouble. He gave me me- dicine but the swellings continued to oome at intervals of a week to a month. "Two years ago one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills stopped the swellings. Last winter the swel- lings returned and again I was cured by using Dodd's Kidney Pills." Healthy Kidneys strain the seeds of disease out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy Kidneys. WILLOW -MADE LIFEBOATS. Built to Hold Thirty-11re And to Be "Unbreakable." Aboard one of the ships which sail between London and Rotter- dam there has been reoently install- ed a species of lifeboat which is quite novel. These boats which do not weigh more than the ordinary lifeboat of wood, are made to hold thirty-five people and are composed of several concentric layers. The exterior is of willow, then comes a layer of another wood, then an- other of carves, a second layer of wood, and a second layer of canvas. The interior of the boat is of wood. Experience has demonstrate] that this kind of lifeboat is practically "unbreakable," and it is gauran- teed to resist the kind of shook which so easily overturns the ordi- nary lifeboat. It is also expected theft this new lifeboat will keep afloat indefinitely in the stormiest weather. Low Colonist Rates to Paolno Coast Via Chicago and North Western Railway, On sale daily, March 16th to April 15th inclusive, from all pointe In Canada to Los Angeles, Ran Francisco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, yen- couver, Nelson, Roseland, and many other points. Through Tourist sleepers and free reclinine chair cars from Chicago. Variable routos. Liberal stop overs. For full information se to rates, routes and literature, write or Ball on 0. 0, Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yongo Street, Toronto, Tom—You spend altogether too much money on that girl. Don't you know girls always accept ev- erything a man gives them and then marry the fellow who saves hie money? Jack—Surd I do. That's the reason I'm blowing in mine. Only One "BROMO QUININE'•. That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE, Ouree a Cold in One Day. Ouree Grip 'n Two DAYS. 250, Bragge—"I am still one of those old-fashioned people .who believe that honesty pays." Waggs-"So am I. And I believe just as firmly that dishonesty gets paid." Minard's Liniment Ceres Distemper. Bees Form Robber Bands. The School of Loanbrose aacerbs that slimed every variety of human wrong -doing finds its counterpart in the crimes committed by ani- mals. Among the bees there is much theft. In order to eases them- selves the trouble of working, the robbers attack the masses, kill them, rob the hives and carry off the booty when they cannot obtain it by stealth, Sometimes, having acquired an incurable taste for robbery and violence they form reg- ular colonies of bandits. It is possible to receme these tiny ene- ulies to law and order by the simple Process o1 giving working bees a mixture, of honey and brandy to drink. ISSUE fig -'+'s. Is Fatal Catarrh in Your Family? It Runs Wand In Band With 13 Penchi tis, i'Veak Throat, Pneumonia, Consnluption, Doctors state that 95 per cent. of the Canadian people suffer from Catarrh. Few escape it. You can easily recognize it from the bad taste in the mouth and from lack of appetite in the morning, In bacl cases the mucous drops from the throat lute the stomach and causes nausea, The throat fills with phlegm, the patient sneezes and coughs continually, not infrequent- ly there is lassitude and chilliness and aching in the limbs. Doctors recommend Catarrho- zone, it is nature's own cure. It drives out the germs, heals sore spots, cleans away every vestige of Catarrhal taint, You send the soothing vapors of the pine woods, the richest balsams and healing essences, right to the cause of your cold by inhaling Ca- tarrhozone. Little drops of wonder- derful curative power are distri- buted through the whole breathing apparatus by the air you brealthe. Like a miracle, that's ho•w Catarrh - ozone cures bronchitis, catarrh, colds, and irritable throat. You simply breathe its healing fumes, and every trace of disease flees as before fire. So safe, infants can use it, se sure to relieve, doctors prescribe it, so beneficial in preventing win- ter ills that no person can afford to do without Caterrhozone. Used in thousands of oases without failure. Complete outfit $1.00, lasts three months, and is guaranteed) to cure; smaller size 50o, all dealers or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. CLIMBING THE ALPS. It Is No Longer Perilous, Says the Up-to-date Guide. Clim.bing in the Alps is sow a careful and exact science; it has reached its limit of perfection. Given expe ienoed. guides and a "known" route, little harm can be- fall one, saes the Wild World Mag- azine. Guadies nowadays are most highly ekilled and proportionately leas willing to take risks than ever they were. They know instinctively when an avalan h will s w 11 deecen,d ; they are able to gauge weather con- ditions; they know every indh of their mountains. The toll of the Alpe 6o -day is re- presented by victims with princi- pally tl•rir own hardiness to blame. They are the "superior" climbers who undertake expeditions without guides, who climb the meet difficult ascents: by Ohs moat perilous routes, who endeavor to conquer virgin peaks, and undertake armilar risks. Ordinary ambers can enjoy the. Alps to -day with practically as little hazard or danger as is experienced by the motorist or yaohlbaman. -But, like them, they must "know their job," or else place themselves unre- servedly in the hands of those who do. Sentenced to Immediate Death It happens every time you treat a oorn with Putnam'e' •--dors dies—never To - turns. Nothing so oertai.n and painless ea Putnam's Corn Extractor—dry it, Fifty goers' success guarantees its merit. 