HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-3-6, Page 1VOL. 41 .1'0. 36
W. H. 1.81?R, ProAtietor
New Advertisements
Colds -F, R. Smith
Loonl-G, A, Dendinan.
Ainroh winds -Jan, Fox.
Dard-Dr F. T Bryon.,
Potatoes -ROA Thomann.
Shovel lost -Merit Cardiff,
A notion Sale -Janata Sots.
Farm for ante -R Shine.
Seed oats -Duff & Stewart.
Easter nreamit-A. Natlrow.
Seed graln-Martin MeNalr.
Filly fnr sale -Jam D McNair.
House to rent -R Lentherdale.
Auction ante-Roht Moreton)).
Homestead Fertilisers -S. Carter.
Mortgage anle-MoPherson &Davidson.
tdctRtiv s
Wm. and Mrs. Knechtel visited
friends in Winghtun last week.
Miss Minnie Dundee, of Toronto,
spent Sunday with her parents and
friends here.
Milton Young, who spent ahe
'Winter with his parents here, has re-
turned to his home in the West.
Sam. and Mrs. Forbes entertained
a number of their friends one even-
ing last, week- the occasion being t he
thirtieth anniversary of their wed-
A. farewell party WWI given to Mrs.
McNab and family by their neigh -
hoes the last evening before theie re-
moval to the West. Mrs. McNab will
reside in Seaforth for the Summer.
Representatives at tended Maitland
Presbytery at Willg110111 last Tues-
Rev. Mr. Moore supplied the pulpits
at Bluevale and Raffles last Sunday,
The question of making a call with
postponed on account of the stormy
CANADIAN NAVY.- S 1.1 Ditiottla
have a navy of hes own would she
be better without one t This is the
most prominent public question in
Canada to -day and the solutionof it
will have a lasting effect on the
country and the British Empire. A
debate on this topic will be held next
Wednesday night by BluevaSe Liter-
ary Social and Debating Society and
should be of interest to all who have
the welfare of their country at heart.
The captains will be Robt. Shaw and
Rumen Jermyn and the debate will
be non-partisan. Last Wednesday
night the 'debate held was on
the subject of "Whether the pen or
the sword have had the greater in-
fluence on civilization." Miss Irene
MacEwen, Miss Mavy Aitchison and
Robert Aitchison spoke fm. the sword
while the opposite side was upheld by
Mrs. Jas. Masters. Miss Eva Dutf and
A. McEwen. The judges George Mc-
Donald, Robt. Black and Russell
Jermyn, in a very close contest, a-
warded the victory to the pen, A
pleasing feature of the program was
a reading by Mrs, 3 -as, Mitsteve. Fred.
Johnston, lit vocal solo, mid Rueben
GASIIISH 181 l,h Vi01111 140108 1801.0 18011111y
vecei yea ite usual while the great rem
eess of 1 lie swelling was made by Tom
McDonald, of aloleswovili, in his
Scotch wings. He had to vettieu 11
the plat teem again and agate.
Highlantlanates Toast" was especially
5.1158 .Am Me Menzies and Jno.
Huether were visiting at Ford with.
Geo. Spotton, of Wingham, was
here this week pushing
College work.
Rev. Mr. Havlock, of Teeewatee,
will preach in the Methodist church
here next Sabbath afternoon.
The school meeting aid not result
in any action being taken but the
matter will likely COMP up again.
Joseph ()mullets, of Blyth, has been
visiting at A. McDonald's. The lathe,
and faintly will go West next. week.
Last Sunday Rev. Sits Fraser oc-
cupied the pulpit of Knox chuvell and
will take the service next Sunday
Miss Hunter, who was at tending
the millieery openings, is back and
has gone to Ethel to get ready fm. the
Spring display,
Wm. Cameron and A. Reymann
were at Whightun on Tuesday at-
tending Maitland Presbytery 111cmo-
nection with the call to Rev. Mr.
Have you had your wood bee yet P
Hugh Elliott was in Toronto a few
clays last week.
