HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-2-27, Page 1Jjt
VOL. 41 .VO, 35
New Advertisements
Lomita -1,0 llieliards
1, teals —0 A. Leuttionta
To rein -Mrs Wm, 114.
146080 for enle-Tinie
Semitic*. rale- 1, 0 tile eras.
Dog etreyPli-Cliee. Wheeler.
Boll for service -0. B. Knight
Will give 'Tee. W, Eida.
Mooning MIII-Jobn Pitler ,m
Auction Hale-WHItor 1, Breckenridge.
Spring term -Listowol Business Oollege.
istrizt ieb
BREAD MAKINef.-Miss.lessi McPhee,
honor graduate of Household Selena%
McDonald lestitute, Guelph and ex-
pert deltninsteator, will demonstrate
bread and pastry. mak ing to the.• holies
of Molesworth,0 Crane 111111, on
Friday, Feb. 28th, ehowing how easy
itis to make the nicest and lighest
bread in 4 hoore, also showing easy
methods of pastry making Miss
McPhee acmes here higltly recom-
mended from all poets Of 011.118(1/4 /Ma
is a pleasing demonsteator of the
highest order. Every lady in the
town and surrounding country should
take advantage of this demonstration
and hear some of the latest and most
approved methods of ortokevy. Meet-
ing to open at, 2 30 p. tn. sharp under
the mistimed of the Women's Institute.
Members and non-metnbers heartily
Auction sale at Mrs. Knox's Wed-
nesday, March 12th. P11.1.111 in 011 Bed
John McCall, of Lucktinw, was
visiting relatives and friends in 1 his
tonality clueing the past sted'.
Elijah Pease has leased a rai in no
the 7th line and will move to it in the
betty foture. He is living oit the 8th
"Going on to petlectiou" was Rev.
George Jewitt,'s theme last, Sabbath
afternoon in the Jackson church.
Commtmion was observed at the
close of the sermon.
Owing to the removal of Miss Maud
Jackson her place as organist in the
Jackson church has beet) given to
Miss jetinie Bell. The halm has been
organist in the Sabbath sclosol.
D. and Mrs. Badgley wish to express
their best thanks to the many friends
and neighbors who WPM so kind in
helping them move to their new home
at .fitmestown. Their ki witless will
itot soon be forgotten. Youes Tioly
Tuesday of [text week auction sale
of fmen stock, &c will be held on the
farms of Jaselee 1111,8,118. 7th line, and
Friday afternoon of the mine week a
clearing sale will be conducted at
Wolter L. Seecketnidge's, lsb line.
V. S. Scott has both sates.
A note from R. D. Curry, of Bat
- way to Giulia wheve intermeot wait
River, Ont„ formeely of Morris town
ship, says 1—We had 11 very 11111(1
Wetter until February hit but since
then It has beet) veep (mid the thee-
montetet cl yapping as low ae 86 degyeee
below zele.
The young people's class itt the
Jackson church Sabbath. School were
royally entintained 0110 evening 18.8t
Week at the home of Ray 0)2(1Mes.
Fear, ic. ear, the !attbeing the t ettcher.
Evening was spent with musics games
social chat 81111 1111(01) /11111 the 1/10111-
11ers were. very grateful to the host
and hostess foe givinm g thesuch a
good time.
Nast IV swam's)) township Council
will meet here on Monday, March
Rev. A. H. Jones, of Belmont, form--;
el y of Bello av e M et it odis eh nigh,
has received an invitation to Steal
for the next pastoral term which
he has accepted subject I o action of
the Stationing Committee next Jo
Wren, I
. the sad procession made lie
made. Ale. Done attended the Met ho•
diet elitteeh 11048 /4 CIPIIHPIINtLive in
pollticS and won and retained the
esteem of malty 1))' his manly 011(1
thoghborly etnitinet, 1110 littler and
a brother live at Gm Pie. Another
brother is in 8851(810110watt and hie
sisters are Mts. Polloek, of Pine
Itiver and Ai(s. I). L. Si raeltest, (if
Hanover. 3118, Dane and fondly will'
be accorded OM sincere sympotby of
the community in their sudden
Next Monday the Township 001theil
will ((11.01 211 the Hall here,
This week Rev. Me. W1.011 conduct-
ed the funeral of Mrs. Owen Smith,
of Guelph. 'met 'Monday at Bruesels,
and Tuesday afternoon went to Gorrie
With the funeral of the late Vance
The farm ef the late Robert Rrtee
will be olfered for sale at the Ethel
Hotel on Monday afternoon next at
9 o'clock. F. S. Scott, will he the
auctioneer. Thos. Vodtlen and J1111.
