HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-2-27, Page 4be ifrrostis 'gust
, A 7, 19 3
Gone Evening ! Have yon ordered
Yum ,auto for 1913 ? You ought tie
Lu you ever ere tribute a neway item
to Tux Pose ? if net join the Brigade
nett, week and let us hear from you.
Leen SrmA'rI1cmNA is no lageard in
the cease of philanthropy. One of the
latest evidences of his generosity is the
gift of $5,00t to the Scott explorer fund
for assistance to the relatives of the men
who perished in the expedition.
A searching iuvestigatiou will be
taken up in Wiudsor. Ont., over a
charge that the police "stand in" with.
the violators of law in the hotels and
gambling joints. The blue coats deny
the allegation so the best way to deal
with such cases, although often difficult
to prove, is to sift them to the bottom
and thee make the willingly guilty toe
the line.
ANoTtlee case comes to the front in
Harrisburg. Pen., of the foolishness,
if not criminality, of parents locking
children in the house while the seniors
go visiting. Seven tittle folk were
burned to !death Wednesday night of
last week in such a situation, the oldest
being 12yearsof age. It's too big e
risk to run to leave a group of young-
sters alone in the Winter season when
fires are a necessity.
Dammam Alliance Convention is in
session in Toronto this week and will
tighten the strings on the Provincial
Legislature unless Parliament limbers
up. Promising will do all right for a
time but there comes a day when it
must give place to pe:forming. There's
a militant temperance force in Canada
now that must be reckoned with by all
governments and a do-nothing policy
will not satisfy.
Wxn.a not disposed to favor the
granting of bonuses the Barnegat Bank
of Barnegat, New Jersey has hit on
rather a good line in the bonus business
that. might be copied in Canada. For
every baby born there in 1913 the Bank
will present a pass beak and a nest•esg
deposit of $t.00. There'', no limit0tidns
as to quantity or quality all wilt be sery
ed alike, A quartette should call for a
$5 0o start off at least. It's a good
advertisement for the Bank.
MORMON1sit is spreading itself in
Western Canada and by way of official
standing a Temple to cost Stoo,000 is to
be erected at Cardston, Alberta. iu
which province the followers of Brig.
ham Young have taken root. Legisla-
tion will be enacted of a more rigid
character concerning this body. It will
not be :nano years berore the Provincial
Legislature of Alberta will have Mole
man law makers and What the outcome
may be is not easily ciphered out. Salt
Lake City, Utah, is in too close touch
with Alberta to be considered morally
and spiritually healthy.
Tis woman suffrage question in
Canada is not a dead issue as four or
five Provincial Legislatures are being
asked for legislation along this line. It
is regarded by some as handling bot
coals to deal with it gracefully, make a
good show and yet do tittle with the
giestion without getting singed. It is
not the easiest job in the world. Every
organization capably managed by wom-
en, in which the home and public wel
fare are the constituents, is an addition-
al handspike to turn over the old time
objection of refusing a broadened flan -
Oise. It will come as sure as guns.
CONSIDERABLE controversay has been
indulged in over the fact that Rev. Dr.
t r e Church
of the
rector of the
Ascension, Montreal, preached on a
recent Sabbath in St. Giles Presby'
terian church in the same city, without
the sanction of the Bishop. The bop
posed offending clergyman is not dis•
posed to yield the point and this may
be a test case as to the authority of the
church. Quite a number of parsons ap-
pear disposal to favor Dr. Symonds side
of the case and that it should not be
considered an infringement of the law
in this day of interdenominational
friendliness and talk of church union.
The case has excited considerable in.
terest in church circles and the out.
come will not be overlooked.
Quite a disturbance has been created
at Walkerton as a result of the aetiou of
the Council in attempting to thin out
the shade -trees on the residential streets
w, !vett consaltiug the property -holders'
ev ell :e, The work has been stopped
tor 11 the Council finds out its legal
pow, 1's in the matter.
Co-operation to reduce the high cost
of living wee the theme of Thursday's
session tor miners' convention at Leth
bridge, Alta. Co operative stores was
the plan urged by the convention and
the necessity was emphasized of getting
into closer touch with the farmers. 1'o
this end the convention was inclined to
favor the establishment of government
cold storage plants and government con-
trol of the elevators. ,Tho greater part
Of the blame for innreesing prices is
To cleanse the system of undigested
food, foul gitsees, exoees bile In the
liver and waste matter in the bowels
will impair your health, The beet
system regulator is FIG PILLS. At
all dealers 25 and 50 coots tie The Fig
Pill Oo., St. Thomas, Ont, Sold and
rectxnrlleuded in Brussels by J. Fox,
placed on the m ddlenan, and It is be-
lieved that this will eliminate him. A
resolution to this effect was passed.