Messrs. George Brown and John
McDonald were hunting horses in
Miss Pearl MeAllister, of Millbank.
visited with Mite Florence McDonald
last week.
Miss Effie G 'stinger visited with
Miss Ella Fraser ror a couple -of da"Ys
last week.
Miss Annie Robertson entertaine1.
a number of the young people .nii
Monday evening last.
Quite a number trona here attended
the carnival. in Listowel on Pi iday
evening but forgot to bring any of
the prizes home with them.
A "Livingstone" social will be held
in the Pi esbyt mien church oil Tuee-
day, Match Ilth, under the auspices
of the Y. P. 13. C. A goat program is
being prepared after which refresh
ments will be served. Come and en-
joy yourself. Everybody welcome.
Silver collertion will he taken.
BREAD MAKING.- The demonstra
lion on Bread and Pastry making.
held in the burg on Thmsd av, Fell
27th, under the auspices of the
Woman's Institute, brought smite a
nnmbei of ladies to town, over 100
ladies being peesent. Miss McPhee
is an expert demonstrator and gave
. .
•••••••••***** ••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ****** •••••••••
_ •
Great Sacrifice
of Boots
Rubbers, &c
Now Going on
A few Prices to let you know what we are doing :
Gents' Shoes
Gents' Shoes
Ladies' Shoes
Ladies' Shoes
Ladies' Shoes
Girls' Shoes
Boys' Shoes
Boys' Shoes
Gents.' Heavy Felt Shoes
Gents' 44 41
Gents' Hockey. Boots, reg
regular $5 00
4 00
3 00
2 25
2 00
2 00
2 50
2 25
2 50
• 3
reduced to $4 00
, 3 00
3 00
2 00
1 90
1 60
1 60
1 00
1 85
2 25
2 00
All must be closed out in twelve weeks and we have
marked the goods to do it.
accounts must be settled at once.,....0111.
•••••••••••••,•••eee•••••• 4400••••••••••••000****9•4
many valuable hints On the subject.
Eve! yolie weet home feeling well
eatislied with the ltvectiitg and Miss
1 ePilee 11111 y feel sure ttf a hearty
weleante trout alolestvotth ladies if
she ever mites this way again.
"Ftmr. 11 I. li'pegnson altended Niait-
bind Presbytery last Tuesday at
ttgli itt.
A big tuns 1011 SOS WW1 held by Me.
y, nt East Witsvatiesh, nil
Weilliesdev, He intends moving
tend( to the faun he bought from
Relit. Hoover and will Ferrol 011 a
entailer son Is
The sad news W11.9 received here
!het Donald Robeetson, who went
West Abell( 16 yfIll.1.4 ago and whose
home was nette Haminta, Metro was
smothered by gas frim the coal
stove one night last week. His wife
IS dead 111111 he was living alone.
MATRIAIONIAL.-Otir popolar Vet eri.
totry, H. Kirk by, W04 Milted itt mar-
riage last Monday to MISS Annie 13.,
second (laughter of the late Wallet.
Scott. Only immediate Mewls were
in M tomb' me. itt'v. Air. Ferguson
tied the bow knot at the bride's borne.
Dr. and Mee. Kirkby left on a short
trip to Milton, Tomtit() and other
poltia and on their retinal will settle
clown 1,0 housekeeping in Belgrave
amidst the good wishes of a host of
S. Wilsou, of Brussels, was in the
village on Tuesday.
.John Earls, of Howick, is the guest
of relatives 111 Hamilton.
S. jackann, at Toronto, visited his
son Dr. G. P. Jairkson, last week.
Nies. Mc(lartsie.y left last week for
Palmerston where she will conduct a
millinery Mistimes.
\Vm. and Mrs. Davey, of Shel-
burne, visited the former's brother,
Feed. Davey, last week.
MISS Daisy Wilsnn, formerly of
Kingsville, has opened a millinery
store in the Ritsmussen
Mrs. Ily. Arinetrong lots returned
to her home here after spending two
months at Listowel and vicinity.
