HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-6, Page 5Te
'' twee In the rest ORlee, lintel, 80.4
1- r
jil fi. i3OOTT Ata AN AUCTION-
• sari, will null for better prices, to
cutler woo au lees time and less chargee
than say other A uotloueer in Bast Saran or
he won't charge auythiug, nates and orders
sae always be arranged at this oWoo or by
1.arsenal appioatl0n,
V V Barrister, Solicitor, Oonveyanoer,
Notary l'ubllo, &o, oiliue—H8ewarl's Stook
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the Metropolltan 13auk,
POl3Lh1, t1T0.
W, PuoanroOT, K.O. li 0, HAIM
Oftlees 'Those formerly o00 ,111d by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
14001001011, ONTARIO.
Royal Mail Steamers
From 'l John From Hnlifiix
Granlplon ... Feb 22 Diroat
1'uoionin ..., . rob ' 8 Mar. I
Iteaperlan .. Mar, 8 (Direct
Vlotorlin heir. H btu•. 15
Grampian hblr, 2. Meer•
From Boston Frons Portland
Namidiml ,.. •Feb 27 Mar. 0
Scandinavian Mar. 13
Pariehln ..... ..... -- Mnr. 20
Ionian Feb. 27 --
Full informaltion as to rates, etc„ 011 uppll :a -
tion to
Agent Albul Llue, Brussels.
i�(. Stenographers Bookkeepers ,
"J Oltebiera, 011ee Aoaiatflnts, Commercial '
fit and Shorthand Teachers are in great i
N! demand 1f they graduate from the 11
..... I OTT
Many corner students are now earn-
ing front $700 to (2,0110 a year. We deal ri
in only the beet kind of Practkoal.Ed-
ucation, We use beet eyetem9, employ
beet teachers end produoo the beet re- Y
0 sults, Enter now. tintologue free. 81
Cor. Young anal W. J. ELLIOTT, �1,
.� Alexander Sta.8 Principal....
•, In g school in
r(a The beat tree cul to r8( g
) Ontario. Shoe hand n d e Com-
!! 1 ra•
h rthantl and Te o
Qphy. l a o i
phy. All conraex ire thnrnngh and
't1' practical, Teachers are experienced
r2 and gradun tea ore placed in positions,
We give Indlvid nal attention andetud-
i.. mita may enter at any tinge.
Write for our tree catalogue at
lis once
hlii D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal,
vft',0.. .reesa yes av:,yr w;YAriye'4y&(Z0 SSd7N v5i'A`4u
,,. ..+n.Arg'4Ym4vS:ravt'o4...6,.. vaY4vug1 4,,t
Tuesda Mar. 25 k"
't Ie th88p (ngt To myatf the ✓
usiness 1
'The B �
ole a >•
se g :
?O Two Decrees— f
rII h.
Commercial ane 8tenog p Y
is prepared to supply the best
g�e��ode in Winiluills, Iron and
Wooden Poops and Stable
Fittings, snoh tae Piping, \Vat-
er Bowls for 9tnik, &C,
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give the a stall.
ran -brook
Rheumatism Almost Killed Her
Foe yams Alrs. S. Slahls(hwllt of
131intberst011e, Ont., Was a martyr to
rite umat.ism "I was sO stiff 4and
lame I could scarcely wallk" she writes.
"A'n attack 8t1ilrlug my limbs trade
wtalkin impossible Ftien(i0 Itnd
g t
p t oft
'ontt 11( I
(tocboo 9 ave pr0so r ptr Y
got relef frotri Ferrozone 1 took
twelve hoxn9 and gained from the
fleet. Todtiy I (un well, feel str'ong-
er, weigh heavier and loot Iha
picture of 1)0itlth." \Vhether muscul(tr
or inflatti lato•y, 011t'nhic ot'_ other-
Wi45ey Frrrnznne does (entre rheutmatismn
anti eciatiea, 500 per box at all dealers.
• ®&..,—� o.&,ir..dp•ri, i....0 ale de
w. H. LOVE
I Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care•
fully attended to night or
clay. Phone 228,
•9 �� rr1'•
Business Cards
M,B., M.c..f'.S.O„
Late Senior lipase Sut goon, W e.t0(1, Hoapnul,
'Toronto, Ofaaes of late Dr, A MaCet Vey,
8lulth /Sleek, ifirllsaele.
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy-
sicians and Surgeons, Ont. • Pollt-lsradiate
Chicago E e, Ear, Nolle and Throar J3osppnal.