The public will welcome the 1913
Edition of "sono Facts About Canada,"
compiled by Frank Yeigh, the acknow•
ledged authority on things Canadisn
and the author of "Through the Heart
of Canada." Ten thousand are now
sold annually, which find their way all
over Canada and the Empire, iudeed
the world, ed as full
"The Facts booklet is stuff
of intormation as a sausage is of meat,"
is the happy and true way an English
Journal puts it, and the new issue,
which includes many new features and
improvements, such as a colored map
of the Demotion, presents a striking
story of the wonderful advance 01
Canada iu a siugle year. We now talk
in billions.
The booklet is issued at 25 cents a
copy, by the Canadian Facts Pub. Co.,
588 Huron Street, 'Toronto, and is sold
by all leading newsdealers.
Winnipeg, brilliantly illuminated, ie
the down town streets, by thousands et
electric lamps and thronged with a
,leasure- seeking crowd of Bonspiel visi
tors, has presented an animated
spectacle during the past week. It is
estimated that at least 8,000 people
have taken advantage of the reduced
railway fares to pay a visit to the
Western metropolis. Winnipeg is nue
regarded as head quarters by the curl
Ing fraternity and the annual gatheriur
the knights of the broom and stone
As usual Wiunlpeg citizens are eine:
raining the visiting curlers iu iavise
style, Among the many conventions
which have been held in Winuipeg din-
ing the week are : The Horticulture'
and Forestry ; Lumbermen ; Home
Economic Societies : Canadian Seed
Growers ; Good Tempters. etc.
From present indications an] ad
vauce bookings the Winnipeg Indus
trial Bureau's new Convention Hall ;
capable of accommodating 5 00o people :
will be in almost continuous demand
during the Summer and Winter mouths
of this year. Ample seating facilities
are being provided and among inter
eating functions of local and general
interest is that secured by Winnipeg's
Scandinavian peoples, who have ole
tained the consent of Capt. Amundsen,
the intrepid discoverer of the South
Pole, to lecture on june 2 in the Com
ventiun Hall.
That the Province c.f Manitoba, and
the West generally, as yet pays little
attention to exploiting the numerous
and valuable mineral products of cool
menial utility, is the conclusion to be
drawn from available figures of pro-
duction now to hand. In 1911 the value
of the total production iu the Province
of Manitoba is estimated to be $i 684,
677. The total production of the Prov
ince of Saskatchewan is valued at
$618,379 for the same period, and oI
Alberta at $6,404,tto, the latter figure
including the value of the coal mined
in that Province. A detailed state-
ment for 1910 shows the foll',wing to
tal production values in the Prairie
Provinces of the articles enumerated .
Gypsum, $195,000 ; clay products and
sandlitne brick, $753.232 ; granite.
$3.345 1 cement. $21,995 ; lime, $too.
8c8 ; limestone. $328.020.
The territdry recently added to
the Province of Manitoba is said to be
exceedingly rich in mineral deposits and
it is anticipated. when Greater Mani
toba of the future acquires the control
of its Natural Resources, that the au
thorities will undoubtedly see their was
to initiate a vigorou" policy of develop-
ment of this buried wealth.
Winnipeg's rapidly increasing popu
ration yearly demands more fresh ve
getables, more milk, butter, cream,
rnore poultry and eggs ; more beet,
mutton and pork and other animal and
agricultural products. Indeed so great
has the demand become thate
a remark
able state of affairs exists at the eapi
tal of Manitoba, at the present time
Situated in a district—the Red Rivet
Valley—which has probably the most
fertile soil outdoors, Winnipeg annual-
ly imports from the United States and
ships from Eastern points, thousands
of dollars' worth of these comestibles.
Some interesting figures compiled ed bv
the Winnipeg Industrial Bureau, from
the receipts of local wholesalers and
the railway companies records, throw
instructive light on the situation. It
is ascertained from these sources that
the butter receipts at Winnipeg tram
Eastern Canada and the United Stales
or rete was 68 cars, or approximately
2,coc,000 pounds, valued at $56o.000
Dressed poultry received in Winnipeg
during the same year required for ship
meat 54 ears, and weighed $1,620,000
pounds valued at about $243,01.0 Lo-
cal creamery companies in 1ttt2. paid
$120,000 for milk and cream from St.