..1111110$ Gillespie, of Paswegin, Sask.,
a tonne], resident of Turnberry, is
calling on friends here this week.
11 iss Sophie Robinson has retimnecl
from Fordwich where she has spent
a month /issisting the postoffice.
Thos. Higgins has purchased Jtio.
McLv'ttn's resident:I. ort Q111‘011 street,
at presentnecupied by M. ESIMMISMI.
The monthly ineeting of the Ladies'
Aid of the Methodist was held at the
home of Mrs. John Smith Wednesday
art moon.
Miss 141. Aikenhead has eeturned be
London after spending a week with
her parents, Jim. and Mrs. Mc-
Ninightnit, of Turn beery.
Rev. A. L. Russell, accompanied by
his daughter Mrs. Hurry Brown, left
on Monday for St. Paul, Minn.,
where theywill spend three months
before joining Sir. Brawn at Medicine
Hat, Alta.
Hatrey Brawn and Gordon Willits
left on Tnestlity morning with twit
cars of eettleiss effects. The former
goes to Medicine Hat and the latter
to Moneejaw.
Mach sympathy is expresseil for J.
told Ales. 11 totgrove, of Turttberry, ilt
the death 1 hen. 6 year old son,
,vhieli took plane last Thursday after
t lingering illness. Funeral took
place.to \Veneerer eetnetel y Sunday
laterlinott, service tieing conducted
Ily Rev. Mr. Leek land.
Whet might have been a serious
necident occur' ed last Tnesday
big when two rinks of our curlers
were returning from Gerrie. As
they had almost reached Kai ne's
crossing' fhe sleigh itt which they
entitle, owing to the, icy con-
dition of the road, slipped into the
ditch upsetting, the sleigh, curling
slimes and occupants. The cm lees
entisidee themselves fettnnate in es-
capitig with a few eats and bvuises.
Fon BAT.14,-111o, r and feeds a ell No. 1
kinds including corn, tit the Walton Elevator.
O. H. DuAction.
Quit 140. con 11 ttgeit t from this Iowa t y
will go Weet.this month.
A Itttle bird whispers that a near by
wedding rutty be on the program be-
fore long.
Thursilay afternoon of last, week an
enjoyable meeting of the fatd tea' Aid
irl' the •Nlethodist, (thrush was held at
the honor of Nits. .1. Bennett.
Rev. Me. Lundy and W. Knech lel
al tended the Passbytery of Maitland
on Tnesclay. I'he forme' is the
.11 (eters I or. It MIS a busy session.
Dr. F. 'r. Beyruns, Beussels, has
arranged to open tot (Aline at Walton
Hotel 011 Monde) s and Fridays of emit'
week,. from 11 a, tit. to 3 p. cent -
unmeant; 11'xNlooday. His tele-
ithene tit Benssels is No, 45,
GOOD PEUE.-Wednesilay evening
of lasi, week 0 stievessful and enjoy.
1(1)1, isineert wait given in the A. 0.
U. \V. Hell ander the auspices of Wal-
ton Ot /time Lodge. M. Mimes, vs
13., t Bsussels, oectipied the cheir
very efficiently end 1. (tched upon the
insmaitee of the Order. In addition
to local talent in the poisons of J. and
Mies McAi time and Revels. Lundy
and liltimunds. Messrs. unit
not her ford, of Bruesele, vencleeed
elmice soles and D. C. McMorratt and
(Insurances of Lnekentv, displayed a
let Ise emeriti t of instrumental musical
talent in their vati011A numbers and
were heartily received. Enc,, -es were
t1 mentos it lid e yevy host y ttqttitt itt
themselves in first -elites style. Ad-
dressee were well (liver:W(1 amd most
appropsiate to , the occasion. The
Lode feels speelally§ indebted to all
who look peat mil side of the menthe),
Proceeds altomlif ed to (wet
$20 Tile Commit I el. of 11 VISI II gemon 18
enittisted or vv. :vocal!, A Donnish
&ma or,o)ge In (teal' and did their part
1 well, We hope to have other pleas-
ant eyetilinss arranged foe under :1/11 alISDICOS.