Chicago, Ill. Ex -Soule Surgeon to et. O'llrb-
act'( Hospital, Toronto.
011oe over F. R. Sumith's Drug Store, Tele-
ptlone connection with Oranbrook At 1(11 hours.
Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate oour000
London (Eng.), New York and Uhlcago Hoa-
(10ne and throat. /Eyes tested/ fors glasses. ours
Honor graduate of tile Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and night malls. 1)3100 oppo0it0
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Person81 graduate Depltrtluent of Ophlhau-
p ,lee ('Niru o
mo10 dlcUormick Medm I Oil I,
1(l,, 10 prepared to teat 870.1 and 411 glas9HH 8(t
her olSloe over Grower's lteetsuraut, HIRHHHla,
on Tlmrsdoy, Friduy and Saturdny of ever)
+veek. Oflioe hours 1 to 8 p. m. Forenooh-
47 appointment. Phone 1710.
T. :r, NN T
Will give better entiOfnotion to both buyer and
Heller than any other Auctioneer and only
ultarge wtmtis reasonable. Sales conducted
.nlywhere In Ontario, Pure bred stook Hades n
Write or 'phole28 Wroxeter.
MIN.1'.i rTWINS «.'1 war
Go1110 s00TH. GOING 50(19$.
]tall 7:07 a in Ex1p�ress ....... 10:55 a in
Expresn 11:25 n m Mail ............. 1;50 p 8(l
IOxpress 2:55 p m Express 8:52 p m
To Toronto To Goderioh
Express 7:11 a m I Express 11:05 a 8(i
Express 2:57 p r8( Express 8:40 pin
Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:55 p. 8(l.
Goiug Went - 12:45 and 0:47 p. m.
All trains going Seat connect with 0 P, R. 8(t
Orangeville for Otven Sound, Elora and T
G. 13. stations.
GEO. ALLAN. Local Agent.
�t istl`1C I .e.1U5
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is
the result of recent exawiotlio1( in
18olesWoett Public. school :—Sr. IV.—
Maud Chummingg 94, Agnes Slnagstt'I
70, Nance 11eD(luald 76. Jt•. IV.—
WVatson Brown 91, Jatmes McDonald
04. Irwin Heibein 53, Cumeruu
Stewart 45. Se. IIT.— Florence See -
haver 90, 1Villia t Simpson 80, Gordon
Campbell 88, Annie Spencr 75. Irene
Lill Sfel' 43. .l i'.
vat•, 62 ll611e1 S
Stet I �,YY
, O
1II.—Nellie Beowu 81, Andrew Simp-
son 64, Jennie AI0Donalrl 53, Lezzie
ILlliott 45, Clitra Elliott 33. Sr. II.—
I' shell
i ''1 � HOwf41'd 1 it
lint. 130 bol t
'H't' Il til nli 11 ''
i i• ibeim J u Ire U
Anrt 130
\1! lir i'.011111-
eyunl.) Sr. Sr. I. (. t K 1 tit
ming, Gertrude San st•er equal),Ieesie
13rown, •Jessie Sangster, (Ln tie
b''elker, Earl Ununnk19 equal.)
H. EARL 18(ooio T, te1ehel.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the
repot of S. S. No. 8 Grey for Janu-
18'y and Felrunry y, obt aine(1 as
tollnws :— Sr. • IV.— Exaulined i1(
Spelt, Arith, 0oup. Read., Alem.,
\Vanning, Geog, Graft. Stuart Grant
92, Eliza llishop 74, 111111on Smith 72,
Bessie Smelt 61. Jr 11I.—Extrnined
in Spell., Arilh., Come'.. Rend., \\Tit„
Gen. Harold Otwilit? 78, (lh(10, 8111it11
( 1
2 ms \1rP
nllalle 60
liter( Carr iff
7 „r
Ila r r AI 8111
't ] xaul e l I t
,6. 11 I
Real/ Wilting alirl Clogs Work
\Villie 1(1arDen lld 86 \Villie 'zenith
83, Roy ATnlful•lane 74, Annie Di•tner
70, Mary Young 65, Geo'ge Bishrp 50.
Sr, I. Exantine0 in Aril h., Read.,
\Vriting, alld class work, 1+11leie
80111 Lh 80, Chats. Diel.o r 70, PI hoary
—Gond Berea Cardiff, Eliyab01h
Sinii'.h, Willie Rlshnp. Fih' \Willie
Ma Donald, Clifford Cardiff, Ontne'on
r 'N t ex Ltltk.