W. Rose are the executors.
'(1 onicty afternoon a largely attended
meeting of 11121)01 1111(1 Oraninook Pres-
byterian elinech membeve 3008 held
in the (dowel( here, Itev. Mr. Bell,
tioleswoi th, 1111011(11 Moderator, pre-
siding. A motile] was carried to
vote for a new lutetoe and out of the
list of names presented Rev. Mr. Me-
Oullough, of Chatsworth received 21
good majority and he was (100101(0
the choice. It is expected that he
will accept. as he is without a ebarge
at present, tuid his induction will
likely take pities. in the near future.
Presbytery will meet next 'Tuesday
when the call will be dealt with.
J. V. Dalin PASSED AWAY.— We
regret to be (•alled upon to report the
demise of .Tolin Vance Dane, who
lived about a mile West of Ethel.
The call came last Saturday after it
brief illness of appenclioitis followed
by peeitottitis and despite the hest
effuets of physicians and loving
Friends nothing could he done to stay
the hand- of death. Mr. Dane was 46
years, 10 menths and 21 clays old and
ie survived by his wife and four
eltildien. The funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon and after a snit
able service conducted by Rev. Mr.
• • * • *** ******* • tes•••••••• e•••••••••••••••••••••0***
I Great
• Sacrifice
11/. and lIdis. Jackeoo and baby
were visiting al lirussels on Tueerloy.
1 BPOWII, JO, B0411(011 and 8. Chet -
law were itt Toes miss dining the past
Mrs. George Jar ksoti, 11 tViwe 11111,
liask , is 'veto% Mg red friendships in
Blyth and Welk' 1 locality.
A. ticKellee imeehased t lie
hot 8 • end lot 1 eIoiii 1 g 1 he late bliss
CB0 wan. Queen stseet, North.
Mrs, Happy Jitcicsoe, who is ill at
the home 01 1)1.1 fai her Alex. Patter -
5011, It' ist Witwannsh continues very
13arley will he the mem chosen for
the Standing Field them comnetithm
111 commetion with the Agelettllui
Society here.
Next Tnesday -will be the date of
the Alum hly Home Pair and the last
nue for the season will take place on
Tit (0111 y, April lit.
Last, Sabbath eveoing 1tev. Ale,
.11W t, preaelied 0 fain ing 8111 111011 011
"The 1 rovellee's reputes" A. male
thole put on 0 good program. •
Win. Sieition was called (0 Lista-
wel to see hie mother who is ill.
We are sorey to lose J. (1 rushy and
family who have moved to Morels.
Gen. and Mrs, Usierson. of Listo-
well, were visitors at W. Evens' this
011(08. Mettler has taken a position
it Hamilton with an Electric Ootn.
pasty. We wish him snceess.
Donald and Mrs. Campbell are
moving to Oranbrook from the faint,
leth con. We bid them welcome.
W(' are pleased to report that .1 acob
Lntig, wile is suffering from an attack
or pneumonia, is slightly iinproving.
Lail Smirlity afternoon, F. Raddatz
took the so. vice in the Methodist
elineeh. owing 10 1110 illness of Rev.
Dr. Oaten.
A specie) meeting 1)1 1.1(0 ratepayers
1(1 3. S. NO. 7, Oratthrnolc, is called
for Satin day, Mandl 1st,. Full at,
iendance is requested as impottant
linsinese will be discusser].
Quite o iminbei or Knox church
people ((('(0 at Eihei last Moighty
aftertmon 'Attending a union con-
gregatIonal meeting in connection
with the cell to a now pastor. Rev,
Mr. eleCullough, of 01102 stint til, WIER
the choice. If he accepts an early
settlement is expected.
Turnbeery Council will meet next
Meares. Paul & .Tewi I 1 shipped a car
• of stock rin Wednesday of this week.
This week \Vim Al (*Michael and
['amity are movints to 1311)evele from
the Feeeited' faun at fit l(23'(( 10(011.
remand will 111010 hike chargt
lit (entree of the 011010 1(11(1 ling 1.ni
or the farm, Alts McMichael will b
Blnevele 1001(11 y.