OPERATION.- Last Monday Sties
Maud Ferguson uncleetvent lot (mils
ation at the hospital, Tie mite, in the
hope of betteving her disabled knee
whiuh was injured by a fall soma time
ago at the C. P R. crossing here. A
wide citsle of friends hope the ti ('itt-
molt will prove betteflehtl attl that
the will soon he fully restrieed. Miss
Mand 11013 Ruffertql as meat deal from
the unfortunate accident and has ex-
hibited itt) small degree of patience
through it all.
This week Bert and Mrs. Cartel'
have moved to the W. H. Watson
term, 5th 1i,te, which they pneehased
ft rim Mt . Watson. WP welcome
I II4'111 to MONIS 11.101 wish them suc-
Miller Procter and family have
moved to their recently linechtised
farm on the boundary'. IV hile sore),
to see them go many olcl Mende say
NV, :Jackson has been re -appointed
Sectelary of Blyth Agricultural
A. Hastings, of Exeter, Intent a
temple Of days visiting friends here
laid, week.
Edgar Begley, who has been IP01.1t.
ing the baking business here, has ac-
cepted a remittal' to take (Mame. 01' a
shop at Inglewood. He left for there
T. C. Powney had a very sticceesfnl
auction sale of his farm stock and will
now move into Blyth. He expects to
leave for the Westsheet ly, leaving
his family here for the present.
The town Was itt darkness tor a
ennine of nights last week on account
part or the dynamo giving out. It
was sent to Toronto and (itt Thmsclay
night the lights were going again.
Rev. Nr, Fraser was the preneher
itt Knox Chinch Irst Sunday after -
Township Clerk NiseDnitala has
been running the gainitlet with the
grip during the past week.
Evening service in the Methodist
thumb was cancelled lost &Imlay
owingto the stormy weathei.
Diming the past week Mrs. Themes
Brown, 10th con., has been quite ill
but we hope for speedy convalescence.
A number of Orangemen took in
the Royal Arch degree 11.1 B1.11tiSPIR 011
ft 'silent evening and had it good time.
Cheese fantory opening is now
being looked forward to. Milk routes
are being let and patronage solicited
for 1913.
A. number of Ethelites spent, Those -
day evening of last week at the Bros -
sets skating rink and 'smolt a good
We omitted, a few weeks ago, to
record the decease itt Mrs. Bowden,
who fortnerly lived here. The sad
event nceurred in Toronto.
R. Rare was at Witurbarn attending
a meeting of Maitland Presbyteey eon -
(miming the nail that hail been recently
extended to Rev. Mr. MrCialough.
The Canadian Olub enjoyed the
Lecture of ex Mayor Spottom of
Wingliam. His subjeet wee Patriot-.
istn, which he handled in gond style.
Secretary Intrie, of the Canadian
Press Association, Toronto, accom-
panied by Mrs. Inn ie visited at the
Mimes of Ivie and Stun. Campbell
duping the past week.
Tuesday Charlie Love and ;inn.
Petah loaded a car with settlers ef-
fects and shipped it to Oztte's and
Edmonton respectively, the destine- .
tions indicating where the parties
are locating,
while Wm. Ward. Oth con. Grey, was
going to the home of Jiro. Betimes,
of the Flame line, to return a 'mite of
FICISSOISit Ite fell and the scissors pene-
trated his left, side near the heart a-
bout 1l inches, inflicting a serious
" -
wound. A physician was speedily se-
cured and we hope the patient will
soon be all right. It Waara clime call.
The accident occurred near Mr.
Ward's gateway.
GOOD PIAUI -Tiresd ay evening als tut
60 omens, representing the Adult
Bible Class of the Methnit let Sabbitt 11
School together with officers, teach.
els and ft:lends of the school, drove to
the notninodions home of W. and Mrs.
Iltd1 and spent a most enjoyable lime.