Paul and Minneapolis alone. Customs
returus from the department at Otta-
wa show that during the fiscal year
ending March, 1912, Manitoba import.
ed r,596,48o dozen eggs valued at $314,-
f4l 1 bacon and hams, 4,988,859 pounds,
worth $573.568 ; 696,788 pounds of fresh
meat, not including another 192 939
pounds of mutton and lamb ; and 92 709
pounds of salted meats. 'Che figures for
live stock show 15,666 sheep and 239
head of cattle imported during the same
period Over 3,500 horses were import
ed during the sante period. Over 3.50o
horses were imported by the province
in the same fiscal year. The figures for
vegetables imported during the same
period are equally rematkable, as fol
lows :— l omatoes, &c., in cans. 238.292
pounds ; (8722 bushels of potatoes, valet
eel at $28,092 and fresh vegetables of
other kinds to the value Of $76,233
The possibilities in mixed farming and
market gardeiing iti.the Wiuulpeg disc
irtet are almost unlimited, teprssenting
eti extremely profitable industry In
Auction Sales
PLatsisNre, *o. -F. S. Scott, Auetlunuet
has been instructed by the undut'eigned to sells
by public auction at Lot x,30 Owl. I8, Grey, on
Meiday, Feb. 281h, at 1 o uiuuk, the following
valuable property :-1 heavy draft horse els.
nes 0years aired by Sunlight, 1 heavy draft
mare tieing 10 yetra nupposed in foal to
60111 ,1 heavy dt'aft male riding 12 yeara sap•
posed in fuel,11 heavy draft horse colt rising 4
years lilted by Claudine, 1 filly rising 2 yams
sired by Chance, 1 driving mare doing 8 years
supposed in font to Incident, 1 Berke/colt aired
by Orlando, 4 iplloh oowe supposed In (telt, 1
heifer 2 yeara old Supposed in calf, 4 heifers
rising 2 yeara, 4 Spring calves, a number of
hone, 2 geese and a gander, 1 Frost .v, Wood
binder 741 ant nearly new, 1 Frost et Wood
hay loader nearly new, 1 Frost 1 Wood 5150
hay ruhe04t. nearly new, 1 new Bisset steel
land roller, 1 Hassey -Norris mower 5de. out, 1
net Frost 1 Wood dlso hat'rowe, 1 Peter Hamil-
ton single walkmr plow new, 1 Peter Elatnil-
ton cultivator nearly new, 1 Success manure
spreader nearly new, 1 Uoultard-Scott 12 -hoed
seed drill combined, 1 new Frost 8cWoad snuf-
nubfler, 1 Bell root pulper, 1 set 4 -section diamond.
harrows, 1 Bell's No. 80 cutting box with oar-
Hors, 1 aet 2000 Ib. scales new. 1 bag truck new,
1 Chatham fanning mill nearly new with bag-
ger, 1 Chatham wagon, 1 set of bobsleighs,
bunks and bolsters, 1 new 12 -foot wagon box
with spring meat 1 gutter nearly new, 1 top
buggy, 1 gravel box, 1 wood rack, 1 hay reels,
1 hand pig box, 1 double pig box, 1 heavy set of
team harness nearly new, 1 set of long tug
double plow harness, 1 set chain tug hotness,
1 set single heelless, 1 National cream separa•
tor, e quantity of hey and strew, a quantity of
0. A. O. No 21 seed barley, n qqunntl'y of Gold
Drop seed oats 2 sets of whilhetrees, 2 ltook-
yokes, 40 or 50 grain bags, a number of enp
buckets and Reflect, 1 stoneboat, a quantity of
househnld furniture, Poke, chains and numer-
ous other articles. Sale unreserved ea pro-
prietor has rented his farm Terms -All sums
of $5 and under cash; over that amount 10
months credit will be given on fm•ntehing ap•
Proved joint notes ; 4 per cent off for cask on
credit amounts. Hay, straw end grain cash.
HENRY ATTWOOD, Proprietor.
Scott, Auctioneer. has been inatruceed by
the undersigned to sell by public auotion at
N4 Lot 21, Con. 8. Morris, on Tuesday March
4th ,, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable prop-
erty, viz. 5 cows supposed to be in calf, 2
heifers riming 8 yeara supposed to be in °elf, 4
steers rising 8 rears, 8 steers rising 2 years, 8
heifers riaing 2 yeara, 9 steers rising 1 year, 1
heifer rising t year, 1 fitly rising 6 years, 1
horse colt rising 2 yearn, 1 pen of turkeys, 1
gobbler, 2 dneks and 1 drake. Terms -All
gums of $5 and under cash ; over that amount
10 months credit will be given on furnishing
approved joint notes ; 4 per tient off for each
on credit amounts.