Tli e 1(03e1111 Board of 31e1 pow ne hoe
extended an iiivItat inn to Rev. Gem go
Baker In return for ilia 3111 year,
Whicli was ' areeM erl subject to the
action of the Stationing Oonettittee
A lettee Iron) pets Aft. Bl( 1101, who
was fosinerly 1130 1', says :—tVe are ett
joy ing our term on this 'Ciecnit and
we. find the people very kiwi. A new
Somme]. 101 hen hits lieeti built to the
Pitestinage and paid for by the Ltulies'
Aid who (deo !Mused a new steel range
le the kitchen Inn Fall en that 301 0(0
very controvtable. The b
League put a telephone in I he p1000.
((go. 13800111ellt ni' the ohnich has
been remodelled and lie 30111 'lo interi-
or of church renevnled. 'THE POST
18 always a weleome visitor to our
Mune and is as good as a letter every
LIBEL Surr.—An into] eating 111101
snit was tried at the meeting of the
Liteeney, Snobs! end Debating Society
int Feb. I9111, 3011e11 141I8S Pal 1611124'
Pin ty foot sited "The 131mvale Literary
Digest" for 310,0110 damages for
libelous statemetits about hey conking
injuelous to her eltastees of 1001(1
111011)', The courtroom was densely
crowded and the Judge bad to warn
the people that they woke present o11.
the sufferance of the °inlet and should
'Let His Lordship,
W. King) looked striking in the full
robes of naive ond lie severely eepri-
mended the leaseted Counsel, A, L.
Posliff K. G, and lbobb, Blaok, K. a,
for tometteing in Collet without their
gowns but excused them for ottce 011
the grimed of poverty, Pour wit-
nestes were celled on eiteh side. One
witness talked 111 German and had to
be dismissed as the Sense had not
supplied an interpreter. A. not» was
given ten drays for eon tempt of Court.
A. L. Posillf. for plaintiff peceineed
two exhibits (a) apple pie covered
with whipped ceeatn (b) plate of'
biscuits which were swim)) to be the
work of the plaintiff. Mrs, H. A. Me-
t -Ian and Miss Mavy Collie were ealled
to give expert testhnony regarding
these domestic nutrients and pro-
nounced them excellent. No defence
also penduced pie and biscuits of a
very sitbstatiliftl chatetctee atel called
on Stuart IttelsTatiglitnit as all extant
hot, he throed pale and refused to
act mid tide WAS 0011Sid30'0d 811f- (
fleiently (1,, 1110411(g. speetatme 3,
found it verY halel at tittles to re,
811111(1 th ('iv feelings and Court Crier, b
nomad Stew(t1)1 'and Constable'
• Shoes i
Rubbers, 84c
• .
• .
• A Few Prices to let you know what we are doing : :
• Gents' Shoes regular $5 oo reduced to $4 00 e
I Gents' Shoes ,,
4 oo " 3 00 :
: Ladies' Shoes " 4 00 3 00 t
o . " 3 00 • „
2 00 0
• Ladies' Shoes
• 2 25 {I 1 90 :
: Girls' Shoes•
• 2 00 1 60 •
Boys' Shoes 2 00 ' 44 1 60 :
4 Boys' Shoes . ,, i 59 ,,
1 00 !
• Gent's' Heavy' Felt Shoes 2 50 " 2 00
• Gents' 1 I (4
• 2 25 f I
1 85 :
:- Gents' Hockey Boots, reg. 3 oo 2 25 s
• ,-, . •
• Lrents "• O
2 50 2 00 °
* •
• •
• :
* All must be dosed out in twelve weeks and we have
: marked the goods to do it. , •
• •
• to
: -celikiapp.....All kteC01.111t5 must be settled at once.„.......00, •
i •••••••••••••
. •
• . •
Lc. R.. h rds
Now Qoing on
••••••••••••••••••••••• 64 ‘, .6••••••••••••••••••••••••
W. R. KERR, Proputor
Critike Oleg -horn, had verY 11111 (1 wiwk
to keep them lu (heck. 'The Votmsel
made veey learned and elequent
dresses to the jury while the Judge's
theme was a model of impaytiality
eel al t 1. P111' jury, through
thely fol etuan, J(/8. SION 11, delivered
00111101 or "Guilty with remelt-
menclation to mercy" and t he judge
seitteneed the "Literary Digest" to
be suspended roy one week, mid to
p11111 11 run apology in its next issue,
sash side to pay its own wets, The
musket putt of the program was
fnenished by the orchestra fern,
Glettatinan, which played vevy
spirited mud(' they were accompanied
by Miss Belle Powell. Miss Benie
Aitken saint several very pleasing
songs. Next Wednesday night there
will be aenthet good peogram with a
variety of interesting features.