'4411 I
1 111
19901 L r i
Stu a
THOS ARM-eT1toNG, teacher'.
• i • to tinll
Ynu ran say good bye to l n4af i ( a i
with a clear 1.nnarieice if you use
Chaulbou'lain s Tablets. M(Ltly have
been p4'rmanently cured by their' rise.
For sale by hli dealers.
East Watvann811 Connell will 111056
I1ere next. Mo11f1ay, 10811 duet.
1'he con'gvegaution of Belmont:
Methodist rhnrcli, recently presented
their p�. aster, Rev. A. h7.Jones, fo'nwr-
ly of 13elgr)tve, with a heautiflll I'nt'-
lined coat, acrolupnnil'd by an add(Ole
expressing their gt 8lf eppreei(tlinn of
his wo•14 111 building up the church iii
all its deparLtnerlts. In retpty MI1•.
Jones expt'essed his ver y gw.'at pleas-
(1re tat being 80 r071811y 1'(me m111ei'ed
nn the anniversary of his bhthday'.
A 1'I'IMIa,—in the Foresters' hall,
Belgrave, of Friday evellithg there
n+as hell node,' the direction of the
\Vomen's Institute a 00ncert, 8(P a
Vk1,'y select order•. To inldividualize
, hers rtes
en t etl
tht. vast foes choice ntrw t
0 old be
'a eve audience tv t
Ik,c t
(1 th0
tt 1
t p
impossible a1' itis safe to say Deigrave
inea1 talennt may be aqnldit'81 bitt (let'-
fainly not sp1'passed. 'Following
pr'ogl'(trrl wag given wwitI1 Dl', 8tewai t
as a roust efficient rlhait rna11 :—Opett-
ing ode by t'he audiehc0, 181rs, Jatrhes
'Caylor pr•esidi 19 at the 0rgen ; gnats
tette, Ilevd11, Kilpatrickaud Fergusotl,
1lessrs, j1opper tied Geddes , song,
8(r es' 4t • o1' arld encore •reelta11o11
J n 1 >I ,
01)141'110 (Joie ; addi•008, Re•y, tall'. Fee-
gltaol.; violin- an(1 Pint ail 01'0111 111-
IA4'ufn0lll.al, Wm, Procter atnd Clay-
ton 01ar'ol ; solo, Mise 1'ee8ie lielliday
and emeone ; (10011500, Rev. Mr. Kilpat.
tick • sola, Mfe. J. T Geddes • Robert
Coulter, President Of the LF'at•tners'
Club, gave it spicy address nil 00Oi1ry
life 3i coutparisarl with the city ;
mufti nlgau and ius1ruuietl1a1 80100.
Gott, SVut. Proctor and Clayton and
Carol ; song, Jatf1('8 1'a'lcr aand e(1 -
cure ; quartette, Reeds. l48'l9us R], Kil-
patrick, 13opper mud Geddes. Floral
unu Gest, wheel, ryas to have been con.
(811(10,1 aat. the close of the program
under the able rtlalllr{einellt of Mee.
(Di'.) Stewart was deerued advisable
by the rihrtirul(tn Na be dis;(0used with
(051(19 to the 1(tlrlies8 oi' the hull•,
Re8l'eel1111e111.0 t•ttitsintillg of hot coffee,
remits anti sandwiehe8 w5re served.
Proceeds ar11ottllta'd 10 $21.25. 'the
Nattionaal Aol hrlli 111'011911( the gather -
119 to at rhwe, 51rs. 1), Geddes, blrs,
D. (aeddvs, Mrs. Jus. 'ruylmr, 11)8. J.
K. VaWllil'I(t11 and Ma's, \\'o Proc.
U'l' 1(118(11' tfHrie 18 a 000((( nulfsas dnr-
iug the eve1itlg.
Slily sulfe1010 frilul rheumatism
hive been surprised told delighted
with the prompt 1eliel' afforded by ap-
plying Uhlu11bertain'0 Liniment. Not
one ease of rheumatism in Len re-
enlres any beetled Uekltiueut• tvhal-
ever. This IbllMeta is fur sale by all
801001. 11.SP018T.—Followiltg is the
repot t or et. S. Nu. 3, Mies is, fon• the
Month of Febuur'y. Ola1Nsee exu1(lim
0(1(n II(stoly, UPUItiuou. Art Alith.
aalld tinily w1 l Nnrnes Reran g ed r1(
oulrl of in,it Sr. IV.—luno P11 -
At tt t 1, L V — Andrew Nichol,
(3Indille itlr1ril, \\''Hie Clerk. Se,
111.—NI•runtn Speer. Jr. I11—Russel
1larke, Jinni NIrNril, Pltggie C1101k,
n • t 11.—
uni • Lltt
Io Auntt Al( (k, b
11ury Dit\8(b, 11utl,ur5e llannn,
Lill;uu MOArter, lbrgareL 11eNe(I,
Gent g8( Champion, /toy Ohlunpion.