JAS. EVANS, Proprietor.
AUCTION SALE or Pram Bunn HOLeralNe
1Nn EoLsrelN Limnos UA'rcLc-5 grade
cow.. supposed to be in calf, 1 grade heifer
rn.mg 6 years supposed to be in calf, -4 grade
heifers riming 2 yettis supposed to he in calf, I
,trade heifer rising 1 years nos in calf,
0 grade heifer calves, 2 pure bred Rolstent
Palle 11 months old, 2 pure bred Holstein bulls
10 menthe old, 1 pure bred holstein bull call
8 mos, old, All pure heeds registered. Bale at
1 BO m, on 'Tuesday, March 4111, 1018, at Lot
9, Cel. 9, Wallace. Wm. R. Matthews, Prop ,
Louie Gabel, Auctioneer.
TIoN.-The Farmers' Advocate of haat
week says :-James Cowen, of Sea!orth, Ont.,
ror many years one of the leading breeders of
Scotch Shorthorns in Western Ontario, has
sold his farm and is going Went, and on Thurs-
day, March 6th, at the farm '•Fairview;' one
mile from the G.T R. station. et Seaforth, will
hold a dispersion sale of hie entire herd, nmu-
bering 68 head of imported cows, their daugh-
ters and grand•dau hters, and the stock bull,
Royalist, a massive 2350 pound mon of the error
etre, Blood Royal, imported, bred by William
Dnthie, dam alle° Sr pored, A Harr Olara, he
,s a roanfive yeara old, of immense thickness
of fleah, evenly dtstribllted, level in his lines,
and poaeeaaing great character Properly fit•
ted no bull could afford to give him maty
paints and win over him. He ie safe, active
end sure The entire lot is essentially high
class. Not many herds in this province can
show so mutt equality or uniformity. They
are all in 'doe oonditton, and all are right to
very particular, ht fact, Mr. Cowan Las never
had anon -breeder in all the years he has been
breeding, This of itself ie a remarkable testi•
many of the health of the herd, and should
carry htg Weight with anyone wanting breed-
ing Shorthorns, while with this the general
hlgh•elnsa chnraater of the herd will not be a
disappointment to vtei tore to the sale.
Executors' Sale
F ,14 RM
The Executors of the late Robert Rose es-
tate will offer for sale by Public Auction, at
the Hotel in the Village of Ethel, kept by
Thomas sodden, on Monday, the 3rd day
of March, 1013, at the hour of two o'clock In
the. afternoon :-
Form Lot Number twenty-three in the Fifth
aonoeeeion of the Township of Grey, In the
County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and
contents one hund, ed scree. On the property
la a email frame house and bank barn ; bear -
Ing orchard ; is well watered ; and Is within
two miles of the Village of Ethel.
Terme-Ten per cent in cash on day of sale
and balance within thirty days when purchase
will be completed and purchaser let into pos.
passion. For particulars see the undersigned
Executors or the Auctioneer,
F. 8. SCOTT, Executors
Auctioneer. Robert Rose Estate,
which comparatively few are engaged
Winnipeg for many years will continue
to grow faster than the supply of these
products and forms an ideal and easily
accessible market situated in a district
of surpassing richness.
Winnipeg has the distinction of being
the first city in Canada to manufacture
electric stoves, ranges, heaters, etc.
Geo, A. Hughes, president of the
Hughes Electric Heating Co., of Chica-
go, I11.. has been in the city for several
days iu connection with the openingening up
of their Canadian branch here. '1'h'
Hughes Electric Co. are the largest
manufacturers of electric stoves and
ranges in the world and Mr, Hughes
savS that the city of Winnipeg is at pees.
cut the premier city of the continent in
the number of electric -stove installa-
tions. "We have" says Mr, Hughes,
"seven hundred healers now installed in
Winnipeg and our Canadian business
has been growing at such a rate that we
find it absolutely necessary to manufac.