Atte, Joint Speleati is holidaying in
Listowel for a couple weeke.
Me. Fraser, of Brassele, wan a guest
at the home of James 'I'llonisotes last.
Mrs. Thornton, of MaKillop, who
has been visiting her son, !Stettin, of
this village, has returned borne.
Mr. TItomas,.who has been spending
the Winter here with his brothers re -
homed home last week to the West.
E. T. Beata, the real estate agent,
Moose Jaw, who has been visiting the
home of his parente, started for
Moose Jaw lest Saturday.
Churchill Baystiitheinier has vented
his farm to Gen. Keel! for a term of
years and intends vi»g to the
West in Mat eh. We wish itly, and
Alta. 13rtivtinheirner success.
. Mrs, Robert Beckett, who has been
—managing J. :fitekson's general store
1015 We are sorry to lose
Sirs Dorkett from one burg as the
brisinese largely incveased motet. her
1101.118,140111011t. We do not, 1(notv who
Mr. Jackson will engage to fill 11e1
place as yet.
Missee Katie Scott, and Gwen Snell
are ill Toerettri attending the millinery
Mrs. L. Jacklin and Mrs. Frank
Weight visited Mia. Benson Wheeler
last week.
A. D. Grant, Of Brussels, will take
the service (n Victoria Hall next Sun-
day evening.
Miss 'Bessie Miller has not been en
jnyires as gond health as tisnal but, we
hope She will soon be 0. k.
Miss Filmore, who has been a wel-
come visitor at the home of Riches cl
Miller, returned to Toronto this week.
A goodly number Flom here attend-
ed the Fax Concert last Thursday
evening at Brussels and say it was
Rev. Mr. Russell preached a fare-
well set mon here last Sunday evenieg.
..tie intends leaving for Medicl»e 'Hat
next week,
Watson Jewett, wife and family
leave for Shelllirook, Sask., Thursday
of this week. We wish them success
in their new home.
We are sorry to report that the
health nf Miss Ada Gallagher lute not
-been very gond of late. Miss Gallagh-
er is at, present visiting her sistets
Mrs. A. 13ryans. We wish her speedy
The station sale of .Alex. Tit yans
was largely attended 00 Wednesday.
My. 131 yans and fluffily will. move to
Brussels next week. Many old friends
while sorry to see them leave wish
them the best of everything.
Miss McMillan, of Hamilton, is
visiting her 0011810, Thos. &ruction,
Jameetown. Miss McMillan is a
nousin of .Tatnes Ross, of Montreal, at
whose home -the Duke and Diteltese
and* Princess Patrice, of Connaught
have been spending the last couple of
The Womee's Institute held their
regular monthly meeting in Victoria
Hall last Thursday afternoon, Feb.
20th. Attend/wee was lint so large as
nsual owing to the bad 1011(15 but the
meeting proved to be very interesting.
Miss Eleie Strachan's paper re' "Faint
lite and its success" was ii101.1111ghly
enjoyed, Next meeting to be held on
Thureday. Mare]) 27(11.