Ir. 11 (pont II)—Jkun„s Duncan,
Olifrnrd ,(larks, Ole> our,' Nirhnl, (pari
)),—Everett Nirhnl, A11nu Spell'.
Pt imary 1:11158.-1$hlr'etl ,11111ir, St.an-
let ,\ltIko, Verna Clark, 1la1)
lloocl(, a11tiy Cool(. F. BRYANS,
Fodwieh Horse Fair will be held
Tuesday, 11u1(•1111th.
Miss Pearl Andrews has returned
home from Ottervi1le, where she tuns
visiting. fur as time.
Rev, colli 31rs, Audeetvs were in
Termite hast, week attending the an-
ntutl Uouvention of the Ontatrio
Branch of the Dominion Alliance.
Geo. Edgar, of Montreal, and Robt.
Edgar•, of the Suttee, visited at the
home of their mother stere, having
11(111(8 over to aatten(1 the funeral of
their late hroiher,
Isaac \Vade and Adam Spence vel e
appninted to meet the Bishop of Ilur-
on Diocese tat London t.o confer with
hila reg(nding the a-ppointment of it
clergvulun, Ilet'0Snitided by the r'e-
mov(il of Rev. Me. Kinder•.
When 1110080 Comes
Have yon near at hand a remedy
that will alleviate pain and help ti11
the doctor' comes P A wise thing is
to h,ve right i1( yntn' }some It bottle
i '•Nerviline" which gives instant re-
lief, and prevents disease from spread-
ing. Nothing known for t11e stomach
anal bowels that compares with
Nerviline, h'om clamps, indigestion,
he i s iridis ems
ietr burn and hetulnc t
I t t
ill 1
I n • 'ars. Net vl ole t t 261(
, it I 1 fill t
4 e v
bottles hits been a family stated -by.
Gat it 1(1.day.
1'l•. 1Bird wee dolled to \Voodstocil
b5 111P 111.1101 of his ulnther.
Plank Self, it11r has been sets ugly
ill for the pa>.st month, is slowly re-
\\'illimn raincheldffe, who has been
seriInl-ly ill with blond 9111 5 0 111 0g has
renmvered sufficiently t'o leave the
h nsp1 nal.
A. M. Urawf,n•d Ilas received foto•
srl'a of silvee nit and pepper holders
15011 by his fink 8(t the St. Paul A.sso-
eialiot of (lonuneree event.
Mr. Pringle is installing eleetei8)
.po4ver for the operation of the machin.
el•y ill his glove t'8(etney; Two mntoes
were iiedniled lave week. ole 15 lied
'I he ''l her 10 turd a I hird will be added
k f n r t e San tett of
p rs 8(l still 1 n h
Stun 1
(hen. I!inlcy (u+", I/ny and luhn Fm91t-
er were etib1(1,11ed recently to the
n11,dys1 of the Peovmrial Board of
Heatlth hp DI', Redtmond, Medical
n tv
rs 1 It s
Offlrer 8(l' Hrnith. Ther tt L a
tint the itilic supplied by thtlse datiri-
c Il
a Soil .8(t. the fall ietrenta e f
s r to l g
huller int.
lipillinut R'mkin, n.geil 80, wltn al-
wn.ys rhea's the Loan hell at norm,
tvaL9 8(imnft in the street, mm�nn8cione
at noon ml Set ii'dty. He started
not and tt hen itis ihnttht it did 1101
lin. 1ho' h II rear 8(v nmol, 0118 wont.
8o 10111( fnr 1,84(1 ;the foned 1801 lying
in t.11e rain tvilh his fere badly rut.
It is enppneed lir missed hie footing
on the icy walks. '
Mrs 1Tnney iv visiting her daughter,
Pi t s..1 Sl 1.1-), .
Dr. R. litu till m,, of Bt l,.sels, tons it
visitor tit the polenial home Sunthty
of hast week. -
I1- v, Me, 1IIhbet't was in Po taO
last week las deh'itate to the Dnntininn
Alliance conveniton, which wits 1elcl
s • l 1,
ilr PIt19.ty Ha
Miss Leerh, who was nailed tom+
(1nring the serious illness of her.
mother, bas returned to iter duties Its
lady superintendent at Penetang..