,ore in Canada. We hove chosen Win
nipeg for the reason that I have gree'
Nth in the future of this city as s great
manufacturing centre end it is Dee in-
tention to nlanuftlCture here for the
whole of Canada There is no doubt
that what the enormous quantity of un
developed horsepower that Oen be util
ized in Canada will eventually make the
Dominion one of the greatest consent
ers of electric domestic devices of all
The Hughes Electric Co: has leased
space for the present in the new Brown
Power building and their factory super
intetident has arrived, clearing through
thecurtoms their first carload of factory
equipment to be installed. 'I'he open
ing up of the first factory of this kind in
Winnipeg will, it is hoped, lead to
many others in smaller lines of electric-
al appliances, such as electric irons,
toasters, electric washing machines and
other domestic eppllancoa. About flfte
hands will be employed at tate start in
the new factory until socio time as it is
deemed advisable to purchase end erect.
a se urate faet try fm' 'heir business.
With firm belief that they Were ren -
daring important service to their cltt',
to Canada and the Empire many Kotni-
tient business r,le•t of Winnipeg met in
Wlenteeg last week to hear the second
aunual report of the w'o'k of the Imperi-
al Home Reunion Assoclatitn eta. or
Deacon presided and W. J. 'Outman,
father of the movement in Canada, do i
his address ste'e'l that since organize
tion, tett veers ego, the assoeiation had
brought to Wini ipeg 1591 Wives and
children of Winnipeg 101,1111 ng men at a
Cost of 1557,443, with 1.0 loss to .he
gum ante] s of the fund. The Assocta'
tion u•hs now active in twepty.four
Cain t :111 cities es follows :—Winnipeg, 1
MOuurel, Tur,nto, Vancouver, Edmon-
ton 1' dgary, Hamilton, Brandon. Otis•
Wu, keg' lin, Red Deet, Meese Jew,
Yurktou, St. John, Medicine lint. Hall -
x, Nelson, Galt, Wevutu'n, Dauphin.
Victoria, Fort William, Leithbridge,
London and Peterboro'. !`he total
guarantee fund at ,work in all these
c• ties was 45215,000 and the number of
British wives and ehildreu reunited to
their husbands and fathers in Canada
exceed 5,000. A recommendation to in-
crease the scope of the work of the
Winnipeg association was enthusiastic-
ally endorsed.
Queen's Summer School
A Student Tells the Great Value of It.
J3'or three years (1910-1912) there has
been conducted at Queen's University,
Kingston, a Summer School. The
session ran for six weeks from about
the first of July to the middle of
Last year instruction was given in
English, mathematics, botany, zoo-
logy, leielch, Latin, physics and
chemistry. As malty its necessary of
the professor's of the Winter session
gave their services to this Wolk.
Since the dayses have been small a
geat deal of individual work has been
possible. That the work has been ex-
ceedingly effective is shown by the
fact Within 1912, a number of students
wrote off three pees classes at. the
September examinations, while others
wrote off the intim' blasees in science.
The number i11 attendance, however
while increasing has 1101 been suffici-
ently large to encourage the universi-
ty authorities. Feeling themselves
responsible fu some measure for mak-
ing the existence and the 1110111 of the
institution more widely known, the
class of 1012 on their 01011 initiative
and at their own expense, published a
pamphlet which they are now busy
distributing among those who are pro-
bable recruits for 1918.
The aim is to have not fewer than
100 students in attendance this year.
When we leatn what tine teachers of
the United States ate doing it would
seem that Ontario teachers should
take•advan tttge of the oppnrtmlityfor
higher culture in touch huger num-
bers than they have done. Here are
the statistics of teachers in attendance
at some United States university
Slimmer schools during 1912. (Note
that these are teachers. Many others
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Alexander
McKelvey, late of the Vuiage of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
physician, deceased.
Notlee is hereby given, pursuant to Sea. 05,
Chep. 20, of the Statutes of Ontario, I George
V., that all creditors and others staving claims
ogafist the estate of the said A lexlutder Mo.
Kelvey, who died onoraboutthe 28th day. of
December, A.D 1912, are n cg uired on or before
the 10th day of March, A, )0. 1010 to send by
poet prepaid n4' delit•er In the undersigned Ad
miniotrn IIx ret the twee le, their Christian and
n and to•iptions end a
anima m ent of then soe de
estate nt ttheir accounts n miner irit said
estate and also the nature of the security (if
any) held by them, duly verified by a atntutory
And further take notice that after suelt last
mentioned date the Admluistratrix will pro•
ceed to dtotribute the Resets of the deceased
amongst the parties entitled 'thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which she shall
then have got notice, and thet the maid Admdn-
iotratrix will not be liable for the Raid essete
or any part thereof toany person or persons of
whose claims. notice shell not have been receiv-
ed by her at the time of stlrh distribution.
