HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-2-27, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER SND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES iaae In the Post olaee, Ethel, 80.9 JOHN SUTHERLAND INNOBANO0, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. lt1 d, SCOTT AS AN AUUTION• • RRn, will sell for better prlaes, to putter wen in lees tune and lase Charges than any other Auctioneer In Eaet Huron or ne won't °barge anything. Dates and order; awn always he arranged at this oalop or by ur8.,nel applioatton. „MI AND i;UNVEYANWNU. if M 81NOLAdIi- barrister, solicitor, Ooureyaueer, .vutory Public, ko. Maus -S thwart's Block e door Norte of Central Hotel. Solloitor for the Metropolitan Bank, pLOUDFOO'I', BAYS & KILLORAN KABttLI'tERB, SUL001'101t8, NUTAB1 sus PUS LDI, SITU. W. PRoonrooT, 15. O. R 0. If ATI 1. II, I6ILLORAN Ofoos-l'heee formerly occupied by Maser' 0amaron k Holt, (1o0aR120, ONTARIO. ALLAN LINE. Royal Mail Steamers ST. JOHN HALIFAX LIVERPOOL From. 80 John From H0( elan Grampian ........... letb 22 Direct Tunlsinn • ...... .... Feh • 8 Mor. 1 Beeperlon ....... Mar, 8 cleat V iato•ian Mar. 14 Met.. 16 Grampian ...... alar, 24 Direct BOSTON PORTLAND GLASGOW From Boston Lion) Portland Numidiun Feb 27 )1110'. 6 Scotian - Scandinavia) ........ Mar 18 - Parisian .............. -- Mar. 20 Ionian . Feb. 27 Full information as to rates, arc., on appli•e- tion to W. H. KERR, A gent Allan Late, Bruaaela. Ka Stenographers Bookkeepers �1 Cashiers, Offine Aselstonte, dommeroial Pa'( and Shortland Teachers are in great A demand if they graduate from the 18 TORONTO, ONT. Many former students are now earn. Mg from 0700 to 02,000 n year. We dal in only the boat kind of Practical Ed• 9F nation, We use best systems, employ 4 beat teachers and produce the beet re - twits. Enter now. Catalogue free. 1g; Oor. Young and 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, c Alexander Ste. f Principal, twas vzao•ris es Aeamo2v ek 9 ) etairaidiCENTRAL STRATFORD ONT. 4The best practical training school to 1.0 Ontario. Three departments - Com- omorels', Shorthand and Telogra- qhy., All aouroee are thorough and preatical. Teachers are experienced and graduates are plooed h positions, We give individual attention and stud- ents at an note may enter y tine y 0'-5 Writo for our free catalogue at once, r D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. ratl t Atrvar1.'a o etm2ed'AtrAMY V apt. viA a Tuesday, Mar. 25 r 0 i'1, is thy' opening day of tho E - Spring Torn, at �, k The I , Business 11( I stowel ® College Two Courses - Commercial and Stenography dd EDWIN O. MATTHEWS, Prin. n<taaRiaORPArNariitaPnaVaORk.iP A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such es Piping, Wet et' Bowls for steep, &a. Repairs to Pumpspeomp(.ly attended to. Give me a call. ra brook C n A NAYMANN A. Don't Bee Greasy Liniments A century sago they Were popular. Today people want something easy to apply, certain in results, and above all a clean liniment. ,When Nervi- line ervi- lino 1sapplied )lied aches and pains di8- h t talip0al as the poses absorb its sooth- ing healing properties. Nervlhne penetrates 0) the core of the pain, eases inOLanll_y, and leaves Ito oily bad smelling memory behind. Good to take 6)l, capital to Pore or, and five times more powerful. in destroying pain than any oily 0i11int('nt. fall to got 1a large 25e .bottle. • W. H. LOVE Funeral Director er Embal And Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully (Lteoded to night or day. Phone 228, ETHEL, • ONT. • r7w7T`►T'77vr• Business Cards DR. F' T. BRYANS M.B., M.C.P.S.O., Irate Serum House Samoan), W return Hospital, Torwato• Oliaes of eta Dr, A M8Salvey, South Block, Hruoeela. DR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto 1 Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy stat ins and Sargeons, Ont. • Pest•grmluOte Uhruago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat I3uap_ltal, Chreago, I11, Ex. Ouse Surgeon to St, ich- tel'o ElOsp1(ol, 'Toronto, Office over F, R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele - :.hone connection with Oranbruok at all hours. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. ,, 'hpsioian and surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London Meg.), Now York and 01e020 010Ir _11tch. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, toile and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. DR. WARDLAW donor graduate of the Ontario Veterintto Uollege. 'Day and night calls, Intioe opposite '•`lour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE O. BRY ANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST r n e Department of Ophthal- mology, gg ado G p p So Medical College, Ul11ue •o mo, 10 p 0 Uo•mto bis Lu dg 6 , tilt of prepared to two oyes and ab, Brussels, )o her office over FidayGrower's ItestaurnSober a Brussels, on k, Olay, Friday and Saturday Of Forenoon weak, Office hours 1 to 0 P. m, lrm•enomf by appointment, Phone 1218. Ci+lbJw1+'DJl Tarmac l «9Fd11r. 7 BRUSSELS G orN(I SOUBtt G01N0 NOirrn Mall 7:07 a 111Express .. ,... 10:66 a Express 11125 0 m I m Ma1L„ .,,.,....,. 1:60 p n) Express 2:65 p m Express --._.8;62 p m aileVaigidN ratCZPIC WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express7:11 a m Express 11:56 a m Express 2:67 p m es Exprs 8:40 p m ^ WROXETER Going Eat - 7:05 n. m, and 3:56 p. )n. Going west - 12:46 and 6:47 p. m. All trains going East connect with 0. P, R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora end T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Leal Agent. istri.ct tlews took a great interest In poultry and bt'oe, He was to proulinent member oi' the Presbyterutla church and a Liber)tl. He is survived by bis widow who is to eistee of W, L. mild Jaynes I'iinehluy, of SO)tforth, mud 2 (tau};hlers, Mrs. Harry Hillier, of Gt'i1110bv, and bliss 11310116)(0', nurse at 1,110 emeriti Hospital, Toronto. Din, ing;the poet mouth his sister, Mrs. 1„ Lake, of 1oud0u, was with him. The fume al wee held Saturnia to the Maitland Ba1)11 cemetery. WOMANT Ili t3S "1!�L S IN NEW YORK SOCIETY OEAUTIPUL WOMEN OP THE 400 WHO HAVE LUXURIANT HAIR In Iay New York, where woolen get ideas froth their foreign sisters, the hair Louie called PAR18IAN Sage "��t r 1tt 010 60)11.8 in a great demand, „ 1..f1. 1 ARfSIAN Hltge is the discovery of ,, . r Pii, . a hell ktlowu 81110'11086, and he eluims Tn most emphatically that it is the ,only hail preparation that will kill the pet- 0istent flan(; teff germs. AL any Pato the R. T. Booth Co„ LttL, of Fort Eine, Ont„ Canadian lnanfacturers of PARISIAN Sage, give out through Jas. Fox this guat•autee, the ptrougest Clinton Known All Over The World Gorrie Rev. W. J. Farngey, who has been visiting his home here, returned W Cochuane to his work. A very successful social was held in the Town Ball, under the auspices 6)r the Presbyterian chinch. The eight, was ideal and a large crowd aeselrlbl(Yl and an excellent stepper was served, The ploglam given by local talent was greatly enjoyed. Atwood Elmo, Township Omit -mil will meet here on Saturday, March 8t11. There died in Atwood on Wednes- day, 19011, J. W. Boyd in his 83rd year. Miss Hussey was visitin ftss Penll g friends in, Thomas g hoas and Learning. 9t ton, John A. Hurst, 12th con. Elam, is at present laid up with blood poison in his hand. Blum Oheese and Butter Manuftac- tnrn,g Co. Limited, shipped .their make of butter for the first half or February on Monday of last week to the Swift Canadian Co. Price was 280 rents. The tender of John Densledt_ And Henry ScI1onk to nonstrnct the Chap- man chain according to the plans, profile and specifications the)Puf for the'sum of $2793.00 was accepted by Lina Council. John Rymer, of Donegal, has receiv- ed the contract for roar yeals to Garry the mail on R. R. No, 2, conlneneing at Newry and -going Mast -10 1ht. boundary, then ucrosss to the Blind line, then up the 121.01 to Atwood, Do you know that more real danger lnl•i(s 111 a morin art cold than 012 any other of the minor ailments? The sale Wvny is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation, and rid yourself (,l' Ole cold as quickly as possible. 