LATE WM. A. I1DGAR.—A very sad
death oceneted in Hareiston au
February 18111 i1( the person of \Vm.
A Edgar', formerly of Orange Hill.
'the deceased lied riot been it) 111s
usnai health foe' some (months east
nd o11'tl
1. 9tl a tlle88a e \ a8 Tr-
a g
eeived byy his brother at Orrange Hill
thatt he had taaken a paralytic" stroke,
1.1is mother hastened to his bedside,
but d'espil-e all tlrat loving 11ands
could do he passed away tnceday,
Fehrua4y 18th, After a slto't batt
41ihfltl illness. The dereased was
o .. n 1 0 and a(une-
ut•u' int t1•aLf ld in 87
Wants OtherWomen to Know
How She was Finally
Restored to Health.
Hammond, Ont. — " I am passing
through the Change of Life and for two
years had hot flushes very bad, head-
a2hes, soreness in the back of head, was
constipated, and hadweak, nervous feel-
ings. The doctorwho attended me for
a number of years did not help me, but
I have been entirely relieved of the
above symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and
Liver Pills, and give you permission to
publish my testimonial."—Mrs. Louts
BEA E:AOtl, Sr„ Hammond,Ont.,Canada.
New Brunswick,
Canada. — "I can
highly recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham's
to any suffering wo-
man. I have taken
it for female we 'Jc-
ness and painful
menstruation and it
cured me. " — Mrs.
Harvey Bank, New
Brunswick, Canada,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
ound made from native roots and her s
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and to -day holds the record of being the
most successful remedy for female ills
we know of, and thousands of voluntary
testimonials on file in the Pinkham lab-
orato at L n Mass. seem to rove
ry Yn , P
this fact. Every suffering woman owes
it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial
If yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Binkham 11ledicine 00. (soups
dential) I1 nn, 3,,Iass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
•roman and held in strict confidence.
with his parents to Re(ver)ie when a
small boy. 1•Ie lived hems for several
years, but afterwards (vent to Eng-
land and Ireland, where Ile stayed
some years. - Six - years ago he carne
to Canada (1((d settled in Harriston.
Besides his bereaved partner de-
cet488(1 leaves to widowed mother, teen
sisters, and five brothers, to (nonrn
his lose, all of whom ware present at.
the funeral. Ills father a,nd ole
brother predeceased the subjectnl' this
notice. Funeral took place Feb. 20Lh
frau his residence in Han•iston toad
preceecled by 0. P. R. to (enrrie where
interment took place. Service was
conducted by Rev. J. W. igibbett, of
the Gorrie Methodist 0hn1ch. The
floral tributes were beautiful.
\V. Clark had the thutub nn his left
hand crushed in cog wheels of tL
1lna0lline,While wo'kieg at the Paget
Grain Doo• Cormpany's factory.
Ice of good thickness and excellent
appearance is being stored note anti
there is little danger' of any shortage
i1( Gaderich during the coming Suer
A petition was read at t•he 001111081
kin r for he use
•u h8( Hshermen ms t
PI ml
ns' n
•1 Lil For the 111 t F
of the Town I a
working on their nets. The request
Was grkul ted.
.1. H. Castor, of the engineering
- 1''t 'c Oa whit.
staff of the Hydro el r 11
1/1V t1. Hk' 18 11
'1'x44 i1( Io
cion wets ilt t 1 1 g
couunence the wort( of ;tlkulning the
t1•ansnlissinu system fo' light and
power through the. town (anti will also
l0 •e1'. If
k u p customers f
/1 tr
Inn 1 1
satisfactory att•rnilgementa earn be
made the line will be extended to
SaltFo•d, for the accomm odatinn of
cnstonlers there.
Stock Sz Poultry Specifics
�� We will send absolutely free, for
the asking, postpaid, one of our
large 04 -page books (wit:• in-
sert), on the common diseases of 880.1. and
poultry. Tolls how to feed all kinds of hno.y
co vs
n marcs mll..h t
cud span horses,
suit( a d
d fatlenin • at8era also show to Iceep
aaldes an b
and feed poultry 1'o that they will ley a1' 100
in winter m in eumm0r, It contains 360
recommends from all over Canada, from people
who have used our goods. No farmer should be
without it.