Dated this 14th day of Fsbrnerv, 11118
04.4 Brussels P. O,
Administratrix of the Estate,
Stock & Poultry Specifics
We will send absolutely flee, for
the asking, postpaid, one of our
large 64 -page books (wit'e in-
sert), the
common diseases of Meek and
poultry. Tells how to feed 871kinds of Irsxoy
and light horses, colts and mares, mil.h cows,
calves and fattening steers, also how to keep
and feed poultry so that they will lay as well
in winter as in summer. It contains 360
recommends from all over Canada, from people
who have used our goods. No fanner should be
without it.
You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month's
lees time by n
our Royal Purple
le Stoos
Specific than you could possibly do without iL
thereby saving a month's feed and 1uLu1, end
the cast W you will not be more than $1,60 for
six pigs or $1017 for one steer. It will peep
your horses in show condition with ordinary
feed. If you have a poor, miserable -look-
ing animal on your plane try it on this one
first and see the marvellous result which will
be obtained. Our Stock Specific toil' inat'eeeo
the milk flow three to Ave lbs. pit cote per
day, while being fed in the stable, A 50e
package will last a cow or horse 70 days.
will make your hens lay just as well in the
winter as 1n the summer, and will keep them
free from disease. These goods are pure and
unadulterated. We do not ase any cheap filler
to make a Large package, entirely different
from any on the market at the present time.
Royal Purple Stook. Specific, 50e pekgs, 1 four
500 pekes., in an ail• light tin, for $1.50.
Royal Purple Pwiltry Specific, 25o and 50e
pclegs„ and $1.50 1',h• -tight 'tins that hold
tour 10tr 1)01105.
Royal Purple Lee 0(lllcr, Ole and 000 tins;
300 by mull,
Royal Purple Dell Cotw 200 and 500 tins; 805
byt unit.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 500 bottle; 600
by mail.
Royal Purply Cough Curr., 805 tin; dOc ley
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 26e and see tins.
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 28e tins: 305 51'
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25e tins; 200 by
Manufactured only by
Theta. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co.
London. Canada
Royal Purple Suppliao and I3oo1(-
, lets may be obtaitt(d froth
At C. Booker A. McDonald &Son
Brussels Oranprook
attended as wall,) At Chicago there
were over 1,500 ; at University of
illiehigan, over 800 ; sl, Harvard, 108
mud at Ouruel1 4137.
While 1118Suuum): School is per-
haps of special interest to those look-
ing forward to a degree 111 eels, its
Imitate afro 1101, CCU till lel to Ellett class,
Tetuateee of Sown tie who graduated
some years ago may 001110 here to Db-
Ltebi the results of recent research
clergyeleu Who seek at wider Iuu)w-
Iroge, iu shun, all who desire a broad-
eruulture will fled in the Summer
School just what they need.
Too 1110011 stress eatlnot be laid upon
the advantage of the Summer School
lb those taking courses ire science.
All the resuuteeS of the well equipped
laborlttories, uuder the guiclttuce of
stilled prufeeeurs, lire open to the au.
dents in these cheeses. Then the Set-
urdil,y oxeursions, tie well as oat ao ul'
111181018 interest as pleasure outings
are most. valuable aids in field work.
11 must not be'fodgutteu that King-
ston has some striking advantages as
the site of a Sumner school. Its posi-
tion not only crakes i1 the centre for
ex0ttraiOu routes through some of the
most beautiful scenery of the contin-
ent, but also ensures for it 11.0 must
desirable features for the Summer
student—cleat' air and a low Suuuner
temperature. The geological forma-
tion and the varied flora and fauna
associated thel'ewith make it of perm -
lieu interest to the student of mineral-
ogy and biology. Nor should its
historic 4s8o0ltttlous be forgotten.
Kingston was the first white man's
Netttetlleltt in Tipper Canada and
Canada's first g(tpltitl, Ttttoea of these
early conditions may still be seen,
Many of these feelums may be taltel
111 buildup tally by Lit strident at the
Summar school without interfering
with his studies,
fit tot nlaiiun in regard to this year's
week may be hued by writing to the
Registrar. If yo111' vett-does 1isil to
lutnty what the: student have dobe
and what they thine of the Summer
school, they anti their atnibitious
fel emle nut ntldVeen 3. P. °a is
( Faculty of Education, Queen's Uni-
versity, Kingston.
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Man.
is a decided Economy and an excellent Investment—
Because it makes other feed more palatable and
digestible. It also puts stock in first-class condition
very quick. Caldwell's Molasses Meal is 84% Pure
Cane Molasses with 16% a special variety of edible
moss possesaing unique digestive action.