7'lne remedy Is for stile by all dealers. Seaforth Mrs, 13auslaugh, of Winnipeg, is the guest of G. 11. and Mrs. Henderson. W. A. and Mr's. Crich have rel.in•ned front a visit with friends in Guelph and Brampton. John A. Stewart has returned from a trip to St. Paul, Minn,, 11.118 Port- land Oro., where he visited his brothers. The eleventh annual meeting of the. shareholders of the • Robert Bell; Engine and Threshes .Company was. { held, Wednesday of last -' ceit in the, company's office, and- was attended' liy a most enthusiastic number of the, stockbol(1(fi'q, whit vele .gratified at, the eepo•t of the pee1(8pgt and direc- tors. The company lutve, had an im- mensely " a rnenscl + profitable ( (1,n• Laid- have al- ready } ready more orders than any previous year. _ Ei, hearty vete OJ t1110,ita tratw tendered the president and board of 1112 errors at the close of the meeting.. F1)11)10 Best, a highly 00teeuled citizen of Seafoeth, died at his home early Thru's11ay after ;an dllueas or three month's. He had not been in nod health. for the past two years, 1 K was able tobe out mail last I ►noir t L 1..t Ial when he• tools mach worse' anti was confined to the 11)iuse Ile was in ilia 58th year, and was born near Hamil- ton coming to- Hitllett'lMw.nship, near Constance, 35 vein's ago. 0'b. Prom there he moved to Roxboro about miles Lenin town they to Seaforth a - bent twelve years ago. He wits at) experthortioulturi01 and florist and ADJOUILNED AGAIN, -Judge boll has again adjourned the 0(11)1111 local option scrutiny, as amlu)ditu•us has been asked for by 1V. •Proudfoot, E. U., rel)re$euting the. local 'option party, which will a)In0• the judge to take evidence 1eget diug the tallegod tampering with the ballots of St. John's hold. The 1('1n11eraul'e people still claim tint 1 -he original returns, as given by the deputy returning of- ficer, anti agreed to by the pull clerk, two scrutineers anti two candidates for Council, who helped him with the counting, hitt the (.lar) er't one, viz., 84 fun' t111• fly-l)LIV 14111) 51 against, and. as a further proof of ads, 1.L coul- mitlee has hoe„ al. work in the ward, and 78 of the 81 have already signed sworn declarations haat they dirt on )ammo' 0,0( last uuu'k their ballots fot' 10,1,01 1611Uon. The antis wet e 0vi11enlly ai'),lid or (his nwve, +at anufyul)u'e 0,•)111)13 wets sent 1.o the voter., in lliio ward advising them n01. LO unake )uly declarations as to how they (lad voted; for feat, of being called into court, but the voters were not t" he "srared 1111" (u this way, and ill 2111)51. ells08 were willing to ds - 8(51 the depot who list 6 1 Y. ] 80' . a false would 11 11(6)0' had n 1 le it 0 6)i II statement as the judge unto tInds only 00 ballots marked far the by-law and 61. against, changing the majority from 33 toy. The sc6ulhly has caused more discussion than the campaig6) its(l1.,1n111 has been the leading topic for several weeks. The Cute 11)0 0a 1111)11, looked for with to great deal of interest. Bo A Strong Man Increase your vitality and nerve. energy, restore vim and force to your overworked both. Ferrozo,le will do this as it did for Walter Wood of lieauport, N. 13., who writes : "I can say Ferrozoue has given Ins it new lease of lire. A year ago I suffered s6) Erma nervous exhaiaslicei I was scarcely able to drag myself around. My appetite was gone, I had no color or ambitinn and felt used up. One box of Feernzone started me back to health. I took a uumbe of boxes arid my health was completely r'e• stored." For men who are tired, pale, nervous