You can fatten cattle and hags in a month's
lass time ht• using our Royal Purple Stock
Spc0(fin than you could possibly do without 1t,
Llwreby an,inu a month's feed and labor and
the cost to you will not be inor'e than 31,50 for
1'r It will ken
fix Glue 1(r $n00 ow ono ate y
your Horses in show eonditimt with ordinury
teed. Sf you have u. poor, m
a n our luau tr it on this one
firs nn.mal o v p y
Orsi and see 4he mat,011ous result vhicH will
be obtained, 0ur Stock Specific wit' increase
the milk flow three to dye 1bs. per cow per
day. while being fed in the stable. A 500
dalge will last a cow or horse 70 days.
'.'il maize your hens lay just ns well in the
winter as In the summer, and will peep them
free from disease, These goods are pure and
unadulterated. We do not use any cheap fll1er
to make a large package, entirely different
from any on the mnr`l,ot at the present time.
Royal 'Purple Stock St,o010c, Ole pckgs, : four
000 ockus„ in an mfr -tight tin, for $1.50,
Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 260 find 600
pekoe.. and 01,60 nor -tight tins that hold
four 500 petits.
Royal. Purole Lice Ritter, 250 and 50c tins;
80c by mail.
c _ 8(d 00e tine • SOa
Royal Purple CnllCure, 2G n. ,
by mall.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 000 bottle; 0048
by nail,
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50a tin; 00e by
!loyal Purple Disinfectant, 25c aid 000 tins.
Royal Purple Roup Core, 25e tins; 30c b7
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 210 tine ; 80c by
Manufactured only by
1 Mf-'Co8
he A.�'e~rxk xl
T 'W s
.1103,al Purple till )p11as anti Hoolc-
lets too be obtained from
Bauer A, McDonald & Son
A, C.
Brussels Cranbrook
Wm. Jordan, of Auburn, charged
o ee lin tie ace as a ainst
with u t k 1 g# pe g
his wife, was before Judge dolt hav-
ing been (30minitted by Magistrate
1\ In, Bailie to furnisl# securities,
Tile D. & 0. Navigation Oo. will
not, a:wo'ding to ``present intefitions,
rep a boat to Goderieh this sea8on.
It is sak the business done with this
port last Sulmmer was not suf icient
to mai(e the trip profitable,
Waller• Saundet's wbo has been en-
gaged for seine tiume in 8u1'Vey work
on the National Tfranscontinental
Railway, hits taken a similar position
with the Lake Jfrie & Northern Rail-
way at 131(11111'01•d. F1e was io town
visitiltg 1119 par'Rtlts, Alex. and Mrs,
Saunders, before taking up his Clew
0131t- ro fol tlle cooling year in con-
ueelioo with the kings Daughters
were elected as follows :— Regent,
PL's. \V, 1,. Elliott ; 1st Vire- Pfee„
\Irs. R. 13. Hmith ; 2nd Vice -Pres„
Firs, '14tylor; Hon. Vice -Pres., Mrs,
\V. 1'. Hays ; Sec„ Mrs. W. Ga11ow ;
'Preto:neer, Mies E. A1111et• ; Stiundard-
hea rer, Mee, Lane. Ooilim.l ' le, Mrs,
1'Vtu. Lee, Mr8. 0. F. Carey, .11rs. J.
A1. Field, i\Irs, Carrie, Mrs. .184. Clark,
Mrs, Slack, MI•s, 0. C. Whltoiy, Mrs.
A. H. Macklin, Mrs. Chas. Lee and
A1iss B. Hays.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
won its great reputation and ex-
tensivesale by its renlatkable cures
of coughs, colds and croup. It can
be depended upon. Try it. Sold by
atll dealers.
Howick Council
Oouneil met at Fordwich on Feb,
19610 111 Beswitheriek's hotel pursuant
to ad our nuent. Members resent
except Uouur Illus Edgar, Reece i1( the
chair. Minutes of last regular and
special meetings read and on motion
>t Orawfold and Demmerling were
adep(ed. B. S. Cook and Ww.
, r % ed on Council relative
G nus wart
•round i1( Fordwich
1(i burying 6
to 8111 the vacancy caused by
the. death of the lots Thos. Gibson.