Thousands of stockmen and farmers are consistent
users of Molasses Meal because they have proven it
to be the best conditioner on the market. Your feed -
man likely has it. If he hasn't, it would be well
worth your while towrite for prices.
To Our Friends and Neighbors
You know us. You know we would not — that we could not
afford to — go back on our word. Nor can you afford to ignore
this money -back -if -not -satisfied offer on this splendid laxative.
We honestly believe we have the
best bowel remedy ever made—the
most pleasant -to -take, most per-
manently beneficial laxative for relief
from the miseries and dangers arising
from constipation.
We wouldn't say this if we didn't
believe it to be true. We wouldn't
risk, our reputation by making such
statements did we not feel sure you
would find them true.
Our faith is built both on the
knowledge of what Rexall Orderlies
are made of and on observation of
very many severe cases in which they
have proven their merit.
Try them at Our Risk
If they do not abundantly prove
their merit with you also—if you
are not entirely satisfied with them —
we will refund your money — and we
will do that on your mere say-so.
Wo don't ask you to risk a penny.
Isn't that fair?
Just let the bowels fail in properly
doing their work —just let their
action be delayed and incomplete
and the entire system and every
other organ sinters. Wastes that
should have been dispelled remain
to poison the system.
Headaches, biliousness, nervous-
ness andother tormenting and seri-
ous ills are common when the bowels
fail to net daily as nature intended.
All this may bo avoided, if you will
accept our advice.
taste just like candy, They are
soothing and easy in action. They
do not cause griping, nausea, purg-
ing or excessive loosencas, They
tend to tone and strengthen intestinal
nerves and muscles, They promptly
relieve constipation, and help to per-
manently overoome it.
Rexall Orderlies promote better
spirits and better health. In all of
these things they are reedy superior
to old-fashioned, harsh salts and
other purgatives, which are not only
unpleasant to take but wheel usually
leave the bowels in worse condition
than before. We portico' ,rly recom-
mend Rexall Orderlies l e' children,
aged and delicate per:•cr 1.
Rexall Ordnriies verge in vest-
pocket tits. boxes. 12 tablets, 10e;
56 tablets, 25e; 80 tnl.lets, 40s.
CAUTION: Please bear in mead that Rexall Orderlies are cot peel y,, eel drug-
gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rceeil Starve.
You can buy Resell Orderlies 1.1 this community only at cur 4fore;
The� Store
Them ie a Reknit Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. Them is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill-,
°twit especially designed for the particular al for which It is recommended,
The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores
Cured by the New Method Treatment
Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave
through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. If you have any of 1110 fol-
lowing symptoots consult us before it is too tato. Are you nervous and weak, despon-
dent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back,
kidneys irritable, palpitation of rho heart, basinful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine.
nlmploe on the Nue,eyes sunken, hollow checks careworn expression, poor memory,
lifeless, rlistrstatthl ach energy and. strength, tired morulo a, restless Meths, changeable
meads, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, Fihair loose, sore throat, etc.
Our Neu Method Treatment can euro you and make a man of you. Under its influ-
ence the brain tee011tea ncti00, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches cud Moorsdisappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des -
pendency vanish, the eye becomes bright the face full and clear, energy returns to the
body and tho moral, physical and sexual systems aro invigorated; all drain cense-no
more vital waste from the system, Don't lot quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard
earned dollar's. We will euro you or no pay.
READER: No matter who has treated you,write for an honest opinion Free of Cleanse.
Books Frac-"The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated) on Secret Diseases of Men,
Cor. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
Alt letters from Canada must be addressed
NOTICE to our Canadian• f orrespondeiice De art-
went in Windsor, Ont. If you desire tb
see tie personally call at our Medical Institute fu Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Winclaor offices which are fbr Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian husiness, only. Address all letters as follows t
y'Wrdte for our orients address.
Streak RY Lightning
Neatly describes the celerity of
Pttulttul'a third 18xtraetur, hoots
abuts out Ili 815(111 order, ('dames tt11
ptt lel 1811784 110 80411', and given peffrot
stutdsltlOti0u. 2•e11,ember titer(' is 1)1,ly
one "best"— that's Putnam's— lift y
year's in use.