and thin -blooded nothing compares with Ferrozone, 50c per box at all dealers. WInghaln Richardson & Rae have disposed of their hardware 11nsitless. Air. D. Rae, brother of one of the members of the firm is the pnechasee. .Joseph Guest *let with a painful leecilleut at tilt Western Foundry When la piece of 11)11 iron struck 01)111 on the right eye, badly burning it.. AL's. 0. N. 0118121 met with an accident that may lay her aside for some time. She was out calling on a neighbor, 0911eil she: slipped on an icy place. and fell, breaking a thigh bone. She was taken to the hospital, where she is receiving careful attention. Monday of last week another re- spected re(((lent of Wiingliam passed river, in the person of over h( alt v 1 w 1.I all P o'� ed had Nlrs lobo Ienlh n. Deceased health for some time been in f2alhl ea le(.eg past, and bad en)ered her 84tH year. She was born in 1829, mete Glasgow, Scotland, and with her MI.191118 came ro Canada when 14 years of age. For five yea's they resided near Perth, in Bathurst township, and then remov- ed to Wilmot. township, Waterloo Co. She was married to her new bereaved husband in 1851, and 14 vents ago re*wved to 1Viugham. There were nine or a family, three of these are deceased. Those remain• in;; are :-Alts. Abell, of Dunkeld ; Mee. J. Orr, of Strniford ; Mrs. R. Orr, of I6)gelsol ; Robert, of Tarn - berry ; James. Vancouver, and George at. home. Mrs. Leatbnrn was a fine typo of a woman, as member of the Methodist eho•cI), and. her death will leave a sad vacancy ill the home. Thee is no bet uiedieble made for colds than Oinunhie'Iain's Ching!' Remedy, It acts on nature's ohm, relieves the lungs, opens the secte- Mons, (aids 1 xpet 111ration ; and restores ',n healthy co 1 h t n, For the system t + Lhy l c t o sale by all dealers. Blyth Next Horse Fair .will be held here on Tuesday, March 4111. 81. Andrew's church Sunday School intend holding their annual entertain- ment on ntertain-Irlenton Meech 11)h. J. 0. Powney has leased the dwel- 1(ng house now occupied by Robt, Howard and will Luke poesessl011 next 111/1110 . Miss Annie Taylor has resigned her position as teacher in one of the Flamiltan Public Schools, not having liked 1110 position. Shehas returned to 11e1• 11o111e here. Mrs, A. W, Sloan who has beetle set (Dusty 111 for 82 2110 Otte, has so far improved that sine went to Clinton where site intends to stay for a few months with her daughter, Mrs, W. Walker. N. A. Taylor, whe has been at Cel he r, Ilford since the first of the r year wo•Iting on a. steam shovel has retained home 6,8 Oita section of the wo)11 is coin pleted. lie has not dell. ()hely decided yet whether be will re- turn to Ottmpbelliord of go West. Rev, Patine' Ragan, i.he new Parish Priest of Blyth, 092.0 tendered an affee- tinunle'fareweil by the Iltenlbees of Holy Angels church, at St. Thomas. of whish lie wits the curate for five years. A handsome silver tta Oerviee it purse of gold and other splendid gifts Were presented to hurl by differ, ant. soeie(ie8 in ihta pavish, Rev. 101002er• West ileal of the palish of qt. Phonies, spoke im the highest Ovine 1.f blather began, who, 110 said had held the position of 1L88ietant priest in the city of Si, Thomas for a longer -Known Only For '1 he Good It Has Dore. We know of no other medicine which has been so successful in relieving the I suffering of women, or received so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In nearly every community you will find women who have been restored to health by this famous medicine. Almost every woman you meet knows of the great good it has been doing among suf• faring women for the past 30 years. Fox Creek, N. B. -"I have always had pains in the abdomen and a weak- ness there and often after meals a sore- ness in my stomach. Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has done me much good. I am stronger, digestion is better and I can work with ambition. I h a v e encouraged m any g Y mothers of families to take it as it is the best remedy in the world. You can pub- ish this in the papers." -Mrs. WILLIAM S. OURQ1.7E, Fox Creek, N.B. the Pinlcham In LaboratoryLynn, at nn y , Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek- ing health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, many of whom state that it has saved them from surgical operations. r"{00;'•04:::4 ...:.tri`: I //ft period than any other curate since the foundation of the c hnroh there. Fath- er West spoke of Myth as a splendid parish for a splendid priest. Rather West is a former priest of St. Mich- ael's church and knows whereof he speaks when he calls this a splendid parish. Nomination for Lhe vacancy on the School Board caused by the death of 1 11.Olele1.v,took , .1 1 in Industry place e. c Hall. There was very little interest taken in the matter and the only name brought forward was that of John Maines, who was declared elect- ed by acclamation. This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much concerned over the ftegneut colds 1'.ontt•aeted by their children, and have abundant retard for it as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Uhnn1- betdain's Cough Remedy is famous for its enees, and is pleasant and safe 10 hake. For sale by all dealers. Fordwich Thehomeof L. Wilson, town J. W v has been quarantined owing to an out- break of measles. Mrs. Chas. Fitzpahiek, of Elgin, Man., is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Laird, and Mrs. W. Wade and other friends in town, H. A. Aldred, who disposed of his Meuse here last week, intends retiring Prom business and leaving for England in the near future. School at Section No. 8 was re- opened on Monday of last week after being closed for to weep and 16 -half on accnnnt of the outbreak of measles. W. H. Brown has disposed of the Thos. Goggin farm which he recently purchased to Johu'B1'yaus from ileal' Ethel, who will lake possession a year from this Spring, P. Haiustock will remaininn the farm for this year, Dr. W. G. E. Spence, who has spent the post few months in the West, re- turned to his house near Newbridge and will leave lune for Marton ubn ut the ist of Marsh where he will open up a practice. 14. A. Aldred has disposed of his fine house and grounds here to the Methodist congregation, who will con- vert it into a parsonage. This is one of the finest pl'operlies in town and those who put through the deal dare to be.congealulated on making smelt a choice selection. Possessing will be had the first of 1Yiay. It is the in ten - 180 pages brim full of good things. Con. lams valuable information for the farmer, market gardener and private planter. 12 pages of the latest and best, world-wide introductions. Valuable maintains. Your choice of 8 new varieties still unnamed (not for sale until 1014) obsoletely free with every order, large or small, Don't delay writing. Mail this with your mune and address. Your request will receive special attention. State f you grow vegetables or flowers for market, as we have a special price list. Write to -day While it's fresh in your m mi. )ARCH & HUNTER SEED CO,, Limited Dept.84 LONDON, CANADA 1913 Catalogue Now Ready ever given': "We guarantee PARISIAN Sage to end clench tiff in two weeks ; to stop falling hall'; GO make dull, lifeless and eolol less 0(11(2' beautiful and luxuriant; to cure all itching diseases (16 the train, or money bark." Lion of the Managing Ho.; 1 of the church to sell the pr(1pelty 2,"w need as a parsonage. Listowel The young people of town have formed a social club and have engag- ed J. H, McDonald's hall, ov01' the bowling alley, where a social evening will be Reid each Wednesday (light. 