]t teas moved by Harding and
1)ei nneeting that Alex. Gibson be ap-
Snti,lted Trustee, Oareied. The
Auditors 918000ted there report foe•
tic year 1912 and it was moved by
Harding anti Demmerling that report
as read be accepted. Carried. Alov-
etl by Crawford aid Harding that
i3y-law No. 3 toppeluting 13. \V. Laird
Auditor be read the third time and
passed. Curried. Moved by Dem-
inerlilg and Crawford that the
Township Treasurer be instructed to
10an8fe8 all monies f,'om the Sinking
Fund to the General Fund of the
'1'otvnship. Cut
vied. Tenders for the
Township printing was opened and
considel•ed, Moved by Crawford and
\Vitae'. that tender of Wingham
Advance to do all the printing and
advertising for the sow of $80.00 be
item -geed 1t being the lowest tender,
Oatv'ied. Moved by Crawford and
Harding that the. following accounts
be paid :—C. Maxwell, gravel, $5.60 ;
A. E. Tone(•, shovelling gravel, $2.50 ;
R. Haslie, gravel $8.00 ; Alex. Mc -
Kenneth gravel $1.85; Municipal
\Vorld Six copies of paper, $5.00 ; A.
Hill & 0o. part pay for bridges,
$1500.00 ; Ohas. King, gravelling,
$30.U0 ; James Saudement, plink for
bridges, $78.50 ; J H, Roggers, coal oil
and lanterns, $1870; Wn1. Brown,
rent fir hall, $13.00 ; J. H. Rogers
postage $6 00 ; A. A. Graham. salary
as Auditor, $15.00; H, W. Laird
salury as Auditor, $16.00; Milton
'Leonard part salary as Assessor
$100.00 ; John Lambkin, spreading
irin culverts 16.35
grovel and repo g $
i for k1' of
\ rs ou'od tau ttz e
9. 0 • Jahn Ttlker. 1'r.
John Plelds $ 0
fol. moving. platnk $2.00; John Tilker
jr. for building Tetuperary bridge.
n er for li htin
.'• n. I O. li s
�,2 o J
g g
Sts •'1 loleinbrid a 71.80•
Iatntelll Hata t
g g
r' u
(led SOthetun nuc Ilectnble tuxes,
$9 38 ; Fred. Sotherau salary and
postage us Collector $52.50 ; Mrs.
\Vnr. Wa.lter•s, balance printing con-
tract. for 1912 $85.25. Council ad-
jonrned to meet Wednesday March
10th in Township Hall, Gorrie, when
patnnasters. pound -keepers and fence
viewers will be appointed.
L. WALKER, Clerk.
Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark
Circles Under The Eyes
are all sins of the system being
(l ,gged. 'the Liver and Bowels are
told the Stonnch is e k
I mtlCtiVS w a
Prom undigested foods and foul gases.
the g(eat fruit remedy, will make you
feel like a new person.
Winnipeg, June 27, 1911
Aftee taking three boxes of your
Fig Pills for stomach and liver
troubles I £eel strong and well and
able to do toy' otvn work.
Sold aat all dealers in 25 and 50 eertt
boxes or ria sled by 1'he Fig Pill Co ,
St lhnllla9 Out Sold and recon-
meneled rn 131ussels by J. Fox Drug-
Huron County.
:Che 14/1111181 seed show in connection
1zith the South 1311(011 Agricultural
Sneiery waas held ill Walker's Hali
I3fnaefield Feb. 21st The num.
Ger of competitors Was not as large
as it usually is, but the class of seed
was up to the usual standard. There
we1•. only four,samples of beans show-
ed, 2 samples of oats, 8 of barley, 3 of
• 1 •n 9everul of otatl a oil 1
tr 4 8 1 r f
onions, 1 of cloverr seed, and one of
timothy. The judge, Mr. Dori once,
grave entire satisfaction, and gave a
fine address tat the close, showing hie
reaso( for assigning the pl'iz08 as he
A p1 ess report all eared in the Lon-
don Ft 1'e Press :--1'�e. Huron Outlnty
Mattel, of the Dotnininit .Alliance will
probably becalle(1 in colv('ntion for
1 M tr l t ti
ill( liLlle )ill( tf 1 Ci] al d UI e f
the int pot t(u)t, subjects to be discussed
ie the ardvisa�,bility of introducing the
"Canada 1 engpertulec Act,~. better
known as the New Scott Act. This +
law tpplies to o0ltnt(0, and tvi'th the +
new mnen(inrellt.9, is staid to be a very
stringent treasure, At', peeeen8 It is'in
Iforce in New Brunswick and Nova + a �.,,
`.y,•i••p'F�•++•1'0 •F+o'l�e •,,,,,;,,,, ;, ;,,, •, •. 4;.p.1..' 1 , , : ,l„)..y.«, •.�d,•f•d"1'•1'•i•��•1,d'4'
Soatia wish good effect, furl the
1' a•8(
Frevincial Gnvernlnent Ghl c u b 1 ,
W, J. Idanna, has promised it the
sante rigid ;enforcement that other
For Dyspepsia
It you suffer Stomach Trouble,
and you try our remedy, it won't
cost you a cent if It fails.