Rev. D. Wren took the chair and af-
ter introductory words Called upon
Mts. Chas: Cleaver to read the follow-
ing address to Mee. Hall :-
Mae. W. Ilam,
Dear Friend and Teacher:- As
another anniversary of the hesitation
of out' Class comes round 489 1110 pleas-
ed to be gathered in the hospitable
home of our most believed and rever-
ed teacher. VW have you to thank in
a great measure for the splevelid 8110-
eess of the claes and the promising
outlook we have fin..film her triumphs
in S. S. work. As at practical OXIIPt.4.
slot) of one apnveniation of voile set
ces so iniselflehly given 00 0.811 pet Itt
tieeept bilis rocking (halts We 11 t14
you will enjoy silting in it as you
study yotte 1048011 ibttd OM the Class
with its officers avid teanit or are one in
pmpote for the ftwtheettirce of the
good dame. Signed in behalf of mem-
bers of the class.
Nirts H. Doneoss,
MRS. 0. OsataYErs
The recipient made it Mier lint 1 intely
veply emphasising the value of the
Sunday School and rte study of the
good Book. She thanked all for their
kind words, valued gift and 1'01' the
hearty sunpoet and loyalty to the
eines, The ttfl eleetion of ()Meets
t of It place mid restated 05 1'0110108 1-
P11411C10111!, Mt (1 Cleaver. ;
G. W. Poltava ; Seerefary, MISS
Lizzie Chemises ; Ttettemsts Harvey
Dobson ; Toscana., Mts. W. Hall r,
41.0044'40•00•0004.000 ••••••••
The Chopping Mill at the •
Electric Light Plant Will •
close indefluitely Satur-
dey, March 8th. •
• Chopping
* Mill
. • will Close
O 0
• •
• Flour •
. .
. •
• Have a quantity of choice •
• Flour which will be sold at :
• Reduced Prices. •
• •
• Fertilizer •
• A car of National Fertilizer •
• to band which we offer at •
• OCJIST. Sold in quantities to :
re stilt purchasers. It is A I •
• stock. go -Terms cash. •
• •
• •
• John Patterson, :
Manager •
All 11P:13011S owing accounts are
asked to kindly settle before• •
Starch 10th.
Asst. Teacher, Mrs. S. 5, Cole. The
evening teas happily spent in social
eliat, music, games, &c., and after
hutch was set vel the visitors retuned
to their homes thanking Mr. and Mrs.
Hall and family for their hospitality.
It's a fine pittee to go for a good time.
Friday evening of this week at the
Canadian Club the debate on the
Add' Nis will be continued. Speakers
will likely he Ed. Fulton, Minieter of
Public Weeks : Geo. Al. Mitchell,
ti Mister of' Nlilitia, and S. Campbell,
Leader of the Opposition. An in.
teeesting fensuse of the evening will
be an address by J. M. fipple, of Tot.
t is, Secretary of the Canadian Press
A.ssoriation. There should be a good
wen out. The members are asked to
bring limit. ladies to Friday evening's
• Grey
Eli Smith was a visitor at Seaforth
1)t111% foeget the auction sale of Jas.
Betz, Ilth com, next Thursday.
Misses Annie and Rebecca. Cooper
steett timidity with their sister, Mrs.
itit Gaynor.
The Shine farm, 12th con., is offered
rot salt-, or to rent it not sold. See
advt. in this issue.
A sleigh load from Ethel drove to
01101.1ili Cleaver's the other evening
told had a very enjoyable time.
Nils Ellen Thompson, of St.
Augustine, has been visiting at the
Mime ef James Armstrong 10th con,
Miss Ethel Laticiswell and her
brother from Brandon have been
visiting t heir cousin, Miss Myrtle
Rut /a mail routes are in operation
1,1 the South Easterly corner of the
township. What about the other
lines P
Report has it that Mrs. Marsden
Smith, who has been visiting in Tor-
reon, has been on the sick list but we
ti nst site will soon be restored to her
cosi-emery good health.