1)r. A. Parties, Toronto, and Mrs. A. A. Robinson, of °wee Sound, were in town for a few days last week, having been called home on account of the serious illness of their father, Win. Forbes. At, the Berlin ice horse races Maggie Tipping, formerly owned by H. Nesbitt, second mono in the b t won d Y 2.16 ulnas and fleet money in the 2.27 trot or pace this fine little beast is Dow owned in'Stratfo•d. A large number of the Atwood Odd - fellows visited the Listowel Odd - fellows on Monday evening of last week schen a number of .candidates were instructed in the mysteries of the first degree of Oddfellowship. H. I-feinsworth has sold the home- etea(1 faro to Gabriel Mehring. Mr. Mehring has sold his West 50 acres, adjoining the farm or B. F. %ripe, to 31r. Knipe. Mr. Hemsworth will re- move to his farm at Gowanstown shortly, Mies Irene Campbell has resigned her position on Ole teaching staff of the Public School and has accepted a poeition as teacher in Port Arthur. AJiss Campbell will leave for Port Arthur as soon as her successor has been appointed here. One of Tho 8addoet Stories Pirst it was a cold, neglected of 0nurse and catarrh developed. Noth- ing was (lone and consumption fol- lowed. Watch the little cold, keep it from growing by using "Catarrh - ozone." Nothing simpler than inhal- ing the germ•killing vapor of this grand remedy. Colds and catarrh flee as before fire. Every trace of throat and bronchial trouble yields immediately. Oatarrhozone is scien- tifie and absolutely guaranteed for preventing and curing catarrh and kirldl'e(1 ills. Two sizes, 26c and $1.00 at all dealers. Select Your Medicine With Cora • In debility and weakness medicine should be mild and far reaching. Many pills and putgativ08 81'0 too { bard), are dtastio instead of curative, Excessive action le always followed de ee Bi011 andknowing D'. by s v1t this t. Hamilton devised hie pills of this, drake & Butternut so as to mildly in- crease liver and kidney activity, flush out the elementary canal, tone and regulate the bowels, 'Thus do Dr, Hamilton's Pills eliminate poisons from the body, restore clearness to tie a n, t ug etreogth and 1 tat sweet restorer of health -sleep, Best i medicine on earth, 26c per box at all dealers, Goderich Vessel men are looking forward to as early opening of navigation. Oouticillor J. 0. Laithwaite has been appointed a Government im- migrant, agent. Uhas. E. Young was in Toronto at- rtndil the Grand Council of the R. t K '1'. of 1 ata from Eureka as 1.t delegate ()outlet!. David Thompson has had a very serious .eons tole with blood -poisoning in his hand and the affected member is stiliivin considerable trouble. The gentlemen of North street Methodist church choir entertained the ladies of that organization to an oyster supper in the church parlors Monday evening. Mrs..Elijah Martin, mother of our townsman, J. 0. Alm tin, died Thurs- day of last week at the good old age of nearly 70 veal's. For some years she was sadly afflicted with rheuma- tism, but bore her suffering with patience and good cheer. A convention of the Liberals of West 7luron has been called for Mon- day, March 3rd, in the Temperance Hall, Godarich, to commence at 1.30 p. *1. It is expected that Hugh Guth- rie, the able member of the House of Commons for South Wellington, will attend and 1(81811 ass the gathering. Thursday Mrs. Hawley reached her 91s1 birthday, and WAS greeted by a large number of friends who called. to extend theft congratulations, bring- ing with them most beautiful floral offerings and sincere good wishes. Mrs. Hawley, who has been a most active woman in her long life, is still bright and Meet in her mental powers and lakes a lively interest In the events of the day. Y e•••••• 19••••8.•(16• •••••••• ISeedt ® • -Oats • - s - et • o We have a quantity of choice • • White Banner Seed Oats, weigh- s; in en h - •6)l about40 ]113, Pet bushel, for 4 quick sale, at, 00o per bushel. 