25e, bottles at all dealers. Blink (the wholesaler)—"Well, how many others did you get yester- day?" Gink (the salesman)—"1 got two orders in one shop." Blink —"What were they ?" Gink—"One was to get out and the other was to stay out." Minard's Liniment Cures. Coitls, Eto. Is Widows' Suburb. Charlottenburg, the fashionable western suburb of Berlin, Ger- many, is known as the "widows' town." At the last census no fewer than 14,543 widows were registered as rosiding within its boundaries. This is very nearly half of the total surplus of women over men that is to be found in the toivn-29,240. In no other town in Germany can such .a proportionate surplus of the fe- male sex be found. The number of widowers is extraordinary small in proportion, being only 2,358, ✓� �� irry 1u, in® hyo y p :;;tfw‘ rIttoiId,, ery oa enb ® ;":Ill:::ii o,,i'yole. lNataµ Boo. r.PNodaaepd' (oyototh.rgiSlaattpootgenle b„ Ohioaao The M, D.—For a time it would bo safer to feed the child modified oow'a milk, The Young Mother— But I'm quite sure, doctor, that our milkman doesn't keep a modi- fied cow, For Quick Sale 150 aero farm, good iodation, with half mile .frontage on Shceovep lake, 31-2 miles from 0. P. R, main line. About 25 urea Bleared, about 5 none bearing orollerd, some young °relm ed, bonne, barn, ehetle, Spring water, fenofng, timber, roma fur, niture and implements, A good buy suitable for fruliot or tnl3:ee Perming, and will make a good edb•divinian: Prion 80,000; half coal, balsam) easy'tarrn0, or Will trade He' good impurities or reel ea tats, Wrlto Owner, Drawer 16, Salmon Arno, B, 0.; or Salmon. Arm Realty 00., 1,24 , Salmon Arm, B, 0. PRESENCE OF MIND, Two Good Stories of Shertdan's Imp eeuniousness. Like mealy a brilliant man before and since hie time, Richard Br±nsley Sheridan had a habit of resting on his oars a bit too long when he thought himself tired. Then, find- ing himself short of money, he would borrow. This habit in- creased with his years, and,, more- over, his efforts to discharge his obligations grew less and 1 n.. Hie reputation at last wag ,earls that tradesmen demanded cash on deliv- ery. Benjamin Robert Iiaydotl,, who was woefully addicted to the same bad habit, tells with infinite glee two stories of a fellow sufferer: A butcher one day brought a leg of mutton to Sheridaree house. The cook Gook it, put it into the kettle, and went up -stairs for the money. As elle stayed away scene time, the man entered the kitchen, took off the oo•ver of the kettle, fished out the joint, and walked off with it. But the laugh was not always on Sheridan. A creditor whom he had suoceasfully avoided for some time came plump upon him as he emerged. from, Pall. Mall. There was no possibility of dodging, but Sheri- midannd. .did not lose his presenoe of "Oh," said, he, "that's a beauti- ful mare you're ons" "D'ye think so?" " 3'. -ea, indeed. How does she trot?" The oreditos was pleased—even flattered. He toad Sheridan he should see, and immediately urged the mare to do her prettiest. But long before the animal's beat pace was reached, Sheridan had turned again into Pall Mali, and was lost in the crowd, 1p For Croupy Children Keep 'Neryil ue5' Handy It Positively ];rings Children Out of Danger and Relieves at Once, A MOTHER TELLS HER EXPERIENCE. "Bringing np young children has its ro- eponsibilitiee under the boat of eironm- etaooes," writes Mile E, G. Fagan, of IIolmes' Corners, "but croupy colds add considerable to the. worry. My little family of four all went through the omupy ora, but I always had Nerviline on hand and never felt nervous. I just fol- lowed the directions, and I can tell you that nothing I know of is surer t0 pure croupy colds than Nerviline. "In our home we use Nerviline fregnent- ly. For cold in the chest, pleurisy, hoareo- nets, etc., it is simply wonderful. Me husband uses it for rhemnatism, and I often employ It for neuralgia and nick headache. Nerviline has so many nsee that no mother can afford to be without it." The large family size bottle, which sells at 60e., is the most economical; trial size,. 