Soness TO SEE Tame 130.—A pleas-
ant evening wail spent (et Friday
of last week at (1)1 benne 01 Silas and
Mrs, Johnstnn, 1st line Mnrrie, when
their neighbors and friends to the
number or 100 gathered to spend a
few 110111n with them prim* to' theb
depot Lure to their 110W 1101110 in Gtey
township. A (1I0(1 perigees -is WAS 41(11'-
1 'led Oat consieting of 1 ecitatione,
801(15, dut•te, and stunt addresses by
1 Ile majority of t heir neighlews,
testifying to MP. and Mrs. lithnston's
esind qualities as neighlinre and
feietels. This department was
bi ought tn a close by peesenting the
host end hostess with a handsome
combination Seceetasy end Bonk OrISO
arid a carpet SWeepe/. 101 which Mis
.Johnston heartily thanked them end
invited nil to visit them et their nevi
home. Following is the address :—
DRAB FRIENDS.—We, ynor neighbors
and felettcle, have gathered in your
home this evening to express in a
emelt mettemes our high 681t0 01 toy
goo. It was with deep regset we
learned that you were about to leave
0510 neighboehood. Knowing yon
both as we have femn your childhood
(hays until the peesents the tie of
friendship hes been etrengthened
with posing yeaes, As a, neighbor
we have ((1(0(138 1000(1 you both very
kind tun] sympathetic and alwaye
ready to lend a helpittg hand. 'Yo31
will not (»sly be misaed as a neighboe
but in 1 he lasget elecles you hove
tilled in the chntedi AR it 111111111 1.0k (97
1 (1(0 11101 (14( 1.010 111 Wiliob We hold I
on and es MT eXpreeefoit of cute 1001,c
ert (00131(1 (11,12 Yoe to (111.1)112 (hie Pont- g
illation Secretary and Bookcase and
, pe.t tat you 1
• diligence. As a small token of our
love and appreciation of the splendid
Work you have done here please ac-
cept. this umbrella. Our very beet
mattes told fevveut prayers at-
tend you and yours to your new 1100(0.
Signed on behalf of the 01101)112.RIM. R. 8, LACKLANO,
J01111 Gemini!! presented the geld
mounted umbrella, Rev. Me, 331188011replied in suitable terms, and said
that De, John A. Williams once said
to him "Russell yeti will never be
anything else but a boy." That, he
thought was the greatest. compliment
that Wad ever paid to hirn and that 110
intended to keep 70011(0, was the
16(2801)he was. going to a young 111140'8
country. After sinng gi"God be with
you till we meet again" light afresh -
Pleas were served and people said
Good bye to our dear Brother Russell.
The following were awarded prizes
at, the Carnival held here last Friday
night :--Best (110680(1 111(131, let Mrs.
Mather, 211(1 Miss Ethel Stott ; best
(teener] gitl, 1st Miss Mary Gibson,
2nd Miss Agnes McKercher ; best
dressed boy, lat Donald Munro, 211(1
Harry Allen ; best, dressed eouple,
Miss Cassie bleDougall and Robot t
Savage. The races were won as fol-
lows :—Men's race, G. F. Messer and
Robt. McKercher ; girl's race, Lizzie
Sanderson and Sadie White ; boy's
race, Laurie Van Velsor and Gent go
Sproal ; Barrel race, Robt. McKercher
and GI aliam Ballantyne.
I Chopping f
• Mill•
will Close
• lt. Obopeing Mill itt the se
o Electric Light, Mem will•
• • Mose indefinitely Oil Sattir. ;
• dey, March 8th. •
4 •
Flour •
• •
. n„v„ quantity or choice •
* Flour which will be 31)1(1 at t
Reduced 'Prices. *
Fertilizer *
• A, car or National Festilizer •
• to hand which we offer at •
• 0013'!', Sold 111 quantities to
• 8111(2puteditteers. It is A 1 •
e • stock. Mrs Tonne cosh. •
: • John Patterson, :
• •
• Manager
• •
• .All persons owing accounts are •
• asked to kindly settle before
• March 10th. •
• •
will live long to enjoy your 00W
hoint•. It is with deep regret we say
Good-bye and we eau assure you that
you will not soon be forgotten. We
1(1 11)1(1 when partings are over in
this life we shall all meet to Dart no
more forever (be Land that is fail,
et- than day. 8igited on behalf of
your neighboen and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston's new location
is on the 16111 con. of Grey, where
they will be comfortably situated.
We commend then] to the friendship
of the good people of Grey.
L. Wilson, of Fordwich, was in
the village Monday,
W. S. AleKercher made a business
trip to Toronto this week.
Outman Cameron, of Bitek'st Falls,
visited his sister, Mrs. F. Davey, last
Jett. and Mrs. Ballantyne spent
Stinday with the latter's mother at
., visited at her home here over
Loin Rutherford, of Grand
Robt. Ales, Black entertained a
number of Mends on Monday even-
in°. Douglas attended the hard
wave inen's Convention held in Hamil-
ton 17(81 301.011,
Editor Spotton, of the \Vingham
Advance, called on friends in the
village on 'Tuesday,
James Ballantytte was in Drayton
on Tuesday where he had taken R. F.