\Va. are glad to see Will. Cardiff,
7th con., able to get about without
the use of crutehes. His broken leg
is gaining strength and he will soon
be as well as ever we 'hope..
We are sorry to hear of the illness
of James lionoton, an old and well
known resident of this township.
Slams, friends hope a change for the
bet to may speedily ensue.
The term of Ohas. Love, filth con..
-has hetet leased by James Sanillie, jr..
who is now in charge. Mrs. Love and
family will continue to occupy the
hoose while Nfr. Love is in the Wese
\\Tetley Somers received quite a
blow on his sight leg while working
in the bush. Injury was caused by a
log mi tI slc id way. • Mr. Somers is able
to get about but not without a notice-
able 111)11).
Louis Hollinger, 10th con., is Utley
moving his effects to the Shaw farm,
joining Benssels, which he has leased
for a teem of years. Ho should make
it go all right as he and his are in.
dustrions and thrifty.
Tuesday of this week Robert David-
son shipped a car of settler's effects to
Streighton, Sask., where he expects
to make his home.. He accompanied
the cats Mrs. Davidson and children
and Miss M. Davidson also left for the
West. We wish them a safe trip and
pr rnmerous stay.
Onrrnsura.- The Gnelph Mercury
makes the following reference to the
late Mrs. Owen Smith, formerly of
GI ey township :-The funeral of the
late 141 ts. Owen Smith took place
SIntiday rimming ut 10 a. tn. from her
insresidence, Arthur street, to the
Gland TemlIC Station and thence to
Brussels. Service was conducted at
the house by Rev. Me, Fitzpatrick, of
Norfolk street Methodist church,
where she was a member since com-
ing to Guelph some ten years ago.
She wee also a faithful member of the
rehab Bible class, Mrs. Smith was a
kind and loVilig mother and leaves
to molten five daughters. Mr. Smith
peedeeemed her 18 years ago. The
clanglitees eve Mrs. A. E. Whiteside,
0. A. 0. ; Mts. J. Gotilds, .A.Itna
efreet Mts. TS, Lowe, Yorktorn
Sesta. Mts. G. Goetz, 13vantforcl, aitd
Mary at home. They will have
general sympathy in the affliction
which has bcd'alien them The pall-
belosts were 1 follows t J. B. Smith;
8. Whiteside, J. Goulds, 0, Goete,
W. Groth, J. Hayden. The family
wishes to thank all their friends for
Welt. sympathy and also for their
kind donations of wreaths and flowers.
GOOD TIME.-Priday evening of
last week J110. and Mrs. Lake, 4th
eon., invited about 40 old friends and
neighbors in their. new home, which
was decorated with evergreens, &c,
After supper an enjoyable evening
was spent in vocal and instrumental
music, gallies and social chat. Before
separating a hearty vote of thanks
was passed to the host and hotness
and family nn motion of Joe Ames
and Austin Raynard and the company
joined ill singing Good-bye till we
meet again.
Next week J. E. Brown, wife and
children will return to Expanse,
Sask., atm. a visit of three months in
Ontario, Mr. Brown is farming 320
acres there and had a good teem hist
year. Expanse is about 40 utiles from
Moosejaw and has a population of
over 800 and for a new town is a
hustler. Richard and Mrs. Patter-
son and family will accompany the
Browns Westward and Mr. Patterson
will engage in storekeeping aud will
oleo open a blacksmith shop. We
wish all concerned the best of success.
The Moles of West Huron Liberals
ex -Reeve Thotnas McMillan, of Hul-
lett township, was the uliaohnous
choice of West Fluent' Liberals at a
puttying convention held at Goderich
on Monday.