To prove to you that indigestion
and dyepe sia can be thoroughly re-
lieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets will do it, we will furnish
the medicine absolutely free if it
fails to give you satisfaction.
The remarkable success of Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets ie duo to the high
degree of scientific skill used in do-
vismg their formula as well as to the
care exercised in their manufacture,
whereby the well-known propperties
of Bieomth-Subnitrate and Pepsin
have been properly combined with
Carminatives and other agents,
BiemuthSubnitrate and Pepsin
are constantly employed and reoog-
nised by the entire medical profes-
sion as Invaluable m the treatment
of indigestion and dyspepsia. Their
proper combination makes a remedy
invaluable for /tomaoh relief.
We are so certain that thorn is
nothing so good for stomach ills as
Resell Dyspepsia Tablets thatweurge
you to try them at our risk. Three
aiaes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 51.00.
You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
in this community only at our store:
F. R,��.,, �S�Mg�ITH.
Hrueaele Z71e JCo SteH Ontario
There b o Resell Store in nearly every town
and cit in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. Them fa a diferent Regan
Remedy for nein every ordinary humanOl—
eaoh a cially designed for the particular ill
spa m mmended
! 'oh it is o0
Oe whl
ca'o Greatest
The RIIxaU
rca are Amari
Dru¢ Storoa
liquor laws receive at its bands, Thin
ul.asnl'e' ('all be ado ted on a majority
o e it volves
v G 1 an eu�irs county.
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Man.
Horse Fairs !
Regular monthly Horse Fairs will be
held In Brussels this season asfollowe;
e THURSDAY, APR. 3r•d, 1919
ea o al and tsids
L din L c Ou
Buyers will be Present
M•i•'i•-F•i'i•f#ti••i•3••i•'h4•i•4.1'•i•9••F•F•h.i•'t•'Ni'•F4i••i•3-•F'Fi• t••t••h•hi••!'4•f••!••t•+4i-•F•t'•1•i�
t hes
Just arrived another fine assort-
ment from the best makers.
Our reputation and wide exper-
ience along with the makers'
guarantee is at the back of every
Watch we sell.
Elgin, Waltham,
Hampden and Regina +
Watches always in stock.
are uabeat b
our Prices
+ h 1 +
J. R. Wendt +
+++++++++++++++•f•4++++-N-r+,•a': 4.4.44+•h '++++++++++++++4'+•FH'+
We will convince you on this matter if
you will favor us wit a cal.
$ & Engraver
Wroxeter, Ont.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++- ++++++4-++$+++++++3-+++++++
+ .L
r t
Pin S
in ha S
+ S
hirt�n S
i' .t'
+ We have a lar a ran 'e of atterns and the �•
quality is the best hat w e could procure :
+ Prints and Ginghams loc & 121c yd .lam:
' Drill Shirtings roc to 15c yd
+ Our Dress Linens, Suitings, etc., are the lat-
e ant o1( to
+ st u to date shades. W w
est and mo
Y +
O .i.
+ 1'ne f r ourself.
+ call and see all our newt s o y
■ +
e� a .
+ ere are a few lines which we are offerin g at +
exce tibnall ]ow rices :-•—
+ P Y P
+ +'
+ —Men's All Wool Heavy Ribbed Underwear, regular +
+$2.00, for $1.50 a suit.
+ —Horse Blankets, several weights, at reduced prices. +'
—One only Man's Overcoat, clink collar, lined, etc., reg- •1-
+ filar 525.00, for only $17.00. *•
.i. —One Oottl 8atlle as above, ol(ly lighter weight, $13.00. 4
+ h l the Last
Grocery Specials vlv i e y
R. Al MC on Co
D �d
Prunee 4Ibs for 25c
Seeded Raisins 3lbs for 25e
'l.'arkisll and Rexall Dyes 4 pkgs for 25o
Twin Bar Castile Soap 7 cakes for 25e
of l 8( her 15c alb,
Sm tedS1 u 1
Fresh Water Herring 202 a dozen
Special price for keg lots,
°These rices are for Cash or Produce. -
r rt r...k
P]bte 52T0 Q