Aitchison's household effects.
Feed. and Mrs. Kitchen moved into
their tesidence this week which was
lately vacated by Harry Brawn.
Alex. 0(1(1 Mrs. MeKereher, of
licovick, entertained a large number
of friends last Wednesday evening.
The many friends 9f John R. Miller,
1,1 ilinerisbank, will regret, to learn of
his illness and hope for a speedy re-
. nd Ales, McLaughlin return-
ed to Winnipeg this week having
spent two 1n1111111$ \ Vial the latter'smother, mother, Ails. Jas. Ritchie.
Obieence White, who has been em-
ployed at Listowel for some time, is
spending 0 few days at, his home here
before leaving fot Toronto.
James Ihteris 0110 family left on
Alonday for their home in Asquith,
1S'aslc., 'ey spending: two months,
with relatives ill this vicinity.
Rev. A. L. Russell was made the
recipient of gold headed umbrella
11)' Mends al Salem Methodist church
011 Monday evening. Me. Ruseell
leaves next week for the 'West.
3101itlay evening, Feb. 241,1), quite it
hogs( (nun bet omm
f ebera
s ed friends
of the 311) 11(1(118(2 chtireb, met in. the
S alem 011(1021) to bid Good bye to the
Itev. A. L. Ruseell, M. A. W110 18
118(0111g Wroxeter for the Not:th West.
Speeial singing. 300,8 rendered by a
sts ring ctiote 111 Which the three
churches were represented. Rev. R.
S. Laokland occupied the (hair,
Speeches were given by rept eseeta-
lives flow each appointmettt. Thm
Bolts Salem, spoke of the sterling
worth of' Ale. Rueeell as minister of
the circuit ; 11/. 0. Hazlewood of
\)/( 11)1151(1', dwelt on hisue valon the
Quarteely Board and (18 wordier of
the Bible Class and his leaving would
lento, f( gap that would be hard to fill.
W. 11. Lowry, or Belmore; said that
111' 1111.(1 100e21 N)l'. Russell ever 511100he mine t he civet:it. as pastor
years ago and the more be knew 111(11
(1e bet ter he liked hint and WAS 0101.1'y
101 11'00 going away, After singing
"Bleat be the 110 that 111411114" Wesley
Tremble read the following address :—
Rim. A, L. Rusentr., A. 8. D.—
1Ve, the members and friends of
Wroxeles eiecult, Methodist elterch,
loam with deep regeet that you all'
50 50011 to lieve 119. During the 6
years you have been 111 one midst
you have ever sought to teach 11%
both by precept and 0)11011)1)1,, What
11, gloveme life: thr• life (if a Christian
is. Your gents! pveseece, ititany ollt,
spiApn 0(10100, eves reedy help
1110 (141)10 every depertmeet of our
18111 011 great good. Nor will We for-
k% yotie deep intet est in our epirittuti
well being and your opt imietn and
tope, theee Will inspire tie LI rivet%
I . •
.. I
Fi ed. Oox is visiting relatives
Rinh, Robinson and Miss E. Buttery
spent Sunday in Mornitigton.
Will. Speivan and Lewis 'Whitfield
visited in Elma ott Sunday lust.
Township Council will meet 'at
Ethel on Monday next, March 8rd.
•Mrs. John Steiss and daughter
speut, a few days in Fordwich last
Weler.s. McCalIntn, of Iiullett, was re-
ntieZInvgeerkil,d friendships in this locality
Jne .Arnistrong, 101.18 con., is at-
tending Business College at Winghtun
and getting along o. k.
Miss Eva Rathwell, of Grey, spent
the week end with her friend bliss
Mabel Richterind, of Elute.
Two of the 12th line boys took a
rather long pleasure drive Wednesday
night returning home in the wee suns'
Next week Robert Davidson, and
family 120 com, expect to leave for
the West, Many old friends here
wish them prosperity.
Misses Mabel and Alice Richmond.
of Elute, entertained a number of
friends on Friday evening. All re-
port an enjoyable time.
The Ladies' Aid cif T_Tnion church
held their monthly meeting on
Wednesday last, much important
business being transacted.
Few elderly men stand the passing
years as well as Thomas Whitfield,
12th con. He is the real old stock
and we hope will continue here for
some years yet.