Mr. McMillan gave &splendid speech
dealing mainly with the navy issue
and emphatically denouncing the Bor-
den contribution expedient. He was
followed by Hugh Guthrie, K. 0., the
eloquent member for SouthWelling-
ton in the House of Commons, who
traced the Borden positiou on naval
defence in all its twietings and incon-
sistencies. So strong, said he, was
the feeling against the Borden propos-
als among the Liberals at Ottawa that
it was intended to oppose them
by every constitotional means and
perhaps in the course of a few weeks
Me. Borden might see the wisdom of
taking the Opposition's challenge and
submitting the question to the peo-
By a standing vote followed by
ringing sheers, the convention passed
a resolution calling upon Sit' Wilfrid
La111.101and his followersitt the House
of Commons to oppose the contribu-
tion pulley in every possible way.
WilIiam Prondfoot, K. 0., member
of the Legistatuve for Centre Bruen
spoke briefly and paid a warm tribute
to the character and ability of the On-
tario Opposition leader. Mr. Rowell
predicting that the result of the next
appeal to the electors of Ontario
would he different from that of the
last election. The Convention passed
a resolution indorsing the leado ship
of Mr. Rowell and approving of the
stand on public questions taken 133,
his able lieutenant, Mr. Proudfoot,
Mr. McMillan, the nominee for the
Fedeval seat is a successful farmer, an
exceptionally well-infortned man and
a strong speaker, Ti, Liberals of
West Huron are ready for an election
alld feel confident of redeeming the
Tuesday evening of last week the
neighbors and friends of East and
Mrs. Switzer, Atwood, gathered at
their home to spend an evening with
thein before they leave for the West.
The night WAS spent in games and
dancing, and before lunch was served
at twelve, an address was read and
Mra. Switzer was preseuted with a
clock and Mr, Switzer with 0 snit
case. Mr. Switzer is well remember-
ed in Brussels from the fact that he
was a hustling member of Brussels
Foot Ball club some years ago. We
wish Mr. and Mrs. Switzer prosperity
in the West.
A delegation of well wishers of Inn.
and Mrs. Sangster called on them at
their new home Friday evening when
M. IL Moore, V. S., read an address
expressive of congratulation and
good wishes tate'? which Lorne
&rimier and Cleve BellbOW IT/ behalf
of friends presented the host and
hostess with elegant rocking chairs,
The recipient made a brief but ap-
propriate reply thanking the folk for
their kind words and valuable gifts
to his bride and himself. The ad.
dress was as follows :
bet of your friends, have gathered
together this °vetting to show our
appreciation of your good fellowship
and to wish you joy upon youv
venture in matrimonial wale's. NV e
hope you may find it a pleasant vens
tine alai smooth sailing. As a token
of friendship we ask you to accept
these chairs hoping that, they may
serve to lest you upon malty occasiotis
and that they way serve to remind
you that you have made friends in
Biussels. Signed, on behalf of the
boys. • Dn. Id H. NI 00B,E,
GAVE 1115 .0 CANE
fierily Crowe, J. P., cattle dealer,
and a prominent iseident of Paisley
for 20 years, was pvesetited by the
citizens Tuesday evening of last week
With a gold -headed cane and cm ad-
drees on the °emotion of istuovilig to
take up his residenee in Port, Elgin,
The presentation was •Inirde itt the
Council eliambee. H. 13. Putnam pre-
Addeess was send by ex.
Seed Oats
As a large percentage of the Oats
in this neighborhood vvill be unfit
for seed we have stemmed a car
load of Canada Western Seed Oats
that we expect to arrive shortly.
Western Oats sown in On tario last
year almoat doubled in yield home
gi.own seed, Parties requiring to
tiny Seed Oats cannot do better
than semi their order to us AT
ONOE and we will reserve the
quantities they require.
We will also have Timothy, Olov.
et' and Oorn Seed.
Duff & Stewart
good qualities as a citizen. John
Jacques presented the cane. Mr.
Crowe replied in felicitous terms of
thanks and appreciation. Impromptu
speeches followed by F. Carter, J. S.
Steele, Alex. Galbraith, ex -Warden
Shoemaker and others. Mr. Crowe
is a relative of Siva, W. H. Mc-
Cracken, Bt uesels, and his eon, Harry,
was a resident of town for some time
employed by E. C. Dunford.