The People's Column
PASTUttE TO RENT. - The Clegg ratan,
being Lot 8, Cel. 0 Morels, Is offered to
rent for pasture. For farther nn'tle)brra
hly Olt the prom Irmo to Klee. JOS. OLEGG,
FA1151 troll SALE. -West Half Lot 2, Cur,
14,Tote nmbleofGrey eotnlaining 50 note,
45;t'leora't, fenced, diminra and all 411 grass 4
neves. hard -weed bosh. No buildings lour
fur her parttoula•o ripply to ,l. LE( RIE,
89.1f Brussels,
SMALL ftu'et for Lode, part Let Il, Con, 11,
Grey IOwttoh,p, on which is it ft aieo
hou.e, banit burn, driving sped, pig pet, olio,
orchard, ,to Good drilled well, 1% mitre
from Graubrealt. Poseeasiuu on Maeh let.
For fartlie• portico In es apply to
It sn r. -Tin haute recently vacated- l,y
John R Kerney; Who nluvetl to tinell.h (knots
as the Regain property, Turnbet "y street. le
Offered for Hale or if not sold will be rent, d.
There is 11 com[ortt btu house, good eta ble end
l5 acres of hand with a double entre Hoe. Irma
garden, Seo. For further pn,'tienitre nppl8 to
W. R Kerr, of Tun Posr,who bolds the key,
It in ehotee spot to live in and will be sold
very reaaoiteblry, 27.11
CAR51 MOR SALE. -Tho undersigned ORM a
IF his ane form consisting of about 10550105
,uljoining the town of Oen tun, for sale. Ulm
farm Is 411 a good ante of eultIva! ion, and has
good buildings. brick (louse, bank barn, driv-
Mng house, pig dell, rte., ell ampere; ivety new.
A first -ekes young crafted containing all
kinds) of fruits and also mnall fruits. The
farm is well fenced and drained and la n very
dateable home. For further partictlora apply
on 1 he premises or mid resit
0842 JOHN'TOIRRANCE. Clinton.
FOR SALE Olt TO LET.—A good comfort.
able dwelling and two lots 111 Brussels.
Terms easy, Apply to F S Soee m, Auction-
ucti -
eer, Bt•useelt',or• to B. S. Cook, Fordwich, 9.805
1 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale, 14 miles
North of Sea forth. Good clay loans,
all cleared and under cultivation, dank barn,
Lemont lloorm, Mega frame hoose, newly ppaint•
ed' good wane at barn and hound : balldinge
nnr1 fences in excellent repair, A n .ideal bene
(.heap. Apply (AlliedSUSIE GOVIENI.00K,
Senfortb, Ont.
FARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 26,
Con. 4, Morrie toWnmhtp, Huron Co., con-
taining 100 acres more or less. Onthe prem-
ises Is a frame house, hank barn good orchard,
well windmill, lo. All cleared exeept about
en acre School 14 miles distant. Only 2'
tulles front Brussels. Il nerds of ball wheat In
RIO abnnt 50 nares needed down. For price,
terms end other haaortnation apply on the
nremiaes or 1f writing Brussels P. 0. Phone
1211. Or F. S. Scott, 13,'rlaaela.
11.11 A. 1,.1(10115. Proprietor.
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Seven Scotch Short Born Bulls 0 to 00 months
old, retie and mans ; big smooth end atytieh ;
choicest breeding -Campbell Rose Buds, Mnrr
Senates end tlnntoltell Beesiee. None better
for faille and beef. Will he mold at any reason.
able offer an' on easy terns.
Thousands of ambitions young people
are being inetrnoted in their homes by
our Route Stedy Dept. Von may llnteh
x desire. who'l-
1 n -
t 0300 el you t et( a. Pay f l u
over you wish. Thirty Years' Expat••
ieuce. Lergont trainers in Canada.
Enter any dayPositions guaranteed.
I[ you wish to Bare board and learn
while you earn, writs for pa•tioulnre.
Jin ham e Business College
GEO. BPOTTON, President
Use your snare time and become a goad
Bookkeeper, or a Stonngrepher, or
learn to Draw and Design, or take n
Cones*, Sit• W d it .
n n t h rr.l m
r , G 1 1 toiletry
rind gnull Yy tn•ent•n x go d salary Wo
nen give you 3etot rho right Conroe.
Write its for Ontntogue W, H, SHAW,
President, Shaw's Schools, Toronto,
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
paretl tly hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how `long ruptured,
Vt'hy wait until your rup-
ture becomes
up-turebeconies strangulated
when you can be cured.?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Age Tiate Rep -
Single or Double -
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Addt ese ,...,,
and return to
eat Catodonia et.
Dept. A Stratfoe 1,t.' One.