The farm of Jno. Lowe, Oth con.,
has been leased to Jas. Cardiff. 7111
con. Mr. Lowe and family will take
a trip to the West. A. cae of horses
will be loaded for Yoskton by Mr.
Sam. Campbell, of Gaylord, Mich.,
and Miss Minnie Walker, of Monis
were visitors at Rev. George Jewitt's
Blyth, one day last week. There is
nothing like young folk getting ao-
gnainted with the preacher.
Dont forget H. Attwood's auction
ale Friday afternoon of this week.
His lot is No. 20, Con, 15, Grey. Mrs.
Attwond and son will go to Toronto
hile 31t. Al wood is in the West.
Inez() Heath has leased the ram.
100 Qom residents are sorry to see
no. Graeby and family teettove but
vish them gond luck in Mote is 10W11.
hip. The farm thus vacated will
kely be taken (theme of by Lloyd
otter. 'Wonder who will keep house
or him if he (Imes.?
Charles Love will leave foe the
est next Week. Re and Jno. Petah
f Brussels, will he associated ie a
ar of stook, settler's effects, etc. Mr,
ova will go to his farm and Mr.
etch will locate in Edmonton. We
ish both the best of success.
WELL Dorin.—Miss Minnie Barron
is passed her 27)(1 grade plan') exam,
onimectton with the London Con-
rvatoey. Although only 12 years
age Mies Minnie is hitting it oft in
od style. Mrs. Thee, McFazeati, of
etssels, is her inetructor and these -
re comee in for a share of the honor.
Harold I3ennett, who has been ent-
oyed by O. 11. Kitights 10th con.,
r the past 10 months, expects to re -
r11 to Manchester, Englattd, owing
the demise of his father, but will
ely come back to Canada as he is
ell pleased with his experience in
e Land of the Maple.
What might have been a serious
cident happened to Duncan and
et. McKay, 16th con., on Sunday
t. When leaving for ehmeth the
este shied ttt snowbatik and turn -
g arontul 'inset the ()utter but
:itouzitneliyurv,they escaped without
A. pine bred TIolsteitt-- Friesian
11 has been purchased by O. IL
tight, Lot; 18, Onn. 10, hearing the
me of Alfred Ykenta. The animal
s bred by the welt known 1)1 4'I1
chard Clark, of Elmo, Mr. Knight
o be commended for his enterprise,
•ticularly /48 dairying hes eo strong
old on the farming entinuneity.
HOD AT GtomPti.--- Last Friday
s. Oven Smith formerly of the 4 tit
1,, died Mid het• remains wove
oght, to 13rnesels Priv lett Hest,
nday, the feherel, taking pittee Hint
ernoon from the home of Pett
wart, Rev, D. Wren, . of Ethel,
(Meting the service. Ilreeneed
s (Wielder of Benne :deltas. ((11,1
trevived by 5 daughters vie e,
iltsides and Mrs. Gould, 'Guelph ;
t h
Mrs. Gitetz, Brantford ; Mrs. Robt.
Lowe, late of Bruiseels and Mem
Mary at home. Mrs. Smith Ited 1 0 -
tinted at Guelph for the past 5 years.
She Was a line woman awl enjoyed
the frietulabip of a wide allele of
imule. Mr. Smith died some years
ago. The 074080 of Mrs. Smith's death
was a 1st owth of the tumor or (lancer
type, 'The bereaved share in the
eympailly of neighbote and friends,
DEAIt Mn, KERR —Just a line to in-
forin you that I have not folgettett
that, I promised to est he you 14 letter
00 conditions in California and reeent
trips through the Eastern and South -
1)11 States. Air stated once before,
301. 11)5 living across the bay in Oak-
land, a beautiful 111 1115 city of homes,
alinoet an the side of the mountains,
lean Francisco is a great commercial
city and surrounded on three sides
by water. It is rather cold and windy
111081 of the time. After the strenuous
day it( the city and travel by boat
and train morning and night it Is very
easy to find an excuse for not, writing
W1/011 get home. This month has
been more like May than February.