5198 1115.0 IIIINTDELEn
When it became known that bliss
Mina Hunter was about to leave town
to take a position in the Grimsby
postoffice, her class of young ladies
in the Methodist Sabbath School
called upon her at her home Wednes-
day evening of last week. Miss
Whittle Long read the address and
Miss Laura Buternan, in behalf 01 the
class presented Miss Hunter with an
elegant Irish Mosaic brooch. Ad-
dress WAS follows :-
Miss Alma Ilmsemn
DEAR Mrs* HUNTER.. -W', your S. S.
pupils, have gal hered here to -night
0) show out. appreciation of your
services as our S, S. teacher. You
have efficiently and faithfully dis-
charged your duties in that position.
This coupled with your genial. dis-
position bas won for you the good-
will, esteem and respect of the C. 5.0.
class that we felt we must in some
way show our appreciation and good
wishes. We, therefore, ask you to
accept this Irish Mosiac brooch, not
fol its intrinsic value but as a token
of friendship and love. Signed on
behalf of the 0. I. C. Class.
Sliss Hunter's reply was brief but
war tn hearted and kindly. She recipe°.
rated the good wishes front the
class and wished each a happy and
p1osperous life founded upon the
meeepts and promises of the Good
AIRS. BROWN AND 11188 2152115 BROWN.
On the eve of their departure to
Toronto a score or more ladies and
gentleman betook themselves to
"Riverside villa," the home of W. H.
mid Mrs. Kerr, and presented three
members of the Brown family, who
were leaving for Toronto with part-
ing gifts. 11r. Brown received a fine-
ly upholstered Morris chair ; Mrs.
&own was the reciMent of an A 1
oak rocker and Miss Lizzie was made
possessor of a solid gold necklace set
with pearls. M. Black read the fol.
lowing address :-
DDast Fususros.-We assemble this
evening, on the eve of your departure
to a new home to express our good
wishes as you leave Brussels after
spendiug 11 years here and we voice
the sentiments of many old friends in
expressing the hope that long years
of emutott, health, happiness and
sticcess may attend you and yours.
137 way of remembrance we ask Mr.
Brown to accept this Morris chair
Mrs, Brown this oak rocker and to
to whom we have often
said Hello 1 we present this glacl
necklet. We trust you may enjoy
your residence in Toronto and that'ctttottsiotttlly,
sioally, at least, get back to
visit old !steeds in Brussels. Signed
in behalf of company by
JAS. Fox,
111, BLACK,
Beussela, Feb. 28th, 1913.
Jim. Galbraith made the presenta-
tion to NIP. Brown, P. Scott to Mrs.
Brown and bliss Millie farmer to
Miss Beown. Mr. Brown returned
hearty thanks for the highly prized
gifts and Ole kind words expressed in
the address in behalf. of Mrs. Brown
and himself. They would never for-
get Bettssels and the waren friends in
it. W. H. Kerr replied for Mist;
BroWn. Short speeches were mule
by F. H. Gilroy, Re Leatherdale, Jas,
Fox, Geo. Thomson, M. Slack and.
others. Piano selections were rens
deed by Mts. R. Thomson and Miss
Irene Cavanagh and vocal solotaby
Mr, Gaiety. "Aald Lang Syne" was
sung before the company separated.
Sties Brown went to the Queen city
Sal mday afternoon and Mr, and Mee.
Brown left. Mentitty by morninge
t sain. They will reside on Law etteeb
\Vest Toronto. Miss Nettie Brown
has accepmted a lanary position on
B111141011 sfreet in the saute city and
with Geo. and Mrs. Ferguson (the
latter being anothee daughter) the
majority of the family will be con.
tred in Toeonto, They oarry with
them the good. Wishes of main, 041
Alex. Stewart of Ceomarty, foemer,
lv of Logan, has purchased the Whyte
farm III consisting of 200
N ale en Shoemaker, who svelte, it,- neves fos the sum of $18,000, no ge11
arising other 'Hauge, of Mr, DroWe'S posseseion the 15th of March,