11, 0 These Oats are an extra fine B • • sample of bright., clean, heavy =► • anyone requiring Seed Oats. I • Oats and will send sample to ® - • Dotn't delay to send for sample S oat mice if you require Seed.Oata, • • • L J. L. AWde o Aoe BOlc 33 Wingharn Ont. 83.8 • •seesemisoesibeeesemeseikee Perth County Mitehell Woollen Mill 00. have placed an order for a 200 horse power eteaul boiler. Chief of Police O'Neil, of Berlin, was in Mitchell and amesled a man named Horngherg, charged with ne- glecting his wife and child. Hazel, the thirteen -year-old daugh- ter of Richard and Mrs. Thorne, a great favorite in Mitchell, was poison- ed on Friday from eating cheese. Her life was 10 danger for a time and althongh still a sink girl, her attend- ing physician looks for a complete re- covery. The County Judges of Ontario may now go into the question of thelegali- ty of votes cast in Local Option con- tests, according to a judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada handed down Tuesday afternoon. It is a distinct setback to temperance work - ere, who, anticipating the decision last week, through the W. 0. T. U. ap- proached Hon. W. J. Hanna with the object of having amended legislation Legis - 10.1 introduced at this selision of the d ore, The force of the decision may beet be understood in a ease like the following t .An illegal voter may case his vote against local option have it counted o6) that eido, then, by a 20= caul or scrutiny, have it declared 11- legal and deducted fromthe Daunt in t favor of local option, The law as laid down Tuesday makes It clear that even If It were known that, lite illegal voter east his ballot against Meal option that vote flatlet be taken off the Meal option side. For a sprain you will find Chamber- lain's Liniment excellent, It allays the pain, removes the soreness, and soon restored the parts to a healthy' condition, 26 and 60 sent bottles for sale by all dealers, MONTHLY Horse Fairs r BRUSSELS Regular monthly horse Fairs will be held in 13russelsthis season as follows : THURSDAY, FEB, 6th, 1913 MAR. 6th, 1913 APR. 3rd, 1918 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present nt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++T + + i 4. ' + -f• + + .;. + + rt• + + + + + 4. 4. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++.:4.+++++ '+++++++++4'++++++44+ . Watches Just arrived another fine assort- ment from the best makers. Our reputation and wide exper- ience along with the makers' guarantee is at the back of every Watch we sell. + k + + Elgin, Waltham, + Hampden and Regina $ Watches always in stock. Our Prices are unbeatable We will convince you on this matter if you will favor us with a call. J. Wendt, Jller �m & eweEngraver Wroxeter, Ont. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ }+.+++0'l d + S 0++++4'_:'4 - 4• Newr0' it + 4 4' 40' + + 4' 4. + .,4 4' 4 Prints Ginghams Shirtings We have a large range of patterns and the quality is the best that IN e could procure : Prints and•Ginghams loo & 121c yd Drill Shirtings too to 15c yd Our Dress Linens, Suitings, etc.; are the lat- est and most up-to-date shades. We want you to call and yourself. all our new lines for ♦ 4.04,404,+,,.• Special Here are a few lines -w hich we are offering at exceptionally low prices ,- -Men's All Wool Heavy Ribbed Underwear, regular $2.00, for $1.60 a suit. -Horse Blankets, several weights, at reduced prices. -Ont only Man's Overcoat, mink collar, lined, etc„ reg- ular $26.00, for only $17.00. -One Coat same as above, only lighter weight, $18:00. Grocery Specials while they. Last Prunes ... •............. 4 lbs for 26c Seeded Raisins ...........••.....•.•.. 8Ibs for 25c Turkish and Rexall Dyes 4 pkgs for 25o Twin 13x1' Oa8tile Soap 7 cakes' for 250 Smoked Shoulder .. .,,.,. 16c a lb. Fresh Water Herrin en 206 a dozen Special price for keg lots, oThese prices are for Cash 01' Traduce. R. A. McDonald & co. phone _ r- n brook o e 52Io �o *+*+++++++++++++ 't' •Z' •1•' + 3•, 42 4 a- 4. d 'i- 4 4 4 4 4 1' '41 43 43 4- 44 44 4- 3y`": 11 r' +++++++.t+++++++.;•+++++ i..l1++'1p,•lpl,.tt'f ".