Everything is beautiful. Cherry trees
are 811 1)) blossom, willows are budded
out and in flower and grass is at ite
best. We have a little garden and I
try to help 111y wife plant some
vegetables und she tells me that the
neighbors have their potatoes all
planted. Just as noon as I get, through
with the Spring crop I non try and
write you that letter. Our farm is
about, forty feet square. Vile receive
THE POST every week and it keeps 138
posted with all the news. Great
preparations are being made for the
mining Panama Pacific International
Exposition in 1915. San Francisco
still bear e the Sear cif the earthquake
but as much building is being done
there will be very little of the ruius
left by the time of the Fair. With
best wishes, I remain, Yours Truly
An epidemic of heart trouble has
broken out: on the 16111 con. of Grey.
Speedy remedies may be applied.
Jim Machin) is improving. His
many friends will be glad to see him
comealeseent in the near future. he
is a son of Andrew and Mrs. Meehan.
Marshall and -.Mrs. Harrison enter -
tallied a few young. people at their
home Thursday evening of last week
11, honor of bliss Jessie Elliott, of
Synssels. All reported an enjoyable
Scnoor.,REPORT.—Following is the
veport for S. S. No. 9 Grey :— En-
trance Aleut., Oomp. Geog., Lit.,
Spell., Arith. Total d00. Harriette
AlcQuarvie 423, Lottie McKay 885,
Stewart AlacQuarrie 849. Jr, IV.—
Total 600 Johnnie McKay 454,
Arnold McKay 368, Jim Meehan 540,
Viola Schlock 823. Sr. III.—Total
600 Howard Meehan 44& Ina Me -
Kay 895, Ora, McKay 306, Mary StOlth
158, Pearl Cummings 75, Flossie
Statham 75, Sr. IL—Total 500 Eddie
Meehan 495, Archie Mann 366, Willie
Meehan 264. Jr. IL—Total 600 Marie
Livingstone 400, Katie Howard 397,
Gordon Meehan 870, Helen Mccluateie
299, Sr. L—Alarks given in % Loraine
McKay 90, Mary Meehan 85. Jr. I.—
Elvie McKay 86, Laura Melville 80,
Flora Mann 78, Berva Speirati 60,
Will. Mantle 21. Part II—Betty Mart-
tle 65, Forest McKay 64, Earl Meehan
62, George Brown 64, Elijah Mantle
59, Allan Smith 0. Many have wigged
examinations on account of inclement
Weather. E. Evaiss, Teacher.
Huron County.
Hetsall may follow the example of
other euterpt ising places and organize
a board of trade.
Mrs. (DLO Sellery of Ilensall nearly
succumbed, 1110 result of bursting
a blood vessel internally,
Sugar beets shipped at, Exeter
station this yam- totalled 55 cars.
Ailment paid to farmers was $65.000.
Three members a the Pybus family
on Thames Road have died recently,
of pneumonia, two brothers and one
sister. Hy. Ohiselhurst, is a brother.
Jack Bonthron, Hensel', who holds
a good position as conductor on one of
the big railways out West, is home
visiting his parents, Be resides JO
NY0°11sen-311"evy. sr., of Zurich, had the
misfortune to break 11/8 6110 as a re-
sult of his teatti running away, while
hauling hay out of John Fostee's
john formerly of Hibbert,
has purchased the interest of Joho
Fletcher in the limn of M. W. Monte
& 00„ cigar menufaoturers, 3(21121.
Tbe new school building .of Zurich
30(28 opened with appropriate cere-
monies. Speeches were made by le.
Hess So. Inspector Tom, O. Hartleib,
Rev. Mr. Brown and J. J, Merrier
Word was received from the West,
that Louis Vilalper jr., who left with
his peewits some -months ago to re-
side in Saskatoon, but had since gone
on a, homeetead seveted front
that city, had died from the effeets of
exposuse and cold.
Stanley Council has appointed De.
Rodgers Medical' Officer of health at
a salary of $65 and expenses. This
inelndes a trip to Toronto to attend
the meeting of the Provincial Board,
8 Frank Gitent, of the London road
bad asdose call from being killed at
the G. T. R. crossing here.
He was delving to town with sides on
his buggy, atcompanied by his little
6 -year-old nephew, Robbie Hunter, of
Clinton, and. bad erossed the, Maill
1100 118, Ile was on the epur line that,
elms to Doherty Matto woeks, when a
ems with lb 011 it Cantle down
the track MulOnpled from the engine.
The env, hit tile hind Manila Itio
smashed hem, Mr. Grant was.
I» own out but Was net eeriouely