25e. Your storekeeper or druggist sells Nerviline, which is prepared b5' The Oa- tarrhosone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 3' Man's Strong Arm. Suburba—Woman may be great, but she's got to come to man for one thing. Ontaways—What's that? Suburbs—Have him tighten the tops on the preserve jars. Minard'e Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—My daughter, 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured hor elbow so badly Lt remained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MINA1tD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she hoe nob been troubled for two years. Yours truly, J. B. LIVEsQIIE. St. Joseph, P. 0., lath Aug., 1900. "Mother, in sending out my birthday invitations shall I say : 'Your preaence is requested' 1" "Of course not, my dear; you should say 'Your presents aro request- ed., " TO CURE A COLD 1N ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BRO100 Quinine Tablets • Druggists refund money if it fails to mire. 19. W. GROVE'S signature 1e on each box 06c, Mother—"Why, Lola, aren't you asleep yet 1" Little Lola—"Not quite, mamma; but one of my feet 38." Minard's Liniment Cures D1phUterla. Trade in Iluntalt flair. Trade in human hair is a big in- dustry abroad, exports sometimes reeohing a tonus of $3;000,000 to $4,000,000 it year. Italian mer - chanes lead in the trade, and ob- tain a large part of their stock from the peasant women of Italy, Switzerland and Dalmatia. A pecu- liar method is in vogue among the women of these countries in order to prodtiae a supply c1 hair regu- laerly and yet not appear bo have been "shorn" at all. They cut off hall of the hair.' at the black of telco head ansi then t'wlst the romatlping half over the exposed part and (limas it in enol a manner that the agents of the human hair merchants ODon0 around tor- the semi.alrnu'el crop of hai,a' thus rased. .13eu Purity an, . Heal Of Skin and H a i r1 IIbItICiti.lh',�, Promloted by CHcur Sou d ent Cutlaura Soap and Ointment aro eon throughout the world. A liberal sample of even, with 32 -pass baoldot 00 the rare and treatment el the etch and scalp, sent pool -neo. nddrrse Potter Drug .5 Mem. Cora. //opt. 27D, Boston, U.S. A, FARMS FOR SALE, H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, ri00D STOCK FARM OF 000 A01005 X with Three Rouses; large Bank Baro. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. �t EVER.AL DESIRABLE FARMS IN 1:7 Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick sale. T RAVER OVER ONE IIIINDRED GOOD farms In different sections of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm consult me, H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. r®1 WENTY ACRES—FIVE MILES FROM London market; soil clay loam; term house; barn. Would exchange for olty, town or village property or for larger farm. The Western Real Estate, London, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS, ci TAMP COLLEO'iORS—UUNDRED DIP tJ ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marks stamp Company, 'Toronto. BILLIARDS. VERYBODY ENJOYS BILLIARDS — Barbere and Live Men in towns only 100 population make big money. Be first to write for book, "flow to Start a Bil- liard Room"—Coat, Easy Terms, etc. Oata- togues of tables for IIame and Club free. If you have a table ask for our supply catalogue. Brunswick-Balite-Collender com- pany, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. cANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, OTO., Internal and external. cured with• out nein by our home treatment, Wrlto us before too late. Dr. Bollman Medical Co., Limited, Collinewond, Ont. GALL STONES, 201DNEY AND 0(1 .11). der Stonee, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy, Saunl," price $1.00. Another new remedy far Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure euro, le "Sanol's Anil -Diabetes." Price 42.00 from druggists or direct. The Salmi Menefee - taring Company of Canada. Limited, Winnipeg. Man. Just a Minute Sufferers from protruding or bleeding piles can be aired by using nature's own re- medy—no medicine --no operation. This remedy dogs not probes to caro Internet pilon, but is a curtain ouro for protruding piles. Discovery one made by sufferer of 20 years' standing, who is now quite well. Full' inetructlone on receipt of 41.00. WM. B. OXLEY, 294 Berkeley St., Toronto. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Con he done per -hotly by our Frenob moon. Try n. British Aallerioan lzyming Go, Montreal, Toronto, Otte we and Quebec. Between Seasons.. "Tommy, why did you stay away from school yesterday 1" "I wuz sick, mum•" "Were you really sick?" "Teacher, a feller ain't gob no other reason fee stayin''away from school these days." Mlnam:es Liniment Cures Oaeg01 In Cows, The Last Luxury. Ten -year-old Arthur had been tel- ling impressively of the number of servants employed in his home, He continued ; "And our house is fixed so that if you want a think or a window raised or to go upstairs or anything all you have to do is to pull a chain," "But what do you want with so many servants in that sort of a house 1" asked one of his hearers, "Oh," replied Arthur, "we have the servants to pull the chains." C6 ittu{tM'p fto8'h .a. .. is an enemy within the camp. It will undermine the strongest constitution and tubi the most vigorous health. It loads to indigestion, biliousness, Impure blood, bad complexion, sick headache, and is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglectitis slow suicide, Ili' Morse'e Indian hoot Pills positively cure Constipation, They, are entirely vegetable in composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe, Prcactve your health by taking Dr,• Morse's " Indian, Root . Pitts ,. e -e